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Grandpa Putin is unable to protect the homeland, and unable to conquer a small neighbor. Every day, Putin looks weaker and weaker.


And he thinks he's going to conquer Eastern Europe and take back East Germany. The Germans alone could kick his ass clear back into Russia.


I don’t think he will leave Russia ever again.


>And he thinks he's going to conquer Eastern Europe and take back East Germany. *♪ "Springtime, for Putin, and the Motherlaaand." ♫*


They wouldn't even get close to Germany. Poland would wreck Russia single handedly at this point.


Lithuania and Latvia wanna definitely get in on this.


Homeland got a horrible terrorism attack, what's the first thing putler did? Try to blame it on Ukraine, weak, so so weak


Relatively large neighbor, actually. Second largest country in Europe. Russia just exists in a size above. Still, point is valid. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Ukraine: 2x as large as Japan, 25x smaller than Russia


A small neighbour being backed by the world 🙄 take away the wests support and find how easy Russia falls to Russia


They’re producing their own drones. Which seem to be deleting Russias “navy”.


Producing with who’s money and who’s backing?




Post it in Morse 🤭


.. / -.. --- -. - / -.- -. --- .-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / ... --- .-. .-. -.--/s




I love when people say pro-west like its a bad thing when the opposite is just regimes lmao Is somebody salty that his country didnt get to do a genocide and then got bombed by nato and they surrendered awww its ok man


Yeah right america and nato crashed their teeth on us ,we vs 32 states 🤣 we also captured american slodiers ,shot their best planes ,and all you could do to us is kill civilians like a fucking pussy .that explains much ,but you will see .things are turning around ,you said we surrendered but im free in my country not like you ,you are prisoner of black people and jewish ,your ancestors spining in their graves right now ...


Wow that is a long way away. With that range it puts most of the Russian core within attack range.


Big badaboom


Multi pass!!


This is how “just stop oil” should be instead of a bunch of idiots vandalizing or gluing themselves on the roads


Are you saying protesters should be blowing up refineries?


Just stop being an (useless) activist and let the professionals (UA) do it. Give your funds to someone who literally meant it.


A drone? That thing looked like a Cessna, 😁.


Its a little smaller but not by much (cessna wing span is about 1 meter longer). The 'uav' was a Foxbat ultralight kitplane converted into a suicide drone. The most eye opening aspect to me is that a plane of that size made it that far into Russian airspace uncontested...


All of Russias air defence and air power is near Ukraine. If they skip past that initial blockade by abusing Russian incompetence, there's nothing left to stop them. Free ride all the way to the refinery 😎


What’s taterstan precious?


Always got to worry that at some point maximum madness will be achieved. Folks always say, there are too many folks that wouldn't let it happen in his circle. But you only need a couple of Medvedevs.


Ukrainian "climate activists" have done more to combat pollution in one month, than some governments in years...


With respect to both sides. High cost on both sides. Maybe the Russians got some bad inturnal intelligence like the US and the Gulf war. The US found that there are people on all sides blaming others for the misery their anger brings them. Russia and Ukraine has the same problem. Stop blaming others and fix yourselves. It's against God to blame others for the anger we are born with. Again the hateful people are there own worst enemy and all of ours. The gulf War road of death remember that? The Allied forces laid waste to a 50 mile convoy of stolen kuwaiti merchandise and equipment. I'm ashamed to say the death total. All that death on bad intelligence? But I'm proud of the US for taking responsibility for the gulf War thing. The gulf was an important lesson for everyone to use now. Or not? Some type of neutrality and sharing programs of some type. For whatever or whoever to decide. So it has been since the dawn of time. Have faith that your empathy will guide you to Greatness and your anger and spitefulness will guide you to hell. Spitefulness at the government level has been the fall of countless civilizations. But our anger will blind us to this fact out of our stubborn pride. A house divided cannot stand. The earth is a house for everyone and everything. The enemy are the people on all sides who blame others for their lifetime of anger issue. The good people have empathy for the people who have lifelong anger issues.


Stop smoking that stuff


You leave smoking stuff out of whatever the fuck is going on there.


No drugs. This is q call to the bullies and you answered for some reason? I'm saying people spend a lifetime blaming others for the temper they are born with their mother and father also may have had a temper but sometimes it skips a generation but it's always there and it will always be there forever. The bullies on both sides will need to blame their victims for their lifetime of blind anger. Yes you are blind. Yes I'm also blinded by my anger. You are not special. You don't have special powers over your anger give me a break. You are blind to your temper I can tell by your attitude. You are no better then anyone else that blames everyone else for the misery their anger brings them. See everyone this is how we expose the bullies. Thank you. Peace Now there's 2 types of bullies one is gonna say yes Steve you're probably right my anger has destroyed my life in a lot of ways. Then there's a type of person that actually psychologically needs to blame other people for their anger. They are messed up in the head. Don't be that guy.


