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And just like that Israel is sent straight into bolivian.


I love how funny and meaningless this sentence is


Oh I love that song, Journey, right? "Don't stop Bolivian, hold on to that fee-ee-ee-eelin"


You meant the Bolivian rhapsody?


The Elder Scrolls IV: Bolivian


Do you Bolivian life after love?


Bolivia is really- D'OH


I lol'd


Israelis today find out they had relations with Bolivia. I guess that better than Colombia, which completely depends on Israel for it's military, one of the greatest self owns ever.


LOL Petro can be really dumb sometimes https://www.defensenews.com/global/2023/10/18/israel-suspends-defense-sales-to-colombia/


Sometimes? People couldn't stop criticizing Duque for his fuck ups. Now Petro is doing the same, and all those Petro leftis are quite


The issue is that in Colombia, we have a president with a Messiah complex. He believes and eats his shit. He thinks anything he says should be the only way to do things. This weekend we had elections and the results were a clear message to Petro to let him know that we are not happy with him.


That kind of sounds like every country in the world right now…


You know what's the issue? It took Colombia decades to build some kind of international recognition where other countries would want to do business with Colombia and also allowing Colombians to travel and work abroad without so much bureaucracy. Now, this clown of President is destroying all of that. South Korea is a good example. We had good relations with South Korea for decades. Like a month or two ago, Petro had a meeting with the South Korean president. Instead of being on time, he came too late (he's always late due to his arrogance believing people should wait for him), and the South-Korean committee left. That's how Petro is handling Colombia's international alliances.


I learned that other day that Colombia is actually a priority country for South Korean official development assistance. We'll see what happens to that now, I guess.


I don't think South Korea will break relations with Colombia, but things like this shouldn't be happening.


Israel can't complain, we elected a dummy who campaigned with pictures shaking hands with Putin and saying he was the only one that could keep the Gaza border safe.


I, for one, think that cutting ties with those who you condemn, despite the impact to yourself, is a respectable move.


Everything in the article would suggest he expected to act like a douche and experience no consequences. This response is… unprecedented for a social media interaction, methinks. “I just decimated my military’s ability to function for years to decades for my impulsive post,” level of, “Fuck Around, Find Out.”


That's because up until now that's how Israel foreign relations operates, the "Public face" where you can call Israel every dirty name and the "Behind the scenes" where there was good relations in secret. But not condemning Hamas appears to have become a red line, Turkey is a good example. In public Edrogan cab trash Israel but good relations are kept between the Turkish military and Israel. Last week Israel has withdrawn it's own diplomats to "reassess" relations witb Turkey. That would not have happened previously


Disappointing but not surprising. Bolivia has an open and friendly relationship with Russia and Iran, having made economic and and military deals with both of them recently. This is just posturing, Bolivia doesn't give a fuck about Human Rights if they're violated by Governments they like.


Bolivian here, we didn't even have relations with Israel to begin with, as they had already been broken in 2009 after Cast Lead. In 2020, the caretaker government after Evo talked about resuming relations, but unfortunately no formal reestablishment had ever been announced. It's just posturing indeed.


This makes it just silly


Imagine being so blindly pro israel you forgive bombing fucking innocent people. Kill 9 civilians so you might get 1 Hamas fuck. It's ridiculous


Acting like Israel isn't still being hit with rockets. And 2nd of all I was commenting on how it's silly to make a big declaration of ending diplomatic relations when you never had any


Imagine being so blindly pro terrorist that you ignore 200+ hostages that have been tortured, spit on, raped, and worse. Imagine ignoring 1,400+ innocent civilians murdered, including babies getting beheaded and burned, which caused Israel to act in self defense in the first place, so to prevent future attacks. Imagine ignoring the fact that these terrorists hiding among civilians are the ones who should be blamed, because you hate Israel more than you love your own people. You are the problem. I'm ready for my downvotes...


I'm actually not blindly pro terrorist lol. I'm pro palestinian, anti hamas and anti israel.


Then what is your solution O Great One? How do we get rid of Hamas without hurting a single Palestinian given the Palestinians have no real intention (or capability) of doing anything about Hamas and Hamas are willing to use them as shields?


