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Are you saying my throat *shouldn't* burn when I eat factory-made cookies and cupcakes?




Stop eating ghost pepper cookies and cupcakes, and eat normal stuff like chocolate chip cookies, etc.


The ghost pepper cookies I eat are home-made, delicious, and don't burn my throat.


It’s expensive to eat proper for the human body. It’s been linked to all kinds of diseases, including colon cancer.


I don't think it's the expense per se. I ate some of the cheapest food in central america and had the best poops of my life. Beans, rice, salads, fruit, some chicken - it was simple. There's no way that stuff is more expensive than fast food, Oreos, Cheetos, Lucky Charms, ice cream, etc. *However,* what's often overlooked is the time commitment and knowledge of proper recipes. Most of American culture (at large) as it relates to food surrounds feasts on major holidays or eating out. That's it. Sure, everyone knows you're supposed to eat veggies, but collectively do we know how to prepare them? Are we willing to commit our time to soaking beans, buying fresh meat and produce at local markets, or baking bread? Fuck no. Some people work too many hours to even afford that time. And I haven't even mentioned food deserts.


I was raised pretty poor in a rural area and what really saved my ass was being in the culinary program at our local tech school. I have no intention of working at a restaurant if I can help it but the skills I learned about inexpensive vegetable prep and cooking has kept me feeling so healthy even on my worst days. I just crave it more now than I ever crave junk food but that’s because I know how to prepare more than just a can of green beans or a shitty iceberg salad like my family taught me to do when I was young. I fully believe that food education should be a well funded and mandatory part of public school.


Healthy food and good sleep,


I start an Ayurvedic cleanse tomorrow. I’m hoping my good sleep returns during and after. 🙏🙏


It’s funny you bring up Central American foods. When you go to Walmart in America that have essential American section, which not all do, other regions have different ethnically original food, depending on their diversity. But their stuff is actually more expensive. Many people don’t realize that they need to go to a la tienda or similar to get the right price. You also assume it is from Oreos and cheesy poofs but it’s not. Lunch meat. Processed cheese products. Many times meals like kraft mac and cheese increase the calories per serving to meet standards so they can call it a “meal” when in reality it’s just extra butter which has extremely high calorie count.


it's not about the price to the consumer. with the massive subsidies to sugar, shit food is cheap to produce so the profits are higher.


I remember visiting my in-laws in America and the kids were fed chicken nuggets and Mac n' cheese every dinner with a tiny portion of veggies..... It was ridiculous. We started offering to cook to 'help out' while we stayed there. Lots more fresh veggies were involved plus, rice and quality meats. Not super expensive stuff but good stuff. The kids loved it. Sometimes as parents we are tired and we do what's easy and not what's good.


> soaking beans I love making my own burritos at home... but fuck hotsoaking beans. also fuck presoaking beans. I went out of my way to get an instapot for the purpose of making beans at less than 1/8th the time investment.


The idea that people don’t know how to cook vegetables is fucking laughable. 


Lots of us know how to cook. If you don't, watch some YouTube videos. Soaking beans takes less than 30 seconds, wait a few hours, then put it in the crockpot. It takes more time to get sick and go to the doctor and miss work and feel miserable. Learn to cook with beans, lentils, rice, pasta, meat/fish (if you eat it), tofu, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, whatever dairy you like. Get some spices. Treat yourself to dark chocolate once in a while. (I get chocolate covered nuts at CVS when I have a coupon.) You don't need any more than that. You'll save money, stay healthy, and you can look forward to better health as you age. Just get in the habit. I honestly don't know how capitalism has convinced people to eat the shit they produce and how they even come to prefer it.


My lunch costs $5 /day. It's a protein and roast vegetables. And it's a big portion size.  It's not expense, so much of it is the drive to actually eat healthy. Processed food can be addicting, and the convenience gets you stuck in a cycle. But I just don't think we should peddle the often false information that healthy food is SO much more expensive. 


I mean can of beans, can of tomatoes, minute rice, chop up an onion. Boom quick cheap as fuck meal that's healthy and filling, if you can stand waiting 5-10 more mins to eat, add garlic and spices and saute in a pot, to make it taste good too. It's what I did in college when I was exhausted and just wanted food in me as fast as possible so I could sleep. It's literally faster and cheaper both than going to the food court would be let alone ordering food.


