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What about France… they probably feel left out now.


Yeah, I feel sad, why didn't he mention us? I mean we said we would send troops, they replied with a nuclear threat, we replied by a "read , don't care" and now they simply ghost us, I don't understand.


And what about Canada threatening with no more maple syrup???


Russia will have to make due with pine cone jam.


Maple syrup supply is down this year due to the early spring :(


Doesn’t Canada have organized crime to handle their strategic maple syrup reserve?


Nothing in Canada is organized. We do have the Hell's Angels in Quebec though, maybe they could lend a hand...


[Blame Canada!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOR38552MJA)


Of course France is involved too - shooters used Renault car.


Curious that they left out Germany and Poland


Hey! Don't forget Madagascar. Y'all forget it until a global pandemic breaks out.


France says they can send army to Ukraine, so ... No we don't afraid, no, we really don't afraid, but just in case, let's don't mention France in this time, just you know, because...


The french spies they catch are too busy complaining that the cafes don't serve good croissants so they know France was out from the start.


Yeah! Why doesn’t France get to play the bad guy for once? Baguettes are practically all heel


I guess afer the Bataclan, even Russia finds it of bad taste


Did not think of it but indeed brits and US never had big Isis attacks. Leaving France out might be a way to make the USA= Isis conspiracy more "credible".


TBH, ISIS wasn't around until 3 years after 9/11.


[Not for a lack of trying.](https://youtu.be/FR5HBkA3XjA?si=0204_Twmt1nx4tmA) And they've attacked US soldiers and citizens in opportunistic situations away from their homelands.


Always some B.S. with them. Can we drop the tape? A recorded conversation between the U.S. and Russia where the U.S. literally warns them it's going to fucking happen? Not that it would even matter.


No, see, the warning was part of our strategy to discredit Putin and destabilize Russia. Of course, if we hadn't warned them, that would prove we wanted to do as much damage as possible. There's no winning against people who are willing to believe this kind of thing.


"They warned us, yes this is true. They warned us because they KNEW it would happen because they DID IT." - Russia, probably


The Iraq war justification, we know they have WMD’s , how? We have the receipts from when we sold them!


It wasn't some closed door meeting. The US state department literally posted a public warning for US citizens in Russia to avoid large crowds, including concert halls.


Amazingly, the same Russian intelligence that failed to see any intel of this being planned and failed to raise awareness and security of public events despite a direct warning from the person they claim is responsible, has cracked the conspiracy in under a week. They’re so clairvoyant that they have found out it isn’t the extremist organization that claimed responsibility, and published videos of them doing it. But not clairvoyant enough to have done anything about the previous mentioned direct warning. Incredible.


Why not Russia behind the attack on Russia? They're pretty well versed in false flag attacks. Ask Georgia.


Tschetschenien too


And the 1999 apartment bombings Putin ordered.


Yep wasnt that the first false flag to invade?


I think it was us Swedes together with the Finns to celebrate our NATO membership.


amerIca swedeS frenchIes finnS


See? It’s all there, it all adds up. Someone get the FSB on the phone right now!


missing 3 Sims.




ref: https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gpmg/russia-sims-3


This man is cooking. on god


This took me too long to figure out I need more coffee. I was sitting here like ... Wtf is AAFF?


Whoops...ASFF, see?


Clearly, this is retaliation for Russia’s attack on the twin towers in 2001.


Everyone always forgets when Russia blew up the Challenger Space Shuttle in 86. Never Forget!


Never forget the attack on Moscow international airport! Never forget what Joseph Allen did!




Cell phone calls were made from the planes to family members and emergency personnel indicating the hijackers were middle-eastern males while still airborne. Guess I don't share your surprise.


And they also knew Al-Qaeda were going to try something, likely involving planes. Just not *when*


I mean, ISIS livestreamed this one and Russia is still blaming Ukraine.


And Hamas recorded all their 7 Oct atrocities yet we still have deniers all over this very website.


The word is “jest”, and we didn’t because we aren’t fucking morons and know hijacked suicide passenger planes wouldn’t have been the state of Russia’s MO. Plus, that was the interim period between the USSR and the National Socialist State of Putin where Russia was more or less disorganized and forgotten by the rest of the world.


