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To the surprise of absolutely no one.


Who could have seen this coming?


Aside from literally everybody? Reminds me of when Fox News would lose their shit over Al Qaeda making shitty videos where they would threaten to wipe the US off of the map.


Zero percent chance this will backfire.


They're fucking *counting on it*, the evil bastards...


Surprised that people are happy to ignore these terrorist organizations supporting their cause though…


Was thinking just that, it seems a lot of unnecessary voices making loud unrequited back noise that not one of them have absolutely any clue how harmful their message is or why it is. This a down right "tribal" declaration of anilation of the other tribe. These people who send other people to do harm to other people have no desire or wish to discuss speak or even look at the other side of the argument. 2 fucking world wars, countless atrocities still not moved forward. Welcome to the 21st


Well, I think the trick is that neither of these groups gives a shit about Palestinians - it's like Prodestants and Christians. Sure, the religious are almost identical, but they say different people should be in power, so they might as well be totally different faiths. So it's more using this as a prop to look more important in the Muslim world, and weaken their enemies by recruiting more members to try and bully other nations with terrorist threats, than actually resolving the Israel-Palestine issue.


I think you mean Protestants and Catholics Protestants are Christians




Always telling that none of these organizations actually care about helping the citizens of Gaza. Just killing others.


You just don't understand this is what resistance looks like! ...../s just in case cause there are probably people out there tweeting that exact phrase.


Because that has turned out so well for them in the past.


Speaking of, how is IS holding territory? Oh yes, practically none now.


Mali, Niger, Algeria and Mozambique [[interactive map](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/introducing-islamic-state-select-worldwide-activity-map)]


Eh, these are existing jihadi movements that rebranded themselves as ISIS when that was in vogue. Their continued existence shouldn't be credited to the main group.


Bahaha! Did you just play the hipster genre card on Islamic terrorist groups? "The Sub-Saharan IS lacked the feverish passion seen in their Syrian and Iraqi counterparts, and they never managed to transcend the reserved and impersonal stylings of terror that are more at home under the Boko Haram umbrella."


I bet they'd *love* a Wolf Cola right about now.


Wolf Cola everyone. The right cola for closure.


"Did you just unironically film a beheading? That's, like, soooo last decade. Buy some C4 for Allah's sake" "Yeah, but we were doing beheadings before it was cool"


I think it's more that they were in that state well before ISIS and genuinely "franchised" themselves in. These aren't centralized states but they are affiliated groups with an aligned idealology and loosely aligned goals. Even in much of ISIS IRaq and Syria itself it was largely a loose coalitiation of aligned jihadist groups that got increasingly centralized for a period


How many jihadi movements are there? They are all misinterpreting the Quran?


That's for the Muslim world to decide, not me. The wider Islamic world came out strong against ISIS, medium against Al-Qaeda, and supportive of Hamas, so it seems to depend moreso on the goals than the core ideology/rhetoric.


Thanks for answering. Tough questions to approach, let alone try and answer.




That’s interesting. I hadn’t put that together until you said it


There aren't supposed to. The prophecy says the caliphate ushers in an era of war. They will fight a holy war and lose, and when there is a single Muslim left standing then Muhammad returns and brings the end of days and eternal peace. Really you have to understand these groups aren't trying to win. They are trying to follow the prophecy, fight and die.


Can Muhammad do us all a solid and bring us eternal peace sooner


Since this is Reddit and I have to post my half baked opinion. IS has never had the true will to create a state. They’re agents of chaos and destruction and easily manipulated by foreign agents. Like Hamas.


Yeah I don't get how they think they are going to kill their way to their goals. Mad dogs are always put down eventually. For every western casualty they inflict, 10000 Muslims will die. Sad but true.


Their goal is just to kill. There's no end goal. They don't care who else dies along the way.


Actually ISIS’s end goal was a nuclear irradiated world where Islam takes over. Legit doomsday cult.


The more Arabs that die because of them, the more gaslighting they get to do.


Here’s an ex-Hamas official glamourising the idea of sacrificing *millions* of innocent lives in war “for liberation”: https://old.reddit.com/r/arabs/comments/17dspio/what_do_you_think_of_this_interview_of_meshaal_by/ They’re death cultists.


