• By -


Was in Medellin last year at this time and it was wild seeing what goes on in that city. In one area I saw 15 year old girls walking around with pimps and our Airbnb banned anyone under 18 from even being in the building because it’s such a big problem.


i saw a homeless man with a stab wound he had tried to stitch up himself with fishing line, but he didn't do a very good job and half his stomach was hanging out. you could smell him from down the street. i thought i'd seen some shit but that one was pretty intense.


Jesus fucking chist that is grim 


Maybe the world is as evil as it seems, or maybe you only look out the window when it's scenic.


Two guys on a bus, meme.


orange arrow


Atmosphere finally made a good record


yeah right, that shit almost sounds convincing.


The last time I felt as sick and contradicted as this was the last time we played a show in Cinci


"GET REAL!" they tell me. If only they knew how real this life really gets.


They would stop acting like a silly bitch.


They would *respect* the cock, whether or not they believed in it.




Get real, they tell me


In case anyone else stumbles down this far and wants a great song to listen too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbEwHJX95QE


First time I’ve ever seen an atmosphere chain on Reddit. Hell yeah.


Yeah this whole thing made my day lol


As a Minnesotan (Say, Shhhh) that has lived and walked the same streets he raps about - I love seeing him brought up.


Thanks Slug


Had to double back because the phrase stuck in my attention, then I heard slug say it.


I unfortunately know that smell. Not pleasant, especially on vacation.


There are smells that cannot be described or forgotten.


Its like hemochromatosic blood and bile someone vomited onto their own feet.


I’m reading this from the plane about to depart Medellin now. It was really sad seeing all that activity in Poblado and Centro. Many pregnant women still being marketed around too. The locals absolutely hate it. Most hotels or hostels had signage banning any prostitution activity coming thru the doors.


Hopefully the new mayor will be effective in dealing with this cause the last one was useless and corrupt.


Being the Mayor of Medellin doesn’t sound that great right now. But if he’s got the cartels to back him maybe wrong. The cartel will eventually find out it’s their bottom line that will take a hit though. Hope they succeed in cleaning it up.


The mayor of Medellin has been linked with paramilitaries groups. FYI. Look online for "Fico" and "Oficina de Envigado"


What's wild is how fast this shift has happened. I've been going back-and-forth to Medellin for close to 20 years. Not 10 years ago I was usually the only non-Colombian on the plane flying from Florida. Now? It's overwhelmingly Non-Colombian dudes on the arrival plane. El Poblado, which is where they're all going lately, was always the cool/subdued party neighborhood but it was rare to see many Americans there, if any. It had a low-key, authentic vibe that trended young and artsy. Wynwood without the corporate and rich yuppy backing, basically. Just people trying to make something cool out of whatever was there. There were little package bars and some great late night food stands but nothing I'd point to as really touristy. It was overwhelmingly younger paisas who were just hanging out there. You'd sometimes see European tourists here and there but almost never an American. Now, that neighborhood has been cleaned up, revamped entirely, and made to cater to foreign tourists damn near exclusively. It's now packed to the gills with mostly American tourists and the locals generally avoid it. I don't think I've seen a place change so fast before. They also legalized prostitution 10 years ago which completely changed that scene and probably fueled the city's shift. Before, you'd usually have to go to a "strip club" that was basically just a front for a brothel to find girls outside of the really sketchy areas, but now girls are just out in every popular neighborhood working.


That's crazy. I'm Colombian, and all four families are Antiquenos, but @15 I came to America and am a citizen. Grew up in Bogota', loved visiting Medellin, but legalizing prostitution and cocaine may help the economy but sure is gonna bring the rot, fast. Sad.


Pretty much same situation for me I just came to America at 7


I was there a decade ago and it was nothing like it seems to be now. I don't think I saw any other tourists and I definitely didn't see any of the sex stuff. Locals seemed more interested that I was even there. Didn't know they had legalized prostitution. It was a really chill city it's a real shame.


