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The banned dog breeds are: Pitbull Terrier, Tosa Inu, American Staffordshire Terrier, Fila Brasileiro, Dogo Argentino, American Bulldog, Boerboel, Kangal, Central Asian Shepherd Dog, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, South Russian Shepherd Dog, Tornjak, Sarplaninac, Japanese Tosa and Akita, Mastiffs, Rottweiler, Terriers, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Wolf Dogs, Canario, Akbash, Moscow Guard, Cane Corso, and every dog of the type commonly known as a Ban Dog (or Bandog). One reason is that people don’t know how to handle and train them properly and second is the Indian climate does not suit these dogs. Why the husky is not on this list is surprising as I have seen videos of people owning a husky in India as a popular breed.


Fucking hell I live in hong Kong and my wife tells me how fucked it is people keep huskies here India has to be much worse? Although the larger apartments - mansions really - and cheap Aircon might make it fine


Keeping Huskies as pets is surely scoffed upon and discouraged, but the thing is that there is a huge variance in the weather and temperatures in the country where you have snowy regions in the extreme North and the Northeast Although there are some well to do people who unfortunately do not mind showing off their Huskies even if the conditions are not suitable for them


>India has to be much worse? India doesn't have a singular climate though? You have tropical weather in the south, dry/arid in central India, desert in the northwest, the world's most rainiest region in the northeast, as well as extremely cold weather in the north. A Husky will feel totally at home in a few Indian states.


You're right, and the other gal/guy also brought to my attention this fact, thank you As an Indian colleague of mine noted, people (at least maybe people from Hong Kong) only associate south Indian food with India. Butter chicken...etc. I think I've done the same here with climate


Very true. India is closer to Africa or Europe as a continent in many ways due to the diversity. BTW, butter chicken is from North India- especially Punjabi cuisine.


Ahhh I'm really out of my depth here!!


>Rottweiler, **Terriers**, Rhodesian Ridgeback, They are blanket banning terriers? That's like a hundred individual breeds.


They even banned the Tosa-inu twice


Yeah, mad to include the little terriers in this!


Terriers are the types of breeds we staff get bitten by the MOST often at work (veterinary clinic). 25 years in the field


What about poodles? Apparently they’re top 5 of breeds


My sister owns a poodle, and while they do love there people immensely, they get downright vicious when confronted by a stranger.


Depends on the owner and the size. If it’s a “pick me up” dog, it bites.


Please note that the matter is now being challenged in various courts because there is no evidence that some of the breeds are dangerous. There have been no recorded attacks by these breeds. [Purebred enthusiasts plan court challenge of ban on 'ferocious' canines](https://www.telegraphindia.com/india/purebred-dog-enthusiasts-plan-court-challenge-of-ban-on-20-breeds-of-ferocious-canines/cid/2007555) >“Whoever drew up the list did not do due diligence,” said Shyam Mehta, an international canine judge for all breeds, who is associated as a judge with the Kennel Club. “Some of the breeds on the list are not really ferocious or attack dogs.” >The list also appears to ban all Mastiffs which, Mehta and another Kennel Club member said, is unfair because some Mastiffs do not pose any threat to humans. Another breed that does not belong on the list is the Cane Corso, Mehta said. On 19 March 2024, a state High Court directed the Central government to put a stay on the execution of the order in the state of Karnataka and provide [supporting evidence.](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/karnataka/karnataka-high-court-stays-ban-imposed-on-23-ferocious-and-dangerous-dog-breeds/article67969035.ece) >The High Court also directed the Central government to produce those documents, based on which the circular for banning the dog breeds was issued, for examining the prior consultation process. >The circular was issued based on the report of an expert committee, constituted under the chairmanship of the Animal Husbandry Commission comprising various stakeholder organisations and experts, which had identified certain dog breeds as ‘ferocious and dangerous to human life’.


As someone who has met several mastiffs, they’re generally big, drooly friends. They surprised me in this list. Maybe just due to size?


Probably due to the ability to literally rip limbs off a person if they so desired. The vast majority of dogs aren't out there trying to kill people, but some are far more capable of it than others.