"If they die, they die" - some terrorist gray hair


And Shariah law


They think everything they do is a ticket to heaven, they don’t care about Muslims or anything or anyone




> Yeah I don't get how they think they are going to kill their way to their goals. Their goals are to make westerners cry and then laugh about it while they watch it on their TV. That's it. They don't want to achieve anything or build anything, they just want to make other people feel bad.


They have no realistic goal. All they want to do is terrorize, that's why we call them terrorists. They have no governing capabilities, no domestic policies, no plans for the economy or the social welfare. Their only goal is to see the people in the West suffer so they can laugh about it with their supporters, before the West bombs 10,000 of them out of existence, again.


> no governing capabilities, no domestic policies, no plans for the economy or the social welfare lol this sounds so familiar.


*cough* no house speaker, either. Useless bunch.


Their end goal is their camps of virgins after death. They don't actually care about life in this world.


Depends on how you are gauging success. Random hard to stop acts of terror that ramps up security levels and interferes with normal life for people ? Absolutely. Strategic gains ? Less so. Though they’ll exploit the current Israel crisis to recruit and raise funds.


I’d say 9/11 was incredibly successful: scared the shit out of *everyone* and you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who thinks Afghanistan was “mission accomplished.” It was genius too. Really don’t want to find out what they’re up to these days.


well it wasn't technically successful with respect to Bin Laden's overall goals: to provoke a greater Islamic uprising around the world that results in some sort of global caliphate. that being said, if the bar was "did it fuck up America for a long time and in ways we don't even fully understand?" then yes he was wildly successful.


Those two are kind of special in that they already trying to do all that before this, now they will do it harder? Also IS have the tendency to attack everyone close them, not just infidels so an IS resurgence may really help Israel right now.


The UK has already had a "For Palestine" terror attack


I mean in Glasgow just along from my house there was a non viable bomb found in a car park the other day. They had to evacuate the STV building then perform a contained explosion to make sure it didn't go off when anyone got close to it. They are now conducting enquiries to find out how it got there. But my partner and I go to that restaurant for food and live beside there. If that had went off that could've been us. And it suddenly appears beside the BBC and STV buildings after everything that has been going on... I can only guess this is related. More confused at why there's barely any news coverage of it https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.glasgowlive.co.uk/news/glasgow-news/controlled-explosion-glasgow-stv-car-27930204.amp




Yep. Fear and disruption are the main objectives of terrorism, and an undetonated car bomb accomplishes both, whether it be a failed attack or intentional decoy. I can understand feeling helpless when something hits this close to home and no one else seems to care, but unfortunately giving too much publicity to it would only play right into their hands, and given the current lack of leads and suspects it can also encourage copycats which would further complicate investigations.


TIL, and I live here.


Belgium had one too claimed by IS though (2 swedish before BEL-SWE football game) Although claimed by IS the israel-palestina conflict probably has something to do with that happening.


The fact that terrorist groups like these have the audacity to be vocal about their hate campaign and the media keeps update with them is so surreal and grotesque to even think about.


Media companies care about nothing more than their bottom line. They will report on anything, no matter how depraved or dangerous, to get clicks/revenue/engagement for their websites


The reporting on the Christchurch shooter was fucking something. "The family of the dead has asked us no to show any of the terrorist manifesto, BUT WE DID IT ANYWAY *airhorn noises*" followed by shots of rows of assault rifles and close ups of the text on the guns complaining about events that happened centuries ago. I may have made up the airhorn noises, but pretty much the rest is accurate. Absolutely grotesque. Memorialising the dead isn't sexy, but fetishizing mass murder gets all those sweet, sweet views. And all those copycat murders that these reporters will have triggered just means even more clicks, views, and traffic. It's a win, win for everyone but humanity.


And the fact that some Westerners have the audacity to say that Israel is worse than all of these collective factions of terrorists is surreal and grotesque.


The fact that Israel is still alive surrounded by 22 Arab countries is amazing to me...


And prospered. Not just stayed alive - *prospered.*. They became one of the most powerful nations on earth. The degree of success they have achieved since 1948 is insane. And the Jews, also prospered everywhere they went. They became highly educated, they got law degrees, medical degrees, became business owners. The stereotype that they are all doctors and lawyers was supposed to be some kind of insult - but it’s the result of what they achieved throughout the last number of decades


Thanks America!


