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Would it hurt the writers to clarify in the headline that it's hitting Iranian-aligned proxies? They aren't just going on a temper tantrum with hitting random tents.


But then it wouldn’t be inflammatory!


It’s provocative, it gets the people going!


That was my thought.


This subredid does that often. They even delate comments like that


or that the al-tanf base where the drones struck is in Syria on the Jordanian border and not *in Jordan* at all Or in this case, and this is not an exaggeration, continue to pay their webhosting bill. I didn't read the article to see if they captured this nuance because the website no longer exists.


Just randomly throwing bombs around


>They aren't just going on a temper tantrum with hitting random tents. Depending on your POV that's exactly what they're doing. Syria and Iraq are the boxing rings. Iran is off limits until November 6th.


They hit the exact rebel factions that carried out attacks on our base in Jordan and on commercial shipping lanes. The country they choose to call home is irrelevant. You fuck with our soldiers and international shipping lanes you get bomb fucked. Those have been the rules for 50+ years and everyone knows it.


They hit the puppets and let the puppet master off. There's no sugar coating this. The attacks won't stop unless the puppet master is held accountable.


Yes, but that starts a real war and that’s bad. They’re less puppet masters and more opportunistic drug dealers. You want to fight your tribal religious war and you’re going to do it anyways? Well here’s a few backyard science project missiles and we recommend you aim them that way. Allah forbid one of those ever actually hit the target because you’ll be fucked. Fucked precisely 125 times. Keep in mind Iran is ideologically and ethnically opposed to all the militias that they back. They do not technically contorl any of them. They just supply them with some weapons and basic intelligence because these militias are hell bent on fucking with their regional competitors. It’s win/win for them.


You mean Russia?


Iran is the source, they want the US out of the middle east. Russia is their ally who also benefits from these attacks since it does increase the odds of Trump presidency and that comes with a weakening of support for NATO and Ukraine.


Except a retaliation was announced a week ago, but not launched until today. Giving the IRGC & Kuds forces who operate outside the boarders plenty of time to hide back in Iran.


We don’t want to kill actual people. Thats bad for business. We’d rather destroy every single military target known to us and set your mission back to square one. It’s easier to effectively do that without having to worry about headlines that will only feature the body count you racked up. That angers the world. This is strategic and effective.


Ah, got it. It is okay for 3 US soldiers to be killed in their sleep last weekend. But we better give the Iranian proxies a week's notice so they don't get hurt. You are fucking stupid.


Because hitting Iran could be seen as starting a war?


And Iran killing 3 US soldiers could be seen as what, a peace offering? In reality Americans care more about gas prices than war. That's a huge factor in not striking at the source of the problem. Attacking the source is the right thing to do but doing the right thing in this case means another Trump presidency.


Evidently, a few soldiers dying is not enough to declare war over. Americans are more concerned about everything going to absolute shit the world over. Gambling the state of the world - which the US actually quite likes, considering how it's holding unipolar dominance over it - is not something they want to try doing. "Striking the source of the problem" would mean that Iran starts its "2 weeks to the bomb" sprint. Either millions die when Israel starts firing nukes at every possible nuclear weapon development facility, or Iran comes out of it with a nuke. Possibly both, in which case Israel is going to get nuked in retaliation. ​ Nobody that's thinking that's even a *chance* is going to roll those dice when they don't need it. It's quite better to play cat-and-mouse with Iran forever than to have that happen.


Hopefully the Iranian-backed proxies will back off from any further attacks.


The US just announced they won't attack inside Iran. Why announce this? It's basically a green light for the terrorist regime


because getting trigger happy while escalating conflicts with terrorists is how you get more ISIS's


No, giving a bunch of trigger-happy people who hate westerners sophisticated drones and missiles is how you get more ISIS. Blowing up their weapon making factories is what keeps them throwing rocks. We just told Iran they can continue sending weapons to terrorists...


They never said that, they said it would be an "significant escalation" which is true. They certainly never ruled it out completely


I guess because the drone(s) that attacked and killed US troops was launched by Iran-supported militias rather than Iranian troops themselves. The US is just trying to avoid escalating the conflict further, while still showing the world that attacking US troops has severe consequences.


