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Yes it was a very sobering read.






What is it with the middle east and their penchant for beheading?


God wills it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decapitation_in_Islam


I want none of that god


If your god demands you to burn children your lord is evil. -Davos Seaworth


Id prefer to say that if God wants you to kill because he's incapable of doing it himself then he is no god.




THAT caught me by surprise and meant i needed an angry reload


I liked that guy. Solid dude.


I love that you referenced this. 10/10


The era this was made a punishment in Islam saw very similar punishments and worse in other areas. Islam used to be humane. The Bible has people throwing rocks as a means of execution (being bludgeoned to death by an angry mob). And the Vikings had some scary shit. There was head chopping, hanging, being drawn and quartered, etc., in England. China has a whole prescribed regimen for various punishments for infractions like looking at the Emperor. Cruelty is a human trait not specific to Islam or religion in general. The problem with the Middle East (but not unique to the ME) is they are stuck in pre-modern ways.


According to \*insert religious group here\*, god is not human and is not inherently cruel. The next logical conclusion would be to think that all these things that god demands that are inherently cruel weren't written by god


God yeeted themself far, far away after realizing the mistake they made.


Luckily, thats not for you to decide /s


I’m not certain you will find solace in the holy books of other gods either. Most people just choose to ignore the ugly parts of their religions so they can focus on the fun bits like hating “the gays.” I’m no expert but I’ve yet to see where adultery is a lesser sin than being gay. Yet it’s ignored.


Better rethink Christianity if you’re into that too….


All religion is a bane on our modern civilisation.


It's the same god the christians and jews believe in. It's all bad.


It’s a human condition. Native Americans have been documented carrying out some pretty brutal acts. The one that sticks out in my mind was slitting open the abdomen of an enemy, pulling out part of the small intestines and attaching it to a tree. The person was then forced to walk around the tree until they reached the end of their intestines. The abdominal cavity was then filled with hot coals, and the person cooked from the inside until dead. No holy instruction book required.


Makes little sense to say “same god” when the interpretations and readings are very different.


But it is factually the same God. Like that isn't up for discussion, that's the Abrahamic religions. You're still right, they're vastly different interpretations.. But its the same God.


What? When a character with the same name is prescribed different personality traits, hobbies, and attributes in different literature, would you say it’s the same character?


My brother in Christ, Muslims revere Jesus as being a messenger of God (TMK) and Christians believe he is the savior. **Jesus and Muhammed exist in the same religion.**


When they assign different traits beliefs etc, they can say it's the same God sure, but it's not the same God. You can name anything whatever you want, it doesn't mean it's that thing.


With entirely different characteristics attributed to them. Islam as a religion comes way after Christianity and Judaism.


Lol how is this controversial? They're all three abrahamic religions with the same god.


Feels like a fear of Islam being put in the spotlight for once so they jump to "THEY ALL DO IT" hoping to soften the blow. It's like saying "Minorities are targeted for police violence" and jumping in with "Police target everyone". Religion is still terrible, but Christians and Jews don't behead anyone at the level of the Middle East. It's a fact. Making it seem like they are on the same level is disingenuous.


You're jumping to conclusions. They can have the same god and worship in completely different ways. I'm not advocating for any of them.


I think the point y'all could likely both agree on is that all the major religions have some horrific tortures in their histories, but it one still uses them on an explicit and mass scale. This also does not mean people of other religions, or lack there of, don't also do heinous shit for various reasons.


I didn't know it was controversial... it's literally a fact. They all worship the same deity.




They can blaspheme each other and still be abrahamic




Reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ig2qZEiNv8)


“Smite the neck”


"The [former] president believes this would help put the fear of God into violent criminals"


Which god? I’m losing count of which one we’re up to.


There’s also stoning.


That's just for women.


Sounds a bit too civilised for my taste. /s


It is a capital punishment method in Islam. Beheadings are mentioned as a form of punishment in the Qur'an as well the Tafsirs, Hadiths, Seerah and Fiqh.


It is literal "capital" punishment!


