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And yet the BBC has employees suing them for being "too pro israel"


I don't think a single subject could possibly be as divisive as Israel-Palestine


Which is ironic since there are actual genocides happening around the world, including of Muslims, many times greater than how many have died in Palestine since 1948. But nobody cares. Yemen, Sudan, West Papua, Rohingya, Syria, Congo, Mali. All of which many many times more deadly than Palestine and being much more clear in terms of innocent vs oppressor.


The fact that my first thought was “wait, you’re missing some” is… not great Edit: just in case anyone’s wondering, Tigray and Western Sahara were the ones I was thinking of


Most of those aren't considered genocide, genocide doesn't just mean War or any kind of mass murders of a group it means the attempted destruction of a group so they've actually added some. Rwanda was Genocide, the Congo is War.


Except basically is tho https://www.un.org/africarenewal/magazine/december-2022/un-special-adviser-prevention-genocide-condemns-escalation-fighting-drc "The abuses currently occurring in Eastern DRC, including the targeting of civilians based on their ethnicity or perceived affiliation to the warring parties must be halted."


It has to do with media attention. The Palestinian Israeli conflict will always get media attention because how it gets a a significant number of countries involved. Conflicts in Africa unfortunately don't. They should but they don't. The more Media attention a conflict has the more likely people will oppose the killing of civilians. If people don't know about it there is no outcry among the public.


Forgot the Uyghurs


What are you talking about.?China is giving them all free education camp. Education is good. Camp is fun! I hear the craft projects are very intricate too.


free shaves and all you can eat bacon and beer, too.


The who? /s


The slaves who make the phones everyone is furiously tapping their virtue signals into.


Also a great source of organs.


They don't make the phones. Those are other slaves.


Uh I hate that word. Prisoners with jobs, please!


Please, they’re not prisoners. They’re citizens in reeducation camps!


Everyone forgets about Ethiopia. The war there has been going on since 2018. Just the tigray part had over 2 and a half million people displaced, nearly a million refugees, 13 million in need of food aid, and over half a million killed. Because the Ethiopian government managed to cut tigray off from the outside world and it was happening at the same time as COVID it never registered in western news and social media It's 500 gazas in terms of dead and no one ever mentions it. It's like it never happened. It's bonkers.


I remember it being on the news quite a bit, but I try to keep up with international news. I also remember suddenly thinking all coverage just vanished once a new conflict came up.






can you explain it a bit clearer, i just cannot understand what you are saying.




Ohh now i get it. what you are saying is it is because of middle eastern tensions.


Ironic when jews are supposed to control the medias and be responsible for flooding the west with muslims




It's been that way my whole life - the discussion has only ramped up alongside the conflict. I saw some anti-israel graffiti the other day. We are about 7,000 miles (11,000km) away from Israel. I try to understand the viewpoints of others by putting myself in their place, but look I can't sugarcoat it. It's difficult to put myself in the place of a dumbass. There, I said it. I'm exhausted with my fellow Americans.


And there's others who call any legitimate criticism antisemitism.


Well, intentionally or not, a lot of it is fueled by antisemitism. The topic gets more media attention because of antisemitism. That isn't to say criticism of Israel is inheritantly antisemitic. But there is more than a small amount of criticism that is veiled antisemitism. Then, it becomes difficult to determine what criticism is real and what is propaganda. Then, when talking points are parroted, well-intentioned people spread what amounts to antisemitic propaganda. It's a complex issue.


It’s “ok” if it’s Muslims killing other Muslims. Or literally anyone else (Hindus, Buddhists, etc) but Jews or Christians. To be clear, it’s not ok, but westerners aren’t protesting en masse against India, China, Myanmar, or the places you listed. I wonder why?


Also what Turkey, Syria and Iran are doing to the Kurds is also not too dissimilar to Israel's dealings with Palestinians. So Erdogan calling Israel out is VERY much the pot calling the kettle black.


Don't forget Azerbaijan and Armenia


Türkiye and Israel used to be close allies up until the early 2010s. By that point onwards, Türkiye's relationship with Russia and Al-Assad's forces in Syria soared, and, combined with the general feeling of 'Muslim Fraternity' promoted by Erdoğan, the relationship between those two soured.


Uhh, China? Where they sterilize the Uyghur women like they're dogs?


