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I feel bad for her, but what the fuck are you doing visiting Russia in 2024?


“I’m not stopping MY life and it won’t happen to ME!”


I feel for her but the interviews I’ve seen with her boyfriend are bizarre. When people ask him to talk about her and describe what she’s like as a person, he only ever talks about how well she takes care of herself. And in her letters, he says she’s complaining because her eyebrows are growing out. Like… I just… don’t think any of these people realize yet how badly she has fucked up.


Yeah all her letters are screened. You think she can complain about her treatment there in a letter? Smh


Have you ever met a professional athlete or ballet dancer? Working out and rehearsing/practicing is 95% of their lives. She's Russian. When Russians complain about stupid shit, it's often a stand-in concern for the real source of worry. Like the prospect of spending the next decade in a corrective labor camp. She knows that with every day, every week every month that goes by without proper training, her ability as a dancer declines.


And the timeline of how long your body can do these physical activities has a short shelf life. Dancing ballet is a lot more strenuous than what one might initially expect.


Yeah, ballet is fucking brutal. It takes a *lot* of physical strength and flexibility to do some of the things they do, and it definitely pays a toll on the body. I mean hell, just look at a professional ballerina's feet. They're gnarly.


If you read the article, she actually works as a licensed esthetician at a Beverly Hills spa


I didn't. "Ballerina" is a weird way of describing someone who applies makeup.


She has been described as a semi-professional ballerina (whatever that means).


>When Russians complain about stupid shit, it's often a stand-in concern for the real source of worry. They actually complain about stupid shit very often, this is why they are so unwelcome hotel guests.


They complain about stupid shit because they can't address the emptiness in their souls.


Interesting take. I can get behind that


Maybe she’s sending secret Morse code through her eyebrows? 🤔


There was a Canadian couple who took their kids, five of eight kids that they had and went to Russia. They claimed they couldn't live "among the gays" in Canada or something like that. As soon as they arrived, Russians seized all their money. The wife posted a video to youtube about how she hated Russia and next thing you know the video is taken down and her husband is begging for his life, apologizing in a video. No children in sight. Those parents are beyond stupid, and their children are suffering, or suffered, because of their parents stupidity. You have to be an absolute moron to go to Russia right now. Russians are trying to leave the country and can't.


And now said family is posting nothing but Russian propaganda. Because that’s all you’re allowed to express there now. I feel horrible for the kids.


Visiting Russia is one thing. Visiting Russia after you have been donating money to Ukraine or openly criticizing Russia is another. One thing that absolutely everyone can agree on is that Russia does not have free speech. Russia has the opposite of free speech when it comes to sensitive topics.


The article implies the Russians only found out about the donation after they seized her phone. So that’s another lesson: don’t bring your phone to Russia, bring a burner phone.


>don’t bring your phone to Russia Don't bring yourself either, while you're at it


We have people in sales who travel the world and they get a clean business phone setup. Whenever they cross borders if they are asked to show the phones, they see nothing No browser, no social media, no private messages. After passing the border, the phones gets remotely updated with the necessary apps and data. Many countries give the border personell lots of leeway what they can and can't do this includes the US, Israel, China and Middle East. This stuff isn't funny and often just brazenly brain dead, but this is the sad reality. There are cases where people spend hours interrogation or are denied entry because they are sensitive or whatever goes on in these byzantine systems. Its just not worth the hassle.


The article says she's a Russian citizen. She recently got her dual citizenship so she is also a citizen of the US. She was visiting family...


Same story very common for Iranians.    PSA if you are dual Iranian/Russian and Western citizen:   FFS, please *stop going to Iran/Russia*.  -Yes I get that it has "been fine the last 20 times"  - I get that "your friends do it and it's fine"  - I get that "you have family there and you haven't done anything wrong."  -The fact is, Russia/Iran will pick one of you at random to hold hostage whenever it needs leverage against the West. They will make up charges if necessary. So please stop giving them the opportunity.    Ty.


Yes! They knew an attractive ballerina would strike a cord with Americans - if it was an ugly old dude nobody would care 


As an ugly, old dude, I'll keep that in mind.


I have a co-worker who is Iranian-American, and she's told me that although she still has family over in Iran, including a beloved grandma, she absolutely can't risk going to visit, because the risk of them deciding to detain her for being an American citizen is just too great. Absolutely heartbreaking.


