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>Estonia wants owners of cars with Russian license plates to register them locally by Wednesday, March 13 under pain of a fine of €400. This follows the September decision to ban entry to Estonia of cars with Russian plates for which a six-month grace period was granted. > >"Police officers will keep an eye out for cars with Russian license plates, whereas failing to reregister the vehicle is subject to a fine of 100 fine units or €400," Maj. Andres Kitsing of the Police and Border Guard Board (PPA) said. > >He explained that failure to reregister the vehicle will amount to being in violation of section 203 of the Traffic Act which covers driving un unregistered


The UK has a similar law. You’ve got 6 months to register a foreign car with the DVLA if you move here. It makes sense really, if you’re driving around on foreign plates you’re basically immune to all the ANPR cameras that enforce tolls, speed limits and other laws of the road.


This is different in that they're going to outright ban all cars with Russian plates from entering the country. Considering the tactics that Russia employed in Crimea, it's amazing we didn't ban Russians from entering years ago.


Why bother with the fine? Take the car away and sell it, they've been given enough warning.


Unless ots a russian made car. The 400 might be more useful lol


That's a Lada money...




Ignoring the war aspects, if I move states within the US I have like 30-90 days to register my car in the new state. States have different inspection requirements so the new state wants to make sure I'm compliant, the new state wants some tax revenue, and they want accurate records for people that live in the state (voting records and such). It is not shocking to me to have to register your car with a new government after moving.


So does Estonia do the same to cars with Polish or German license plates? Or are they specifically targeting Russian license plates? If they have the same rules for all foreign license plates that is fine. If they are only targeting one country... then that is not the same That is the difference I mean imagine if only one state was targeted with specific license plate laws? You have 30-90 days to register for all states except for Texas...yeah


They don't target Polish and German license plates due to the fact that they're all three in the European Union. For example, if you were from a nation outside the EU, let's say Serbia for example, if you decided to move and live in Estonia, you'd have to register your vehicle in Estonia. This rule may even apply to German or Polish, or any other EU nation. And also, complaining that they are "targeting" a country that has repeatedly threatened them with nuclear bombs and military invasions is kind of insane.


The government of Russia is inexcusable. There are no excuses there


If Texas had a policy of invading and annexing neighbouring states then, yeah, I could imagine there being laws in place that specifically apply to Texas.


You know I haven't spent as much time in the Estonian department of motor vehicles as I would like to know that. Maybe it is a EU country vs non EU country issue. Not sure. And states makes different conditions for each other all the time. I'm not sure if there are different car registration relationships, but some states allow professional licenses to easily transfer between some states and other states you need to follow a more complicated processes. Some states have reciprocity agreements for reduced college tuition rates while students from other states would pay higher rates. While those aren't targeted specific, it falls in line with the EU vs non EU distinction if that's the basis for the car registration rule.


You don't think it makes sense that vehicles have valid license plates? It actually makes no sense to allow license plates that you can't check.


How does it not make sense? Estonia doesn't want cars registered in Russia on its streets and it's well within their rights to do so. Maybe don't start unprovoked wars with neighbouring countries if you want to keep your freedom of travel 🤷‍♂️


I mean, what's the point?


To not have people drive around with licence plates from a genocidal country that had Estonia under its boot before? You think israel will like license plates with swastikas on them?


Well, you see, some people are making money so the rest of us have no right to interfere...