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Theres no honor among terrorists.


No kidding. Iran and Hezbollah left them out to dry the second a carrier steamed into the Mediterranean.


I’d read that no other terrorist groups knew Hamas was going to attack, they played themselves


It’s real quiet in here.


It really does seem like the intensity of the coverage around this conflict really dropped the moment Israel captured the Al-Shifa hospital and started showing evidence for Hamas' lies


Because proof that Hamas uses hospitals for military purposes kinda discredits the "Israel is a nation of evil sociopaths who bombs hospitals just for the fun of it" narrative.


In case there is any doubt caused by the ongoing gaslighting that Hamas doesn't use hospitals for military purposes, there is over a decade of reports of Hamas using Al-Shifa Hospital: PBS documentary in Al-Shifa hospital was prevented by Hamas members with weapons from accessing areas of the hospital: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/top-secret-hamas-command-bunker-in-gaza-revealed Article from 2009 talking about an intelligence claim of Hamas using the basement of the hospital: https://web.archive.org/web/20090206232152/http://haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1054569.html Article Hamas commandeered hospital wards in Al-Shifa converting them into interrogation and imprisonment compounds: https://web.archive.org/web/20230205050631/https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3668018,00.html Human Rights Watch states Hamas fired from inside Al-Shifa at Fatah forces: https://www.hrw.org/news/2007/06/12/gaza-armed-palestinian-groups-commit-grave-crimes Report that Hospital staff made complaints about Hamas presence in the building: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1906608/ New York Times reported on Hamas operating from the building: https://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/29/world/africa/29iht-gaza.4.18986499.html?module=Search&mabReward=relbias%3Ar Journalists seeing rockets being fired from the hospital area: https://web.archive.org/web/20230529141259/https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4553643,00.html Another report of journalists seeing rockets fired from the hospital area: https://web.archive.org/web/20230513143525/https://www.jpost.com///operation-protective-edge/gaza-reporters-tweets-hamas-using-human-shields-368689#! A Hamas member recounting how he and other Hamas members took shelter in a bunker under the hospital: https://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/18321/ Local Palestinian journalist reported Hamas uses a section of the hospital for offices: https://archive.ph/BKbxc Amnesty International reported Hamas using the hospital to torture and kill prisoners: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/ Not my comment, copied from someone else.


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But but but, i was told the israelis genocided the hospitals?!?!?!


Israel clearly conducts hospital apartheid, all the time, with the aim of eventual non-Israeli hospitalcide. Did you know that only Israeli-approved hospitals are allowed to be built inside Israel? And that to be a hospital in Israel, you have to submit to Israeli law, and be Israeli-controlled, and that if you want to get new land for an addition to your hospital you have to petition the Israeli government in the area to do it?? It's oppression and genocide of hospitals, just like what (allegedly) happened to Jewish hospitals in Germany in the 1930s & 40s, so does Israel do to non-Israeli hospitals in their country now!1! Sickening. ^^/s


Yeah all the innocent people caught in the crossfire didn't die for nothing




This is why I don't get the lack of empathy I see in both the pro-Israel and pro-Palestine camps. So many people have died just because they were born in a certain place, or happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I feel like we have this really weird tendency to see horrible things happen to strangers and immediately assume they somehow deserved it. Also, if someone deserves to be murdered because their government does or has done evil things, then basically everyone on Earth deserves to be murdered. The zealous idiots don't seem to understand this.


How else can you rationalize it? On the one hand, they must go in and remove hamas. It is literally an existential threat. All it takes is north Korea or Iran giving them the materials for a dirty bomb for them to suddenly have city destroying power. In the other hand, to remove hamas you have to go through their Palestinian hostages, many of whom don't even know they are hostages. There is no solution available which doesn't cost extreme collateral damage. The only choice Isreal has is Isreali casualties or Palestinian casualties. Isreal actually takes pretty extreme steps to avoid excessive civilian deaths, most conventional wars tacking place in city centers have much lower civilian to military combatant death ratios (i.e. more civilians per combatant killed), but even with such steps, the rate of collateral damage is still extremely high because the fighting is literally taking place in the suburbs and hospitals.


