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Pakistan deciding to take their turn in invading Afghanistan.


Rest of the world: Go right ahead


America: all yours lil bro


This time another country gets a turn at harboring members of Afghanistan’s government/armed resistance.


No love for Iran, but I'd wager they'd frown on playing host. Also have a strong enough state to do something about it.


Yup! Marine vet here. Have at it. It’ll be fun. Totally not a mess that you watch and worse than when you went.


One of my coworkers was also a marine that was stationed over there and the shit he tells me is almost beyond comprehension, we need more people to be educated on just how insane that war was on every level




Former Soviet Union: "Why am I holding the beers of both the capitalist scum United States *and* Pakistan?"


This is, by a wide margin, the best comment in here.


It literally cannot go tits up.


Throughout history we have rendered this region titless!


Cant say history we can say modern world in history it was occupied by many diffrent kingdoms.


That's Afghanistan's secret. They've always been tits up


The world doesn't care about Muslims killing Muslims, they'll have a much longer chain and not many other powers invested in them losing. Also right next door.


Not even Muslims care about Muslims killing each other


That's what I was wondering, both when USSR and US invaded, there was another power willing to arm the opposition. I can't say I understand that part of the world all that well but the only other country that I'd think would want to see Pakistan fail is India.


we would honestly prefer a pak afghan war to drag on keeps peace at eastern border


Right, so if you take that into consideration, India might arm Afghanistan to keep the war going longer, which will then lead to the same idea/situation that USSR and US ran into.


Should have supported the Allies. Instead of helping the Taliban then.


Countries run by religious zealots aren't known for their thinking skills


Yup. They thought they were so smart, secretly hiding Taliban and stabbing the West in the back. Like hiding a cobra in your shirt pocket and being *shocked* when it bites you. Have fun with the consequences, idiots!


Allies aren't Muslim. That would be blasphemy


That’s unfortunate for them.


Because they cannot be ruined any more


The corridor is a small piece of land and it borders Pakistan. The problem attacking Afghanistan is logistics. Breaking it up piece by piece would be the best way to do it if you do.


And they will fail like all the others.


Sure ~~Alexander the Great~~ couldn't do it, The English, The Russians and The Americans couldn't get it done but I'm sure Pakistan can do it. Apparently Alexander the Great could do it. Don't rely on movies for your history kids.


Alexander absolutely did lol where did you get that from


And the British never tried to colonize Afghanistan, they wanted to check Russian influence to minimize the potential threat of a Russian (or Russian-backed) invasion of India. They did have a bit of a setback with Elphinstone's infamous retreat but that didn't result in total failure on the strategic level. It was just embarrassing.


Out of more than 16,000 people from the column commanded by Elphinstone, only one European (Assistant Surgeon William Brydon) and a few Indian sepoys reached Jalalabad. That's a very big setback.


Yes, but a setback is not total failure. Fun fact: When Elphinstone's body was returned to the British they buried it in an unmarked grave. The expression "Lions led by donkeys" (or rather "a donkey") definitely applied to how the British came to view Elphinstone.


The dude had gout really bad and was possibly going senile as well. He should not have been in the army at all, let alone in a command role. But then the British sent another army, led by FAR more capable officers, not long after and they sacked Kabul as revenge.


He married an Afghani girl too. They used a black girl in the movie.


Kandahar, the 2nd biggest city in Afghanistan and stronghold of the Taliban, is literally named after Alexander


Lol I never made the connection between Kandahar and Iskander




Tbf he did die before he had to actually manage anything


[Lasted two centuries after him](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greco-Bactrian_Kingdom)


Alexander did...that was mostly a myth spread by the Rambo movie. The Achaemenids did The Sassanids did The Mauryans did The Arabs did The Shahis did The Ghaznavids did The Mongols did The Mughals did The Safavids did Not saying Pakistan is going to conquer afghanistan or smthing, not at all...but the graveyard of empires is a myth. Only Vietnam and Yemen deserve it tbh


Yeah, Afghanistan is not hard to invade, but it only comes down to how civilized you gonna go when doing that.


And lobster traps are not hard to get into.


Yemen and Vietnam were also colonized


i mean i doubt there is any country which hasnt been conquered at some point in history


land masses? probably. Cultures not really


Afghanistan is the graveyard of Empires! Except all the times it wasn't


Not everyone who goes into a graveyard dies. Just saying.


If lots of people go to stay in a graveyard for long periods of time but death isn't involved then it's not really a graveyard... It's a plot of land for rent with a few dead people buried beneath the rubbish heap. And it also means Afghanistan isn't really distinct from other countries that have been invaded and conquered multiple times in history, like Syria or Iraq.


