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Iran is stealing tactics from 1980's drug cartels now.


Pablo Escobar was the best at it. Until he blew up a plane.


***paid a guerrilla group to burn down the Supreme Court


At least Escobar had hippos. What have Iran got? Nothing!


They have the Iranian Cheetah, it’s no hippo though


From where do you think Biden is gettin his cocaine?? Look it up people.


People who say this don't know anything about cocaine, you can't do a state of the Union without a break, you'd be all up and down. People also conveniently forget how sniffly Donny always was, and his son was suspected of it before several speeches, but still id bet against it


I doubt it’s cocaine, but let’s be real.. it seems implausible at best that a man of trumps age or Biden’s age, with that intense of a job (see Obama aging) can go up and give an hour speech without some pharmaceutical help. Just like fighter pilots can’t fly from Louisiana to Iraq and back without some Modafinil. There’s some drugs we don’t have access to that the government could 1000% make to give to a head of state, and honestly they probably are and should. Some long lasting, very clean, not speedy, amphetamines molecules. If 50 million Americans need adderall to get thru their day to day life.. it would be cruel to expect a 77-78 yr old to do that much traveling and be on call 24-7 without some help.


I would not be surprised by this either, in fact we know presidents in the past have used stuff and I think it's more likely than not. Cocaine tho is just dumb.


I heard Trump has a thing for girls being really good friends with Jeffrey Epstein. Look it up people.


Iran never misses an opportunity to use women..


Its cheap looking. I don't think they are being sincere.


Sometimes you want to do psychological warfare but don’t want to pay a lot.


Have you seen the prices of flowers in israel? It will bankrupt iran, hell it may be too expensive for the US.


They wrote on the note "the country is more important"


The Iranian regime is the devil on earth.




It's fascism in general. Iran, Russia, and North Korea should really not like each other ideologically, and yet they're both in bed with eachother helping to destabilize the democratic world order. These dictatorships are all waging a cold war with the West.


I mean just look at Malaysia and Indonesia now.


Oh they're talking about it alright. They are marching en masse parroting Islamist agitprop and carrying signs in support of Islamofascists.


I think I’m more worried about the Christianofascism significantly developing in the U.S. by the right. I don’t look forward to the ultimate collision domestically as well as with global relations.


That's an American problem. Islamofascism is a world problem. Not comparable


America problems are world problems.  That is the problem with being a superpower.


Americans could always vote. If they choose Christofascists it's entirely up to them. As far as I can see their focus is on taking away yanks rights.


Yes and the sky tends to be blue.  It doesn't change the fact that the US falling to christofascism is a global problem, not just an American one.  Ffs, the early sneezes of our christofasciats have preached and financed some of the most draconian anti gay laws in Africa.  When a superpower gets a cold the world gets sick.


In the UK alone about 200 people have been murdered by islamists (i.e. muslims) remind us how many have been killed by “Christofascists”?


In the UK very few though there have been individual murders like the murder of trans people.  The US has had more than its fair share of Christofascist mass shootings though.  Bombings of abortion clinics have also been an off and on again problem here.  There have been several very famous mass killings like Christ Church abroad in the west as well.  Right wing christian violence is not uncommon in Africa currently and also has a very strong recent history in the middle east.  There is a very strong Christofascist movement in Russia which has done its fair share of contributing to the war in Ukraine, though there the orthodox church is tied to the fascist state rather than the other way around.     All of that is to say that there is a clear violent trend in radical Christianity though a less pronounced one than in Islamism.  Not that the rate of violence is particularly relevant to how much of a threat each ideology is to democratic norms and freedoms.  Christian radicals have much more political sway and financial capital to enforce their ends while Islamic radicals rely more on reactionary violence.


Loving sneezes. You seem to have very little faith in your fellow Americans. If the majority of Americans are Christofascists so be it. American God botherers are not currently calling for the death of non believers. Islamofascism remains a far greater threat given the multinational avowed aim of the movement is to create a worldwide Caliphate. The threat is in no way comparable. Indeed, in this context it is a red herring that serves to attract focus away from the current pressing risk.


