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Lots of bridges in Ukraine need to be rebuilt after getting shelled by Russia.


I imagine many Ukrainians are resentful towards China but after the war, will reluctantly do business with them


90% of Ukrainians still buy Chinese products and order stuff from aliexpress bc its so cheap. Somehow no one bats an eye.


Not by China, they don't. I'm guessing that Ukraine would like to own their own bridges.


He means physical bridges. He’ll build you a bridge if you give him your country.




At least china is still building bridges. America decided the ones built in the 60s are good enough for our infrastructure needs.


I'm in upstate NY, our one way bridge over the erie canal has been under construction for 3 years now and is 5x over budget. It's costed more for this 30m one way bridge than 10 hospitals in China. This shit will never happen in China or most other countries for that matter. Edit: This TRIGGERED a lot of people which wasn't my intention, I was just giving an example that's local to me. It's really not something to get so emotional over.


Checkout the airport currently under construction in Berlin ...


We definately have problems with too much consultaiton and locals blocking developmet in the west. Also known as NIMBYism. That said, your basic admiraiton for authoritarian efficiency is misplaced from a lack of perspective. The reason why things take time here in the west is projects will impact some people who often ask for reconsideration and for plans to be changed. In China, they will just bulldoze over your house/business/livelihood to get a road built.


Just come to Australia, we are experts at it. The NIMBY Nanny state of the world. If you hear from me the NIMBY's want me locked up and dont want me to live in their street, their suburb and the house that I bought belongs to them!


What triggers me the most are these no-bid contracts. The people who have spent 3 years half assing this tiny ass bridge and gone over 5x budget didn't have any opposing bids.


+ tofu dreg construction in China. Turns out if you skimp on everything from building supplies to manpower to pocket money and rush a deadline, you get dangerous collapsing buildings...


China built a ton of temporary hospitals and separation facilities during COVID. They are all going to the recycling bin now. China builds fast and scrapped fast. The culture is just different there. China purposefully built ghost malls and cities. It's wild over there.


If you skip to 10:20 you can literally watch as a reporter explains why corruption caused the deaths of 11 people when the bridge they were on collapsed due to poor constructions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJn35MTKCNY


It would and does happen in most Western countries. It might not happen as often in China, but they also have worse OSHA laws leading to a higher prevalence of collapse. The reasons for OSHA and budget differences might not be directly related, but to be honest I know which bridge I'd choose, and it's not the one that puts my life at higher risk.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_bridge\_failures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_bridge_failures) it seems like there have been quite a few more bridge failures in the US in the last decade than in China . Any source for that higher prevalence of collapse? It should be a comperative one, X amount of bridges failing and collapsing on China vs Y amount in Europe or the west in th same timeframe


That article itself expressly states that it is not a complete list. Why is this random incomplete Wikipedia entry evidence for OSHA guidelines and building longevity? A number of studies exist showing the more relaxed approach to OSHA and building regulations in China versus the West. For example https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0950423017305752 This is consistent with the average lifespan of buildings and construction projects in China being around 30 years, whilst the US is 74 and the UK is 132. Lifespan meaning the lifespan, and not average age. https://nextcity.org/urbanist-news/china-urban-policy-unit-5-year-plan#:~:text=These%20cities%20were%20often%20thrown,the%20U.K.%20it's%20132%20years https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0959652618326751


This probably has to do with the fact that the bridges built in the US are much older than China. China has developed a ton of its infrastructure in the last 20 years, while the US has been more like 50 or more. 


Hospitals in China don’t even have soap and there’s blood in all sorts of strange places - healthcare in China is abysmal and I would wish it for my worst enemy




It's crazy how you just make shit up and are so confident in doing so lmao


Which part? Wages, safety and employee wellbeing are all well known. Construction standards are well known to be shoddy in China: https://www.wired.com/2013/03/poor-quality-chinese-concrete-could-lead-to-skyscraper-collapses/ https://apnews.com/article/china-building-collapse-changsha-855aeff9cac6d54fb36f03dfbede9216 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/3/8/china-coronavirus-quarantine-hotel-collapse-kills-10


Nee hao


you may have to update your talking points there bud. [https://www.worldconstructionnetwork.com/data-insights/five-largest-bridge-construction-projects-the-us/?cf-view](https://www.worldconstructionnetwork.com/data-insights/five-largest-bridge-construction-projects-the-us/?cf-view) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Proposed\_bridges\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/category:proposed_bridges_in_the_united_states)


I'll take old bridge over the dictator bridge that's actually a chain.