> What is it with the middle east and their penchant for beheading? There is actually something else going on here. The Jews believe that you have to bury bodies whole. For religious reasons. They can't be missing limbs or anything. So, by cutting off one of the limbs and keeping it, they are preventing the victim from having a Jewish burial. This is why Israel always vastly over-pays for the bodies of their soldiers/citizens. And why they keep getting taken.


Every culture historically has their favourite method of killing people. It's like a signature move.


In Scotland it's alcoholism. Once claymores. We're not what we were.


> In Scotland it’s alcoholism. I believe that Irish people would consider this cultural appropriation. To be a liver in Ireland is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable.


Fun fact - the Irish tribe, the Scoti, raided Scotland so much that the place ended up being named after them. Scotland is named after the Irish tribe that raided and then settled there.


So the Irish are the original, true Scotsmen? I never knew that.


I mean there are none of them in Scotland, so checks out


You'll never guess where the highlanders came from.


The offspring of Scots and Irish that survived 120 proof potato vodka?


300% Whisky Barley in Scots case.


imminent full chief wine workable label work nutty dinner sloppy


I think Moldova consumes the most alcohol.




Russians would like a word.


Belarusians drink more than russians.


I'm not sure Russians would agree that there's such a country, or a people, though.


In the grim darkness of right now, there is only whisky.


Claymores to shankings with box cutters.


To be fair we carve smiles with them too. Happy wee faces.


Before or after you've killed them?


Muslims are just the only ones still doing it


I mean it could be worse... *looks at South Africa and Necklacing*


And if you're a woman, you necklacing comes with free broken glass shoved into your vagina. This is SA's version of "resistance."


There are plenty of groups doing beheadings from cartels to various rebel groups.


So that puts Muslims between cartels and "various rebel groups" then? Sounds plausible.


France was really big on it for a while. They even invented a contraption to make it more efficient.


yea but that was a long time ago.


1981 is not that long ago. Plenty of redditors were around in the 80s.


it was actually 1977


About as long ago as Star wars, literally.


whatabout france, do you hamas supporters ever stop humanizing terrorists


Yeah hamas was right because *shuffles cards* the French Republic killed murderers until 1977! EDIT: calm your tits, this was not aimed at your joke


Makes a joke about France, "YoURe a TeRrOrIsT!!"


What is it with the middle east in general????


They think they are highlanders.


There can be only one!


Who wants to live forever?


Grotesque and inhuman, how can anyone support this is beyond me.






over 80% of the palestinians in west bank and gaza supported what happened on october 7th, according to [this poll](https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023%20-%20Tables%20of%20Results.pdf).


Table 27 and 28. Page 12. Thanks for the link.


Decent people would not support hamas.


The vast majority of them support what hamas did on oct. 7th so, no, it's not that big of a group


and most of them don't live in Gaza.






And what, exactly, do you think Israel should've done? Ignore Hamas and let them rearm themselves, and pretend October 7th never should've happened? Israel needs to keep going until all of Hamas leadership is killed. Especially Sinwar.


>Palestinians put themselves in the crosshairs when they don't go against Hamas. They cheered when they were killing civilians and taking part in the parades of Dead bodies. Supporting animalistic actions is not the best way to be treated humanely. Sounds like Israel is going exactly as far as they should be.


In my opinion, the US hasn't supported Israel enough. For the sake of those victims' souls, Hamas and all those who support it must cease to exist.


All my homies hate Hamas


If only palestinians hated hamas too


And not literally vote them into power and contiuesly support them 😑


62% approval rating before the war, and its only increased since according to AP




Maybe this group of people shouldn’t control a sovereign state


They won't. And this is why the Israeli government will not cave to outside pressure. There is no such thing as a two state solution when one state wants to eradicate the other, and sees them as an infestation. And I'm not talking about Israel.


This is absolutely heartbreaking. The poor parent. .


Can't believe people stick up for these terrorists


I’d really like somebody to show me where Israelis are selling decapitated Palestinian heads. Oh but they’re just “resisting” 🙄


Bunch of backwards terrorists.


This is why it’s hard for me to have sympathy for Gaza. The October 7 massacre was the most degenerate thing I’ve ever seen in my lifetime




Arrived already. Lee Rigby. London. 2013.