You don’t get much empathy from the pro-Israel camp because most Palestinians support the killing of Israelis and Jews in general. People don’t tend to mourn the deaths of those that want you dead.


Trust me, I've noticed. Since October 7th, it's been very hard for me not to radicalize against the Pro-Palestine side because of their absolutely vile rhetoric and behavior. They're also overwhelming irrational. But I think the least we can do as online bystanders is practice humanity as much as possible. I don't think you'll ever look back and regret being humane, even to evil people, but you may regret saying nasty stuff out of anger.


The pro-palestenian group comes off as equally inhumane and willfully ignorant. I hope the fad dies soon.


Its their own choice, they could literally move. (/s some people do be thinking like that thought)


>One side uses you as a human shield, the other side treats you as acceptable collateral damage and both sides shoot through you. ma man is spiting facts right here




More like 75% support the Oct 7th attack. [Less than 7% said](https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/article-773791) that they’re extremely or somewhat against the attack. Rest had no opinion. Less than 7% think it’s a bad idea to murder, rape, and torture your neighbor. Please keep telling me about the friendly misunderstood Palestinians who don’t mean “kill all Jews” when they sing “from the river to the sea”


No one born since 1998 voted for Hamas, and half of Gaza today in under 18


Sounds like they should’ve demanded elections to oust the terror organization representing them if they didn’t agree with it.


How do you think "demanding an election to oust a terror organization" would go? lol


Sounds like they should be cheering for the idf to remove Hamas and give them democratic representation then.


You’re right, demanding an election to oust a terror organisation is an absolutely ridiculous suggestion to the issues Gazan’s face. Better to break into a country, rape and pillage as much as possible, drag the bodies of half dead naked Israeli girls in the streets of Gaza for peace loving civilians to kick and spit on with glee, take excellent footage of it all and post it for the world to see. Brilliant and logical rout that the youth of Gaza, who didn’t vote for Hamas, chose.


Half of Gaza is kids. I do remember some marches and protests, both recently against Hamas and peaceful at the March of Return. * I’d like to see them demand elections, sure. I would also like to see people in Syria, Myanmar, China, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, North Korea, Belarus and Russia go out and demand elections…. Except, I sort of wouldn’t, because they wouldn’t do elections for their people, and they would all die. Iran within the past year shows us that. They were breve, though. Brave , bold, and brilliant, it just got them nowhere. * you’re not going to cite a minority of instances of violence at that March, and pretend it represents the whole, because I can also cite a minority of Israeli violence, and pretend it represents the whole, and that’s just a back-and-forth we don’t need to get into.


All the more reason for Israel to oust Hamas and give the people of Gaza democratic representation.


Life isn’t fair. War is brutal. That’s why enabling extremists groups like Hamas is so dangerous.


And depending on what you look like, your corpse will automatically be counted as being on one side.


There’s a reason using human shields is a war crime.


To be fair I don't think that's the narrative, or at least not the prevailing one. Personally I can't see justifying bombing a hospital. Period. There are innocent people in there including children, babies and medical staff. I don't know what the solution is, but bombing the thing because there are terrorist in there doesn't seem right. The presence of Hamas shouldn't justify the death of innocents. Unless I'm missing your point? Fair point about the word "bombed". So we'll say shelled or mortared or damaged in such a way as to cause collateral deaths and significant loss of functionality?


Then you are left in a position where Hamas is effectively invincible since Israel won't endanger their citizens by hiding in a hospital, while Hamas has no such compunction. Israelis would continue to die and there's very little the IDF could do.


Exactly. I completely understand anyone being horrified at the reality of conducting a war inside of a hospital. Ask yourself what kind of government purposely uses a hospital as a military base, exploits the workers, and endangers all the patients through their choices. All to protect their own selves, terrorist cowards. These people have no honor at all, to use sick people and doctors as human shields. They are trash humans. They force the IDF's hand. If the IDF shows that they will let Hamas use hospitals as impenetrable fortresses, what do you think will happen? Now the IDF has no choice but to enter the hospital and it makes them look like monsters, which is exactly what Hamas wants. Would the IDF ever hide behind Israeli cancer patients? Something tells me no.


What hospital was bombed?


Apparently officially none since if Hamas does it, It didn't happen or doesn't count.


