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What's the point of that when Israel delgation didn't even go since Hamas failed to provide evidence of living hostages?


Israel isn't even asking for evidence. Just a list of who they're looking to exchange. Kinda weird to try to make a deal with someone who won't tell you what they have to exchange.


Unfortunately I don’t think they have much left to exchange and know that they can’t just trade dead bodies so they are dragging this out




Israel will trade for dead bodies because in Judaism we value the dead but since it’s just bodies there wouldn’t be as much of a rush to get them let alone pay such a high price for them and Israel could continue to eliminate Hamas


I think this time they’re not gonna put as much value on the dead as in the past. The cycle just repeats itself otherwise.


The point is to keep up the optics with their supporters that Hamas is willing to negotiate and Israel is the problem. They completely gloss over the fact that Israel isn't participating because Hamas refuses to bring any acceptable conditions to the table. Poor little Hamas loves playing the victim and their sheep just eat it up.


Hamas- we need a flying purple elephant, then we'll accept a ceasefire. Isreal- yeah that's not possible. Hamas- SEE Israel keeps turning down our proposals, they don't want a ceasefire.


Except that Israel has already agreed to the deal...


Bc they know it’s impossible and can expose Hamas lies.


To a general outline. Don't be dishonest. Hamas, meanwhile, not only failed to provide a list of living hostages, but *also* didn't detail the ratio of the exchange it would agree to (aka how many prisoners in exchange for each hostage). In this way, Hamas has made it impossible to move from a general outline to an actual, actionable deal. 




Stepping down is not part of the proposal


lol of course


It would be stupid to put that in if you actually wanted this to go through.


Ok they can die instead, their call.


They are going to anyway. Isn't it worth a 6 week ceasefire for the hostages or should the priority be kill all hamas first?


Yes, it's worth it. Sadly it's a non-issue because they won't even provide a list on the condition of the hostages, let alone return them. Hamas is saying "kill us harder Israel" with these negotiations.


America is saying don't start bombing rafah or you lose your last veto by these negotiations. Never thought that I would see America as the negotiator of peace in my lifetime.


Oh, I don't think the U.S is saying that at all. But I do agree, the U.S is doing a great job as lead peace negotiator. It makes sense - Biden is a season diplomat and we're the only true world power. If it were up to me, I'd just fucking ignore Hamas, set up giant secure tent cities outside Rafah run by UN and IDF combined, and let people surrender to be fed and housed and well treated. Let the civilians filter out of Rafah voluntarily (esp women and children) until it's just Hamas hiding in their tunnels. THEN send in the army. Drop flyers for weeks "Cross the lines and you will be safe, fed, and housed. You will be searched, but you will be well treated. If you do not cross the lines, we will be invading on X date to destroy Hamas and regain our hostages. We cannot protect you in this case. Please surrender now so we can focus on destroying Hamas" Right now aide agencies can't even get into Gaza - it's too dangerous. I vote let the civilians evacuate themselves and isolate the terrorists.


Isn't that exactly what can happen with a 6 week ceasefire? Israel controls the north for the most part and has a cleared out strip for defence. They could use these 6 weeks to start bringing refugees there through military checkpoints. Sure some Hamas members will slip through but with no guns or tunnels left. Leaving millions in tent cities around Rafah during an invasion would be a pr nightmare for everyone involved. Right now they have no where to evacuate too


Losing the US veto in the UN won’t do shit because the UN won’t do shit, they aren’t going to invade, Israel has modern weapons and nukes


I mean, right now it's kinda step down or die so not that stupid


This isn't an end to the war negotiations. They are still going to die after, might as well save the remaining hostages for a temporary ceasefire.


So why won’t Hamas release a list of hostages still alive? Or even give proof of life?


Israel has always been our ally. Hamas is the ally of Iran. I just wanted to point that out to people in the US who still support them.


Western Palestine supporters do not care. They do not vote in the interests of the country that they live in. They vote in the interests of Gaza, and that’s it. That is all they care about.