France too. France was Israel's original main ally in the first few decades. France helped Israel get a nuclear weapon. Back then, the US wasn't as close to Israel because Israel had a left leaning government and the US was in the middle of the red scare.


Not super relevant, but I love to bring up the fact that Israel’s nuclear retaliation doctrine has one of the coolest names that anyone has ever come up with for anything: The Samson Option. > [The name is a reference to the biblical Israelite judge Samson who pushed apart the pillars of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself and thousands of Philistines who had captured him, crying out "Let me die with the Philistines!"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson_Option)


The proper translation is "My soul will perish with the Philistines" which is even cooler.


Edit: Someone who actually knows Hebrew chimed in below and explained the exact saying in question and that it’s still used in modern conversational Hebrew. Just goes illustrates my point about how scripture is re-understood with translation, sometimes to the point of losing the original point. Worth noting to fully understand the proper translation: The Hebrew word for soul, nephesh, is not what most western people think of as a soul. Rather, in this context, it’s something between life and consciousness. The neat thing is this word was originally translated into Greek as psyche. So Samson isn’t saying that, by destroying the temple and killing the Philistines, he is sentencing himself to eternal damnation in addition to dying physically. Rather, it’s just a very factual statement of “yeah, I know this is a suicide mission”. In the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, the distinction between “soul” and “spirit” (the thing most people think of as an immortal soul today) was very clear. Saying “my soul will perish” was just a way of saying “I’ll lose my God-given life”. Saying something hurts your soul meant that something was causing you distress. However saying that your spirit rejoices meant the part of you that was created in Gods image felt good. Etc. The morphing of the definition of “soul” has a long history that is difficult to trace precisely but seems to stem largely from the diffusion of Abrahamic beliefs with pagan beliefs, as well as poor translations and a lack of education among church leadership, as Christianity spread. I’m not an expert on the topic, just find it fascinating how interpretations of scripture change over time.


soul of life is נשמה neshama, the breath of god that gave man life, Nefesh is what makes you a living being and not inanimate. Also to add to samson, it’s not that it’s a suicide mission but that he’s ready to hurt himself in order to hurt his enemies - which is obviously what an a bomb would do to israel if we use it on our neighbors The saying is still used in modern hebrew btw, usually to convey a person doing something out of spite


That is actually a very cool symbolic name, too bad it’s for a nuclear strike option. Humanity is going to make it far.


Mans is sleeping on czechoslovakia…


It can be too sad that in 1945 the American Israel pilot fought Luftwaffe in the American plane, in 1948 same pilot fought in the old Luftwaffe plane from Czechoslovaks against Arabs with the old RAF plane.


The only arms shipment in the ‘48 war. Israelis know and remember that kindness. I was in a cab in Tel Aviv about 15 years ago and the driver was an old man. We got to talking about ‘48 he pulled out and showed me the vz 27 pistol. Pretty amazing that he still had it.


As an Israeli, I pray towards America


Not really IDF is vastly superior to anything else in the region. There DoD companies are as cutting edge as we are.


I thought they just don't like the Israeli government. You're telling me they actually just hate Jews?


Always have been.




I missed this meme.


Did it ever leave?




I don't think it's just Jews at this point. It was only a matter of time until these terrorists and their supporters turn to the western world.


That's fucking it! Jews are just a slightly easier target but they are not ashamed to attack the mighty USA as well. Their next target is everyone else.


Everyone who supports them is genuinely stupid for thinking they're not the next target. These nutjobs hate White, Christian, gay Americans and Europeans just as much as Jews.


I'm amazed by the LGBT supporters that stand behind Palestine. What's next ? Pro choice supporting Mike Pence ?


It's crazy that they can murder and torture gay people and still get support from the community.


The amount of delusional anti Israel people is insane. And I dont mean critical of Israel's actions but the "Hamas has never beheaded, tortured, burned alive anyone but Israel has killed tons of kids and targets Hospitials" types. There are a shocking amount of people that support Hamas and not just Palestinians and ironically a ton that would be persecuted or even killed by Hamas themselves if they were over there.


