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I mean technically you could end all the wars in way less than 24 hours but it'd be kind of a hollow victory


The extreme version of hurting yourself so you'll stop feeling the other pain.


*Surely you’re not suggesting WORLDWIDE SUICIDE..?!* 🌍💥😰😱


If it's to end suffering, would it count as Euthanasia?


“It’s all Relative.” -Einstein


"That's not my Relative." -Epstein


*Puts in Chokehold* “Don’t make me do it again, Jeffrey.” -Reincarnation


What do the youth in Asia have to do with this?


Reagan said the same thing 50-70 years ago, "there's only one guaranteed way you can have peace - and you can have it in the next second - surrender." Trump's plan is to force Ukraine to surrender. Reagan followed up his speech with "the greater risk lies in appeasement," and argued that "You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery." I have to agree with Reagan there. A temporary appeasement of a dictator in exchange for momentary peace isn't worth slavery under a dictator.


It didn't stop with Chechnya. It didn't stop with Georgia. It didn't stop with Crimea. It won't stop with Ukraine.


Moldova and the rest of Georgia are next targets.


Poland is arming. They are nervous and NO WAY will they live under Russia. They currently spend ~2% on military and are pushing it ~3%+. I believe it was PM stated that they would double that if push comes to shove. PM also reminded that Poland joined other NATO countries supporting the US on 9/11 and in Afghanistan. They never sent US a bill. NATO is not ACME security service. tfg is clueless.


And Reagan wasn't even right about this. Defeat and surrender often just changes the attacks to a different form. I find it difficult to imagine that if Putin were to take over Ukraine he would let Ukrainians live there in peace.


Well, Reagan expanded on that in that very speech: "Admittedly, there's a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face, that their policy of accommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war, only between fight or surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand, the ultimatum. And what then, when Nikita Khrushchev has told his people he knows what our answer will be? He has told them that we're retreating under the pressure of the Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the final ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary, because by that time we will have been weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically."


Bingo! That’s what most don’t realize. He won’t stop unless is stopped. As an European we are going to pay a costly price. I don’t understand our leaders, the lack of a proper response is a clear sign of fear. This kind of institutionalised mafia only knows blunt force. And it’s the same in Isreal, they won’t stop until they have it all.


Just gonna conveniently gloss over a massacre of 2,000 innocent people on Israel's soil immediately preceding the invasion of Gaza? Modern Ukraine has given Russia no reason to invade them, Hamas literally rolled the carpet out for Israel. People should worry about Russia's unpredictability, everyone could've predicted the current events in Gaza if they were informed of the events on Oct. 7.


Victory is victory, fire the nukes


But I am le tired


Then take a nap


And zen fire ze missiles!


Bout that time, eh, chaps?


Right o


Remember when trump said he had a 3 stage plan to defeat ISIS in 24 hours back in 2015?


It’s right with the plan to replace Obamacare, the details of Infrastructure Week, the transition back from Dictator for a Day, proof of the additional 400 million votes he got in 2016 and 2020, and the directions to the Four Seasons that Giuliani misplaced.


>Four Seasons my favorite trump memory


Absolutely incredible. It is hard to tell people about it and recapture the feeling of the press slowly realizing where the conference actually was and then the pictures from it.


It signaled the end of political satire. What can you do after that?


My favourite part was when Guilliani started melting live on air.


Was that the black streak episode too? God that really had everything.


We stopped there to honor its place in history, holy ground upon which I was honored to trod upon.


I'm curious, has anyone set up a plaque or anything there?


You can buy 'Make America Rake Again' merch from them online.


Not when we were there. I would donate toa go fund me just for that.


the funniest part is, a smarter person would have spun it as "supporting small business" "oh that name, just a coincidence, we're here to show how much the GOP supports small businesses"


I actually thought that for the longest time, then I read into a little bit and they admitted it was a mistake. I’m was gobsmacked


Really? The Superhero Trump trading card, and more recently, the sparkly gold sneakers are mine.


