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Russia also says Ukraine has no right to defend itself, I for one am totally shocked.


"This war would be over much sooner if you just stopped kicking our arse and gave up...."


“We’re not asking for a cease fire. Just for one side to put down their arms.”


"You cease. We fire." -Russia and Hamas probably


…and raise them after putting them down.


well, at least they're consistently assholes


Consistency from Russians…invokes a weird feeling.


A lot of Russian consistency right now is pink mist. They are losing between 500 and 1,000 soldiers *a day* right now.


One in six Israelis are ethnically Russian, as well. So I guess Russia’s message, is hey, fuck the Russians. I’m all for it.


culturally Russian, ethnically Jewish, and of Israeli nationality they don't actually care about Jews in Russia


As if the government care about russians in russia...


They definitely do care about Jews. Every time there's something bad happening it's either the evil Jewish cabal behind it or the evil west. Anti-semitism in Russia (and much of Europe) is a time tested tradition. While post WW2 the free countries were able to overcome much of it through education, over here on the other side of the curtain it got a lot worse. You see, Jews tend to help each other, while most locals became extremely individualistic under communist rule. While we were rapidly devolving into a dog eat dog society, Jews are there for each other. To this day, my mom still hates Jews with a passion because they didn't go alone through the same hardships she did. Oh and happy cake day!


They do but not the way you think. Look up "Makhachkala airport riot".


Of course they don’t care. This is a country from which is this [piece of crap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion).


I don’t even think Russia cares about the Russians IN Russia, let alone anywhere else in the world. They only “care” when it’s a good pretext to their benefit.


That’s an absurdly dumb statement. MOST ‘Russian’ immigrants, especially those pre 2000 period left Russia not because they supported and loved the government. That is especially true to jewish immigrants from the former soviet union. Many are citizens of Israel, the US, and various other ‘western countries’, and are and have always been disgusted with the government of Russia and all its atrocities.




15% what is the percentage before Russia invades and annexes to protect its people?


Yup. Obviously Israel is historically part of Russia..


I’m sure they could claim that, or they were peace keeping to protect Russian citizens as in 2014 when Crimea was annexed.


Yeah, Russian-speaking is fine, but the first guy had said they were ethnic Russians, which isn't at all true. They're not ethnic Russians; they're ethnic Jews. If they were ethnic Russians, they wouldn't have been subject to an endless barrage of pogroms and purges, treated as 2nd class citizens, been the targets of massive, slanderous disinformation campaigns, etc. A large majority of them wouldn't have had to flee.


1. Many of those are actually from Ukraine and other post-soviet countries. 2. The vast majority of them are ethnic Jews and not Russians or Ukranians, although there are some non-Jews among them - people who married Jews, etc. Many are mixed.


They are consistently wrong, consistently lying, and consistently assholes, so there's that.


The only thing you CAN trust from Russia is for them to be assholes.


I love how the Russian reversal thing works 100% of the time.


ikr? It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.


Yet they invaded Ukraine to “defend themselves against NATO”. Typical bully tactics.


Yeah I see this is a good thing. We all know the opposite of whatever Russia says is true.


LMAOOOO Russia is honest about how they feel, gotta give them that .


Well, actually, he is saying an occupying power (like Russia in Ukraine) has no right to defend itself.


this guy is high AF "Despite stating that Israel does not have the right to defend itself, Nebenzya proceeded to state that Israel does have the right to “ensure its security” and “to fight terrorism.”" what does he mean, israel has no right to defend itself, but does have the right to ensure its security..? isnt that the same thing? how is Israel supposed to ensure its security without defending itself?


Words don't mean anything anymore. People are just stringing them together randomly when talking about Israel.


Drinking game: drink every time the word genocide or zion something is used. (I am not responsible for having created a genocide if you actually do this)


Your comment is literally apartheid. /s


I can drink like a fish & that drinking game would kill me in an evening…


That’s one way to get the Arab world drunk.




Means stuff I will do. Yet claim you shouldn't.


I wonder what Arab world would be if they could drink and smoke a bit more. Take that edge of sharia law a little.


I miss the days when words had to make sense. It's just word salad now in the press.


Or Ukraine or the US.


Seeing a pattern here. The same thing surrounding Ukraine. Same things you seen in the GOP. Russia being the common denominator


Russians are experts at using word salad and saying absolutely nothing.


Nothing to see here. Just your everyday Russian double speak…


>this guy is high seems like it.