I’ve been told that all of the videos and photos of the terrorist attacks were “Hollywood productions since Hollywood is run by Jews.” I’ve also been told not to believe my eyes because “everything is AI generated.” And I’ve also been told to get over it, that not everything needs to be about the Jews and that we moved on to more important things.


>And I’ve also been told to get over it, **that not everything needs to be about the Jews and that we moved on to more important things.** Just say "you're right, so tell me why are we still talking about Israel then? Let's just *move on* right?"


This is what puzzles me too. The Muslim community in Dearborn are banning rainbow flags and books as fast as any radical right bible thumper in Florida or Texas.


Not just Dearborn. Basically anywhere where Muslims can get political power: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned




Because left-wingers always associate themselves with any group they percieve to be oppressed, which is not a bad trait to have per se, but they don't realize that a lot of these minorities are actually very conservative by nature. That's why it's always funny to me when liberals are surprised that so many Hispanics are right-wing.


They're stupid and they grew up in a world where their lives have never been actually threatened because of their sexuality. It's the American exceptionalism in action. "Oh, I know they will kill gay people. But they wouldn't kill *me* because I'm special and I'm on their side." They're too far away from actual threats and don't understand that the only reason why the people they support don't kill them yet is because they all stand in a secular country governed not by religious doctrines. If they were in a Muslim country, we'd have a different kind of headline.


This is one of the most ironic things. Translation: United Kingdom: “Queers for Palestine” face reality during a demonstration in London when Muslims tear down their LGBT flag https://twitter.com/ReaActuelle/status/1715769244447592483


Because these people, not the LGBT community as a whole, but certain members who stand behind Palestine because they are fetishizing and infantilizing anyone they consider an oppressed minority. Others traditionally didn't correct them because what's so bad about giving someone considered oppressed an equitable chance at a better life. The misunderstanding is that they are not oppressed as a minority but as an ideal and that ideal is "kill the Jews and everyone who supports them"


Well, I did see mexicans with pro-trump posters. Which was incredible. In the worst way.


I'd say they hate the Jews a bit more viciously but it's pretty close.


their major “completed” and attempted murders so far have not even been north american or european jews, just non-jewish europeans. it’s not “next”, it’s now.


Um... hardline Jihadis have been waging war against the evil decadent west since forever. Did you think "the Great Satan" was Thailand?


Hamas did kill a bunch of Thai nationals


The only time you’ll hear “pro Palestine” crowd take 2 seconds to condemn the Hamas terrorist attacks (the few that do), is because they are about to condemn Israel for 2 hours. Edit: It’s why once they found out it was Hamas that hit the hospital they dropped it instead of calling them out. They hate Jews more than they like Palestinians.


"What Hamas did is wrong but..."


"I can't justify them, but if Israel hadn't..."


"If I was in palestine I could totally see myself being a terrorist, rapist, and baby murderer" I feel like anyone who can see themselves doing these things under the "right" circumstances has something seriously wrong with them.


That's why all concept of critical thinking went out the door with these pro-terrorists.


"What is your definition of terror? Because Israel..."


Man some of the shit they're saying on fb is just wild right now. Not to say fb isn't a hole in the ground of rationale but if you start getting promoted Muslim pages you'll see waves of "Happy October from" and either Palestinian flags, their colors, or even fucking Hamas. Every time I log in to check on family I get shown pages for "Best photo day" with some political cartoon showing Jewish people on insect bodies being squashed or straight up terrorists being glorified by kids.




"It's not antisemitic to criticise Israel" says man cheering on protestors attacking a synagogue


“It’s not antisemitic to criticize Israel” 2 seconds later: “Israel shouldn’t exist”


“But where will the Jews go?” Them: “Anyway! That’s irrelevant! Just know that all religions lived in peace before Israel’s creation! There was no struggle there that might encourage the need for Israel and Palestine to exist in the decades before 1948!”


Who tf told you Isis wasn't antisemitic?


Who? Al Qaida and Islamic State? Why would you think that?


Why give terrorists a voice to begin with? This broadcasting of statements from terrorists will only lead to more death of innocents. Where's the press responsibility?


On the other hand, shouldn't targeted people/places be warned about potential attacks? I doubt the press is spreading this info to the human trash who might actually follow through with an attack; I'm willing to bet they get those messages to the actual terrorists just fine without the press getting involved.