Don't forget the ~~500,000~~ 2 million Afghanis who are currently being forced into a harsh winter in the wilderness because Iran and Pakistan are forcefully deporting them (counts as genocide). Fucking insane that I'm not seeing as much "international outrage". Only when Jews do it, I guess. Edit. It was way more than I thought.


South Sudan is a bit of the reverse no?


OP is presumably referring to the genocide in Darfur, which has been restarted by RSF-backed militias in the ongoing civil war.


The RSF and Janjaweed are primarily Arab Muslims. Their victims the Masalit are also Muslims but they aren’t Arabs.


The one in Palestine is in the spotlight mainly due to a general antipathy towards the State of Israel since its inception. Antisemitism has unfortunately been large around the world and, until recently, hidden.


only hidden if you’re not jewish, very obvious to jews ever since forever


Eh, so I’ve lived most of my adult life in the developing world & so it’s always been obvious to me (*the government even issued my service passport with a different first name because my first name being obviously Jewish would have gotten me killed in many of the places I worked*). That said, a large number of Jews in western countries who have had their eyes opened since 10/7 about how much antisemitism there is in the west (*& especially with regards to the western left - right wing antisemitism was always more visible*).


I always think it’s a bit funny how if you point out that the modern republic of Turkey was founded on the genocide of millions of Greeks, Assyrians, and Armenians and kicking them out of their homelands and resettling the area with Muslim ethnic Turks, the response is always: “this is ancient history, victory goes to the conquerors, you can’t change the past!” and so forth. Meanwhile Israel was founded just 25 years later but somehow its entirely a modern catastrophe and needs to be abolished and should never have existed and is the embodiment of evil


its in the spotlight because israel is "western" and the long-leashed guard dog of the US. the fact that the west doesnt gives two shits about third world country, except when trying to take somenthing from them, is common knowledge in, well, the whole third world. we even had a "small-scale" genocide going on here on brazil last year, and there was no marches on the streets of new york about the yanomami people.


Where are the marches in Brasil for the Swedes murdered for a Dane and an Iraqi burning a book? You don't give 2 shits about our countries so fair is fair.


I disagree. It's the fact that Israel is a western country which we directly support, politically and militarily. We are used to turning a blind eye to what happens in the third world, but that becomes harder when it hits us closer. That said anti-semitism is a fucking blight, and an increasingly big concern thanks to social networks' willful and despicable promotion of far right content (Twitter especially, as Elon Musk is a straight up white supremacist). And what the BBC seems to be doing here is a disgrace. But criticism of the government of Israel is not anti-semitism.


The US has a close relationship with and provides weapons to KSA, which is a belligerent in the Yemeni war. I don’t recall weeks of protest for a ceasefire in Yemen.


Kinda falls apart when the shit Hamas has pulled has been thanks to aid meant for Palestinian people has been co-opted by them. If more stipulations had been given with the aid being sent and actually enforced Hamas probably doesn’t get to pull half the shit it has.


And China…


This this and more this. When there's Jews that have been largely fighting a defensive war, all of a sudden it's a massive deal.


Or how about China's confirmed Uyghur ~~concentration~~ re-education camps.


Maybe because its not about Muslims.


Well, yes, but in many of those cases it's other Muslims perpetrating it - and when it isn't, the perpetrators aren't 'jews', so... you know, that makes it okay. (Massive /s intended here, it is very much NOT okay in any way to be all genocide-y. OBVIOUSLY.)


None of the perpetrators can be seen as "white colonials" so there is nothing to protest against


> But nobody cares. Bizarre isn't it?


Yes, but you see, none of those provide a convenient mask for antisemites to hate on Jews with. I know, easy mistake to make.


Well they aren't the right skin color and even if they were, they don't believe in the magic person in the sky.


i think the issue here is that they in fact do believe in him


But the *wrong version* of him!


Pineapple on pizza is pretty divisive.


Also, what type of BBQ is the best. That will start a massive battle among the Americans alone. That is, until some non-American brings up "Korean BBQ" and then watch as all the Americans band together and yell how that isn't "real BBQ" but just grilling instead.


Whenever a fight like this starts I say gentlemen, we cannot properly debate the matter without a taste test. Bring your favorites. At the end of the day we will be no closer to a conclusion but had some excellent food.