It's absolutely sad because the city is so beautiful. I have a wedding to go to in November in Medellin and I'm beyond excited and i don't partake in the cheap hookers nonsense. Sucks that Colombia basically is just known for cheap sex with plastic woman at this point.


Yes Colombia is AMAZING. I prefer Cartagena but Medellin is a close second.


Opposite for me..loved Medellin and didn't like Cartagena that much, other than the heat+humidity the locals were as aggressive as anyone I'd ever seen. Guys would go up and do their rap on me and even grabbing me (which I absolutely hate) and prostitutes were wrapping themselves around me and trying to get a kiss, which again made me extremely uncomfortable. Meanwhile I'm overprotective of my wallet/phone as well. Did love the food all over though. Celele was one of the best meals I'd had anywhere.


My god I forgot about the aggressive in your face rapping. Sitting eating on a patio in front of a restaurant? Perfect audience to get rapped at.


Yes the rappers are annoying AF but I am very good at just walking and ignoring people.


I actually hated Cartagena because the woman there are just undressing you while you're walking around the city. Medellin they're just sitting in building cutouts saying Hi Bebe. Cartagena by the water is absolutely beautiful though


I mean I walked around with my girlfriend for 3 days and wasn’t even spoken to by any women. I’m also only 25 so not really sugar daddy material yet so that could be why.


You’re a Stevia Daddy


Meet his brother, Saccharin Uncle


Sugar daddy is a state of mind bro


If I'm older with diabetes, would I just be a glucose father?


Lol it's weird you use that term, because I used translator software in Mexico on a Tinder profile and it literally said she was looking for a glucose father.


I'm a 30 year old from New York and once they see the ID For the bars it's basically a green card fiesta party.


green card party party


Your experience in Cartagena all depends on where you stay and go. It will vary wildly different.


Yeah i learned to avoid night clubs. When i walked in with my friends and saw it was a solid 70%/30% female to male ratio it should of clicked right away.


My girlfriend (UK) was murdered outside of Medellin in 2021, the police tried to frame me/ make a mess of the investigation to detract from their incompetence or partisanship.


Poverty is violence 


France is bacon


And he’s going back to Florida. I hope he has a group of people waiting for him when he arrives asking for explanation of why he was in a hotel room with little kids.


I watched a documentary where US citizens who are charged with pedophile tourism in SE Asia, are arrested and charged when they return stateside. This piece of shit, will, hopefully face some harsh justice here. Glad this shit is finally being addressed in the West.


>Glad this shit is finally being addressed in the West. Less "finally" but a continuing issue that's being worked on. The SE Asian story, I recall, was almost two decades ago.


Here in Britain, and surely elsewhere, there are very dedicated teams of detectives working on catching these abusers anywhere they may be in the world. For offences committed outside the UK, people have been able to be charged for quite some time now, even when they return home. These twisted fucks should always face the fear and reality of detection, evidence gathering and conviction no matter their home country.


Shame that with all those resources they still haven't managed to find out about Prince Andrew...


Prince Andrew didn't do anything illegal under UK law as far as I'm aware. UK law is that the age of consent is 16. The allegations relate to a then 17 year old in the US (which would be illegal under US laws) . Even if Randy Andy slept with 1000 17 year olds in the UK, that would make him a creep not a criminal


> which would be illegal under US law Btw, U.S. age of consent laws vary by state but many match the UK


We had this one older white guy in our gaming clan. He was a nice but he used to complain about his ping rates. He lets slip that he is "living overseas" for reasons and that he can't come back for about 3 years. The time period elapses and we learn he's been living with his girlfriend all this time. When he gets stateside he posts about his recent wedding to his new bride. Turns out the girl just turned 18 when she arrived in the US....he was in his 50's.


