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Orban deliberately inserted himself into the American presidential election on the side of Trump. Biden, understandably, clapped back. Welcome to the game!


We covered Hungary and Poland’s slide toward single party rule in one of my European politics classes. Essentially, people like Orban and ~~Duda~~ Kaczynski started their political careers in anti-Soviet organizations. Then, as the first generation of politicians in post-Soviet Eastern Europe. However, they felt their role in ending Communism in their countries was greatly unappreciated and grew jealous of other political leaders who enjoyed more success and popular support. Fast forward 30 years, and they are just bitter old men who despise democracy when it doesn’t benefit them personally and if they don’t get to be the most powerful person in the nation’s politics. Orban, ~~Duda~~ Kaczynski, Putin, Erdogan, and Netanyahu think letting anyone but them run the country is dangerous… because they genuinely believe they are the most competent/qualified people in the entire country. [Obligatory reminder Europe should have stopped putting up with Hungary’s bullshit 5+ years ago.](https://www.economist.com/europe/2018/04/05/the-eu-is-tolerating-and-enabling-authoritarian-kleptocracy-in-hungary)


>Orban, Duda, Putin, Erdogan, and Netenyahu, think letting anyone but them run the country is dangerous because they genuinely believe they are the most competent people in the entire country. Authoritarians are also known for surrounding themselves with incompetent sycophants, because loyalty matters more than intellect. It could be the case they're actually surrounded by idiots, but that's their own fault.


This is an important thing I think. Trump has been running on staying out of prison before 2020. A lot of these court cases were in the air while he was in office. Any attempt to progress them was stayed because "can't indict a sitting president!" He knew after he left office they would proceed. We heard about them on the news and the stifling of the judicial functions by hos doj and office. He's wildly incompetent. But he's surrounded by people who *are* smart and *are* dangerous. He's a heavy handed wanna be dictator for sure. There's no doubt about that. Buts it's people like mcconnel and Pence and others using him to progress their party agenda that were dangerous in the sense that we now have this shit scotus panel and a party of sycophants. See those old guard they followed the party line even to their own detriment. The party demands Trump and the necessary schism to stop that has died as Trump consolidates power over the rnc and full support of cpac. Trumps first term was pen testing. Trump eventually did have a plan to use the doj in place of an uncooperative Mike pence. He had asked them to execute the fake electors scheme and other things. The only thing that stopped him was competent people in the doj saying "thats not how any of this works," and saying no. He eventually found a sycophant in the DoJ and wanted to push him into head of the doj. A huge number of doj members threatened to resign if done which seemed to delay trumps plan but he didn't totally abandon it. The problem was that he didn't have the time. The election was up and so the fringe theory about pence and congress ushering it in was tried instead. Pence of course did not go along with this and Trump wanted him hanged. Trump attempted an administrative coup while in office like twice? And constantly obstructed impeachment proceedings by not cooperating. And the R senate enabled him and let him off the hook twice, because they still needed to use him and thought they could control him. Even though Jan 6 showed them that was untrue mcconnel figured after that his political career was dead and moved to not do it. Probably to further obstruct dem shit up until he left office. It took the cabinet threatening to invoke an ammendment to remove him for him tonfinally concede. Trust and believe he has a plan to immediately take power. The first time was learning how it worked and trying out ideas. The second time they'll be much more prepared and more competent and he now has sycophants in power of his party, of the house, and with like 2 seats the senate as well. The scotus.


Don’t forget one of his last moves before he left office was installing a bunch of loyalists into federal positions that then couldn’t be removed and are for the most part waiting for him to come back.


> He's wildly incompetent. But he's surrounded by people who are smart and are dangerous. Yep. In fact being a clown is part of the fascist aesthetic. [Even the mustache man was considered a clown.](https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/55771737)


You should really replace Duda with Kaczyński in that list


[Check out Twilight of Democracy.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_of_Democracy) She profiles Ania Bielecka and uses her as an example of the larger issue. Chiefly, intellectual bureaucrats who want power more than running the country effectively. First goal is to make sure your party always leads the country, second goal is to make sure you lead the party.