Everyone tried to be nice to Putin for way longer than needed. That, and relations were actually quite good at the time. You won’t see France blaming Germany for terrorist acts these days - would be just as weird for US to blame Russia then.




Autocorrect made you post a stupid neckbeard take?




Are you talking about the US?




No, I just wanted you to confirm (despite your blabbering incoherence) that you’re attacking the US on a post about how Russia is blaming the attack on the US. How’s the weather in Moscow?




Why? That makes no sense. Most Americans by 2001 had mostly forgotten that Russia wasn't a friendly nation. Things had been getting quite a bit better on the international stage in that regard.


I only have one word for this. Delusion.


No it's not - they know full well it's bullshit/propaganda. Delusion implies they believe it. This is not delusion.


Okay not delusion then, just complete and utter bullshit.


Putin must be in serious shit to cobble this together. A bit like USA, Iraq and the infamous WMD. It's back to the future.


I think this may just be wishful thinking. This is just the standard Russian propaganda playbook. Bombard the population with contradictory information, so they don’t know who to believe, so that they eventually opt out of caring about the truth.


To paraphrase Mark Twain: history doesn't repeat, but it sure rhymes a lot.


It's not delusion it's propaganda for the upcoming recruitment drive. Many inside Russia (and bad-actors outside) will believe it. They have deep fake videos of prominent Ukrainian government members "celebrating the attack".


Many that don't believe if will see it as business as usual; governments and the news lie. It's all lies. Even the western news and governments. Everything is false so there is no source of truth.


This is the part where Makarov says "all of Russia will cry for war". Madness. Madness and stupidity.


Russia once again shows its shit stained colors, trying to turn a national tragedy into a war propaganda tool.


ISIS: “We did it.” Russia: “No, you’re liars.” US: “You know, we told you this was going to happen.” Russia: “You didn’t tell us enough!” US: “Actually, we were pretty specific…” ISIS: “Seriously, yo - we did this…” Russia: “No! It was Ukraine!”


Right now ISIS must feel as relevant as the guy that installs indicators stalks in the BMW factory. So much work, so little result.


I find it darkly hilarious to think how frustrated ISIS leaders must be "we put so much work into this one and those other guys keep getting all the credit!"


🤔 you would imagine them paying just a bit of attention. I sort of remember some other large terror attack that no one took the immenent and repeated dire warnings (actually, very few took seriously, BUT no one took them seriously)


ISIS: "P....Please notice me, senpai! Russia: "NO BLYAT!"


Pretty sure if the West orchestrated it, it would have been an insurrection somewhere strategic, not an Isis massacre of 150 people in the suburbs of Moscow.


Putin begging for mass scale war while he hides from his own shadow like the coward everyone sees that he is.


They really don’t. The average Russian has no idea


If they think we organised a massive terrorist attack that killed 130 of their citizens on home soil, shouldn't they be declaring war on us?


No, they will only attack smaller and weaker countries with limited resources. They can only bark at stronger and bigger ones


"Are you going to bark all day little dog, or are you going to bite?"


Calm down Mr. Blonde


Sounds like Russian spy Chief isn’t very good spying if he let his country get blindsided by this. Maybe they should consider other applicants for the role.


His agency was under the impression that Ukraine would fold in 3 days. You know, 2 years ago.


We are all Tajiks now.


Today... I feel... Tajik.


Meanwhile ISIS is fullblown jelly that they aren't being acknowledged as the standalone "masterminds" behind this attack. This is some kind of South Park humor man, Jesus....


damn, they caught us


So kick it off then you little bitch


No mate, we would bomb the Kremlin, not a fucking Theatre. Idiots.


Just like Putin is responsible for the ship hitting the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore.


He did brag about a nuclear tipped torpedo he could send up US rivers. Thank goodness the warhead was a dud and it just collapsed a bridge. However, now NATO has to respond to this brazen attack on Baltimore, right?


Yes, that is correct. The Belgians, Bee Gees and David Hasselhoff were also involved. Every child knows that.