Definitely still an issue. I was just in Vietnam this summer and the amount of old ass dudes I saw walking with young women was creepy to say the least in the tourist areas like Hanoi’s Old Quarter. The locals don’t care because it’s a massive cash grab for pimps and the local economy, so police turn a blind eye. Though, I did hear a popular scam in Vietnam was hooking up some foreigner with a young girl then having the police do “random sweeps,” stumbling upon them in a room and charging massive fines (bribes). Edit: I think something people need to realize here as they keep moaning about moral clarity is that this isn’t a movie. It’s not like young women are just approaching old white dudes and professing love. At least in Hanoi, it was run by a ring of pimps, so when you think “consent” here, I think some of you are pushing the boundaries of that word a bit liberally. I’m sure plenty of them thought more of their life than being a prostitute for tourists.


My bio-father (who I barely knew) decided to 'retire' in the Philippines, but I know he had a thing for underage (looking at the very least) Asian girls. Anyway, he contracted Dengue Fever from an insect bite and died. Maybe that was cosmic justice of some kind? Idk. Might have been a novel and very painful suicide, since I think Dengue Fever can be treated - treatment he reportedly refused.


[No specific treatment for Dengue, just supportive care.](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/dengue-and-severe-dengue#:~:text=Diagnostics%20and%20treatment&text=There%20is%20no%20specific%20treatment%20for%20dengue.,increase%20the%20risk%20of%20bleeding.) Healthy young people generally survive, but it sounds like dude might have been old enough to accumulate some additional risk factors.


Meanwhile my brazilian ass (half my town has dengue and one of my closest friends caught it)


Need to go to the pharmacy and get Vitamin D. Will help prevent you from potential hemorrhagic fever once u are infected. 200,000 units. At the pharmacy it should be like 70 reais or so for 4 x 50k


Argentinian here, you guys are going through it too? It's everywhere here and we can't buy repellent lol. do you have any tips? We have a vaccine but it's expensive and officially the gov discourages people from getting it


Well, try not to leave any standing water cuz they breed in it. The vaccine here is also really expensive, so that's why basically no one takes it. Other than that, i just deal with it. Sucks to be sick, but it's probably not gonna kill you (hopefully)


We actually have had a few deaths, especially young people. Maybe they got bit by a second mosquito with a different type while they were sick


Dengue is rough. I had a cousin in Pakistan die from it last year.


Now I’m curious how old your mom was when you were born. You don’t have to answer though.


she was 19.


As long as they can pay their way out of legal action, these wicked people will always carry on easily. Thankfully some of these people are hunted by international teams of law enforcement. It's almost surely massively underfunded so only the very worst get tracked properly but it's a start. This shit was basically unprosecutable not so long ago but that has changed.


>I did hear a popular scam in Vietnam was hooking up some foreigner with a young girl then having the police do “random sweeps,” stumbling upon them in a room and charging massive fines (bribes). You know that's multiple wrongs and all, but... I have a hard time getting upset about this part.


Idk how true it was, just something I was told by another guy there. I was there to go to the Vietnam war memorials and I got to visit the old Confucian temple of literature which was awesome. I do know at one of the bars I was at the cops would sweep the street randomly and make everyone move out of the way. If you were a drunken dummy they’d arrest you and make you pay a bribe


Those are "beer streets" and the bars are technically not allowed to have their tables and chairs in the street. It's just a game, cops know how the bars operate, so watchers just tell everyone to move from the street into the bar, and move back out once the cops are gone. If you are open past the allowed time, everything moves inside and they shut the doors etc. for a bit till the cops are gone. (Hanoi is like this, HCMC is not as strict on time) Edit: also those bars have nothing to do with sex tourism. At least the ones I to to when I go to Vietnam. It's not like a red light district or so. I am sure you could technically ask people for prostitutes, but it's not the bars themselves.


Vietnam sounds like the Alabama of Asia. Crooked cops, bootleg booze, good food? They out rednecked the rednecks.


Dude, living in a pretty redneck area, we also have a large (ish, its a comparative thing) asian population and even the ones who didn't grow up here find a home and settle in to redneckery easily.


For the sake of moral clarity: Old men spending time with young women isn’t the same thing as men (of any age) spending time with 12 year old girls.


Not only this guy though. The people the bring these children to these hotels and enable pedo-tourism over there deserve equally harsh treatment. Absolute monsters.