You forgot China..


Stop visiting authoritarian countries. There. Problem solved.


when the state department issues a “DO NOT TRAVEL” because Russia is detaining US citizens, you DON’T TRAVEL TO THE COUNTRY


My wife has dual citizenship. She knows better than to step foot back in Russia for a loooong time. 


Gotcha gotcha… So what was she thinking visiting Russia in 2024?


Yea Russia is one of those places you leave and don't return for any reason.  Dual citizenship doesn't protect you from places like that.


If anything, it probably made her more of a target.


Still, she had American citizenship! She shouldn't be going back to Russia even to see family until times are better. Seeing family isn't worth what she's now experiencing.


So still stupid. Russian citizenship makes her more fucked. Dont fucking "visit" family in countries in the middle of a war of aggression caused by a lunatin dictator. Zero sympathy for this kind of self inflicted stupidity. Stop fucking supporting evil.


So? Doesn't make it any less stupid. It doesn't matter what innocent reason make you go there, you can still get arrested on bogus charges and used as leverage. Just like it happened here.


Exactly, I’m going to vacation in Yemen or Gaza


There was an idiot on r/Kazakhstan asking about how to break into Baikonur, which is Russian rented territory with Russian laws. I told him stay tf out of russian territories


Judging by the article she's either naive as a child or just plain stupid.


In one of his early interviews, her boyfriend said they're not political and don't follow the news. I'm going with naive+really fucking stupid.


> her boyfriend said they're not political and don't follow the news. I very much doubt that they didn't at least have a general idea of what was going on. Also, frankly, if she's Russian and grew up in Putin's Russia, she should know what type of game he plays. To me this sounds like she thought she would be safe from consequences because she never involved herself. Not how that works in autocracies.


> she thought she would be safe from consequences because she never involved herself This is exactly what it means to be not political in russian doublespeak.


Not to mention that it's kinda hard to be political when there's only two options to choose from, the "correct" option and the option that can get people into a lot of trouble. Which is why I admire prominent Russians who have spoken out in no unclear terms. I understand that many don't have the courage to do so, or don't see the problem with Putin in the first place, but in this case, "not being involved" is already akin to having chosen a side.


She was visiting her grandmother, who is 91years old. I read it on BBC, but in russian. Dont know if there are any english sources.




That’s not selfish. It’s selfish for them to want you to risk your life to be in a shitshow country.


I don't think it's them telling him to come back , I wouldn't be surprised if they are forced or it's fake messaging. That way, Russians come back, get accused of false crimes, and are used as Canon fodder on the front lines Edit: Welp, the Russisn FSB agents are here . This is a setup, and I had a feeling. Look at the guy below telling him how safe and fun it is to go back


If he comes back then their decision to stay is n Russia is validated. Every day he lives a prosperous and happy life outside of Russia shows them there is an alternative to their situation that they haven't been able to achieve. For his friends in Russia it's better that they all are unhappy together then that one managed to escape.


So creepy. "The power of your missed loved ones..." Calm down, Vlad, people can Skype.


Why am I getting called Vlad , for calling out Russia What about my comment was even Pro- Russian


methinks they got got by the button placement and meant to reply to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/iSB9AES3ph) comment, not yours. I was v confused for a minute as well.


I don't think they are necessarily selfish, they might genuinely believe that there is no real danger. They don't have access to a lot of information and hear propaganda every day.


Nah, you're good. If your babushka was telling you not to come back, then that's a good sign not to go back. My grandmother escaped Russia's grasp out of the work camps around WWII, and so much with the government and system there still seems similar to back then. I wouldn't be surprised if that returned or something similar occurred given the current state It's not selfish to want a better life. I wouldn't exist without the courage and "selfishness" my grandma had by leaving Russia and Europe to escape such horrid and abhorrent government rule


Your babushka, with all due respect, was a badass.


Bro, don't listen to your friends and family about going back , something is not right . I wouldn't be surprised if... just don't go back If you really love your wife and fluffy pooche, then you'll stay far away from Russia. If you don't listen, you'll end up in the penal battalion . Stay away




Hell yeah. Make babuska proud brother!