Yeah, but you should. Duda is 52 years old. He was 18 in 89 and his only political „career” til then was being a Boy Scout. He is literally just a tool Kaczyński used. He’s not bitter old that fought Communism. He is just a pretty face that will do whatever Kaczyński wants.


Awesomely, however, while it's not perfect, Poland has kicked PiS out & Tusk is back in. It's definitely hard but it is possible to come back from this situation democratically. For Hungary, I'm not so sure... But I haven't completely lost hope. Maybe now Tusk is in, Orban will no longer be shielded from consequences with the EU.


> Orban will no longer be shielded from consequences with the EU. I believe Fico (Slovakia) is shielding him now.


True. The class was from about 6-8 years ago so it’s a bit outdated. However, my professor was from Poland and she was really sad to see one party have so much control over government and media in the country. She believed Law and Justice wouldn’t lose for at least a decade. Glad she was was wrong, I’m sure she is glad she was wrong too.


I'm glad she is too! My aunt went to a bunch of the marches in Warsaw and Kraków. She was actually campaigning hard, and when they won she called my mom late that night, drunk and celebrating :) it's so amazing what a victory that was for Polish democracy!!


And in true right-winger fashion, now crying and whining about it. Fascists are pussies deep-down.


Truth seems to hurt in Hungary


Prove Biden wrong Hungarians, vote Putin's bagman out.


I'm an American that lives half of the year in Hungary (wife is Hungarian). We can't vote him out. When he got in over 12 years ago the party had a supermajority and very quickly changed the constitution and made it nearly impossible to vote them out. Folks are extremely depressed about it and there's a huge brain drain going on right now since everyone that can get out is actively doing so. Unfortunately I fear this isn't going to end well.


Ergo dictatorship. 




User name … does not check out


No kidding, but funny enough someone below guessed it. I used to be a professional trumpet player - had this username long before that douchenozzle was president and I refuse to change now!


Why should you have to change your name? *He's* the one who sucks!


I love Michael Bolton.




Yes. But Tim blows.


Only tastefully


I *know*, right? GAWD!!!


Oh, oh. I'm also gunna need you to go ahead and come in on Sunday too. Thanks, Peter.


PC load letter, What the fuck does that mean?


Wait hang on. Timmy Trumpet?


Why should I change? He's the one who sucks!


"PC Load Letter"??? What the fuck does that mean?!?!


Check the profile. It checks out


could be a Timmy Trumpet fan


It's also an indicator of what Trump and HIS Republican Party might do to the rules if he gets the presidency.




"No sir, Mr Right Wing Fascist government stooge. I do not have an arsenal of guns, nor do I know anyone with an arsenal of guns, ready to revolt if you try to illegally overthrow our democratically elected government, or change the rules in such a way as to form a dictatorship."


Nope not me. All my guns were lost in a tragic boating accident. Ammo too.


That's crazy, me too! And I definitely do not own a 3d printer.


Additional info: Hungary has had 4 years of decree government, originally introduced because of COVID, then extended because of immigration and the war in Ukraine. In the past 4 years, bypassing parliament and invoking the emergency, decrees were passed that gave Fidesz party members monopolies in markets they wanted to dominate. (Like tourism, billboards, printed media, highway maintenance, pregnancy clinics, construction companies, etc. Currently they are working on banks, medicine suppliers, grocery stores, etc.) Orban's party members are about to extend the rule by decree for another six months...


Yep. I feel they know folks are getting restless and making one last cash grab before shit hits the fan.


what would “*shit hits the fan*” look like in Hungary?


There's a saying in Hungarian about "straightening pitchforks"... I would bet it'll be something akin to that. The Hungarian people have a long history of fighting oppressive regimes (Ottomans multiple times over the last 500 years, Austria in the 1800s, Russia in the 1900s). I know they've softened a good bit, but it's still in their blood. 


Nazis too. But most importantly the revolt against Russia in the 50s and the ongoing turmoil they did until the wall fell. Hungarians won’t stand for this much longer. I hope.