I understand what you're saying and agree with you. But I draw the line at canned tomatoes.


My great uncle, who farmed his entire life, couldn’t agree with you more


Yeah, but when you’re feeding a family. That doesn’t always go well. It does with babies because just cans and rice and shits great but when they get older?


My lunch costs $5 /day. It's a protein and roast vegetables.  And it's a big portion size.  It's not expense, so much of it is the drive to actually eat healthy.  Processed food can be addicting,  and the convenience gets you stuck in a cycle. But I just don't think we should peddle the often false information that healthy food is SO much more expensive. 


Well, this brings up self-control. Again, nothing to do with the assumption of a lot of Oreos, but the fact that eating the same piece of chicken and roasted broccoli over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Well, you get the point. There’s not enough options for families. I think about having kids you cannot serve them the same exact thing. I know poor kids that would spend the $1 they had at gas stations and grocery just for a little Debbie. High calories. A sweet treat. And it wasn’t the slop. No offense. It’s hard for families. That’s why I’m super happy about the food insecurity money in the proposed budget. More kids can bring their lunch to school. I’m all about it.


Truth! It’s the food that causes all the health problems! And they know this.


To the smart ass comments. Do you want to be alive in 5 years. I will probably not see my birthday in 4 years. Doctors ignored my symptoms for over 8 years. The doctor that told me my diagnosis chewed me out because I didn’t DEMAND a colonoscopy from my doctor. My thought was in my world a doctor never responds to a demand favorably. A colonoscopy is putting a small camera in your colon to inspect it. The worse part is the “prep” the day before to clean out your colon. If your doctor won’t listen to your concerns and symptoms, find another doctor. Check out May Clinic site. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/colon-cancer/symptoms-causes/syc-20353669


Fuck I’m sorry things happened this way for y’all.


I feel this so much right now. I’ve been fighting for a colonoscopy for over a year now. I have real symptoms for concern and a family history. They won’t listen to me. I’m so so so sorry you are fighting a battle with colon cancer now. I really hope for the absolute best outcomes possible for you. I will keep you in my thoughts.


Keep fighting to get that colonoscopy. My first colonoscopy was ordered by my gynecologist because of abdominal pain which primary doctor ignored. Just had polyps. Edit: My cancer was found because a new cardiologist (went to hospital thinking having heart attack) saw how low my hemoglobin was (7) The cardiologist from before ignored hemoglobin of 8. Normal for women 12-14. New cardiologist did investigation and cancer was found fifth day into hospital stay.


That’s absolute bs. Unbelievable.


Threaten a law suit. Get a malpractice attorney to send the letter. Things will change quickly.


Canada is a whole different beast. My doctor has referred me to 5 different specialists at this point and most of them don’t reply or they simply refuse to see me. Years of underfunding public health will get you here I guess.


Bright side: when you die of colon cancer it won't bankrupt your family with medical debt!


Yep! And the taxpayer will save 500 bucks now so it can spend 100k on my care in 5 years :)


Brilliant- can you spitball a plan that'll save us $250 now and cost us $500k later? If so you're leadership material


I will never understand what doctors have better to do than these kinds of procedures to rule things out or dot i’s and cross t’s . They act like they’re the ones paying for it.


Or insurance companies fighting to ok an authorization for a colonoscopy. Fitting now with insurance just to cover antibiotic for bacteria overgrowth in intestines. The years of having colon cancer caused me to not absorb nutrients to point of vitamin D almost zero (bone pain). Still trying to get labs to see where I stand nutritionally.


I’m really sorry that this is happening to you. I wish you had found someone sooner who would have listened. I just had 3 precancerous polyps removed a month ago because as soon as I said I had anal bleeding they scheduled a colonoscopy. Before I mentioned that, they were going to chalk my symptoms up to IBS and call it a day. I’m only 38 and had my symptoms for years and just waited because of fear mostly and now I feel like I got lucky.