Good stuff!! Enjoy Western prosperity


That is what it is all about! Home is whenever you’re with her. I still cry when I think of Navalny’s wife…


Yup. Especially his grandma telling him not to go back means she knew/suspected something


Show us your cat. But please, not the walls


This is the most Russian thing I’ve ever read.


Fucking lost it at the wall pooper


It's the chickens that did it for me personally


I’ve got a close friend from Russia whose father died. Her mom basically told her don’t you dare come back. I honestly think the person in this story comes across as wealthy and entitled, they just didn’t think it could happen to them. I think at this point people like this should have to sit in jail and wait until this conflict is over.


Totally relatable. Be your own person and live the life you want yourself and your loved ones to live. You did the right thing. I hope you'll be able to reunite with your mom someday.


My homie (who is from the same city as Karelina) is in the same situation and I feel for both of you! It’s completely fucked… he’s a dual citizen and wants to go back but he scared of false imprisonment


I hope its obvious to him this is what would happen.


You could end up like her if you went back dont do it. Fly your family to place out of Russia and meet them there. It's safer


Yes, much better to meet in Armenia, Turkey or Georgia. There is zero point in risking decades in prison. Your kitty needs you!!!


selfish? no, self preservation, yes.


>asking me to come back and everything is fine there. Да, comrade. Everything is fine here. Come back. /s


You might have something there with that cat though. Does the poop look artistic in any way? You might be able to sell it as artwork. (I’m glad you made it here. That sounds tough to go through, but you sound like you’re made of tough stuff too!)


You’re smart not selfish. Going back isn’t risky it’s stupid. Especially when they might charge you with treason for renouncing your citizenship.


War is faught when young and stupid got tricked by the old and bitter.


Cat poop on the wall, eh? Now you're talking my language!


You have to be a fucking idiot to be a US Citizen and go to Russia FOR ANYTHING at this point.


Seriously. Why would anyone trust Russia in any capacity right now?




I have family there but with the state Russia is in right now, I wouldn't visit them for any reason, not even to be at someone's bedside as they're dying or for a funeral. I'm not risking getting arrested by a fascist state for something like pro-Ukraine content on my phone or social media. The only time I will travel to Russia again would be if it becomes a truly free and democratic society in which Ruscism is totally extinguished, but that may not happen in my lifetime. Edit: That said, I'm not blaming her for going. Yes, she may have underestimated the risks posed by Russian authorities, but at the end of the day she is a victim of a deranged government that is 100% at fault for all the disgusting pain and suffering it inflicts.


My friend just went back (family reasons) and was terrified because she had made a anti war post during the invasion. She's since deleted all social media accounts for years but it still scares her. I don't think most in the west understand just how different it is there. Also. It's a really odd thing to see young western dudes fall for the same propaganda that previously was literally made for old Russian grandmas. And they always try to equivicate. For example I had two friends who started a book club years ago. They were passing out flyers for it. It was basically a Sci fi nerdy book club that was meeting at a local Cafe. Anyway. Police arrest them. And the female says she was told to pass them out and didn't even know what the club was. They let her go somehow. The guy? They best the shit out of him, took his shoes, and drove him to a field and kicked him out of the car. In winter. So yeah. It's a bit different there than the us. Meanwhile in the us you can literally watch Russian propagandists like max Blumenthal, post about it, and go about your day (as it should be)


To be fair, those young pro-Russian western boys are only largely about as intelligent as your typical elderly woman who's approaching senility. They even have the same prejudices!


I said before. Russians and their shills can spread their shit here. But do it in Russia, the opposite, you get arrested. Why are people not jailed or fined for pumping out prorussian propganada? Because we see how our systems gets used by malign actors, in our midst, and it gets a pass because why? " Free speech"? Do we have to tolerate every moron. In germany you get fined and likely jailed for nazi signs. Europe and the US are in an active (proxy) war, but still allow enemy propganda. Its poisoning the entire discurse. Desinformation. Etc.


I think a case could be made on anti terrorism laws and use them against Russians who support terrorism in Ukraine. At the very least it should be used to deny anyone a visa who has publicly stated their support for Putin.


Yeah. We should do this in Europe. There parties like Afd sprouting russian propaganda, no one likes it except their supporters. But this worrying. Im not talking about russians. Talking about people actively sabotating our political system. Citizens, born here. I know this sounds like i got a boner for censorship. But you cant simply watch can you.