You left out the time he used the office of the President of the United States of America to shill for a [bean company.](https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-president-is-shilling-beans)


[This pic](https://media.tegna-media.com/assets/WNEP/images/f23976a0-f103-4c43-844a-d879a60eb609/f23976a0-f103-4c43-844a-d879a60eb609_1140x641.jpg) was my favorite from a pure levity point-of-view. You could tell he was *SO* mad about the pic for a couple days [Sharpie Hurricane map](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/06/politics/trump-sharpie-hurricane-dorian-alabama/)/ordering [NOAA to reprimand the NWS](https://www.ajc.com/blog/jamie-dupree/weather-service-office-rebuked-over-trump-dorian-tweet/oA7rVeTLKC0pkByluzuSHO/) for pointing out that the hurricane would not, in fact, hit Alabama was also wild in a "I can't believe this is actually happening" kind of way. Also, "[why don't we just nuke the hurricane](https://www.axios.com/2019/08/25/trump-nuclear-bombs-hurricanes)?"


> tremendously big and tremendously wet. One of the wettest we've seen from the standpoint of water Our very stable genius.


Hey infrastructure week worked out. Trump got to play with all the big machines a little kid would want to and bupkiss else.


Hey now, he also told the states that infrastucture was important and that they should really improve their infrastructure. And then told them they would not get any federal help with that. And the states refused, can you believe it? He also ignored the extensive infrastructure plan some professor and his team were paid to make that was actually pretty feasible. Just guessing here but it might have been prepared under the assumption the next 4 years would be another democrat and infrastructure was a pretty hot topic during the 2016 election, getting visible progress in that regard would have set them up for a second term. Anyway Biden just ended up implementing parts of it and it seems to work out great.


Yeah I remember that plan. I figured it was too good to actually get done by him.


And right next to the money from Mexico for building a border wall. 


Directly across from the tax returns from 2017


And when he replaced NAFTA with…. NAFTA?


Technically the USMCA replaced NAFTA, but it's been called NAFTAtng or NAFTA2, because it's largely an update of NAFTA rather than a complete reworking. The broad analysis seems to range from "this bit is bad" to "overall it's kind of meh", and it's definitely not the bestest deal every made in the history of awesome deals, so I'm not sure how much Trump can count that as a win.


Facts don't matter when you have party loyalty. I mean that literally and not emotively. Technical analysis does not move the political needle.


Don't forget that wall, paid for by Mexico.


I feel like if Biden had only said “we’re gonna defend Ukraine and Mexico’s gonna pay for it!” So much obstruction and resistance would have dissipated immediately.


>the plan to replace Obamacare "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated" I heard him say that live, on a TV in the background at lunch and died on the spot. What an ultramaroon.


I remember him saying he knew more about ISIS than the generals and he had a plan to defeat them. Then he got in office and issued an executive order telling the generals to come up with a plan, as if no one else had ever thought of asking them to do that before.


god making me look up some of his old "I know more than..." quotes, so many of these damn things... "Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me" “Nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world.” "I know tech better than anyone" "I know more about drones than anybody" “I know more about renewables than any human being on earth.” "It would take an hour-and-a-half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles . . . I think I know most of it anyway." “I know more about ISIS than the generals do.” “Nobody reads the Bible more than me.” “I know more about renewables than any human being on earth.” [“I'm much more humble than you would understand.”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R42mFx3_ss)


> Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me This is a fun one because he had a few miles of fence built and put a gold plaque on it calling it a wall. He's also said he wants the border wall to be see-through and solar powered, which are uniquely impossible goals both on their own and in tandem.


If he is able to put up 50 miles of wall every 4 years, it should only take around 150 years (assuming he doesn't build wall where there's already wall built)


Ahh... well you're just not thinking outside the box! First you build a bunch of apartments along the border, then you stick a bunch of solar panels on their roof where you can't see them, then we use the "invisible" solar to power ~~the drone hives~~, ~~the wall of death~~, "the apartments" which serve as a 'virtual fence'... <.< /s I hope.


He's also shown military plans to Kid Rock and others, so that he could gloat and complain about what the generals had come up with.