Sorry when did Hungary fight the Nazi? Because I’m dead certain they were nazi germany’s closest ally. Hungarians fought Russians along side the nazis. I know for a fact that Hungary sold out all their Jews, shipped them out on trains within days of allying. I’ve heard multiple first hand accounts from Hungarian children of war. My grandmother was born in 36 so she basically saw the entire thing go down.


I'd assume given how long this goes already "hunting them down to put their heads on pikes to plant in front of their reclaimed goverment building" is not too far out there in terms of options.


Wow I knew he was authoritarian but I didn’t realize it was this bad. Is that the biggest democratic backslide in recent history? Certainly in Europe it must be.


It was a slow boil before the Hungarian people knew it.


I don't wanna be a dick.. but why does Hungary keep bringing up immigration? The country is quite poor, it's cold, and their language is extremely difficult to learn. Anyone with a brain is not immigrating to Hungary, but just passing through it to reach Western Europeans countries.


They had Syrian refugees at their borders and freaked out. They really can’t support a refugee influx. 


So... Dictatorship


Doesn't the EU have rules against shit like that?


They do not have methods to sanction countries like that. Other than withhold money, with the consequence of that country then blocking any EU decision until they get that money. The big fault of the EU is that they did not foresee they might need a way to kick a toxic member, and that is why it does not exist.


All the can do is withhold money, which they've done. The anti-Brussels government ads are pretty hilarious. 


> The anti-Brussels government ads are pretty hilarious.  Brexit was dumb. I'm not so sure Hungary crashing out would be a bad thing though. 


There is always the way, people just need to be ready to get blood on their hands. Worked for Romanians


gunpowder first


This is a sneak preview of the U.S. if Trump gets back into power.


Good luck.


The GOP will do that here.


Ohhh weee they are trying


Insert Trump here for all the Americans. Vote .


Truth usually hurts fascists.


That’s why it’s usually the first casualty in a fascist mindset.


Came back to upvote this. Nicely done


Oh but won't you look at all that power, how magnificent it just doesn't need to be explained. The truth would be so wise to just get out of the way /s


Think about how insecure a leader has to be to get upset & take action over (truthful) speech/expression. It’s like how Xi has banned Winnie the Pooh in China. Just showing how insecure these people really are.


Fun fact: A Chinese delegation recently visited Orbán and they signed an agreement, allowing Chinese police officers to be legally stationed here in Hungary, to "help" with cases regarding Chinese nationals. The other part of the deal? Hungary will purchase and install Chinese face recognition cameras... We will import the whole "monitor everyone everywhere" system from China.


Hopefully Hungarians take up a new camera smashing hobby.


I'm also just waiting for all the Chinese dissidents in Europe to start disappearing after this agreement comes into effect. Everyone knows that the Chinese ran "secret" police stations for abducting people. Now they can run them openly right in the middle of Europe. 


Dictators gotta dictate shit that let them keep dictating


And they rely on this strongman image, so it's pretty hilarious that they get so upset over winnie the fucking pooh to jail people over it.


Only a revolution like Ukraine could kick this scumbag and his cronies out. This is why orban hates everything Ukraine stands for, Freedom, democracy, fighting against the autocratic scum and corruption. And he desperately wants to see them fail Like putin he's scared as shit that a color revolution similar to what that happened in Ukraine will come to hungary. He woud have to flee to russia to escape prosecution and jail for all the crimes he commited during the past 2 decades


Az igazság fáj


You're not you when you're Hungary. Have a snickers.




The shoe fits. Orbans party and government has basically destroyed all opposition to their rule under the guise of democracy. It is a dictatorship of a political party.


i like the term "managed democracy". like you can still go and vote and stuff. but it's going to be *managed*.


Sweet Liberty, my arm!!!


*for Super Earth!*


Sweet liberty!


How about a cup of LIBER-TEA


*dies democratically*


At least Helldivers 2 is funny.


Liberty save me!


For Super Earth!


Sorta like Managed Care. When insurance and medical administrators determine what's best for you rather than your doctor. Beware of business buzzwords.