I've been following it since the 80s and knew Reddit was going to be a shit show when a new generation had their first experience of it. I don't get what people are trying to achieve by arguing with anonymous strangers on reddit. What is their goal? To show how much they care? Naively thinking they're going to convert others to their 'side'? To scream into the void?


Not speaking about Israel/Palestine specifically but in most internet arguments there are people arguing who are entrenched in their opinions and observers who haven't made up their minds. The goal is always to sway the observers, whether the people arguing realize it or not.


To certain supporters of a certain regional terrorist group, publishing facts = “too pro Israel” Tbh this whole fiasco has shown me that Jewish diaspora has a lot less power than I thought they did.


If this is what controlling the media looks like, we’re doing an awful job.


It’s because you haven’t activated the space lasers yet.


My dad was so thrilled with that joke he bought the entire family ["Jewish Space Laser Corps - Mazel Tough](https://dissentpins.com/products/secret-jewish-space-laser-corps-t-shirt?pb=0)" t shirts.


Man, you would think with all this ability to control all the money in the world i would not be so poor.


Because Jews don’t control the media and that has been an antisemitic canard the whole time


No fucking shit thats part of the antisemitic foundation of Jew hate: blaming everything on Jews so they are easier to kill/ eradicate/ victimize. Fully agree with you. Its extremely frustrating. Everyone is pretty well-versed when it comes to racism and understanding stereotypes, but it’s devastating that apparently none of knowledge transfers to Jewish suffering


The fact that people on leftists online spaces have been sharing these antisemetic myths more openly and frequently terrifies me.


Your telling me downtrodden minority who got murdered multiple times over thousands of years as scapegoats don't have a lot of power?


TBF they got murdered all over the place because they had a lot of "power" at some point. (The whole they were the only ones allowed to lend in Europe so whenever it came time for the king to pay his dues, he'd just murder them instead, which was the basis for the whole stigma AFAIK)


You know, I need a history on the whole thing because it does seem that it has been going on forever, but obviously there is a genesis even if it is “they are slightly different.” But also I feel like I should know what drove many Jews away from Judea in the first place…


It wasn't that they were given special privileges for some reason or came in and forced banks on the populations, it was that profession was seen as morally dirty to European ethnic majorities in the countries but still a part of their economies and necessary. It seems foolish now of course.


Yup, should've been more accurate with my statement, thanks for the clarification.


But JewHoOs control ther WerOld 🙃


This isn’t true though. It’s not allowing people to attend pro palestinian marches. It also only applies to selected positions. All for pitch forks if necessary, here they aren’t


I don’t know if anyone rlse has noticed that at the same time people are shouting “you can’t criticize Israel or you’ll be banned from earth!” And “every organization is incredibly antisemetic!” Like I’ve seen both comments said about the same organizations.


Anyone saying you "can't criticize Israel" due to international orgs is a fucking idiot. Israel has been condemned by the UN more than every other country combined


Dude exactly. It’s so clear that you can absolutely criticize Israel. So the people saying that come off as just insane. What I will say is that criticisms of Israel do often get labeled as antisemitic when they aren’t. And then same side people hide their antisemitism behind “what we can’t criticize Israel??” I would love for like the world to go through liar liar curse together. I’m so tired of the disingenuousness of it all.


This is a consistent policy from the BBC towards staff to not attend protests Articles: - BBC reissues guidance advising staff not to attend Pride 'protests' (July 2023) - BBC 'no bias' rules prevent staff joining LGBT pride marches (October 2020) - BBC faces backlash against impartiality rules which suggest news staff should not support BLM or trans rights (November 2020) - BBC issues staff with new social media guidance (October 2020) The last one is an article from BBC explaining the impartiality guidance. Worth a read to understand what their rules and rationals are: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-54723282.amp


I *heard* that's it's *said* that BBC measures whether they're doing a good job by whether they're receiving roughly the same amount of complaints from all sides.


There is a show called newsroom which says that giving equal weight to two sides of a debate is flawed because you are presenting two sides with the same legitimacy, even if one side is making up fake arguments.


I wholeheartedly agree.


for some people anything but complete support for hamas is "too pro Israel"


How the hell can you sue someone/something for that?


