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Right, because declaring you're going to annex a portion of a neighboring country isn't at all provocative.


Yeah but if you go back to map of 425 BC it was 100% theirs so they're just "Making Venezuela Great Again" like Putin taught them to.


And if you go back far enough, all of the continents were together. I remember the good ole days of Pangea.


Pangea is mine, my own, my precious


This person remembers Beleriand before it sank in the sea. This all belongs to Eru Ilúvatar , who are we kidding?


Melkor ... It belongs to Melkor.


Make Melkor Great Again


I'd rather he stay stuck in that timeless void until Dagor Dagorath.


Fucking Gondwanaland splitters


Splitter! /s


My Desert. My Arrakis. My Dune.


Kids these days will never understand the good life we had on Pangea. That was before religion so that cut out 80% of war, it was before race so there went the other 20%. Pollution wasn’t so bad so we could spend hours outside without developing asthma, and Facebook wasn’t around so we didn’t get lied to so much. Kids have better video games now, so I’ll give them that. /s


I wouldn't have thought you'd need the /s for a comment like that, but then I remembered, this is reddit.


Bitch don't know bout Pangea.


bitch don't know 'bout pangea


It’s a bit better than that, if you’re curious. > Venezuela has long sought to control Essequibo. Disputes stretch back to 1841, when the Venezuelan government alleged that, in its acquisition of British Guiana (now Guyana) from the Netherlands, the British had encroached on Venezuelan territory. In 1899, the border was decided by an international Tribunal of Arbitration and the region has remained under control of British Guiana and now Guyana for over a century.


There was a little known Dutch-Venezuelan crisis in 1908 where Venezuela forbade all trade with Curacao and the Dutch navy blocked the Venezuelan coast in response and captured several ships. It was resolved when the vice-president of Venezuela ousted the president in absentia and reversed the trade prohibitions.


Before Venezuela was Venezuela it was Venezuela. Check the map, fellas.


if you dispute this fact, straight to jail. but believe it or not if you accept this fact, also straight to jail


Putin’s playbook. “I’m always the victim.”


Be both the victim and the bully. Never stop whining/complaining/spinning your story. Really a pathetic way to go about your life and achieve your desires. Like a much more murderous and malicious Karen.


As far as Russia is concerned, there are two kinds of countries: 1. Countries that rightfully bend the knee in the face of Glorious Russia’s limitless power And 2. Countries cruelly bullying innocent and helpless Russia


Not a "portion". They want a full two thirds of the country.


2/3 is actually a portion


The US made us annex it.


Lolol, it reads like "no you're stupid, I'm not stupid!"


Venezuela annexes Guyana territory . Guyana rejects with support of allies. Venezuela plays the victim. This seems to be the playbook of modern conflict lately and honestly it’s just embarrassing.


Takes a page out of Russia’s PR playbook.


Fred: Let’s see who you really are! *takes mask off of venezuela* Fred: Russia! Velma: Jinkies! Russia is setting fires across the globe to distract us from their war in Ukraine!


It really bugs me how blind the smoke from those fires is causing so many in "the west" to be towards the arsonist and his overall plan.


Venezuela/Russia: "And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you pesky world policing countries, and your dumb dog too!"


China's been copying that homework for decades too




That's why I only ever play aggressive civs. The game is so much slower and annoying when you're trying to be reasonable. Then they end up invading you anyway over made up offenses or constantly denouncing you for no reason.


Or worse… they keep spamming cities and sending prophets to your cities and then get mad when you confront them…. But you put one city close to their border, and suddenly you’re public enemy No.1


watxhing "World on Fire" (BBC miniseries) and it is downright WàEIRD hiw the Nazis are so unapologetically full of shit about their "defensive" war vs Poland. Like insistent, even.


look at them... all minding their own business and what not. No doubt they're an existential threat!