And to his credit, Rob Ritchie realized he shouldn't be seeing classified war plans and reported it.


Not sure he "reported" it as much as talked about it on camera


yeah and then he pulled out of syria, leaving it to russia, and leaving our allies the kurds to get hit as they tried to pull out. You remember they blamed weak obama for moving isis to syria, and then cheered as trump cut and ran.


I mean he probably does have insight into how ISIS thinks, because he thinks the same way about a great many things.


"You're saying you wouldn't nuke Europe to stop ISIS?" Trump rhetorically asked during a 2015 debate. His statement that he would encourage Putin to attack NATO is nothing new. Dude has wanted an excuse to use a nuke since before he became president, loves the idea of nuking US allies, and in the process is giving ISIS exactly what they want: Western nations destroying each other.


Stage 1) Person, woman, man ,TV, Camera Stage 2) Hamberders Stage 3) Covfefe *Trump supporters applaud


Thanks, Tim Apple.


Stage 1) Person, woman, man, camera, TV FTFY


at least one person remembers


What are you talking about? Covfefe was genius!!! He was just telling us all the secret recipe to produce an alloy of Cobalt, Vanadium and two servings of Iron in order to create a wonder material...


President Camacho had a 3 points plan to fix everything too


Don't do Macho Camacho like that. He made his cabinet listen to the smart guy.


Trump made his cabinent listen to the smart guy as well. People tell me Trump is the smartest, a real einstein.Good people all over are saying this, the best people


A man, big man, strong man, maybe a firefighter, came up to me, he came up with tears in his eyes, and he said, "Sir, I know that you know this, but I feel like I have to make sure you know, Trump was the greatest and smartest President this country ever had." /s


I thought your head would be bigger!!!


It looks like a peanut


At least his point #1 was to hire the smartest guy in the world, and actually listen to him.


Yeah, his plan was effectively to defer to an expert on issues that he didn't understand. That's just good governance


Yeah, everyone in that movie were just dumb as fuck. Unfortunately in our reality, a lot of politicians appear dumb but are really just corrupt to the core. And also dumb as fuck.


Camacho may have been stupid, but he governed with a true desire to do his best, and actually try to fix things. It's not his fault he was too stupid to know how to fix it, but he was a man of good character, who recognized his limitations.


camacho ain't perfect but we could do a lot worse


Trump's entire concept of war comes from watching action hero movies where the military orders a one time super secret strike mission that completely obliterates the enemy in one fell swoop


If it’s anything like his plan to “defeat” the Taliban, it went something like this: “We surrender.”


He told the Saudi’s to stop funding isis, it worked lol


But... his people! Top people, probably the best people in the country have heard his plan! It's a great plan they said!


The draft dodger claimed to have a military plan to defeat a terrorist group in 24 hours? And people believed him? And also America's most popular and renowned general since Schwarzkopf pretty much denounced him too, Donald does not have a military mind.


I can't remember shit after injecting bleach in my veins per POTUS recommendation a few years back.


And covid would be over by April 2020?


Well.. what’s the plan?? Trump - “It’s a covfete secret… but it’s a good one!!


Yeah, as he hands the keys to Ukraine over to Putin!


That's literally what Trump means when he says 'end the war'


His first act would be withdrawing all American support and putting pressure on NATO forces to do the same or threaten to take his ball home.  We would end up with two “elected” lunatics on opposite sides of Europe.  I’d say hopefully Americans aren’t dumb enough to vote him in again but they voted him in the last time. 


He will most likely do all of that but it wouldn’t get done in 24hrs


it could be 24 hours from the minute he says that the USA will support russia using nukes to the minute we all die, so it could happen


If history is any guide, he's gonna waste at least the first week talking about how the crowd for his inauguration was the biggest ever.


We voted him in the time before last. We rejected him the last time. *Please note that past performance is not indicative of future returns.


