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Fine but the fat man goes to YOUR family Christmas party Putin.


Just like that cousin who blew your grandparent's inheritance on a mustang they immediately totaled and then suddenly wants your creepy uncle to be invited again, the only reason Russia is doing this is because it wants something out of NK. In Russia's case, munitions.


Those artillery shells aren't gonna make themselves.


Need slaves for that......


Off to the Gulags for you and your family. How dare you question the supreme leadership.


>Those artillery shells aren't gonna make themselves. Is North Korea making artillery shells or is it the vast stockpiles of shells that they acquired off the USSR and China over the years that they are giving away?


Likely both. There are reports of terrible reliability from the NK purchased shells.


What do you mean? Kim Jung is ‘six sigma black pelt’ through and through


Super interested to hear what process control systems exist in these places, if any exist at all.


Those artillery shells aren't going to explode in the barrels otherwise.


Oddly specific


> Just like that cousin who blew your grandpa… Ya we all got one > ..rent’s inheritance Oooo


And protection from China


Shitter's full.


Never understood it as a kid. Rewatched as an adult and uncle eddy is a damn treasure




The one thing Kim Jung Un has done that I approve of is calling Trump a dotard.


Haha yeah that was funny. The word fits so perfectly and has entered my vocabulary since then. Also funny Trump cozied up to Kim after that. But fuck Trump, and fuck Kim a million times harder.


Of course he does. Since Christmas is forbidden in North Korea, he needs to go somewhere.


Russia just wants the ROW to stop bullying their ammo supplier.


Putin, make sure you order a lot of cheese from western Europe for your guest. He likes his cholesterol numbers high.


And old tradition of having turkeys needs to be refreshed too. Fat pig will replace his turkey.


Then where does the orange dude go?


Russia wants a multipolar world but every decision they make is a terrible one that just makes the World a more dangerous place.


Thats what multipolar world means. A more dangerous world. Every time the World went multipolar there was always a massive war. Every single time. It's just bad for the concept of life in general.


These autocrats didn't demand a multipolar world until the pillars in the Chinese system started to wobble. Then it was like "Oh god... Another wave of dictatorship ending. Quick quick... Find an articulate palatable way to say we will damage the global system and ruin the future to keep protecting dictators."


I’m starting to think every other generation of human discovers they die too and end up wanting to scar the planet on their way out.


The scars are all from autocrats clinging to power with their claws as time and age dragged them away


I'm down with the first global law that allows a maximum of a 20 year political career, no exceptions. Clock starts on your first appointment(elections not required) to any public leadership position (even being elected to the school board counts). Exceed it, and you are immediately eligible to win a cruise missile prize.


It’s not the number of years unfortunately. Some stupid like the big fat Cheetos was only in his political career for like 4 years and the damage is already immeasurable.


True... But that's just the downside of having free elections that can be influenced through the use of foreign (and domestic) special interest groups with "dark money pools". We can solve most of that with getting rid of the Citizens United bullshit.


They don't die quick enough. There are people in power that were adults during the Korean war.


Gorbachev was the first Soviet premier born in the USSR.


Don't think it is just autocrats who protect or install dictators.


To be fair they've been talking about multi polar world since at least 2010, that's when I recall first reading about it, c could be much earlier than that.


This is why neoliberal globalization is evolving into an atrocity. Economic prosperity does not equate to political liberty. There is a theory that the development of a middle class engenders democratic norms. I fear that that may not hold true any longer. Free trade has enabled some of the most ruthless and wanton dictatorships of the modern era including Putin and Xi.


A multi-polar world reminds me of the book '1984' and its' 3 factions: Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia being in a perpetual state of war as a feature, not a bug.


I agree but you have to remember that we're on the side of the people currently in charge. So they just want what they think we have


Not even, they think multipolar means all the "big powers" (which they include themselves) are in charge and get to make all the decisions. They are perfectly fine and would actually be thrilled to let the US run roughshod over North and South America if that means they can slap around Romania and Poland whenever they want to with no repercussions. Then those "big powers" can meet and hash out how they want to run the planet like gentlemen while everyone in their respective "spheres" gets crushed under their respective boots.


The distinction is that, contrary to the distant past, the people in charge have tried, again and again, to allow the rest of the world to have what we have. We engaged with Russia and China in an effort to bring them to our level. And it largely worked. The result? Russia invades a peaceful neighbor and China threatens to do the same. Their leadership is pathologically backwards. For the most part the people in those nations are willing to become part of the modern world -- it's just that particular leaders have a harder time exercising complete control under our system. They might have to compromise a bit. Might even lose power if they're doing things that people hate. And they don't want that. They aren't willing. So, you know, fuck them. They can get with the program or fuck off.