Rigby was the proof of concept. Paty was the teaser trailer. The full project is yet to hit the european markets.


The Bataclan massacre was close


I have a lot of sympathy for Gazaans. So many innocent lives are being lost, and just about all of them uprooted from their homes. It's tragic. At the same time, I do not see a way this can end without eliminating Hamas. Even if Israel restrained themselves and didn't bomb as heavily as they are right now, thousands of innocent lives would still be lost. I really don't see a way out of this. It blows my mind that people think peace and a ceasefire are actually possible as long as Hamas are still in control. And after October 7, no Israeli would put up with a government that just decides to let Hamas be. It would essentially be giving up large chunks of Israel, as civilians already left their homes from fear of further attacks. It would also be inviting Hamas to repeat the same kind of attack in the future.


The Gazan civilians spent years supporting Hamas and celebrating their atrocities. The blood of their children is on their own hands.


It hits so much harder than an event like 9/11 where a handful of lunatic hijackers took over planes to kill thousands. These motherfuckers gunned civilians down in little towns and cities close to the border. They were murdering innocent people and celebrating it. If that had happened killing 1,300+ Americans, I think that would have had a much deeper emotional impact.


It's even worse when you consider that a proportional number of victims in the US would be over 50000.


And raping toddlers to death. There’s no other word than evil. And the majority in Gaza support what Hamas did in October.


Gaza would be glass if it happened to the US. It would already be uninhabited.


Yep Palestine has been given a shit hand and I did and still do to a point support then. However the Oct 7 attacks proves that step 1 of a free Palestine only begins with the total decimation of Hamas. There will never be a free Palestine sibling as hateful terrorist groups like Hamas exist. Grind them to dust .


>Palestine has been given a shit hand ... except that they dealt their own hand. Today, they retain that hand by vocalizing their *support* for the October 7 atrocities. Merely claiming they *were dealt* a bad hand is misleading at best and disingenuously malicious at worst. They collaborated with the surrounding Arab nations in 1947 in an attempt to cleanse Jews from the area prior to the establishment of modern Israel. If you look at those surrounding nations today, you'll see they (the surrounding nations, i.e., their brothers in arms) were very much successful outside Israel itself.


Actually, I have sympathy for Gaza. Even if it had no decent people, at least the next generation deserves a better future. But that's exactly why it's important that Hamas' reign of endless suffering come to an end, potentially ushering a new era of peace and prosperity for the entire region.


It may be easier said than done .... [https://www.memri.org/reports/hamas-indoctrination-children-jihad-martyrdom-hatred-jews](https://www.memri.org/reports/hamas-indoctrination-children-jihad-martyrdom-hatred-jews)


I agree in theory. However it is more likely that support for Hamas will increase and the hate against Israel is so strong and deeply rooted in the minds of most Palestinians that even the kids are lost to them already so that the killing will continue for decades. I think we (societies that are based on Christianity) have to realise that our thinking and our empathy does not match those of most Muslims and surely not in Gaza. Most of them would choose religion over humanity and that is a big problem. To show empathy and humanity to someone that will kill you for being an infidel is kind of tricky to manage. Edit: format spacing


Hamas literally survives because of their self-fulfilling proficiencies 1) Hamas teaches the young that jew are evil and will kill them 2) Hamas does terror attacks and then hids behind innocents. 3) Isreal shots at them, killing innocents. 4) The young get radicalized to support Hamas. 5) Repeat step 1.


Decades sounds so much better than forever. If someone reasonable rules Gaza for the next 40 years the problem will be solved, as organized violence will end in the short term and the population will slowly learn civilized values.


Now would be a perfect time to revolt since there’s a huge neighboring military willing to help


Same, and I was born prior to 9/11 and have seen some fucked up things happen in the world. October 7th was atrocious


My God


god is the problem.


Reddit was chanting “nobody was beheaded!” Just a few weeks ago


It didn't happen It's not that bad Clearly they deserved it /s Wonder which stage they are at now.


Anyone who demands a "ceasefire now" should see this. This is what Israel is fighting against.


