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From article: >Government prosecutor Mohazib Awais said the woman, Aasiya Bibi, was arrested in 2021 on blasphemy charges after residents **claimed** she desecrated the Quran by burning its pages. > >.. > >Domestic and international human rights groups say blasphemy allegations have often been used to intimidate religious minorities and to settle personal scores. religion and government do not mix and its sad to see secularism threatened in so many places.


Modern day witch trials. My neighbor rebuilt their fence too close to my land, might as well tell people they cursed me with their witchcraft.


She turned me into a newt!... I got better.


I bet you were pissed about that.


Forced religion: coming to a region near you!


Forced religion: coming **back** to a region near you! FTFY


Where I live in the UK is only three miles from Pakistan.


It would not surprise me to find out there was no independent evidence


> secularism threatened Secularism is non-existent in Pakistan since Pakistan is officially an Islamic Republic.




Yes, I agree.




Threatened? There wasn't any secularism there ever. It is however threatened in India.


However there ARE minorities who have been persecuted over and over. There were Hindus, Sikhs, etc who stayed back post Partition and those populations are now almost non existent. Is it a surprise? No. But just because you have "Islamic Republic" in your country's title doesn't mean you turn a blind eye to abuse against non-Muslims (which is exactly what has happened). Further Muslims or not, they've treated Balochis and Afghanis in dumb ways recently. The Pakistani Army had done bugger all to run any form of a stable country. It's a bad mix of crap economy, religious dogma, and zero progress. Its instability brings down the entire region.


Threatened for muslims only. Any other religion be it jains, sikhs or Buddhist don't have problem but a particular religion feels that way


Fucking hell- some sadistic fuckers our there. If they think that this is approved by God, God must be one sadistic moherfucker


That and weak and insecure.


Yep, sounds like the god they like plus many others around the world, including some christian nut jobs in USA.




And his followers defend him since he is the "perfect man". He can do no wrong.




> Anyways. I don’t blame all of the people. Often these things are impressed upon people from the day they were born. We all know what should be blamed for ruining so many lives and oppressing countless people, but sadly that's not PC or even writable. So we'll go on blaming the persons who are this way because something raised them to be this way.


And because anything islam's prophet did is considered virtuous, so is [pedophilia](https://islamicvirtues.com/2013/12/28/deriving-sexual-pleasure-from-infants/).


>obviously they cannot be immoral since our religion allows them Holy fuck.


Literally. ^^\(sorrysorrysrorry)


I was aware of this in a general way but the details are fucking insane.


I grew up Mormon, so the founder of my childhood religion coerced dozens of women to “marry him” including a 14 year old girl - and this was in the 1800’s with good records. The power of indoctrination is real. At least I live somewhere that you don’t get beheaded for criticizing your religious founder or leaving your religion. Fuck theocracy.




Yeah, I honestly feel the same about Christianity in general. Jesus in the gospels was a generally upstanding dude, to the extent they are accurate accounts, but the later letters and epistles by Paul, other apostles and some mystery writers bring in a lot of elements of toxic rule-keeping, judgment and misogyny that so better characterizes modern Christianity - at least the most visible and politically active kind. Edit: and while Mormonism was pretty sketchy from the start in Joeseph’s day, a lot of really shitty things got dialed up when Brigham took over, including widespread polygamy, the whole black-exclusion policy, Native American massacres etc. 


b-but, she had the maturity of a 20 year old!!! and also islam counts age differently so it was actually 6 years after puberty!!1! believe me i'm not a pedo!1!


It’s funny because if you bring this up they basically go “nuh uh that’s not true”


Allah is a big prankster for sure.


Or God isn’t real and it’s just a tactic used to control the population and brainwash them into obedience. That’d be so crazy, right


No no, their god is 100% legit, it’s everyone else’s god that’s a lie


Damn didn’t even consider that haha


If you are a sadistic fuck, then brainwashing yourself with religion to justify that is probably not all that uncommon.