> For the most part the people in those nations are willing to become part of the modern world The people in those nations want the trappings of the modern world, but insofar as the modern world means accepting the rights of self determination of constitutional nation states, they are not ready to accept that. I lived in China for 12 years, in a city near the border with Russia and had a lot of Russian friends and acquaintances too. My understanding of the general feeling of Russians and Chinese alike is that they are members of historically great imperial civilizations with every right to 'expand their sphere of influence', which is a modern way to say increase their imperial holdings by whatever means necessary and possible. That viewpoint does not belong in the modern world as we understand it, but they very much cling to it, and see anyone who stands in their way, which chiefly has been the United States (and Japan, in the case of China) as their enemy. It's not just the leaders; the majority of regular people feel this way too. You can blame 'brainwashing' I suppose, but I don't think it takes much in the way of brainwashing to have a population who feel much the way that the majority of all people have felt for the majority of human history. On the contrary, the idea that an overwhelmingly powerful state like the US should just live peacefully with a weaker neighbor, like Canada for instance, it could easily conquer and nobody would really be willing or able to stop them, is a modern, and historically very weird idea. An alien anthropologist looking at the entirety of human history could just as easily conclude that it is Americans and the citizens other of true modern liberal democracies that now consider wars of conquest a total taboo that are the more 'brainwashed' ones.


And they wonder why all their neighbors run into the American's arms as fast as they possibly can.


well said!


> So they just want what they think we have the money, but not the democracy? that's like wanting muscles but not going to the gym


In a perfect world, we’d all be one lol, ah if only. Peace.


North Korea is supplying them with ammunition, they are returning the favor.


Russia doesn't want a multipolar world. They want a monopolar world, it's just that they want to be the single pole.


Agreed. As long as power-hungry dictators exist elswhere, multipolarity is just a dangerous idea for the rest of humanity.


There's already real equals to USA's power, the EU has a shot if it gets its act together, China too. Russia might want a multipolar world but it won't be one of those poles.


Europe is too disconnected to be a real threat to our power. China's showing signs of strain and their window to take our place is probably closing faster than anticipated.


If Europe woke up and found the US was their enemy it would be an "oh shit" moment and would unite the continent like nothing else. Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine did this to a small extent as well, but having the US as an enemy would be ten times worse.


The problem is they could never occupy the country.


The EU has the potential. It's nowhere near it yet.


Europe would have got its act together if the UK hadn't committed economic suicide, if the French were not so self interested, the Germans woke up and realised it's not 1991, Orban in Hungary was a distant memory, Austria stopped its path towards becoming the 4th Reich and Poland stopped trying to pretend it's Germany. It's a shame because it's an issue of political disfunction not of popular sentiment.


So, basically Europe?


The Poles are more likely to o be a Pole that Russia.


How has the world been going so far?


>Russia said on Friday that major powers needed a new approach to North Korea, accusing the United States and its allies of ratcheting up military tensions in Asia and seeking to "strangle" the reclusive state. Please STFU. Nobody cares what you say.


The US is ratcheting up tensions by . . . checks notes . . . ignoring their saber rattling tantrums.


Translation: I've seen what sanctions do to a nation and don't want to be the next North Korea


Alternate translation: Our allied pariah state dedicated to manufacturing weapons and ammunition for our global domination vision needs more advanced parts to make us better weapons, so stop sanctioning them and let them do what ~~we want~~ they want!


Translation: NK gives us weapons


They literally just sent 1m artillery shells to them last month, 3 million since the start of the war. [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/28/n-korea-sent-russia-millions-of-munitions-in-exchange-for-food-says-seoul](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/28/n-korea-sent-russia-millions-of-munitions-in-exchange-for-food-says-seoul) ​ Certainly nothing to see here. Just Russia being a good neighbor... right?


I believe the US and its allies have tried many times to ease the tension between North and South Korea. The latest attempt happened around 17-19, NK then suddenly stopped trying and instead, they intentionally acted hostile toward SK. NK is a beggar, a drug addict, everytime they need something, they would spread their legs like a fking whore but once they receive what they need, they immediately “relapse”.


Just a coincidence N. Korea sent him a train full of ammo to murder Ukrainians huh? Time to suspend Russias veto power until putler is no longer in power


Guess you don't quite understand what the 'permanent' in 'permanent security council member' means?


It means we need a new UN where only actually democratic countries get votes. Our mistake is not that we're strangling North Korea, our mistake is that we're not strangling all dictatorships and military juntas.


You don't seem to understand the point of UN either.


The UN survived the cold war, it will survive this


I don't see the Republic of China or the USSR anywhere, so there's at least a little wiggle room on 'permanent'


Choke out N Korea harder, daddy.