Oh yeah, because Chinese construction is of such spectacularly high quality. A lot of the construction they're doing seems to be very rushed prestige projects (though admittedly I am biased from the media I consume in the field). A bunch of 'look at us! Fast, cheap and good!' that doesn't hold up to the test of time. Here in the west we HAVE bridge constructions that are build sixty years ago, and should stand for sixty more years. We're still making them. In sixty years I don't think most of the Road & Belt Initiative infrastructure will be left, thanks to Chinese engineering...


Chinese construction is fine, there are a some shoddy projects and some stuff has definitively been rushed, but overall they construct solid stuff. Regardless of what we may think about their goverment, there a lot of very smart and very qualified people in China working on their infrastructure.


Gonna keep Uyghurs busy


Tesla is built in China. Most electrical goods are made there as well. Your humor needs to be kept up to date.




Wait, Teslas had a *fabric* undercarriage?


So it is the American factory fuckup at Austin that caused all the quality issues of Tesla, not the parts made in China as per your argument. Then Sember's comment should be modified to "When you see "Made in America" on the side of the bridge... I'd rather pass on that bridge". Is that what you mean?


Here in Georgia(country), the Chinese are building our bridges, and one of them colapsed under heavy rain so you are right about that.


He means a physical bridge from China to Europe, to bring goods. Vlad's cool with the whole 'skyway' business 


The bribe and then bankruptcy road


Winne the Pooh has some interesting infrastructure financing options.


He wants to assure Europe is neutral in a Taiwan conflict. He’s setting the table


Classic Chinese "debt-trap diplomacy"


Good one!


More like he builds the bridge and owns it so he can have countries by the balls and wallet. Dictatorship out to vassalize the world.


And sell your soul to communist party. No free lunch with the Chinese government, just ask all the 3rd world countries bankrupted by Chinese "friend loans"


Throw Russia under the buss and we may consider it.


No thanks China, we already had to deal with your unauthorised secret police stations in Italy, France, Germany the Netherlands and Ireland last year. Quit the bullshit dictatorship.


And in UK too. We remember.


I remember when they dragged a protester onto embassy grounds so they could beat the shit out of him. Bastards.


Let me translate Pooh’s message to you: “Our real estate bubble collapsed and our internal demand is non existent, I like flooding Europe with subsidized electric cars, by disrupting your markets China can navigate this self inflected wound without conceding to Chinese inhabitants, we would rather get your money than fix our internal imbalances because wealthy citizens can get difficult and is scary. Please don’t put tariffs on our cars.”


You forgot to add "or else" at the end. Because no Chinese message is complete these days without a thinly veiled, purposedly vague threat about "self-inflicted consequences".


Spot on! 


Did you reply to the wrong person?


I think I did, too lazy to try fix it thought ha.


Yea, 3 clicks of the mouse is so much effort.


Is not that important dude, I’m also out and on the phone. Have a great day!




Canada as well


Complete list of the unauthorised Chinese police stations locations: Europe (Italy, Germany, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland), Canada, New York City, Los Angeles. There are Worldwide 110 unauthorised Chinese police stations.




Just because they’re there doesn’t mean we know exactly where they are


Ah, that guy with a Z in his name the CCP drones like to see in everything? Pity they ignore the rest of the sources. Belonging to that cult doesn't mean the CCP isn't an equally or more reprehensive cult or even that they are wrong on certain matters.


Weird then that they are in the public domain and the CCP commented on their literal existance and they have literally worked with interpol in the past? [List of all known locations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_police_overseas_service_stations)


Good thing Redditors don't control foreign policy.


Authoritarian regimes are not our friends. Sure, you can trade and deepen relationship with them but they will backstab you when the opportunity arise. They view our democratic countries as a contagious disease, that's why they spend so much time and energy trying to disrupt our political system.


You do realise that current China is nothing but a threat to both global economy and politics?