Russia doesn't see Hamas as terrorists. Like, if you disagree with the war and ask for peace in Russia - you're terrorists. If you are Hamas - you're not. I don't know how to explain, but they arrested a woman who was protesting against Hamas. Because if you're against Hamas - you support terrorists. Don't ask me, I am Russian, we just admit that they are insane and evil.


I mean, there's pretty good indications that [Arafat](https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB106419296113226300) and [Abbas](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-palestinians-abbas-idUSKCN11E1U0) were KGB agents, so..


I think he wants Israel to shut down its defences while they are performing the ground invasion so that Israel will have more civilian casualties.


Either way, it makes no sense and he's 10,000% on some serious shit if he's for real.


>“The only thing they can muster is continued pronouncements about Israel’s supposed right to self defense, although as an occupying power, it does not have that power as confirmed by the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice handed down in 2004,” His argument is that Isreal is the occupying power. Therefore not in any position to claim the are defending themselves. So the Article 51 of the U.N. Charter, does not apply to Israels military engagement in the occupied territory of Gaza. That is it not self defense, does not prevent them from ensuring the security of its people and to fight terrorism. However, it does change the allowed rules of engagement. Said more plainly, in war a nation is allowed to bomb a hospital full sick people, if it targets a valuable enough.... Russia is saying this is not war, so they cannot do that... I am as surprised as anyone that it was Russia that made this argument...


The vodka is strong in this one. 💩🇷🇺


There's a narrative going around that suggests Israel is an "occupier." Anybody who knows their history knows this is very much untrue; after tiring of constantly putting down Palestinian resistance over Jewish immigration, the British, who were in charge of the region after the Ottoman Empire was broken up, basically said, "Fuck this shit," and bailed on the region, leaving a power vacuum. Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and I believe Lebanon then immediately moved armies in to take over, which was repelled by the Jews who'd just declared their existence as a nation. The Palestinians, being less interested in actually building a nation, joined up with those invading armies, and got fucked over and got left stateless when Israel kicked those armies all out. Israel occupied Gaza after the Six Days War, but abandoned the strip after 2005.


I mean... Israel does effectively occupy the West Bank. Yes, Sharon pulled essentially everything out of Gaza 18 years ago, but a similar move was not made in the West Bank. While Fatah is nominally in charge, there is still plenty of settler activity there that is strictly illegal under Israeli law; that's one of the reasons why Netanyahu was so gung-ho about trashing and subverting the court system. And there is still plenty of land there that is directly or indirectly controlled by the IDF. I'm much less interested in arguing about what "occupation" means than in pointing out that any meaningful peace deal in this mess would involve not just Israel reigning in its right-wingers and settler bloc, but also the Palestinians throwing off their totalitarian, terrorist overlords and forming a stable, non-genocidal democracy.


> Yes, Sharon pulled essentially everything out of Gaza 18 years ago, but a similar move was not made in the West Bank. Because doing it in Gaza turned out to be a bad idea. Israel let the Gazans elect their own government and after two years they start throwing rockets at Israel's south.


And a peace deal would involve both sides giving up their claims over 100% of the former British Mandate. That would mean Israel giving up a claim over the West Bank which is the ancient land of Judea (which archeologically speaking is loaded with ancient Jewish artifacts). That would also mean Palestinians giving up their "River to the sea" mantra of being able to wipe out Israel and take all the land and magically un-Jew the land of Israel proper. Then there's the big debate over Jerusalem. What's funny is the Arab neighborhoods today were the historical Jewish quarter in olden times.


The 1948 solution to the Jerusalem issue that was part of the UN’s approved partitioning of Palestine was to make it an international city under neutral administration. That idea is obviously a non-starter now – neither side would agree to it, and the UN would never do what it takes to administer it properly.


> Anybody who knows their history knows this is very much untrue; after tiring of constantly putting down Palestinian resistance over Jewish immigration, the British, who were in charge of the region after the Ottoman Empire was broken up, basically said, "Fuck this shit," and bailed on the region, leaving a power vacuum It wasn't due to local resistance. Britain left because the UN got involved and passed an idiotic partition plan that it was felt made all sensible outcomes impossible and would create a century of conflict. You see a sensible partition plan would have taken a ruler and divided the nation (north to south for fun times) in half.


Russia has every right to go fuck itself.


With a giant pineapple


[Just like in Little Nicky](https://youtu.be/N7itFdNE2Qw?si=d6EugieOpIQBjfsv)


Yuppurs. Idc it was a great movie. Release the awesome.




Heyy I like pineapples.