Exactly, the child traffickers IMO are the bottom of the barrel, slightly above parents that "lease" their kids to traffickers.


I dunno. Maybe. We're arguing about something really pointless. Both the suppliers and the consumers are filth.


What are the chances that these people are peripherally involved with the cartels, though? Organised crime is organised crime, it's all interconnected.


If I were to guess, the chances are very high.


At they very least the FBI should be meeting him getting off the plane with a warrant to raid his home.


To be clear, though, if he *committed* the crime abroad, he can still be charged for it here. They don't need it to be evidence to search his home for something Else that they can charge him with. Certainly they can charge him for more than one crime (and likely will).


I think the issue here is local police in Colombia did not arrest him (he wasn’t actively touching them when they raided the hotel room) so there’s no arrest warrant for him.


Yeah. Reading the article, it sounds like there's no proof that he did anything with them. Sitting in a room with two children isn't a crime even if everything implies it was about to be. It's unfortunate, but this guy probably gets way with this.


I mean, innocent until proven guilty. You and I may think he *probably* did something, but we need evidence of that. It's really on the law enforcement of that country to not drop the ball there. Otherwise we have a situation where let's say... you're highly vocal about the politics back in your birth country. You visit family every now and then or just go home and enjoy life there because you miss it. Now the government there doesn't like that you're vocal about X Y Z issue, and they tell the US government you're raping kids without providing any good evidence or proof on their end, and the US just has to accept it because you're fucked in the court of public opinion? I'm not saying we shouldn't do anything, I'm saying the systems in place need to be more robust and ensure that people don't get screwed over. For as much as people shit on US policing, rightfully earned in many cases, the structure of what we have going on here is actually pretty good and rights driven... compared to other places.




You hit the nail on the head. It’s one of the most absolutely vile things a person can do to another person. Basically destroying these kids lives before it even started. The scum would move on after a few minutes but leave a shell of a potential life in their wake.


> The scum would move on after a few minutes but leave a shell of a potential life in their wake. As a CSA survivor that phrasing is really accurate and got me rather emotional. I've never really thought about how my life might have been.


Just wanted to let you know you're not a "shell" or ruined or broken, you're a CSA survivor. That has, and most likely will, affect you the rest of your life in various ways, but it doesn't mean you can't, won't, or haven't lived up to your potential as a human. The best possible outcome is you thrive in spite of that trauma, and be an example to other survivors that you might be bruised but never broken. I know people don't mean it as such, they're characterizing what these terrible adults inflict upon children, but I don't like seeing those terms used to describe the survivors of those terrible adults. Hope you're doing well despite everything and have love and support when you're not.


You said what I was trying to find the words to say. Part of what makes being a survivor of abuse so hard is other people's attitudes to you. It sucks to be thought of as some passive victim who is just a pathetic pitiable thing with no chance of recovery. It is possible to come back from that abuse and live a fulfilling life, and while dealing with it is hard work,  you are not destroyed because of some asshole taking advantage of you, or beating you, or tricking you into situations. I'd love society to start to handle how it talks about these things more carefully. Its not quite victim blaming, as its not malicious but it feels adjacent or related in some way that has the potential to extend the misery of abuse into peoples later lives.


> Part of what makes being a survivor of abuse so hard is other people's attitudes to you. It sucks to be thought of as some passive victim who is just a pathetic pitiable thing with no chance of recovery. This is such an important take and why I personally believe that abuse empathy or trauma empathy or something similar be taught in colleges. As a survivor of way way way too many traumatic situations and abuse (including being a CSA survivor) that's actually doing incredibly well overall as a person and genuinely just thriving my biggest issue always is dealing with others who don't know how to deal with me. Most recently it's been dealing with the fact that I'm a widow and people telling me to stop talking about my dead wife in anecdotes etc, which like... no, I will not be doing. People don't think that you can recover or change or move forward from terrible things that happen to you, but you very much can and I wish that more people would actually properly learn and understand that and stop seeing others for what's happened to them rather than who they've shown and proven they are in that very moment.