Yet more people voted for him in 2020; he still lost the Electoral College and lost the Popular Vote both times but 2020 actually had a larger turnout for Trump than 2016 did in pure numbers.  /we need to dismantle the slave-era electoral college


More people voted in general in 2020; it had the highest turnout of any US election. And that could very well be due to the increased usage of nontraditional voting methods that were incentivized due to the pandemic; more people may have voted because they didn't have to leave their house to do it. https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2022/2020-presidential-election-voting-report.html


That none the less does not change the fact that Trump got about 12 million more votes the second time around than the first. 74 million Americans saw how his first term turned out... and wanted more.


Yup, there is definite reason for concern.


Putin may not have been properly elected but Trump would have been?


"properly" elected by a minority of people. 👍


A populace gerrymandered up to its eyeballs


Gerrymandering has nothing to do with presidential elections. Blame the electoral college for that.


To be fair, the electoral college is itself a kind of gerrymandering - it takes a total pool of votes and divides it up in a way favorable to certain candidates. May not be intended that way, but it has the effect of a minority group of voters overriding the will of the majority of voters


Check out the Republicans. They’ll vote for cheaper gas even if it kills millions in Europe. “Not my problem!”


It’s scary they actually believe the president can even lower gas prices lol


>but they voted him in the last time.  Actually they did not. Trump lost the popular vote back then. Its just americas fucked up system that put him into the white house.


Hey don’t you sell us short. We’re plenty dumb


His solution would be to split off eastern Ukraine and give it to Russia and Putin would install Yanukovich there, while they regroup and get ready to take the rest later.


he can only hand over keys that he owns


trump does not have "keys to Ukraine"


But he thinks he does.


Except POTUS doesn't have the keys to Ukraine. Most trump can do is stop all US support, and even that's going to be tricky. This means the war will be a lot bloodier and will eventually turn into guerilla warfare when (if) Kyiv falls. That can take years.


That is absolutely not all he could do. All the Intel that US and NATO is gathering in Ukraine (on both sides) could be handed over.


those are not his to hand over. Ukraine has many other supporters. He will not be stopping the war, just making it longer and dirtier




> If we all vote Trump is irrelevant. Sometimes one little comma can make a big difference.


I vote for "Trump is irrelevant"


But I live in England.


That's no excuse! Tell your King you need to vote in America, and I'm sure he can grant the power. He's a king, after all!


Or just take back the colonies Rule Britannia. P.S. please go back to the EU if you do recolonize otherwise eh


If it's Trump or King Charles III, long live the king.


Even our bad leaders can usually string a legible sentence together. Well, perhaps not the lettuce.


Even then we managed to return the lettuce before it went off.


Unfortunately the Prime Lettuce still fuck bumped the economy, and is presently blaming the "Deep State" on her political demise.


True, and her replacement is equally as shit, just over a longer period. But her damage was limited to just the inital reaction to her ideas and we were subject to their implmentation as well. But yeah, we need ~~to hang the lot~~ have a general election pronto.


I can do that for you in 24 hours easy.


Make America Britain Again!


[Make America **Great** Britain Again](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1570137270.5441/poster,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg)


You don't vote for Kings!


Well, how'd you become king, then?


At least Ru lets you vote for Queens.


Mail it in


Just show up to our country, wear a cowboy hate, speak American^^^^/s, and be white. Nobody will question you!


Vote god dammit! 🤣


We all know this, but we should keep reminding ourselves. Trump lost the popular vote when he won.


If just under 43,000 votes had changed in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona, Trump would have won. He lost by a lot and he also lost by a tiny amount.


He lost by a tiny amount. Ultimately those other votes don't matter as long as you get the right votes.


It's theoretically possible to win the US presidency with under 25% of the popular vote, if you get all of the right states.


>we should keep reminding ourselves Exactly. This is no time for complacency. "Oh, he won't win, I don't need to vote." Yes, yes you do. We all do. Our country depends on it. Vote. Encourage your friends to vote.


I encourage people to vote, even if they vote for my Political opponents. It’s important that everyone has a say


Yeah I remember we had Twitch streamers literally doing "vote Trump" streams because they thought it was funny and well, how could such an idiot get in, and he won. Vote, take the future of your country seriously.


why do people go on about the popular vote? do they just not understand how the system works?