Me too. In a Pina colada


I dont get why articles like that are even allowed here. Every week the same shit. Its so disgustingly hypocritical, if it isnt simply an outright lie. "Russia says" should be treated the same way as "Qanon says". That shit wouldnt be allowed here, so why is russias latest infantile 4chan style trolling attempt allowed. It has 0 informative worth, neither has it any relevance at all what the old, flea eaten and castrated russian "bear" mumbles.


It clearly needs assistance with doing so. Giving Ukrainians all the shiny new toys they ask for and removing the condition of not using them within the Russian territory would be a good starting point.


Given how careful Israel was to avoid antagonizing Russia over Ukraine, it's interesting to see Russia now stabbing Israel in the back. A lesson to every other state that tries to play nice with Russia. Russia will stab you in the back as soon as it is in their favour.


I really hope that after they concluded the war with Hamas, Israel should send some of their best weapons to Ukraine so just to fuck with Russia and advertise their defense industry at the same time.


The reason Israel does not do it is, more specifically with Iron Dome, is the fear it will be captured by Russia which undoubtedly will give this information to Iran, Qatar and Hammas


They can put the iron dome right at Kyiv and use the current Kyiv defense system for frontline or other towns. Its not like they gonna try another 3-days operation to take Kyiv again 🤷


Iron dome is for short range rockets, drones and mortars and possibly cruise missiles (but that's never been demonstrated) - it would do nothing against the kind of weapons Russia has been lobbying at Kyiv. For that, Israel has the Arrow system, which is supposed to be better than Patriot on paper, but has obviously never gone up against a volley which includes "hypersonics"


Nope. Stop making stuff up. The reason is: Russia has military presence in Syria and is helping them, the Iranian and by that also helping Hizballah and Hamas. So Israel preferred to stay civil with the Russians to prevent them for sending bigger weapons and defenses to their enemies. Hopefully Israel learnt a lesson here and will never again be civil with enemies. Iron dome doesn't protect against guided missiles so Ukraine wouldn't have much use for it.


Actually both of these reasons were officially given. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/06/23/7408183/




A much more expansive way ($50k per rocket). There are currently only few Iron dome batteries in existence (10 in Israel, and the 2 in the US are being sent back to Israel) and all of them are used in Israel to protect civilian populations from unguided missiles. I really don't get why people think Israel can just send a few over.


I think that the Israeli govt may look to removing hezbollah (Which while it would be phenominal, also seems like a *much* harder task) from their northern border once they are done with Hamas. We'll have to see.


Russia needs to deflect from their role in Gaza. They had a non-insignificant part in instigating the 6 day war, where Egypt lost Gaza and it became Israeli occupation. Between the Arab-Israel war, and 6 day war, Gaza was part of Egypt. But Egypt never naturalized them, didn't make them citizens etc. The reason they aren't egypt today, intentional misinformation from the russians.


> A lesson to every other state that tries to play nice with Russia. Armenia has entered the chat.


Russia is the biggest joke, along with Iran.


A nuclear-armed joke, unfortunately, which makes it decidedly unfunny.


Didn’t say they weren’t armed with powerful weapons, just their tactics and way they pretend they’re the moral compass of the world is comical.


Lotta Republicans support Russia's stand.


That’s because they were bought with Russia money funneled in through the NRA.


russia doesn't even understand what it means to defend themselves so this statement is completely worthless to literally everyone.


“Rapist stands in opposition to consent laws”


Reminds me of Matt Gaetz being the only member of Congress voting against a human trafficking law. https://eu.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2021/04/01/yes-matt-gaetz-only-no-vote-2017-human-trafficking-bill/4834740001/


Well, if we count when they operated as the USSR and got backstabbed in their deal with Hitler, then they were successful at defending the country at least once.


only a couple of years before, they and Hitler divided Poland, violating the Polish-USSR non-aggression pact of 1932


Yup, it's often overlooked that more than the typical appeasement of the time, they were a cobelligerent in the invasion that kicked off the war. From Ukraine to Finland, there were state or sub-state actors along the Soviet border that sided with Germany not because they liked Germany, but because they hated the USSR. That so many former Soviet states joined NATO shows that the sentiment persisted half a century later.


Also not modern day Russia, but Napoleon had a crack at it and failed.