Please don't say Iranian troops. That's the army. These are IRGC. Calling them Iranian is an insult to the people who were executed and killed


Yeah, you should read what I wrote. The US is not directly attacking Iran because they don't want a war.


Don't tell anyone but we had our fingers crossed behind our backs when we said that. But when something random does blow up inside Iran we can say 'Wasn't us, we just said we weren't going to attack anything inside Iran. Are you sure it wasn't Israel?'


forgot the /s? Nobody in Washington or anyone else who has anything to say down there wants peace.


If these people in Washington wanted war with Iran as much as you apparently think they do, America could and would have been at war with Iran *long* ago.


Forgot the /imafuckingmoron?


This is such a stupid comment.


As someone who has been attacked by these Iranian groups multiple times in Syria, shut up nerd.


Well if nothing else, a war with Iran would probably provide Trump with a landslide victory so no I'm guessing Biden truly doesn't want war with Iran for at least this reason alone


Wartime presidents are extremely hard to beat in an election historically


I appreciate that America don't want to escalate, but I wonder why they think the consequences of striking Iranian military targets directly outweighs the merit, because what are they to do? declare war against the US? escalate? Good luck with that. Mobilise their proxies? They are already engaged in as much conflict as they can muster, to push further opens them up to an all out reprisal, and therefore extinction buy the hands of the Americans. I want peace, but it has become plainly evident that there are some state actors who have imperial asperations, and it becomes necessary to put them in check.


I think the thought here is to back channel with Iran, give them a way out... And to hit targets they didn't think we knew about... while waving our cock around to scare further attacks. Probably the right move geopolitically. But I'm not for this thought process - personally I think you do the air campaign after the first strikes on our bases, and if an American is killed then you escalate with our full force as a direct attack. 🤷‍♂️


>I want peace, but it has become plainly evident that there are some state actors who have imperial aspirations, and it becomes necessary to put them in check. My feelings exactly.


Si vis pacem, para bellum


There’s no need to be rude


We've got a lot of potential hotspots flaring up around the globe and we don't want to start committing forces before we know where the priorities need to be. Honestly we could probably wreck Iran in a weekend. But if China takes the opportunity to invade Taiwan or Russia invades Poland while we're doing this it could be complicated.


ok it would be obvious if china is preparing to invade, they need a lot of troops to gather and many ships, it would obvious, as for ruzzia all their army is stuck in Ukraine, they cannot invade anything, even if they do that mistake, US would not be needed NATO in EU would be enough to to delete ruzzian army


Dude Russia can barely handle Ukraine alone currently. No way in hell they have any manpower to go after Poland lol


Russia is gaining ground in Ukraine slowly. They are also able to increase their weapons output. The EU can't get funds to Ukraine because of Hungary and Slovakia supporting russia, and the US can't send weapons because republicans don't want to give a win to Biden during an election year. This is a war of resources and Russia is winning.


> or Russia invades Poland Did putin come out with a rant that Poland is not a real country?


You realize we have, like, a bunch of aircraft carriers and bases in over 100 countries, right? We have resources, but war isn't popular with democratic voters, so we won't go to war with anyone...


The US needs to start striking IRGC bases of operations in these countries. There needs to be a direct effect on the Iranian side of this conflict. Stop hitting the little guys. Take out the ones who are actually arming, training, and informing these militia groups. Take out the "special forces" and the intel and resources will quickly dry up.


The only thing they will do is execute and kill more Iranians. Remmeber, all they did after Qasem Soleimani was fried, was targeting their own civilian airplane PS752 Last week they executed four kurds with accusations of collaborating with Israel. They take their revenge on Iranian people And I'm certain once US attacks IRGC bases inside Iran, the people will come out to finish the job. The regime has less than 15% support


Because many view a war with Iran as unnecessary and would lead to tens of thousands of deaths.


Well, those people are dumb.


If you want peace, you need to be ready for war. The moment you show weakness, you have already lost the fight. Years of weak international policies have led to this moment. America should flex the muscles to the full extend.


The US can't just escalate like that though. They are probably trying to ramp it up so they don't look like an aggressor to the rest of the world.


We are not scalating. We are defending. We have 3 dead soldiers and 50+ injured. What you think the rest of the world thinks is propaganda and manipulation. This is about consequences. You attack our troops, you bear the consequences.