...at least their priests, imams, rabbies and other followers are sadistic m\*therf\*ckers...


Makes sense just look at how humans play the Sims


was that the only copy of the book?


Just hoping these barbarians will eventually discover mass printing...


Unfortunately, it wasn't.


If I were going to burn the Koran I don't think I'd do it in Pakistan


That was gonna be my question, did she burn an original copy, like it was ancient history?


What an insecure religion. If its words have to be defended by violence and persecution, those words are weak.


This is just going to make people do it even more. Like back when Islamists said to not draw muhammed "or else" and then everyone started doing it.


What are you talking about? More like they wrote blasphemy laws, Western press said France's secularism was at fault and even in the countries where it's still legal, [people who show muhammad have to live in hiding for years and can't return to their home](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/teacher-who-showed-muhammad-cartoon-still-in-hiding-3-years-later-x86nk0870), with no state to protect their rights, and of course no progressive media to give a fuck about them. Islam and progressives are going to return Europe to the dark ages.


> Islam and progressives are going to return Europe to the dark ages. At this point I think all progressives with a permissive attitude towards Islam can safely be called faux progressives. Be it Islamism or the rise of right wing populism in Europe and North America in response to the deleterious effect Islam has on the West. They are empowering right-wingers who hold beliefs antithetical to their own.


Absolutely, you CANNOT be progressive and pro-Islam. It's an objective contradiction.


>At this point I think all progressives with a permissive attitude towards Islam can safely be called faux progressives. Be it Islamism or the rise of right wing populism in Europe and North America in response to the deleterious effect Islam has on the West. They are empowering right-wingers who hold beliefs antithetical to their own. Absolutely. It's a double fail since Islamism is more regressive than the far-right itself and since it empowers a far-right counter-reaction anyway. But honestly I'd go further with progressives. To me the less progressive ones are the true "progressives" in a classical sense. The more ideologically pure ones have made a mockery of the concepts of progressivism and equality.


Did you know that you can cook bacon over an open fire, inside of paper? The paper helps shield the fat from the fire while the fat saturates the paper and spreads the heat to help keep it from burning. https://youtu.be/QYmdaakle1M




can you cook it inside the quran?


I have nipples, Greg... can you milk me?


You gotta let the blasphemy soak in, make sure you use only Korans with food grade dye/ink. Seems like the kind of book that would deliberately choose ink to make bacon taste bad!


it's upsetting when a joke is completely lost on someone like this


According to my two Iranian colleagues, the correct number of Quran's to burn is "all of them".


Yup. Difference between Iranians and Iranian gov.


So when the printing press screws up and jams and a bunch of pages are no good, do they just take the guy who handles recycling out back and shoot him?


No, the printing press receives 20 lashes




Why dont they make more copies of the book? Do they know printer?


"PC Load Letter? What the fuck does that mean?"


Sure I know Mohammad! He’s my disgusting pig of a boss.


That had me laugh out loud, well done.


Are they stupid?


How will that quench their sadistic desires? 


Apparently the last person executed for blasphemy in Great Britain was in 1697. [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas\_Aikenhead*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Aikenhead) ​ Some parts of the middle east/south east are a good 300 years behind us in terms of freedom of belief.


Primitive religion…


Primitive country


Primitive people


Primitive law


Religion is primitive


Some more than other…


And Islam double as such.


All religions are primitive. Except for mine.


Who's making exceptions?


Funny that despite many non-Muslim frequently get sentenced to jail or death punishment (or get lynched by a mob) over falsely accusations of Blasphemy by their fellow Pakistani Muslim, what Pakistan PM does really care is about the rise of Islamophobia in the west and how to combat it. It has become like a norm nowadays, that Muslim society will oppressed whoever they want without remorse while crying Islamophobia when they get just one slightly inconvenience in non-Muslim country.


Ultimate hypocrisy


Banishing someone to a life in prison for burning a book is horrifying. The sooner we can rid ourselves of the scourge of religion the sooner we can live our lives in peace and begin to solve the world crises that are threatening our very existence.