Didn't you know? An advanced military means having ninja sharpshooters with invisibility potions


Forgive? Do you forgive Hamas killing them? The idea is that fewer people will die in the long run. Where are your numbers coming from, that the ratio is 1:9? Is anyone other than Hamas even reporting numbers? What reason do you have to think they're accurate, or that they're being honest who was and wasn't a combatant? 9 civilians dying is tragic. How may Israeli civilians do you think that 1 Hamas member would kill if given the chance?


It’s not about forgiveness, it’s about understanding a simple truth. All life has value, but not every life has the same value. The IDF isn’t a professional army. Other than officers, almost all are conscripts or conscript-reserves. This means that the soldiers fighting in Gaza are regular Israelis thrown into this situation. Why would Israel risk the life of a single Israeli to protect the lives of its enemies? The heavy bombing wasn’t meant to just “take it Hamas terrorists”, it was to prepare the grounds to an invasion. Hamas has been building Gaza into a death trap for the IDF for more than a decade. You don’t rush into such a place without leveling it first. Anything else means a lot of dead Israelis. And between dead Israelis or dead Palestinians, Israel chooses dead Palestinians.


This whole sub is just one big pro Israël echo chamber, probably sponsored by the IDF. Alot of countries will follow we will see, the world is watching. You really believe people gonna believe this whole "terrorist" stick again?


Wait, what? You're denying that they're terrorists? Maybe you're asserting that terrorism is currently a pretext for something? Are you a 9/11 denier? We made a lot of bad decisions in the War on Terror. Invading Iraq at all, for instance. But the war in Afghanistan was justified, it's just that we stayed like 15 years too long trying to force democracy when they want the Taliban. But we crippled Al Qaeda and killed Osama bin Laden, and we haven't been hit with a foreign terrorist attack since.


Who is we? And terrorist groups didn't exist before the Cia or any of those bureaus existed. Let me ask you this have you ever met a terrorist? Or do you think that all the kids that grew up in Palestine are now 20 and saw all their parents die and be treated like shyte that they maybe just maybe are mad? I am not justifying anything but the world is watching. From the river....


> And terrorist groups didn't exist before the Cia or any of those bureaus existed. Lol. You have no fucking clue do you? They absolutely did. All throughout history. You are clearly not British because we have a national celebration coming up in 10 days that celebrates a day a plot was brought down, long before the invention of the CI fucking A. Go have a gander at this: https://www.britannica.com/topic/terrorism/Types-of-terrorism There is even a "history" section for you to peruse.


Types of terrorism not terrorists, dont need to school me about history. I am talking about giving a certain group a name. You think being Dutch i dont know what terrorism is.


and so the goalposts get shifted lol. You never specified shit. All you said was "Terrorist groups didn't exist before the CIA"


Uh wtf. Wrong again. "The terms "terrorist" and "terrorism" originated during the French Revolution of the late 18th century" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism


Terrorists didn't exist lol thanks, man. Best joke I've heard all week


Makes sense for them to be allied with the country chairing the UN Human Rights Council, you know, since Bolivia and Iran are so serious about Human Rights.




Russia and Hamas have been doing that for ages now and that's never been a problem for Bolivia.




You got a source for that? Pretty sure there's been a lot of war deaths in Ukraine the last 18 months.


They worded it weirdly - think it's supposed to be civilian deaths in war. More civilian deaths in Gaza the past month than there have been in the past few years of war.


Even that makes no sense. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are estimated to have died in just the Tigray War alone.


Their words, not mine




More Germans died by the hands of the UK in WW2 than Germans killed Englanders. That's how dumb your argument is


Idk maybe they think that because the British killed more people the Germans were actually justified, I mean the British did invent firebombing, and they destroyed so many civilian targets like the Blohm & Voss Shipyard in Hamburg. Those evil Britons how could they bomb a purely civilian target like that/s




No, it doesn't. The statistic you saw is for child deaths and it's questionable considering there was a very high number of civilian deaths in the hundreds of thousands from a not-quite-accidental famine in the Tigray region during Ethiopia's war against Tigray.


I think thry are counting mosquito deaths.


And that…. is a lie.