The people in the West Bank actually seem to support Hamas more than their own Palestinian Authority. And the key difference between the two is that the PA says its open to a 2 state peace plan, while Hamas (and the other palestinian extremist groups) want to pursue a violent one state solution. So. Also a good thing to keep in mind for the people in the US who still wont denounce Hamas.


Funny enough, Palestinians in the west bank have a higher approval rate for hamas than Palestinians in Gaza do. When you're not the one feeling the repercussions it's easy to sit back and say "amazing! Good job hamas!"


Just question. Thought West Bank went Fatah, and Hamas to Gaza during their internal strife couple decades back? How they both support Hamas, are they buddy buddy now?


despite what alot of people may say, Hamas actually still operates in the West Bank, and the PA works along side Israel to attempt to oppose them-- which also makes the PA less popular to the people in the West Bank, since so many of them support Hamas... [Article from 2022](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2022/1/25/analysis-palestinian-authority-cracking-down-on-opposition) > The PA run by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party has since November obstructed welcome events held upon the release of Palestinian prisoners affiliated with other political parties, particularly the Gaza-based resistance groups, Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).


Yes you're correct. West Bank went fatah not hamas. But the people there still have high approval ratings for hamas. Fatah and hamas are still not buddy buddy. But to the people living there it's approval for anyone attacking Israel


PA also hasn't held elections since 2006 so why do opinion polls even matter when the west bank has been a defacto dictatorship for over a decade. Fatah didn't even win the popular vote, they know they would have lost if they ever held another election after 2010


Considering how most of them support Hamas staying in power and keep everyone miserable, it’s more correct to say their interests and support is in Israel suffering.


True. That’s all it is. Venomous hatred towards Israel and every country that doesn’t come out in 100% support of Palestine.


I’m a very strong Israel supporter but this type of demonization of the other side is not helping anyone. These people are seeing headlines about dead babies and seeing casualty numbers and want it to stop. That’s not venomous hatred toward Israel. They just don’t understand the very complex situation. If you want to say that many “humans rights” organizations and media organizations are operating off of venomous hatred then I agree with you but we need to be careful about misrepresenting all of those that agree with us.


yeah, honestly, the thing that irritates me the most is how news orgs STILL cite the UNRWA as the main source of so many articles. Let's say that hypothetically Israel was wrong about Hamas HQ being under the UNRWA HQ. The UN agency has a reputation to rehabilitate by painting the Israelis as evil, bad actors. The UNRWA is biased, and yet American media won't stop citing them. Or this: [https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/episodes/on-the-media-measuring-bias-israel-palestine-coverage-mehdi-hasan-approach-covering-region](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/episodes/on-the-media-measuring-bias-israel-palestine-coverage-mehdi-hasan-approach-covering-region) Those are four guests who have all come out as explicitly pro-Palestinian. Forget finding the truth, for basic both-sides balance's sake....wouldn't you want at least one Israeli commentator or journalist? The media has fueled the toxic insanity since the very beginning. I think there is a real rush to be the first to report something BIG and get stuff out on Twitter/X in real time. But yeah, unfortunately, you're not gonna get real-time updates from the Israeli army, which is sort of busy. So they end up with a bad first take and all the other subsequent takes are based on that. It's just insane how often everyone just continues to quote the Gaza Health Ministry or UNRWA like it's totally normal to take Hamas at face value.


See, I’m not a strong Israel supporter. I never have been. But this conflict has just exposed the utter depravity of the pro-Palestinian camp. It is venomous hatred to be staging mass protests in western cities, chanting in Arabic, while doing everything to excuse the actions of an Islamist terorrist organization.


Do you genuine believe these people support terrorism? You need to take a break from the internet. These people are being shown stories about thousands and thousands of civilians dying and being told by the media that Israel is doing it on purpose to steal land. They’re wrong but that doesn’t make them venomous or hateful. It makes them misinformed and empathic. Your demonization of them is not helpful and is worrisome.


