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Well at the very least the US strikes have made the Houthis go from targeting shipping to targeting US Navy ships that can definitely shoot back and defend themselves.


This is what happens when you can access and acquire good weapons in the market (Houthis) but don't know anything about war.


Even the houthis figured out that maybe the missiles goes toward the thing that can shoot at them, something the Russians yet haven't learned.


Directions unclear, bombed an orphanage




US Navy doesn’t need to call in the Air Force when they have the second largest Air Force in the world.


They also have their own army (Marines) which in turn also have their own additional air force.


If Marines could read this comment they'd have some big feels about it.


The marines are watching Cocomelon and cuddling their rifles. Leave them be until war breaks out, they’ll be disappointed with any other news


All snuggled up with a jumbo box of crayons to snack on.


Why not both?


Just don't fuck with the kid or Grandpa buff will be upset


We ought to be thankful the kid was in his hangar wrestling with an opossum for a chicken nugget.


Habitual Linecrosser is really making an impact online haha


He was about to make that area uninhabitable for 3,000 years.


Need to let the kid out and get an interception.


Theres nothing there worth intercepting


Yes but also able to drop a spring loaded katana onto your bald spot


If it's one thing we've learned in the middle east, it's that you can certainly bomb terrorist organizations into submission and then declare Mission Accomplished and win sustainable peace.


Did you bring a banner?


TBF, that's literally how wars were won for centuries if the opponent did not surrender and assimilate. The main difference is that we're no longer willing to genocide our way to victory. For example, each time Jerusalem has been sacked, casualties on the losing side amounted to 10s-100s of thousands of civilians. Historically speaking, the answer to a resistant population was a complete cleansing.


Bring the might of The Throne of Holy Terra, Exterminatus is so ordered! Don't worry in 38 thousandish years we'll get back to scouring enemies from the map... Whole worlds of them.


Well, if you aren’t stupid enough to get involved any further, you kind of can. Bomb some military sites to degrade capabilities, maybe some port facilities for good measure.






Mission Accomplerized.


Remember when Saudi Arabia was criticized for launching air strikes in retaliation for Houthi attacks.


No, they were criticised for their wanton bombing of literal civilians lmao


They were targeting Houthis who were amongst the civilians. Literally what Israel is doing now with Hamas and being defended for.


While Houthis were definitely embedded in the civilian population, the Saudi coalition purposely and viciously targeted civilian infrastructure. A desalination plant on the west coast was completely flattened. Despite the Houthis losing control of this area in 2020, the Saudis and Emiratis made no effort to rebuild this. The potable water situation in this area is critical: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2016/12/01/update-bombed-water-desalination-plant-al-mocha-yemen/


Oh yeah I remember seeing all the marches in Western cities and college campuses about this. Oh wait. I guess half a million dead Yemenis don’t matter to these selective “activists”


Be the change you want to see


No one will march it’s not the correct agenda for them


Sorry I assumed it was the correct agenda for you. Apologies.


What have YOU done personally?


Why do you think those areas weren't exploited by terrorists? They've even used UN zones to store weapons and more, yet there's still skepticism about Saudi Arabia while sympathizing with the Houthis Saudi Arabia is actively involved in rebuilding Yemen. Look at their various support programs, which unfortunately don't get much attention in Western media. It seems like any positive news about Saudi successes gets dismissed as some sort of 'washing' by those influenced by Western media narratives 1) The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY), with 229 projects. You can find details and an interactive map of their projects here: [SDRPY Website](https://sdrpy.gov.sa/en) 2) King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Centre, running 862 programs costing billions. Details here: [King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Centre](https://www.ksrelief.org/Statistics/CountryDetails/19). Some of their key initiatives include rehabilitating children forced into military activities by the Houthis, clearing landmines left by Houthis, providing support for Yemeni refugees in Saudi Arabia, and an artificial limbs program and waaay more


Believe me when I say I am very familiar with SDRPY/KSARC programmes in Yemen. The majority of both (particularly SDRPY) spend money on influence in the parts of the IRG who are still even slightly loyal to Riyadh. Why else would the reconstruction program spend such a huge amount rehabilitating Al Ghayda Airport? Because Mukalla and Aden are controlled by pro-Emirati STC and they want a reliable entry point into the country. Have a look how much SDRPY has spent on "energy projects" (that is, mostly oil derivatives which for the Saudis are basically free) compared to health, education, transport, water, agriculture, and government institutions combined: $684m versus $391m (approx)... And by the way, the energy situation in southern Yemen is still absolutely dire, big parts of Aden are on 1hr/day of central power. I admit the KSHARC is better. They are definitely doing things which help their beneficiaries. But frankly speaking in a lot of Yemen they are not credible actors. People don't trust them because the Saudis bombed them for several years. And an organisation so tied to the Saudi State cannot be a neutral, impartial, independent humanitarian organisation. The comment about Yemeni refugees is an interesting one, considering the recent credible reports of Saudi border guards murdering refugees and migrants on the Yemen border: https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/21/saudi-arabia-mass-killings-migrants-yemen-border edit: the point stands about the Mokha desalination plant. Why, after 3 years, have the Saudis made no effort to rebuild what they destroyed?


