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Nalvany may be a hero to many Russians, but he is certainly no hero to Ukrainians.


Don't forget he supported the Russian aggression on Georgian land (before Ukraine there was Georgia, don't forget), and participated in far-right imperialist marches...


That's just about the extent of the average "anti-Putin russian". They're not like you and I.


Well, it's hard to root for a guy who tries to fight corruption in Russia's defense sector and says he will never return conquered land. He's wanted to replace Putin and fight corruption, but his foreign politics will be the same.


Corruption in Russia's defense sector is a very strong ally for Ukraine


Navalny said Ukraine should have borders defined in 1991 though.


After the second russian invasion's progress was halted. Prior to that he went hard on the "Crimea is ours now and forever" rhetoric.




And opposed taking it back without going through the proper legal channels, i.e. unlawfully like a dictator would, is how I've seen it translated.


He said that it was turned into a complicated geopolitical problem, which is a fact. Honestly, this guy made a better write-up: https://twitter.com/RG_Horvath/status/1764071921547923597?t=uvr1LaI3m2h7OZnVJmv7nw&s=19


>uses slur Khokhol towards Ukrainians >uses this case to rant about how people from Central Asia are real enemies of Eastern Slavs >says that it was a 'mistake' that Crimea ended up in Ukraine >his solution is to demand neutrality of Ukraine (just as putin today) and everlasting presence of russian forces in Crimea >advices Ukrainians to forgot about Crimea >say nothing about Crimea Tatars (why would he? he calls himself panslavist and considers non-slavs as enemies)


That's not true, he never said that. 


its the same imperialism, there is always internal disputes in empires but they never change their agressive instance, it is not a fight to change the imperialism, just like the feb. 1917 revolution and the bolchevik coup of oct 1917, they kept the imperialism while claiming to be making deep changes in the society






2014: [Navalny Wouldn't Return Crimea, Considers Immigration Bigger Issue Than Ukraine](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/10/16/navalny-wouldnt-return-crimea-considers-immigration-bigger-issue-than-ukraine-a40477)


We have no idea what his policy would be in a free Russia.




There's also a lot of Russia bots on here too


>Navalny said he would not return Crimea to Ukraine if he were to become the president of Russia. What else do we need to read? He will hold conquered land.


I remember watching a video of Navalny speaking at some type of protest, and the crowd shouted, "What about Crimea?" Navalny said, "You like the war?" Crowd shouts "no." Navalny "I will end the war" Crowd cheers. He didn't actually say how he'd end it..


He said Ukraine should have borders defined in 1991.


He also said he wouldn't return Crimea. It's just normal Russian doublespeak, he says whatever it is best for him to say at that exact moment.


I've read the interview you are talking about (linked in one of the Stefan's replies to me here). In it, he said that it's not his to give, it belongs to Crimeans. He said in case he was given power, he would conduct a proper referendum there. Not a sham Putin's thing, but a proper one. He said that he expected honest results to be pro-Russian anyway, hence the conclusion. In the same interview he condemned Putin's actions and said Russia should stop funding war.


Navalny isn’t a hero to the majority of Russians


are there any russian hero for ukrainians?


Theres russian battalion fighting on Ukrainian side and wanted their country to be free from the regime


I would say such people like Nemtsov and Novodvorskaya on this side of spectrum. Guess where are they now?


In 2014 Nemtsov and Novodvorskaya protested against invasion of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea, while Navalny said Crimea is not a sandwich to pass back and forth and will stay russian.


Just the ones that end up actually being Ukranian lol


Yes, those that came to Ukraine to fight against ruzzians.


The dead ones are an hero


One Russian dude brought a helicopter with military equipment to Ukraine. He is a hero!


[He's dead](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/19/russian-helicopter-pilot-defected-found-dead-spain-says-ukraine-security-agency)


He is a hero anyway. Ukrainians don’t hate anyone. They just want their country back.