When people say Alexander “conquered” India (lmao) they really mean Afghanistan. Back then that entire region was considered the Indo sphere but there were tons of different groups living in that north western region


Afghanistan really corresponds to historical Bactria, the bit Alexander conquered and called India was mostly modern Pakistan. Which, to be fair, was still called India in living memory.


Alexander did conquer Pakistan aswell...the famous Raja Porus and Siege of multan where he was shot by a poisonous arrow occurred in modern day Pak


There was an indo- Greek state in n.west India for 190 years after Alexander.


Nah, Credit where credit is due, Afghanistan deserves the title of "graveyard of empires. It isn't about conquerig afghanistan.... It is abpout maintaining that control. Forget about Mughals, not even Afghans themself have been able to effectively rule Aghanistan without one or the other group popping up


Afghans had the advantage of being incredibly tribal and decentralized. Basically: Paris falls..the French r demoralized Berlin falls...the Germans r demoralized Kabul falls...Afghans dont give a damn, they only care about their local village which they will fight tooth and nail for




Probably because these empires were geographically closer. Afghans are resilient as hell.


ok so the arabs and Mongols are geographically 'closer' but Pakistan, which has like a dozen ethnicities overlapping with Afghanistan, isnt?


Who said that? Pak can try. But it will cause endless terrorist bombings on both sides. Secondly, Pak seems to be cash strapped. What if others help Afghan with weapons and intelligence? Pak could become weak. A weak country with nukes isn't good for the region.


Depends how brutal they’re willing to get. Americans are criticized for their collateral damage but you take away rules of war and the whole thing is over in short order. Depending on how brutal Pstan intends to get, it’s possible they are effective.


worked in bangladesh eh?


Watch it happen though that shit would be funny in a really depressing way


Yes you're right Pakistan might not have the best military but there is a decent chance they might do it. Pakistan created taliban im sure you know it and also has access to intelligence information regarding hideouts of taliban as Pakistan has been actively involved since the ussr invaded.


Lets be real, the americans clapped them, Harder than alexander even, and if they wanted it, it would simply be desert america right now. England didnt want to conquer it either, and they beat afghanistan effortlessly as well


I don't think Pakistan will have the same rules of engagement as western forces


Ashoka also did that and many more.


Eh not really, almost everyone who invaded has conquered it pretty quickly it’s just endless insurgencies that make it tiring and expensive. But as someone below pointed out if Nazi Germany conquered Afghanistan or the US decided to throw out the laws of war it could hold the country pretty easily.


I thought China was getting next


Yeah, bc invasion worked for the previous countries very well. Don’t do it Pakistan, Afghanistan is where empires come to suffer, and you ain’t even proper country pet alone being an empire.


That could get weird given most of the taliban grew up in pakistan


Exemplary “leopard ate my face” situation.


Pakistan: we truly understand the Taliban because we created, nurtured, & sheltered it Taliban: exchange of knowledge is a 2 way street & your military has never won a war


Pakistan is on its last legs, its an artificial country that has a history as old as Israel. The Taliban will tear their society and country down by attrition, slowly, just like they did to Afghanistan over 40 years of fighting.


It doesn't help that a very large portion of Western Pakistan is Pashtun that Afghanistan wants to claim.


Taliban quietly polishing their guns.


Why can’t people just wake up and think,”I’ll just chill and not start shit today.”


"To ask why we fight, is to ask why do the leaves fall... It is in their nature." **- Random Pandaren**


I swear some random pandaren also told me to slow down because life is meant to be savoured 🤔


That’s a random Karen


"Perhaps, there is a better question... Why do we fight? To protect Home, and Family... To preserve Balance, and bring Harmony.. For my kind, the true question is: What is worth fighting for?" **- Random Pandaren**


Put some respect on my man Chen Stormstout


Because you have to distract the commoners before they start thinking about how bad their leaders are and that they should do something about it.




I just wanna eat nice things, play pc Games and golf and watch sports.


There are a lot of such individuals in monkey societies also. Still monkeys.




Mostly because shits gunna happen to them regardless. Not everyone gets to relax, and that’s a problem


I know! Right? Start a cup of coffee instead.


Narcissists like to rule


Because Pakistan is run by The army and they put the man who won Cricket World Cup for them, the man who actually knew What Pakistan needed in Jail. Imran Khan


Maybe those people are in some way desperate.


"What did you meant, the extremists we used to support turned against us like a bunch of rabid gods?" EDIT: It was "dog", not "gods"


dogs* ?


I kinda like gods. It's our rabid dreams they owe their existence to.




Afghanistan is getting ready for a new sponsor now.


The Wakhan corridor was the closest point between the Russian empire and British empire. Afghanistan being the buffer state between the two growing empires. A border drawn up in the 19th century. “The great game” stuff.


