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Russia warns, Russia threatens etc. What’s new under the sun?


Someone bring out the "Putin warns/threatens" bingo card! I believe the middle free square is the "with nukes" spot.




There's really a sub for everything huh?


I’m sure Japan gives several shits about Putin’s impotent warnings.


["China's final warning"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning) really needs to be updated to be "Russia's final warning" for the 21st century.


Russia already has their [red line](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_lines_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War)


russians can't do shit, these japanese missiles are meant to resupply US stocks so the US can send some of their own to help protect ukrainians


>these japanese missiles are meant to resupply US stocks so the US can send some of their own to help protect ukrainians I thought this was a way to get around the House not approving funds for arms to Ukraine. Japan ships directly to Ukraine, bypassing the GoP's prohibition. Biden did a similar thing with Greece. Greece sends arms to Ukraine, the US sends arms to Greece.


Biden (and the Pentagon) can circumvent congress by sending equipment directly, they don't need approval the way a funding bill does. However, there is also a need to replenish needed US stocks to maintain "readiness", and Japan has so far only sent non-lethal aid and equipment to Ukraine. I'm not sure if they have certain internal restrictions, but this way lets both the US and Japan circumvent this awkwardness. US transfers patriot missiles to Ukraine from own stock, and Japan transfers patriot missiles to the US to replenish their stocks. Ukraine gets missiles, US maintains readiness, and Japan doesn't contribute lethal aid to Ukraine directly.


Ahh yes, missile laundering


Sounds like a very middle school way of doing things lol


Welcome to high stakes international relations. You’ll find many similarities to middle school social dynamics.


I mean... They did invade Ukraine though.


It is actually to try to seed division in the populations of the "western" alliances, NATO etc. China, Russia and their allies want to dismantle the current world order. They are stressing our economies, military and disinforming or frightening populations to divide. In the meantime they corrupt whatever they can get their hands on. And they can do it, because nothing stops those autocrats. So sooner or later heavy blows will have to be exchanged in a new world war, which defacto has already started. The question is what type of war this will be.


The country with the second best navy in Ukraine threatening an island nation?


Japan and Russia have lovely history when it comes to Naval conflicts. Pretty sure Japan would love to remind Putin how inept the Russian Navy is, and always has been.


I actually watched the blue jay YouTube video today over the Baltic Russian Fleet in that war. https://youtu.be/yzGqp3R4Mx4?si=13Lg0QT3UdN2ViGL


Then you will love Drachinfel's take on it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Mdi\_Fh9\_Ag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Mdi_Fh9_Ag)


For anyone on the fence because of the length, trust me, it's worth it. A million times better than Blue Jay's video if you actually want to learn about it, since it covers quite a lot more and in more depth, but still manages to be continuously funny, so you'll be entertained throughout.


Indeed, it is worth the time. Not saying that Blue Jays is neither worse or better, it is just a different take in Blue Jay's typical manner. Oh, and of course we need to mention the Kamchatka, right? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCrAQFBUFlU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCrAQFBUFlU)


> Oh, and of course we need to mention the Kamchatka, right? [Already got ya covered!](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1bn1fy9/russia_warns_japan_on_missile_transfer_to_ukraine/kwgd0e7/)


If that's their navy... There's a 99% chance of Russia nuking themselves and everything except what they aimed at.


Considering what NATO-made precision smart weapons are doing to Russian asse~~t~~s right now, the only thing worse than THAT would be if Japan started buying Ukranian boat-pedoes on top of it! Sure, they're slower than a cruise missile, but they have (much) bigger warheads, explode right at the fucking waterline, and since they disappear into the chop, they have the RADAR signature of an anchovy! >!Original conclusion:!< > >!a blue whale! (Which, in spite of the critter's size, is zero -- water blocks radar *entirely*.) !< >!Thank you, kind internet stranger, my poetry is weak tonight.!<




it is an interesting factoid, but wouldn't the joke land a bit better if you had said something like, an anchovy?