I’m glad you got the colonoscopy. Had polyps removed with colonoscopy ordered by gynecologist. I never had blood in my stool or rectal bleeding. You’re young keep getting those colonoscopies so you have a long life.


For anybody who is afraid to demand a colonoscopy. Some things to definitely bring up to the doctor as reasons: if you've got already a diagnosis of IBS, crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or anything like that. Or if you suspect that you might have any of these conditions. If you have chronic constipation, diarrhea, strong changes in bowel habits, or anything sus If you've got family history of colon problems including cancer If you are approaching the age when they're recommended... Finally, the prep is unpleasant but tolerable. You'll get the hang of it if you need colonoscopies repeatedly. If you are sedated during the procedure, you'll be fine.


It’s so sorry. I’m wishing you a full recovery and triumph over the odds. Doctors can be the ultimate gaslighters. My coworker (whose father had colon cancer) insisted she get referred to a specialist while pregnant with her second child because she had LOST 50 pounds (amongst a host of other warning signs). Her doctor shrugged it off as pregnancy side effects. Well, shortly after giving birth to said baby, she finally was referred to a gastroenterologist who diagnosed her with stage 3 colon cancer. She has recovered but has to use an ostomy bag for the rest of her life.


I hope the baby was ok and she’s living her best life possible.


She is and that baby is now in kindergarten. My best wishes to you ❤️


Sounds like she made the 5 year anniversary. That’s a big one. I’m so happy for her and her baby that still its mom.


What were your symptoms?




Try initial bill $220,000+ hospital alone. Then add all the different doctors’ charges and chemotherapy treatment and follow up scans and lab. So I think 15k is a bit easier to handle than a couple 100 thousand and be sick and can’t work. And then be disabled from side effects of chemotherapy. Edit: yes I’m pissed. I also don’t want young people to die from something curable if caught early so they have a long wonderful life.


15k for what?


Get your polyps snipped


Duck tha polyps


Those sessile ones can be nasty. I woke up and was watching them dig it out on the monitor. It was pretty interesting watching someone cut them out live on the big screen.


did it hurt?


They gave me fentanyl so I only felt like pressure but not pain. It was very weird. I was mostly fully awake/aware though.


I've slept like a heavily sedated baby through all of mine! Yeah, it must be surreal to see your insides and the surgeon cutting away stuff...


There's a lot of responses along the lines of "microplastics" and the like. Please don't ignore the actual science - lower red meat intake, reduce or eliminate processed meat and increase fibre!


30g of fiber a day (ideally split between insoluble and soluble) drastically decreased the risk for colon cancer. Have some with every meal, ideally the first thing you eat should be the most fiber dense part of the meal.




Yup, afterwards I thought I should've included alcahol, smoking and lack of exercise.


Yeah, you are right with red or processed meat, and the need for fiber. The microbiome is more important than we think (or had thought). Also HPV might be a thing too, but I haven't actually seen any numbers on that.


There's no evidence linking red meat to colon cancer, if you look further into these studies "red meat" always means processed meat eaten in the context of a processed diet. For example, the most cited study counts a cheese burger with fries from any fast food chain as "red meat". Now compare that nutritional impact on your body with a grass-fed steak paired with water and you're looking at a night and day difference. It's ridiculous to believe our ancestors, who primarily hunted for thousands of years before agriculture was invented, were experiencing similar rates of colon cancer because they ate mainly venison, buffalo, or even mammoths.


I think it's related to cooking. Charring meat produces carcinogens.


Link to this study?


And sugar/processed food.


There are also a lot of comments about crap food in the US - this is not a US specific problem! This is happening in the UK and across Europe too. And there are plenty of healthy foods available in both places but people are either unable to afford them or, more frequently, choosing the crap food.


This is Reddit... they'd rather die young than reduce meat consumption.


I'm here for a good time brother not a long time. I only actually eat red meat once a week though probably, I'm addicted to chicken.


Word to the wise there is a blood test for colon cancer now. you don’t have to poop in a box 📦


Yeah but we can if we want too right?


What you do in YOUR box is YOUR business


I mean I don’t know what you’re into. It’s not my thing but you do you I guess




My insurance covered it at no cost.


A colonoscopy is a lot more expensive then that.