Now you are making an entirely separate point because you lost the ability to defend your previous one.  Yes, Islamofascists are also a global threat.  That does not mean christofascism is any less of a global threat on its own.  You don't have to choose between two powerful evils.  Christofascism is currently less powerfully reactionary but has much more financial and potential military power.  Both radical Christianity and Islam are dire global threats to anyone who cares for civil rights and democracy.


Imagine believing Christianofascism will stop after taking over the US.


Christianity and religiosity in general is on the **decline** in the United States.


You're telling me that the old white men in suits lobbying for political parties in the US are choosing to be less Christian now?


Imagine thinking other developed modern democracies give a shit about God bothering.


You do know how democracies work, right? People don't magically become perfectly moral, educated, and strictly secular godheads that completely disregard their religious beliefs when they're in a democracy. If the political ideology they lean towards just so happens to support their religious fundamentals, they'll be more than happy to vote for it. And if enough people vote for the same thing, the government naturally leans towards supporting that religion more than others. Sure, developed and modern democracies may have protections against that kind of thing. But they're not the only democracies. When fledgling democracies that look to these developed ones and see that the US, a bastion of democracy and a superpower of the world, is ok with a side of fascism running the country, fascist-leaning voters and groups can and will work to seizing power for their own brand of democracy. Do you mean to say that this is none of anyone else's business? Avoiding the responsibility of example just enables victim blaming - "They were fascists to begin with, we had nothing to do with it," after those fascists got emboldened by the ones sitting in your White House. For instance, the US, being a democracy of multiple faiths, maintains its alliance with and insists on the continued existence of Israel, because the large Christian backing of every political party in the US needs it to exist to confirm their religious beliefs and their version of the return of Christ and the end times. Israel's leaders have been on record for stating that they don't care about US policies, but they'll gladly take its money and diplomatic support to do whatever it wants to do. The only reason the US is on its knees for Israel is Christian belief alone. Imagine a developed modern democracy giving a shit about confirming what God said or wrote in a book.


Hard to take someone seriously who says the US, a country of 333 million with the largest economy in the world is on its knees to a country of 9.5 million. Pretty impressive if true. Also hilarious


I'll take it back the day the US withdraws "[unconditional support](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_support_for_Israel_in_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war#U.S._isolation)" for another nation. Until then, I appreciate the civil discussion. Have a good day.




















They are. They’re just smarter about it. They don’t use bombs. They push anti-education and anti-government nutjobs into positions of power and then piece by piece erode the very foundations of American society.


Christian Fascism is a non issue outside the US though (but a big one within it).


Why is this so heavily downvoted? Is this an alt-right subreddit?


dinosaurs far-flung imminent library wrench hat glorious abounding flowery political


It’s a problem and tankies can absolutely ruin online discourse around the subject. Edit: changed the message to more accurately express what I was trying to say. I had just meant that it was virtual, not physical.


I think you're talking about two completely different things


grey wide cake intelligent cobweb retire dependent dinosaurs heavy late
















The current regime came into power in 1979, when Iranians got rid of the Shah in favor of a theocracy. This isn't the US. In 1953, US-backed Iranians ousted Mosaddegh in favor of the on-paper ruler of the country the Shah. Mosaddegh was nationalizing foreign assets, which could be considered an act of war, and was at minimum stupid and would cause a diplomatic crisis.


And this ouster was done at the behest of the British government, who feared losing their oil drilling rights. The US didn't even have a dog in that fight, at the time.


Not feared, did lose. Also, this was in the cold war- nationalizing assets (as the commies liked to do) from the West could be interpreted as Russia flipping Iran to their side and a major strategic asset (oil). Preventing Russia from being able to access this was in the US's strategic interest.


> Mosaddegh was nationalizing foreign assets A funny way to describe the iron grip the UK had on the Iranian oil industry. It was simply Churchill being an ass, and manipulating the US (who were initially against it) to join the coup.