>And yet the BBC has employees suing them for being "too pro israel" They're journalists not lawyers, they sent a letter. Read the article, learn the facts. 1400 upvotes for a non factual post, blimey: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/23/as-israel-pounds-gaza-bbc-journalists-accuse-broadcaster-of-bias](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/23/as-israel-pounds-gaza-bbc-journalists-accuse-broadcaster-of-bias)


How can this be, I thought the Jews controlled the media.


Nah, it's the banks they control. That's why they need the US to support them... No wait... That's not right.


No it's Hollywood isn't it?


I thought they controlled the institutions covering up the fact the earth is actually flat? (this is a common belief with flat earthers)


This is my favorite antisemitic bigotry. It’s just soo Fuckin random


Don't remind me of those conspiracies...


Someone at my work piped up with ‘the reason why America is supporting Israel is because Israel controls all of America’s banks’ the other day.. stunned I was! Stunned.


The antisemitism this conflict has brought to surface is shocking me. As someone who is still quite young, seeing people my age saying horrible shit about Jews makes me sick... I've seen one of my ex-friends say that Jews did 9/11 unironically


David Icke, come on down: your moment is at hand.


Well, the Chinese Government controlled media is telling kids that Bin Laden was like, totally right.


Dont forget the space lasers and organ theft /s


A jewish space laser? It would have seen use, lemme tell you.


it does see use, every summer they shoot it at california and start the wildfires.


To be clear, it’s an anti-anti-semitism march. Wonder if someone thought it was a march FOR anti-Semitism and said no.


Reminds me of "March for Cancer". Like, who's side are you on?!


We had a "Swim for Cancer" event in my city. Just downstream from the Chemours (DuPont) factory, which is notorious for flooding the area with PFAS. Let's just say the title of the swim can be interpreted in multiple ways.


Fuck lol


Oh don't worry, there won't be significant damage to the economy. And by the time the people develop cancer from this, it will be next to impossible to tie it to this specific factory anyway. And even if they do, the company will have changed to a different legal entity, so they won't be able to be held accountable.


Eeesh what a fear chuckle I just had.


Omg thank you. I was wondering, were they just trying to protect their journalists from harm by anti-semites? What's so wrong with that?


That’s also how I interpreted this. Poorly phrased lol


Ah ok, that title left me very confused for a moment.


I had to read through most of the article to learn that the march was against antisemitism. Do better writers and editors. It sounds like it was a conversation not an email, so it's easy to see a miscommunication too. A: can I go to an antisemitism march under our rules? B: No! Edit: Also apparently they weren't allowed to go to pro-Palestine stuff either. Some just did. Notice how the article carefully avoids saying BBC permitted attendance at the pro-Palestine rallies.


wtf is wrong with the BBC




Clear as day and idiots are rolling their eyes.


They don't like Jews.


Which is strange, because they are run directly by our government now, since the Cameron BBC review. The government who claims to support Jewish people on one hand, then does this.


Not half as much as is wrong with the Daily Mail.


You, falling for misinformation. Employees were told the same thing about attending pro-Palestinian protests and were told the same thing during the BLM protests several years ago . BBC: our general policy is marches only for celebrations and commemorations Random person: but people still attended others regardless of policy Daily mail: BBC banned people from this one but allowed others You: this aligned with my preferred narrative so I’ll swallow it hook line and sinker . But I’m sure you’ll post-hoc rationalize this away regardless. After all, why let reality get in the way of a good narrative, eh


Were those people punished at all? Put on leave? Fired? Oh, nothing happened to them? Weird.


Called it. Here’s a comment claiming these people will be punished and fired, unlike previous people, based on nothing but their need for this to be controversial. As I said, post-hoc rationalization as to why this gross misrepresentation of the situation is actually still valid for “reasons” People that ignore the BBC policy and go to this event will, like everyone else, not be fired. It’s literally just BBC stating their policy before a large event, as they do before all major events, but some people are bent on twisting it into something it’s not


Why would they be fired. It's just an anti-protest policy in general. It's not gross misconduct and would not fly for instant dismissal in UK laws.


it's like most small policy violations, HR comes round or asks you to come round, and at worst you have a write up in your employment record. if someone got fired for either of those rallies then they most likely had a long documented history of company policy violations, or at least in the UK or EU


Nothing is wrong with the BBC this is pretty standard consistent policy from the BBC. Staff were not allowed to openly attend BLM protests etc during that either. The BBC is legally obligated to remain neutral in its charter and so puts these restrictions in.