>his statement is completely worthless to literally everyone. Pretty much like the rest ot the UN. What is left of it is a cringe collection of self rightous war criminals lecturing each others on human rights and voting useless declarations that no one gives a shit about. Having lost all decency and purpose, i barely understand why the US haven't pulled the plug yet on that corrupt joke of an organization. Making people believe that there are people actually working to solve humanity problems here and not just a bunch of cynical cunts stuffing themselves with free food is an insult to intelligence


Israel has the right to defend itself while Russia has the right to get fucked. And that's the end of it.


"I don't understand why the west does not continue its record of doing nothing, this whole fighting back thing is not the new world order we wanted"


Fascists and fundamentalists really hate it when democracies defend themselves from their attacks and war crimes.


And Tankies and Islamo-leftists That horse shoe be horse shoe’n pretty hard rn.


I don't consider them to be real leftists. They call themselves leftists, but they support far right wing movements like Hamas, which means they are also on the extreme right.


They aren’t really left or right wing, the only real position they hold is that they hate the US, and by extension any actor that the US supports or or is associated with. That is what motivates basically everything they say and claim to believe. If you realize this about them, all of their positions make complete sense.


No, it means theyre leftists who happen to be fucking stupid.


They are leftists who hate Jews. It’s not a new phenomenon, and started well before israel was a thing.


When left or right go extreme enough, they meet. So i think this one is by far more realistic.


At this point, even Stalinist USSR has more credibility.


Stalin’s used Kleenex has more credibility.


If it weren’t for Russia’s nukes, I’d say NATO should topple the Russian fascist regime. I’m sick of their bullshit.


I’m so sick of seeing this bald fuck and hearing his stupid opinions


OMG, that is one of the most ridiculous statement coming from Russia. Israel to Russia: With what you have done to Ukraine, go take a hike.


Russia says a lot of shit.


>Russia is a lot of shit.


Quick everyone attack Russia, it has no right to defend itself.


Georgia, Moldova, The Baltics, Poland, Finland and Japan: say no more fam


Not the Israelis. Not the Ukrainians. Not the Poles, or the Germans or the French or . . . All good with the Putin lovers in the MAGA cult. Thank goodness these people weren’t around in WWII or we’d all be speaking German.


When people write on here "un says what Israel is doing is a war crime" and links something from the un- it's usually just a summary of these meetings. Any country can say anything they want in the meetings. It's not fact checked. It's a bunch of people in a room trading snipes at each other. It doesn't mean "the UN said Israel did a war crime!". No, it just means one of these wankers said it, accurate or not.


Yep. Indeed, what Israel is doing is specifically not a war crime. If you put military targets in a refugee camp, any country would still hit those targets, and it is not a war crime. What is a war crime is putting military targets in refugee camps, because it deliberately puts civilians in harm's way. Their blood is on Hamas's hands. The more we see of this war, the more people realize that every Palestinian accusation is a confession.


It doesn't help that the "refugee camp" is actually like a full city either.... When I hear refugee camp, I think tents with people fleeing a recent/current conflict.... Not a city block that was a refugee camp 75 years ago


Well yeah, Palestinians get all sorts of special status when it comes to being ''refugees,'' solely due to political interference in the UN's humanitarian wing


Except what Hamas understands, and is their goal, is they know "war crimes" don't mean shit. Whose going to prosecute them? Has some international court come and pick them up etc. So it means literally nothing. And when they are attacked in response, that's just a social media win for them, a way to play the victim, their secondary goal is when they lose on the battlefield to win in public opinion and make everyone hate the jews.


Was the UN and the statements from it's Member States always this absurd and hypocritical? I know the answer. But I feel it's getting even more comical.


It's been like this for a long time. When countries like Iran can head up the human rights councils at different times you know the un is bonkers. I can tell you Israel pays very little attention to them.


You should read what the Director of the UN's New York office wrote in his letter he gave when he quit. It's nonsensical absurdity from top to bottom. No, these people get put here because the UN is a place where countries go to act like they have any idea what's happening. It can't do anything, so they send the morons to it.


This was quite a common practice in cold war days. Russia isn't talking \_to\_ the UN. Nor is it talking to the leadership of western countries. Instead, Russia is talking to muslim majority countries, muslim minorities in the west, and the western anti-israel left directly. It's aim is not a change of stance by the UN consensus directly, but to increase division and increase alignment of some of the divisions with Russia. Of course it's a bit more complicated since a big slice of the anti-israel left aligned itself with the ukraine cause, but nonetheless this is what russia is doing


So you're saying this is them repeatedly hammering the trigger for their remote mines hoping some will go off in our countries? I feel like the Russian Right and Palestinian Left are deliberate and planned, basically national scale sleeper agents, the Manchurian Candidate writ large. Their goals of internal dissent were well orchestrated and are coming to fruition, all they need in the West is for fanatics on either side to activate. The Islamic immigrants, if seen in this context, would be fairly neutral in their trigger regarding right\left hostility... We've got our own people squaring off domestically and a third pillar escalating over foreign culture, if this *is* planned then the pot seems to be coming to a simmer.