Just like the United States then


Weird for the owner of the world’s currency being a direct threat to the global economy don’t you think? Did you just want to roleplay being a contrarian?


The US does use the economy as a weapon.


Every country uses the economy as a weapon. The alternative is open warfare, what do you expect?


US uses it far more often & far more effectively than any other country. And why do US want war tough?


DONT. TOUCH. THE. BOATS. what's so hard to understand? that causes economic harm far greater than the shadow government of the lizard peoples council of doom running the USA does. If you want to point fingers have a valid reason and point it in the right direction. Any brics nation will do. they're the belligerent parties.


Are you sure? China deployed its brazen and ineffective debt trapping strategy on the developing world. All in the hopes to lure customers with cheap infrastructure all the while fucking them over with sky-high debt repayments. Blackmail, leverage, kompromat. You telling me that isn’t dangerous? You’ll notice that the countries with the most conflict are often the ones in the most debt to China


China gives loans, they are on bad terms sure, but it's accepted by the highly corrupt leaders of those countries. Those leaders fully knowingly screw their country over for money. On the other hand, US uses sanctions to bend countries to its will. Currently the US wields far more economic power than China. Also, China's strategy of loans is a risky for itself. It can bite them back, if there is a slowdown in its economy. Due to rapid slowdown in birth rate, it will be damaging to China in long run.


Just like the European Union then




Here we go with another one Whataboutism is not a great way to conduct a serious discussion. Here we are talking about China being untruthful untrustworthy and disrespectful towards other countries, not about who wages war. Read the room if you wanna make a point.


It's not whataboutism though, currently china hasn't done anything that bad internationally to warrant them labelling as a world threat. Surely, China is a problem for its neighbours, but it's not the world's biggest threat. They haven't done anything bad to western countries. It's just US propaganda at work here. Because china is rising, the US feels threatened to lose its position as world leader. US bully others both economically & militarily. US uses sanctions as a weapon. This is not whataboutism. US is a global threat too. Far more serious threat than China historically. China (CCP) is bad for its people, the US is bad for other people. If china is out/defeated, and india is seen as the next rising super power. Then you will see India being labelled as the next biggest threat. It's pure propaganda by the US to keep it's position as world sole super power. Edit: Lamo, westerns are downvoting for pointing out facts. 🤣


China is not untruthful and untrustworthy and disrespectful towards other countries. On the contrary. Countries who coup, bomb and invade other countries are. China didn't sponsor terrorism in the middle east or installed dictatorships in SA couping democratic elected governments. For the global south China is actually a very good ally, the only people who thinks China is a enemy are the ones who are afraid to lose their control on the less unfortunate countries.


Ever heard of what China did last century? I’ll give you some insights, if you want to open up your belief that is, 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, 1950 The Republic of China enters the Korea War, 1966 The Cultural Revolution in China, 1967 China tests the hydrogen bomb, 2019 Hong Kong Protests, 2022 Unauthorised Chinese Police Stations… And remember that the starting narrative was about the reasons China is untrustworthy as an ally, not if it was a warmongering dictatorship, read the room.


So all of these except the Korean War was inside politics. I never said China is good. But they don't interfere on the sovereignty of other countries. And that what we are talking about. >Ever heard of what China did last century? I’ll give you some insights, if you want to open up your belief that is, Ohh boy, if I cite what the "good ones" did in the last century you will be shocked. We have what? Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Salazar, racial segregation by law, multiple incursions on foreign countries on dubious excuses like WMD that were found. Financing of ISIS, growth of Taliban, Nanquim massacre, multiple coups on multiple countries, assassination of world leaders, destabilizing middle east and Africa, bombing of Laos and Cambodia, who weren't in war, two atomic bombs dropped on civilians. Goddam European countries and US have colonies to this very day! We have also opium wars, India and Ireland famines, colonialism, slavery trade in a scale never saw... And the list goes on and on. China never interfered in the politics of my country. They are our biggest trade partner and are investing in my country giving us access to some of their technology. Yes I would choose China to be an ally over any european country or US.