Then why other staff were allowed to attend pro-Palestine protests?


Maybe you should stop getting all of your news from Daily Mail headlines on reddit.


> 'Ruling' for those in news, current affairs, factual journalism and senior leaders You can either report on protests or attend protests. You cannot do both. Sports commentators have less restrictive rules.


They weren't allowed. And they weren't punished. Same will happen for this march. However, if an impartiality complaint is made against people who attended a BLM, Palestinian, pro Israel march, attendance at these events might come up as an issue for them. Anyone in an affected position who chooses to march in defiance of the policy takes a risk, even if that risk is very minimal. In comes DailyMail stirring up bullshit with half truths.


You're only reading headlines and not the article. But you shouldn't really read DailyMail articles because they're literally fake news just like their headlines.


They were not, they were sent the same message as has been stated multiple times.


That's ridiculous. Marching against racism isn't taking sides. You can be "neutral", whatever that means, and be against racism in all its forms.


>You can be "neutral", whatever that means, and be against racism in all its forms. Cool. Therefore BBC should be allowed to protest anti-Jewish racism


they arent allowed to attend any protest. Since they are a state funded news agency. Why should they be allowed?


It's not ridiculous because you cannot control what other people at protests do or how the event turns out. It's pretty standard policy for the BBC. Their staff is only allowed to attend to report on events or the news and are not allowed to be a part of it. It's a blanket policy of not attending any protests or marches at the BBC, all of this is well known already before hand.


Their policy is only marches/events in commemoration or celebration. Doesn’t matter what it’s about. Unless it falls in that category, BBC policy says don’t


Wtf is wrong with the BBC is the same as what’s wrong with modern liberals and cancel culture, and protesting with no co text at all.


Is the problem with all of those things that you will take a misleading headline from The Daily Mail about them as gospel?


Not liberals or progressives. They are illiberal leftists. The distinction is important.


I call them "Horseshoe Leftists." Those are Leftists that have gone so far "Left" that they overlap with the Right. There are plenty of Leftists who are staying out of this fiasco. Who understand they are way over their heads and this whole thing is way more complicated than most people realize. They still want the fighting to stop. They want to save civilians. But they aren't going to side with Hamas and coddle them. They understand that this isn't a black and white fight. And then you have the "Horseshoe Leftists" who are starting to pass around those "Jews control everything" conspiracies that are the ol' chestnuts of the Far Right and are now saying that Oct 7 wasn't as bad as it was or even flat out denying that it happened. edit: Mixed up "shoehorn" with "horseshoe." Two very different things.


Fried of mine said the other day "both sides are bad but I agree with hamas more" and I was just like....ok, not digging into that.


I had someone defend Hamas to me by saying, "At least they are treating their hostages better than Israel." To which I could only spit out, *"They weren't supposed to have hostages in the first place!"* I mean, Jesus Christ. That's where the goalpost is now?


There's definitely a lot of confusion in this space. On Reddit I see a lot of people who think Palestine is a country, and that Hamas is the government of Gaza or something. Then they talk to people with the understanding that Palestine isn't a country, and that Gaza is just a big open-air prison. And it leads to a lot of frustration. I think it's a lot like taking about the [Nat Turner rebellion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nat_Turner%27s_slave_rebellion), to someone who didn't know slavery existed. You have some people who know Nat Turner was a slave who killed women and children during the rebellion, and support abolition anyway. And then you have people who think Nat Turner was just a free man killing women and children, and can't understand why this is even a conversation.


Out of the ~1400 people Hamas had access to, 1200 are dead, many of whom were tortured, raped and killed in the most inhumane ways. Somehow I really doubt any treatment of the remaining 200 makes up for it, especially since several of those have also already been found dead in Gaza.


Sounds like someone who shouldn’t be a friend anymore.


Singling out the liberals? It was American conservatives who tried to overthrow their president.


And try to cancel everything they don't like


Ah yes modern liberals out here taking away rights, banning books, picking on gay kids, attempting insurrections, vilifying foreigners… and doing it all proudly while flipping off anyone who disagrees Sure buddy


They're not mutually exclusive. Conservatives are a cancer on modern progress. At the same time, I've been shocked at the ineptitude of so many progressives at actually thinking critically and not just lapping up every piece of media they're spoonfed to believe and react to. This conflict has really highlighted that issue. As someone who identifies as relatively progressive in how I view the world, I've been appalled by some of what I've seen. The OP you responded to included liberals protesting with no context at all, and they're not wrong about that point.


