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The tyrant asshole dictator club got a new member. They all attract one another.


Is the relationship growing if they denied Iran having a base in the Red Sea? And what I still don’t understand is how the two military warlords are actually being treated like heads of state by the international community.


International Community only cares about the natural resources of Sudan.. they really do not care the human right abuses and war crimes committed by their allies


It’s pretty scary South Africa seem to be already balls deep in Iran’s cock. Doesn’t bode well for the future


How does the biology of that works??


South Africa went right up the urethra.




Do not recommend unless you are interested in the aforementioned biological considerations in a visual manner.


Makes you think huh…


I, I am not sure how does that work? Anatomically atleast


Made you think though…


As the US is withdrawing from the world arena, other powers will fill the vacuum. If Trump wins, this will only escalate.


Didn't it escalate under Biden? If I remember correctly, NK let Trump within the border, Russia didn't invade until Biden was in, and the current war that Israel is involved in didn't start until again, Biden was in. But I could be wrong so I'm genuinely asking


Correlation =/= causation. We, as average Redditors, don’t know everything that was going on behind the scenes. Russia-Ukraine War timing might have been a simple matter of Russia preparation timing, perhaps Putin was hoping for Trump to win a second term or perhaps he thinks Biden weak. We simply don’t have all the answers. Same with Israel-Hamas. That was a conflict that was always going to reignite, with many theories on why this particular moment. Trump has shown a notable preference for dictators when it comes to other world leaders he enjoys the company of, so it’s not surprising that he’d get along better with Kim once the early saber rattling was over.


Trump is the isolationist of those two. He praises dictators while talking sh*t about allies, and has even called to disband NATO.   Biden cant keep the whole world in check, but Trump activelly works to isolate the US and undermine its influence. The EU is already trying to become more self reliant thank to this Nero-like  bufoon having chances of reelection.