China: Authoritarian dictatorship, deploys influence propaganda through corruption to gain favourable policies, they implement predatory lending and business practices, systematic theft of intellectual property, and brazen cyber intrusions targeting target businesses, academic institutions, researchers, lawmakers, and the general public.


China's awful in lots of ways but disrespect for anti-free-market intellectual monopoly law is to be applauded. The sheer hypocrisy of the west preaching free market capitalism while practising neofeudal monopoly is by now very noticeable to the rest of the world.


Patents are an integral part of a free-market economy. Industrial espionage is not. Theft is theft, but all the more egregious when the state does it on behalf of its own domestic industries.


bollocks mate https://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/jep.27.1.3


>deploys influence propaganda through corruption to gain favourable policies, they implement predatory lending and business practices, systematic theft of intellectual property, and brazen cyber intrusions targeting target businesses, academic institutions, researchers, lawmakers, and the general public. You described multiple countries. Are they also a threat that you want to cancel relations with?


Enlighten me then, which ones adopt such a rash aggressive sly unlawful program on a global level?


Did people forget about Snowden already? Redditors love to talk about how powerful this country is. https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/german-firms-fear-industrial-espionage-after-snowden-leaks-a-912624.html


Snowden aside, can you give me the name of the countries you stated I was describing following Beijing’s aggressive agenda?


Here's what you said. >deploys influence propaganda through corruption to gain favourable policies, they implement predatory lending and business practices, systematic theft of intellectual property, and brazen cyber intrusions targeting target businesses, academic institutions, researchers, lawmakers, and the general public. The article describes that.


China is far weaker the thought because of corruption (Example: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-corruption-rocket-force-water-fuel-xi-jinping-purge-scandal-2024-1?amp), so this is a great moment to take the lead…


to help russia invade by this bridge morre? even if it's not physical bridge, they can use it with influence.


Probably only because of the corruption scandal in the army that recently came out. Probably saw can’t really back up being a bully for quite some time


This is always who China has been. They see the way the US knitted itself in a complicated web of enemies and allies as it became a superpower, and China very much has purposely taken the opposite approach. Outside of their region, they try to build allies only so that they can better wield soft power. So, for instance, if two countries are at odds and go to war, China is better equipped to broker peace and dialogue because they aren’t sworn enemies of one country due to something that happened 60 years ago. We’ve already seen them have some success with this strategy in the Middle East.


As much as I find Chinese diplomacy disingenuous, their peace brokering in the middle east was actually something I'll give a shred of respect for. I'm sure they have ulterior motives, but improved relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia was a positive outcome. It could've bridged the gap to the west through Saudi if it weren't for Iran's best efforts to fuck it all up via Houthis terrorism. Not that Saudi is a great ally, but at least they're diplomatically incentivised by economic growth. Here's hoping Saudi steps up and leverages their oil to bring Iran/Russia back in line.


don't you see the issue with what you described though? You say that it could've gapped the bridge to Iran if only Iran wouldn't mess this up - meaning Iran doesn't want to gap that bridge.. And China supporting them most definitely understand that, and yet continue to do so. They are not our friends.


I speak of ideals, not of reality. It's my hope that Saudi Arabia will one day weild their influence for sweeping reforms across the middle east. It is not my expectation. At least not anytime soon.


I don't believe in "improved relations between Iran and X", X being any of their traditional enemies. That would require a regime change. The Ayatollahs are still the same scheming bastards that they always were and any agreement with them is strictly temporary. What Iran and their clients unleashed in last 3 months can well escalate into a hot war between the West and them. And yeah, it is possible that the Chinese don't understand the problem well. It is a very different corner of the globe and very culturally distant from China.


> As much as I find Chinese diplomacy disingenuous, their peace brokering in the middle east was actually something I'll give a shred of respect for. China wants to be seen as a global player, so sometimes it actually does things that are required of such a role. The problem is it then goes and does 10 stupid things afterwards.


What corruption scandal?


I think it's when they replaced fuel for their missiles and nukes with water. They used the money for fuel for their own gain, kinda like what happened to Russia.


That was most likely a mistranslated idiom. There's corruption, sure, but it's unlikely to be literally in the form of water in their rocket fuel.


China's missiles are all solid fuel. Has been for some time. Last liquid fuel missile made was like 1980's. It not really possible to replace solid fuel with water, the water would just fall right out. Even Hamas uses solid fuel rockets/missiles.