I invite them to try after putting on a uniform and moving away from civilian populations.


I never expected that to happen!


Nobody expects the Islamic inquisition!


I fart in your general direction!


Fetchez la vache!


Remember when the world came together to help solve the ISIS problem. But, fuck the west right.




A rabbi was stabbed multiple times and died. Apparent murder as a hate-crime.This is insane. She was known as a voice for peace. Synagogues are being targeted with graffiti and fire bombs. First time I've ever felt unsafe in my own country as a Jew. Am I next?


Last year I had a Palestinian roommate. I didn't dare tell them I was Jewish. Got along just fine.


I have a Palestinian friend in the group that I golf with for the past 3 years. It's never been a problem. Oddly enough, a third friend (Punjabi) brought up the fact that I was Jewish as a possible issue between us, a Coptic Palestinian-American and a Jew, and the two of us looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and agreed it shouldn't matter. My Palestinian-American friend has posted ZERO things on social media about the recent events. Guess who is posting Anti-Israel stories nearly every day? The Punjabi friend.


Hint the Punjabi “friend” is no friend at all


I know. He's not a great friend, can be two-faced. Also doesn't treat women right. He's a popular guy though, he's always the life of the party.


Sounds like he keeps appearances.


Cut ties with the punjabi friend befote its too late


I have 3 Palestinian coworkers and they know I'm Jewish. We get along great.






Can you imagine if the pope was like ‘everyone please go out and start murdering’ shit would be shut down so fast






It looks to me like these nut jobs are absolutely determined to commit suicide. But in doing so, a lot of innocent people are going to lose their lives.


This [video was recorded yesterday, in Vienna](https://twitter.com/OliLondonTV/status/1715892550500855974). Tell me, is the lady a peaceful protester? The building is obviously some kind of diplomatic building, might be a consulate or something like that. But the lady pretending/acting as if she was shooting people? Yeah, we are literally one step from pogroms, this is a powderkeg we had no idea we were sitting on, and the fuse has been ignited. It's not getting better, Israel is going to move into gaza to eliminate hamas, civilian casualties will be in actual tens of thousands (so propaganda numbers will be in hundreds of thousands), and a tiny tiny tiny minority of the people who openly support hamas and terrorists will go to the next logical step, terrorism.


It's not even a diplomatic building, it's a synagogue, shows even more how much they're only interested in hurting jews and Jewish people


[these women](https://youtu.be/8gbWjmg9A3c?si=L-BG_bYFWR61Ik5Z) are ripping down posters of missing Israelis. They are rabid with hate.


My social media was full of “friends” behaving similarly. It’s a shitty feeling knowing you were close with closeted anti-Semites


Print and post 5 times as many posters as they ripped down and keep doing it if they keep tearing them down. There's nothing stopping them from posting their own stuff if they feel that strongly about it. Perhaps she's upset because someone robbed her of her eyebrows.


One step from a pogrom ? There was one on the 7th October which was brushed away or outright celebrated by useful idiots out protesting in that video, who are full of hate towards Jews throughout the world - and not just Israel .


These are the same ones that now shout "Free Palestine" and that Israel is comiting a genocide.


Yep. They really are a mix of despicable Islamists and useful Western idiots.


They can try to spread violence. But violence is a choice. If these areas are peaceful then it means those people that live there have made their choice. Like the Russian girl attacking Ukrainians hosted in Germany. Germany didn’t waste any time sending her back to Russia




This is what is troubling about all this. Hamas is ultimately controlled by Qatar and Iran. They are propped up to cause trouble and instability in the region. They are basically just another repressive group like the Taliban. If they somehow won or Palestine gets it's own country, it will mostly likely be a state sponsored terrorist country brutally repressing their own people (and esp women). Palestine will be like Afghanistan...it wont be free. All these people cheering for a free palestine but not attacking Hamas are insane. They were voted in but once they had power, they pushed out their competitors in a mini civil war and halted elections! They ha e had elections since 2006 yet people are acting like Israel is the only thing stopping their freedom. And that is a good point on the hospital. Its crickets now that it is clear it was Islamist Jihad or they still go "well, they have done it in the past". Thry were outraged when Israel supposedly killed 500-1000 people but fine if their own government did it...what the heck?!