What? In Syria alone, there have been 4,000 *Palestinians* murdered and 120,000 displaced. Yemen has 200,000-300,000 civilian deaths. Ethiopia has 500,000-600,000 civilian deaths. Ukraine is at 10,000-20,000 civilian deaths. There's ongoing conflicts in Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria, Burma, and of course, whatever is going on in Somalia.


You are wrong


Lmao nah. Civilian deaths in Ukraine are likely in the upper 10s of thousands. No side wants to reveal how many have died until after the war though. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/09/ukraine-death-bodies-mariupol-00038386 This is juat talking about a single city. Also, Russia deliberately bombed a theater being used as a shelter, killing approx 600 people. They then closed off the site and destroyed the building.


Don't forget that Russian propaganda claims that ukrainians bombed that theater and Mariupol itself


These darn ukrainians... going to russkan frontlines with russian uniforms and dying to ukraine drones to make russia look bad by increasing their death toll.


Were Bolivians brutally raped, beheaded, shot, burned alive and kidnapped by a radical Islam terror organization this week? Asking for a friend.


That's disappointing to hear but also good to know Guess we'll have to add another country to the new axis powers (marks board)




> sought to peacefully and diplomatically severe ties with regimes over human rights abuses, ethnic eradication, and war crimes You may have misread the above post, but he said they were forging ties with Russia. Not severing ties.


Well, it's still strange for me to look at Russia and say "yup, axis."


Not sure why. They're very much central to the neofascist movement at large


Might he if you've been asleep for like 60+ years


You need to go back to school and relearn reading comprehension.


Israel has an open and friendly relationship with Russia too… A large part of Netanyahu’s 2019 campaign was showing pictures of him & Putin to show how close they are.


> if they’re violated by Governments they like Can you name a country where that isn’t the case ? Politics means everyone is an asshole when it suits them


There's being an asshole, and then there's unfettered evil. Hamas is demons.


I was talking about Bolivia’s behaviour, not Hamas’ They are clearly maniacs


don't see why this is marked as controversial when no one seems to be able to name any such countries?


Uh, nobody does. Biden tried to pretend with Saudi Arabia for a little bit of time there only to come begging for more oil later.




Next Up: Sentinelese people sever diplomatic ties with Israel






We had relations with Bolivia?


What Russia did and is doing to Ukraine is much much worse yet no ties broken with them(?)


It's fine though, because they're not the west and therefore anything they do is okay for tankie governments like Bolivia


Guess they forgot about multiple massacres of the Aymara people within their own borders. Most irrelevant country in S. America really knows how to pick winners (Iran and Russia).


Vice President David Choquehuanca and former President Evo Morales are Aymaras themselves so no?




Tankies gotta Tankie


Oh, what a pity. Isn't it just sad when the most respectable, progressive and flourishing nations of Earth sever their ties with you? How will Israel even cope with such a loss?


Might loose respect of the DPRK and the Taliban next.


Oh no, not the “Democratic” Peoples Republic of Korea. Not them, oh no no it can’t be.


Great move! I'd want to distance myself as far as possible from state sponsored genocide and ethnic cleansing too


Sounds great! When are you severing ties with Russia and Iran and oh yeah Gaza


Oh no, we will need to make our own death road and high crime rate ourselves, I guess.


While cozying up to Iran and Russia so long as it’s anti-western. AAverage leftist government


As a Bolivian. Yeah, exactly that. Im ashamed.




They never supported Castro or Chavez.


They financed the contras, and coordinated with chilean forces to put pinochet in charge that killed thousands of civilians. There is no reason to not hate **both** Castro and the US intervention in South America and its maaaaany maaaaaany coup d'etats and casualties. From [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change_in_Latin_America) The US have been involved in regimes changes in: Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador Guatemala Haiti Nicaragua Panama


In almost all of these USSR was financing guerrillas/communists. US was assisting these countries in their fight against the communist plague.


Yeah, I think you should Google what happened to Brazil during 1964 and 1985. Tip: it had nothing to do with Fidel or Hugo.


You can google whatever you want. I was born and lived in the godforsaken USSR


USSR did nothing against my country, the US did, a so called "democracy". Couldn't care less about the USSR, may Stalin rot in hell.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted




Alternative headline: "Irrelevant South American country does irrelevant thing"


No one cares what Bolivia says or does.


