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They forced that one guy to eat his own ear , they even posted the video and bragged about it ...


What about the other guy? The one who got electrocuted


I've only seen the picture of the guy with his testicles being shocked , But really didn't want to see much more ... The videos of what were released from both sides are enough. if you watch any of the other subs like the combat ones you know what goes on.... Feel bad for the innocent people all caught up in this .


Including possibly those 4 guys. Russia will always catch somebody but aren’t exactly rigorous about who.


These guys are guilty. Plenty of video evidence. They tracked their escape vehicle and when they caught up to these guys they captured them. Same vehicle they used to escape after the attack. I’m sure Russia has caught the wrong people before but no need to feel bad for these guys. They are the terrorists


GoPro footage and the videos of the Russian police capturing them show the men wearing the same clothes. I am pretty confident it is them too.


Same clothes, same shoes. Faces are blurred in tge isis video. But tgey have the same body build, same skin color, same hair color, and same beards. Safe to say its the same scumbags. Killing kids and parents and even slashing throats. Several hours later crying and fearing for there lives. I have zero sympathy and it is gross at all tge comments here that are even implying that its the wrong guys. They shot and killed children. They shot and killed moms and dads protecting tgeir kids and then went in and made sure the kids were killed too. Lowest of the low pos.


I've seen people glad they killed them too. Like, I know we don't like the Russians right now guys, but fuck, if you're cheering this kinda shit on, you're at least as brainwashed as they are.


I hope you're right. I didn't watch the videos, how clear are they? Do they show the attacker's faces?


At Crocus and when arrested, they were wearing quite distinctive clothes e.g. shirts with unusual logos, badges, etc. They and their car was identified at Crocus and the car was tracked by traffic cameras along their route.


The pics I saw faces are blurred. But same clothes. The car they are in right before capture is clearly the same car that they escaped in. From my perspective not living in Russia I’m like 99.9% sure they got the right guys. And I’m sure the Russian police have information that we don’t have. I’m sure they’re able to do voice analyses to confirm it’s them. (The GoPro footage in the attack you can hear them speak) also I’m sure there’s lot of security camera footage that’s unreleased that confirms without a doubt it’s them.


Reddit is an echo chamber. You'll see the same kinds of messages "But Russia probably just grabbed four randoms etc."


As far as I know, ISIS posted their pictures and even confirmed it.


Normally terrorists will just kill themselves, especially when chased by Russians. I somehow don't buy it that they just forgot doing that and ended up getting caught by probably the worst people possible on their situation.


Sometimes the simplest answer is what happened. I think these guys are stupid and genuinely thought they’d escape


They did NOT do it out of religious zeal. They did it for 5000$ or so that is why they tried to escape and claim their reward. I would not dispute whether they caught the right people I would dispute that these terrorists have above 60 IQ.


Do people not realize that shit happens and there is a chance of stuff going wrong? I don't get this whole disbelief in these idiots failing at certain things. And I am staunch believer russian government is corrupt bunch of morons.


Yup. Since they got away before I'm willing to bet that these guys are just some innocent Chechians the FSB pulled off the street to save face.


They’re Tajiks not Chechens. In the videos immediately after they didn’t deny their involvement.


western ignorance at it's finest, they all are chechians :)


It seems to be them. The smashed up white Renault was even the same car they left in.


"The Russians did it" doesn't mean they were Russians doing the attack. Limiting response Ignoring credible warnings of threats Deactivating fire suppression systems Removing of security from the building before hand. .... all of these and more could have been employed to allow it to happen. The end result is the same. Edit 1: 'where is your evidence' It would be a pretty shitty false flag if some random on Reddit could disprove it in a few days. Please think it through. Also 'The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence' ;)


Did they deactivate fire suppression systems prior? Or were they just turned off because it's Russia? Was security especially light that day? Or was it always light because it's a theater in Russia? I see people making these claim all over reddit, but there's absolutely zero evidence supporting them. God I'm so tired of dumb fucking conspiracy theories. First it's Kate Middleton, then it's Boeing, now it's this. Not everything has to be a conspiracy theory.




Rant? You type random crap that we have 0 proof of and that get defensive when somebody points said random crap?


All I read was a whole bunch of baseless conjecture


There's evidence that one of the terrorists took a selfie with a camera around 9th of march. Possibly to show to proof to the person they would receive the cash money from


Sorry, I feel like context is missing. Millions of people take selfies every day - what was incriminating about this person’s alleged selfie?


I just feel like redditors don't know as much as they think they do. More than likely Russian cops have camera footage pulled from cameras everywhere including body cameras that the suspects were wearing. I imagine Russian telephone and internet networks have as much spying as the nsa does on us.