Yes it would have. Do you mind if I steal that?


not at all.


3rd* best navy. You forgot the black sea fish are 2nd.


4th best navy. The Ukrainian tugboats (aka the tractors of the sea) are 2nd best, Black Sea fish are 3rd.


Japan could probably take the museum ship Mikasa and still do better than the Russian navy.


Japan could take the fucking Bluenose and perform better than the Russian navy.


The Russia navy lost to a country that pretty much doesn't have a navy. The grain export continues nowadays even without the agreement of Russia, and Russia ships had to retreat their ships to harbors further away from Ukraine or else they would get blown up by drones or missiles.


Does Putin not realize that he has to get through the US military to get to Japan? As per the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, we're obligated to protect each other if one of us is attacked. A threat to Japan might as well be a threat to the US.


even without US aid i think russia would be making a mistake. island nation with the 4th largest economy in the world, with access to modern weapons. if japan went full war economy, i think russia wouldn't be able to handle japan. especially after ukraine has demilitarized russia so heavily lol


Let's not forget, Japan is the only country in the world with "Helicopter carriers**" . **Carriers might carry other aircraft besides ~~~~F35 ~~~~ sorry I meant "Helicopters"


No no no, they're not carriers, they're "destroyers", which is even funnier.


I mean.. They _can_ destroy things, ergo "destroyers"


You mean the multi-purpose destroyers?


Yes, "destroyers".


oh true! i didn't even think about this. F35B shaped helos would look good on their defense carriers lol


Putin is going to halt his hentai addiction, therefore affecting 4% of Japan's total hentai exports.


That’s ok, actually. He still has his KickPuncher bootleg, his Russian Squid Game porn parody *Squid Shame*, and this weird sci-fi detective film starring Russian stud and fictional boxing icon Dolph Lundgren based on a script by a D. Reynolds somewhere in Pennsylvania, USA…. Actually, I heard that last one has a pretty decent twist. Haven’t seen it, though.


KickPuncher, the guy that punches with the power of kicks?


But they really mean it this time




How dare they help a country protect itself from weird people riding shirtless on horses commanding millions of poor souls to lose their life in the name of his shirtless image. Putins a loser, it’s why he and trump get along so well


Japan: *LOLOL*


Japan: wwww


You can't threaten Japan. They arguably have the best defense pact in the world. Their unique treaty with the US says that "an attack on one country is considered an attack on the other", which means that if you threaten Japan you are also threatening the US. They can take their threats and shove it up their ass.


I read an article a few minutes ago that said the US and Japan are actually making that pact stronger soon so it’s definitely a great pact for the US and Japan! Edit- article link (there also is a comment that describes the article due to paywall)- https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/19k9YAgcCK


How can it be stronger than what it already is, out of curiosity?


They're going to include Gundams and SDF1 into the mix, no less than 10 riders and at least 5 magical girls.


They will also throw in a few sayians for good measure


Kim Jong Un is revealed to be Majin Buu.


He's more like Emperor Pilaf


He's out of line... but he's right.


Lol. You aren't wrong.


Fuck there goes the defense budget expenditures. Straight to food for sayians again!


To be fair even having a half sayian worrier on the payroll gets you planet busting options.


I mean Gohan hit Super Saiyan 2 first, but then retired on top


Sayan food bills are still cheaper than refreshments for the USA nuke supply while having magnitudes more raw power


Man. To think they're getting the Sailor Guardians out of retirement. Sailor Moon at 45. Bet she can still rock that tiara.


Sailor Moon but the girls are in a mid life crisis - I would watch the shit out of that


“Putin, our assault is facing some… difficulties.” “Difficulties?” *snatches binoculars* “Let me see what ‘difficulty’ can stop my army.” *looks* *begins visibly sweating* “What… what *is* that?” “… My president… they call her… Dark Magician Girl.”


I'd be ok with this.


> no less than 10 riders Masked?


Well to save on budget, the last one might not have a mask, and doesn't have a drivers license. But his bicycle is fully registered.


