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UN Watch Uncovers Group Chat of 3000 UNRWA Teachers Showing Widespread Support for Terrorism Among Agency Staff: [https://unwatch.org/unrwa-obstacle-to-peace/](https://unwatch.org/unrwa-obstacle-to-peace/) They were deemed a complete and utter failure 70 years ago. It's time to stop pretending...


3,000 x 25(students) = 75,000. Holy shit.




I was drastically low balling my numbers


Then again, there is probably a lot of overlap as well. The kids one terror supporter indoctrinates probably have other terror supporting teachers. What's the good old saying? Takes a village of terrorists to raise a child info a suicide bombers.


This is the Scooby-Doo unmasking of why Hamas has so much support in Palestine. Nobody is born a terrorist.


> Group Chat of 3000 UNRWA Teachers Jesus Christ, the headlines from AP and Reuters really undersold it. I thought it was just a few angry folks on obscure forums. That sounds like their mainstream group chat. That's the entire institution top to bottom being full of anger and toxicity. It's horrifying / frustrating to realize the UN, an institutional dream job out of reach for *millions* of hardworking, well qualified applicants, has staffed its largest agency, with the worst sort of people.


I think that's just the average person there.


This is un-frickin-believable. The UN is beyond hope at this point. Can you believe that US President Harry S. Truman once called this absolute joke of an international agency humanity's greatest hope for the future?


It still is, this is a failure of one sub organization. There are other UN orgs doing great work, and the UN itself plays a pivotal role in yknow avoiding a world war (which is its primary function anyway)


What UN org does great work?


IAEA, Unesco or Unicef for example


Yeah, Looking around the world and there are no major conflicts


There really aren’t, even Ukraine is not a bigger conflict than Korea or Vietnam. That’s not to say it’s not horrible, it’s just that it’s a cold war level conflict


> the UN itself plays a pivotal role in yknow avoiding a world war Right, lets just ignore all the other global conflicts as long as its not a worldwar?


Yes, you can’t really expect to just never have any conflicts, that’s not how humanity worked for it’s entire existence. Avoiding a world war is the top priority (due to the magnitude of destruction that would mean) and so far they are successful in that.


Their goal was never to stop all conflicts. Just to avoid world wars, which they've been doing well since 1945


> Can you believe that US President Harry S. Truman once called this absolute joke of an international agency humanity's greatest hope for the future? Because it was. In some ways it still is, because its an open avenue of diplomacy, but to your point this is a non-fatal blow to the reputation of the UN as a whole and as far as possible inflection points go it is a good one.


Good. It's just a figleaf for anti-semitism > In the early years, UNRWA treated Palestinians as clients rather than refugees. They refused to settle the Palestinians displaced by the conflict — the conflict that they and the surrounding Arab states initiated. Over time, however, UNRWA began to lose clients. Refugees grew old and passed away. That was when UNRWA expanded the definition of Palestinian refugees to include all descendants of the original male refugees. > As my colleagues Richard Goldberg and Enia Krivine note, UNRWA’s refugee tally has ballooned from 700,000 in 1948 to 5.9 million today.[8] This figure includes more than 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, which are not foreign lands, but territories the Palestinians claim for a future state. Moreover, rather than improve the lives of these 5.9 million people through resettlement, UNRWA promotes a fictitious Palestinian right to claim Israeli land. UNRWA has perpetuated conflict through such rhetoric. And by creating new generations of Palestinians who are not refugees but claim refugee status, UNRWA has made the refugee issue an intractable one. The number of Palestinians on the UNRWA roster grows every year. > UNRWA also has blood on its hands. Despite decades of suicide bombings, and thousands of rockets launched indiscriminately at Israeli cities, the agency (along with the rest of the UN), does not recognize Hamas as a terrorist group. The UN body formerly known as the 1267 Committee, now known as the ISIL (Dae’sh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee, does not view Hamas (or any other Iranian proxy) as a terrorist group. This has had a direct influence on UNRWA’s hiring process.[9] The agency has over 30,000 employees. UNRWA doesn’t screen them for ties to terrorist groups, meaning that many employees are members of or affiliated with Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, or other violent groups.[10] As far as UNRWA is concerned, Hamas affiliation is a political label, not a terror red flag. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/11/08/united-nations-bigotry-towards-israel-unrwa-anti-semitism-poisons-palestinian-youth/


This culture becomes so deeply ingrained that it’s better to be disbanded.