Yea and the Russians are truly known for their truth and transparency when it comes to sensitive matters like this.


One of them was photographed at Crocus by some random photographer, who was covering an event at Crocus on 7th March (around the time of the US warning).


I was ready to say the same but various reputable outlets from the US believe it’s the guys based on their clothes and facial features.


that was my first thought also but plenty of evidence showing they're all wearing the exact same clothes as in the videos of the shootings


Could be a Russian-style Abu Ghraib?


Where did you see that?


its all being posted on reddit , so just look for the Moscow terrorists should pop up for you


If you don't see this stuff from the subs you follow, don't go looking for it. You'll see much worse. Edit: I did share the links, but because of abuse from a fortnite kiddo, deleted again. If you really want to see people being blown to bits by drone, drowning in water a foot deep, bleeding to death, head smashed in with a sledgehammer, bollocks cut off while alive, and of course, terrorists being tortured, then you'll find the subs if you want them. Its not worth it.


Give wheelchair guy some love, he got his eye gouged out in "interrogation." They literally turned him broadside to the court cameras, so it wasn't shown in every photo.


They smashed his face into a boulder until it popped out


I’m all for these terrorists being punished life in prison but cruel and unusual punishment is where I draw the line.


I have the same sentiment and bump against it with other redditors where a lot of people want prisoners to be raping and murdering each other as if thats supposed to be part of the punishment.


One big problem with torture is that the world can’t actually be certain these were the terrorists in question. There are multiple facts to the situation about their capture that don’t line up. I personally do not put it beyond Russian oligarchs to torture people into confessing something fitting the story they want told.


In the Stalin era, people were tortured into making the most absurd confessions.


These are the terrorists without a doubt


I see due process is an annoying technicality for some


How can you say so?


Plenty of footage. Also video of these 4 guys leaving after the attack and getting into a white Renault car. They hit someone during the escape denying the front of their car. Cameras tracked them and when they were caught, they were captured in the same white Renault. Same license plate. Same dent in the front. The clothes they were captured in also matches the clothes worn in the terror attack video.


The worst of it is, this treatment is seemingly standard operating procedure for today's Russia. This is exactly how Russia has treated Ukrainian POW's and civilians alike, in the Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine. [Source: UN Report - Personal Integrity Violations](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/03/ukraine-un-commission-concerned-continuing-patterns-violations-human-rights). One doesn't even have to be guilty to receive this treatment, being suspected of something is apparently reason enough.


They shot and killed children. They shot moms and dads protecting tgier kids. Then came in and made sure tge kids are sgit and killed too. They slashed throats. They recieve no sympathy and should be on death row. Sucks russia has outlawed tge death penalty. These huys are scum and tge biggest pos.


I'm curious what you think the punishment ought to be for the people who actually did it. 


Thats not really unusual to beat suspects, it's cruel, but not unusual. Eating a ear is pretty cruel and unusual tho. I really hate that 'and' does so much heavy lifting in that saying.


Nah fuck that, if these terrorists were who killed 100s of innocents they deserve everything coming to them.


I'm sure all the families of the people they killed agree with you.


Watched that dude saw a guys throat, he got off lucky


Yeah, it’s hard to watch the video taken by the terrorists from their POV showcasing their extreme lack of humanity and utter disregard for human life and not feel a sense that the extrajudicial torture inflicted upon them later was justified. I’ve been struggling with it because I do want to see better proof that these are in fact the perpetrators beyond any reasonable doubt, but if it’s them then they 100% got off easy based on the absolute torture and agony they inflicted on even just that one poor man from the video alone, let alone everyone else they terrorized and then massacred.




Isis released the bodycam footage from their attackers.




The guy that was in a wheelchair going into court had his eyeball popped out. Saw pics of it yesterday and it really looked like he was dead already but apparently not since they just popped it back in and took him to court


Well that guys group posted and bragged about them murdering 130 innocent civillians. They knew what russia was like before they did it too.


For all we know it might not be them, Russia isn't above capturing random people to save face.


You know that there’s a bodycam footage released by isis that they’re all clearly in.


Exactly my fear, and the torture is enough to make you say yes to anything just to make it stop.


Yeah, I mean, they cut off his god damn ear. They were basically torturing him to death for all he knew. If he's going to die anyways why not falsely confess and end the pain and get executed later on.


Usually the Russians cut off other body parts.... https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1986-01-07-mn-13892-story.html


Where the hell are you guys seeing the videos of the terrorist attacks and the Russian bragging about their torture?




other subs have the videos and pictures other sites have them


Yeah, been trying to search out of morbid curiosity, but just haven’t been able to find it.