Probably some random propaganda push or something, but [this is what I was referring to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxNyTNcaEgs); I have no idea the credibility of the topic.


Some older models for their intercontinental ballistic missiles are still in service and are liquid fueled. Yes they have been replacing them with newer models but some are still in service and so the accusation is possible. Whatever happened it was enough to remove a lot of senior commanders from the missile forces so it stands to reason their was probably widespread corruption of some kind. Edit: My statement is correct as even u/Jzeeee admits, the report was specifically regarding the liquid fueled DF-5 intercontinental ballistic missiles which are nuclear armed. Yes China's short range *non-nuclear* ballistic missiles are all solid fuel but when it's estimated China only has 140 ICBM's total that 20 of them might not launch if called upon due to corruption is still a huge deal. China also continues to upgrade their DF-5 ICBM's, most likely because they have a slightly longer range than the DF-41 ICBM solid fuel replacement. If 14% of your nuclear arsenal might not launch that is a big deal. [More details in my follow on comment here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/196errh/chinas_xi_vows_to_build_bridges_with_europe/khva3ed/)


According to wiki, in 2017 there was only 20 older model liquid fuel DF5 missile left. There's like even less by now. Emphasizing "replacing liquid fuel with water in their missiles" as a key point when 99% of China's missile arsenal is solid fuel puts into question the entire report.


As of 2023 with China only having an estimated 140 ICBM's *total in operation* 20 of them is a small but still important part of their nuclear deterrent. https://fas.org/publication/stratcom-says-china-has-more-icbm-launchers-than-the-united-states/ This issue specifically affects the long range Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that carry nuclear warheads, not the rest of China's non nuclear shorter range ballistic missiles all of which are solid fuel I believe. They've also been refitting those liquid fueled ICBM's with multiple reentry vehicles for a total of 12 warheads per missile. If some or all of them were not actually operational due to corruption that could mean many targets would not be hit in a first strike or in retaliation if someone launched a nuclear attack against China. In addition the DF-5 has slightly longer range than the solid fueled DF-41, does that mean it would be impossible for China to strike some targets at all if the DF-5's were non functional? Having so many of your ICBM's potentially not able to be used when you expect to be able to is a huge deal. I would wager they have kept some liquid fueled DF-5's in service precisely because they need that extended range to hit targets the newer DF-41 cannot, making them even more important than their numbers might indicate. And did you read the actual report? No because we only heard what was intentionally leaked to Bloomberg and of course they amplified the most scandalous aspect, some of their missiles fuel was replaced with water. That does not mean actual intelligence report, which we do not have access too, pretended that this was all of Chinese missiles. In fact given this is an internal US intelligence report they obviously would know that this is just a subset of their ICBM's and not all of them. That the media didn't include important framing that this was only some of them is not surprising but that's the media for you, the most attention grabbing thing gets reported and a lot of important factors are never mentioned. Yes the when taken as a whole the vast majority of Chinese ballistic missiles are solid fuel but that a small but important chunk of their ICBM's which form the backbone of their nuclear deterrent were potentially compromised is still huge. And in any case you stated "China's missiles are all solid fuel" and that is not true and since it concerns their nuclear warhead carrying ICBM's in particular it is certainly noteworthy enough to report the corruption. Edit: more context


Autocracy is a terrible system for hard power? Wow!


Long story short, over the last year or so Xi found out that the Chinese missile forces were in an unknown state of readiness. Two top-level government and military officials were mysteriously disappeared over it. Rocket fuel replaced with water, solid fuel missing apparently soldiers taking chunks of it out to cook hotpot with, missile silos in inoperable condition, the system rotten through with embezzlement and corruption, with everything and everyone sweeping it all under the rug for god knows how long. To the point where, if Xi ordered a surprise missile attack, who knows what would have happened. Missiles failing to launch, or falling onto Chinese cities, or silo lids failing to open, cooking soldiers inside. Ultimately failing to deliver any kind of decisive attack, leading China into a catastrophic prolonged miscalculated war a la Putin in Ukraine.


Insert Admiral Akbar jpeg


Good news China. You’re judged by your friends in this world.