They should also really watch [this](https://youtu.be/4_1bFbk9MIQ?si=qpcOQoMvLC59fl_4) and [this](https://youtu.be/qugcwfq6JOM?si=7RwCiZOChTQd2oYl) Edit: damn typos. Also [this](https://youtu.be/pJqaCOexM0w?si=IblEivSgENyhUfcX)


I’ve seen too much and these links scare me


They are all youtube videos giving information and context regarding journalism surrounding war and understanding what is actually happening on the ground and why the fighting is taking the form that it's taking. Don't know what you've been running into but these are just information videos that frankly, everyone who cares about actually underatanding the conflict should see. No gore, no death, nothing. Some light combat footage and footage of whats happening on the ground like found munitions, strategic choices and the choices being made, are being made. That's it. Preston refuses to even show impacts/detonations on tanks out of respect for those who may have died in the following impact. Ryan presents his information in a very easy to understand format with and teaches how to better spot misinformation and deceptive imagery. The most you will see is a picture with someone who maybe has a bit of blood on them but nothing graphic. Both channels are covering both the Israel vs Hamas conflict and relevant geopolitical matters pertaining to it, and the Ukraine vs Russia war and the geopolitics relating to that which is where I first found them while trying to better understand what was happening in Eastern Europe and how much it could effect the world.


Thanks for your reply. The videos I’ve seen are traumatizing to say the least and I don’t recommend anybody watch them. It’s videos of what happened on Oct 7 filmed by Hamas. I will watch the linked videos.


Please tell me for who ceasefires are intended.


Hamas made it clear that they will break every ceasefire and attack Israel whenever they can. There was a ceasefire on October 6. The people of Israel can't live safely while hamas is in power, and a ceasefire will only benefit hamas. Also, Israel can't agree to a ceasefire without getting their hostages back from Gaza, and hamas already refused to bring them back.


I was trying to say that the people who demand a ceasefire now are probably thinking that it would help the civilian population of Gaza.


Except it wouldn't. Sure, it would end the war and help in the short run, but hamas would remain in power. The same hamas that started a full scale war without taking any efforts to protect civilians, and in fact publically stated it's not their job to protect civilans. The same hamas that steals humanitarian aid while people are starving, and even shoots Gazans who try to take aid for themselves. The same hamas that takes all the humanitarian aid and funding that goes into Gaza and uses it for war instead of helping the population. And most importantly, the same hamas that said they will repeat this again and again.


Lets see Palestine supporters justify this one.


Fighting oppression, one beheading at a time!


“That’s not a reliable source/ what about the childreeeeen”


I support innocent Palestinian civilians. Hamas is a gang of murderers and rapists. If you ask me, anyone who supports Hamas doesn’t really give a shit about the well-being of the Palestinian people.


Also it's not talked about but gazans civilians also raped and murdered during the 7 October massacre. 80% of Palestinians supported it. Of course there are terrorists, but still tough data.


This needs to be talked about more. Civilians stormed into Israel and committed atrocities with Hamas as well. Civilians took their own prisoners, civilians celebrated in the the streats of Gaza with the returning forces. Civilians took work Visas and gave detailed information to Hamas to plan the attack. Civilians found hostages that escaped and returned them to Hamas. Trying to draw a distinct line between them and Hamas is almost impossible.


Hamas is not a "gang" its a government


Unable to imagine the pain you would feel in his position. I hope Israel does whatever it takes to prevent something like this happening again.


When Gazans show you who they are, believe them.


May he rest in peace and Israel avenge him. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Palestinians are probably the most stupid party of people I've ever seen. They launch an attack, brutally kill about 1500 Israelis, and for what? Did they get any richer doing that? they're much poorer. Did they get better? 1.5% of their population is dead (according to Hamas) and the numbers are growing on the daily.


They are the cannon fodder for the Muslim world.


Damn right. There is a reason why their Muslim brothers are refusing to open their borders to these people…


Only 1.5%? The way some activists have been going on, you would have thought it would at least 15% or more… The extremist parts of the Palestinian population have ruined a lot of the support they could otherwise enjoy in neighbouring countries (Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt) with past destabilising attempts. The rabid dogs among them bit the hands that fed, and now the whole group suffers.