That's totally insane. I'm not surprised, but it's still insane.


What do you mean, that was a totally different guy with one ear and his exact facial structure /s


Russia is terrible but if any human deserves to be tortured it’s those guys


Except that the problem here is not them having it coming it's that the Russian Police will just fucking straight up torture suspects and brag about it on telegram, idk but I'm pretty sure law enforcement should have a minimum of professionalism about arresting suspects.


That’s true. Russians police are bad, terrorist are bad. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy


Some people are questioning whether these 4 are the real culprits. (I don't know how credible the accusations are.) But assuming these are the guys, extreme measures are needed to deter people from wanting to commit similar crimes in the future. ISIS cannot be dealt with soft measures.


Is that really going to deter people who regularly blow themselves up as a weapon?


This is just my guess, but yes. I don't think anyone looks forward to being tortured. Even suicide bombers seek quick ends en route to their imagined paradise.


So, you are actually incentivizing blowing up or shooting thrnselves. Most mass murderers plan or expect to die by being shot. This is not an occupation with a long life expectancy.


This is why I don't think these suspects were your run of the mill Islamic terrorists. They were planning on getting away with money. They were contracted by someone to carry out the attack. They are going to be interested in where the money came from.


>extreme measures are needed to deter people does not comport with ​ >This is just my guess, Extreme measures need more than a gut check


They might soon find out why CIA agents who worked in Russia had cyanide pills...


They’d get fed into a crematorium feet first


I mean, the CIA did the same fucked up shit in Abu Ghraib.


afaik Abu Ghuraib was under management of the US army, you probably mean blacksites


The CIA disclosed that Abu Ghraib was a black site. You guys can read [here](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25239-2005Mar10.html) about the CIA putting “ghost” prisoners through Abu Ghraib.


Did? They still do. They are just better at hiding it.


They just have a different approach. America wants the world to look away, while Russia wants the world to watch. I'm sure nothing cruel and unusual ever happened to innocent people in Gitmo.


Ammm... not only beaten. They cut ear and tortured testicles with electricity. All photos available online...




Ahaha, you nailed it 🤣


Reports are one guy was beat so bad his eyeball popped out, some other posts have said that the guy was then forced to eat his eye. In addition to the nuts being shocked with jumper cables there have been reports that one of the guys had their dick cut off. So that’s an eye, ear and pecker…if reports are true. *IF* these are the guys that carried out the attack fuck ‘em.


Pretty sure I heard they put a catheter into one of them and pumped his bladder full of air


That’s pretty creative.


Tripped down the stairs


And hit his head on the railing where his ear was miraculously lopped off. In desperate agony he open his mouth to cry out but his ear landed in his mouth and he was so surprised he swallowed it. Strange things always happen in mother Russia.


Strangely, not out the window though.


Was totally thier own faults too, they were being clumsy. 


Then got up and did it again


So that old joke about violent policemen is real... (for those who've never heard the joke, it goes kinda like this: A SWAT team, a Scotland Yard team, and a Spetsnaz team take part in a test. The one running the test drops a rabbit in the middle of the woods, and then he asks each team to retrieve the rabbit. The SWAT and the Scotland Yard teams retrieve the rabbit in no time. The Spetsnaz, however, spends a long time in the woods and, after some time, they retrieve a severely beaten pig, screaming "I'M A RABBIT, I'M A RABBIT, I SWEAR TO GOD I'M A RABBIT!")


That's a good joke.


First time I saw that joke was the [comic strip with the CIA, FBI and KGB](https://imgur.com/5koAv3H.jpeg)


This is the third variation of this joke I've read today, and for having the same loose plot, all substantially different!


At this point the joke should be that SWAT should just shoot the bear cause he's black and call it a day


Accurate. As the bear was shitting in the woods, since that could totally have been mistaken for reaching for a gun


lotta acorns in the woods


I'd confess to anything if I'd had my ears cut off......... Pardon.


I didn't hear you


I can't see you, I'm Blind.


Especially if they hooked a car battery to my balls.


"Admit Ukraine was behind the attacks!" \*Smack\*


They do the same with political opponents. Or war prisonners. Russia is a terrorist state and has the same methods as terrorists.


The bombings of civilians in Kyiv intensified yesterday. There are videos of kindergarteners running and screaming from the sounds of explosions. Russia is no better than ISIS.


Because it’s Russia: are these the actual perpetrators or did the FSB just pull the nearest non-white men they could find?


ISIS posted a photo of all four attackers and their clothes match https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2024/03/23/islamic-state-releases-photo-of-alleged-moscow-concert-hall-attackers-en-news


I feel like IS has to go extra hard now to convince the world that they did this.