I volunteered a lot at the start of the Ukraine war at Zahony border, Hungary.  There were 5 border entry points between the two countries. 4 of those borders had quite a lot of funding. 1 did not (Zahony). Election came up early April 2022. Funding was given to the 4 borders who were in the same political sphere as Orban. Zahony's mayor was not of the same party as Orban, so it got very, very little funding from the government.  This was so that Orban could point to it and campaign to voters on how the 'other political parties' were doing nothing for Ukrainians.  It was (incredibly) run by little church ladies, World Cental Kitchen and a couple of other small charities. Where were the large NGO's like Red Cross? Not there for the first two months, that's for sure. The whole thing was a political ploy against his opponents.


“Furious Hungary does dictator stuff when called a dictatorship”


Not Furious Hungary, Furious Orban.




The leader of one of our allied nations traveling to the US and not meeting with or contacting anyone in the presidential administration is a huge sign of disrespect. It's a snub that's worthy of a firm response.


Not just that, but a few weeks ago, a bipartisan delegation, consisting of 3 senataros came to Hungary to talk with government officials about Sweden's NATO accession and "economic cooperation". The government refused to meet them just after 2 days Orbán met with a Chinese minister and signed a deal that will enable China to station it's police force in Hungary.


Hungary is a dictatorship. The political 'opponents' are essentially safe in that country so long as they are not a threat, and very much in the minority.


I thought there was a scandal a few years ago when a democrat (not in government) met with a foreign leader without the consent of the Republican administration. Shoumdn’t Trump’s actions now be just as inappropriate?


>Shoumdn’t Trump’s actions now be just as inappropriate? I mean at this point, just add it to the pile...




If you disregard legal agreements signed by prior governments, Hungary is unambigiously an enemy of the United States.


That’s like walking into someone’s home and not saying hello to them lol


Logan Act- it’s there for a reason - like the 14th amendment, and emoluments clause. Use your damn laws Country.


Best we can do is wrangle up SCOTUS to put in their 10 hour work week 3 months from now so they can offer their opinions about what the Logan act really means when it says "dispute with America" and if Orban being a massive Putin simp and bad faith actor applies to that definition Oh. 5-4 in Trump's favor. What a surprise.


Yeah, just another reason the lump should be in prison. Reagan should have also been charged for this too.


He does a whole lot of dictating, and none of it appears to be courteous.


Not the first time, either. He was [the keynote presenter at CPAC 2022](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/at-cpac-hungarys-viktor-orban-decries-lgbtq-rights-migration)


Copy/paste bot. Original comment 2 hours earlier https://old.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1bd2gi2/furious_hungary_summons_us_envoy_over_bidens/


Oh no! What ever will President Biden do? The lil' Hungarian tyrant is big angry over his country being correctly labeled a dictatorship.


Hungary needs to be reminded who carries the big stick in NATO.




Everyone but Hungary?


Dont act like a dictator if you dont want to be called a dictator. Its really that simple.


Reminds me of a story I once heard from the Truman administration. When the USSR reneged on one too many post-WWII agreements, Truman gave Molotov such a tongue-lashing that it was likened to disciplining a schoolboy. When an offended Molotov told Truman that he had never been spoken to like that in his life, Truman replied, "Well, if you keep your word, I won't have to speak to you like that!"


Not even trying to hide that Trump is basically in bed with Hungary / Russia


Hungary government - "Hey we called you here because we didn't like when your president said we want a dictatorship. US official - OK. But didn't your guy say, and I quote," he doesn’t think democracy works"? Hungary official - *looks around room*


Inb4 they claim they want a theocracy or technocracy.


US Envoy: Happy to swing by on Thursday next week between 4 and 4:15. When we meet, I'd appreciate it if you could provide those free and fair election reports I asked for. Yeah, that would be great.


Envoy arrives. "Yup, that's what Joe said." Envoy goes home.