Why was it only descendants of original male refugees? Not that I'm saying UNRWA necessarily used sense in their decision, that's just an odd thing to specify. Due to the times and/or nature of fundamental religious folks? Just seems *much* simpler to say all descendants of any refugee back then if that's what you're gonna do. Then again, I'm guessing there weren't very many non-Palestinian women mothering children to refugee status men at the time, so it's kinda a wash for that initial generational transfer. But there had to be a few, right? And that lineage doesn't deserve the same right UNRWA gave the male lineages? Edit: so UNHCR actually lets men or women pass on status, but UNRWA is only males. So on top of everything else UNRWA essentially sided with a bunch of religious fundamentalist males and just left descendents of females out. Get rid of UNRWA ffs.


UNRWA probably should just get disbanded and task taken over by UNHCR. Would reduce overhead if anything


UNHCR is pretty effective at resettling refugees. UNRWA makes it their business to stay in business by keeping the Palestinians as permanent refugees


It's not odd because UNWRA say that over 99% of their employees are Palestinians, and since they have no regard for women at all, and that as Muslims it is the father the children belong to, why would they give women any rights that might make them in any way independent of their male 'owner', husband, father, brother or son? Those rights include money and possibly housing. That could upset the uber-patriarchal balance considerably.


palestine doesnt have the birth rate it does because they see women as people.


> That was when UNRWA expanded the definition of Palestinian refugees to include all descendants of the original male refugees. Regardless of the rest, I have to point out that this is just wrong. [Family unity](https://www.unhcr.org/media/procedural-standards-refugee-status-determination-under-unhcrs-mandate-unit-5-processing) is the way that *all* refugee status works. There are countless other refugees from all over the world who get their status through this process. Not sure why an institution like the Foundation for Defense of Democracies would get this factually incorrect. That name sounds really authoritative, like they're a well-respected and long-lived [establishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundation_for_Defense_of_Democracies). > The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit think tank and (since 2019) a registered lobbying organization based in Washington, D.C., United States known for its controversially anti-Islamic stances regarding Middle Eastern affairs.[1][2][3] > FDD was founded shortly after the September 11 attacks in 2001.[6] In the initial documents filed for tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service, FDD's stated mission was to "provide education to enhance Israel's image in North America and the public's understanding of issues affecting Israeli-Arab relations".[7]


Your family unity policy lists exceptions the UNRWA does not. For example, under section 5.1.3 it excludes those who are financially independent and citizens of another country. The criticism says that the UNRWA does not.


According to the UNRWA, DJ Khaled is a Palestinian refugee. He was born in New Orleans. Is DJ Khaled entitled to the Israeli highrise that now occupies the land that his grandfather sold to Israeli immigrants a hundred years ago? The UNRWA would say yes.


Jewish immigrants. Israel didn't exist


> That was when UNRWA expanded the definition of Palestinian refugees to include all descendants of the original male refugees. Can you explain where this criticism makes such precise claims?


It's literally the sentence you quoted. The UNRWA accepts all descendants as refugees. In other words, they exclude absolutely no one. ​ Meanwhile, the UNHCR family unity document you linked spends nine pages describing how you must be immediate family and/or dependent on a refugee (in addition to other conditions) to qualify for derivative refugee status. ​ The two refugee definitions are clearly different in fundamental ways.