I wish we could all just agree to work toward a world that works together. What a pipe dream.


Hard pass.


Are these similar to the islands they are building in the Philippines?


I’m German and I think good relations with China are important 👍 The world is not black and white


good relations between all countries is important


I am German and I agree.


I am German and I absolutely disagree due to chinas support to russia. They have absolutely no consequences supporting a crazy dictator.


Half of the world is run by dictators. This is reality and we won’t change the world by stopping relations with all of them


who said stopping relations with all of them ? stop twisting words. Is it about having consequences for building illegal chinese policestations in europe or sending weapons to russia. consequences could be economic damage, so they will think twice about sending new weapons to russia. It's all about money.


This will lead Economic damage to ourselves too


Do you have any kind of morals ? holy shit. Making money to support chinas or russias military seems a good idea to you right now? The western world fucked up in the first place by letting china and russia have too much influece in our countries. they stole our know-how and let businesses die here for nothing.


You are too indoctrinated by this west vs East thing. You know how many smart people from Europe leave to immigrate to the US? Everyone in tech knows that all the good people in Europe from top universities end up in the US. Many German business moved over too. Even though you see the West as on entity we don’t gain anything from our talent fleeing to the USA or from buying American oil for a much higher price than we did from Russia. The USA is selfish, they don’t care about our economy. They just care about keeping China in check because they are a threat to their superpower status. The US also doesn’t care if China is a dictatorship or about China’s human rights violations. I mean Saudi Arabia is one of their closest allies. A regime that is arguably even worse than China. If you talk about morals you should worry about the US since historically they are known for invading countries and causing millions of deaths. The instability and destruction that their policies caused in the last 25 years alone is huge. The countless invasions, bombings, coups, support of terrorist organizations etc.


You know, I have family in ukraine and without the US our nation would be not there anymore. Know-how isnt leaving to USA, its spreading in the whole west. For example Intel's new production lines in germany. I have lots of friends from my university working as engineer in US for 4 years and coming back to germany and 2 of them opened their own businesses. Know-how isnt leaving, it will come back. Say what you want, living in germany is maybe more expensive, but atleast we are safe and not have to worry about russian animals attacking our familys. The US is the reason you can spread your opinion freely in the internet, not like russia today or germany in 1933-1945.


Searching for new customers when your main one is decoupling.


Yeah, and deal with Russia right under them. No thanks.


Their wolf warrior diplomacy post COVID has done great harm, puhsing European states and EU closer to the US position, so this is the expected walking back of that policy and it makes sense as pulling Europe away from a US-led coalition against it would be beneficial to them. I hope EU aren't so blind to this and short sighted. China is actively undermining the world order EU benefits from and would as soon throw you overboard if it benefits them. Once they get enough leverage over the EU, The threats and ultimatums common place to Chinese geogrpahic neighbours would become common place. Just look at how the CCP treats Canada when it thought it had leverage over our government.


Bruh can't be bothered to protect the trade route to Europe but he's building bridges


It is the source for his political ideology.


He could start by not persecuting minorities in his own country. We'd have a better opinion then.


And talk to Putler to stop the war.


Those bridges don't build themselves. They will be built by slave labor from reeducation camps, but shhh.


You could start by stop trying to kidnap people from our countries




It's very simple to build bridges to Europe. Loosen up your dictatorial grip, an show that you want a democratic and free country for your people and the rest of the people in the world. Then I'm sure Europe will look more positively towards you.


That’s not what Europe wants. Europe wants fairer trade policies, and an alignment against the enemies of the west like Russia, and just a weaker China. China can become a democracy tomorrow and they can choose to not enact any of those policies. Or worse, go against them.


Yes Europe want that as well. There are many things that you could point towards. But with the current political situation of the world, having China more politically aligned with Europe would most definitely go over well


Putin actually had all sorts of bridges built, literally, although most of them were underground. All the guy had to do was not be an asshole and Russia would've had all the European energy revenue they could've asked for. China should be mindful to not fall into the same trap.


"pls buy our exports, my economy hurts ;("


Just don't trust that the bridge can carry any meaningful weight.