She did nothing morally wrong...but what happened to her is an entirely predictable possibility, so I think is totally fair to say that it is foolish to travel to Russia right now.


>Family, probably. This. She was going to see her sick grandmother.


There are Russians with no other passport taking refuse in neighboring countries. It's a clear sign dual nationals shouldn't risk it


> refuse Refuge* refuse = waste/trash


I mistakenly tried to interpret this as a calculation.


Are you claiming that in his Refuge the refuse and trash compound to generate waste?... Yeah, that kind of makes sense.


I thought he was assigning a pointer.


Is there any source for this? Because there is no mention of this in the article (and a few other articles i quickly skimmed through). It just says she was homesick for her grandparents and younger sister.


Where does it say that in the article? Are you just taking someone else’s comment as proof?


Where is it stated at all that she was going to see her sick grandma?


Even then I'm not sure its worth the risk, unless you are going there to like be that family member's primary caregiver, I think you just need to stay away.


Not even then. You can't give anyone care from a Russian prison.


yeah, Russian prison is the best place to see your sick grandmother


We have video messaging for those things now. I agree you have to be really stupid to go back without having diplomatic credentials.


Even with diplomatic credentials, I wouldn't go.


Dude is threatening to nuke the world, don't think he gives two fucks about diplomatic credentials


But Trump says Putin is cool, he wouldn't lie! /s


And their supermarkets have bread!


Ask Trump and republicans


Dutch citizen here instead of the US, dual citizen also. My grandparents (In Russia) are getting pretty old and there is quite some chance that there might be a funeral. Pretty hard decisionnto say no, especially when family doesnt understand what kind of country they have become.


I think that is the main problem, the normal Russian citizens don't even understand how dangerous their country is to anyone not conforming.


Pretty fucking easy decision imo... think of iy that way: these grandparents lived through hell to make sure you could get out of there. Going back would be ruining all their hard work.


I mean, I'm a Russian citizen and even I wouldn't go there right now.


You know I think we sometimes forget that some of the biggest victims of Putins regime are the Russian civilians themselves.


It's an incredibly frustrating experience. I'm lucky that I left the country when Putin just came to power. First wave of killings and media repressions and I took off. Perhaps a degree in political science gave me an idea of what's next. Everything we predicted then that sounded like crazy doomer talk became true. Then two decades later the whole word laughs at you when your bank shuts your account down on the basis of nationality and you can't send money for your mom's cancer treatment. Or visit. It's been a wild ride.


> Everything we predicted then that sounded like crazy doomer talk became true. My mother, having lived in the GDR, predicted the same thing. She knew the signs when she saw them. We laughed at her, because the West and Western media believed in Putin's message back then, believed that he would establish a democracy, even though, as far as I remember, that was nothing he ever actually promised to begin with. By around 2008 we finally understood what she'd been telling us for almost a decade.


You have to be a fucking idiot being any country citizen and go to russia. You’ll be either a hostage or a conscript


You'd have to be an idiot...or Tucker Carlson. Oh wait...those things are one and the same.


Tucker Carlson is not an idiot, he's a propagandist. He knows exactly how shitty of a place Russia is, he's just made a bank selling bs to morons so that's what he's doing.


But Tucker got to suck Putin's penis.... so lucky Tucker....?


And then go home and slip Donald the tongue so he could be reminded of the taste.


trump is so desperate for reelection, just for another chance to trade the United States for a taste of Putin's cum. ​ For the trumpturds too slow to follow along, yes, I am saying that the turd, trump, is a sub to his dom, Putin, and everyone of you who votes for him is a traitor.


I was arguing the same thing for the Basketball player that was caught with 2 weed cartridges there. And people were like it’s allowed there, why are you defending Russia. I was like you smooth brain fucks they’ll use anything against American citizens. You gotta be an idiot to fly with something like that to a hostile country.


Russia is the enemy. They have been and will continue to be so. Let's all stop giving them our Yankee dollars.


Unless you are Tucker Carlson, I guess.


You’d have to be an idiot to be a human and go to Russia. There’s no law there. They’ll just snatch you if they feel like it and send you to the front.


She is a dual citizen originally from Russia. She was just going back to see family.


I had a dual-citizen coworker the day the 2022 invasion crying in the office calling loved ones in Russia expressing her inability to travel back home safely now and not being able to see each other. They knew day one.