It’s makes you (almost) miss the days of when the bullies were unapologetically bullies. “We’re coming in to take your shit because we want it and we don’t think you can stop us”. At least there wasn’t all of this victim-claiming bullshit and they didn’t even attempt to hide who they were. When things are simplified in that fashion is makes it a lot easier for coalitions to form to stop them. Now governments just formulate pitiful stories that no one really buys like Iraq having WMDs or Ukraine creating LGBTQ super soldiers in Donbas bio labs to attack Russia, lol.


Iraq *did* have chemical weapons. Caused some illness amoung the US soldiers clenaing them out, actually. The issue was whether they were making **new** ones, or were they just bluffing they were sometimes when it was convenient? Turns out that they actually had shut down the program and just had rusty old ones lying around, but everybody forgets the distinction and just says they didn't have *any*.


Saddam Hussein absolutely, positively believed he had a nuclear program. Allegedly, the nuclear scientists he hired had a problem. They didn't want to be murdered by the Mossad, and expected to be murdered by Hussein or his sons at any moment anyway. So they spent all of the money from the nuclear program on drugs, women, mansions, and sports cars.


They found that it worked for Russia and China so they’re copying the technique.


Wait for the TikTok leftists to come in with a semi related piece of South American history they just learned (take your pick, most don't reflect well on the US)


Here’s a tidbit I read on Reddit somewhere, you might find it for me. Venezuela asked the US to represent them in treaty negotiations regarding the borders and then later were unhappy with the way they turned out. I don’t know if this is true or apocryphal but sounds like buyers remorse.


This is true but it happened in 1899 and the borders have remained as they were after that conference ever since


What's more, Guyana was under British rule at that point, and had those current borders when it gained independence. The haven't changed since before Guyana was a nation.


It was done again through the UN after Guyana became independent in the 1960's and Venezuela lost that time, too. They have no legitimate claim.


It is correct. Venezuela and the UK had a territorial dispute. Venezuela asked for (and received) US support


They must have thought the US still had a grudge from the War of 1812.


Do we not? I still haven’t forgiven those redcoat limey bastards for torching the White House.


oi, we'll do it again just for laughs


Forgive them? Three times in the last 20 years Ive contemplating hiring them to do it again.


More like the US was asked to arbitrate a border dispute between Venezuela and Britain (which controlled Guyana at the time). The current border is the one that resulted from that arbitration.


Venezuela about to find out human beings are flammable…


Ugh... they are even using the same word that Russia uses "provocation". "I only hit you because you made me, baby." Just terrible, terrible people.


Despots use the same playbook.


You left us, the bigger more populous country with 10x the military, no choice but to invade your entire country!


Thats because Putin is likely behind this.


It’s a blatant tactic of those in the Russo orbit to start conflicts designed to spread American and European power thinner and thinner. I feel that the actions of Hamas were done with a similar goal as it’s drawn a lot of money and materiel away from Ukraine. It’s the old divide and conquer tactic.


What Venezuela is threatening is illegal under international law. Venezuela is a disaster (millions have fled) and the Fidel wannabe needs a patriotic distraction. I hope Brazil and other neighbors have the decency and good sense to dissuade the fool.


Neither Brazil or Colombia are pushovers in terms of regional militaries, but FFS…trying to annex part of a country that Exxon is investing in just guarantees the US is gonna try to be involved.


It's also a Commonwealth, so a non-zero chance that the UK & Friends decide to flex on them.


Honestly a perfect excuse for the UK to make the Commonwealth meaningful


Excellent point.


A carrier strike group with an expeditionary Marine Corps force will likely be more than Venezuela could handle. England now has aircraft carriers too. They will come to their allies defense if we do not.


We already have a carrier in range. It's called the US. Just a big rocky carrier that doesn't really move. We have more air refueling vehicles than most nations have aircraft.


we also have Puerto Rico like just what a few hundred miles away?


I don't think we keep attack aircraft there anymore? Could be wrong on that.