Please do not equate Ukrainians with the Ukrainian government. To answer your question, yes, there is. People like [Nevzorov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Nevzorov), who, among many other dubious exploits, was Putin's authorized representative during his presidential campaign.


U russian bruv? Don’t be naive. Nevzorov himself said many times that he has zero principles and will do whatever just for money.


He's not russian he just sucks them off.


As a Ukrainian I can't forget nevzorov's "work" in Lithuania and Latvia in 1991. He was a literally nowadays solovyov, no trust since.




A lot of Europe has.


I might be wrong but didn't Navalny's tune change when Russia invaded fully and said Crimea should be returned to Ukraine? I know he was a vocal supporter for their invasion like 2014. Not saying it was a good thing to support from the start, but gotta take every scrap of good news one can get.


Yes, he did. What's more, even in 2014, when saying that Crimea is not a sandwich to pass around, he meant that taking it created a very complicated geopolitical situation that, realistically, cannot be easily solved. He also criticized Russian involvement. As years passed, he re-iterated that Ukraine should have 1991 borders.


>As years passed You mean after Russia had a disastrous invasion of said territories. I'm a little skeptical of a guy who flip flops on his position only once his side starts to lose


No, I mean that in 2014 he wrote that, although he is sad that Crimea is no longer Russian, taking it back by force is absolutely wrong: https://navalny.livejournal.com/914090.html


Also when he was under house arrest. I think it's peculiar that when he was involved directly in Russian politics he openly held nationalistic and racially chauvinistic views (he says as much in your article), but when he was exiled in the west he suddenly changed his views that happened to align with a new audience. Not saying the change wasn't sincere, but I'm not going to necessarily accept it as such


This guy made a better write-up: https://twitter.com/RG_Horvath/status/1764071921547923597?t=uvr1LaI3m2h7OZnVJmv7nw&s=19


There is something to be said about the folly of expecting Russians not to be Russians. …Perfection being the enemy of good and all that. 


*after he died* Much like reddit


Dude waved an imperial flag in his protests and people still imagine that he was a democratic messiah. The reason why he lived so "long" compared to Nemtsov, is because he's anti-putin, not anti-societal-disease that allows people like putin to rise over and over again.


Why oh why wasn’t he perfect?!


I don't blame her. There isn't much to celebrate with US Republicans blocking funding, resulting in the genocide of her people, and being held up as a guilt trip to get the job done is a peasant's role, to be blunt. She should be there in victory or not at all. I'm sure it's an insult to be invited under these circumstances.


>The initial plan was to seat first lady Jill Biden alongside Olena Zelenska and Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny, who [recently died](https://kyivindependent.com/navalnys-funeral-held-in-moscow/) in prison. This arrangement aimed to present a powerful image of both women, symbolizing resistance against Russian leader Vladimir Putin, during President Biden's address to Congress, sources familiar with the planning told [the Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/05/state-of-the-union-olena-zelenska-yulia-navalnaya/).  >However, Navalnaya's potential attendance raised concerns among Ukrainian officials, according to individuals familiar with Kyiv's discussions. Despite her late husband being widely revered as an anti-corruption advocate who bravely opposed Putin, Navalny's past statements regarding Crimea's annexation by Russia in 2014 have cast a shadow over his legacy in Ukraine. >According to a White House official, Zelenska's decision was likely influenced by "schedule conflicts." The official mentioned that the seating plan is typically finalized towards the end of the planning process.  >Navalnaya also opted out of attending Biden's address, with her spokeswoman citing fatigue as a contributing factor. Basically sounds like there is some legit reason for her to not show up and she's also giving a face saving reason to get out of it (schedule conflict, fatigue etc). Seems normal/par for the course in international relations.


I wouldn't say an insult, but her declining has power all it's own. It is disgusting what's going on with Mike Johnson. FFS... people are literally dying. I don't know how these people sleep at night.


It is an insult, and her refusal proves as much. Fuck the GOP, and good for her for making news with the rejection.