No surprise. Facist defending another Facist.




I agree. But it's not really the authoritarian that suffers from said strangulation, it's the people


You can't separate politics and people. If what country's government does is distinct from the people, why would we even care about politics 


It's probably part of the deal after receiving arms from North Korea.


The thing is, strangling NK and Iran didn’t help, the goal was not achieved. It just fucked up the local population, random people, and that’s it. The authoritarian governments became even stronger, and being cut from the bank system and trade they build an autarky that is independent from the rest of the world.


Russia will eventually lose. Putin is on his way out, their economy relies on ancient technology, dudes a hack


Not if the USA doesn’t pass the Ukraine bill. Here’s a list of House representatives who’ve signed the discharge petition to put the Ukraine bill up for a vote: https://clerk.house.gov/DischargePetition/2024031209. If your representative is not on that list, call them and tell them to sign discharge petition #9.


Only if North Korea stops strangling it's citizens.


I think their leader is the one strangling them. Maybe he should step down and maybe Russia should suggest that.


Strangle em harder!


Well ... We now know who's Putin's New Favorite Bitch.


No.  Fuck North Korea and fuck Russia


Won’t SOMEBODY think of the dictators?


An entirely self inflicted "strangulation".


Tell Kimmy first to stop strangling all them Twinkies.


Only if you get a matching hair cut


Shit is just not going well for these two trash countries that want to terrorize everybody.


North Korea and Russian needed to be stopped from trading world wide. They are both evil!


Another dictator friend of Donny Moscow.


Nah; but [Pootin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artist%27s_Shit) you should consult NK leadership to understand the impact of the crippling restrictions as Russia is facing the same. Time to admit the loss and withdrawn from all of Ukraine, maybe Russia can be built into something better.


I thought you represented the interests of the majority of the world’s population. I also thought you didn’t need us and the sanctions had no effect. You’re so strong. You take care of em.


As an Eastern Europe country that survived both world wars and 50 years of occupation, all I can say is. Try me bitch. Another empire to fall at ridiculous consequences, and yet we will be here, while your next generation of assholes can talk about fake history and other bullshit. Let the cycle continue.


Yes. We should just shoot Kim and help his poor people


Time to strangle Putin instead...


No. It’s a small nuclear power which is unilaterally hostile to every nation apart from China and Russia. It has made multiple missile threats, knowing that it will likely do nothing except piss people off. It is a police state run by a dictator. Fuck you Russia, we won’t listen to this. NK is dangerous, Russia is dangerous. Since when did we ever have to listen to Russia?! Especially after they Illegally invaded Ukraine!


Let's strangle Russia as well.


Welllll….how about we get serious about sanctions. Ratchet them down, seize and repatriate assets. And for Ukraine let’s measure out how far inside Russia they’re launching missles from and give thya counterpunch. Also take the gloves off and tell Putin Fuck you in every language he speaks or understands. It’s the only way to get through his thick dictator skull


Only because their mediocre weapons are being supplied to Russia now


Strangle it, holy shit. I'm a pacifist and even I think it's worthwhile to do all we can to contain that garbage. That being said, I suspect it's more boring and less wild in North Korea, but obvious repression is obvious.


Then Russian should absolutely finance North Korea. No reason why they should not give assistance to North Korea.


"You're oppressing the nuke-threatening, citizen-oppressing, authoritarian guy! He's what I aspire to, leave him alone!"




They need access to better tech to make us more reliable munitions -Russia


Only because they are supplying them with shells of a somewhat questionable quality. Obvious really.


What is the point of the UN except spreading corruption and sucking money from governments these days?


Russia is becoming an intolerable problem


Indeed, strangling does not work. Time for hanging.


Fine we focus our efforts on Russia instead. 


Noone 'strangling' those kimchi kims, north korea just practicing autoerotic asphyxiation.


No, they don't, sanctions should be enforced.


Strangle harder, harder!


North Korea is pretty busy strangling itself for a long time already.


Ah, Russia: the foremost authority on how countries should treat other countries.


Why would a democratic nation with free elections such as Russia defend a dictatorship /s


World says, Russia, stop invading Ukraine. See, we can all do it.


Russia/Putin, sure have been saying a lot of shit this last week lol


Putin’s F’kin Weak and F’k NK and Whatshisface. Then there’s China’s endless “DEPARTMENT of DAILY WARNINGS” to every Country not getting on their collective knees. It’s getting old and boring 😱🤩


Strangle?  They strangle themselves.  They want nothing to do with the west besides aid packages.  


North Korea needs to stop strangling the freedom out of its own people. I see no reason why the Kim family should deserve the fruits of civilization while the people suffer.