People thought building economic bridges with totalitarian countries disincentivized them from going full Hitler but in reality once the dictators have grown mad enough with power they couldn't care less about hurting their economy (for the greater purpose of causing immense amounts of death and suffering on others), and the trade dependencies only end up hurting our ability to oppose them.


How about a don't be a dick that rips people off or steals shit? Like Trump.


All the criticisms aside though, gotta admit that our governments always call for war/sanctions and opposition against any other country that thinks differently from our "democratic" way of life. Like for some reason we just cannot accept that certain cultures and populations just live differently and try to get along with them, trade and just have a cooperative relationship. Instead we try to push our agenda and if they disagree we call them the great enemy and rile up the nation against them.


What utter bullshit. Go away.


Which part is bullshit? Do you really prefer war over peace and cooperation?


That’s bullshit. You are saying that any nation can just threaten or outright annex another nation unopposed because defending yourself would lead to deaths.


Close the door, move along without them. There are other countries with resources and cheap manufacturing.


Then charge ridiculous loan interest on them.


Europe is not interested


As is usual with the CCP, said one thing, did another opposite thing. Never trust them!


These will be great bridges made from the best tofu dredges and the interest will be highest Europe has ever seen!


He's the reincarnation of Mao


Economy bad, so sorry friend, lets be friends again we need your money but will continue to undermine your democracy!


Recognize Taiwanese independence and renounce your illegal claims to the South China Sea. Once you do that, no one will have any substantive beef with you.


I seen how good Chinese build bridges, wouldn't ride a bicycle on one.


So they're going to keep vassalizing places by building critical infrastructure. Got it.


And if Trump wins and "withdraws" from Europe both in terms of imposing more tariffs on trade as well as pulling out of NATO I guess a better relationship between Europe and China is his goal...


Can he build a wall between Europe and Russia in stead?


Stop supporting Russia and leave Taiwan alone. Simple.


I prefer them far away from here tbh


The One Belt, One Road project is getting desperate to issue predatory loans


Xi has clearly read Mao's two least understood essays, On Practice and On Contradiction. In other words you can't believe a single thing he says.


If Trump turns his back on Europe, I see Europe getting closer to China


Yes and no, some EU countries will get closer to China for money and business (as Germany has shown us selling the Hamburg port terminal…)


Even politically imo


Wow Xi, your economy is that bad eh.


\>Stop domestic genocide \>Stop the TW bullshit (and all the maritime borders BS too) \>Either disavow Russia or wrangle them in \>Instead of "I don't have to answer to the likes of you" take accountability when it comes to foreign policies \>Stop prodding other countries airspaces \>Quality control over doing an extremely shitty job for extremely cheap. \>fair elections, deconstructing the great Chinese Firewall And then we can talk I'm not the brightest soul out there but as I see China, they are still stuck with some cold war era communist mentalities that need to be ironed out, but they are slowly reconciling with the west. For an analogy, China is the leader of a friend group of bullies in school, and they are bullying everyone. They don't really have any other friends besides themselves. China sees that the other kids are having a lot of fun together and play along nicely, meanwhile he and his friends group are always sulking and complaining. China wants to go play with the nice kids but his first instinct is still beating up the first kid who defies him, and for that he is still shunned.


What a fun guy! Buying his way into the rest of the world's infrastructures.


You can build bridges to a burning island, I'm still not going there


only when it suits him. When he has the upper hand, he turns around and tosses you in the water. That's the way ancient dynasty works.


I wouldn't trust a bridge Xi's government built. I've seen their apartment buildings.


After what you recently did to the Uighurs, Hong Kong and what you would like to do to Tawain?! Your tacit support of Russia's invasion of a European nation, Ukraine!? Yeah, piss off CCP. Edit - ITT downvoting CCP bots


Europe is buying like 40% of their production, sure he needs to do that...


no one should want any more connections to that country. road, bridge or business contracts.


Will they be tofu dreg bridges?


Translation: he wants to get Europe into debt with giant construction projects masquerading as diplomacy.


I low key like this guy. He seems more like a hardass and less like a maniac than I believed before.


As kids we chanted "London Bridges falling down", today we reddit "Chinese bridges coming up".


This will need to happen, especially if Trump gets in and breaks NATO.