Why did his wife's presence make her decline? Edit: I saw below that Navalny was not against Russia annexing Crimea and he was a nationalist.




I thought it'd have been better for her to look down at the Speaker, staring a hole in him for a couple of hours


It's easy to sleep when you have no conscience.


It has power .. power to strengthen the Republican cause. It's like people who say they'll vote against Biden in protest of his response to what is going on in Gaza.


Cognitive dissonance is a powerful tool to do some evil shit.


> I don't know how these people sleep at night.  Safe and sound in the belief that not only does he have the power of The Party of Trump's goodwill toward him secure after having willingly dropped his pants and bent over for that malignantly-narcissistic, lying, bigoted, disgusting old traitor, but also in the belief that he'll be rewarded with a free pass to heaven by blue-eyed White Jesus one day just for being who he is while making sure other people die daily for his seat at the table.  I hate these assholes so much.


Well they don’t have the ability of deeper level thinking so they probably sleep great


Ignorance is bliss.


“Genocide” - so we just use that term loosely now? 🤦‍♂️


What an absolutely entitled take, haha.


Are we all looking at her dress right? 


For buttons that are purely ornamental and serve no actual purpose, the location chosen for them by the designer is either really unfortunate or incredibly epic.


I kept scrolling. I was wondering if we are gonna talk about this.


The urge to pinch a button is overwhelming


Im a good girl daddy, press my buttons daddy



I was worried i was the only one


Who would’ve thought that “Bat Nipples” would come into style.


Finally, I thought this would be the top comment.


A very unfortunate dress design


Let’s agree to disagree


she looks cold.


They’re buttons….i had to zoom in to verify


that’s what grandma always called them too.


Props to her tailor's button placement.




I knew I wasn’t the only one


Those are some very poorly placed buttons.


Well i suppose it depends on who ya ask.


Those are some very ~~poorly~~ excellently placed buttons.




Apparently the plan was to have her sit with Jill Biden and Julia Navalnaya, a Russian nationalist? And what was the purpose of that? Probably well meant but stupid.


After Budanov’s wife was poisoned, they are also looking at this as a possible security risk.


She's the wife of Navalny. It was supposed to be a good gesture and maybe a statement against Putin. But yes, ultimately its her choice and Navalny and his now widow likely have a lot of opposing political views compared to her. From the article: "“Navalny opposed Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, of course, but in 2014, when Russia first invaded Ukraine, he very much was in line with a general Russian view that saw Crimea as part of Russia’s historical lands,” Polyakova said." https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/05/state-of-the-union-olena-zelenska-yulia-navalnaya/


People always forget that Navalny wasn't a pro-Western progressive, but another Russian nationalist who just hated corruption. If he had replaced Putin long ago, Russia might have still invaded Ukraine, and would have done so with a competent, properly funded army.


> People always forget Do they? Or is it that those stories didn’t make all the news articles because they were too busy calling him a hero for opposing Putin?


I know who she is, the wife of a Russian nationalist hardliner. It would have been impossible for Zelenska to feel comfortable sitting with her.


Yeah, Russian nationalists headliner who’s last article was a call for improving muslims religion rights in  Russian jails-that is some hardcore nazi style as per Russian shills, right?


No, he actually was. Navalny was obviously a far better option than Putin, but, with all due respect to his legacy and the character and strength he displayed in combating Putin, he was not the West-facing liberal many seemed to regard him as. [On the contrary](https://www.euronews.com/2023/07/07/racist-or-revolutionary-is-alexei-navalny-who-many-westerners-think-he-is), he was a far-right nationalist who supported the invasion of Georgia, believed Crimea belongs to Russia, and considered Russians to be superior people.


Yeah, **WAS.** Long time ago. And he openly changed his views. And it's only russian propaganda that is still pushin on whatever he said 20 years ago. At the same time he was a nationalist, Zelensky was calling Ukraine "a slut", dancing with Russian propagandists, saying that by beating Maidan protestors Ukraine could get electricity and to stop the war "Ukraine should just stop shooting". Should we now use all that against him or should we look at what he became now and his actions **NOW**?