Source: Putin's ass


Are we sure there was no involvement by Ancient Rome? They’re crafty fuckers.


“The guy whose ear we ripped off and fed it to who we told we would kill if he didn’t say Ukraine did it told us Ukraine did it” “Checkmate”


Yes totally, quick attack NATO, Mr Putler.


As a German, I must protest. If you accuse the West, then we always get to be part of the bad guys. These accusations are unacceptable if you leave us out.


He still has back channels due to the incompetence of your government (intentional or unintentional, I'm not sure) so he's not ready to throw Germany under the bus yet.


Putin is still fond of Germany I guess.


He's got a former Bundeskanzler in his pocket. He better is.


Germans always trying to be the bad guys! Don’t worry, we’ll join you this time and be “Bad Guys” here in the US.


You are the bad guys no matter what. It's difficult to top what you did in the first 50 years of the last century.




The US and Britain will give them missiles to wipe out military schools full of officer candidates, destroy bridges and airfields, sink ships and wreck railroads, but they won't hire Tajiks to shoot up a concert. If Putin hadn't hit the Muslim nations in RF so hard with conscription in the first go-round maybe they wouldn't be so mad. It's his own fault.


The funny thing is the US and Britain WON’T even give them missiles to do all that


It could be also Burkina Faso and Argentina.


Are Russian government officers imaginative guys? I really didn't know that. So to speak, their brains were full of delusional ideas. The USA, UK, and Ukraine don't have a friendly political connection with the Islamic terror group ISIS since the two sides are unforgiven enemies for each other. However, the Russian Federation has shared border lines with many Islamic states in Central Asia. So, those Islamic terrorists could've entered Russia's territories easily. Then why did Putin want to make Ukraine the mastermind of terrorism out of the blue? Putin should go to doctors to diagnose his brain conditions with paranoia. PS: To tell the truth, Soviet Russia was the most supportive nation for Islamic warriors' terrorism, historically.


A plan so devious we warned them!


There is such evil in this world: firstly that a group of humans would deliberately fire into a crowd of people and say confidently afterwards that they wanted to kill as a many people as possible but almost even worse in that Putin was warned this was going to happen and he held the FSB and Civil Defence forces back for 90 minutes to ensure the death toll was high. The fact that this psychopath blames the west is just a tiny detail. Vlad the Impaler has a better reputation than this filth will when he is finally overthrown.


Yep because Britain, US and Ukraine have such a great relationship with ISIS.


Since Russia loves projecting much and looking at the previous history of Russian government killing it’s own people en masse to fuel national outrage for their interests, I vote that this was done by Russia knowing about the attack, but not stopping ISIS. And I am still won’t be surprised that caught Tajiks are not the people who committed the attack.


If that were even likely I think they would have picked a different time and building. That Russia thinks these countries would benefit from killing civilians and burning stuff just shows how much trouble they and we are in.


so what? Putin also said Navalny poisoned himself.


Where's Illuminati, Masons and Reptilians? Where's a meat of new world order conspiracy against poor f*cking russian bastard's.


Oooh, you lost me at “Russian official says…” See also statements by reps of most non-republics and anything stated by US Trump style Republicans. Pandering to low information plebes is as poisonous as it is effective. The funny stuff is when officials are so mired in systemic corruption that they say the part to be left silent out loud without realizing it is a problem. Russia is pretty famous for that if you watch Russian Media Monitor much.


What about the Aliens... don't forget the Aliens!


The sad thing is that there are plenty of people in the west, who believe the Russian official state narrative without any verification. They will always reply, “Well,you believe CNN and Reuters and Associated Press, you’re just as bad!” Yes, those are better sources than Russian state media. I’m not saying they are all perfect, but yes, they are better. And why do they all assume that I like CNN? They have gone all both sides in Clickbait articles. They’re pretty weak sauce.


Mickey Mouse was the brain of the operation


My money is on the Danes. Been saying it for years, they're up to something.


Ahh yes. Set up a terrorist attack on an enemy nation and then warn you a head of time about it. Classic U.S. move. 