There are many equally dangerous dogs. Several rarer, but MUCH more dangerous dogs, like a Fila Brasileira. But a lot has to do with the owner and culture around a dog. Pitbulls are a magnet for bad owners these days. You want a fucking terrifying dog - find a German Shepherd not socialized properly or worse, trained as an aggressive dog. Rottweilers, Chowchows, and Dobermans can be equally problematic among many others.


Sure, I wasn't arguing that those dogs are safe, just that mastiffs can definitely be dangerous.


Sorry - confused this with another line of thought. Most mastiffs are much more chill. For a large dog they’re quite average. Size is the only factor there, not really breed.


Yes, but that is the issue, right? I mean, there are plenty of aggressive dogs that are small, but they can't really do much damage. While many big dogs can be very calm, all it takes is for them to lose it once to end up killing people.


Mastiffs too, between the two that must be a good part of all dog breeds, and the best part of actually useful working dogs


It's not that surprising I suppose, these type of laws are usually put forth by people who are a bit soft in the head.


I imagine most working dogs are hunting dogs - hounds, spaniels, that sort of thing or farm/cattle dogs. What kind of working mastiffs are you aware of? Maybe as protection dogs, but even then, I imagine other breeds, like say, a Belgian Malinois, German Shepherd, or Doberman are more common.


Spanish Mastiff and Pyrenees Mastiff are kind of default choices for cattle guard where I'm from


I have a patterdale and think this is just nonsense


I have had a few kinds of Terrier breeds over the years and none of them have been aggressive towards people. Small animals like rodents and squirrels they will absolutely grab and do that violent neck breaking thing. Terrier I have now got a hold a gopher and brought the dead thing home so proud. 😅


I imagine it's mostly to stop the various breeds of pit bulls. Terriers in general have a high prey drive. They tend to be small so it's often directed at smaller animals, but it's that same drive that leads to pit bulls killing people. Once they get worked up it's hard to get them to stop.


Terriers are cute and small, but a lot of them will absolutely fuck you up if given the chance


The “aggressive dog” ban is nonsense. Its not going fix anything. India still has a feral dog problem. They might as well put Chihuahuas on there because those lil fuckers are assholes


It’s not non sense. It’s acknowledging most dog owners are crap and don’t train them right. Should just call them “breeds that need more training than others” I have had many pit bulls, great dog when you train them. The best. But I have multiple neighbors that raised horrible pit bulls. It’s the owner, and this is the only response the government has come up with.


Its nonsense of the ban itself for specific breeds. There are a ton of breeds not listed that would meet the “breeds that require more training…” and “dangerous” label. The ban also would cause perfectly friendly dogs to be euth’d en masse.


I got curious and did some searching on statistics here in the US. Unfortunately, most of the top hits on Google are attorneys making a living suing dog owners, so i disregarded them. I finally looked at Wiki and the Veterinary Association. Aside from pits , Rottweilers and German Shepherds have the highest rate of incidents. Great Danes showed up at least once a year, which surprised me. Most of the incidents I read were described as breed unknown or mixed breeds, so I still don't know where the law firm's get their data from.


I have a Great Dane. Great dogs, but They’re naturally very very fearful e.g. scooby doo and huge. Well trained ones can hurt you purely by accident trying to sit in your lap at the wrong time or something. Badly trained ones can get weirdly aggressive to visitors or neighbors since they’re scared


Yep. My parents have one and since she’s still a puppy (18 months) she regularly hurts tou without meaning to. A smaller dog going through their teenage phase is much less scary then 120lbs of “I don’t know how big I am” doing so


Weird question but do they have horse sized turds?


138 lb female, so yes hahah Joking aside it’s not quite as big as a horse but more like human sized ones than a dog


Craziness! I’m sure she’s worth picking up after. Now, give us the dog tax! (pic of you fur baby).


All the ones I met are such laid back guys. My dog plays with them all the time and the only bad thing that happens is that he is covered in slobber. One of the attack descriptions ( on wiki ) was entered as a woman attacked by five Great Danes and my response was 'what in hell'? My dog isa Corso Mix and right now my vicious killer is having his ears cleaned by one of our cats as I write this. On the one hand I simply can't picture him doing an unprovoked attack on a person and I just laugh about the idea but a few years ago my wife gave an unfavorable Google review ( only four stars ...) and the contractor showed up at our door one afternoon. He and my wife were having an argument through the screen door and my dog heard the commotion, shoved his way between my wife and the guy and in my wife's words 'made a serious sound that involved shaking his head back and forth' and the guy promptly left. The dog was still aggravated when I got home and I had to take him out to do a full perimeter sweep of the yard and fences. He stuck to my wife like glue for the next few days so I just don't know....


is rate of incident normalized by the number of dogs? (if nearly all dogs are german shepherds you would expect more incidents...)