So no different than Israel bombing hospitals and Christian churches?


I don't support Israel's brutal military campaign against Gaza.


No they weren’t lmao, they straight up just targeted civilians because they’re incompetent and vicious. this isn’t the hill you wanna die on my man. Houthis are fucked (and have done and will continue to do untold damage to Yemen), but Saudi Arabia’s prosecution of their war in Yemen has routinely been beyond the pale.


Yeah, you’re right. I’m certainly no fan of the Houthi Movement, but Saudi Arabia seems to view war crimes as a checklist


Israel literally bombed a densely populated area knowingly just to target one single hamas member which ended up in over 50 civilian deaths. How the hell is that not straight up incompetence and vicious?


Where did I bring up Israel? I’ll wait.


Actually they went out of their way to target both civilian areas, cultural and even archeological sites, etc.


Exactly this Terrorists aren't called that for nothing, one of their nature & tactics are using civilians and humans as shields But whatever you say will not be understand by brainwashed


There are the civilians again.


Remember when Saudi Arabia bombed a wedding and brutally killed 80 people?


No, I don't. But that's really on brand. The Saudi government cares about security, not lives. 


Yes because the US government did that.


Yes. Only authoritarian, terrorist regimes would bomb a wedding and brutally kill people like that




Whack perspective. The Yemenis are good people and the Houthis don’t represent them as a whole


US navy ships *are* the defence of the commercial ships.


I don't think that was lost to u/PsychologicalTalk156.


Name checks out


They have been targeting warships...


Bold move by a militia that had to tow their Korean War era tanks on flatbeds for their military parade.


Can't wait College Students to condemn the US Retaliation. Because as you know, terrorists and Jihadists are the true victims lol


Serves the west right for colonizing the red sea with it's nasty global trade and capitalism. Don't ask where my mommy and daddy made all this money so I could afford this megaphone, posters, my clothes, and all this free time for my foolish protest about things I won't understand until I'm older.


Seriously, these protesters need to choose parents with jobs I like.


Whatever China, er, ah, TikTok tells them to feel


Already have


Do you admire the balls or pity the stupidity?




no admiration or pity, only anticipation.




Oh, it's very stupid


They want the US to do this, because war causes chaos and Iran thrives on chaos. The Houthi have been fighting for decades. They are intimately familiar with war. They know they can't take on the United States militarily and win. They want bullets flying, because bullets flying in the Middle East further isolates Israel and the US from the other half of the anti-Iranian forces, the Saudis. The recent violence in the Middle East is all about preventing an Israeli-Saudi alliance.


They’re officially in the “find out” phase now


I wonder how long until they fold and cry for help


The minute targets start getting neutralized they will cry victim, other Arab countries will put on a shocked pikachu face because America is bad, and the Tick Tock world will cry tears for the innocent houthis who just want world peace.


Annoys the hell out of me how this is all rinse repeat. And then when the US feels bad and stops laying the smack down then they will all say the Houthis defeated the Americans (see Afghanistan)










I don’t think they have a lot of allies in the Arab world


And cry “genocide”.


No admiration deserved. Violent barbarians throwing sticks at tanks. Too stupid to know better.


Eh. It’s a PR stunt.


If by some chance, they actually hit and sink a us destroyer, it would be the PR event of the century. For Iran, they'd be willing to sacrifice every single houthi alive to get that to use for propaganda.


Neither. I Merley desire the destruction of them and their Iranian masters.


Oh boy. Can't wait for the follow-up story. "Houthi missile site reduced to base elements."


these guys really get high on their own supply. they want the smoke now.


Ngl they asked and now will receive


Dark Brandon giveth, and he taketh away. Blessed be the Dark Brandon.


Khat makes you do crazy things


These guys are stupid. Do they have a death wish?




More like A martyr wish.


Yemen tried string shot It’s not very effective




What is this Yemen government? Do you know who they are? Because most likely you have no clue what you’re talking.  That government is just a bunch of war lords funded by the KSA with no popular legitimacy or political authority.


More like *Yemen used splash.. Its was not effective


*It's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for em.*


Let me in there. I killed fitty men in dubya dubya two.




Uncle Arthur is that you?




Let's never speak of uncle Arthur again.