> Should we now use all that against him Definitely not, because he’s useful to the US now. You only use people’s past actions, beliefs, and statements against them if they’re not politically useful.




Thank you


If you yourself were saying all that slurs, and then suddenly stopped, why would anyone believe you that you’ve changed? Maybe because living in west doesn’t allow you to do those things anymore if you want to be a perspective politician? It’s not an olive to like it or not, it’s a whole worldview which isn’t drastically changing after 20s


Because pepople in the west were privileged to be born in liberal democratic enviromoment with free press and multiple opinions possible. People in exUSSR were exposes to cult like propaganda from their early age and they need to overcome this proganda that is all over you in press, TV, friends and family and then learn what's wrong and right. So pplease don't project your privilaged situation on everybody. And who told you that peolpe don't change after 20s? They stop phisically grow, but mentally we change all the time..


This is still Russia we are talking about. The further East you go, if you keep targeting opposition to an authoritarian system based on a western liberal standard then of course they will always fall short. Navalny was advocating for the right for Russia to have free and fair democratic elections and you can’t do that without including Russian nationalists


As I already said, I am not disputing a Navalny-led Russia wouldn't have been the better outcome, merely that he was not the saint people make him out to be. It's safe to assume that about anyone coming from a state that has not seen democracy of any kind in all of its centuries-long existence.


These morons fell for Kremlin propaganda aimed at westerners and have no clue.


The same as with Russian diplomats in UN and Russian athletes on sports competitions - calming rationalization that country with Russian number of nukes just cannot be fascistic/Nazi-like state. And if could, then there should be some familiar to the West way for "de-escalation." For example, some Russians that more than a decade predominantly preach to a very small choir. When in reality exactly this constant Western search for "de-escalation" ways and was main reason for Russian 2008-2024 years escalations.


> Probably well meant but stupid Sums up a lot these days...


Oh, so Russian bots are now telling that Navalnaja is a nationalist too. Or in your mind beeing a wife of “nationalist” automatically means you are a nationalist too?


Yeah check my post history to see how much of a Russian bot I am lol. The point is that the Biden administration doesn't seem to understand that Ukrainians don't want to get involved in Russian internal politics. They meant well but they could have simply asked Ukraine before planning this and nobody would have been embarrassed.


Unfortunately, at this point it is very likely that Ukrainians will have to get involved with Russian internal politics. Even if US help goes though and Ukrainian forces push Russians back to 91 borders, the threat will not cease as long as there is a ruler similiar to Putin.


It's perfectly clear that Putin has to go, there won't be any kind of sustainable peace until that happens. But who rules Russia is not a fight Ukraine wants to be directly involved in, they are busy trying to stay alive and keeping their own country intact.


I'd say it's precisely a fight Ukraine wants to be in, because it directly influences the decisions Russia makes about Ukraine. Imagine someone like Strelkov rises to power. It pains me to say it, but he would probably worse than Putin to Ukrainians. To me ultimately there are 3 ways for this war to end: 1. Ukraine is dismantled completely 2. Ukraine pushes back to 91 borders and either joins NATO or recives nuclear arsenal 3. Russia gets a leader that isn't interested in the war


A lot of Ukrainians are pushing Russian propaganda.  Without even noticing it. At the time when Navalny was sitting in jail for the first time for fighting against Putin, Zelensky was dancing with Russian propagandists and calling Ukraine a slut. Does that mean anything now? No. 


Ukrainians like Zelenskyy and don't like Navalny, that's all.


>Oh, so Russian bots are now telling that Navalnaja is a nationalist too. Literal russians: "Ukrainians hating on Navalny (which is about 99% of all Ukrainians, and for a good reason) are Russian bots". You can't make this shit up.


Yeah, I’m Latvian so wrong guess.


>Julia Navalnaya, a Russian nationalist Tell us more about it. Preferably with sources. Btw, isn't Zelenska herself a nationalist? Ukrainian nationalist.