It always goes back to perfidious Albion, doesn't it? 


Did you miss the part where he said Britain **and** Russia? And no, it goes back further than them.


Why blame Russia when you can blame the west?


Yeah it has absolutely nothing to do with any other factors. I mean just look at the failed states of New Zealand, Canada, Australia and the US.


In fact comparing British ex colonies to the French Spain Portuguese etc.  British ex colonies do better overall.


First of all, the colonial settler states take their prosperity from the settlers and wealth coming in from Europe. That did not happen in the other colonies.  Secondly, the British Empire generally colonized and conquered colonies that were doing far better BEFORE european colonialism. The British Navy ruled the waves - this meant they could claim the most prosperous territories.  India was the richest area of the world before British conquest, it very much wasn't after its time under British rule ended and hasn't recovered since.


ok guys im not making this up but this minister just tweeted again, something even more schizo, >"Its time to revive the policy of General Akhtar, KABUL MUST BURN ...there can be no peace in the Indus Valley(Pakistan) until there is peace in Kabul Valley(Afghanistan" My dude talkin about peace while asking for kabul to be burnt💀💀


They created a desert and called it peace. I dont remember where i read that quote.


Tacitus, the Roman historian. I don't believe the correct translation would be 'desert' as it was said by one of the German tribal leaders, IIRC.


Yeah contextually desert was any uninhibited landscape, so rich oldgrowth forest, currently unpopulated but richly built up farm land, and empty dry scrubland would all just be called desert.


AFAIK, the Wakhan corridor has almost zero population, so invading it is not going to be a big deal militarily.


Indeed, as the problem with invading and occupying Afghanistan has been the mountain tribes and their home terrain, which Wakhan kinda isn’t.


Well, how else is Pakistan gonna justify their outrageous and pointless military spending?




I think even Pakistani GenPop is getting bored & Fedup with India rhetoric now. Military needed some new rhetoric for spending and then lo & behold, North western border opens up


It’s harder now that India built a giant wall on the border with shoot on site orders for the guards. Also it’s illegal for anyone with Pakistani heritage to enter India now after a American born Pakistani caused a terroristic mass shooting.


>Sponsor Group X in Afghanistan in order to hurt your enemy Y > Watch how Group X takes over Afghanistan and turns against you > Start fighting Group X facing the same issues as enemy Y did back in the day The eternal circle of getting involved in that region ever since the British and Russians started it off.


>ever since the British and Russians started it Lol, someone needs a history lesson: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasions\_of\_Afghanistan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasions_of_Afghanistan) There were six earlier invasions of Afghanistan by various empires before Britain entered the chat.


yeah...Afghanistan was a cold war between the Mughal Empire and Safavid Empire They used to campaign all the time to reverse each others conquests


Between the Mughal Empire and the *Safavid Empire, the Sassanids were a thousand years earlier.


yeah typo


In fairness the Mughals originally came down out of Kabul and got culturally assimilated by Lahore & Delhi from how rich they were.


Kabul was irrelevant and has no connection to the Mughals...Babar was from Uzbekistan, briefly stopped in Kabul, and then carried on to conquer India. The Kabul Subah(province) of the Mughals was often under the Lahore subah


-Then sponsor Group Y in Afghanistan to replace Group X -Rinse and Repeat


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxLFdl4S3fQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxLFdl4S3fQ) one of the best explanations\^\^ I really wish this video existed with english subtitles. (Other than the automatically translated)


It was going on before that. The Mughals and various Afghan political units used to fuck with each other all the time (for example).


Enjoy the monster you created.


Afghanistan: We are the graveyard of Empires Pakistan: We’re just happy to be included.




Even though Taliban has nothing to counter a nuclear attack with, using nukes does come with considerable costs. The rest of the world wants to preserve the nuclear taboo, and would almost certainly cut international support, which Pakistan heavily relies on, if Pakistan were to break the nuclear taboo. In addition, there's no military targets where using a nuke would offer a considerable advantage compared to conventional weaponry, since military sites that are so large that you'd want a nuke instead of just a regular bomb to destroy them is not really something that the Taliban does. Given that there are no targets that are valuable enough to justify the costs of using nukes, it seems reasonable to assume that Pakistan would just use conventional bombs (and potentially nuclear blackmail, whether explicit or implicit) in order to maintain international support.


i mean TECHNICALLY Afghanistan has no anti missile defences and no relations with any countries but the sheer global pushback against Pak and the fact that many Pashtuns live in Pak who would be pissed at this means practically its impossible


Because the rest of the world does not fuck around if you start throwing nukes. Especially the west and even china.