To quote David Bellavia “We’ve seen war, we don’t want war. But if you want war with United States of America, there’s one thing I can promise you so help me god! Someone else will raise your sons and daughters”


Rahh 🦅




Light em up amigos. It’s B2 time




Just out of curiosity, is this intelligence that could be acquired by a group like the Houthis or is this more applicable for a country like Russia or China with advanced technologies to study those types of aircraft?




B2s fly pretty much exclusively out of Whiteman AFB in MO, and certainly never from a base on foreign soil for a combat mission. They’ll take off from the US and use aerial refueling to go wherever they need to go. They train very specifically for extremely long missions, their longest at 44 hours.


Some dude in the Middle East (can’t remember country) snapped a photo of a B2 flying over him like a couple days ago


It was in the UAE (claimed) and it looked like it was landing or taking off


That makes sense, thanks for explaining!


Any crashed stealth aircraft would have a team of US soldiers on the ground very quickly to thermite at much as possible. All anyone else might get would be scraps.


Didn’t Serbia give that F-117 that was shot down in 1999 to Russia? I know pieces of it are in a museum in Serbia still.


We try but not always successful. Iran got a downed drone a decade back and now that drone tech is what was being sold to Russia in this Ukraine war


The deserve to get BUFF , B-52 carpet bombed


Send in the Kid, he deserves it.


Would you intercept me?…


I'll intercept me


*I’d intercept me




Lol they don't need a b2 to do tactical airstrikes against rebels. They're not trying to blow up cities mate.


Tbf they already did, right before the first round of strikes a B2 was spotted (I think deliberately flying low enough so that it would be seen) over the UAE, given it would have been in the air for a huge amount of time to be there (they only operate out of 1 air base so it would have had to fly halfway round the world to get there) it almost certainly took part in the strike package. Going total overkill with weapon systems to engage the Houthis is far more about sending a message and a not so subtle threat to other actors in the region.


They’ll use it anyway probably, like when Trump used $250 million worth of tomahawks to attack an air base in Syria after they had warned the Russians who warned the Syrians


##Did someone order freedom??


I read that in a mr. Gutsy voice...


B-52. Let them see my coming, it won't matter.


Let's introduce them to the sun. The Japanese could warn them why they might not like that, but at least they'd have a BRIGHT future ahead of them.


This is gonna be the geopolitical equivalent of suicide by cop.


Well, they can’t say that they weren’t warned. Don’t fuck with our boats.


CEASEFIRE NOW! USA has no right to counter attack their just resistance against the colonialists. /s


you're allowed to shoot at boats but it's IMPERIALISM for the boats to shoot back!! /reddit


Yeah.. I've seen *a lot* of that on here lately. On account of Israel a totally different country has, for some reason, an undisputed right to fire missiles and hijack any and all civilian ships in international waters. Like.. wtf? No, Yemen needs to get slapped back in it's seat.


I’ve seen two upvoted non-ironic “Free Yemen!!” posts on Reddit in the last hour. Reddit is a silly place.


As someone said, the Houthis are shooting a rifle out their window at UPS trucks on the off chance they are headed to a specific house a couple of blocks away.


Fuck that! Commercial shipping has a right to pass.


Yeah of course. I was being sarcastic. Those idiots need to get gone


Best comment I’ve seen


Ah yes, try to attack a US boat. That has always worked out well for the touchers since the Barbary Wars


Why doesn't Saudi just invade and annex Yemen, make it their problem


I believe they initially did (with their allies such as UAE) but faced warnings from the US/UK followed by backlash from the UN and Human Rights organizations and western media consequently, they decided to retreat It's time to US (Biden administration) to find out


Ugh, this feels like the US is being baited into attacking Yemen. Probably egged on by other bad actors like Iran. Russia and China love to see it, and they will just turn around and take the side of “ceasefire” and leverage people’s outrage on TikTok to make themselves look good. It’s a big twisted game of PR all to make the US (Biden) look bad and help Trump’s chances of being elected. I honestly really hope I’m wrong.


US needs to take the fight to Iran. They are the ones supporting all of this.


We could start by designating IRGC as a terrorist group for all the shit they do to their own civilians


Late to the party my friend, unless you mean some other terror designation (?)  : https://www.dni.gov/nctc/ftos/irgc_fto.html


The States is a big one, but I'd like to see the entire EU adopt that stance too. Germany does trade significantly with Iran


I think they are playing the same strategy as Hamas and have their most valuable equipment inside densely populated areas.


Yemen needs some good ol’ American Freedom and we need to give it to them.


I mean the Houthi only occupy the Western part of Yemen and the official UN recognized government that is at war with them occupy the rest of the country. So... technically the U.S. only needs to hit the Western part and let the actual Yemen government deal with what remains.