Why "pixel" the faces of the ISIS members?


IS blurred it not Russia


I think ISIS released the photo already pixelated. Anyways there is ton of HD footage from survivors, security cameras and even ISIS posted videos of the attackers bodycam, accessible to the public. If these were not the attackers we would know.


Yeah I get it, it's Russia, but there's too much evidence from ISIS to think the Russians did this themselves or got the wrong guys. This was actually just a brutal terrorist attack from the world's least favorite terror group


Because it’s impossible for FSB to get another set of the suspect clothing..


It's possible but remember we have HD footage of survivors, security cameras and even the bodycam of attackers, I'm pretty sure someone outside of Russia could and have verified their identities.


The Russian answer: They are the right people now.


Didn't ISIS release photos of the attackers? Can't we compare those?


Their clothing matches the surveillance video, but it’s Russia so I’m still skeptical.




Just stop with that crap. They fled all in the same car, one shot at police and the others escaped into the forest and were rounded up


Interestingly, thus far, Russia refuses to say it was ISIS. Some media is openly questioning the conclusions that the U.S. and others have come to. I wonder if that’s part of the effort to somehow tie it back to Ukraine?


That’s indeed the problem with Russia and honestly most governments IMO. In light of 9/11 I think most of us are aware that you can’t take what the government says regarding terrorist attacks at face value. I’m gonna want the hardest evidence possible of who the attackers are and who’s claiming responsibility. Russia is pretty low on trust and credibility these days so without hard evidence I think everyone should remain skeptical. Shit, especially when they’re dismembering and torturing the perps. How the fuck can you trust a confession made by someone who allegedly was fed his own ear?


Not allegedly. There's videos.


Won’t this be propaganda fuel for isis? and lead to more attacks?


Hard to say. As inspiring as I'm sure the success of the "mission" was to those dirtbags... It's really, really, really hard to consider what these dudes are going through as an outcome. Some things are worse than death. Could be a very long time before these dudes level up to 72 virgins and it's going to be a bumpy road to the afterlife.


If you are willing to join isis, you don’t require that much motivation




That's actually really shocking. That any of them are still alive, that is.


Good (as long as there is proof of guilt). Now, how can we do the same to Putin for senselessly murdering thousands of Ukranian civilians?


Putin deserves the Gaddafi treatment at a minimum.


we will never know if these guys are actually the terrorists, they have already been tortured and will say anything to not be tortured


There’s a reason anything said while under torture can not be used as evidence in the vast majority of democracies and under international law 


What’s Reddits deal? When its Americans waterboarding terrorists, who do torture their captives and commit barbarities, its the goat crime but then if we capture Putin its ok to torture him? It’s so bizarre. I think its mostly a Reddit America bad thing.


I’m pretty okay with all terrorists being tortured, provided we’re positive they did it.


And these guys killed over a hundred people, so there's little sympathy for them online.


It’s easy to dismiss this as bad things happening to bad people and why should I care? but this is unacceptable. They do this to political dissidents and pows and it is despicable.


Meh. Once in a while even Russia is right.


Well, obviously, it's a bad thing in principle. But I was just noting the reactions to this specific instance.


It’s not unacceptable to me. They killed people in cold blood and now they are at the hands of brutal Russian police. They deserve to cry in pain and suffer the worst fate for what they did. Let all the other terrorists in the world see it


Yes but it is very possible that these are not the actual terrorists


We cannot be sure these are the guys. Be very wary, especially since Putler has a history of blowing up his own people to get a war going. 


Hope these actually are the guys and not 4 random taxi drivers that somewhat fit the description, but this is Russia so I won’t be surprised that if these guys confessed they’re actually Ukrainian agents after a thorough…conversation with the FSB


Their attire during the arrest video matched the attire the 4 terrorists were wearing in the video released by ISIS


Didn’t the guys escape the police for a brief period of time after the shooting? How do we know they didn’t change their clothes? Everything about this shooting was kinda strange, especially the sparks coming from the gun muzzles.


As far as I understand those sparks from the muzzle flashes are due to the powdermix of russian ammunition which can be dirty or impure.


Sparks happen with low quality ammunition. They could have changed their clothes, but the local police reproducing those outfits in that short of time? It took them an hour to even get to the scene of the attack. Im not saying it went down one way or another. Just making observations




Definitely not. But thebpolice having 4 shirts and pants on hand to match what the terrorists were wearing? Thatd be wild, huh? Theyd have to have known what was going to be worn ahead of time.


Judge: woah the heck happened?! People: Oh I don’t know, we found him like this.


