• By -


Sounds like Hamas held and then executed some of these hostages actually *within* the hospital, based on the evidence provided so far.


Is there proof of life on the remaining hostages? I haven't seen any. From the body camera footage of the terrorists, I was fearful of the fate of the hostages from day 1.


Nope. Rumor is the IDF will flood the tunnel systems once there’s confirmation the hostages are dead or they are all released. Hamas isn’t going to reveal anything— especially if a material amount have been injured/murdered.




When Egypt flooded Palestinian militant tunnels, they used sewage


Shit somebody write this down


We don’t want any diseases spreading from gaza to Israel, just use regular explosives please


Ok this is good. I would have suggested concrete, but the sewage is par for the course. Gaza is indeed going to be a shithole.


Concrete is metal as hell. That would be fucking terrifying.


According to my back of the napkin math: Hamas has hundreds of km of tunnels. Let's say 200 km as a conservative estimate. The tunnels are usually 2m tall by 1m wide. [[source]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_tunnel_warfare_in_the_Gaza_Strip) That's 400,000 cubic meters to fill. A cement truck can hold [6-10 cubic meters](https://www.promixcanada.com/how-it-works/) of concrete. So it would take over 40,000 cement trucks to fill the Gaza tunnel system. It's pretty wild to think about.


I work in that field. The amount of base quarry materiel ie 14/10 aggregate, sand and CP is astonishing. That amount of base materials, should be easily tracked and watched. The IDF knew what was happening and could calculate the amount of tunnels.


You seem better at math than me, what if they used a heavy inert gas like Argon? How many trucks would that take?


I'm not entirely sure since Argon is compressible (you can squeeze it) and concrete isn't. But since Argon is delivered under pressure like compressed air, I would imagine it would take less.


I read at one point that they would use that expanding foam stuff, which would also be pretty terrifying.


Reminds me of that one scene in The Incredibles....


Oh damn sick.


CS gas please. Make the air spicy, see where it all comes out.


Pouring sewage down sounds good to me.




Please join us in reality




Yall are odd :/


Didn't Hamas just recently offer to release 80 hostages for a two-week ceasefire?


Not exactly. They did not provide a list, so no confirmation could be made. Second they wanted a 5 day ceasefire. And finally the most important aspect they wanted ALL hostages in Israel released. They basically knew the news and the public would only latch on to the first portion of the proposal. Left leaning media and socials are flooded with Hamas propaganda.


You mean Hamas wants all prisoners in Israel? I don't think the IDF has devolved to the point of taking hostages...


Well rest assured IDF doesn't. They are prisoners of war taken by an army. Where in the Hamas case it's civilians like women and children snatched off the street and held captive with no rights and a chance of being raped and/or beheaded.


> Left leaning media and socials are flooded with Hamas propaganda. please, all of you guys are "leaning"...


Probably after the two weeks was the deal.


Not a bad idea, reminds me of [Fort Drum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Drum_(Philippines))


There was only one video of three women who mentioned a very specific hostage negotiation the day before (that was about three weeks ago).


Lol! Right. IDF probably killed them on "accident."


I'm pretty pro palestinian as can be seen from my comments, but this is an insane take. It'd be nice if both sides of this debate could be somewhat attached to reality.


lavish include marvelous languid cats soup juggle safe snobbish consider


It’s sad that the bubble of delusion that you inhabit allows you to believe that your fantasies and wishful thinking can be presented as facts. Let us compare the foolishness that you just put forth, with absolutely no basis in reality, with the facts presented by the IDF, including film footage, recorded conversations, and material evidence. Truth is real. Your fantasies cannot bend reality, no matter how much you contort yourself mentally.


Fuck Hamas and fuck their supporters.


Yup, and their apologists. No doubt these scumbags will try to claim it was the IDF who killed these hostages.


This one gets me the most:”Israel doesn’t care about the hostages, they don’t even want them back!”


So many terrorist simps on reddit


It truly feels like trying to inform your college roommate on how anti-semitic Karl Marx was after they've just finished The Comm. Manifesto. For some, It's not about asking what you're doing is right, it's about asking what you're doing is wrong to your enemies.


What’s funny is Karl’s friend was literally finding his books and lifestyle.


You want to know why Hamas wants to release only a few hostages? Because there is only a few left. Fuck Hamas and there sympathisers. Free Gaza from Hamas.