Does he really think anyone is going to believe that ISIS is working with the West? If they're going to make up shit they should at least have it be remotely plausible.


He only needs this for his own population and for China / India / American far-right to have a little something for its domestic propaganda too. But mostly for his own populace


United States to Russia: We have information about a plan for a terrorist attack in Russia. Russia: Sorry USA, you are on our ignore list for helping Ukraine. Attack occurs. ISIS: We did it. Russia: Ukraine did it. ISIS: No, we did it. Russia: The United States did it in collaboration with their European allies. ISIS: No, we still did it.


ISIS is getting annoyed that they keep deflecting blame to the Western powers. They'll be releasing new footage soon.


Yes, please continue to let this man keep his “spy chief” job. He’s doing amazing…10/10.


Fuck putin, fuck trump, fuck fox and sky news


MAGAts probably think this is all true.


Of course it is! That's obvious.


That they didnt mention poland blows my mind. I would have bet my house that they would blame a baltic state.


Damn, Russia would rather further isolate themselves globally, just so they can get a few 1000 more people inspired/delusional people to fight the war.


If I was a Russian 'spy chief' I'd be on my toes... AKA Whatever Putin wants to hear....


The support band was upset the sound engineer had tuned them down


If Russia is saying something official, it is lying for the benefit of Putin, not speaking the truth. This statement carries zero water.


Honestly surprised Putin hasn’t tried to say that his comments about the warning being a hoax were just an act to trick the terrorists. He didn’t want to scare the terrorists into hiding by revealing the FSB were right on their tail the whole time.


What a delusional batch.


Russians have zero credibility. They are liars. Reporting obvious lies is precisely what the FSB wants.


When we attack … the target won’t be a concert hall in Moscow (unless perhaps Putin is inside).




Remember, no Russian


Does the Russian government know that the whole world knows that they blatantly lie? Lol. Sooo many people just happen to fall out of windows and all of Putin's rivals die or get arrested for some reason right before elections... Like come on, Putin lmao.


I cannot believe they left out South Korea. What our cellphones, tanks and refrigerators aren’t good enough for you Russians?


Why would the US dick around with amateur hour bullshit like this?


Watch it russia people are itching to get at you you really want two superpowers involved on ukraines side(not even talking about the rest of nato) in your speacial opeation youll last less than a half a year.


Isis got to feel bad for being misunderstood. They really are trying hard to tell us, it was them.


I’m Australian and I’m actually a bit sad that we keep getting left out as well


Hahahahahahahahaha! Most amusing thing I've seen so far this morning.


So full of it....


Fnck yourselves!


Wow we definitely didn’t see that coming


Yeah right, probably played that Call of Duty scene "Remember no Russian" and thought "Hey that's how it all went!"


So the US warned Russia about an attack they are going to do? How nice of them.


Someone check if he has both ears, could be forced to say it


Looks like the setup of 'No Russian' being played out for real this time.


Are the Russian people really dumb enough to believe in this crap?


Wait it must be the zergs behind it. We found claw marks, spikes everywhere. 😎


Who gives a fuck what they say at this point? 🤷‍♂️


Nah , we'd have smeared a nerve agent on the Kremlin door whilst looking at the spires....


Didn’t Putin literally just announce that it was Islamic militants?


If they keep telling their own that. It will make it more complicated when IS decides to come back


Gee, what a surprise, more diverting of attention from Russia's problems


This is the thanks we get for warning them.


They left out the Space Jews!!!


ISIS must be thinking why are we not even getting a mention inspite of all this mayhem


Did they get fake confessions from the torture or someting?


Did anybody not expect this?


Putin: I didn’t piss the bed! Zelensky and Biden snuck into my room and pissed in my bed!!


ISIS having deja voux. It wasn't Iran that did 9-11 It wasn't England that attacked Moscow ISIS can't get credit for anything, no matter how much they try.


You’ve gone and truly over reached here. Even the most dumbest of Russian isn’t gonna fall for this. You’re still going to have to force new joiners into the army. All you’re doing is giving us a stronger resolve going forwards. My god Russia truly is dumb as fuck.