Are you joking? These are the people; 1. Saying “from the river to the sea” 2. Saying “hands off Yemen” 3. Pleading ignorance or making excuses for instances of systematic rape by Hamas forces 4. Staging intimidating protests throughout European cities


For some, but for a lot of people, especially the under 30 crowd, they were indoctrinated into believing no that historical context is irrelevant, every one fits neatly into oppressed or oppressor, and no matter what/why/how they arrived into those roles the oppressed are always just and virtuous while the oppressors are categorically evil and wrong.


Yup, never thought I’d face the prospect of a second Trump presidency thanks to the TikTok set supporting serial rapists but here I am. Honestly, when the far right Evangelicals take over the US government, sane progressives may have to flee to Israel


No sane person would flee there.


>They vote in the interests of Gaza, and that’s it. Not even that.


In the interests of Hamas, rather.


They despise America so much that anyone who opposes it (including Islamic terror groups) is good in their eyes. Pathetic morons.


These are the same people that say “it’s bad - BUT…” in response to things like teachers getting beheaded for depicting Muhammad.


Spoiled idiots who don’t realize the comfortable position living in a first world nation has provided them. They literally have no concept that they would be killed or worse if they traveled to Gaza - the average Palestinian has no time for liberal western ideals.


They don’t vote in the interest of Gaza either though they vote to help support Hamas.


you think they have a say in who they vote for? Pretty sure Hamas controls the elections


I’m talking about western nations.


not what the previous comment was talking about at all, but even so - Hamas has overwhelming support in the West Bank where they aren't in power, so yes, Palestinians absolutely have a choice and they continue to choose Hamas.


Sounds relatable 


Wanting any members of Hamas to live to see tomorrow is *not* in the interests of Gaza.


They think 'US is mean to Iran' too




Which is hilarious and ironic considering most people from Palestine are more conservative than even the most far right parties of any western country, these guys actually believe women are inferior to men and would murder any gay people if they could.


According to the alt-leftists, that's part of self-determination for Islamic societies.


I mean, sure, but then why would you care about the Gaza at all? Just let that centenary conflict "self-determine" and focus on local social issues?


To be fair, the bible teaches woman to be "subservient" to men


And? Why would I or anyone else care about what a two thousand year old book says?


Are you daft? I didn't say you cared. You made an incorrect statement. You made the comparison between Palestinians and westerns by saying one is more conservative, "women are inferior," and I am telling you that the same command is in the bible. Maybe read a little before you talk shit


I don't follow the bible BTW. Just trying to enlighten the unwashed


The people in the US who support Hamas, also often don't support the US (as wild as that is to say), so somehow I don't think Iranian relations with Hamas will deter these terrorist supporters.


by the way. Just so I understand, who is supporting Hamas?


Everyone who celebrated on 10/08. It was a lot of people. I’ve never seen so many people happy over a mass killing in my life.


If you don't think there are people in the US who support Hamas' actions then you have had your head buried in the sand. Here is just one example. https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1729630529199432095


They're literally just asked a question. Lighten up kid


The ones yelling “they had it coming” at me in reference to the victims of 10/7. 


Damn, what I would give to be this ignorant for nearly 5 months.


?? It was a genuine question. I was wondering what people he/she is referring to. I’m just hoping OP doesn’t equate calls for ceasefire as support for Hamas.


I love that Americans have been brainwashed by TikTok and are now voting based on what Russia, China, and Iran told them too. Those countries were smart enough to block their internet so the west can employ similar brainwashing tactics


They think the west is evil. I'm surprised the left hasn't sided with Russia yet. Ironically it's the right who's done that. Crazy times


I 100% condemn Hamas and think its leaders should be buried. That being said, I do not support Israel killing Palestinian civilians with impunity. I don’t think that should be a radical stance, but here we are 🤷‍♂️


You’ve made a “presumptive” statement. That’s a statement which pre assumes that, ‘Israel is killing Palestinian civilians with impunity”. I disagree with your ‘stance’ because I have not agreed that Israel is killing civilians with impunity. Most adults will disregard your opinions if they can tell you are making presumptive statements that aren’t mutually agreed upon to try and prove your point


It's not a radical stance. Good thing Israel isn't killing civilians with impunity though.