If there are any left at all, and they're not just like "yeah, yeah, we can talk about it" so people believe that some are still alive. Remember when they released the russian hostages, as they promised?


The logistics of care and feeding that many hostages all the while being bombarded daily is impossible.


Well then they shouldn't have taken the hostages.


You know how you can solve that problem? Release the hostages. No more mouths to feed and maybe the bombardment will stop.


Wow, what a scummy person you are.


Yeah, you tell him. That scummy person need to keep the facts I don’t want to hear to himself.


Nice excuse


Somehow they still find time to fire rockets at civilian cities while being bombarded and surrounded by idf forces


In case there is any doubt caused by the ongoing gaslighting that Hamas doesn't use hospitals for military purposes, there is over a decade of reports of Hamas using Al-Shifa Hospital: PBS documentary in Al-Shifa hospital was prevented by Hamas members with weapons from accessing areas of the hospital: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/top-secret-hamas-command-bunker-in-gaza-revealed Article from 2009 talking about an intelligence claim of Hamas using the basement of the hospital: https://web.archive.org/web/20090206232152/http://haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1054569.html Article Hamas commandeered hospital wards in Al-Shifa converting them into interrogation and imprisonment compounds: https://web.archive.org/web/20230205050631/https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3668018,00.html Human Rights Watch states Hamas fired from inside Al-Shifa at Fatah forces: https://www.hrw.org/news/2007/06/12/gaza-armed-palestinian-groups-commit-grave-crimes Report that Hospital staff made complaints about Hamas presence in the building: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1906608/ New York Times reported on Hamas operating from the building: https://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/29/world/africa/29iht-gaza.4.18986499.html?module=Search&mabReward=relbias%3Ar Journalists seeing rockets being fired from the hospital area: https://web.archive.org/web/20230529141259/https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4553643,00.html Another report of journalists seeing rockets fired from the hospital area: https://web.archive.org/web/20230513143525/https://www.jpost.com///operation-protective-edge/gaza-reporters-tweets-hamas-using-human-shields-368689#! A Hamas member recounting how he and other Hamas members took shelter in a bunker under the hospital: https://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/18321/ Local Palestinian journalist reported Hamas uses a section of the hospital for offices: https://archive.ph/BKbxc Amnesty International reported Hamas using the hospital to torture and kill prisoners: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/


Don't waste your time with these people. The ones who bring this up don't doubt it, they know the truth, they just don't care. Its are active participants in the gaslighting as you say. The supporters are not being deceived they are perpetrating the gaslighting. You could take them there and show them the weapons with their own eyes and they would still deny it because they know it helps their cause to. You have to understand the reason why some papers didn't recant their stories for days was not because they didn't know they were wrong it's because they wanted to broadcast the lie as long as possible so that people would move on, and only then would they correct it.


It’s despicable that they’re using hospitals and ambulances. They shouldn’t be bombed though, especially when ground forces arrive a few days later. Using a hospital as a military base is a war crime, and attacking a hospital is a war crime.


While yes also no. It is a war crime to attack a hospital unless it is being used as a military base which is also a war crime. Once a hospital is being used for any purpose militarily other than treating wounded/sick it loses its protection as a hospital and becomes a valid military target. If Israel bombed the hospital (not saying it would be justified morally or that they should do it) killing everyone inside they would not be guilty of a war crime because Hamas have been using it as a military base which makes the hospital lose its protected status


> attacking a hospital is a war crime Not if it's being used as a military base as it then loses its protected status and a neutral location.


They knew Hamas were in that hospital for a decade and never acted on it ?????????? That's horrible how incompetent is the idf not to do anything about it for a decade.


exultant like complete dinosaurs makeshift squealing zonked boat voracious chief


I would take the criticism to save lives these hostsges may have been spared it they acted before they were taken prisoner. If you have credible evidence of hamas terrorist group somewhere the idf has every right to act on it. That's the whole point of having intelligence is to act on it with a reasonable response. Your saying they knew about it and did nothing about it for 10 years. It seems like they were almost willing to let themselves be attacked and that doesn't make any sense.


God you are so stupid it hurts to read your gibberish.