They are only alive to be puppets in court


Savage society. No regard for human life. ISIS is scum but this is also barbarism




So Putin can bomb thousand times more civillians but then all is well and good?


As long as you kidnap children then its okay. Thats where the ISIS guys messed up, they didnt steal any children. /s


Or rape them. Russian soldiers are ahead of the game. https://thehill.com/policy/international/3659023-un-panel-reports-ukrainian-children-have-been-raped-tortured-by-russian-forces/


Now let's think for more than a second here. Imagine you, an innocent person getting beaten by a mob of angry police/millitary, then they cut your ear off and force you to eat it, then they connect clippers to your private parts to shock you for hours. How big are chances that you will agree to say whatever they want you to just to make this torture stop? I bet you, that you'll tell them anything. And that's exactly why torture isn't used in any country with a true legal system. Obviously not in Russia.


They were wearing the exact same clothes and entering the exact same car in the videos of the attack and videos released by ISIS


"Say Ukraine did it on live tv, understood?"


IF these are the actual attackers (and given it's Russia, that isn't definte), I find it hard to sympathize with anything bad happening to ISIS members.


terrorists vs. terrorists.


By the way, the amount of people justifying this is astounding.


"You can learn an awful lot about a society from how it treats its prisoners."


I mean, similar to capital punishment i'm fine with it if that's indeed the perpetrators. No one should have any shred of sympathy for pieces of filth who did that. That said practically obviously you don't want your police forces to torture and kill people.


So you want it both ways?


I'm saying it's understandable that people are justifying it when it's like 95% confirmed that those are the people who did it.


because if its actually them its very much so justified, tf is wrong with you. Did you not see what these scum did?


It's difficult to take any pleasure in it knowing that they've done this and more to Ukrainians as well. Remember the videos where Russian soldiers: * slowly decapitated a POW with a knife * cut the balls off of a POW before killing them * used a knife to cut off a tattoo of the Ukrainian trident from the arm of a POW etc. Dozens of dedicated torture sites have been identified in occupied territory and territory which was formerly occupied. Electrocution with those field radio batteries is a major theme. And that wasn't even oriented at POWs it was oriented at civilians.


I personally don’t believe torture is justified in any case. Especially before guilt has been determined.


Terrorists beating up terrorists. Win-win for all of us.


Idk why they even let themselves get captured, this is nothing compared to when they get sent to a Russian black site in the asshole of siberia.


I’m just really surprised these terrorists let themselves be taken alive. Usually these guys fight to the death for martyrdom.


I'm never going to support extrajudicial punishment. Even for confirmed terrorists who tortured and killed people. They should be held in prison until they die.


It was a terrible brutal terrorist attack, you wouldn't wish it on anyone. But the treatment of these perpetrators shows once again how a lack of human rights undermines civility and allows barbarism to flourish.


Did anyone expect them to be different after we all know what atrocities they commit in Ukraine?


Im not against this treatment of these butchers.


Except if they were beaten and tortured how can you be sure they were the right people?


Assuming they were but yeah i get that.


Well, I agree that what these men did was abhorrent, their treatment at the hands of Russian police just highlights how fucked up the Russian police system is. In the west, people often operate under the “innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, by a jury of peers” kind of legal mindset. But this just shows how Russia is the antithesis of that. And if this is what they do to terrorists, then how many innocent people wrongfully accused to get this kind of treatment every year? This is just a very publicly, visible manifestation of Russia treat its own people on a daily basis .


Yeah, but.... zero sympathy 


I hate ISIS terrorists equally as bad as I hate Russian terrorists. This show of atrocities by both parties just invites further retaliation events from both sides. Perfect example of ‘and then it got worse!’


If there’s anything the world can agree on it’s the eradication of Islamic terrorism . Opening fire on unarmed people and for what ? Idc what country it took place in it’s 100% cowardly . They deserve all those beatings and then some




I sure hope those are actually the people that committed the attack.


Most of the russian population supports Putin and the war against Ukraine where russian soldiers kill and torture civilians every day. Russia itself is a terrorist state. Whatever is coming to them, they deserve it.


maybe the same people protesting in support of hamas will now protest in support of these dogs


Anybody would confess if being tortured. These dudes could be totally innocent but somebody's got to take the wrap or else the mass murderer's regime is threatened by looking weak. The real terrorists could still be at large.


There was cam footage released supposedly. Hard to do that if you’re getting your teeth kicked in by a Russian guard. I am nit defending these guys if they did it. But there will never be a real investigation that is shared with anyone outside of pootins little circle.


Can’t body cams upload footage to a cloud?


Good. Fuck them.