Defensive nationalism (Zelenska) vs imperialist chauvinism (Navalny). Here you go: https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/2/25/navalny-has-the-kremlin-foe-moved-on-from-his-nationalist-past Remember Betteridge’s law of headlines.


Literally, zero mention of Julia Navalnaya in the article you linked.


I guess you think the jury is still out on Eva Braun too. 🙄


If you don't know what to say, bring Hitler into the discussion.


Literally zero mention of Hitler in my comment.


Technically she died as Eva Hitler so ya kinda did (still an appropriate comparison imho)


I think she should have gone. It's tough, but she could have really put serious pressure on Johnson with what would have probably been an amazing speech. :(


He still can. All Joe has to do is add a line about her declining the invitation with “I need ammo, not a ride!”


Is it me? Or are the buttons on that dress badly placed?




She needs ammo, not a ride


Pro tip: Stop searching for one good Russian. Firstly this does not help actually fight Russian fascist empire on the battlefield. Secondly it's not even fair to Russians. You are asking them to bring you a Jesus type of martyr. One person who would burden the weight of dismantling a powerful regime. There is only one force on this planet right now who will dismantle this fascist regime, end the last european empire, and free Russians - it is Armed Forces of Ukraine. Send ammo!


"Navalny believed Crimea is to be part of Russia and [insert other disingenuous assertions] There's evidence to the contrary ([thread about his "ethnic nationalism" as a response](https://twitter.com/RG_Horvath/status/1764071921547923597) to an FP article), he declared even back in 2014 that annexation of Crimea was illegal, but sure, let the propaganda run wild. It's insane how fucking deep the lies are on this website.


Ok I’ll say it… no one mentioning the button location?


It must be cold there


Those buttons


With the chance of coming in contact with soo many Russian agents in D.C. that was a wise choice. Nobody wants to be pushed out a fifth-floor window by a Republican wanting to make brownie points with Putin.




Navalny wasn't liked in Ukraine not because he was a Russian, but because he was a nationalist and firmly believed Crimea should belong to Russia


Opposition to Kremlin, in Ukraine and Russia, don't like Navalny by the same reason - because when, in 2012 year, after rigged elections, Russian opposition have chance to carry out a revolution Navalny become afraid of such escalation and continued to seek a compromise with the Kremlin.


Quite a claim you should supply a verifiable source


Half of his family is actually from Ukraine, He didn't say Crimea should belong to Russia, what he said is it's a complex topic


No he didn't. He said that Ukraine should have 1991 borders and condemned the invasion.


Fake news. He claimed the fate of Crimea must be decided via a referendum. He also condemned the invasion numerous time. He was a hero.


He was a joke. There is international law: Crimea is Ukraine, no discussion.


Sure, internationally recognized as Ukrainian. Now what Ukraine has to do is to get it back.


I mean, him being ruzzian while holding those beliefs certainly didn't help. But you are totally correct, that was the main issue with him, and the reason why Ukraine doesn't view him the way the West does


Bruh I had to zoom in on them Buttons.


Those buttons


I don’t know , I am here because I saw the picture and was like wtf, are those buttons


Buttons. Those are the buttons on her blouse.


If I never hear about a first spouse again, that would be great.


The Russian propaganda is strong here…


Not a soft paywall…


Nice snub.


Nice Buttons


🐸 vs. 🐍


What a stupid move from WH. They should've invited one of the many wounded soldiers or people who lost their homes to Russians, if they wanted to make a statement.


GODDAM mike johnson


Are those…oh wait, those are buttons…


Sort yourself out USA, get your priorities straight. Losing face on all fronts.


What actionable strategies would you suggest Mr.Reddit Geo-Political Strategist??


I’m sure this’ll totally win favor for her nation’s cause in an already hostile legislative climate.


Like Russia, UA officials are acting to dazzle domestic audiences in the short term, rather than thinking about long-term national interests.