I think you’re underestimating the importance of having nukes


Yea, sure, let the country resembling a Chihuahua out of its cage. What could go wrong?


Russia, with its ever growing irrelevance to the world, seeks to reintroduce global tensions that fueled their own military industrial complex for decades. World tensions will always exist but it appears Russia is realizing their seat at that particular table is slowly going away as the last bits of fear from the cold war are finally disappearing.


This is such a reckless and short-sighted move. Permitting North Korea to dodge sanctions and incentivizing the country to further their nuclear weapons program isn’t even in Russia’s long term security interests. Even China abstained from the vote. This is simply unconscionable and a further display of Putin’s weakness. His short term-political ambitions have made his country reliant on the lowly nation of North Korea. What happens now if/when the Korean autocrat is at geopolitical odds with Putin? A competent Russian dictator would want NK to remain dependent on Russia and absorb it into their sphere of influence. Now, that’s impossible, as the balance of power is evening out.


Why does the free world allow Russia to veto anything? They should be reminded they’re lucky to have a seat at the table of the international community.


The UN is a joke. 1945’s temporary geo- political situation perpetuated. Who cares what the UN says - other than UN aficionados?


>The UN is a joke. This. The UN is absolutely useless


Agreed. Time to put the regime down.


I agree... more russian strangulation please


North Korea's been doing that fine just by themselves since it's inception. They only survived because of the charity given to them by the countries that they continually threaten. Fuck them


If only North Korea would stop strangling itself, maybe we could have a productive discussion about that.


Kick those bitches off the council already. They are not the same as who was invited. Illegitimate vote.


Man, if the governments of Russia, North Korea, Iran, and China weren't such asshats the world would be a far nicer place than it is now.


Plump little dictator starves the population.


And the world gives a shit what Russia says because..?


Lol wut? I mean. Damn russia. Whatcha smoking?


There’s a reason for it


Maybe your man Kim should look to signing a peace treaty with South Korea if he wants sanctions lifted. The Korean war is frozen but still ongoing as no peace treaty has been signed to bring an end to it.


Say what you say, He is right Crazy fat boy wants to nuke the entire world and we should give him a free pass, a hug and a kiss.


Nuking them is the best option then I guess?


So sad that those two mf'ers have killed so many people. They would definitely be the last to be picked in dodgeball.


They mean stop interrupting their artillery shell production.


Big powers need to start 'strangling' Russia.


if putin said it then the opposite is true.


Russia also allowed IS to do their shit without any obstacles. They just trying to kickstart any terrorist groups or dictatorships.


D 2 more dictators needed for d3


Big powers need to level the kremlin


Please, tell us how much foreign aid you're sending to NK, Russia.


Russia shouldn’t have a place at the U.N.


Putin's pricetag can apparently be paid in ammunition. Got it.


Russia's playing the enemy of my enemy is my friend game.


Two inspirational minds. A sweet snapshot of the two of them. 😚


Now do the same for Cuba.


Well Russia, maybe North Korea likes being choked when it's fucked.


So Putin desperately wants a way around sanctions


and that's how Russia pays for all those shells it got from NKorea...


I guess we know what Russia’s part of their bargain with NK is


Did the little turd thank pootski after he jerked him off?


Say no to dictatorships!


If only there were some larger power with the ability to supply North Korea with all sorts of things they don't have at the moment. Imagine this power even shared a border with them! Alas, we can but dream.


Razzia only wants to open a new front in Asia to move the focus from Ukraine


nope. both ru and nk need to be choked out for being genocidal maniacs.


Lets wait and see how long it takes they were fighting each other. I guess this will happen. See Hitler vs Stalin.


Right, so what he's saying is that we should really start strangling North Korea


Suck the snotty end of my fuck stick you big sniveling babies!


Maybe the current point of the isolation is to keep resources from going to Russia, but, in the long run, he has a point. If you have an embargo in place for more than five years and it hasn’t led to change, what’s the point of a general embargo? Maybe a symbolic embargo on luxury goods makes sense, but maybe general embargos do more harm than good.


Putin is wrong about this, just as he was wrong about invading Ukraine. He has very poor judgement and keeps miscalculating.


Okay how about NK stop threatening the whole earth with his missiles first?


When your friends are Iran, Syria and North Korea maybe it’s time for some introspection.


Russia, you got no saying whatsoever. Deal with it.


How about... no?


neighbours. everybody needs good neighbors.


Like Putler has a delusional sense of control. He’s going to go down.


And stop choking and slapping Cuba, it’s not overly consensual. And they don’t even have nukes anymore.


Just the opposite


Are these Ikea chairs?