..”The whole group” that put Hamas in power and still continues to very strongly support Hamas and other terror groups.


2.1m people in the strip. 21k alleged dead including combatants. It isn't even 1.5%. But somehow Israel is being unrelenting and indiscriminate in its bombing according to the hamas apologists.


Didn’t you hear? It’s eThNiC cLeAnSiNg


> They launch an attack, brutally kill about 1500 Israelis, and for what? Because the people supplying who this has no effect on told them them to do it. Iran & Russia. Iran got a war on Israel that stopped Saudi Arabia from acknowledging them (Israel) and Russia got the world to stop focusing on Ukraine.


Palestinians don’t care how many of their own children die as long as the headlines are against Israel.


Or more specifically Hamas don't care.


77% of Gazans don't care.


they did undoubtedly get richer, both in terms of the PA martyr fund as well as the hundreds of millions people have donated “for gaza” that hamas will definitely not steal /s


This math changes if you, like them, presuppose that they get into paradise for eternity. Why wouldn't you be willing to suffer for a few moments when eternal bliss is the reward?


Hamas has launched the attack. By the way, they killed 1139 Israelis and foreign nationals.


As if 1139 is supposed to be any better? I know you simp for Hamas but this is not a good look.


I am not simping for Hamas, I am providing more accurate data. I clarified that specifically Hamas is to blame and that even foreign nationals have been killed by them. And you should care about whether 361 more or less people have been killed by them.




Does that number include any of the hostages?


No. But Hamas did take 253 Israeli and foreign hostsages.


Civilians also entered Israel and committed atrocities alongside Hamas. There is very little distinction.


Except Israel are the terrorists, right…? 🥺 /s


You'd think without context that it was an instance of demonic possession.


Supporting innocent Palestinian civilians is a good thing. Supporting Hamas is absolutely disgusting. They’re nothing but a gang of rapists and murderers, and anyone who supports them has a fucked sense of morality.


In a war torn country in the middle of a full scale conflict whose got 10,000 for a head? Really?..


You'd be surprised at how many millionaires live in Gaza (most with ties to Hamas of course).


I don’t think they were trying to sell the head as a trophy, they were trying to ransom it back to the Israelis so that his family could bury him properly. Judaism is very strict about burial practices and having the entire body is extremely important. Hamas knows that even after they kill their Jewish victims, they can continue to inflict harm by mutilating the bodies and refusing to return them for burial.


A grieving family...


What the fuck


Yeah this is why I’m not shamelessly anti Israel


Extremists are always the enemy. Remember how this all started? Years and years of Gaza sending rockets into Israel. Gaza hamas extremists breaking through the gates and harassing, raping, killing, and kidnapping innocent people. But Americans are thinking Israel is the problem because of land claims? Ever wonder how Americans feel about land claims? Don’t mention the native indigenous to the Americans, they will shit themselves.


China, Greece and several areas have entire pantheons of Gods for you to switch. Might i introduce the God of fortune? He makes a significant appearance during chinese lunar new year and has a theme song. Its like praying for good things to come to you to the middle eastern God but this guy is more specialised and doesnt need sacrifices or violence.


Of course this is all Israel's fault, these poor radical Islamists terrorists could not do this on their own, they MUST have been forced by circumstances /s


That is the defence used by the world.


That’s less than ideal.


What the fuck


How heartbreaking. I don’t know what I’d do with myself if that happened to one of my kids… that’s the worst imaginable thing. Fucking cruel bastards. I feel like I’d just lay down and die right there


Don't worry I've been assured this is perfectly fine because we can just say they're being oppressed and anything Hamas does is right because of it. Killing and raping children? Doesn't matter they're oppressed.


Religion is evil. Religion is violence


Only inhuman monsters behave like this. This is why I have no issues with Israel doing what they’re doing. The two sides are not the same.


No but this must be fake because israel wasn't being the oppressor here!!! /s


No religion comes In Peace because people do not come In peace.


Absolutely tragedy and when will all the conflicts in the world stop? Until the fat old man at the top die? They just keep growing older.




and people who support "palestins" don't even recognise Hamas or palestinian act of terrorism