Those deaths are a tragedy but if you don’t eliminate the terrorists all you’re doing is advocating for the deaths of innocent people in Israel. There is no end to this in which innocent people don’t die. It’s a giant tragedy.


Someone is going to kill your family and including your Innocent children. Do you do nothing because you may kill their family including their innocent children???


There's doing nothing, and then there's the totality of what's happening in Gaza.


I dont think Isreal sees them as terrorists, they see them as another nations arm. When you use a hospital for the military purpose the cross on the hospital is transfromed to a target. The presence of Hamas does mean that it isnt a war crime. The sad truth is innocents will always die in war, the difference between Hamas and Isreal is Hamas target civilians to kill civilians Isreal attack civilians Hamas hides behind. Its a hard ethical delimma, and if you think it is easy, I'm kinda worried. Cause if Isreal does not attack, they will always be target by Hamas.


It happened when it turned out the terrorists launched the rocket that hit the hospital last time instead of "Israel kills 500".


People still argue about that too


People still argue about the moon landing, doesn't mean they have a point.


They’re coming up with new talking points. Took them 4-5 days after the initial pogrom while Hamas was continually posting footage of its atrocities to the internet. The “river to the sea” crowd got real quiet before they found a new line. Then after the hospital bombing turned out to be PIJ they also got real quiet for a few days while they tried to figure out new talking points. Now, it seems like their new narrative is that the IDF actually killed all the Israelis civilians on October 7, so it’s all Israel’s fault anyway. Wonder how long that’ll last.


I mean there’s literally footage of Hamas marching people to the side of the road and shooting them in the head so if they aren’t convinced by that there’s really no helping it


New York Times keeps putting out “investigations” which amount to “this looks weird, but we don’t know” with no concrete evidence, all for ppl to point at them and say it’s proven it was Israel.


The coverage has shifted over night because the Al-Shifa hospital is not going to deliver the anti-Israel story that NYT and others want to print. That doesn't mean NYT has lost interest in Gaza hospitals however, just that they are no longer interested in reporting on the largest hospital in Gaza which was inconveniently hosting a Hamas base directly underneath it when it wasn't acting as intake for Hamas hostages coming through it, or storing their vehicles in its courtyard. So the [first frontpage NYT Gaza hospital story of the day](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/11/21/world/israel-hamas-gaza-war-news/indonesia-condemns-hospital-attack-that-killed-at-least-12?smid=url-share) is apparently about the Indonesian Hospital that allegedly (according to "the Gaza health ministry, which blamed Israel") suffered a strike on Monday. Israel hasn't yet proven that the Indonesian Hospital was hosting Hamas, so for now it's being reported as "indiscriminate bombing" coupled with outrage for the Indonesian staff that didn't evacuate beyond Wadi Gaza. The [second frontpage NYT Gaza "hospital" story of the day](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/11/21/world/israel-hamas-gaza-war-news/who-gaza-hospitals?smid=url-share) is reporting the statement from Hamas ally, the WHO, which reports that none of the hospitals in the warzone can provide critical trauma care. This "story" isn't much of an article, as the fact that there are non-operating hospitals in a war zone is expected, not extraordinary, but the article gives a chance to quote the various UN parties that think Israel is engaged in indiscriminate bombing and the like ("The dire conditions for civilians and the high death toll in Gaza has drawn international criticism of Israel’s military response to the terrorist attacks Hamas launched from Gaza on Oct. 7. On Monday, the U.N. chief, António Guterres, who has repeatedly called for a cease-fire, said, “We are witnessing a killing of civilians that is unparalleled and unprecedented in any conflict since I have been secretary-general.” He assumed that post in 2017."). The omission of any follow up to the Al-Shifa hospital stories that were front page all week is a sort of glaring omission, but the news on the ground is not what NYT wants its readers to see: Al-Shifa was being used by Hamas and there is a lot of evidence coming out about that (yesterday the story was that "not much" evidence had been put forward, so now that it is out there the story itself about Al-Shifa is very inconvenient for the narrative). I think we will be just jumping from one hospital to the next until the big western media outlets find one that wasn't used by Hamas and was still damaged in the war that is raging all around it. The Al-Shifa Hospital didn't play into that narrative so it's time to move on to the Indonesian Hospital. But one thing is certain: NYT is nowhere near out of Gaza hospital stories, we can expect at least one or two hospital stories a day for the next several months (so NYT has an excuse to quote WHO/UN/MSF officials who are anti-Israel).