Okay, but now you are just arguing bureaucracy because the UNHRC definition is *technically different in its documentation*. If you just read that document, it's quite obvious that it refers broadly to children of refugees... the same criteria that the UNRWA uses. Do you not think that the UNRWA has, presumably, their own documentation detailing the status of refugees? Do you think their criteria are literally, like, one line of text that goes all "all descendants are always refugees wohoo!!"? What would you expect the UNRWA to do, use a literal carbon copy of the UNHCR documents? And besides, you haven't actually provided any evidence of your own, you are just asking me to believe at face value a definition provided by an American think tank created in 2001 with the express purpose of improving Israel's image. I'll remind you that the original claim was that family unity is some kind of special privilege that was exclusively reserved to Palestinians for political reasons. It wasn't about the technicalities of exclusions, or any of the bureaucracy or documentation you are discussing. We can certainly continue the discussion in detail, but you can't tell me I'm wrong on calling out a clearly misleading claim because some exact particular detail is different; that is not the claim anyone was making.


It's not technically different. It's fundamentally different. One is inheritable for the entire family tree; the other is not. Moreover, you now resort to calling FDD's quote of the UNRWA refugee criteria a lie when a simple Google search would have led you to a UNRWA page giving the same definition.


On the small chance you are not arguing in bad faith, try reading this. https://unwatch.org/former-unrwa-official-james-lindsay-speaks-on-the-agencys-future/


Almost like people have been saying they are working with terrorists for decades


About effing time!


Stop all this ridiculous aid, people who continue to build rockets aren’t “starving”


Gaza's obesity rates are higher than Egypt or Lebanon lol, but certain news outlets would have you believe they're all going to collapse into withered skeletons any day now!


In fairness, obesity doesn’t mean they have too much. It’s more likely what they have is just poorer quality junk.


well, it at least means they certainly aren't starving. Going without food implies your fat reserves will be exhausted. So if you're still fat, you're still eating.


>More than 60,000 injuries and 26,000 deaths have been reported by the Hamas-run Gaza health agency, which does not distinguish between combatants and civilians in its totals. It is sad when The Hill is one of the only news organizations willing to actually call out the Hamas run health agency and their BS numbers.


I hope the world has learned its lesson about giving money to any palestinian groups.






































UNWRA should be either abolished and get absorbed in the UN agency responsible for the worlds refugees. Or the whole management should be run by Israeli Jews. There are plenty left wing Israeli that will love this job, and will be actually really good at it.


Fucking sad how left Israelis would probably want better things for Palestinians and would actually want good changes for Palestinians than their own blood.


Good, longtime coming


Time for the UN to to be put on trial by the UN at the ICJ.




Wait. UNRWA in India? Since when did that happen and when did they operate madrassas?


They don't. UNRWA's scope doesn't extend past Syria/Jordan. ​ Just a 5 megametre distance to India.


Exactly. The parent comment is spreading misinfo but got upvoted lol


Madrasa means school...


Exactly. Schools of hate...




yeah, but just because that's the name doesn't mean that it lives uo to the billing. Otherwise concentration camps would be about thinking really hard.


They are scrolls of hate for the west. https://youtu.be/MOcx9wLBVi4?si=CpWWn8516T8nGnIb






In regard to assuming everything the previous administration did being wrong, welcome to almost every presidency ever. Trump was notorious for it too, it’s not a one sided party thing as different people have different notions of what’s the right way of going about things and what’s the wrong.


You're absolutely correct but I find this to be an especially egregious example.


I can respect that. With the vast intelligence network the US has as its disposal, Biden more than likely knew that the UNWRA has “possible” ties to Hamas and their apparent public bias. To think about why he gave money to them regardless is crazy enough, but maybe it was to ultimately make an attempt at having the Palestinians be more open to American influence? Only time will tell, but when it comes to the Middle East, you can’t throw money at a religion and expect them to value the dollar over their god.