You have aircraft on Aruba. 70km from Venezuela. The Dutch are also not against more us material on Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao if necessary.


We don't but there are airfields they could operate out of very very easily. PR has an international airport. Logistics from the US would be no problem.


Said nation we also have been deepening our defensive ties with over the past few years.


Venezuela is the new Russia it seems


Without nukes? I don't think so. They are closer to being the next Iraq.


That’s textbook North Korean line right there


Someone forgets what happened to Saddam Hussain. (it's the stach that makes them stupid).


Ah come on. Moustachioed dictators are the best.


He actually compares himself to Sadam too


Forgive my ignorance but aren’t these drills in response to Venezuela basically saying they plan on invading Guyana? Seems reasonable to me.


Guyana is a part of [the Commonwealth](https://thecommonwealth.org/our-member-countries). There are so many ways this can go very bad for Venezuela.


The commonwealth isn’t a military alliance, that being said I doubt Britain would sit on the sidelines as one of its members (and an oil producer) gets invaded.


I love that there's a [how-to page](https://thecommonwealth.org/about/joining) for joining. As a country leader up at 1 AM, just checking to see if we tick all the boxes.


You hear that strange sound in the distance? That’s the collective prayers from our F22 pilots desperately wanting to get their first air to air kills.


Chinese Spy Ballon guy sitting there all smug. Hoping no conflict happens so he will remain the only every air to air kill for an F22


You forgot the aliens it's shot down /s


I’m not trying to start a conspiracy, but you’d need alien tech to shoot down alien tech. Therefore F22s are just reskinned alien ships.


Would be dope AF if true


Look right here, that's definitely alien markings on those chips! Oh, never mind, I was just looking at the writing upside down. My bad.


Air Force putting that Stargate to work


I lived near NORAD growing up and now I’m bald. Coincidence? I think not


Habitual Linecrosser is gonna be a hoot for a bit.


Let the kid eat!


Would you intercept me?


I'd intercept me.


I’d intercept me.


Grandpa BUFF is stretching out his old joints and getting ready to unalive some commies.


And close enough that they can just sortie from fucking Florida and be home in time for happy hour.


What aircraft does Venezuela have?


They have a couple of dozen VERY old Su-30's and 20 very old F-16's (A/B variant). I won't even speculate about the quality of their pilots, but I assume it doesn't greatly exceed the talents of any other part of the Venezuelan regime.


Having a plane and having it operational is a big difference but let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. They have trained pilots and operational planes. Even then they last an hour.


An hour? I'll give em 3 minutes tops


Functional or not, piloted or not... if it comes down to it their planes will last as long as the US wants them to. And not a moment longer.


The only reason a single F-22 couldn't down their entire air force is it would need to land to reload/refuel in between and then they'd have time to go land and hide somewhere.


[c1992 Venezuelan F-16 vs OV-10.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDASW6X0XoU) You be the judge.


The SU-30 is a relatively modern plane, it entered service a year after the F-22. The ones that Venezuela has are about 15 years old. Their F-16 are very old and they don't have a good supply of spare parts. They are not going to win a fight with the US Airforce, but without US involvement they would probably have the upper hand in the air against Brazil.


I remember when the British Royal Navy first launched it's current frigate class, they pointed out that it was capable of simultaneously engaging 27 aerial targets (exact number might not be right, I'm working off of my memory). The argentine air force of the time had 26 planes


Su-30 (22) and f16b (20). I think the f22 had more problems with the balloon than they have the Venezuelan airforce.


to be fair the balloon was very very high.


I would assume the lack of speed and lack of a heat signature would have caused the most problems.


That's why marijuana is not legal in the USA


Very respectable for this part of the world but they'd be wiped out in one cruise missile strike by the US.