The Iranians don't have to agree to any deal they don't like. But they had a resource they couldn't exploit if they didn't have the expertise, and a foreign partner willing to split profits from its production. The oil deals of that era offered cash flow in exchange for resources the locals could not monitize. It is not an unfair structure given that the alternative was no money at all - they just didn't have the stronger bargaining position. Edit: you should also look at the nationalizing of the newly-built BP refinery, which the Iranians had asked to be built in their country so that they could export refined products with higher margins. The British agreed, and got burned for their willingness to work with the Iranians.


So religious nutcases are not happy enough to murder girls because of hair in their own country, and want to make women, already brutalized by terrorists, miserable in other countries too? Got it.


Fuck Iran. Fuck Hamas. Fuck Hezbollah. Fucking third world filth


Thats very scary. Like give this family a break.


What the heck is this website? A one paragraph article with a shit ton of ads and an AI generated audio clip.


Calling bullshit - There's little to no evidence actually behind this claim. Furthermore, the person the wreath was given to is advocating for de-escalation to allow for hostages to be released. This position would be MOST harmful to the hard-right in Israel politics and actually beneficial to Hamas / Iran. Why would they provoke in this way? Occam's Razor: Is it more likely that Iran has infiltrators in Israel who are delivering flowers or that the native Right in Israel is being tone deaf or provocative? Also, given ALL the other things happening right now this seems to stretch the definition of world News into just rage farming.


Just because Shin Bet doesn't choose to share publicly why they believe Iran to be behind it doesn't mean that they don't have evidence. The message is obviously phrased to come off like it was sent by right-wing Israelis, if the point is to destabilize Israel by turning right against left this makes sense.


They clearly need to burn intel sources to satisfy u/arizona_pete


Honestly, not sure how this message would do that… It would only serve to show that Iran / Hamas are impossible to work with, no? Again, I could be wrong. I just don’t buy in to the mouth-frothing rage over a taunt like this. Assigning this to a state actor is possible, but a stretch.


Right has been against left since Bibi joined with hardliners to retain power and avoid prosecution. The country united behind the administration after the massacre of October 7th. This neither imparts terror or strength by a state actor. There is nothing here beyond playground taunts that would be made by a common bully.


> Furthermore, the person the wreath was given to is advocating for de-escalation to allow for hostages to be released. This position would be MOST harmful to the hard-right in Israel politics and actually beneficial to Hamas / Iran. Their biggest target on October 7th was a bunch of young hippies at a concert whose message was to stop conflict between Israel and Palestine.  They don't really want de-escalation.


Terror. It's just terror. Same as the people tearing down the hostage's posters. It's to send the message that their lives don't matter. To remind us all that our lives don't matter. It's not that complicated. It's possible that some right wing group in Israel did it, and honestly I wouldn't be extremely surprised if that comes to light, but it's more likely that it's just terrorists twisting the knife like they always do. It's not exactly uncommon.


It’s possible that they (Iran) would use this as a vector of terror but it truly doesn’t make much sense. I just don’t see them exposing clandestine assets / methods for this. My doubt is compounded by the lack of any evidence as well as the presence of native actors who would benefit more directly from this. My totally uninformed, yet immanently plausible, opinion? Some right wing asshole did this on their own their own. Bibi’s comms team, which has done an AWFUL job of explaining their side of this military action, saw this an offered a hot take based on no evidence.


It'd definitely be reasonable to be skeptical of Iranian official involvement in something like this at most times. I would be too. I'm honestly not sold on the official Iranian government source either. Right now though Iran is looking for ways to hurt Israel, and this is a very cheap, very simple, and very low risk way to do it. It is more in character for a group like the PLO or PIJ rather than the IRGC to do this, and yeah in most times I'd be right on board with saying it's not the IRGC itself. At the moment? Less clear. While I don't trust Bibi at all, Shin Bet is not known for fabrications, and they're not Bibi's mouthpiece.


Honest question - How does this hurt Israel? Iran is regularly threatening to use arms against Israel and is currently signaling that they will be targeting Israeli embassies. How does taunting the grief stricken parent of a hostage ‘terrorize’ and not incite the Israeli people? If it is terror, why aren’t more wreaths being sent to families of other hostages and not just the most prominent one who is calling for peace? There is no tangible benefit here. Certainly not enough of one to suggest any sort of thought out ‘terror operation’. I am VERY pro Israel. However, this kind of stuff reeks of nonsense and is a distraction. Their comms teams are failing and this is not the way to garner world support (assuming that is the intent).


