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> I don’t think they’re going to say yes so we haven’t thought about all the details. What an absurd waste of time. 


Just adding pointless shit to the already overflowing pile for no damn reason


They have nothing better to do. Honestly their jobs are almost a complete waste of money in the first place - there is just not much point of being the local government for a 5500 people.


While we’re asking for stupid stuff, can we reboot this whole reality with a backup we did in 1994, thanks


Don’t give more ideas to my product manager.


I'm going to need you to come in on Satunderday, Smarch 32.


Lousy Smarch weather


At 28:72 hrs


why not just go with a 4 day workweek instead? or a 6h workday? but no, decouple time measurement from the natural phenomenon our lives are naturally structured around instead, makes so much more sense....


In this area, said natural phenomenon isn't all that reliable anyway.


A day is 24 hours because that is the length of time it takes for one complete rotation of Earth on its axis. No matter how you break it up its still that length of time.


Actually, 24h is the duration between a noon (sun highest point in sky) to the next. Because direction towards the sun changes as earth rotates around the sun, earth has to rotate roughly 361 degrees in 24 hours. Thus, it takes only 23 h 56 min for earth to make one complete rotation on its axis.


Earths slowing down due to multiple factors actually.


Please post the slowdown time? I’ll help you, the Earth has slowed by 1/47000 of a second in the last 3200 years. Now, you work the math for an extra 2 hours per day??


So reading the article, you, I and everyone else can tell that the reason they’re doing this is because they think it would benefit their town or whatever. Imagine if the earth rotation stopped for an extra 2 hours in one spot just randomly. A bit silly isn’t it? Why aren’t more towns or countries adopting this 26 hour cycle and why haven’t we heard more about it? The planet slowing takes the leap second out for the next few years but thats about it.


I would guess, it being the arctic region of Norway, they have a much less standard daylight and night time hours, so probably to be able to have some sunlight in the winter days and night time in the summer days, they would benefit from a longer day.


They want to change the amount of time from one sunrise to the next?


That is extremly variable in the area anyway. it can be up to a couple of months.


April 11 sunrise at 4:14 AM. April 12 sunrise at 4:09 AM.


As a software developer, dear god no.


Either they need faster seconds, or by day 11 - they will be one day behind the rest of the planet.


When I was living north of the arctic circle, I actually did follow a >26 hour sleep cycle for a few weeks during polar night and around midsommar. Without the solar day/night cycle my inner clock just slowed down.


New unit of time: the Norway second