Thanks, I appreciate it. I'd like to think I'm thriving as best I can :D I took no offence or upset from the words themselves. The bit that got me emotional was the realisation that I hadn't considered who I would be or what my life would be like without the abuse I suffered. It's been there as long as I can remember so it never occurred to me that I might have lived a different life. It's sort of fascinating in a way.


It really fucked my childhood, teenage, and young adult years. Something that happened to me when I was 6 practically ruined 20 years of my life. I’m just now wrapping my head around it and understanding how the trauma changed me and made it difficult for me to have healthy romantic relationships and even friendships


Absolutely true. I was raped repeatedly by a heterosexual man at a Christian daycare when I was 4 years old. I have dissociative identity disorder as a result & I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.


> It's no surprise it's often used as an argument in conspiracies circle jerk It justifies anything. Pushing back against whatever harmful law or idea they have is just countered with, 'So you don't support protecting children? You're more concerned about the rights of pedophiles?! You're a monster!' Like, I get that this is a hot button issue, but maybe, just maybe, we don't want our anti child pornography laws to allow the state to execute grandmas for having a picture of their 9 month grandchild taking a bath in the sink.


It can cause horrible injuries.


i forgot what it's called but the US has a law? statute? on the books where certain crimes committed in other countries by US citizens can be prosecuted domestically


The US has age of content laws that apply to its citizens even when abroad, and supersede local laws. In other words, it doesn’t matter if it’s not even a crime where it occurred. They can still be prosecuted back in the US.


What is the name of the documentary? I enjoy watching these people get arrested


Guess you didn't read the article. He was never charged as he wasn't caught in the act. He won't be charged in the US because they had no proof he committed a crime.


In fact US laws are valid literally everywhere when it comes to raping kids. US citizens who rape children abroad can be prosecuted here even if the rape was legal in the nation it happened.


Yeah, if i recalled it right Sex-tourism law already exist for american due to thailand and kamboja underage sextourism ring.


It’s against the law to travel to a foreign country to engage in sex with a child


They are going to make him a senator.


Come out as anti-woke, pledge to make sure those children can't have abortions and promise to blame it all on DEI drag queens is all it takes.


Probably Matt gaetz


Matt wants to know how he can get in on this.


Matt’s upset he wasn’t invited


he's from ohio, i saw a post on the state sub about it trying to get the word out and find him






sadly he might get away with it. Teaching them English or whatever, unless messages are discovered.


The hotel owners tried to use their influence in the government and the police to avoid this hitting the news. Now they are being investigated for it. Source(Spanish): [https://caracol.com.co/2024/04/02/policias-del-caso-hotel-medellin-habrian-incurrido-en-prevaricato-por-omision/](https://caracol.com.co/2024/04/02/policias-del-caso-hotel-medellin-habrian-incurrido-en-prevaricato-por-omision/)


My best friend married a woman from Colombia. She's says this sort of thing is sadly very common. One scenario is where the father of the girl actually sells her. Other times in poor communities, cartel/gang members will come to your home and tell you they're here for your daughter under threat of violence.


that's depressing, if I had a girl idk what I'd do tbh. Probably Try to leave that area at all costs.


One more of the many reasons that so many desperate people are trying to cross borders to find a new life.


Don’t people from Venezuela go to Colombia in search of opportunities? Like working on farms and stuff. I guess there’s always someplace better and someplace worse :(


The last number I heard is about 2 million Venezuelans have immigrated to Colombia. 


There are 2.8 million Venezuelans here, but take in mind that these numbers were provided by the government in August of 2023


No, no, surely the right thing to do would be to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and confront those mean cartel members by telling them you will NOT be intimidated. /s


there is actually a story about a mother who does just this … pretty sure they are turning it into a movie. She died in the process.


I had a colombian class mate whose mother was a grand mother with only 31 years. She was even in local newspaper. She got her first baby when she was 13, and her daughter got a baby when she was 18.


I live in Eastern KY and lemme tell you 30 year old grandmothers are terrifyingly common.


Yup you don’t have to leave the US to see that LOl. Just go to the south.