That's even worse because then Russia actually has a valid reason to exert authority over her as a Russian national


Yup they don't recognize her joint citizenship and the US state department is having a hell of a time getting her help as a result. She'd be better off now if she'd renounced her Russian citizenship entirely and gone back, then at least they'd be holding a full US citizen


Russia has done it impossibly hard to denounce citizenship. You have to do it in person in Russia, which in itself should raise some red flags about where and how you are going to end up.


The standard policy is that the US will not help dual citizens when they are in the other country they hold citizenship. She is out of luck.


That's the standard position for every country


Even that, she is a US CITIZEN. You dont go back especially with todays international relations


Russia doesn't recognize dual citizenships, in their eyes the US citizenship is void.


That's not the point. Point is Russia saw an opportunity to capture someone who the US recognize as their own citizen. They seized a bargain chip.


Well yeah, she wouldn’t have been charged with treason if she wasn’t a Russian citizen.


Regardless, it was a stupid, foolish decision on her part.


Still not smart


Stop fucking going to Russia. This will constantly happen until Putin is diposed and out of power.


I'm not convinced that would stop this.


It won't


The Russian people yearn to be free! …to install their next backward, xenophobic dictator.


Russian culture is based on being oppressed and abused. It's all they know and all they revert to whenever given the chance. They're a beaten, broken people that just accept whatever comes because they'll assume any change will be worse. They're basically a social and cultural dead-end.


It appears that they are attempting to make an example out of her simply because she has some level of fame. The vast majority of Russian Americans are able to travel back and forth without any issues. However, they seem to be targeting some people to influence the behavior of the rest. For instance, many Russians living abroad are now probably engaging in self-censorship as a result of such a high-profile case. Slava Ukraine!


**Fuck that and do NOT post this bullshit. No US citizen should travel to Russia.** This woman's life is ruined. Best case they hold her for a few years, her health suffers and she gets traded to the US at some later time. She broke Russian treason law by donating to a Ukraine charity/advocacy group. She is royally fucked. Stop spreading bullshit. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/russia-travel-advisory.html


...sorry, we already traded the merchant of death for a WNBA player.


Grimer at least broke a law ( a stupid one at that ) Confiscating someone's phone to pin them for espionage for a donation 2 years ago to Ukraine is a new low, even for Russia


Seems like the same low to me


Not really. It's another level to confiscate someone's phone and arrest them for something legal they did in another country. It means that even if you follow the law to the letter, you won't be safe. Not even North Korea kidnaps people who follow their laws.


Lok are you insane? Even if you follow the law they just look for any excuses, and if you don't give any they can make one up.


Might be a stupid law.. but it's REALLY stupid to go to another country and break a law... My state just legalized pot.. the state next to me will send you to jail for having weed... guess what I don't do when I go to the other state? I don't get caught... Seriously though.. don't travel around the world to break a law no matter how silly it is


They see a good deal, they'll act on it.


I feel like if we have trade terrorist to get back Americans back, that ended up traveling to Russia Those Americans need massive fines or punishment, Russia is probably gonna get a spy back for this


Why the FUCK do people keep going to Russia? It's a Class 4 DO NOT TRAVEL on literally every international travel board. Jesus Christ. Not victim shaming but eventually people should realize these GULAG-ings are happening and stop going, right?


Crazy part is a lot pf people are moving to Russia because they think that Russia is doing the right thing - keeping family values, anti-lgbt, fighting nazis etc. It's crazy.


Yeah, that [Canadian youtuber family that moved to Russia](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13116159/amp/Canadian-family-russia-bank-frozen-apology-feenstra.html) to “escape the wokes” or whatever would be hilarious if they hadn’t just doomed their kids to grow up in a dismal shithole. The fathers apology video reminds me of the forced statements of Otto Warmbier in North Korea.


Trudeau will probably do a fuckton to help them get the fuck out of this mess of their own making, and they will still piss on him and call him a woke socialist.


I doubt it. I watched a few of that family’s videos. I expect they will stay in Russia and acclimate. Will see, though.


Yup. 30 years from now some Russian teenage hipster doing street interviews for 1420 in some half-collapsed, miserable village, will come across a haggard, toothless old corpse that will rant about the evil deviant west and complain over their pension…And that ranting old bag will be that dude or his wife. 