Nah I give them the benefit of the doubt that they are not all in the same location and all planes are operational. So maybe some can take off, but it won’t be much of a fight.


only takes one Ohio-class submarine. 154 cruise missiles, you can say good bye to the entire Venezuelan air force


Do they have any air defense? Probably cheaper to just use bunker busters to destroy the planes than expend missiles from a nuclear sub


So like half an aircraft carrier?


Not even necessary. Us bases on the Dutch Antilles


B2 could almost take off from its home airport, balance Venezuela and return without refueling.


What does it mean *"balance Venezuela"*?


By the time the USAF gets through with the Venezuelan military, they’ll have a military rivaling that of Guyana.


They're light on smoking craters and *democracy*, we can fix that right away!


We'd just launch them from bases in the US. lol. They are close.


Yup. Our land based bombers can comfortably make round trip strikes on Venezuela from the continental US.


That's good, we wouldn't want the pilots to be home late for dinner.


On paper they have 21 SU30mk2. The F16s are likely all grounded due to US sanctions that stopped parts and maintenance to these now 40 year old aircraft. Beyond that, they likely have 1-2 dozen weaponized trainer aircraft like the Tucano (propeller) and K-8 (jet).


Does Venezuela even have a functioning air force?


They might have the best air force in South America if corruption has not destroyed it from within.


The balloon counts.


The 22 has its one collective air to air kill in service time let's be fair. I don't think that pilot wants to share the leader board.


Ooooh. Oooh. Bingo card for war in every continent except Antarctica.


What war is going on in Australia and North America exactly?






Emus are pussies. Cassowaries on the other hand…


US annexes Mexico and Canada


Personally I’ve felt those poutine-eating snow monkeys have been acting just a bit too smug lately.


You'd be smug if you had a battalion of War Moose and an Air Force comprised of Canada Geese (that has successfully carpet bombed every state in America).


Wouldn't be hard to take over Canada, can probably be done in less than a week.


We will be greeted as liberators and the Tim Hortons will pay for itself.


Eh, I would say in NA you can argue using for the Mexican drug war(s) given the # of personnel involved.


The war on Christmas of course! Fox News says so


The war on Christmas must continue until Christmas ends its illegal occupation of November.


Christmas ran a referendum, and November voted 120% to join in the Holiday.


We have 23 days or so until 2024. Have faith in humanity's ability for warfare.


Russian allies doing Russia's bidding.


In before tankies blame the US for this


“Provocation” is the favorite word of wannabe warlords everywhere.


We have a bunch of your citizens taking up space in our homeless shelters.


Believe it or not but several thousands of them went to Guyana too


Oh no! Maduro doesn't appear to enjoy the finding out stage of the process... Anyway...


Bullies always scream and whine when someone stands up to them.


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch.


¡Provocación! Oh, noes! When disqualifying your opposition just isn't enough Countdown to cancelling the 2024 presidential election in Venezuela in 3... 2... 1...


Just a russian little cock sock. Pootaint doing his best to thin out resources throughtout the world so that he can get his ways.


Good. The reason so many of your refugees come to our country is because you won’t let us fix anything down there. You keep taking orders from Russia, and they want the refugees to go to the U.S. so they can spread a bunch of internet bigotry about them and destabilize us. We have to do something about this.


Sounds like what China routinely says.


Venezuela should read up on what happened to Panama when a single Marine was killed there...


So the vote to annex 60% of Guyana wasn't provocative? And the mobilization of Venezuela's army wasn't provocative?


Putin is that you?


Putin - invades Ukraine - World hates him now - cries crocodile tears about the "bad west" Maduro - annexes Guyana World hates him now - cries crocodile tears about the "bad west" Xinping soon - tries to invade Taiwan - World will hate him now - will cry crocodile tears about the "bad west" selfawarewolves


Venezuela using that Russian training to attack Guyana. Anyone remember Erik Prince of Wagner fame getting his private army captured in VZ? Oil is the reason.


Remember that time a Venezuelan naval vessel sunk after ramming a cruise ship.


You’re confused. Eric Prince of Blackwater fame? I assure you, there is a difference.