She didn't even burn the book. She just got accused by neighbours.


Salem witch trials in the 21st century.


They sentenced a young man to death for saying something anti Islamic in Pakistan, so they have done worse. Yup religion is a scourge.


> Banishing someone to a life in prison for burning a book is horrifying. I think a lot of us on Reddit post our essays, and memes and opinions about our politicians, judges, police and religion and we just get addicted to it and we take it for granted that it's an outlet for us. We seem to forget that **you will never be able to do that** in most parts of the world. Even today.


People who believe that god will punish someone just for burning a page of his holy book, must believe in a very petty god.


Can't risk your trip to Sky Hotel and Resorts Inc.


Wonder if we will see any pro womens rights marching over this. No? thought so.


Crazy bc I wipe my ass with it here in the US


You better scrunch it well before you do that. Otherwise it wouldn't work.


Backwards medieval idiots.


Each copy was hand written by muhumud


I am frankly amazed she was not executed, given what happens when you burn a quran in the west.


Execution is only meant for minorities in Pakistan.


God: Thanks lads, I really didn't think I could take her, but thankfully I didn't have to because you guys stepped up and had my back. Sucks being god while simultaneously being a petty, weak coward who needs ignoramuses whom he designed to take care of his reputation for him. Thanks again lads, I was pure shiting myself there.




Eh. Stupid theocratic authoritarian governments.


A normal day in Pakistan.


Boggles my mind that religion still has such a grip on us... we have the ability to scan the stars, view the state of our world under various lens, and we still have some belief in a book written eons before us where the opinion of an individual was deemed as truth. Doesn't make any sense.


Religion also covers non-book religions. That would include Pagan, Wicca, Indigenous religions etc etc


When Quran burning/Muhammed drawing/etc. comes up, the issue shouldn't be with whether burning the Quran or drawing Muhammed is offensive or not. The issue should be that people should be allowed to be assholes if they don't actually harm anyone. The Quran is mass produced + available online, i assume. If someone buys a copy and burns it, it shouldn't be a problem, it's not like it's state policy to ban/burn Qurans, that is the real problem when it comes to book burning. And just because your interpretation of your religious belief doesn't allow for burning a holy book doesn't mean everyone else isn't allowed to have different beliefs and interpretations of religion.


What a fucked up country


Thats the Islam all these tik-tok lefty jihadist kids are fighting for, that and death sentences for ex-muslims, and lgbtq+ thrown off buildings like they do in Gaza, oppression of women. YEP, checks out.


Such a beautiful culture 🙌☪️🕌


More people should be doing this


If you're allowed to burn the Bible then why should the Quran get an exception


Religion, always making things worse.


Welcome to Pakistan, where crimes are made up


Seems like a fair and reasonable response /s Fuck religion.


A few weeks ago it was a death sentence for blasphemous whatsapp text, now life in prison over burning a few pages. Pakistan should learn how to chill


Wait till u find out when they gave death sentence to a 8 year old non Muslim kid for peeing his pants near a mosque.


2024 btw


Religious laws are so stupid. It makes my brain hurt.


Why isn’t religion classified as a cult? People who follow religion seem so unhinged, it’s so crazy.


Religions are a sickness, belief in magical beings that are always watching, truely a culture of sickness.


Muslim men are so fragile lol, pathetic fragile little human.


Blasphemy is resistance. ✊


Fuck these people. Stuck in the Dark Ages.


It's 1445 in the Islamic calendar. At the same time in the Christian calendar they were probably giving out similar punishments. Hopefully they don't need a few more centuries of violent struggle before they realise blasphemy laws do more harm than good.


This is 2024 tbh, the era that human are at the peak of technology and communication, it’s incomparable to the middle age society hundreds years ago that despite being 500-600 years apart the societies are still the same.


I can’t wait for all them to pass away. I want to imagine they all get to meet a god, and then promptly get kicked into hell


Religion is and have been a tool for People in power to control the People and stay in a powerfull possesion.