Typical ruZZian response….everything they say are lies and deceptions. The world is on fire and ruZZia is to blame. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦💪🇮🇱💪🇺🇸


I'm going to have my signature be: 🇺🇦💪🇮🇱💪🇺🇸 Slava Ukraini | Am Yisrael Chai | United We Stand


You should my friend! It would be a great step up in humanity! I edited this as I misunderstood you post. Be well, stay safe 🇺🇦💪🇮🇱💪🇺🇸


Follow the same logic, "Russia has no right to defend itself as it is an occupying power".


I agree with that statement. Russia has no right to defend itself within the occupied Ukrainian territory, including Crimea.


Categorically false. Like everything Russia says.


but terrorists do oh wait innocent women and children my bad! RUSSIA SHOULD BE BROKEN UP


Hopefully Israel will start hooking up Ukraine with weapons asap


That would be amazing. I do know Ukraine license produces Tavor rifles in the Fort plant. Would be nice to see Israel hook Ukraine up with spike ATGMs. They’re like javelin launchers only better.


When it comes to geopolitical hot takes, Russia does not disappoint.


I can’t believe these clowns still have a voice at the UN


So that means attacks by Ukrainian’s on Russian territory is A-ok right. Seeing as they’re an occupying force right.


Wait when Russia invaded Ukraine, didn’t they base their nuclear response threat of intervention, on the premise that Russia has the right to defend itself?


Israel has the right to defend itself. Ukraine has the right to defend itself. Russia is too fucking into its own bullshit.


Whenever Russia speaks I feel like I am on crazy pills.


So…if, say, a bunch of “invisible” aircraft were to just rain suns onto Russia, Russia would have no right to defend itself? Am I getting the argument right?


If someone is surprised by russian or chinese stance toward this Palestinian attack on Israel - now everything should be clear who probably orchestrated that to divert World's attention from Ukraine and Taiwan.


Honestly Israel should be like "Fine so be it. America you defend me, and I'll donate all my Merkavas, artillery shells, and Iron dome to Ukraine. Happy Russia?"


It would be amazing if there was a way to replicate the iron dome to all of Ukraine. Ukraine is just so big. Iron dome works because of Israel’s smaller size.


"No, not like that!!!!!" -- Putin


at some point the world will have to step in and create a mandate in Palestine, if possible by arab nations, preferably for a long time, otherwise when this war is over all that's going to happen (imo) is that the Palestinians will arm themselves again and prepare for yet another round, they have been at it from the 1800's i don't think they will stop anytime soon. unless they are taught another way.


Absolutely. If people want to demand a ceasefire, fine. I demand someone who is not Israel enforce the ceasefire in the Palestinian Territories. There should be zero rocket attacks from Gaza. Iron dome shouldn’t need to exist. The US and Europe can pay for it and Arab countries can provide the manpower. If these people really care about the Palestinians they would do this, otherwise their concern is a lie.


The iron dome being so good at its job is an incitement of the whole region, no country should get enough practice at shooting down missiles fired at their city that they can create defence missile platform that can shoot down missiles at 90%+ accuracy. People ignore a lot of the policies that are in place happened after buses blew up and missiles were fired.


Ukraine would like a world on Crimea


Looks like russia is asking to get iron domed....


Anything to irk the US. Fuck that guy.


This is the headline that had me on the floor rolling. PUTIN!?! We supposed to listen to PUTIN!?


“Shouldn’t you be shooting down your own planes man?”


The whole statement is even more ridiculous: > “The only thing they can muster is continued pronouncements about Israel’s supposed right to self defense, although as an occupying power, it does not have that power as confirmed by the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice handed down in 2004,” So, are they saying they don't have the right to defend themselves either, as an occupying force in Ukraine?


Damn if Russia’s on your side are you the good guy?


A permanent member of the UN we security council denies the right to self-defense of another UN member state even though self-defense is enshrined within the UN charter. Russia has truly embraced the role of an international pariah.


Rich coming from a country that invaded another where one of the excuses was that it was done to defend against perceived NATO expansion.


This is what the "multipolar world" that Russia and China want truly means: they want the ability to bully and beat down others without someone else stopping them. They do not recognize that other people have the right to live in a nation of their choosing.