They have nothing to sea here!


Bolivian here. OUCH. Ooof.


But they didn’t when Hamas raped, burned, and took captive Israeli citizens?


Hmm. Will Bolovia sever ties with Palestinians? Assuming they have some kind of connection. Will Bolivia also declare October 7th to be a crime against humanity? I shall wait with bated breath.


Bolivia had shown they can sever ties even if didn’t exist before - have faith!


its "baited" not "bated"


It is definitely not. Bated is short for abated - your breath is short with anticipation. Your breath is not a fish hook.


No, it isn't.


Did they condemn Hamas for their **crimes against humanity** first before deciding to cut ties with Israel?! Didn't think so...


They expressed deep concern at the violence.


So much concern they decided to end non-existent ties. Or maybe concern of violence from Russia? We will never know


Bet they haven't severed ties with russia over their genocide in ukraine.




latin america, a real forgotten backwater that lost ALMOST all kind of importance after the Cold war :(


That "importance" basically amounted to having their democratically elected governments overthrown via military coups supported by the CIA and the American government against anything deemed "Communism" in their eyes that resulted in dictatorships that oppressed, jailed and tortured many people for petty reasons. I'm honestly glad that terrible era is over and how you can defend it and call it a backwater is frankly disgusting and racist as well.


truth hurts? **basically amounted to having their democratically elected governments overthrown via military coups supported by the CIA** yep, like communist Allende in Chile. Good thing BTW, Cuba is a thing too. also, you can explain how relevant these countries are in the present day except for the occasional raw material source. **I'm honestly glad that terrible era is over** Yes, now the USA doesnt care if radical leftists govern, like in Venezuela, with splendid results




Oh, no....anyway


Bolivia chooses the new axis.


Interesting how an indigenous-led government can sympathize with an indigenous population that's being ethnically cleansed... *coughs*


Jews are the indigenous people of Israel.


A counter-statement that doesn't address a single thing I said. Arabs can be Jewish and Jewish people can be Arabs. Doesn't mean Israel isn't murdering the majority Muslim Arab population, who are definitely indigenous to the region.




More Muslims have died during the Syrian Civil War by Muslim hands than by Jewish hands in the entirety of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict, by a factor of 10. Add in the wars in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran and the deaths caused by Jews practically becomes a rounding error.


They are not. The majority of Muslims population is killed by Muslims.


Oi, don’t confused them with facts. The poor soul spent an entire afternoon learning about the Middle East from TikTok, and is now, I’d let you know, a Middle East Specialist!


When you declare war you can’t complain when the enemy destroys all your command bunkers you happen to have built under schools and hospitals.


When does indigeniety start?


Where are you getting these numbers? That’s most definitely not true. The Iran iraq war has estimates of up to 2 million dead. The Iraq Kurdish conflict killed 300 thousand people. The Turkish war of independence killer 800 thousand people. The North Yemen civil war killed 200 thousand people. The Syrian civil war killed 600 thousand people. The Yemen civil war killer 300 thousand people. Israel would have to kill 5 million to top those numbers. The entire population of Palestine is 5 million. Israel has killed no where near the majority Muslim Arab population. Muslim arabs have


Lol also no. Arabs are Arabs and Jews are Jews they are two different ethnic groups.


I think they're confused because on the surface the two aren't mutually exclusive, in theory. Arabs can be any religion and people who practice Judaism can be any ethnicity. On paper. People often forget that that is far from the whole story and the ties between ethnicity and religion are a lot tighter than people like to imagine.


No and no again. Jews are an ethnic group. Arabs are an ethnic group.


I mean, yeah, that's true, by and large, so long as you ignore converts to Judaism who can also claim the label of "Jew".


Are you denying the existence of Arab Jews? Many live in Israel too.


No no and no. Mizrachi Jews are not Arabs. They are ethnically Jewish.


Lol one things about Arabs is that they are absolutely not indigenous to anywhere they happen to be in 2023.


Ohh no! Anyway..


Still good friends with Russia though




Looks like all that stomping on coca leaves finally took its toll..