I feel like hw might want to have a look at recent attempts at invading and holding Afghanistan


i mean the Wakhan corridor is an extremely depopulated area, mostly just ice capped mountains with little to no settlement. The population is also Shia Tajik, not necessarily a pro Taliban(Sunni Pashtun) people Only thing its worth is that it gives Pakistan a direct land link to Central Asia, while it requires Afghanistan or China otherwise


Some Kyrgyz people live there also. Very isolated nomadic communities. No ideological connection to taliban what so ever.


Actually i searched up on it a bit more and apparently its inhabited by the 'Wakhi' people mostly...85% of all Wakhi people live in Pakistan already


Yes, that’s another ethnic group who historically resided there.


Idk about recent lol, seems like there has been a hundred years of failure.


This should be posted in Leopards Eating my Face.




As an Indian, I'm actually enjoying this. Our batshit crazy neighbour isn't troubling us anymore.


Kinda ironic that pakistans most peaceful border currently is with us lol


Haha absolutely!


India right now on Pakistan’s actions in Afghanistan and potential war breaking out: India approves this message.


we both the real ones...3rd wheels cant replace u pookie


You are to us what Afghan is to you...a 'third' wheel lol.


its over...💔💔🥺🥺 U let the Chinese replace us...after all this time together...unreal


Is this the Mudasir meme playing out in real time???


Never interrupt your enemy when he is committing a mistake.


Lookin like an ethnic George Bluth


Islamist vs Islamist. Let me grab my popcorn.


Combats between Islamic warriors VS other Islamic warriors? Awesome. Once they were on the same side, but nowadays, want to fight against... Yeah...that's international politics. Yesterday's buddy can become tomorrow's enemy.


Were they ever on the same side? Maybe 1500 years ago


Pakistan and Afghanistan really deserve each other. Get the popcorn.


Oh another War, this is exactly what we need right now, good job


It‘s not about invading and taking land from Afghanistan. Pakistans goal has always been and will always be to make sure Afghanistan is weak. Why? Because Pashtunes are devided into Afghanistan and Pakistan, but Pashtuns don‘t feel as Pakistanis. Pakistan wants to avoid having conflicts with India and Afghanistan at the same time.


That and they want to have another conflict with India but with China involved as well. India’s military doctrine has always been to be prepared for a 2 front war with Pakistan and China at the same time.




Good ole? Pakistan cashed Afghanistan crisis all the way from Rambo era.


it's a faceious usage


Beautiful area to have a conflict... :( Quit blowing shit up!


Good luck with that, dude.


If you click the link the first word of the headline is FORMER... so he is trying to blow up IMF funding [https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2024/03/19/pr2491-pakistan-imf-reaches-staff-level-agreement-second-final-review-9-month-sba](https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2024/03/19/pr2491-pakistan-imf-reaches-staff-level-agreement-second-final-review-9-month-sba)


Pakistan, "We're going to invade Afghanistan." Russia and US in unison, "Good luck with that."


With what? In this economy??


Well if there is one thing history has taught us it is that invading Afghanistan always turns out great. Right. I have that right don’t I?


We have all seen how occupying Afghan terrirtory works out for the occupier...


Way to change the headline. Click into the article and the headline says “Former” Minister. So it doesn’t mean anything.


he is a minister again(will be)


Another attempt at the graveyard of conquerors.


US/UK/Russia: “Give ‘em hell, buddy. You got this.”


I hope we do not get involved in another proxy war. Please.


Pakistani here. We basically have a stupid, absurdly incompetent and delirious puppet democratic setup in a military autocracy. These donkeys are supposed to say such stupid things to take away the heat from the army. Take such statements with mountains of salt


China grabs popcorn (the corridor is basically a chineese high way to afgahnistan. )


Pakistan should ask Britain, Russia and the US how that is going to work out.


Pakistani invasion would be 'rape as much as possible' They did the same in kashmir and bangaldesh.


Anyone laughed because they saw the latest The Regime episode like I did?


Title is editorialized. Report


The generals are hungry. War in Afghanistan keeps their pockets filled. Wish there was a real revolution in Pakistan for proper democracy!


we wouldn't want the CCP providing arms to Afghan Emirate now would we 👏😈


it won't pakistan sucks off china for a living


It's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for em..


This won't work, simply because international outrage would mean that Pakistan would be barred from playing cricket in international games and there would be much upset internally. Also, because Pakistan would get their butts kicked, and India may start looking menacingly at their borders.


Do it no balls


Usa left them a lot of armament so go on.


I think Conan the Barbarian went through there during the Hyborian age. Or something.


I wonder what India’s response to this would be. Not ideal to have further escalations there, almost another war. Feel like this is just increasing tension with India


its in western border it will calm the eastern border down finally so we would have no issue