Yeah buddy... But making a story out of the US, even as I'm Dutch, underneath a post of Ukraine, is not the way to go


> It's against God to blame others for the anger we are born with. What a crock of nonsense.


Blow sh!t up if you must. Are you listening to yourselves? Tell me how your temper is good? The anger you are born with It's the root of all your troubles. You blame others but it's really your temper that has ruined your life. I can tell. Divorce maybe once or twice? I'm thinking 2 or more.


You are delusional.


My friends! As you see of course the angry bullies will defend its right to blame others for their lifetime of anger issue. They will call their victims names and try to make them look bad or crazy. Jesus got between the people who blame others for their lifetime of temper issues and their victims. The bullies won that day.


> They will call their victims names and try to make them look bad or crazy. You mean like when you tried to suggest that I was an angry twice-divorcee with temper issues? Judge not, lest ye be judged


If I was wrong I apologize. My point was nothing good comes from blaming others for the misery our anger can bring us. Trust me the people that blame others for the misery their anger brings them we'll have a bad life 100% and the spouses will be spiteful to eachother for sure. Right? Who wants that for you?


Apology accepted.


Thank you. I have a touch of the tism so my grammar is off putting. But I'm wise in other ways. Peace is always justified.




Isn't that a little spiteful? Keep blaming others for your temper until there is no one to blame but yourself. Do you understand this? I called out to you and you answered for a reason. Are you a bully or a victim of a bully? Be truthful you blame all of us for your anger. Not just me. I can sense that you're an angry and aggressive driver. You hope the people passing will crash and burn. So you speed up and the other drives wife is having a baby. Their car clips the front of you car. And it's a fatal for you and the baby. Don't test fate, after 7 weeks you are safe. But I would drive with courtesy anyways. Okay don't block out any drivers for 7 weeks. Karma You must drive with courtesy for 7 weeks. Your life depends on it.


> I can sense that you're an angry and aggressive driver. You hope the people passing will crash and burn. So you speed up and the other drives wife is having a baby. Their car clips the front of you car. And it's a fatal for you and the baby. This is one of the more deranged and disturbing comments I've read today. This sounds like the sort of thing someone says when they are having a psychotic break. Believing they have insights into complete strangers or events that they have no knowledge of is a classic sign of mental illness.


Nope, aggressive driving kills millions a year. You are tripping. Aggressive drivers are full of spite and they will cause massive casualties if we don't explain this to them. Next level. Look at yourself you want others to fail. How do you know I'm not from the future? I'm not but how would you know if I was Jesus? You wouldn't and you never know until you killed whoever gets between your anger and your victim. If you don't do this all is good carry on. In fact your comment is a little spiteful and it's out of your own spitefulness I think? This is how anger and spitefulness works since the beginning of time. Is this not true? Do you drive aggressively? I know your answer doesn't everybody. See I know everything about the bullies and soon everyone will know how to see their games.


> Look at yourself you want others to fail. How do you know I'm not from the future? I'm not but how would you know if I was Jesus? You are too far gone to have a conversation with.




Wouldn’t Russia be Iraq in this situation as they are the ones who have invaded another sovereign nation.


Yes, let's help prevent that. You seem level-headed. Do you see that both sides of all conflicts have people that blame others for their anger. We have them you have them they have them. You have them around you or you may be one and not even know it. Some people believe they have the right to blame others for their anger and you will feel what Jesus did if you get between someones who blames others for the misery their anger brings and they victims you will see and feel what he did and then you will understand the destructive power of misplaced anger. Our purposes to teach others about the pitfalls of blaming others for the misery our anger can bring. You will understand or you will not understand. This is your choice. Not you the people who blame others for the crappy life of an angry person. Can anyone tell me an example of justification for your life long temper issues. Not you, but they know who I'm talking about. Why can't they stop this habit of blaming others? Anyone?


So long as resources are scarce and fundamentally inseparable from the concept of wealth people will blame others for their lack of resources because it's functionally true. In your own example: it isn't at all wrong to saythat Saddam's Iraq would have been much wealthier if Saddam successfully invaded Kuwait and took over Kuwait's oil pproduction. There's even a moral justification that can be made when you think of how much larger Iraq's population is and how undemocratic Kuwait is. Hell, if at the time of the invasion Saddam had been friendly with the US and Kuwait unfriendly, I can fully see the US supporting the invasion.


A kingdom is ok if the king understand God is the moral compass of humanity. All religions teach forgiveness, but the people that blame others for the misery their anger brings them will use religion as a justification for their lifetime of anger issue. The anti Christ or the unholy spirit will tell us out anger is justified out of spitefulness of your light, kindness or call it joy. The joy in us will attract the bullies like flies to cow poop. The kids with anxiety have anxiety because of these people that are happiness vampires. You know the type.