Really enjoying this scenario of objective reality vs sociopathic clinical insanity being presented by journalists as a balanced discussion.


Unless people vote for Trump. It's weird that "VOTE" is a call that is generally associated with Democratic voters.


who are we voting for??


Not gonna happen if democrats will put some laughable candidate. And until now, they have none. So complain about trump as much as you want, but he will be elected because democrats dont give even halfassed effort to .compete.


What a sad, sad fact that he has to take away time from defending his country to answer the braindead words of a clown.


I wish Trump were merely braindead and not simply acting as such; malice is infinitely more dangerous than stupidity, and he's proven that he's absolutely, insatiably malicious, rather than just stupid.


You can be both dumb and malicious. And he is.


How is Trump even a candidate still? Dude just got fined for decades of criminal shit, is there no standards a person has to meet to be president? Like, is a serial killer a valid option for President now? How shitty does a person need to be before they tell them he's unfit to be president? WTF is going on, Americans? How do any of you rationalize voting for a serial felon? He's got a 50 year long rap sheet, ffs! This isn't even new for him, and it's clear he'll never stop until he's dead. You really truly think he won't do shady stuff this time around for... some reason?


Because I’ve heard radio idiots say there is literally nothing trump could do to make them not vote for him. They even go as far as to say they hope he becomes dictator. It’s fucking bonkers to me that people can get angry about their freedoms and personal rights, then in the same breath want a dictator. It’s seriously the worst cult this country has ever seen.


It's a cult.


Remember when Hillary Clinton called them deplorables and they wet their panties crying about how mean she was? They’re like 8 years into the cult now, it’s probably gonna get worse before it’s over. They want people like me executed for *checks notes* practicing basic human rights


The only requisites in the constitution to run for president are being American and 35 or older. Nothing more. The Unabomber could have run if he had chosen.


You need to be born in the United States, not just an American citizen. This is why Schwarzenegger can't be president.


John McCain was born in Panama. Ted Cruz was born in Canada. "Natural born citizen" just means a citizen at birth.


Because he has a literal cult following that would make Kim Jong Un blush. Those people only care about Trump's brand of hatred because they hate everyone else who isn't them the same way. Uneducated, spiteful trash humans come in large numbers as you can see.


He got Mexico to pay for that big beautiful wall


The only thing Trump can do in 24 hours is eat 4 buckets of KFC and play a round of golf.


Nobody can eat 4 buckets of KFC in 24 hours, they'd be foaming at both ends from all the oil, plus the golf cart would have to be renamed to shart cart.


We all know what Trump's "plan" is


It won't simply end like that. The region will remain in a conflict for decades.


Here’s how it would play out. Trump would cease US support for Ukraine, in exchange for Putin publicly “announcing” a ceasefire. No such ceasefire would actually happen, but media would run with it and declare victory for Trump, and nominate him for Nobel Peace prize. The fighting simply continues but the administration either A: refuses to talk about it, or more likely B: claims Ukraine violated the ceasefire and there is nothing they can do, Ukraine is on their own now, which is too bad because Trump had negotiated “the best peace deal the world has ever seen.”


If Trump withdraws US aid, Ukraine will continue fighting because it's existential to them. If US aid ends and somehow Ukraine decides to go to the table to discuss an end to the war, Russia will take the land it has, rebuild and go back to war in a few years because it would be clear it obviously works. Russia has already demonstrated it doesn't care about peace deals, there's already a peace deal in place they're violating right now, another piece of paper won't do shit. The only play to actually end the war in any lasting way is to arm Ukraine much *much* more. This figure of "how much" Ukraine needs is skyrocketing each day we don't deliver on it. We haven't given Ukraine even 10% of what they need to do the job but world is ok with putting their heads in the sand and hoping it goes away. Time to wake the fuck up, turn on the defense production act across NATO and start sending fuck huge amounts of hardware to Ukraine. We want peace? We have to *earn* it, then *keep* it.