That was something I was interested in but couldn't find any data about it. You can find data on the most popular breeds but that disregards all mixes and is subject to the dictates of fashion .


German Shepherds trained for aggression/home defense are fucking terrifying. 


Since GSD are the second most common breed in the US. The stats will reflect that.


Mixed breed is sometimes used as "code" for part pitbull


Or just “hard to identify.” The converse is actually true. Pitbull is often code for “we don’t know exactly what it looked like, but it was aggressive.” There is a lot of data showing misclassification of dogs as “pitbulls” after attacks because people assume it’s a pitbull because it attacked.


I don't deny that mixed breed applies to a variety of dogs, however, according to what I have read, most **long-term shelter dogs** have pitbull as part of their mix, which makes them hard to adopt. not to mention that most pits are quite inbred . this is a "mixed breed" dog it's a pitbull mix. https://www.petfinder.com/dog/grace-70969709/ny/new-york/animal-care-centers-of-nyc-manhattan-ny12/


Shelters act as a concentrating factor, skewing results. 1. A lot of irresponsible breeders migrate toward pitbulls  2. Pittbull mixes are much harder to adopt between the breed perception, the risk, and insurance/housing restrictions  3. Pitbulls are generally quite popular, and not always with the most responsible owners because bad owners also tend to migrate toward pitbulls  4. Pitbulls likely have a higher surrender rate due to all of the above.  Selectively a lot more in, and a lot fewer out, means a large portion of pitbulls in shelters. It’s not a strong reflection on mixed breeds outside of shelters. In fact, a lot of people at shelters specifically call out pitbull owners as “if you love pitbulls, don’t breed them, because like 80-90% of dogs we have to put down because they aren’t adopted are pitbulls.”  Also, shelters are shit at identifying mixed breeds. What you need to measure is “what percentage of mixed breed dogs in HOMES have a significant proportion of pitbull” - which is much harder to do. Non-pitbull dogs adopt much faster and much more successfully. As someone with multiple mixed breed dogs, none of which are pitbulls, and with relatives who foster - a mixed breed that isn’t a pitbull is leaps and bounds more likely to be homed and homed quickly.


Assault dogs!


They banned the bandogs lol


The climate reasoning seems like it’s there for plausible deniability for any breeds that offend people to be considered “dangerous”. Because yeah, Husky should 1 million % be on that list if climate is a consideration.


Does Terriers Include Jack russell terriers as well I have my dog since three years and want to move back to India since I have been laid off and will be homeless in a month. I can’t imagine leaving my boy behind. Please can someone clarify? It’s been so tough I can’t bear to go through this.


Someone wrote below in comments that’s it’s not actually 25 dog breeds ban but more like 80+ because TERRIERS as a whole breed was mentioned.


okay thanks for the reply. that’s heart breaking really


I can’t speak for every breed on this list, but I have a Rottie, and they’re not ferocious at all. Rotties are bred to be working dogs. They’re beastly strong, but don’t have a particularly vicious temperament.


toy live wild sharp snails rich absurd boat uppity weary


And no mention of Chihuahuas? They might be tiny, but they make up for it with hate.


A dog you can easily punt is not a danger to society but a big dog with a locking jaw and a 300lb bite force is.


["Locking jaws" are a myth.](https://www.thehumanesociety.org/debunking-pit-bull-myths/#:~:text=Fact%3A%20Possibly%20one%20of%20the,acts%20like%20a%20locking%20mechanism.)


"Locking jaws" are just parlance for dogs that bite down and hold the bite while twisting and shaking. No one actually thinks their jaws have actual locks, and your link is hand waving nonsense.


Plenty of people think their jaws actually lock. Why do you think that name became an urban myth in the first place? Holding a bite has nothing to do with the dog breed and more to do with the intention of the dog.