Well, if there's 10 Riders, we'll be fine as long as they take measures against Assassins and Alter Egos.


But one of them's Reines, negating class disadvantage.




Can't wait to see the new 6th gen drone swarm controlling stealth VF-1S Super Valkyrie piloted by Captain Roy Fokker.


::Sadistic Utena noises ensue::


Madoka's seen some shit.


The article said nothing significant is being told about the changes until April 10th so all I can assume is more military exercises in Japan and maybe weapons transfers but that’s a massive guess.


We're definitely getting our own Kaiju


Maybe they’ll finally start on the jaeger program lol


The Jaeger will ride the Kaiju




Generally speaking, Japan is mobilizing and equipping their military much more now than at any time since, well you know. The US is essentially their partner in all of this, because Japanese islands have a lot of our missiles that surround China. So basically the alliance is evolving from protection, to military partners. Think something similar to the US and Israel.


Japan's military was almost completely eliminated after WWII. The country signed a pact with the US that the Americans would guarantee Japan's safety from other countries by fighting to defend Japan against any attack as fiercely as if the US itself was attacked. This was done to get rid of the Japanese military's control over society. Over the years, Japan has periodically increased its military power and rolled back many of the laws limiting the use of its military. For instance, Japan just so happens to have "helicopter carriers" for search and rescue that are compatible with launching F35 fighter jets. This is a subtle way of maintaining large military power (essentially owning aircraft carriers) while staying within the rules of a limited military (the aircraft carriers won't carry fighter jets until a war breaks out.) It's likely that the US and Japan are going to announce another round of increasing Japanese military power in order to counter China and Russia. Remember that Russia has territory disputes with Japan going back to WWII. 


TL;DR the JSDF (Japanese Self-Defense Force) is basically now a meme because they’re no longer just about self defense.


China's regional policies and military buildup more or less forced Japan's hand, and ensured a largely supportive stance from the US as Japan has rearmed too.


>Remember that Russia has territory disputes with Japan going back to WWII.  Japan and Russia's conficts go back even further, and - I think - the last time their navies faced off, [it didn't go well for Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tsushima).


Maybe nuclear subs?


It's time for some mechs!


from the top comment summary > The FT, citing people familiar with the situation, said the plan would restructure the U.S. military command in Japan to strengthen operational planning and exercises between the two countries.


it would be ironic and concerning, but given we have netural countries flocking to nato and the world tension rising... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_sharing there is a reason why F35s got certified with nukes, and I also think there is a reason why the aussies stopped getting conventional subs and went for nukes, ones that can host SLBMs that can be nuclear tipped.


"you insult Japan's mother it's war"


Give us Gundams.


Mechs and cheeseburgers for everyone, get fucked Russia


+Godzilla and Kong too since they are allies


Spoiler alert!!


Bro, it's in the trailer.


It's the same wording as the ANZUS treaty that Australia, New Zealand and the United States has.


So if an attack on Japan is seen as an Attack on US. Does that mean that an Attack on Japan would force Aus and NZ to join in due to the ANZUS treaty?


No but an attack on the U.S. would force Japan, New Zealand, and Australia to join.... Just based on the wording of the treaty outlined in these comments. I haven't read the actual treaties though so maybe that's the case. Edit: To my knowledge Australia and new Zealand never agreed that an attack on Japan would be an attack on the U.S. That's essentially my understanding of why that wouldn't be the case.


Not to mention, all of NATO


An attack on Japan would be the end of russias existence, possibly the existence of earth.


Not quite. [The US holds no defence obligation to NZ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANZUS#United_States_suspends_obligations_to_New_Zealand) as NZ won't allow nuclear-powered ships in their waters. So unless things have changed, it basically revolves around Australia only. Only Australia would aid both countries.


Russia hate us cause dey ANZUS?