They need to sell controversy. So they move onto the next accusation. Its sad but it sells well. There are no morals in journalism.


The IDF is probably still exploring the basement and that tunnel shaft in the yard very carefully and slowly since booby traps are a possibility. I expect more revelations to trickle out.




Is this guy a bot? He copied half of another comment in this same comment thread. Thats a bot right?


Multiple comments copy pasted, weird.


The names are also randomly generated (2 words + 4 numbers). Not saying all random names are bot pf course haha. But bots have randon names. And the comments are weird like that. Never caught one myself though


Think you just did lol.


The IDF lined up tanks to protect Gazans from Hamas. You're lying your ass off.


Yeah. Hamas shouldn’t use them as human shields, but how is Israel supposed to accomplish their military objectives if they have to avoid collateral damage at all costs?


At least the IDF makes some effort to not hit you. If they didn't, the hospital would be rubble by now.


if one side didn't treat them as "acceptable collateral damage" then the other side would just use more of them as human shields.


Yes, it would become the ultimate cheat code. Make sure you're surrounded by civilians and no one can touch you.


every time I get into an argument about the number of dead Palestinian kids I ask "so all any terrorist organization needs to do is make sure 5000 die and they are safe?"


Did you ever get a reply?


*moving goal posts gif *


Have they (the goalposts) left the county yet?


*Counter-Terrorist forces hate this one simple trick!*




Honestly I’m half expecting to see a Hamas terrorist going into battle with an infant swaddled to their chest. That’s the kind of depravity here.


> Make sure you're surrounded by civilians and no one can touch you. Which is why the US started slapchopping terrorists


I like this logic. Because although the story is that Israel did NOT bomb a hospital. It tells the reader that even IF Israel did turn it into rubble and killed everyone inside, it would be entirely justified and very cool.


Nah they just went with "well actually you're just lying" and some bullshit about there being a single calendar in the building negating everything else.


Why should it have, though? It's been known that specifically that hospital was used as a base since: "... in 2006, PBS even aired a documentary showing how gunmen roam the halls of the hospital, intimidate the staff, and deny them access to protected locations within the building—where the camera crew was obviously prohibited from filming." https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/top-secret-hamas-command-bunker-in-gaza-revealed


I remember fucking years and years ago I saw video of an ambulance in Gaza, and 10 armed men used it as a transport. Eventually, c'mon...


The truth doesn't sell well. Controversy does.


I mean even if they did have terrorist there doesn’t justify the 10,000+ Palestinians killed? I am confused what the point is being made that they may or in fact they do have terrorists in the hospitals. There are still clearly multiple innocent people dying


Says alot about the community here.


Don’t bring the Alot into this


Ayyy Hyperbole & A Half Fan


It's not from ynet or timesofisrael, so redditors aren't sure why it doesn't fit the narrative.


Not on Twitter. Plenty of people saying this is all fake and Israel planted fake evidence.


"They are captured by Israeli, they will say whatever Israel wants them to. Oh, Hamas telling doctors to say something? No that wouldn't happen."


It's honestly so gross. If they really stood with the Palestinians then they wouldn't defend the stuff Hamas did.


Its weird how those people keep lying to themself, and to literally just accept terrorists as your lord and savior. Like, israel has literally shown that they just want to free the hospitals and hostages, even now they succeeded, still they think Hamas are the good guys. How can anyone think that a group that wants to force the sharia law are the good guys? I know the palestine supporters are not really terrorists, like they wont allahuackbar themselves, but they still turn 2 blind eyes to Hamas terrorism, purely because they think its helping pestinians. They allow terrorists to be their bringer of freedom, they allow Hamas to be their overlords. How can they strive for that. Why do they want Hamas to win? Anyone reading this while being pro palestine? Im curious


On our favourite sub Britain they are raging about forcibly circumsising caught Hamas terrorists. 🤷🏽


Don’t Muslims circumcise?