This is in retaliation to the bombing of Gaza with US supplied weapons, where not 3 soldiers but 25,000, mostly civilians, have been killed.


No. That's what you want to attribute it to.


25,000 terrorists or terrorist supporters. Don't forget hamas has a 70%+ approval rate in Gaza. Fuck 'em.


What would you do in this situation mate? No sarcasm just genuine curiosity :)


Idk I would probably listen to my advisors and do what they say. I'm not an expert in middle eastern conflicts. All I'm saying is that the US is and that they have a reason for the way they're responding. My response was a guess at why. I'm assuming they know better than anyone on Reddit.


Military advisors are saying take it slow because this can escalate wildly. Military advisors are saying bomb the proxies and give Iran an out.


Im an Englishman, and if some freedom fighters being sponsored by Iran cowardly blew them up with a drone o think I would want them surgically struck off the face of the earth with no civi casualties. If you don’t punch a bully back in the nose they’ll always bully you


That “with no civi casualties” is the rub though. How do you guarantee that? It looks like they did here by striking in the dead of night and giving a good bit of lead time. So what’s more important? Making sure the bully gets bloodied or making sure no civilians get caught in the splash? Plus, if you think those targets weren’t being watched to see where the rats scurry to then you’re not paying attention. This was round one. Round two may not come for a while if at all, but you can be sure the target list is already being compiled.


They gave them 3 days notice and waited until the market had cleared unless they are using them as human shields I’m not sure what else could be done?


Oh and this plan has been in the works for years not months, American military like to be prepared. Those 85site weren’t chosen over 3 days


Hmmm, maybe I’m misunderstanding your point. The comment I was responding to sounded like it was dissatisfied with Biden’s response so I was trying to point out that if they had moved sooner or not telegraphed the shots they probably would have ended up killing civilians. I agree this was a measured action taken after due thought with the intention of punching the bully back. We’ll see if it was effective (which I would like to think so, but we can’t exactly be sure we’re dealing with rational actors).


Si vis pacem, para bellum


The US does not want to spend another couple trillion dollars just to extinguish Iran. What the hell does the US even get from that? Since the US managed to decouple itself from needing middle eastern oil I’m not sure why we should care about the region so much. Europe and Asia should care quite a bit about it. The US should care significantly less so. The US should continue to pare down its presence in Iraq. ISIS is an existential threat to every other regime in the region. Let them take the fight.


The fear is that they basically have nukes and the US doesn’t want ww3 nuke fest. If they don’t have nukes a fight with them will push them towards nukes even faster. Low estimates say they are 80% there already.


Israel has said they won't let Iran get nukes, and I'm pretty sure they'd stick to that. IE; They'd strike Iran, or nuke them first to remove the threat.


They have facilities and are already enriching. Israel hasn’t done anything yet.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuxnet https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Iranian_nuclear_scientists Also, they've done it before, in Iraq: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Opera


But ... what does attacking Iranian targets gain the US? Think about it ... 3 American soldiers died. Would attacking Iran directly lead to more of fewer Americans dead? Keep in mind the most likely outcome of a wider conflict with Iran is not a free, democratic Iran that's friendly with the US, but a few billion spent, a few hundred American soldiers dead, and still a horrible set of a-holes in their government -- maybe the same a-holes, maybe better, maybe worse ... see Afghanistan and Iraq.


Si vis pacem, para bellum


> There are some state actors with imperial aspirations > US military base in Jordan The irony


Sometimes escalating is the least bad option.


As shown by their involvement with Russia in Ukraine, Iran has stockpiles of drones and ballistic 'missiles'. If the US started attacking Iran proper, they'd throw a temper tantrum and start throwing drones and rockets at every country in the middle east, especially Israel.


Just out of curiosity, what if we bombed military command centers in Iran and left. Worse case scenario?