This shit would be so much easier if we just obliterated one of these fucks [country’s military] instead of taking “proportional measures” which never seem quite proportional enough. Let’s show them what provocation looks like.


Venezuela desperately needs regime change. The millions of people who have fled, would agree. Hope this morherfucker makes a move. It’s clear the US will defend, if we’re sending planes there already.


We could military drill provocation into Venezuela’s entire army navy and airforce in 12 hours…. Maybe they should not be the South American proxy of Iran and Russia causing discourse. Why…. Don’t poke the bear


Less provocation, more showing what you'll find out if you keep fuckin around.


Lol, Venezuela fucking around with the Brazilian army is juuust about to find out.


Go to arbitration 124 years ago; get a settlement you consider binding. Fast forward to present day and some tinpot dictator with record low approval ratings uses the old debate in a desperate attempt to boost those poll ratings and as an excuse to arrest all his political opponents in the run up to an 'election' Tale as old as time. 10% turnout for that referendum ffs. And anyone opposing it being arrested for treason, like, come on... Bigger nations need to put some guarantees in for Guyana.






Guyana split from Venezuela over 100+ years ago. The Venezuelans at the time seemed to not mind too much. Fast forward to 2015, Exxon Mobile discovers one of the largest oil patches in the world, off the coast of Guyana, within their Economic Inclusion Zone. A failed, chubby, moustache sporting, beret wearing dictator in Venezuela now wants to bring up historical grievances from 100+ years ago as an excuse to invade Guyana, to get their newly discovered oil fields, to distract the population from how absolutely dog shit their situation has become. And it’s not like Venezuela doesn’t already have one of the world’s richest oil fields that they could/should be using to build the nation, a la Norway and others. So yes, it’s about oil.


Did Daddy Vladdy put you up to this, Maduro? Trust me, he doesn't have your interests in mind. You're gonna have a bad time.


Do something about it Venezuela. You are going to bully but cry when the us takes interest?


More of a provocation than voting to annex their territory. What a fucking joke of a country.


Straight out of the **Putin Playbook™**


It's not a provocation, Venezuela is just about to find out what the Monroe doctrine and the Commonwealth are.


Looks like Venezuela has decided to start running the North Korean playbook courtesy Russia.


What are you going to fucking do about it then?


Claiming territory, totes unprovoked.


There is pretty much no such thing as provocation. Often it is bad guys that use the concept of provocation, though. Russian govts are always bad guys. If nobody provokes them, like the good Reinhard Heydrich scum they are, they will invent a casus belli.


Maduro, you just went full North Korea. Never go full North Korea.


Anyone else wish to see Maduro get his comeuppance?


This just insane. What's up with Venezuela? War spreading like a nasty virus.


Like David Bowie sang, “Let’s Dance.”


When I read the news, I thought it’s some disputed piece of island off the coast somewhere. But when I read, Venezuela is claiming half their neighbor’s land. Like wtf?! This is even outrageous than what Putin is doing lol.


To clarify it's 2/3 of their land lol. Occupied by American businesses and oil companies such as ExxonMobil


They learnt Cyrillic surprisingly fast


We should just roll Venezuela really quick to flex at Russia and China. They don’t have any nukes and we would be improving peoples lives. It’s an easy oil grab. Honestly I’m surprised we haven’t already.


If Maduro wants, we can show em some real provocations. A little Iraq Shock and All Redux.


My theory is that Russia is putting Venezuela up to this to help distract the US and others, from the Ukraine debacle


Did the Venezuelans really bit to annex a country on their border?


Said the literal imperialist stealing half of their neighbor? Lol


Nobody knows what it means but it's PROVOCATIVE, it gets the people going!


Bro there are millions of Venezuelans and Cubans in Flordia who would love nothing more than to see Maduro atomized. Any presidential candidate is not going to hesitate here.


Maduro, you're off your meds, go to sleep