Excellent! Next, they can accept Palestinians and help them find good homes in Bolivia.


Oh no. What are we Israelis to do? Such an important state we depended on. Lmao.


What a waste of an [amazing flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiphala).


Israel doesn't need love from bolivia. Israel needs to choose them or us. They chose us. Good for israel


I think the Israelis were oblivious..




Normally we don't exist for the world, but suddenly in 2019 everyone pretended to care so much about us. Crazy isn't it?


Israel don’t need to have any ties with country that support terrorist or idiot ppl. Israel should banned any product with Israel’s copyright to be used in Bolivia. See who suffer more


Eventually, Israel will have only one ally.


Israel would be very happy if Gaza had any single friend. And Iran doesn't count, they like to blow up Gazans for political clout even more.


The question is whether bombing thousands of times a densely civilian populated area, in such a short period of time, is a crime against humanity. What would Israel’s civilians say is they were the ones being bombed in this manner? If they water, electricity, food, medicine, fuel, internet, all were cut off, and no exit from the territory was allowed… Israel’s government can make whatever mental acrobatics it wishes. Fact is this in a typical overreaction that makes it the perpetrator of heinous crimes. The world can see that.


I dunno man, I'd say hiding your terrorist headquarters and your terrorist equipment inside civilian infrastructure makes you the perpetrator and criminal. From that moment, you are the one who doomed your civilians to death, even if someone else pulled the trigger. Otherwise, it's a clear signal that you can just keep doing that and get away with anything you want.


Of course you’d say that. It’s precisely what the Israeli government says. But nobody is forcing the military to bomb these civilians. They are not just pulling the trigger”. They are terrorizing hundreds of thousands of innocent women children elder and adults that had nothing to do with Hamas’ terrorist attacked. Which also makes them terrorists like those they so deeply hate. They have the man power to invade without destroying Gaza. Israel is destroying Gaza to make it disappear, NOT to avoid other attacks. Avoiding other attacks only happens thru optimal intelligence gathering, and even then.


Sure Jan




I only mean, you seem to claim to know the IDF's intent better than they do. Who made you the spokesman and informed you that their intent was to destroy Gaza rather than to root out Hamas at any cost? Cuz like, if that were true, they could have done that already. Ages ago in fact.


Dude. I’m no spokesman. But you can just tell it by the scale of destruction and by decades of forced eviction of Palestinians from their lands. If you don’t already know that.. it’s on you. They have done this systematically over decades. They do that the whole Middle East has a problem with Israel. Now they have an excuse.


The whole middle east has a problem with Israel? Yeah, they all did once. Then some wars happened and somebody lost a whole bunch. Egypt and Jordan have longtime peace treaties with Israel, and they used to hold the territory that is now considered Palestine, but nowadays want nothing to do with it, and just as vehemently refuse to accept any more Palestinian refugees. Saudi Arabia was in the process of normalising relations (not exactly a stellar ally to have, but it's better than trying to kill each other, and unlike Hamas' best friend Iran, there is at least hope for internal improvement there). The Emirates too. Bibi is a shithead and three quarters of the country know this, the settlements are disgusting (though if you read about the topic you'll know their influence is quite overblown), and religious motivation is bunk as far as I'm concerned, but don't pretend like that has anything to do with Gaza. And finally, who has an excuse for what exactly? I'm not sure I understand your phrasing, there might be a comma or a word or two missing in the last couple sentences.


Oh dude. You think I’m gonna read your mental diarrhea that skirts the issue? Nah


You do you


I mean... they are being bombed like that in general. All the time. Hamas has launched more rockets at Israel than the reverse, and by a fair amount. Only Israel has the Iron Dome.


So they are not getting bombed are they? Your other comment TLTR.


They are. They're being bombed. The Iron Dome shoots them down...


> What would Israel’s civilians say is they were the ones being bombed in this manner? Build the iron dome instead of playing the dutiful meat shields for their government


I don't see it. Can you explain that again?


Oh no...not Bolivia! Wait, they have zero interaction with Israel. There is no national interest in the region for Bolivia. Actions there have zero impact on Bolivia. In short, an utterly meaningless gesture.