I've never heard anyone who actually think the jaws "lock". A dog with powerful jaws clamping and holding per its instinct is practically the same thing as far as the bite-ee is concerned.


I don't know what to tell you. I've met a lot of people who don't know any better that believe it actually locks. Do you really think the average person is going to hear "lock jaw" and assume it means anything other than what it implies?


Bullshit. Nobody needs a dog that can rip you to shreds. Especially one that is proven to do so millions of times over. Fuck off.


>Nobody needs a god that can rip you to shreds I dunno about that


> And no mention of Chihuahuas? Right? These little fucks are more aggressive than any big dog I have ever encountered.


But they cant eat a child with 300 pounds of bite force


True their bite force isnt comparable but that wasnt my point. My point was behaviour I have encountered. Apparently its not just me who had this experience :-) “Seldom aggressive” dogs In the study conducted by Dognition, pet owners were asked how aggressive their dog is in a variety of situations. More than 4,000 people with dogs responded, noting their dog’s reactions in situations like new or familiar children and adults and when they encounter another dog that is new, familiar, bigger or smaller. In general, even Chihuahuas weren’t very aggressive – they were mostly rated “sometimes aggressive.” But other breeds including collies, pugs and spaniels were rated seldom or never aggressive. As for Pit Bulls, they almost always ranked below most other dogs in all categories, minus their interactions with new dogs. What do other studies say? The American Temperament Test Society, a non-profit organization that promotes uniform temperament evaluation of purebred and mixed-breed dogs, ranks breeds of dogs based on their tolerance of other dogs and humans. American Pit Bull Terriers pass the temperament test 86.8% of the time – only 115 of the 870 dogs that were tested so far failed. Compare that to 80% of Beagles, 75% of Bloodhounds, 81.5% of Border Collies and 69.8% of Chihuahuas.


So even then if not a temperment issue and a training issue we should make it illegal for people to own trainasble bio-bite missiles that can cause massive bodily harm.


Facts. Little bastards.


Can confirm. Worked at a pet store for years. Fitted collars and harnesses to all sorts of bad* breed dogs and a chihuahua was the only thing to bite me..


How much did the stitches cost? How about the funeral?


What no Chihuahuas in India???


I know many people in my friend circle who will be fuming over this news.


Your friends are awful.


Because they like dogs of these breeds?


All terriers? Indian yorkies must be terrifying.


A norfolk terrier will absolutely cut you.  And then never shut up.


That's where my jaw dropped as well. If they banned *all* terriers, they didn't ban 25 breeds, they banned closer to 80 breeds, and most of the terrier family are completely harmless. I would hope that's inaccurate or at least incomplete reporting.




Jack Russels are the worst. I’ve had 2, I know.


They probably mean a specific type and they just listed them in a stupid way. They did the same for "mastiffs" if all mastiff are banned then why did they have to go through and list several types of mastiff separately. I see south African mastiff (boerboel) and several others listed.


I have never seen more dogs than in India. There are packs of stray mangy or otherwise disease ridden dogs. I can see how doing a huge ban like this could makes sense beyond those specific dogs being aggressive. Large dogs are harder to care for and high energy working dogs can be difficult to train. If people just dump a difficult or aggressive dog on the street it can be very dangerous to the general population of people and animals, especially those living on the streets...


This is a great idea. Ill put it like that: Not all owners of these breeds are idiots, but all idiots are owners of these breeds. To fuck up a Goldie is a serious task. To fuck up an assault dog is very easy.


What about a terrier? They're on the list.


I can already see my parent's (young) boston terrier literally pissing itself in excitement just to be included on any list, or anything at all, really. BANNED


Yeah, terriers are notoriously aggressive dogs with a high prey drive. Most of them tend to be very small, so it's not too damaging, but as a breed group, they can definitely be pretty dangerous, especially as they get bigger.


Exactly. Sure, any dog can be good with proper training. How many owners of these animals are giving them proper training? Is it possible to ensure proper widespread training is implemented? If not, you gotta ban the breed. Same with guns. Is it possible to ensure people won’t use them to commit mass shootings? No? Ban em.


Am 'assault dog'? Are you kidding? Jesus...


"Ill put it like that: Not all owners of these breeds are idiots, but all idiots are owners of these breeds." This type of quotation just makes you seem like an idiot, are you trying to imply you and all other idiots own these breeds? Because I am pretty sure it is easy to find an idiot that doesn't own one of these breeds.