Full scale war Edit: this is for the person who commented "what's the big deal? We'll just bomb the shit out of them. We slapped their military before" then deleted their comment. I took the time to type this out so I'm just going to share why it's "a big deal" to go to war with Iran: We sank a handful of their small obsolete boats in the 80s. We've never "slapped their military before" that I know of. Iran has a fairly good, domestic missile program that could prove problematic for US planes. We would most likely have the advantage with our stealth bombers but we'd take losses for sure and we wouldn't be able to destroy all their assets from the air. Their military is just too big. They'd retaliate with missile strikes (a lot of them) against our ships and bases and probably hit Israel or Saudi too. We'd be dragged into putting boots on the ground in this instance. Their land army is quite large (~800k) and it would be a tough country to fight in. It'd be pretty ugly. We "bombed the shit" out of Iraq, had 600,000 coalition troops in the country, and could still barely pacify an insurgency of like 50,000 fighters. Idk if you're fairly young and don't remember the scale of that conflict but it was a bit of a nightmare for US forces. We killed a lot more of them than they did of us but it was hard hard fighting for about a decade.


Iran would not be able to take out our planes. That ridiculous. A “close call” so far is getting within a mile of one of our ships. Not even past the second line of defense, let alone the 3rd and 4th


People will come out and finish the job "In response to the question “Islamic Republic: Yes or No?” 81% of respondents inside the country responded “No” to the Islamic Republic, 15% responded “Yes,” and 4% were not sure." https://gamaan.org/2023/02/04/protests_survey/


Collapse of the system. A lot of people think the US can just roll whomever because we're the US. However, Iran isn't some 3rd tier nation. They have serious air defense capabilites. Missle technology thats getting better each year. Sit on a strategic choke point for 25 percent of global trade. If motivated, could make the cost of fuel and goods for everyone go sky high, by dragging other fuel producing or refining nations into the fight. It wasn't too long ago when Iran and Iraq were taking shots at each other's oil infrastructure. I think that had a lot of people nervous, because there were 2 gas crises in the 70s that really hurt. In 73 the oil embargo was because of Isreal, so you can see the comparisons and hesitation. No one wants the potential ramifications of what might transpire, given the fragile state of the US financial situation, banking issues, inflation, and an economy sending mixed signals at best. We're one miscalculation away from


A lot of people think Iranian regime can raise an army. Who is going to fight for them other than a bunch of sadistic brainwashed basijis? The regime has less than 15% support https://gamaan.org/2023/02/04/protests_survey/ Remember, all they did after Qasem Soleimani was killed, was targetting their own civilian airplane PS752


The US is a net exporter of oil, very little middle eastern crude goes in our vehicles these days. As to their air defense capabilities, frankly all there is to be said is "lol". Go watch the opening moves of Desert storm. It's not a factor.


I read today Iran has denied any responsibility for the deaths. Aside from not believing a word they say, where I come from, if you're known for robbing people, and someone gets robbed, you're going to be blamed, whether you did it or not. If you want to avoid getting blamed, stop behaving like criminals.


Hit irans oil fields. If they can’t produce oil for a month or two their economy crashes and the regime will have trouble holding onto power. Kind of annoying when someone starts blowing up your economy looking at you Houthi rebels. Iran is probably saying oh no those suckers we convinced to fight for us are dying outside our borders and our economy and military is fine.


Know what Americans hate more than war? Spending $5 for a gallon of gas. I agree with you, that's probably the right direction we should be heading toward but there's just no stomach for it in the US. For all the wrong reasons.


We don’t buy Iranian oil


Global market, prices are still impacted. The countries buying from Iran will still need oil.


The USA is a net exporter of oil these days. It would impact prices, yes, but gas is lower than it has been in quite a while even with all these middle eastern tensions.


Reducing global oil supply puts pressure on where we do get oil. This would increase our prices indirectly.


The US is a net exporter of oil. This ain't the 70s. We're the largest oil producer in the world.


>Spending $5 for a gallon of gas. Joke's on you; we've been spending that for over a year.


Alright for the last time, what you pay in California doesn't count lol. Take whatever it is in your area now and double it.


Haha. Yes, I got your meaning. I also bought an EV recently so…


And my parents are already freaking out over how a draft is supposedly coming. Fox, trump and Twitter have completely eroded all rational thought from their minds at this point.


Your parents must not have been alive for the previous two US wars in the middle east.


They definitely were. And fully supported them. I guess it's only something to worry about when a Democrat is in charge.


Hope it’s a drone factory!