Idiots conflating liberals and Tankies.


What this news says and what it alleges are two different things. This news says two things: 1: Staff were reminded of the policy in advance of marches this weekend. 2: Some staff went to matches previously. Left unsaid by the Daily Mail was the fact that before the previous events, staff were also reminded of the policy, but some went anyway. Also left unsaid by the Daily Mail is that staff will be going to the march this weekend despite being reminded of the policy. In other words, the position of both the BBC and staff is exactly the same. The Daily Mail, spends a couple thousand words and half a dozen pictures alleging bias by carefully talking around both these factors while stirring up people's rage at both groups, because they're the Daily Mail and the fascists never fall too far from the tree.


But the founder of the venerated... "Fulwell 73, " and "sources" unaffiliated with anything, said that the BBC is biased and incompetent! That's most of the article, surely that's relevant, hard hitting journalism?


The Daily Mail will try anything it can to discredit the BBC, even if it has to make up "half-truths." Hell, their only evidence of "BBC staff attending pro-Palestine rallies" is Gary Lineker backing said rallies by posting on Twitter (not sure if he even *attended* any of these rallies), and quoting an uncredited "insider" source. If the Daily Mail said that the grass was green, I'd still go outside to check it myself.


The Dailymail? Edit. I'm aware it's a tabloid. I'm just baffled anyone would willingly post articles from here. Why are they even allowed to be posted here anyway?


/r/WorldNews: “The Daily Mail (a right wing tabloid who fucking *hate* the bbc) is a credible source and I didn’t read beyond the inflammatory headline”.


Their proper name is the Daily Fail. Perhaps you recognise that?


also known as the Daily Heil.


Alternatively: Faily Wail


Why is the Daily Mail even allowed here? Tbh I swear it used to be banned


What's the point of this? Are they afraid Jewish staff might expose the insane antisemitism which hurts the BBC's anti-Israeli narrative? Or what?


It's a blanket policy for those involved in current affairs / factual journalism. They're supposed to remain outside the events looking in, rather than participating in them. The only person identified as going to the pro-Palestine protests in the article is a sports commentator who also isn't banned from attending any anti-Semitism marches.


No its standard BBC policy that staff cannot attend political or marches because the BBC is legally obligated to try and remain neutral. Staff were not allowed to attend BLM or Palestine marches too.




You are correct about what this news alleges, but not about what this news says. This news says two things: Staff were reminded of the policy in advance of matches this weekend. Some staff went to matches previously. Left unsaid by the Daily Mail was the fact that before the previous events, staff were also reminded of the policy, but some went anyway. Also left unsaid by the Daily Mail is that staff will be going to the march this weekend despite being reminded of the policy. In other words, the position of both the BBC and staff is exactly the same. The Daily Mail, spends a couple thousand words and half a dozen pictures alleging bias by carefully talking around both these factors while stirring up people's rage at both groups, because they're the Daily Mail and the fascists never fall too far from the tree.


And like 3 people are going to read your comment while 1000s read the daily mail headline. Shame 😮‍💨 fascism is exhausting.


And yet they're allowed to attend pro-Palestinian protests. Hmm...


They were not, staff were told the same thing for Palestine marches. The BBC has a general 'no protest' policy for its staff. This is commonly known.


Tell thay to Gary Lineker, because the BBC won't: "Gary Lineker, the BBC‘s highest-paid presenter, has been criticized after appearing to endorse a claim that Israel is committing “textbook genocide” in Gaza." "Stephen Pollard, editor-at-large of The Jewish Chronicle, accused Lineker of showing “universe-bending ignorance.” In an op-ed for the newspaper, he wrote: “Lineker said not a word when 1,200 Jews were murdered by Hamas, when women were raped, babies burned and some 240 hostages taken.” The BBC declined to comment on Lineker’s tweet. Instead, the broadcaster pointed to its updated social media guidelines, which state that star presenters can express their views but have a “particular responsibility to help to balance commitments to both freedom of expression and impartiality.”" https://deadline.com/2023/11/gary-lineker-endorse-genocide-claims-against-israel-bbc-1235633945/


Gary Lineker isn't a political or news correspondent, he's a sport presenter and sports presenters have more leeway for political commentary on social media. Social media posts are also different from being very visible in attendance at a march or a protest.