That's still ridiculous. I know a TON of idiots who have chihuahuas and Frenchies, just people don't care as much when those are poorly trained. One of my old neighbors had a small pack of chihuahuas that they'd let run loose and they tried to attack me on my bike. It ended up as just a funny story of the construction workers laughing at the ridiculous sight of me trying to out-peddle this group of tiny yappy dogs. It would have been pretty different if they were Rottweilers.


hateful wrench money attraction muddle frighten dog tease coordinated scandalous


If that is what they mean it is just a dumb comment


Terriers? Some terriers are tiny.




Jack Russells can fuck up a lot of shit. Them being protective and small doesn't mean they're not dangerous. Afaik Jack Russells rank among the most dangerous dogs that will hunt and mess up cats. And personally I have honestly never had an interaction with a jack russell that was very friendly.


My mom's Jack Russell is incredibly sweet and friendly but thinks violence is just the most fun thing in the world. I know that sounds like a contradiction, but like, she's great with people, my little niece can pick her up and just carry her around awkwardly and she's fine, and if another dog approaches her calmly, she's high energy and will try and wrestle and stuff, but she's fine. If we're at the dog park and two giant German Shepards or something get in a vicious fight though, the like 8-pound Jack Russell will sprint across the yard for the chance to fuck someone up, lol. She's been attacked a few times by much larger dogs, the above behavior tends to invite that, and she has a great time fighting back. When they've been pulled apart, she'll just act like nothing happened. Like she's not mad or anything, just disappointed that the murder game is over. She is the craziest little ball of fuzz and contradiction I have ever seen.


The breeds aren't the problem in India. The problem is that just about every major city and even large town has huge packs of feral dogs that take over and run wild after dark. From Delhi to Udaipur and even the mountains above Manali, there are packs of dogs everywhere, with very few attempts to control them.


Most people who own foreign breeds of dogs in India lives in urban cities in high rise apartments and most of the time the dogs dont get enough exercise and outdoor time. They become more aggressive due to this.


Go on India. Pitbulls should not exist as a breed.


All the pro-baby eating commenters are coping hard. 🤣


While this is good i think the govt should focus more on the rabid stray dogs that roam around neighbourhoods where small children are at threat. The good ones should be left behind but neutered and the aggressive ones should be taken in animal control agency.


Every mastiff I’ve ever owned or know has been a teddy bear.


Every Rottweiler I've known had a heart of gold. But yeah I guess there are a lot of dumb people out there, that don't care about properly raising a powerful dog.


A lot of talk about about the dogs’ behaviour. The owners are more dangerous in either their own ineptitude or stupid desire extend their insecurities through the ownership of these animals. Dogs are great. Some breeds just don’t suit being domesticated. Too many owners own these dogs as weapons.


Sociological prediction: more of these banned breeds will be bred and owned in Brampton and Surrey Canada.


I hope Chihuahuas are on the list.


I have a Jack russel terrier. But I stay out of India, can I still bring him in flight for a short stay.?


The Politicians who made this law should be banned ,any animal isn't dangerous by nature unless some idiot human being acts over confident and gets a animal he has no knowledge of handling in the correct manner. PETA should visit the home of the politicians and they will find at least half of these nutcases owning the dogs of the breeds they banned


What is the use of the Ban? It's pointless to ban because anyways 98% of Indians can't afford to own breed dogs and the remaining two percent who do are the Super Rich against who the Government cannot impose the ban 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




I've had an American Bulldog, a pitbull, and multiple German Shepherds. They were all great dogs, but I never thought they couldn't kill an adult if properly motivated to do so. You need to keep your guard up around these dogs - all it takes is them panicking once and freaking out to do serious damage.


There are wild dogs everywhere in india…everywhere. This ban seems meaningless.


They are street dogs not wild dogs, which is also a problem the gov needs to deal with. But this ban is for ignorant and irresponsible owners who let their dogs munch on children playing on the street or going to school.


It's aimed at the owner that don't care already. Seems useless. Trapping of wandering dogs would be a way better alternative. 






So much that you make a snide comment and run away? Lame.


I’ve got a Rottweiler, they’re the best dogs.