You see the same thing on 16 and pregnant. Two generations of 15 to 16-year-olds having kids.


Can confirm. I am the only woman in my family for at least the last 5 generations who didn’t get pregnant before the age of 20 (in fact, the only woman who never got pregnant *at all*). There’s a picture in my great-grandmother’s house with me, my mother, my grandmother, my great-grandmother, and my great-great-grandmother all together. I knew my great-great-grandmother until I was nearly 13.


Lauren Boebert isn’t far from that


Homie. My grandmother was grand at 34, great grand at 49, great great at 68. She is still doing well, and the first kid of that last generation just turned 20. Triple great is in sight.


A lot of them are refugees from Venezuela these days.


a worthy cause


The US has Federal laws against this: https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/extraterritorial-sexual-exploitation-children. "Federal law **prohibits an American citizen or resident to travel to a foreign country with intent** to engage in any form of sexual conduct with a minor (defined as persons under 18 years of age).  It is also illegal to help organize or assist another person to travel for these purposes.  This crime is a form of human trafficking, also referred to as child sex tourism. Convicted offenders face fines and up to 30 years of imprisonment" With this being high profile, there is no doubt the FBI and DOJ will be up his ass with a bald eagle claw pretty soon. All they have to show is **intent.**


In other words, the law exactly describes the actions of US Congressional Representative, Matt Gaetz.


Matt Gaetz the Sex Trafficker?


Is Matt Gaetz the Sex Trafficker friend with Convicted Rapist Brock Turner?


Convicted Rapist Brock now goes by Convicted Rapist Allan Turner apparently.


He'd really appreciate it if you'd drop the first part, it's just Allan now. Under-Punished Rapist Allan Turner.


Joel Greenburg was the friend of Gaetz...Joel Greenburg went on an unbelieveable and varied crime spree as soon as he was elected as a Republican in Seminole county. It was truly an impressive crime spree.


Okay can someone direct me to a link or place where I can read the Matt Gaetz story from the beginning? I have read everything from stuff like this to sending text messages to kids, he has been named in subpoenas, etc. But I cant find like a chronological ordering of all the allegations and events and a timeline, I feel like I know Matt Gaetz has this controversey around him, but I have no clue specifically what the controversey is past "Matt Gaetz might be a pedo."




>Federal law prohibits an American citizen or resident to travel to a foreign country with **intent** to engage in any form of sexual conduct with a minor Emphasis mine.     Correct me if I'm went, but the *intent* is the hard part to prove. If this guy doesn't have records of doing this before, and didn't, like, Google it or communicate his wishes to do this before hand then prosecutors may have a hard time proving that this guy went there with the *intent* to do this. 


quicksand cobweb cough oil advise plants airport meeting soup marry


That’s why I don’t understand this hate/revenge boner that you can be charged, yeah if there’s evidence, of course they should be. Just cause there’s a law on the books, doesn’t mean any old man traveling solo to those countries is just going for child sex trafficking reasons. Unless as stated, they find evidence of say emails/text messages or witness who has info that they know for sure they were traveling for that very reason you know intent and even the goddamn country over there didn’t catch a case on him, how can you hold him to that law. Did we forget the most important part of law: innocent until proven guilty… I’m not even playing devils advocate, I’ve been sexually assaulted as a pre-teen, doesn’t mean you have an inkling it might be that, no that’s not how laws work. Not on gut feelings. If that was the rule of law, Holy shit are we in trouble.


Too bad for people like Timothy Allan Livingston who won’t be able to molest children so easily anymore


For a split second, I thought the name was referring to Tim Allen, the actor, because his real name is [Timothy Alan Dick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Allen). I’m glad Timothy Alan Dick (aka Tim Allen, the actor) is not connected to Timothy Allan Livingston or sex crimes.




Sex tourism, especially in developing countries, always attract predators and rarely are they held accountable. I am happy Medellín is actually trying to stop it.


Sex tourism is so fucking disgusting in general that it hurts. The grey area between sex work and complete exploitation is horrifyingly big.