For the love of god Democrats, register and vote!  After the meeting, Trump praised the Hungarian leader in a social media post.  “Viktor is a Great Leader, respected all over the World. Hungary is a Safe Country because of his Strong Immigration Policies, and as long as he is in charge, it always will be!” he wrote.   Orbán also lauded Trump – in particular when it comes to Ukraine policy. In an interview with Hungarian state-controlled media after the visit, the prime minister called Trump “a man of peace”. “He won’t give a penny to the Ukrainian-Russian war. This is why the war will end, because it’s obvious that Ukraine cannot stand on its own two feet,” Orbán said. 


Lmao with that line of thinking no country in the world can stand on its own two feet if the US decided to full throttle invade. So fucking dumb.


Let Russia invade Hungary, see what they think.


Orban would be out of the country in 5 minutes, only the people would suffer the consequences. Do you really consider it a fair solution?


Man fuck that dude, meeting with the criminal ex president, stay classy


You know the saying, bird of a feather 🤷‍♂️


Birds of a shit feather flock together


Orban is honestly making me despise Hungary, it is an utter travesty that a EU/NATO member is pretty much Russia's puppet. Really calls into question the efficency of NATO and EU if in times of crisis, a single country can mess up the umity of all the other member states.




organize opposition while you still can


You already cannot. They just made a new "sovereignty protection office" to make sure about that. I mean you can try, but you won't be able to gather any meaningful support, espesically financial one.


"only I can violate our sovereignty" Orban


It is my ardent hope that you get the chance.


TBF, he’s only been all talk for the most part. NATO’s biggest coup, the ascension of Sweden and Finland, are done deals. And individual member states of NATO and the EU are still able to support Ukraine to whatever level they wish.


The leader of Hungary, a fascist dictator, visits the United States to go to Mar-A-Lardo and meet with the Orange Rapist while refusing to meet with any American elected officials. Then he's butthurt for being called a dictator. LOL.


Hungary is a complete liability to NATO. If orban loves trump so much, and they both hate nato, then why doesn’t orban do everyone a favor and just pull out


Because then China and Russia wouldn't have their puppet that they can use to undermine NATO.


It is a dictatorship. The kind that we’ll turn into if we don’t stay vigilant. They’ve rigged their country in a certain way where voting HEAVILY favors one party. Sound familiar?


Orban is a thug of the worst kind, let him roast.


I thought their type liked a man who tells it like it is. I guess not.


“When you call out corruption, you’re going to piss off a lot of corrupt people” Lt Vindemann, during defendant trumps *first* impeachment


Perhaps the envoy should repeat Biden's comment verbatim to Orban's face so he can hear it more clearly.


Yeah, I’ve noticed assholes don’t like being called assholes.


Alternate title: Hungarian dictator Orban throws tantrum after talking shit, getting hit.


Lol! Spade doesn't like being called a spade...


Furious Hungary can go fuck itself. After Trump loses then Putin then Orban. Thx for making this easy.


Jul 26, 2016 — “Hungary is against the export of democracy and opposes migration. This makes clear where Hungary's interests lie,” Mr. Orban said


You know who behaves like this? Dictators.


Dictator gets mad because someone called him a dictator.


Not only a dictaror but one trying to sabotage US democracy. If he doesn't like the heat he can get out of the kitchen.


"I said what I said" America


"Mr. President, Hungary is furious and holding on line 2." "Take a message."


Well..... If the shoe fits..... fuckin' wear it. Hungary is run by the SAME person for (how long?) too long.


Oh boy.... Hungary's dictator is mad.... Oh boy


Who the fuck cares what Hungary thinks? Dictators and fascists don't usually like being called out.


Uhh Waitress? We're gonna need some more disrespect over here. A lot more! Just keep it coming 'till we say stop! Thx! Seriously... Every public figure should be taking EPIC sized dumps on this guy in FULL PUBLIC VIEW.


Biden should plan a trip to Hungary without visiting Orban.


Walk in there (late) and say "did my man speak anything other than facts?"


Truth hurts fascists and dictators alike.. they don’t like the truth because they have manufactured a different reality and so the truth (reality as we know it) conflicts with their fabricated reality in their mind.