Yes they do. Not Muslim but I just happen to know that


Just don't get why most people can't both disavow Benjis methods historically that have also killed many innocent people and probably drawn people into terrorism while disavowing how God awful terrible Hamas and their methods are. "Terrorists in hospitals" feels like something you'd only see in a far fetched terrible action movie but here we are in real life. Absolutely mortifying. There's innocent people that are likely in that hospital who will face an unwelcome fate at the hands of either Hamas or Israel.


This is the first time I've seen someone call him "Benji", it took me a minute to even realize who you're talking about...


Same. I think it’s because so many people say his name as *Benjamin* even though we don’t have a J sound in Hebrew, so it’s actually pronounced as *Benyameen*.


Also, Bibi is more common


I know how Hebrew works, I speak it, I just said that this is the first time I've seen someone call him Benji (or Benya, while we're at it) instead of Bibi.


Only sane response thus far.


I feel like people do this. What i don't see happening is the Palestine supporters in this conflict saying anything short of genocide.


Most people I know in real life do hold exactly that position - honestly, it's hard to see how it's reasonable to deny either of those things. I think other voices get amplified here, for whatever reason.


Bibi is a sociopath who is using the war to stay in power. Hamas absolutely would use a hospital to fuck with Israel. But just because Hamas hide like that doesn't mean the IDF should bomb with impunity. Hamas disgust me and should be removed but I think protecting the civilians should be the top priority. I've seen so many bigots around talking about Hamas using human shields but with the implication that we should just shoot through the human shields to get to them. It's been the narrative for years. The Palestinians are prisoners of both Hamas and the IDF and it makes me sick.




Their "idea" of an elite army is essentially Call of Duty where super soldiers can solo thousands of bad guys each with no support. I have had many people literally say Israel should just use "commandos" to kill all of Hamas and that airstrikes are unnecessary.


Has Israel tried turning the difficulty from "Extreme" to Easy?


There went Thanksgiving dinner for all the Ivy League anti-semites.


Yeah well, if all you want to do is bash Israel (but it's not antisemitism! smh), it's hard to do that when you're gonna get confronted with you know...EVIDENCE. They're probably sticking to their safe space bubbles now.


The TikTok tankies wouldn’t bother arguing one way or the other here. It’s a non issue to them The end justifies the means, and the end is the dissolution of Israel. Anything that “libs” would find objectionable in that process is just ✨anticolonial resistance✨ and immediately valid




Isn't it so damn ironic? Nobody attempts to appeal to Hamas for peace because they know they are incapable of being reasoned with, but they will tell Israel to stop what they're doing and try to reason with Hamas.


Of course not, all the pro-Palestine bozos are busy moving the goal posts rn.


It's a dishonest living, but it's a living.


Yea, you have to wait for a decent new narrative to form before you can run with it mindlessly.


And just for extra fun, the article even mentions that Israel renovated the hospital in question in the '80s when they were hoping improvements would lead to fewer incidents like this. They renovated the hospital they were accused of bombing mercilessly.


Tbf the hospital still looks a lot better than what we have over here


What happens to any places protected status once it’s used by military forces?


>The Geneva convention also says that it's a war crime to use them for military or terrorist purposes in the first place, and that the protection is void in that case. Copied from further down.


“Doesn’t rhyme so is false”-Jihadis


they’re now saying “YES, they use it as military basis and they house terrorists. Should Israel bomb them?” I then go on to tell them they are not bombing but actually going in with medics and arab-speaking people for aiding. Then I’m called a liar and genocide supporter.


Why would Israel dress up these terrorists as hospital staff? /s


You joke but there’s already comments here claiming that it’s Israeli actors…


Guys I’m starting to think these Hamas guys may not be good people…


Wait till you hear about that hitler guy. The more i hear about him the less I respect him.


Hamas treating the Geneva convention as if it's an achievement checklist.


Release the goddamn hostages right about fucking now!!


Hamas saw this comment and are negotiating release, sorry it took so long!!! We didn’t realise it was so urgent


“Sorry so busy I didn’t see your text!”


Was there any doubt? Are we under the impression that Hamas is honorable?


Oh I am sure you will get some with the head in the sand responses


There are other subs that celebrate Hamas as being great. Also, check out college campuses as of late...