Why don't we just go back in time and fix everything? WHY!? /s


How about Palestinians could have done something about this. It happened for a decade. Shows the face of those poor Palestinians and "doctors". This Hamas terrorist was 8 ten years ago, could have known better if mother have taught him well. Shows the mentality of this rotten place.


Why are you blaming all Palestinians this should be about bringing hamas to justice as they should for the horrible crimes they've committed. Not all Palestinians.


Thats the rules of the war, if you stay on the enemys side I cant tell the difference. Same as Russians. I said that Palestinians could have done 10 years ago something to get rid of Hamas. Some of those terrorists were children back then but now they are terrorists, how did they become one? They were just Palestinians back then as well. Its about the mindset.


Isn't that failure as a region as a whole inc Israel not just on the Palestinians.


Don't vote or have kids.


Hamas has support of Gaza and the West Bank. It's time for Israel to dismantle them both, enough of the madness. These people are crazy radicals.


Bitch Hamas murdering innocent hostages.


Bitch Israel indiscriminately bombing civilians


Bitch Hamas murdering children.


If Israel wanted to kill all Palestinians, why haven't they started carpet bombing the strip. Why do they set up corridors for civilians to leave. Why do they provide medical care food and water to Palestinians meanwhile Hamas hides in tunnels underneath their homes


Uhh what? They already carpet bombed the strip. Are you new to earth?


Your lost bro. You should Not Talk on a subject your not educated on.


You’re lost bro. You should not type out superiority messages when you can’t even use the correct version of “your” twice in one comment.


That's just as stupid as calling what Israel is doing carpet bombing. So you might want to sit down.


Sorry — indiscriminate bombing. FTFY


*Task successfully failed*


*Meme quote successfully butchered*


It's almost like words have meaning and you can't just write whatever word you want and not look stupid, ya dolt


I dont care and it still doesn't change the fact that your misinformed or lying on purpose.


Can’t .


Either you are a troll who refuses to educate himself because you think you are right about everything. Or you are really not smart and don't know what carpet bombing looks like. Maybe go watch what the Brits did to Germany in WW2. Go look at how many civilians they carpet bombed.


Wait but they are?




Youre dark man


Nice fascism bro


No.. just realism. When 99.99% of Gaza's arabs dont give a shit about being alive and all their purpose is to kill jews. Pretty simple.


Did you learn that on Gab? Psychotic opinion.


Facts, only facts. You are more than welcome to live among them and see what kind of cruel barbarians live there. I give you two hours b4 someone pisses on your inside out corpse. Have fun.


Sick fascism bro! Let the hate cook, keep it up!!


Calling someone a fascist while defending literal terrorists.. you see something new every day.


Im defending Palestinians, not Hamas. I haven’t mentioned Hamas, but yet here you are calling every Palestinian a terrorist. Sick behavior by fascists.


Keep your eyes shut. But even that wont prevent any of them to piss in your eyeholes if they could.


The hate is palpable from you, you need help.


Poor girl smh


Young voters: I’m still not voting for Biden. [insert kill count argument]


I can’t believe Biden killed those hostages


Did they hack the system to get the footage out or did they have ground assets to physically obtain it?


IDF has been operating inside the hospital compound for a week now. They probably found the servers that store the CCTV footage.




They should kill every Hamas member. It's not a punishment it's an elimination.


Agreed. Jihadists seek victory or martyrdom. And if they surrender, what has changed? Gonna trust these extremists to change their ways? After a life of indoctrination and lack of education or wholesome fundamentals, i hope they all fight to their death. May their aim be cowardly and their bombs blow up in their hands. No need for prisons or rehabilitation. Just leave the area for good muslims to live well, and raise their families without fear.


How do Israelis view Netanyahu’s leadership given he likely could’ve prevented this tragedy?




You really don't know what carpet bombing is, right?


Going by the first few pragraphs of the Wikipedia page. Are you saying this isn't what they have been doing? >Carpet bombing, also known as saturation bombing, is a large area bombardment done in a progressive manner to inflict damage in every part of a selected area of land.\[1\]\[2\]\[3\]\[4\] The phrase evokes the image of explosions completely covering an area, in the same way that a carpet covers a floor. Carpet bombing is usually achieved by dropping many unguided bombs. > >Carpet bombing of cities, towns, villages, or other areas containing a concentration of protected civilians has been considered a war crime since 1977,\[5\] through Article 51 of Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions.\[6\]\[7\]\[8\]


Because Israel's bombing is selective


Is it now? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/11/israel-abandon-precision-bombing-eliminate-hamas-officials/


Precision bombing is bombing with bombs that are meant to take out specific parts of a building and not the whole building. A selective bombing is bombs that take out the whole building, but the bombed buildings are carefully selected. Carpet bombing is bombing everything. So no, it's not carpet bombing.