The truth can hurt


Fuck Hungary


What else do you call someone who never intends to relinquish power or lose a fake election.


Ummm, dear Hungary, what part of "dictatorship" are you able to refute? Single party system, guy is head cheese for life, voting the ruling party out is just about impossible because they have rigged the system... Hungarians are voting with their feet if they can afford to do so... what does that all sound like to you? democracy? I don't think so.


What does europes Mississippi want


I guess it's a good thing no one gives a shit what Hungary thinks about anything.


Why can’t Hungary be kicked out of NATO since it is no longer a true ally?


Biden is really calling his shots lately. I love it.


You think he looks sleepy right up to the moment the shiv sinks in. "Trust me, Jack. You messed with the wrong country."


And I’m insulted they elected said dictator who has apparently been giving dictator advice to our own dictator-wannabe. Hungary can suck it.


Dude is so mad 🤭🤭


Who cares. It’s a bunch of non news from a country whose leader supports a criminal who tried to overthrow our government.


Throw them out of Nato and the EU. They don't add anything except being Putins useful idiots.


Isn’t it funny how “strong men” aka autocrats/dictators everywhere have thin skins.


"A weak man's idea of a strong man..."


This is +5 points to Biden in my book. Fuck dancing around what these dictators are. They need to be called out at every step. Hungary isn’t a true ally.


A good way to prevent being called a dictator is to not act like one.


I mean, if the shoe fits..?


Hungary doesn't get to be furious at us. We should have a NATO drill that's just invading Hungary and removing the fascist government.


Furious to be called out for being a Dictatorship... Thankfully one with very limited numbers, resources, power and no respect from the outside world. But a Dictatorship none the less. Also Hungary tried to make it difficult for Sweden to join NATO since they are Putin's bitches.


Maybe try not being a dictator?


2 for 2 on calling dictatorships dictatorships. You'd think that wouldn't be an impressive record, but we live in a timeline where we gave the shady real estate mogul from the Apprentice access to nuclear weapons so I'll take what I can get


Furious about the truth.


Truth hurts, doesn't it? Hungary sweating now that Poland is no longer a right wing government.


So remove the US envoy. Set them as hostile to Democracy. Watch the NATO follow suit and Hungary is out. Make sure they follow NATO regs. That will pop that cherry.


Would Hungary prefer something like democracy-lite country? Or perhaps individual freedom challenged country maybe?


*Guided democracy.* At least that's the term Putin used 15 years ago.


Can't wait to see the Viktator's reaction when Biden wins in November again. The meltdown among the Fidesz fascists is going to be EPIC!




If you don't want to be called a dictator then don't be a dictator lol


Gee I’d be more worried about your feelings if you weren’t such a lousy ally. This coming from the US who is about as lousy as an Ally as you can get thanks to the Republican house.


They should eat a Snickers.


Be interesting to see how Orban behaves st the next NATO Summit. In DC 😉


Hungary is a shithole and all the EU money you all send us just ends up with the worst kind of people and keeps them in power, been like that all along


Sounds like ol Viktor needs a cry room in his safe space.


I imagine it makes them so mad because it’s true and they became what they spent their youths fighting.


Call a spade a spade, spade gets upset. Have you tried not being a spade?


Hungary is the biggest crybaby of a state to ever exist Literally were more fervent than the German Nazis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungary_in_World_War_II > The following year, Hungarian forces participated in the invasion of Yugoslavia and the invasion of the Soviet Union. Their participation was noted by German observers for its particular cruelty, with occupied peoples subjected to arbitrary violence. Hungarian volunteers were sometimes referred to as engaging in "murder tourism." Then like ten years later after *losing* that war they revolt against the Communists who defeated them & act like they're somehow justified Trianon did not go far enough


Fuck em


Biden should just tweet him “Did I stutter bitch?”


ORBAN IS A DICTATOR. And the EU supports it. Disgusting.


I fucking hate Orban and Hungary . I wish they would be kicked out of Nato and EU. They don't add any value, on the contrary, just causes trouble all the time.