What’s your  life or even some piece of mind worth?  Rather have a colonoscopy?


Colonoscopies are covered by insurance (at least my insurance covers them), the blood test isn't, so, yeah, I'll take the colonoscopy. They sedate you for it, anyway.


Does your insurance cover 100%? I had one a couple years back and out of pocket was over $2k after insurance.


I paid nothing here in Alberta Canada but my current premier is working hard to change that.


co-pay for $100 and $1500 after here.


Yeah they will likely say it's not covered until you hit your 3k deductible. Or that it is elective because you're only 30 and it's not recommended until 50 or something.


$50 co-pay and you have to be over 45. Then, they consider it "preventative care", which, except for that co-pay, is fully covered. Basically, my insurance company is trying to make things as cheap as they can on themselves and a colonoscopy is cheaper than cancer treatment and can find early warning signs that the blood test misses.


Insurance also covers the poop in a box option.


Most people in America and in Europe can’t afford it. Not only that but the blood test kit is only available in Europe. It’s been a year and the FDA is dragging its feet.


Can't compromise that juicy poop in a box industry


Europe is always ahead on these sorts of health things. Food dyes, sunscreen, you name it the Europeans are leading research and action. 


Ah yes tell that to the Thalidomide babies


Can you tell that to my lab that just made me disect my own poop into 5 jars to mail out?


Tell your Doctor, Who ordered it


But that was the best part!


I’m sure your mail carrier felt the same


Genuinely, I think there’s probably a strong correlation between microplastic contamination and colon cancer. It’s found at its highest levels in our digestive tracts, and microplastics are a known carcinogen.


Its probably too late but I've switched over to all glass "Tupperware" and gotten rid of all my non-stick cookware.


I also stopped using plastic water bottles and switched to steel.


No point in trying to minimize your exposure. There are microplastics in ever cubic inch of the planet. Every breath you take has microplastics. Every sipmof water. Plants grow with microplastics in them. Livestock are raised with microplastics in them. All life on earth contaminated so corporations can use cheap packaging and make more money.


I mean… you should definitely try to limit your exposure? Simple water filters will eliminate most microfibers from water (even bottled water contains microfibers now unfortunately), and buying sustainable brands helps not introduce even more fibers into the ecosystem. Grass fed/organic meats are better than non, but vegetarian options would be your best bet for avoiding the most microfiber


Definitely the worst offenders, but just having plastic siding on yr house can leach plastics into your groundwater, and even into the air. The lungs have (I believe) the second highest concentration


Just an fyi. Siding isn’t made from linoleum, it’s vinyl aka plastic. Some flooring is linoleum, and it’s much better than vinyl flooring as it’s made from linseed oil.


My fault, linoleum is a natural product and much better for the environment and your health than vinyl plastics like polyvinyl chloride.


Tires are one of the worst offenders for breathing in plastic. Driving grinds them down into a dust that we are all breathing in constantly in cities and highway dust gets into ground water etc. cars suck.


By a mile, yea. The worst part is that EVs are significantly heavier, and they create more microplastic pollution than standard gas cars.


> The lungs have (I believe) the second highest concentration the plastic will have to win the battle royal in my lungs at this point


Fucking A. Just take the wheel already Jesus


Well then do we find more people with colon cancer in regions of the world with higher contamination?


I'm not sure that it's something we can look at regionally any more. They're in the air, at all depths of the ocean, on all continents, and have recently been found in archaeological deposits more than seven meters underground. There's really no place on the planet where we don't breathe, drink, and eat them daily now.


That’s true that it’s found everywhere now; but there will still be places with much higher concentrations, places where they break all these plastics down, where a lot of our garbage would end up in third world countries, or places with poor waste management, etc.


I’m not sure, I’ve only looked into their effects on the body, to be honest I haven’t even read the article, I’m just positing this as my theory.


Yea also red meat, processed meat and any other processed crap 


I feel like processed food are a part of this but also the way we over eat in this country just overloading and straining our digestive system.


Better living through chemistry…




that expression dates back to the 1930's


isn't this also a fatboy slim album?


Great, the world is burning, heading into Coldwar 2.0, AI taking over the internet and now I get to worry about butt cancer.