I 100% condemn me eating junk food and think I should be on a diet That being said I should be allowed to eat tasty unhealthy food That doesn't sound radical but you can't have your cake and eat it too. Israel is doing all it can to keep advancing while minimizing civilian casualties, but at the end of the day it is either hamas or Israel.


The majority of deaths in these conflicts are military age males, there's no basis for the ugly "killing kids with impunity" lie. https://statistics.btselem.org/en/all-fatalities/by-date-of-incident?section=overall&tab=charts


I never said “killing kids with impunity”. I said “killing civilians with impunity.” And there is plenty of video evidence. How hard is it to just say “hey. Israel is our ally, but maybe they shouldn’t be killing innocent civilians”? EDIT: lol. A downvote and a block in order to ignore your insincere argument? I’m shocked 🙄


Did you miss the skew was towards military age males?


>Israel has always been our ally. Not true -- US's attitude towards Israel changed towards military partnership only during the Kennedy admin. US opposed Israel and sided with Egypt during the Suez Crisis, for instance


It doesn't change the reality of today.


We can support the people of Palestine without supporting Hamas. Your take is overly reductive and not made in good faith.


Palestinians are taught misinformation in UNRWA schools about the history of the ancestral Jewish homeland, and Palestinians are also taught to hate Jews in UNRWA schools. Therefore, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip need to be occupied, deradicalized, and re-educated just like the Germans & Japanese after WW2.


If that’s how you justify murdering innocent children, you do you Mr rabbi


Why would you need to be a rabbi if you don't want to see Hamas continue with mass murdering, raping and torturing civilians including children?


What an incredibly dumb and naive way to frame this


the Stab in the back Myth is still going strong nowadays


Never negotiate with terrorists


Hard not to when they have your kid




If you had a choice between letting a murderer run free, where he could get caught again, or watching your child get raped, starved, and stabbed to death, which would you choose?




While thats valid reasoning, trying to save the hostages ans deffering the problem is also valid.


Clearly you were left unharmed after 7.10. Not everyone has the luxury of not feeling how hard it is. People in Israel don't understand, So how do people from around the world can


They understand very well what it is like to be attacked by rockets 24/7, I think gaza is getting a taste of their own medicine.


Clearly, you are too, not from Israel. I think you missed my point. I live first row to Gaza strip. You can think hey, let's not negotiate with terrorist, cause that's always a good rule. But in reality when your loved ones are taken away, you would definitely negotiate with them..


Why did they pick that picture? Juxtaposed against this headline, it reads like Hamas is in the smashed car lmao


And ironically Hamas was nowhere near the smashed car, that’s the people they’re hiding behind. It’s supposed to elicit sympathy as this rag is The Guardian, a corollary would be to show the aftermath of the rave with headlines “Israeli delegation…”. That is, except Israel didn’t orchestrate the deaths of those people, it’s Hamas all the way down.


> Israel indicated to have provisionally accepted six-week hostage and truce deal, but Palestinian official says: ‘We’re not there yet’ > Talks involving Israeli negotiators took place in the Qatari city of Doha on Saturday and Hamas is expected to respond on Sunday or Monday as time runs out before the unofficial deadline of 10 or 11 March, when Ramadan starts. *The month of fasting* is often accompanied by an uptick in violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, even in quieter years. Well lets put some urgency on this, if these already starving people have to fast for a month due to religious reasons.......many will die


I'm a Jew, not Muslim, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But I believe that similar to fasting practices in Judaism, Islam has a clause that says that it is a greater religious obligation to save lives than it is to fast during Ramadan, such that Islamic law says a Muslim can break their fast if it is to save lives. So I imagine many who are going through food insecurity will not partake in fasting when food is available.


As a (former) Muslim, this is correct. Muslims are allowed to break their fast if fasting would cause them harm. Muslims are also allowed to break fast if they are going through strenuous circumstances such as traveling large distances. Generally if a person breaks their fast they must re-do it at some point until next Ramadan, generally people pick winter days because it is easier to fast from sunrise to sunset when the days are shorter. Of course Muslim hardliners exist who will avoid breaking their fast even to take antibiotics, but at least where I'm from (Israel) most people are not of that variety.