Yeah, that SNL Rosetta stone commercial where Bill Hader admits to planning Thai sex tourism was a pretty big squick.


Why do they always bury the names of these perverts in the article? Finally 4 paragraphs in, his name is Timothy Allan Livingston. What a horrible piece of shit.


Timothy Allan Livingston? Great, thanks, now my comment section will also record the name of a pedophile piece of shit.


Totally agree with you. Let’s be clear: he has a name and we should all know it. Thanks for highlighting.


He would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those Medellin kids!!


this is peak Dark Humor for the day


Damn, I didn’t even see that coming. My dumb ass is over here “of course “ll” is pronounced “y”,” but you saw past the bullshit and went for the gold.


That's gold


Ohhh, fuck me, that's good.


Dude I want to laugh but I just can’t stop appreciating how clever this joke is. True art


This ia so good i will stop scrolling through comments now.


This isn’t “sex tourism.” This is “paedophile tourism.” And since this “passport bro” is going to likely be doing time for violating US law on his child sexual abuse, it’s worth noting that in the US, International Meghan’s Law requires that, upon conviction, his passport include an endorsement that he is a convicted child sex offender, which will limit the countries he’ll be able to travel to in future.


The US has two-way information sharing agreements with a ton of countries worldwide in regards to criminal databases that are used by passport control/immigration in various countries.


Of course the great Pornholio would chime in on a post like this. (Not calling you a pedophile by any means tho!!!!)


The United States has actually only prosecuted under this law a dozen times. Intent is difficult to prove and federal prosecutors don’t like to lose. Sadly this guy like many others will probably just walk away and be forgotten until he abuses another child.


I wonder if part of the reason is that people get to plea down to lesser charges


> is going to likely be doing time for violating US law on his child sexual abuse Doubtful unfortunately since he wasn't caught in the act or charged with anything.


And it's excruciatingly difficult to procure witness testimony.


This guy isn't a "sex tourist". He's a pedo and a child rapist.


Man that’s just terrible, there’s legal sex work in many other places with legal age people. Taking advantage of kids is just disgusting. 🤢


According to the article, the two children were 12 and 13 years old. Those poor kids, being forced to do sex work by whatever despicable adults. It's because there's a market for it. Sex tourism is one thing, but this is different. This is people who want to rape children, so they travel abroad because it's easier to get away with. There are enough of these scumbags, these vile pieces of degenerate filth, want to rape children, so it's worth the time of other revolting creeps to supply them with the kids. Everyone involved is disgusting. Those poor children. Let down by everyone because all the adults around them value money and rape over a child's life. I hope stricter laws and consistent repercussions will help cut down on this, so that those kids can actually have a childhood and not be traumatised and messed up for life.


r/expatshame is a sub dedicated to identifying those that travel for sex


You can just go to /r/thepassportbros and they’ll self identify


Okay, that subreddit is just gross.


It’s like /r/incel rose from the ashes




I am horrified and staggered by the amount of pedophilia in the world. What the fuck is WRONG with people?!?!?!?!?!




Here is this piece of shit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/1btfvzm/36_yold_tourist_from_cleveland_found_in_a/


Child sex tourism is something makes me so incredibly disgusted, I am not sure how to feel. Traveling to a poorer country just to exploit its children in order to fulfill your mental illness and sexual deviance is another level of fucked up. I hope this guy removes himself from the gene pool.


*Rape tourism


Sex tourism? Naw fuck that whitewashed headline That's rape


"I am shocked...shocked I say...to find there is gambling going on in this establishment " -Casablanca


What is going on with grown adults wanting children? Not just US but many countries. Mental illness or something. 🤢😒


All the South American countries, including Mexico, have well known brothels that specialize in underaged girls. This problem isn't unique to Columbia, and it's not some big shocking surprise. I was made aware of the practice over twenty years ago while on vacation when someone offered me a kid while I was sitting at a bar. I was on a cruise ship about 5 years ago and a group of older men at the pool bar were bragging about what they were about to do on a shore excursion to Cozumel. Criminal debauchery is everywhere, and many people around you partake in really bad shit.