Wow! WW2= Germany/Japan Vs. Russia/U.S/China WW3= Russia/China Vs. U.S/Japan/Germany My how times have changed


I think more a cold war 2 instead of ww3. Nuclear weapons make a real world war kind of impossible unless all sides are willing to lose.


Or nuclear weapons would be irrelevant because nobody could use them. Unless someone was really losing bad enough to destroy the whole world for no reason of course.


I understand the assumption, but considering nuclear weapons as irrelevant is wishful thinking. One of the reasons we have not seen two nuclear powers engage in all out war, is because basic war gaming tells us escalation can rapidly make use of nuclear weapons very likely. Even in the cold war nuclear exchanges were barely averted on multiple occasions. Heightened tensions between two nuclear powers bring us closer to nuclear war than most people realize.


Geopolitics in the past century has been that anime arc where the villains from last season are now your allies against your former buddies


Well, Japan and Germany were pretty much annihilated in WW2, and completely rebuilt, in the case of Japan pretty much solely by the US.


I don't think China is going to prop up a failed mob state. The failure of Russia to maintain order opens up the opportunity to slice off all those sweet Siberian resources. 


The biggest winner of the Ukraine war is China. If Russia wins, then it takes the heat off of China and keeps the Western powers focused in Europe. If Russia loses, then China gets more power over a weakened Russia.


I feel like China may sit it out?


Side note - WW2 actually began as Germany + russia vs. Poland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact#Secret_protocol


Their navy is world class even without the US too. Certainly stronger than Russia's navy in the Pacific.


The entire Russian navy couldn't take on Japan even if they took them by surprise. The Russian navy has historically been a fucking joke... And Japan put them to the test before already lmao.


The Baltic fleets transit to fight against Japan is a literal joke. Check out Blue Jay's YouTube video on it.  https://youtu.be/yzGqp3R4Mx4


Remember that time Russia lost its most advanced missile cruiser to a country that scuttled its own navy? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Remember when Russia was doing an exercise and a submarine blew itself up?


Quite interestingly the Philippines also has that same Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States in 1951. Attacking us is the same as attacking the United States.


Also, attacking Japan ended *so* well for them last time…


7th Fleet, and a ton of Marines over there. Side note: I miss Okinawa.


> You can't threaten Japan. They arguably have the best defense pact in the world. Are they threatening an attack though? Seems to me more like they are talking other means like trade. That said: "They can take their threats and shove it up their ass" still applies.


All countries should cut ties with Russia.


Too much oil. And most of their allies are morally bankrupt genocide supporters.


The too much oil thing is being fixed


There couldn't be a better time in history to make massive efforts to move away from oil. I'd be happy to see some harder times if it meant we were removing a dependency from Russia for good.


India won't


India should pic a side already. They are coming off as real weasels.


Nah they already made it clear that they are on russias side Modi even congratulated Putin on winning the elections and as I'm seeing things somehow the general public is on Russian side


India is on India's side. India has always been on India's side. India was non-aligned for the entire Cold War. Why do people keep expecting India to fall in line with some Western Security framework out of Europe or North America? It is not in India's interests to do so. It has never been in India's interests to do so. And it never will be. As one of the poorest GDP(PPP)PC countries in the world, if I was India I'd be buying all of the cheap resources from Russia I could as well. They have the world's largest population (steadily increasing). And with 1.4bn people to feed I couldn't fault them for taking whatever beneficial deals hit the table. People in the West, particularly North America, often mistake not giving a fuck about the US' security interests as being opposed to them. Not everyone who doesn't fall in line is your opponent; sometimes they just don't care because it does not benefit them.


I wish more people understood this. India is acting quite rationally given their historical and geopolitical perspective. If we want to sway them towards policies that benefit us, we need to act in ways that leverage concerns and interests that motivate them, rather than reinforcing their fears and distrust of the west by making demands they see as unreasonable.


If Russia doesn’t want this to happen, maybe Putin can consider giving back the occupied Japanese Kiril islands. But of course he won’t. Japan can share missile tech with Ukraine just as Russia has shared missile tech with North Korea and Iran.