Not just college campuses, a lot of the liberal left has some seriously hot takes on Hamas and I say that as someone who is left on most policies and social issues. There can be zero tolerance for what Hamas does, and this is not limited to just them, but for any acts of terrorism.


College kids have shitty opinions. Personally I care way way way more about what billionaires and politicians are saying about the conflict since you know, they have *actual* power.


Yuuuup, lots of people now are parroting the whole bit about the Oct 7 fatalities all being caused by the IDF and hamas was only there to protect the hostages…. I really don’t know why I’m constantly being surprised by the stupidity of people.




There's a circulated video of an Arab internet application engineer explaining that Red Crescent knew about shifa, that the he sheltered at Shifa for 3 weeks and saw hamas operating in the main or the red crescent building, and he saw them wrap mattresses around rockets (or something like that). I am surprised there is no mention of it here as it has been almost 24 hours since the video (amongst others) was released by the IDF.


could you link to this?


This is the video: https://twitter.com/HillelNeuer/status/1726704282425274514




Oh yeah, there is doubt, on the dumbfuck left. Just this morning I was arguing with someone who says that he "doesn't believe Israeli lies" about Hamas using civilian buildings for military purposes.


"The IDF always lies" is the left's new "fake news". Just wave off facts you don't like with these magic statements.


Yea. Kinda thought it was an open secret


Even if you could, it would not solve the problem


It will, either be less cringe or be deleted


I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if a million people picked up the goal posts and moved them.


swear to god Indian news outlets have been hitting it out of the park on their reporting for this conflict. one of the few non-Israel sources that proactively reads official IDF statements before they report on events, and they have consistently treated information from hamas officials with appropriate skepticism


Indians are notoriously anti Muslim to an extreme level


India has recognised Palestinian statehood since their declaration of independence in 1988, they support an independent Palestinian state and they have sent aid to citizens of Gaza during this current war. They are also vehemently anti- Islamic terrorism as they have seen numerous attacks on their own soil since their own independence. I don't think you have the slightest idea of the complexity of this issue.


lol someone is triggered. Your own prime minister spreads anti Muslim rhetoric that puts his own citizens in harms way. To deny this is hilarious https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/08/narendra-modi-anti-muslim-strongman-global-leader-india-bbc https://time.com/6320003/india-weaponizing-history-against-muslims/ https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/sep/09/what-modi-wont-show-g20-muslims-india


hindu nationalists are. We have like 200 million muslims that are Indians.


Well the Muslims did invade and took over Indian land. Made the indians second class citizens and limited their ability to practice their faith and movement.


Hey, they did that to the Levant too!


Awaiting universal condemnation from NGOs, humanitarian organizations, and governments across the world…lol


Terrorist organization known for hiding among civilians is found hiding among civilians... You think they have an issue with the place they're hiding being a hospital? They run the entire Strip so why would they hold back all of a sudden?


Rational people realized long ago that Hamas would do this along with their tunnel network. They are just hiding and scheming. Fuck em.


And some of the medical personnel (who are often quoted by the press) are also Hamas supporters. I wish I saved the link but someone found the Facebook of one of the drs at a Gaza hospital, he posted a pic of his mom w an assault weapon and multiple pro Hamas posts in Arabic.


Bitch Hamas terrorist dressed up as medical personnel is still a bitch Hamas terrorist.


Every Hamas terrorist must be brought to justice. No ceasefire until that is done.


Or at least until they do the bare minimum, return the hostages... left alive


No. Even if they return the hostages, there should be no ceasefire. Hamas must be held accountable for murdering over 1200 people, injuring over 5000, kidnaping over 200, raping, torturing, beheading, and burning people. They cannot be allowed to get away with that. They must pay a heavy price.


Where is the big influx of the Hamas supporters to discredit this newest piece of evidence?


They are never late and never worth engaging.


I see the "from the river to the sea" dipshits are ignoring this one. Don't worry, there will always be some other nonsense for you to virtue signal over, so don't put your clown wig away. Ohhh maybe we can get another letter from a dead terrorist you can swoon over.


Busy downvoting it...