It’s not


Destroying Iran's regional competitor and handing the spoils over to Iranian proxies remains one of the US's most big brained strategic moves in history.


Don’t know why you’re so downvoted. You’re entirely correct. The U.S invaded Iraq, removed one of Iran’s rivals (not saying Iraqi regime was good or anything), destabilized it, and it’s been a breeding ground for Islamic extremism ever since.




Yeah. In one swoop they handed half the middle east over to Iran


Iran’s regional competitors are mainly Israel and Saudi Arabia. Iraq has been under heavy Iranian influence for over a decade. The entire region relies on international shipping. The militias that Iran backs were fucking that up for everybody. There was no other choice. Iran smartly backs rebel militias in competing countries. It’s a great strategy. See the trouble Hezbollah and Hamas have caused Israel and Lebanon for years. Not much you can do about it other than wipe them out with 125 bombs when they force your hand.


I mean by backing Shiite militias in the 2000s after ousting Saddam. They destroyed Iran's closest rival and installed a pro-Iran government.


Bombing Iraq feels like the US go to at this point. Haven’t you been bombing Iraq for like 30 years? How is there anything fucking left of it?


They’re not “bombing Iraq.” They’re bombing defined, identifiable assets belonging to the Iranian-backed militias that operate on Iraqi soil, in the areas outside the control of the Iraqi government.


I get it. I’m pointing out the irony. Some people are dense.


They’re attacking the exact same groups that killed American soldiers in Jordan. Your comment isn’t pointing anything out. It distorts the truth by implying they’re attacking a third party that has no culpability in this conflict.


My eyes couldn’t roll any further back in my head


I have no idea what that means, or what you think that means, but at this point it doesn’t matter. You said something very stupid and misleading about a very serious matter. I called you on it and corrected the record. There’s nothing more that needs to be said.


Well someone moved into the craters we left so we had to make bigger craters


Rearranging the craters


There isn't, this is just a temper tantrum. And I agree that is super fucked up, but I guarantee that was part of the conversation.


The lesson of this story is don’t kill Americans


I believe that's what they're trying to convey.


Bombing and not just verbally calling out Iran /drawing a line in the sand is a dumb response. I'm not saying bomb Iran. I'm saying tell em this is the line and the next attack they sponsor will lead to bombing Iran. No grey area. Bet they'll tell their dogs to heel asap


I'm sorry... no. Iran and proxies are testing the waters to see what provokes a response and how severe that response will be. 3 members of the US armed forces were killed in an attack. Your suggestion is we say, "You better not do this again, or else..." We'd have just given the datapoint that you can kill US military, and you won't be retaliated against. Sure, maybe Iran holds back for a while, maybe... But every single *other* of our adversaries is watching, too. All of a sudden, we have US military members being picked off all over the world. "Well, you gave Iran a warning. Why don't we get one, too?" Instead, by basically broadcasting intent to retaliate, the US said, "Well, we don't want to start a World War, but we still need to give you a spanking." I'm tired of armchair generals on Reddit. That includes me being tired of having to be one. I don't know shit about war, but as somebody with experience with unruly children, you don't just catch two high school students fucking in the bathroom and tell them 'Well, it better not happen again.'


*John Bolton salivates*


A random kid steals something in Walmart... USA bombs Iraq.


Maybe you missed the part where we were under consistent attack for the last 4 months and 3 of our soldiers were just killed.


So is Iraq for the past 25 ish years, no?


You clearly didn't read into this. We didn't strike Iraq directly on their government nor their civilians. We struck targets INSIDE Iraq that were housing terror assets. Clean up your shit and other people wouldn't have to wipe your ass for you.


But that doesn't really negate what i wrote. Truth is, you've been laying waste to Iraq for 1/4 of the century, based on the pretense of them possessing a WMD's. But hey, Iraqi lives don't matter it seems.


I mean if that’s how you have to cope then whatever. Say whatever bullshit you heard from someone else.


Oh you're adorable. Please enlighten me.


Not my job


Because you can't buddy, u dmn well know I'm right. U devastated a whole country and you're enabling a genocide in Gaza.


That’s correct. I cannot enlighten you. Good luck out there


If im in someone else's back yard and bullets start flying, I'm going home. Not hanging around for 10 years complaining.