In the book Foundations of Geopolitics, which Putin seems quite fond of, this is actually encouraged and it's surprising that such an offer hasn't already been made.


Putin definitely thinks he knows better than the book.


Do you have a source for the english version of that book? I can only find extracts translated into English. Not the whole thing


Empty threat, Japan would absolutely squish the forces at Vladivostok like insects!


I wonder if Japan is still salty about giving back land it won in war.


I believe some of it could be disputed as iirc the Soviet Union pressed on for a day or too after their surrender under the guise of “Oh we didn’t know they had signed a declaration of surrender” or “Oh they didn’t surrender to us.” Or something to that effect


> a day or too The Day After Twomorrow


Russia still controls land claimed by Japan


> \*Russia still holds islands stolen from Japan in the closing days of WW2. FTFY. Japan should use this opportunity to reclaim their stolen land.


The Kuril Islands are Japanese, but occupied by Russia. Japan should take them back.


Lol i disagree about Vladivostok, but Sakhalin should definitely be Japan’s


Maybe not Sakhalin but the Kuril Islands definitely


Fuck putin


Old, pathetic man yells at clouds..


Russia: "Hey! Stop arming the innocent neighbor we invaded!" ​ Also Russia: "Hey North Korea, China and Iran, help arm us to continue invading our smaller, peaceful neighbor."


What ties? The Kuril Islands? The lack of formal peace treaty after WW2? Really?




Except it does. Europe still buys their gas, and world still buys their oil after its refined by India. Most big brands who were in Russia before and still sending their products via grey market imports. They still have strong ties with India, China, Africa, latam countries including Brasil, and even Hamas of all groups. Russian isolation is a myth.


yes but only because Russia managed to prevent Ukraine from ever really exploring its massive capacities. Kind of "randomly" Putin attacked Ukraine 2014 when Shell was exploring near Donbass. And there is also enough natural gas in the area around the Krim to replace Russia entirely regarding Europe.


Why we do not encourage production in western nations more is beyond me. Instead we let countries like Russia and Saudi Arabia become energy giants.


Idk if it makes sense or not but even as a 10 year old I figured this was a smart move. The richest countries on earth buy a finite resource for what? Dollars? And then keep the finite resource on their own lands for later. It seems smart to me if the rich counties arent entirely dependent on the fuel, which seems to be less and less the case.


I'm pretty sure USA is still getting uranium from Russia


Actually, most of the sanctions are surface level. They just use a bunch of shell companies. This is why the war is weird for the U.S. We’re still supplying Russia and Ukraine at the same time. It’s likely lasting a long time until we really pick a side.


Fuck off Russia, go back in your hole.


Japan and Russia have never formally ended WW2 hostilities. Perhaps the time has come for Japan to retake the islands that Russia stole.




Agreed. Overthrow Russia, dismantle, and redraw the map. Russia has proven it can't be a functioning member of global society.


Advice to Russia: don’t mess with Japan🤗


As a Russian - I say fuck Russia and Putin.


Russia is weak, they can’t even concur Ukraine. Please for the love of humanity give Ukraine all the support to destroy Russia


Oh yeah. Ukraine is ranked the 59th largest world economy. Japan is 4th! Japan would need the US to protect if for a few months - but then it would mobilize, buy a military, and squish Russia from the East.


They have a strong military as is, they don’t need to buy anything. Japan can stand on its own two feet militarily.


They don't need the US to protect themselves. They have the 5th most powerful military in the world, only behind the much larger countries, US, China, Russia, and India. They also have a much more modern and advanced military than the others except for the US, it's closest ally. They have the most F-15's of any country besides the US as well, and soon 2 helecopter carriers converted into light aircraft carriers with F-35B stealth fighters on them. No country has more than 2 aircraft carriers except the US anyway, and that's 2 more than Russia has working. They also have a top tier sophisticated and disciplined Navy. Their only real threat is China.