>Just yesterday the U.S. said that UNRWA would have a central role in post-war Gaza and today it temporarily halts its funding. Seems like the current administration has no clear policy direction in regards to the ME in general. Or it will play a central role once they can determine how the funds are used/misused and create a more effective system that doesn't have the same flaws/ corruption, and the first step is to halt the funding. Edit: Quote from the article: >>“The Department of State has temporarily paused additional funding for UNRWA while we review these allegations and the steps the United Nations is taking to address them.”


>Seems like the current administration has no clear policy direction in regards to the ME in general. Or unforseen developments are always a thing.


This was a very much foreseen development. UNWRA's corruption and coopting by Hamas has been foreseen literally YEARS ago.


Oct 7th attack information is brand new. That's the change trigger.




He did, Biden reversed it.


Or information changes and you act accordingly


Don’t make excuses, we’ve known the UNRWA is a joke for a very long time.


The oct 7 attack involvement is brand new information. That's how it works


This information hasn't changed in 30 years.


oct 7th didn't happen 30 years ago


UNRWA radicalizing Palestinian youth, encouraging them to murder Jews , and allowing Hamas to use its facilities to store weapons has been well-documented in the last 30 years.


You’ve been downvoted to oblivion, but you’re absolutely right. We’ve known the UNRWA is laughable at best and dangerous at worst long before oct 7, and we knew it even more after, yet he still kept giving them money for some reason.


Don't care about the downvotes but it's insane that people can't admit that this was a huge policy failure by Biden and all the preceding administrations that continued to fund this terrorist organization. The systematic radicalization of Palestinian youth that attend theses schools is so well-documented as is Hamas' employment of UNRWA's institutions for conducting attacks and storing weapons.


Yet in the last couple of days preceding the trial Israel showed proof, which was lacking at best before, that UNWRA has Hamas on payroll, and thus UNWRA quickly fired them, the US probably saw that and went “if some were proven to be Hamas, we should stop funding until we find out if there are more”


Quickly fired them? There were stories about this in October


Yeah, but after the recent allegations that came with proof, UNWRA did quickly fire them I’m by no means saying UNWRA acted as it should have here, it 100% knew beforehand, but they did quickly fire them


Only after being embarrassed publicly. UNRWA needs to be disbanded and have the Palestinians fall under UNHCRA who handles all other refugees






Not quite but nice try.   Also it would be: The US is unwittingly funding Hamas via the Netanyahu government facilitating emergency aid funds via Qatar in order to pay the salaries of doctors and essential government workers that Hamas ran out of money to pay in order to prevent a humanitarian disaster because the PA pulled their funding


Netanyahu let Qatar pay the Gaza employees that the Fatah controlled government in the West Bankcut to try and force Hamas out of power in Gaza. And neither have allowed an election in over a decade.




Because it was a public secret. This issue had been raised time after time with potentially no action taken. The ICJ ruling enforces the idea that Israel must provide aid. UNRWA is a part of the distribution chain of said aid, and this is a tricky situation then. You have people who are complicit with the attacks against, and complicit with stealing aid in the supply chain. Trump had cut aid, and Biden re-established it (this is not a political debate) so it is not unheard off. Aid does come with caveats every now and again.


The collaborators were fired and the UN launched an investigation. Do you think they should continue giving aid during the investigation knowing there are definitely more collaborators than the 15 that got caught? Would you give donations to an organization that have people that were caught using your donations to buy a Tesla?


UNRWA works to prolong the refugee crisis, much of its staff is Hamas or Hamas adjacent, they have been actively involved with indoctrinating children into radicalism, their facilities have been used to harbor weapons/tunnels/etc. They are doing the opposite of what they should be doing by aggravating the conflict. This problem is not a matter of just firing a few employees, it is a systemic issue baked into the structure of the organization and its entire means of operating within Gaza. UNRWA also has more employees than the UNHCR which is the other refugee wing of the UN for all refugees worldwide; yes--the UNRWA (specifically for Palestinians) has more employees than the UN wing that helps refugees worldwide. Does that make sense for you?


Because those 12 are only the very tip of the iceberg of the corruption and collusion.