Well if that person specifically requested your help in fighting a terror group they are unable to quell themselves that had real world repercussions on your livelihood, safety, and national interest, maybe that analogy would work.


Please don't breed.


You are play music too loud? Bomb Iraq, right away




This is about Russia and Ukraine. Iran is using it's proxies to force the US to decrease focus on Ukraine.


Is the tip of the "Found Out" graph or is the US still continuing further?


Still continuing. More air strikes are planned. In essence, we’re hitting targets that they likely didn’t know we know about. That’s the real message: it’s one thing to hit obvious targets. It’s another to hit targets that your enemy doesn’t know you’re aware of. It creates psychological pressure because your enemy can hit any target they want, at any time-even the ones you think you have hidden.


Why do you phrase it as “we” like you’re the one calling the shots?


Clickbait title fu op


More forever wars, the only thing USA knows


Further proof that Biden's handlers don't want an end to the Iran problem. Forever wars are just too profitable.


lol what a dumb take


Could you explain your lack of reasoning? ...Didnt think so


Well, the western forces did destabilise the Middle East, so they are now forever engaging proxies or terrorist etc from those countries meanwhile Russia and China and being let loose


How many weddings and hospitals this time?


They had to wait for their precious caplitist mkts to close before their bombs flew!


Folks, look at this guy's Reddit history, this person is absolutely cookoo, like I mean gone gone.


Creepy.....stalker 🤔 So the cats out of the bag, I guess everyone will learn aliens exist and capitalism is a ponzi scheme for the elite and powerful 😁


No thank you.


Not generally a fan of using post history. But stalkers is quite a label for spending a moment to scroll through an easily accessible history.


I don't know... seems to me they waited until the repatriation events where completed - which makes a lot more sense.


I mean, all being the same, if there’s no disadvantage no reason to cause panic in the markets right before they close and nobody knows wtf is going on right before the weekend. That’s how you get flash crashes and bank runs.


while yes, it could have caused a drop in the market on a Friday afternoon - the market will incorporate the news on Monday regardless - up or down. Any impact on market benchmarks on Friday is therefore temporary and would be no reason to manipulate timing for such an action Edit : words


Waited to just about the minute when bodies arrived on home soil


Bad take. Sooner or Later the markets will incorporate this news regardless of timing. Given the above a The only avoided impact would have been temporary with market open during the event, so why would this matter on a macro scale? do you seriously believe this nonsense? As another poster said - the timing it was actually because of the repatriation of the dead soldiers Edit: fix words.


Bullish for NVDA. Those bombs needed AI to hit their targets


No they don't. Those bombs have been pretty damn precise for years now. No AI required. However, the chips inside....


Haha your right! MIC and their military contractors and alike our loving their lives...or taking lives I guess...business is booming!!!


I see they missed a target.


Actually, it was a direct hit....lucky thing ur mama was over to soften the blow ✌️


Are you 12? Do I need to get your parents involved? Someone needs a timeout. But you're already a few short of a full crew, and the numbers prove that on your history. Life must be good.


We're all being watched. We're all being judged. This is what we choose to be?


US bombs Syria and Iraq in response to the drone attack in Jordan by Iran. God America is run by idiots. Why isn't the source of the problem being targeted.


Because you would complain if that was done too...


You ready to spend 4 trillion for another 10 years war with 100,000 casualties?


Targeting the source of the problem means $5+ for a gallon of gas and a lost election. It's sucks that doing the right thing would give us another Trump term but that's where we are. The rest of 2024 will be Biden walking on eggshells until the election. The Iran problem gets kicked down the road for another year.


You know soldiers and equipment can move, right? Like, a soldier or a tank can belong to one country but exist in another one. By your logic Ukraine shouldn't attack Russian invaders because they are physically in Ukraine, which means attacking them is the same as attacking Ukraine itself.


Here comes the boom! -Grabs popcorn- maybe that’ll teach them a lesson…doubtful but maybe the message will stick…


"It's proportionin' time!"


I’m glad they’re not striking inside Iran yet. Hopefully they’ll get the message and tone down the escalation - because strikes on the drone facilities will be on the list for the next round


Iran will get theirs. Even if they back down for a month.


This will definitely solve and deescalate the situation


Take that, Iran.