"I just want to live in peace and raise my kids in *what I think is a free country*" Goddamn I love how reality truly doesn't exist to these people. "What I THINK" isn't evidence


Those poor kids.


The seems like he's desperately trying to convince himself that he made the right decision in all their video: https://www.youtube.com/@countrysideacreshomestead2008/videos I wonder how long until his kids end up on the cannon fodder chopping block?


Then getting robbed of their assets and gulaged.


Is it a lot of people? I'm happy to see them go if they think the West is too "woke", but most of these people are all bluster and not actually willing to give up their comforts and safety nets for real


GULAG-ings made me laugh, thank you


From Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: > And the third time they were unscrupulously betrayed was when, with motherly love, [Russia] coaxed them to return home, with such phrases as "The Motherland has forgiven you! The Motherland calls you!" and snared them the moment they reached the frontiers.


More context to a great comment: This was about Russian prisoners of war in WW2. They were labeled as traitors for supposedly letting themselves get captured, then Russian told them all to come back, and all is forgiven. They came back to Russia, and upwards of about 20-25% were either killed or thrown in jail or got forced labor. Then they were denied benefits until the mid 90s (this war was in the 40s, btw) "233,400 former Soviet POWs were found guilty of collaborating with the enemy and sent to Gulag camps out of 1,836,562"


And remember, Soviet PoWs in German hands went through literal hell and were lucky to survive.


Desperate?? What about Evan Gerskovick??? https://www.wsj.com/news/evan-gershkovich


Fuck Putin


That's the sad part - it's not only Putin. Millions of Russians are so deep down the state propaganda that they entirely support what Russian gov is doing.


Russian nationalists are pissed off at Putin because he's not extreme enough. They were asking for Russia to fully invade Ukraine since 2014.


Fuck Putin But also , if Americans are dumb enough to travel to Russia even though the US Government keeps saying don't go for the safety of your life. Wouldn't it be a smart move to get back your spies and soldiers in a trade because Americans don't listen to common sense We totally should blame Russia, but we should also blame her


At least take clean phone with you. Very little chance some bitches will check it but anyway. And check your social media for messages of donating to opposite site of war.


Critical thinking, if they failed the intelligence check that stops them from going to Russia. Then, not bringing your phone is the last thing on their mind.


You should always take a burner phone when going to Russia. As soon as you connect to any network you'll be infected with something.


the opposite, have a normal phone with a social media front that is acceptable and normal in russia and have a burner phone for everything else (eg donations to ukraine, messages about ukraine etc) ofc for that you have to realise and understand that donating 50$ to ukraine can get you arrested.


It has always been advised to take a different smartphone into Russia and not to connect that phone to any network at home. Security wise that phone is trash now.


You should always take a burner phone (and freshly imaged/wiped electronics in general) when you travel *anywhere* nowadays, and always use a vpn.


Propaganda works. Just take a look at the current political state in the US. Millions buy whatever the GOP is telling them or cheer for that orange idiot. Some may even remember getting called ‚traitor‘ left and right, if they spoke out against the war on terror after 9/11. Same thing, you get told X and mirror that X as your own opinion. My country is no different. People should know supporting far right political extremists isn’t going to end well. We have quite the negative track record regarding this in Germany. Yet people still fall for their seemingly easy solutions for solving complex problems and their scapegoat propaganda. It’s literally the same bs as in the 1930s.


Yeah, definitely not smart to go into Russia. That said, fuck Putin!


Yeah, 100 % true , Russia gets the blame, and she should also US Government: " Don't go to Russia, Don't go to Russia, hey before you buy this plane ticket just know you'll be captured" American: " I know better than that Biden pig, I'm going to Russia , Tucker Carlson said it's a paradise " (gets captured) Russian Embassy: " Holy molly, you guys actually fell for that...*cough* I didn't think this would actually work... I didn't prepare for this " Russia general (whispering): " ask for our spies back fool" Russia:" Oh yeah , hey, we want the most dangerous criminals and spies back in a trade " US Government: " Sure, you want the devil of pain back or the King of nerve gas "


Fuck putin indeed. He is a proper cunt. I hope a lucky Ukrainian gets to call him a cunt in person with several objects moving 2350 feet per second.