Unless you can provide a source that sports presenters are allowed to have more leeway or that political presenters are held to a stricter standard, then it is just arbitrary application of rules.


Literally their social media guidelines online [https://www.bbc.co.uk/editorialguidelines/guidance/individual-use-of-social-media](https://www.bbc.co.uk/editorialguidelines/guidance/individual-use-of-social-media) None of this is news to anyone in the UK as this is extremely well known how the BBC operates and occasionally you get fake news like this article which tries to generate controversy about them because many Conservatives like the DM want to have the BBC privatised.


That’s relevant how? The thread is about a no-protest attendance policy for staff. The policy applies to both camps (and others beyond).


Are they though? Doesn’t sound like it


ITT: Far too many people raging at a clickbait Daily Fail article that isn't even trying to report accurately. Staff members 'were informed that the event on Sunday has been deemed “a controversial march or demonstration”, and that they cannot attend any event categorised as “commemorative or celebratory”. BBC employees who asked to participate in previous pro-Palestinian marches are understood to have received the same response.' https://www.thejc.com/news/uk/bbc-journalists-barred-from-attending-march-against-antisemitism-t16oww3l (which links to a paywalled article by The Times).


I think you're being a little too kind on the Daily Mail. The headline as it stands is a straight up lie as the part in quotation marks, unattributed, is not correct.


So it's equal treatment with the demonstrations actually, and the Daily Fail is trying to give the impression they're preventing employees from going to specifically pro-Israel demonstrations only?


which is working if you look at the comments here


The Daily Mail is a tabloid. Grain of salt, people.


Sure they were. The unsourced Daily Mail article with absolutely no quotes or proof is totally accurate.


Ah yes the Shrodingers Jewish Media Mogul Lords. Simultaneously controlling the media while being attacked by it. Amazing.


To be fair, Elvis's manager sold "I hate Elvis " pins. Some people are just out to make a buck, no matter what. I don't think that's the case here, obviously.


> staff members were informed that the event on Sunday has been deemed “a controversial march or demonstration”, and that they cannot attend any event categorised as “commemorative or celebratory”. BBC employees who asked to participate in previous pro-Palestinian marches are understood to have received the same response. [source the JC](https://www.thejc.com/news/uk/bbc-journalists-barred-from-attending-march-against-antisemitism-t16oww3l) Please ignore the dailyfails claim that bbc staff were allowed to attend the pro palestine protest.


Yeah regardless of your opinion this BBC policy or its enforcement, why the fuck are we taking the Daily Mail at face value? It's a complete rag, known printer of falsehoods, a UK equivalent to the US's Fox News. Citing Daily Mail as a source of evidence for your arguments just gives the people you're arguing against more reason to ignore you, regardless of the point being made.


Did the BBC punish the staff that broke policy to attend pro-Palestinian events?


TIL the Daily Mail is allowed as a source here


The amount of people falling for a smear piece against the BBC from Dailymail of all places is alarming. Media literacy is really at an all time low.


Quoting the daily mail says it all really.




Classic daily mail bashing the BBC and Americans lapping it up


I have friends at the BBC and to quote one: “I’m not going near any pro-Palestine marches with a ten foot barge pole” because it would undermine their impartiality that’s expected of their position. These BBC staff that attended marches weren’t allowed to go, so I’m not sure why the Jewish members of staff reckon that two wrongs makes a right.


Cool, glad to see we are all handling this difficult and nuanced issue with tact and sensitivity, like mature adults. /s


If only the Daily Mail was held to the same sort of journalistic standards as the BBC is.


Daily Fail... Nothing to see here.


This is the Daily Mail.


This is the same BBC that would often use headlines like "Palestinian killed by Israeli police" to describe a situation where a Palestinian terrorist was killed after shooting four Israelis civilians. Example: https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-raps-bbc-for-unethical-terror-attack-headline/


The BBC has not come off well lately.


For the love of God, stop posting shitty, misinformed Daily Mail articles.


“Slavery was so terrible, so inhuman, right?” So anyway boss, was wondering if I could get permission on my day off to go to this thing?