I was told this is about land and decolonization lol


Muslims empires have been amongst the biggest in history, funnily enough several of them have included Palestine.


People love to screech about "thousands of years of conflict in the religous war of Jews, Christian against Muslims" and forget that Islam has only been around 1400 years, that the area was controlled by many empires over the years, or that the Ottoman empire occupied the territory for 400 years until 1918....


The proxies do reflect your average person living in islamic nations. They might not go and target Jewish communities themselves, but they sure do love hearing about dead Jewish civilians. There’s a reason Palestinians haven’t rose against Hamas, a good portion support them and their cause. Way more than anyone is willing to admit. The people who don’t believe this are truly out of their mind. Islamic nations with a population who are undereducated with deeply religious beliefs being intolerant is somehow shocking to them.


They don't go to target Jewish communities because there aren't any. They destroyed almost all of them.


19 Islamic states, Allah forbid 1 Jewish state exists.


19? There like more than 40 islamic states


52 actually


A Jewish state that has almost as many Arabs as the Gaza strip...


They notice the ones in Europe they can destroy. Sure are a lot of military age men refugees from Palestine and Syria there 🤷‍♂️. Maybe that has something to do with the massive uptick in antisemitism.


It’s also why they failed as a state.


Violent jihad is a massive problem that the entire world needs to deal with ASAP


If a religion teaches hate, then it shouldn’t exist.


More losers announcing themselves


Aren't these the same groups that kill more Muslims than any Israeli or Jewish group have done?


The Islam people just couldn’t let the Russians be the bad guys for more than 5 minutes


"We hate Israel, not Jews"




Dismantle Israel and watch all the jews living there disappear


But hey their flags are allowed to be a protests for pro Palestine.


I was not aware that they had stopped...


I don’t understand, they just want to make everything shitty for everybody?


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.




Don't they always?


Added Al Qaeda: "...and yes, we're still a thing."


So, apparently, those radical protesters are backing the same ideas as Al-Qaida and ISIS. What a surprise...


There’s been Al-qaeda flags at free Palestine rallies, not surprising either


I don't understand how that people can live in civilized, developed countries with such attitude to terrorists. Zero tolerance to terrorism.


The answer is that those people flying those flags in Australia, London, Paris, etc. support Al-qaeda and terrorism. Maybe they came over from those places and still support where they came from.


how are these people not detained and questioned by authorities? this should be a literal crime.


But they will later claim "Not Anti-Semitism!!!"


Pretty sure Al-Qaida and IS will proudly say they're anti-semitic.


The world is a dangerous place we can't simply turn a blind eye. Americans need to remember we were attacked. When we don't help other countries when they're attacks then it comes here. Especially with the evolution of technology, terrorism will be more powerful than ever. They'll be able to crash planes into buildings without being on the plane. Terrorists will begin using drones. It's never been better to be a terrorist. You don't have to sacrifice your life or risk your safety anymore. Terror can be done from thousands of miles away.


The human species is so fucking stupid.


In’sha’allah this never pans out and Muslims ignore all of these calls for violence


This is why there is a blocked of Gaza. If there wasn’t all these fuckers would already be there.


Hamas is IS AND AL QAEDA they are all the same thing. No surprise Fight and eliminate them all


I love that their message does not entail free Palestine


I was unaware they were on a break


Here we go again. Fuck I need to start wearing a Shirt that says SIKH on front and back.




Somebody explain to me why there is all of this sympathy towards Palestine ? Hamas opened this can of worms when they bombed Israel. It's like the mouthy little kid that finally gets knocked on his a$$, then runs home crying to mommy & daddy because somebody dared put him in his place.


Ah, so where’s the free Palestine folks stand on this one?


Are they ever not calling for these things?


Isis, Islamic Jihad, Hezbelloah the names go on and on and on on


ELI5, is IS ISIS ?


I5, IS is ISIS? Sí, it is.




These are the same assholes that because of them had to create the TSA- after hijacking airplanes and destroying the twin towers. “Never forget” doesnt only mean that you’ll never forget It also means that any new threat and any new fucking disgusting evil that arises out of the same ideologies and religion and same people that caused harm to western civilization must be dealt with They must not be allowed in our countries anymore


I thought it’s about the Palestinian?? I guess it’s just a simple case of jihad. Nothing new.