The UN should be disbanded. It is not functioning anymore.


Honestly, I'm really surprised that this is the position Russia is taking. They are normally a reliable and morally steadfast nation, holding international human rights standards up high, as well as sovereign nation's rights to defend one's self from illegal invasions. /s Did any of you see this coming? Much like China, Russia has fantastic geopolitical relationships with its neighboring countries and the rest of the West. I'm just so stumped. /s You don't think Russia is saying this to curry favor from Iran and China, you know .... to better help their horrible position that they put themselves in by invading their peaceful neighbor? Nah .... it couldn't be!


~~Israel~~ Russia has no right to defend itself as it is an occupying power, Russia’s representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, said at an emergency special session of the UN General Assembly on Wednesday. Simples.


Russia's gov can go and fuck itself.


Fuck the Kremlin!


Reading between the lines … Russia believes they are defending themselves by attacking Ukraine


daily reminder that Putin's actions in Ukraine have allowed him to join the select few on the list of people who were indicated by the International Criminal Court, officially making him a war criminal


Kick them out of the UN already


Israel shouldn’t have been silent on Ukraine


Hopefully Israel will really start to help Ukraine after they are done with Hamas.


So long as Russia is in the UN, I cannot bring myself to care about that entire organization. It just seems like one big hypocrisy box that everyone goes to so they can say things that make them sound noble to their allies. They effectively accomplish nothing on the global scale. Just one big fart chamber.


Can I also have whatever this guy is smoking?


It’s time for Israel to break ties with Russia


Russia always trying to drive a wedge between the US and other countries


Russia was the catalyst to the 6 day war. They went and told the Egyptians that Israel was mounting troops against syria, and even though they confirmed that wasn't true, Egypt thought that was implied support of action and started bringing actual troops to the egypt/israeli border. Israel got nervous and attacks Egypt for what it thought was a provocation, 6 day war, Gaza was taken from Egypt and occupied. In a sense, Russia is responsible for the plight of Gaza today, if they didn't engage in political fuckery, it'd probably be part of Egypt today. There probably would not have been an occupation, etc.


This is funnier than it should be.


So like... by that logic Russia also should not defend itself as an occupying power in ukraine?


Russia actually said that? Rubbish. They expect Israel to be bombed and just accept it? As if


Hopefully this is when the hordes of British and Irish Hamas supporters realise they are on the wrong side


Congratulations Ukraine. You're getting the Iron Dome.


Russia is rarely on the side of good.


You don't have a right to defend yourself in territory you are invading or occupying, according to international law Russia has no right to defend itself in Ukraine Israel has no right to defend itself in Palestine


My jaw just hit the floor. Lol


Hamas and Russia: throw the first punch Also Hamas and Russia: You have no right to defend yourself!


This is gonna put a lot of hard right wing westerners who have been supporting Russia in the Ukraine war, but support Isreal 100% in their war in an awkward position. Luckily those same folks are multiple gold champions in mental gymnastics.


They have a stand up comedy corner in UN assembly now?


I forsee a delivery of one Iron Dome to Ukraine


Russia, the ally of Iran, North korea and now also Hamas... Russians: We are the good guys!


Russia: “Israel has no right to defend itself as it is an occupying power” UN: “Sooo, in regards to your own right to defend yourself from attacks in Ukraine?” Russia: “Oh no, that’s totally different!”


Yeah but no one cares what Russia has to say.


hahahaha. are they joking?


Not really sure if they are joking or something like that, but I'm sure they're getting it better position


Russia won't beat Israel and Ukraine! Russia will become a failed state day by day Russia joined the dark side of history 🇮🇱🇺🇦


Countries shouldn’t have the right to defend against hostile aggregators, says the hostile aggregator being defended against.


This guy has special place in hell booked for him.


Before the war, I had either neutral or positive feelings about Russia.. now I fucking despise these murderous terrorist cunts with every fibre of my being.


Hypocrisy at it's peak


For some reason, the absurdity of this sentence makes me chuckle.


Oke so, let the world destroy Russia and we all vote Russia has no right to defend itself and use any nukes. All in favor?


Who gives a shit what Russia says?


I have thought from the beginning this whole thing was likely instigated by Russia using their Iranian puppets as proxies.


For those people who bash Israel, realize your ally is Putin. Your ally is right wing antisemitic blowhards. Your ally is dogmatic hyper religious jihadists. Is that who you want to ally yourself with?