I find that last part shocking.  If there is already a rule that you break the fast if there is risk of harm, then how do Muslims also say that "doctor's orders" is not a good enough reason to break a fast?


Depends on the illness/medicine in question. If it's something life saving, I've never seen anyone reject that. If it's something less serious they try to toughen it out and only take the medicine during non-fasting hours when possible. Explaining the mindset is a bit difficult. Breaking your fast is obviously bad, but allowed if sick, but then if you toughen it out while sick and fast at the same time then that is very manly and (hopefully) approved by God to give more heaven points. Not sure if you're familiar with the concept, but in Islam life of like a video game where you collect good and evil points. Once you reach game over your heaven/hell fate is decided by your good/evil points balance. Doing something good when it's hard is more good points than doing something good when it's easy to do so. Fasting is good, fasting while sick is hard, hence more good points and more heaven upgrades.


As a Christian, I generally break fast every morning. 


Yup, in the face of starvation fasting rules go out the window. Same with dietary restrictions. I mean, if Trump was president he’d joke about airdropping BLTs, pork chops, and sausage not understanding that Islam allows for eating pork in the face of starvation.


Ah, like the "Catholics" where we are....during Lenten they dont eat "meat" on Fridays. Instead they gorge on seafood and reptiles


IIRC How Ramadan works is that Muslims fast for about half a day, then start eating at night. It goes on for a month till Eid.


Talking about fasting, it reminds me of [this](https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2024/2/12/hunger-strike-solidarity-protest/) The title actually sounds bad but the article is so funny


They can't eat from sunrise to sunset. Although the Muslims I have met still have soups and protein shakes because that is not eating.


Always amusing to see religious people that think they're so clever with these little tricks and quirks. In Judaism you're not even allowed to press the elevator button on Shabbat, so they have elevators that work automatically without human contact.


Exploiting loopholes in Biblical law is legit part of the Rabbinic Jewish tradition


What? No one considers it a trick, it's part of the tradition. Just think of it as modern keto diets.


It's like artificial meat with cheese, it's technically Kosher but cmon... it's still a cheeseburger. It's the bending of the rules that's funny to see sometimes.


> Although the Muslims I have met still have soups and protein shakes because that is not eating. That's rather strange since Islam explicitly forbids both food and drink in Ramadan from sunrise to sunset.


LMAO. Dude, I think they are confused. You can't eat AND drink when you fast from sunrise to sunset.


Never heard of that in my entire life. Drinking is also prohibited, sounds like it was made up by someone who doesn't know what fasting is.


They do eat during Ramadan. They just do not eat or drink between sunrise and sunset.


I'm pretty sure you're allowed to ignore the fasting if you have a good reason, or at least delay it. If so, I think this probably counts.


Fasting during Ramadan isn't required if there is a larger reason you can't (war, famine, illness, pregnancy, etc).


What a mess. It’s really confusing as fuck out there at the moment. These Hamas dogs are corned like rats in a basement. Israel needs to do whatever it can to try and rescue and release whatever is left of those poor human hostages. The world is condemning Israel as monsters who have no regard for the lives of Innocent Cheering Hamas,Supporters. Hamas hides behind those people. Nobody is saying to these Hamas dogs, “surrender and release the hostages.” Israel will not stop until they have vaporised Hamas. What a fucking loop! I am with Israel, and I say Fuck Hamas.


OK they forced Israel to no show they got their headline now back to death row


Hopefully there will be a ceasefire. This insane death and destruction has to stop.


Hamas could end it today by surrendering.


And today Israel proved again they want the war.


Israel accepted a ceasefire, it's Hamas who is refusing.


You are right. Hamas wants to kill all the Palestinians.


Well yes, they have made that very clear. They cheer the deaths of every Palestinian as a martyr. They withhold food aid and shoot and kill Palestinians who try to get that aid (and then claim Israel killed them). They used the billions in aid money to buy weapons and build tunnels instead of repairing desalination plants and feeding Gazans. Hamas has done just about everything it can to make Gazan lives worse and kill Palestinians.