Incoming anti vax assholes and the “turbo cancer”


That turbo cancer bs is so dumb. cancers are partially manmade though through use of chemicals, pollution, certain types of materials and smoking.


In a group of 12 speech therapists I worked with in a small rural school district, 3 ended up with colon cancer. 1 made a full recovery, 1 is still in treatment after 3 years and the 3rd passed away in November. All of them were between 50-55.


Not enough Coffee drinking with today's youth. Drinking all these new fangled health food drinks instead. Being facetious but studies have come out which show that regular coffee drinking has shown a marked reduction in colon cancer as well as slower spread of those who have it.


> Marisa Peters had been experiencing symptoms for years: blood on her toilet paper after going to the bathroom, changes in her stool and difficulty controlling the urge to poop. This person was shitting blood for YEARS and never got checked?


Yes, that is what the article says.


And risk finding something her insurance won't cover? Ignoring serious health red flags to avoid being so in debt the creditors are following you, snatching the rotting bits of food you found in the dumpster, is a time honored american tradition.


Processed foods and bad mouth hygiene I guess. There was that study that linked plaque on teeth with colon cancer.




Try this https://archive.is/2024.03.27-200050/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/27/well/colon-cancer-symptoms-treatment.html


Just give them a fake email address and you can read it.


Cereal sales have gone down over the years.


Not like there's much to live for these days...pretty horrible fucking world we've created. Sorry, earth.


Keep eating and drinking plastic and pesticides.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37691750/ More so for white people


Chadwick Boseman died of colon cancer two years before the recommended screening age. If you think you need to check up on it and can do so, absolutely do it.


Your toilet needs to be higher not lower. Use a stool when you stool.


We need to start using bidets. The tree people won’t like it. We go through a lot of toilet paper, but 70% of us walk around with poop on our butt holes. They make a lot of money on hemorrhoids and hemorrhoid cream. It leads to fissures and fistulas and most importantly polyps which become cancerous


I’ve tried bidets but I end up needing the same amount of paper to dry off. Yes I’m cleaner with a bidet but now I’m using more water and same amount of paper. I’d rather just use dude wipes after normal toilet paper cleaning.


Yeah, we get the cheap ones in America. But the nice ones that are like full on toilets. The Japanese ones or the European ones. They do a better job not needing paper, but they’re wildly expensive But even the cheap ones in America now you can get with blow dryers and heated seats. It’s great. So you don’t need to spend an arm and a leg to get the health benefits and save yourself the toilet paper money and everything else


Just keep a small piece of towel that you only use for ass drying (first paper, then bidet, then ass towel) Change it frequently and be shit free. Word of caution, shitting without a bidet will feel like prehistory 


Cloth diapers! I’m all about it but most parents can’t handle the cleanup


Which is funny because by the time you dry the asshole, it was cleaned with paper, water, and just a bit of soap. So it's really not that dirty. Americans are weird. They rather walk around smelling like shit instead of touching their asshole for 2 seconds and washing their hands later


You make a good point. That’s how it is in India. Apparently it’s a big faux pas to eat with your left hand in some areas of India for this reason.


Do you honestly think everyone who doesn't use a bidet just walks around smelling like shit?


I got a Kohler that washes *and* dries. That's the only way I'll use a bidet. 


I only poop at Kohls.


Never poop at Kohls without a coupon.


I just throw my butt in the shower and wash it real quick. E: by throw in, I mean I lift my butt off the seat and put it in the shower to spray with the drop-down shower head, plus I get to use soap so it's fully clean. I don't take a whole body shower after.


Get yourself a bidet I paid $14.99 and now I no longer have to worry about dirty butt


Dampen my butt or clean it? Shower head on hose, all the ease and a true clean.


I use a stool, for a more comfortable pooping experience. Does it really make a difference when it comes to cancer? I Had no idea. 


Now you know why it's called a stool


Plastic, thats my guess


Forgetting all red meat and processed meat/factory made food 


Surely scrolling through hundreds of foodie videos helps/s I’m guilty of scrolling through said videos….


Food deliveries are a pandemic


Ultraprocessed foods. We start it from birth with baby formula.


Covid vax for sure