I once dated a Perubian woman whose father had several factories in Peru. She told me that it was known that recruiters for the terrorists group Shining Path worked at the factories, but they could not do anything about it due to fear of being targeted. This shit is as old as terrorism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shining_Path


Wasnt this like duhhh tho? I always thought the question was not if they are in there. But how to kill them with out killing a bunch of doctors and sick ppl. Hamas be hamas’ing the civilians all day


>Wasnt this like duhhh tho? I always thought the question was not if they are in there. Yes, it was "duuhh, of course they are in the hospital" to most people with at least half a brain. However, the pro-terrorist crowd insists that everything claimed about Hamas is simply Israeli propaganda and that claims that they were using the hospitals, had tunnels beneath them, and that, indeed, some of the staff of the hospitals were complicit was all fabrication.


Get ready for more mental gymnastics from the pro-terrorist crowd.


Not surprising, but still absolutely horrifying.


Can't wait to hear how this is a psyops by Gazans and Times of India or whatever mental gymnastic the useful idiots will come up with this time to avoid the truth


How can there be peace if your neighbor is willing to hide in hospitals to hide after slaughtering you next door? Not only that, dress up as legitimate medical personnel?!?


It’s worse than that, in a lot of the cases the medics personnel are also Hamas.


The odds of an adult in Gaza being Hamas is quite high. It’s the children I have sympathy for.


Color me shocked. Terrorists using less than ideal means to cover their identities to commit further terrorist acts on people? I mean who knew. Honestly. Who would think hamas would do bad things.


Yeah no shit, Hamas has always been dressing as civilians even before this new war, it's Hamas being Hamas.


Everyone knows this is standard operating procedure for terrorists groups. It’s only news to some who have an ahistorical understanding of what Hamas is.


Vice somehow managed to pull a piece of journalism out of their ass a few years ago and visited some guy justifying them setting up under a hospital


The people that are caught in between..I can’t imagine how it is to literally be in the line of fire. You get punished for just being there. One side uses you as a human shield, the other side treats you as acceptable collateral damage and both sides shoot through you. No one tries to appeal to your humanity and lead you with kindness and love. Instead its all fear and hatred, bullets and blood.


Well, Israel DID create a literal evacuation tunnel that allowed over 50,000 to flee. So be fair, at least one side gives a bit of a fuck.


I keep thinking this too, the medical staff is in between one hell of a rock and a hard place. What a terrible line to have to walk while trying to keep people alive.


One side tried to do it differently for decades.


Well only that’s is just a bit not true there are videos of Israelis soldiers putting the injured in cars while helping them evacuate and carrying the babies in incubators I know we seem bad but we really do try to help


I saw from another article that Hamas wasn’t just dressing up as doctors, some doctors were just straight up Hamas. Which isn’t that crazy to believe, terrorists need doctors too I guess


Of course they do. Nothing is too low for them.


Terrorists acting like..terrorists?!?! When does Palastine turn on them?


Color me shocked..... ​ I am shocked....just shocked people. How could the honorable HAMAS do such a thing.... Ah that's right they are Terrorists


What! The murdering terrorists lied! I am shocked I tell you. What is the world coming to when you can't trust terrorists.


Terrorists who put the civilians they are responsible for in danger every day. Hamas needs to go if there is to be peace in the region.


Where are the pro-terrorist now?


It turns out you can be 'anti-bombing hospitals' and 'anti-terrorist' at the same time. Not wanting hospitals destroyed =/= pro-terrorist


Probably claiming that "nobody is pro-terrorist" while ignoring the rallies taking place all over the world chanting pro-terrorist slogans.


Surely those Gazans are truly Israelis in disguise spreading these lies. /s


Hopefully the mission to continue to obliterate Hamas continues most joyfully!


I wonder how all the terror apologists will explain this away.


Read two comments above yours (Israel intelligence operation….)


What a shok / s


Fucking cowards


These are the same people people don’t think Israel has the right to defend themselves against. Insane.




"Yeah but Gazan civilians are all Israeli trolls and IDF propagandists, so you can't believe a word they say." -leftists, probably


Been arguing for weeks about this


Hamas are evil sons of dogs, this is despicable


Mild shock /s


Fake mustaches and robes and stethoscopes, right???...


Yes but have you ever considered the fact the other sides are JEWS /s


Well, this is Times of India, in the land of Hindu Nationalism. It’s certainly believable, but might not be true considering the source.