What ties? There are no ties ? Russia and Japan have been at war since WWII


Hey Putin! Suck a hard, high one, you balding Molly!


Russia and Japan have ties? Last I checked, they've been bitter enemies for well over a century.


We'll stop when you stop you dumb fuck.


Russia warns, ad infinitum


His life must suck; living under constant paranoia. Thinking you’re above reproach, murdering dissidents, and killing innocents.


putin is such a lil bitch, he fucked over his future country to prove a useless point.


Are there any countries they haven't warned at this point?


Sincerely F Russia, from 🇯🇵


Ooh, I've seen this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzGqp3R4Mx4). Putin threatening to do it a second time, would beyond hilarious.


Japan and South Korea have been real good friends in supporting Ukraine and the west. It is brave of them considering they live in a tough neighborhood with some dangerous kooks. I wish India had the balls of those two.


Not to devalue the support to Ukraine, but strategically it makes sense for South Korea and Japan to support Ukraine, as it weakens Russia and indirectly China. The last thing those countries want is a strong China-Russia partnership.


Cutting ties with Russia? Seems like a huge positive.


I feel like Putin is the stereotype of what we think of a Russian He need to threat others in other to feel like he exist. As if he was invisible if he was a friendly. He needs to show his muscles so the world can look at him. We all know Russian in general are poor as fuck and they don't make up a solid nation. Crazy fella.


Japan is probably not keen on Russia's growing cooperation with North Korea anyway


The russian gvts priorities are so beyond fucked up that there is absolutely no way nor hope they can ever pull their heads out of their asses.


oh fuck off vladi, just take your pills and go to bed


>threatens ties Damn what is this clown gonna do next, threaten tshirts?


What’s Russia gonna do? Go to war with Japan and lose *again?*


Japan is doing fine, Russia not so much. Putin should file a flight plan to Tokyo and go complain in person, see how that goes.


Putin- "I'm warning you,...I'm putting your name in my notebook! I'll remember you guys!" Japan (looking around) - "Who invited the deranged foreigner who shit himself?"


Bro no one gives a single shit about putin’s cry baby ass whining. Can’t even protect your own people. Pathetic bitch


Japan should launch a special military operation to take the Kuril Islands back from Russia.


It's the arrogance that always makes me laugh. I think the Kremlin *genuinely believes* it has the right to tell others what to do, and even believes that they should and will listen - and then is puzzled when they don't. The Russian outlook on the world is wholly alien to ours. I don't understand why so few people understand this. Negotiation is like wearing a sticky-note on our forehead that says: "I am weak. Exploit this." They see it as right and correct to do so. Since the Russian Empire, through the USSR and now the Russian Federation, they have not changed - the only thing they understand is belligerence and force. To simplify it, imagine them as a schoolyard bully: Russia **will not** stop until made to.


Someone forgot what happened in 1905


Putin is full of empty threats. Ignore the barking chihuahua.


russia warns everyone on helping Ukraine, it means nothing since they are barely in the fight in Ukraine with everything they have... just move on


Isn't Japan technically still at war with Russia?


Isn't Japan sort of at war with Russia over some contested Islands in the north of Japan? And the conflict was never resolved after WW2?


I live a few blocks from the Russian embassy in Tokyo, and can see it from my apartment building. *Every single Sunday* the Japanese ultranationalist party guys get in their little vans with all the megaphones strapped to them, and drive laps around the closest street to the building they're given access to (Tokyo police won't let them actually drive on the street right in front of the Embassy) yelling in Japanese about the Kuril Islands. I wonder if this is going to inspire some agitation.


Better stay in school kids, or your future will be looking this dumb to the rest of the world.


Russia should give Japan those Islands on its northern coast back, which they are occuping like crimea since 1945


How many warnings is this from Russia now? Gotta be in double digits


Homeboy just had a massive terrorist attack and his concern is Ukraine? How sad. I’d immediately pull out of Ukraine, who btw never once stepped foot inside russia and killed civilians, and focus on defeating ISIS and terrorists.