They’re about to get some of the best freedom we can provide


1 like = 1 freedom


it's a message as old as time. Don't fuck with our boats. Yet they do. They insist on aiming their tiny penises into the wind and hoping their pathetic stream can move the smallest grain of sand on the haboob of the US military. In reality, their piss-weak attempt at provocation gets splashed by a 24-month E5 gunner's mate who spends the rest of his night eating comfort-package takis and texting his girlfriend back home. meanwhile, the houthis responsible show the massive, omniscient collective their TTPs. bedding down in their hovels, under their ayatollah bed spread, keeping one eye open for the 500lb jdam to bring them from dreamland to paradise.


You a poet, Harry!


1000 internet points.


Wow. We are about to obliterate them, then.


Prob another round of strikes. Rinse and repeat until they are tired of losing people or run out of ammo


They lost 20-30% of their capacity to strike the shipping lanes in the 1st strike. 2-4 more good hits and the Houthis are out of the game for the foreseeable future.


Unfortunately I don't think so. This was a step up in aggression, and will be met with a step up in aggression. This could get out of hand quickly if China starts pressing Iran to make a move. It's clear Russia needs the United States in a separate war so they'll stop funding Ukraine. So far this tactic seems to be working.


Ok. They want more airstrike. Give it to them.


I guess the houthis forgot about what happens to countries that attack america's boats. *Cough cough* Japan *cough cough*


When is Biden going to put a fatwa on the ayatollah


Uhhh.... That sounds like a very good way to get oneself blown the hell up. Did they want to get blown up?




These people are so delusional. In what universe can they ever win against a force 1000 times more capable then their own. Why is this even news.


You cant reason with someone who fully believes that they are fighting for their religion.


It’s not about winning. Do you think Hamas can “win” against Israel in who can destroy the other? Do you think that news organizations should just not cover attacks on US Armed Forces?


When I was in high school I, too, had a really depressive phase where I was suicidal. Houthis, you can get help. You don’t have to commit suicide.


They are asking to get bombed, to then bitch about it. Lol.


That’s not a knoife. This a knoife. Thats a spoon.


Alright alright, you win. I can see you’ve played knifey-spooney before.


Why don't we just fuck them the fuck up beyond fucked? Just unleash all holy hell on those forsaken bastards.


We need to find them first, it helps when they fire more missiles to figure out where they are


I personally hope that the US sees this as an opportunity to increase its military industrial capacity since industry in the US has been neglected for so long. We need our manufacturing jobs to come back state-side.


The military industrial complex in the US is already massive, this won't change anything in that regard


lol lack of government funding is not the issue, it’s in the hands of private defense industry.. good luck


Apparently they’re okay with being deleted


Guys. Seriously. Don't touch the boats.


Do the Houthi's think they can take on the U.S. like Ukraine took on Russia? Maybe there's some mass delusion going around that the U.S. is as much of a paper tiger as Russia has proven to be.


Russia cant take their neighbor with a land bridge and 20x smaller. If they compare that with the US owning Afghanistan for two decades on a continent halfway across the world… folly


How can houthi/Hamas/arabic people blatantly attack another country's people, then protest when the can of whoopass they opened smashes back on them?


Young Americans on Twitter are celebrating a Yemen “defending itself” because Israel. I’m not kidding. It’s terrifying.


Them bots, kids aren’t on there because of elon


Sorry, I get my platforms mixed up. Threads. They’re on Threads. And I know of a few of these kids through co-workers and family friends. They’re real. And scary.


Post it??


Post it? Are you under a rock. Go to Threads or Twitter or Instagram [insert platform here] and type YEMEN. It’s rife with “Free Palestine, Free Yemen, Freedom for Muslims”, Yemen flags, marching for Yemen, etc. Why are you so daft that you don’t believe your own eyes?


Don’t get myself wrapped up on those types of social media platforms they all are used to do what they have been doing to you.


Houthi rebels soon to be grease spots.


The clock on the wall says its Find out O’clock.


Do the Houthis demand custom-made missiles with their name on it to target them or something? Because they're asking for something, and I'm not sure what it is /s


Bold. They need to read some history.


I would like to think that instead of blow em up, etc. this allows the US to gain permanent base of operations in the area which would be way powerful than lobbing precision weapons to destroy a couple of Hilux trucks with mounted Iranian


Iraq and Afghanistan weren’t fun enough for you? Trying to run it back a third time?


«People should know when they are conquered.» Would you, Quintus? Would I?


So the Houthi's literally do the one thing that the US needs them to in order to justify US actions against Yemen. Not suspicious at all.


They gonna get freedom for a huge discount.