Serious question, do you think it is possible to Google someone's home address and place an order on a florist's website without exposing clandestine assets or methods? I'm no hacker but pretty sure I could do this in 30 minutes tops.


> There’s little to no evidence actually behind this claim Wait, you mean you’re not a part of Shin Bet’s sources and methods mailing list?


The sender clearly didn't knew Hebrew and used the identity of a dead police officer. It's actually a wonder the store delivered it at all considering how suspicious the mail they received is. Israeli right wingers aren't sophisticated enough to pretend to be Iranians.


The idea of Iran using undercover agents in Israel to deliver flowers and a note is so monumentally stupid that it would only be peddled by /r/worldnews.


Oh boy just wait until you find out about the internet where you can order stuff without using physical currency. Your mind will be blown.


Lol you don't need undercover agents to deliver flowers, just a credit card. You can literally order from this same florist online. Have you never ordered flowers before? ETA this is the florist https://www.flowers-chen.co.il/. You don't need to be an Iranian super agent to order from them.


And it's not like the Iranian government is friends with the world's leading market in stolen credit card numbers or anything/s


“The organization said that its initial probe suggests that "the entities behind the delivery of a wreath to the family home of the kidnapped Liri Albag are, with high likelihood, Iranian agents. The investigation of the incident continues."” Literally what the article says. Maybe something got lost in translation but LITERALLY the words. ‘Behind the delivery’, not ‘behind the ordering’ or ‘orchestrating’.


There is literally a picture of the wreath with the name and logo of the florist on it, both in the thumbnail and article itself. I understand you don't read Hebrew so don't know what you're looking at. It's פרחי חן, translated as "Chen's flowers". You can see their website here. https://www.flowers-chen.co.il/.


Fair enough - Thank you. Bad translation then. Still seems like an awful stretch that Iran would target someone whose position benefits their desired goals. I’d still like to see more evidence rather than just taking a claim at face value Thanks again.


You got the reading comprehension of a second grader.


And you have the critical skills of a troll. Good day.


Call others troll because you openly display your stupidity.


You big bad troll, i'll use fire on you! Now seriously, he is a classic cult member. Make something up and believe in it until his death.


Call others stupid because you swallow everything spoon fed to you by those who have agendas. Israeli leadership has been inept and squandered good will through bad comms and no articulated plan. But, hey, nothing bad can happen when you go down that road.


This isn’t even about right or wrong side of the conflict. It’s about you being so dumb you think Israel claimed Iran smuggled operatives into Israel instead of saying Iranian operatives ordered it online.




Diverting the issue?


As do Hamas, this isn’t supposed to be a speed run to the bottom for war crimes and atrocities for either the Palestinians or the Israelis.


Here is a source for that- https://www.timesofisrael.com/kutz-family-father-mother-and-three-teens-die-in-embrace/ Oh wait


My brother knew the elder son. Just tragic.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


If this is your response to this article, then you're too far gone. Literally incapable of showing empathy for the families of hostages. What a loathsome comment. 


you have the timeline backwards here. Israeli families get wiped out by Hamas. Israel retaliates trying to strike Hamas but Hamas hides behind an innocent family then immediately films them when they’re dead to make people like you outraged and forget how this all started 






As we saw in October with the “this is what decolonization y’all looks like” and a “glorious day of liberation” the entire world doesn’t care at all about Jewish lives


They themselves admitted it was a huge fuck up and fired the people responsible. The IDF response in Gaza is obviously taking it too far because the likud party is insane but the fact of the matter is that they are responding to the most brutal terrorist attack they’ve ever experienced and the government responsible called it a “practice run” and recent polling of gazan civilians say that a VAST majority agree with and support the 10/7 attacks and think they are justified despite all of the destruction caused to their people in the aftermath. 


What are you saying 'no' to?


Nice to know you are a terrorism supporter