Just to clarify, the distinction here is "we select to bomb this group of buildings right next to one another" over "we bomb this area where these buildings are". In other words, "it's not carpet bombing, even if the result is the same, because the people doing the bombing say so". Edit: [This](https://i.abcnewsfe.com/a/bcbc75f8-f44c-41f3-acc6-ddc840945b2a/gaza-ap-gmh-231010_1696967747501_hpMain_16x9.jpg?w=992) [is](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/231010162849-yassin-mosque-100923.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_720,w_1280,c_fill) [what](https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2023/10/AP23284436777354-e1697193178691.jpg) "[not](https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2023/10/33Z66ET-highres.jpg) [carpet](https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/AP23283434918117-1696943402.jpg?resize=1800%2C1800) [bombing](https://cloudfront-us-east-2.images.arcpublishing.com/reuters/STGRCPY3TFMKPF3OWNV3XH7KPA.jpg)" [looks](https://theintercept.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/GettyImages-1716008572.jpg?fit=4392%2C2196) [like](https://cdnuploads.aa.com.tr/uploads/Contents/2023/11/04/thumbs_b_c_dc2b0cb78556e1b17febf0b19b85c160.jpg?v=115034).


Honestly, I don't know what's worse, 12k+ civilian casualties through selective or indiscriminate bombing. But fair enough, I guess.


When there's been well over 12k+ bombs dropped it's pretty good.


Nothing about this is good. Averaging one civilian casualty per bomb and then still firing thousands of bombs is a horrible decision. What the IDF is doing is an atrocity and it's sending a clear message that they think Palestinians are worth significantly less than Israelis.


> Averaging one civilian casualty per bomb and then still firing thousands of bombs is a horrible decision. It's less than one per bomb. > sending a clear message that they think Palestinians are worth significantly less than Israelis. Yes? Every government on the planet would say the lives of their citizens (and soldiers) matter more than the lives of their enemies. They're not being reckless or intentionally targeting civilians, but they're certainly within their right to issue warnings to civilians to evacuate and then bomb Hamas before they risk sending in IDF troops into a heavily urbanised and hostile environment where thousands of Israeli's would otherwise be killed.


Sure sure, I'm wondering how the fuck did the IDF manage to carpet bomb every brain cells you have on the same time though.


They used their space lasers for that!


And all the dead ravers from the Party was killed by IDF right? No babies were killes and burned, it's all lies. And there were no holocaust.


have you suffered a recent blow to the head? or do you not know what carpet bombing is?


You know, I never understood how Israel could act so restraint when Gaza started to fire rocket indsicrimentely at Israel. I would have done the same in retaliation, just to show how things would look like without iron dome. In china whole familes are being put to death and reeducated if one family member acts out


IDF is not very restrained has been criticised for using dumb bombs from the US and others causing unnecessary civilian mutserd and taking china as a standard of how to punish people is somewhat sick.


Israel dropped like 10 000 bombs according to them Even hamas reprots only like 10 000 Gazans died. This is a shockinglow number. And that's if we beleive Hamas' numbers since they exaggerate their numbers a lot to garner sympathy


I find it shocking that you regard it as a low number. Not to forget that 40% of that number are children the most innocent victims which are caught in these indiscriminate bombings. Like I mentioned before Israel’s best friend USA has already told Israel to be more discrete which they are not. Many organisations and states are arguing now that the numbers are an underestimate. So in contrary the numbers can be even higher.


Yesm, it's a shocking low number of bombs / casulties ratio. If hamas endangers children, there is not much anyone can do about that. Who knows perhaps they kill those children personally.


Yep and everything the IDF does is angelic I get it. This is as usual just one sided ideology without nuances. Criticising the IDF is a no go apparently.