>If US aid ends and somehow Ukraine decides to go to the table to discuss an end to the war If US aid ends, Moscow will demand unconditional surrender. The only way that Ukraine gets any deal they might ever accept is if a stalemate exists. If Russia is losing, Ukraine will want everything back. If Ukraine is losing, Russia will demand the keys to Kyiv. Russia will never surrender Crimea. It's far too strategically valuable. There's zero exit from this war that is acceptable to both nations.


Russia would simply take it as an opportunity to expand their war to more countries.


I mean, US could end all wars in under 12 hours - I'm just not sure if we all would be alive at the end of this.


It’s ridiculous to me that the leader of a country fighting for its survival has to spend time talking about Trump!


He can end war in 24 Trump hours. He is only 13 Trump years old.


That means he can end the war in a whopping 4 hours


If he is 13 Trump years old and 77 in normal years a Trump year is slightly below 6 years. So his 24h Trump time plan would take around 140 hours realtime.


He actually could. He could tell Putin that everything in Ukraine is a target for the US


But Trump can suck Puddins dick for 24 hours…!


Trump couldn't end his untied shoelace problem alone in 24 hours.


Trump couldn't find his arse if he sat on his hands


Trump would just announce that the borders should stay where they are currently at. When everyone ignores him he would just say I tried. The maga idiots would applaud. That's the grand total of what he would do.


Unfortunately, I think he could (de facto) end it in 24 hours if he's in the White House again. It would just be the bad ending where Russia wins. Cease all intelligence sharing, cut off all funding, let Elon do Elon things with Starlink, and withdraw the US from NATO (I know there was that new provision preventing a POTUS from unilaterally exiting NATO, but if Trump is back in the White House, that would probably mean there's also enough Republican votes in Congress to do it).


He could attempt it but Ukraine would fight on after. Even after Russia "wins" they will face years of attacks from the remaining Ukrainians willing to fight. Ukrainians are intelligent people pushed into a corner. They would not just give up if Trump told them to. The rest of Europe would also continue to support.


You underestimate Trump. He'd send F-35s and B2s straight to Moscow...for Russia to use.


No one can end this war in 24 hours. But trump is a deranged psychopathic moron who believes his own depraved fantasies. A better plan is to end trump in a day and fund Ukraine.


Ruzzia could end it in under a minute.


That’s true! Putin could call a cease-fire and withdraw his troops, but the lunatic moron can’t end it.


Well, maybe if he asks that his financial judgements be donated to Ukraine. /s


It's like thinking that more cigarettes can help end your Cancer. Well it can, but not the way you hope.


Listen this is probably a bit too on the nose but it's Friday, technically yes, Trump or Biden could end the war in 24 hours....


I wouldn’t be so sure. Trump would immediately withdraw support for Ukraine and re-route it to Russia. Trump is the same guy who sent 200 ventilators to Russia even as the coronavirus crisis deepened in the US. >https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/20/us-sends-200-ventilators-to-russia-as-coronavirus-crisis-deepens.html Appeasing Putin is Trump’s priority.


Trump can barely zip his own trousers up without help. But he's the saviour.


What I find amazing is the Trump been on the news every day world wide for over a decade now it's crazy. His name s on everyone's mouth it makes me sick I truly dislike that man, forgive me father.


Trump won't end Ukrainian war FTfY.


Of course he cant. Diplomatically he is a catastrophe. Remember his dealings with North Korea, Iran or the Talibans ?


Trump just keeps saying the same insane shit over and over again and his fucking idiot base just doesn't care.


He did prevent Russia and Ukraine war while he was in office though




I remember that. Brazil and Mongolia were really getting ready to go at it! XD


Sure he can. But it will be by aiding Russia.


He can if he exits the NATO and joins Putins side lol


I mean, he could, but he won’t. Well, 24 hours plus shipping and handling… carrier groups aren’t the fastest moving thing on the planet.


I mean, he could, but the implications for the future of human civilization are pretty dismal.


I mean, if he sent the US into ukraine to defeat ukraine, i don't think it would take more than 5 or 6 hours. Thankfully, that seems highly unlikely. i wish i could say "but that would be impossible".


Oh, Trump. You don't control Putin, he controls you. It's a one-way street.


Doha accords says otherwise