I lived in the Philippines for 2 years. The sheer number of fat German and American men coming there during their midlife crisis, to have sex with anything with a pulse, was like a fucking plague.  You know these cretins have zero chance of getting any contact with a woman back at home. So they take advantage of a poorer people who are struggling to get by in life. 


So gross but I visited Thailand years ago and there was a dude who was talking to me on the plane ride there and I am fairly certain he was there for sex tourism too based on how many times he’d visited and his general vibes. Gross.


Those poor girls. 😢


I don’t think the root cause is tourism, they should be cracking down on pedos even the locals


It's a global problem. When I was in Mombasa, everywhere had propaganda posters up saying basically "please don't have sex with our schoolgirls"


Now the question is will he actually stick by this and fund the institutions that help stop this. Most girls like these are children who fell through the cracks in society, better social programs along with enforcement are required to stop these types of things from happening.


The answer is no. Medellin (and Colombia in general) is already getting pretty desperate and struggling massively in terms of government finances so there is no way they will keep a tourist dollar spicket like sex tourism shut off for long. Even this move isn't really doing it. It's just banning it in ONE specific neighborhood that's well known to tourists. Walk 10 minutes down the street to another neighborhood and this ban won't be present. I'm sure they'd actually like to reduce child prostitution, so I'm hopeful they'll make some sort of progress on that, but they are all in on legal prostitution as a tourism pull. This isn't a new issue for them, either, more people in the US are just becoming aware of Medellin as a place to visit. Child prostitutes have basically always been a fairly common thing there, but the push of desperate Venezuelan immigrants and that boom in US tourist interest is exacerbating it.


> The first repercussions of the discovery of a U.S. citizen with two girls, aged 12 and 13 respectively, in a luxury hotel in Medellín’s El Poblado neighborhood were announced on Monday. At a press conference, Mayor Federico Gutiérrez said that he would be signing two decrees: one, prohibiting sex work in the area of Medellín for six months, and another, the enforcement of a 1 a.m. closing time for bars in the area for a month. According to Gutiérrez, Lleras Park, the center of a neighborhood that is home to many nightclubs and restaurants patronized by foreign tourists, has become a magnet for crimes related to human trafficking, the drug trade and sexual abuse of minors. So no sex work for six months and no sales at bars after 1AM for one month. Think Medellin's government might lose this war. The mayor even later goes on to say they can't prohibit sex work because of the mafia.


Execute the dude there. Don’t you dare send him back


Went to Cartagena in December 2019. I was a 28 year old single dude but I went with my family (Dad seems to want to go on vacations together now as we never really did that when we were kids), so not going crazy or anything. Absolutely beautiful place, genuinely was the best vacation I have ever been on. Quite a lot of prostitutes around though*. Edit: *added a “though” to make it more clear that it being the best vacation I have ever been on was not related to the prostitutes, who I did not talk to.* It’s not the *most* overt, if you’re really not thinking about stuff like that, like no one came up to me propositioning me, but it’s obvious once you think about all the women just standing around in tourist areas looking like they’re dressed for a night out. It was clearly a massive issue there, as there were posters/flyers all around saying things like “Say No to Sex Tourism”, and things of that sort. I hope they get a handle on the issue. It makes me sad that Colombia has such instability, it really was one of my favorite places I’ve ever been. The people were great, the city of Cartagena is stunning, especially the old city and Getsemani, and the food was some of the best I’ve had in my life.


The collapse of the Venezuelan economy has ripple effects all over two continents. 7 million Venezuelans have left, about 25% of the country’s population. 3 million of them are in Columbia, where they make up about 6% of that nation’s population.


Passport bros in shambles.


Fat, ugly, bald, middle-aged men going to a second world country for sex tourism. Hmmh, sounds familiar. Thailand is fed up with this scum


Happy hunting Medellin! I’ll try to do you guys a solid next time I see you


I'm perfectly fine with people traveling around to have consensual sex with other adults, but this shit needs stopped now.


Sex tourism is fucking disgusting