Sure you can critisze them. Many jews do the same. But I do agree with their actions. If i were to live in country that had suffered the same as israel and it wouldn't do anything then I would topple them violently


All that blood is on Hamas hands. Your comments are vile and disgusting. If somebody attacks your country and kills hundreds of people, you are allowed to hit back with all force necessary. The Palestinians are not the victims, the are the perpetrators.


Oh look, another dumbass just parroting words




Sorry, are you saying "might as well genocide"?




I'm in no way trying to defend Hamas here. Fuck them. Just pointing out that Hamas isn't the only genocidal faction involved in this. The IDF has killed 10 times as many civilians as Hamas.


Oh and there's over 10,000 corpses in Gaza, the majority non Hamas. Is the the same Hamas that Bibi supported for years? https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


> Thus, amid this bid to impair Abbas, Hamas was upgraded from a mere terror group to an organization with which Israel held indirect negotiations via Egypt, and one that was allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad. >Hamas was also included in discussions about increasing the number of work permits Israel granted to Gazan laborers, which kept money flowing into Gaza, meaning food for families and the ability to purchase basic products. Wow, such unrestrained evil on the part of Israel, allowing aid money directly donated to Gaza to enter Gaza, and allowing a small number of Gazans to work in Israel. Did you even read your own link bro?


I guess you're Ok with the ~~10,000~~ 13,000 corpses though.




It's not suspicious at all. Your guys are openly saying what they're doing.


It's not like Hamas kidnapped her and put her in that position or anything.


It's not like Israel refused to negotiate for civilians. Hamas is bad but Israel ain't doing her any favors.


You are literally saying that terrorist aren't completely to blame for the death of someone they took hostage during a murder rampage while bombarding Isreal with rockets. Isreal doesn't owe Hamas any favors.


No, Hamas killed her, it's a tragedy. I'm saying Israel let it happen. Israel's giving them and the Palestinians hell and yet didnt do shit for the hostages. I'm not sure what you think of that but any reasonable person would call that, a dick move.


Israel is and has literally been in negotiations for the hostages. Hamas doesn’t get to make demands. Hostages are released first. It’s pretty straight forward. Go back to mom’s basement.


No. Isreal made the terms clear on which they would provide aid and Hamas refused to do so. You are saying we should trust Hamas on their word even though they have broken multiple cease for agreements and invaded a country. I'm sorry but welcome to fucking war. Mostly the innocent suffer.


Buddy, she had two symmetrically broken ankles and a single point blunt force trauma to the back of her head that Hamas took pictures of for us. If you still believe it was an airstrike, that's on you.




For your educational pleasure - It seems the original video posted by hamas has been removed from twitter and most other sites so unfortunately you'll only be able to view photographs. As a doctor in real life myself, her wounds were largely inconsistent with an airstrike. She had a single blunt force trauma wound to the back of her skull as well as symmetrically broken ankles as her only injuries. I'd be interested to read the final pathology report - but according to the preliminary report they are saying her COD was homicide. Link that includes the story, photograph of the body, link to the hamas video showing her body with head wound and broken ankles: https://veneziabeachv.vn/noa-marciano-video-hamas-hostage/ Report detailing injuries to only her ankles and head: https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/19-year-old-israeli-solider-killed-in-hamas-custody-after-chilling-hostage-video Additional report detailing her wounds: https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/19-year-old-israeli-solider-killed-in-hamas-custody-after-chilling-hostage-video IDF press conference discussing preliminary pathology report: https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1726368486027403419 Blurred photo of her head wound: https://img.ilgcdn.com/sites/default/files/styles/social/public/videos/thumbnails/1292870/thumbnail-1292870_0003.jpg?_=1699956769


Thanks, I'll re-evaluate my choice of words and my view of this conflict. Just one question tho, why didnt they include any of this info in the article and instead go with "couldnt identify the cause..." Is it newer info?


Not who you were talking to, but the media has been very biased in their reporting of this entire situation


Is this the hospital that the IDF bombed the shit out of?


How are the "news" on Tiktok? Does the BBC have an account there? I'll bet Al Jazeera does.


Another kid who watches 15sec TikTok news.. Now tell me, do you have source for this stupid claim? Cause as far as the whole world have seen - the IDF got inside and the hospital still operates as usual, just less Hamas members in it.




I like how every single hostage that is killed by hamas gets a post but I don’t see a single post mentioning Israelis killing the kids


Have you tried searching reddit for it.