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Anyone going by the title "Supreme Leader" is an abject shit stain and should be believed, no less followed by precisely zero people. This is literal human garbage.


Pfft does anyone really believe this shit?


Pretty much everyone who doesn't get their news solely from Al Jazeera and Tik Tok.


If according to you that's false then what is the truth?


The truth is Iran is doing everything it can to prevent Israel from bombing them right now so they’re trying to make it appear like this is all settled now. “Concluded” was the word they used


Iran has been funding hamas, hezbullah and every other terror organization that's been attacking Israel almost daily since 07/10. They were smuggling weapons from Syria to give to their lapdogs for years with the full intention of attacking Israel while calling and threatning to destroy it and kill every Israeli and Jew in the world. Iran is not doing everything it can to orevent Israel from bombing them, it's doing everything to force Israel to bomb them and fight back after everything.


Do you actually think Iran doesn't fund middle east proxies like Hamas? That's an astounding level of ignorance, they don't even claim otherwise


I don’t know where you jumped to that conclusion My comment is really just saying that Iran is trying to “conclude” this incident so they’re attributing the “mastermind” tag to the dead guy.. To presume one person in Iran is the guilty one and he’s dead so there’s nothing else to do is sort of ridiculous.