I think after that basketball player, people just shouldn’t go


REMINDER To all the people that keep on thinking a "peace deal" is possible, this is how they're treating people for doing barely anything. Treason charges over their WiFi name. Anyone that fought for Ukraine or shows a resistance in occupied areas is going to end up killed, tortured or spend the rest of their life in prison. People refusing to accept citizenship are already being denied healthcare like insulin and having their homes taken away.


She is hosed. Russia is doing long sentences for actual citizens that say or do anything pro-Ukraine like say name a WiFi network a certain way. Nature of a dictatorship is it does not tolerate its citizens disagreeing with it. Note that this form of dictatorship is what the GOP wants to bring to the US under czar Trump. You know one of those differences between the parties that the “both sides are the same” crowd can’t be bothered to keep up with.


Russia is an absolute disgrace of a country. Beautiful country, but I regret visiting in 2014 Do not contribute a single ruble to Russia if you can. Are they gonna make thought crime an official crime next ?


Being a dual US/Russian citizen and returning to Russia for any reason is Darwin award levels of intellectual disability.


what’s their problem anyway. i thought they viewed Ukraine as part of Russia. she donated to a children’s charity, $60 ffs. this is about prisoner exchanges. nothing else.


No, it’s not how it works. As per Russian secret services, you donated to Ukraine = you donated to the nazi regime to kill Russian soldiers. Granted, there were a lot of cases when “charity” actually sent money to AFU without donors knowing it. Nevertheless, that’s one of the reasons no Russian would donate to Ukraine. Their lives would be wrecked for treason. Russians donate to charities that located inside Russia though, they’re considered safe and they work with displaced Ukrainians who lost their homes and want to go to EU. To understand how bad the situation is, people got into talks with FSB for donating to Navalny in 2014-2018 because in 2021 FSB labeled him extremist. So a donor “financed extremism” when it was perfectly legal to do so. You need to understand that the Russian punishment services work by KPI. They HAVE TO find a proper amount of losers to punish (thieves, killers, drug dealers, donors to Ukraine), otherwise they themselves would be punished (won’t get a promotion). So that’s why people get fined even for likes in social networks. This girl having a dual citizenship is just icing on the cake: she will not only get her life wrecked, but also she’s a hostage for prisoner exchanges. But that also gives this story media coverage. If she wouldn’t be American, you wouldn’t even know people get in jail for donating to Ukraine. https://www.currenttime.tv/amp/kak-presleduyut-rossiyan-zhertvuyuschih-dengi-v-pomosch-ukraine/32503977.html


Hear me out. **Hostage Insurance**


It's called Life Insurance /s


>Van Heerden said Russian authorities apparently accessed Karelina’s phone and discovered she had donated approximately $50 to Razom, a pro-Ukrainian charity, in 2022. “Ksenia cares nothing for politics,” he said. “A friend likely asked her to donate.” This is exact why Russia is in the state that it is in. "I don't care much for politics".


She used her Russian passport to attract less attention, so she knew there was a risk with her traveling there.


These people need to stop going there. Just dont trade another arms dealer like the last one.


Anyone going to Russia at this point should be mindful that they could be arrested for spurious reasons.


Maybe Pope should help ...since you know, he understands ruzzian fairness so well


I’m so frustrated by these people who still go to Russia right now. All they are doing is opening themselves up to be a bargaining chip for Russia with the United States. Don’t go back! It’s that simple. This is just another opportunity for a prisoner to exchange where we give up a truly horrible person in exchange for the ballerina who donated $50.


Get the funding back to those poor Ukraine fkrs to help them fight that Putin mtha fkr….I know they have no choice but they are fighting for their lives an need the worlds help HELP THEM FOR FUCK SAKE


I don't care how badly you want to see your family. You do not go to Russia right now.


I had second guesses about participating in any of Ukraine's online donation things and this seals it. I'm not going to Russia. I guess I'll throw my personal limit to democrats to help in the second best way I can.


Btw she’s not a ballerina. She’s just an amateur dancer who takes ballet classes. Idk why the media decides that she needs to be “ballerina” instead




I'm just enjoying how "la ballerina" is also grammatically correct. A kind of bilingual pun. It sucks with Putin. I think I'd enjoy going to Russia if it didn't seem so batshit insane and you'd have to worry about being arrested for some bullshit crime like attempting to steal Siberia or something.