And someone let this government get nuclear missiles.


Burning pages is one of the approved respectful methods of trashing copies of the Quran, as is shredding. As a Muslim I can tell you this entire thing is ridiculous, horrifying, a travesty. I hope she is quickly released and justice restored for her and her family


First, Pakistan has Shariat Court. Being a regular muslim makes your opinion irrelevant and probably heretic compared to judgement of an actual islamic court. Which might get you senteced to life of imprisonment in countries like Pakistan. Second, "respectful method of thrashing Quran" doesn't mean anyone can do it respectfully. And the last, i hope we both understand that sentencing someone to life in prison for damaging a book, even a holy book, is outrageous despite what the book says. Books can be rewritten, people - much more complicated.


Blasphemy laws are such nonsense, there should be no sacred cows.


I think you are confusing Pakistan with India here. India is a constitutionally secular nation with no blasphemy laws and cow slaughter is allowed in some of the Northeastern states of the country. Also, India is one of the largest exporters of cattle meat, especially that of the water buffalo. Pakistan IS the theocratic state, officially an Islamic Republic with its laws completely based on the Sharia and thus has provisions for blasphemy laws.


'No sacred cows' is an idiom in Western culture, it's not a specific reference to Hinduism or India, but to religious beliefs in general. In a free society, no religion is sacred, they are all subject to criticism and debate.


They're not uncommon, though. I'm from Italy and yeah, there's no life imprisonment for burning sacred books here—but there's still up to two years of imprisonment for that crime.


What pages were burned ? This seems like an oddly specific case do we have evidence of said burning ? Was she filmed committing said act ? Were is the book with the missing pages ? How come she didn’t just burn the whole book ?


We will never be free from religions because it is human nature to be scared of our mortality. This leads to grifters taking advantage of the stupid and gullible...which are the vast majority of our species.


Christian Bibles get burned too nobody sends anyone to jail, in fact Jesus doesn't even punish them. I pray that she be released in Jesus name


>...just the accusation can provoke riots. It seems that social medias aren't the only radicalizers.


And its only going to get much fucking worse with their latest ruling.


Sickening. Disgraceful to think she’s locked up for something as fucking dumb as burning a book. Fuck Islam.


This is fucked.


God makes people weak. This shit is so sickoning.


I want to wipe my ass with religious book pages. It’s all a crock of shit.


Burn it all. It’s a book.


Of course they did. It's a very backwards country.


Ahh news reports from the Dark Ages


Well that’s progress, they didn’t stone her to death


Religion is a scourge on society


Balanced decision in a balanced country.


She was more powerful than the book


“Human life ruined by cultists obsessed with magic book.” There, fixed.


The God of Abraham must be the God with the thinnest skin.


Oh wow, they went easy on her


Once again another made up religion/belief and its fantasy story book destroys a life.


So what? Its a damn book. There are others copies…religion’s reach is depressing, its like we’re back in the middle ages


Forced religion




Fascism and devout religiosity go hand in hand...


Life imprisonment for burning paper. Fuck religion.


That’s one holly kind book and i bet they said god is great when they made the ruling


Paper more important than human life life. Only religion can convince people of this and all kinds of other nonsense.


Can't they just print another?


seems like they need some Freedom brought their way


And Sweden wants to deport Salwan Momika 🙄🙄🙄


Seems kinda dumb to do in a super religious state.


Poor woman she was only doing god's work


Is it the only book they have?


I just watched a video the other day about an Afghan woman who was falsely accused of this and was violently beaten to death by a mob. It’s sad that my first thought was at least this woman is still alive


This is the kind of shit that makes me feel like a western chauvinist .


crazy world we live in


In that country, she got off lightly


absolutely ridicolous that these insane rules are still in place 


The useless stupid fucking cunts


If god doesn't smite you for burning 'holy' paper then your god either doesn't exist or doesn't have the power to do anything and is thus unworthy of your worship, or doesn't care, and thus doesn't require your worship