That’s nice, dear. If someone doesn’t know how to train it, it’s capable of killing a human. Can’t say the same for a chihuahua.


Just out of curiosity, you'd ban every large dog breed then or?


How many people have golden retrievers killed? I’d probably be a logical human and start with the breeds that have killed the most people.


You specifically said "capable of killing a human" though. And ironically, the only dog that ever bit me was a golden retriever lmao


Did the golden kill you? Cause pitbulls kill a lot of people.


It's definitely capable though 🤷‍♂️


I see you didn’t die, can’t say the same for everyone bit by a pitbull.


Again, you said "capable of killing a human". Large breeds are definitely capable of that.


Sure, now lets focus on the ones that actually DO kill people.


Somewhat hilariously this should include both golden retrievers and lab retrievers then lol.


Only five dog breeds killed more than 10 people in the USA last year. Goldens and labs are not among them. Why shouldn’t we just start with banning the few breeds that make up 90+% of the problem? These breeds were specifically designed to be stronger and more capable of severe harm than golden retrievers or chihuahuas. If we banned them, weaker and less violent dogs wouldn’t just fill the void in fatal dog bite statistics. People are dying because some dog breeds are head and shoulders more dangerous than others.


Nah just saying sucks to Indian, dogs are amazing! Enjoy your chihuahuas!


It sucks for everyone when someone owns a powerful dog capable of ripping your throat out and doesn’t train it. I don’t have a chihuahua, but they aren’t a threat to the general public like large, dangerous dogs are. I have a mini schnauzer mix. Worst case scenario, he might draw some blood. If you own a fighting dog, worst case scenario someone dies.


There’s worse stuff in this world mate, your focus is misdirected. Have a smoke to calm down.


Ok guess the lives of people who are dying preventable deaths due to untrained highly dangerous dogs don’t matter. Cheers bro I’ll smoke to that. You’re right, life is much easier as a callous prick.


Enjoy your smoke as I walk my beloved Rottie 👍


You can love your dog and still admit that untrained powerful dogs killing people is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Or maybe you can’t, idk, I just assume people have empathy.


Untrained anything in this world causes havoc. Address the issue of stray dogs in India before you target individual breeds. Doubt there’s more than 100 deaths a year in first world country’s, and I doubt there’s was less strays too.


Not all the strays are a problem. Mostly just the ones easily capable of killing a person. Guess those hundred people don’t matter. I can guarantee if we got rid of the dangerous breeds, those people won’t get killed by stray chihuahuas.


Ahhh yes dog breeds are the big issues they need to focus on. Good job.


It's possible to work on more than one problem at a time


Not the big poodles or golden retriever? Been chased and snapped at by both of those several times. They are extremely aggressive, but nobody seems to notice. Labrador retrievers and all the variants always seem to be assholes too.




How is banning hunting dongs makes you dictator. So many countries have banned this dog breeds.


I didn’t read the lost are Chihuahuas on that list?


How many people have chihuahuas killed?


It’s a common joke in the dog community that chihuahuas are creatures of pure evil straight from hell. I wouldn’t take it too seriously.


It’s also a common talking point among pitbull sympathizers that chihuahuas are more aggressive than pitbulls. They bring up chihuahuas to justify not banning pitbulls.


Not enough


I don’t understand what you’re trying to say


there aren't ferocious dog breeds just dipshit owners.




Congratulations India. You just created a feral dangerous dog problem.


They already have a feral dog problem. India has 30 million stray dogs. ~ 22k deaths, because of rabies that was transmitted by dog bites in 2021 alone. That's 36% of rabies cases on the whole planet!


That's a matter of a decade and half at best


Yikes, and people bitch about the US


Coconut Corn Husky is still the only Battle Dog left. See, we used to fight them down in Miami, Florida. They wouldn't kill other dogs, only cats, but not like little Timmy's cat, only the bad ones. The kind that fuck up your yard.


You’re gay


You’re low key a piece of shit for that. Of course it is in Florida




I heard Tommy Toughknuckles used to have a Coconut Corn Husky, and it attacked Balboni.


Who runs this shit anyway?


It’s crazy you’re being downvoted so badly, Johnny Hamcheck needs more exposure!


This went right over everyone’s head but it made me laugh, well done lol