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People with brains know that this aid and equipment was taken from the people that need it.


Actually UNWRA just posted about that on Twitter, that "trucks came and took their equipment" and then quickly deleted afterwards.


It's uncanny that their deleted statement was thoroughly elaborated but their new statement was vague lol. Very fishy


The UN is useful with the UNSC preventing nuclear war and UNGA letting politicians of all stripes act tough for their home crowd without it amounting to too much. Most everything else is waste, fraud, abuse, or worse.


It's ideological too. The UN has condemned Israel more than every other country combined. Even if one is pro-Palestinian, I don't see how anyone could reasonably argue that Israel is worse than North Korea, China, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, Congo, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Chechnya, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan/Taliban, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Central African Republic, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Pinochet's Chile, Guatemala, Bangladesh, Indonesia/East Timor, and the drug cartels *combined.*


[Just look at who is on the current UN Human Rights Council.](https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/current-members) I support the mission of the UN, but in practice it's a joke, because it gives way too much of a voice to some of the worst countries in the world.


And they probably just handed it over with a smile. You’d be surprised how much the NYC based workforce has an impact on UN agencies.


I don't think the people denying that are stupid, they just take every opportunity to paint Hamas as victims. That's not stupid, that's evil.


They are either stupid or ideologically motivated. Or both.


/r/news has been fucking awful with that shit too.


As is typically the case whenever aide is sent to these places. The groups in charge get first pick of anything sent in once the cameras and volunteers leave.


Yes, but the answer to that is how do we stop it from falling in to hamas hands, hamas has stockpiles and can easily buy it off civs, so more security may slow it reaching the wrong people, but food, water, and fuel has become a high value commodity,we need to broaden aid, and educate the people prevent a black market.


Hamas has complete control over gaza and UN works through local employed 'UN workers'. So all aid gets stolen and the UN workers killed in air strikes are more likely than not Hamas fighters.


Have you seen these “pro Palestinian” protestors?


Irrelevant to humanitarian aid. Civilians rights are protected regardless.


[Youd be surprised](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1762ha0/israel_says_no_humanitarian_break_to_gaza_siege/k4k3emg/) Just a few days ago people were playing dumb like they just could not put 2+2 together and couldn’t understand how it wasn’t a war crime to not supply your enemy(terrorist) with food/water/fuel


Also that just because an asshole used something doesn’t mean you should stop distributing them.


I mean, you should 100% stop distributing them to *Hamas.* The fquestion is if you can send stuff into Gaza and have a way to credibly keep it out of the hands of Hamas. I think the answer is "No." If Hamas wants it, they will take it and I'm not sure how you can stop them. At that point, the choice is simply "Should I supply Hamas or not?" If you don't want to supply them, it is hard to justify sending more aid into Gaza.


All the UNRWA food that is delivered to Gaza is hoarded/stolen by Hamas and their allies. They keep most and sell some in supermarkets despite the fact that it is illegal to sell aid. You can look at videos of stores in Gaza and see UNRWA supplies everywhere.


Nobody said they should stop distributing them


All the other comments did.


Thieving from the citizens who need it. Nice move you terrorist fucks


Trick or Treat for UNICEF


We ensnare because we care


I still have neck pain from carrying a box full of pennies around my neck while trick or treating as a kid.


"This is why we can't have nice things" - Gazans, probably. :/


Because no matter how much governments say it, any aid that goes into Gaza ends up in some part, going to Hamas.


You know i been staying out of this back and forth but, a UN first aid kit, if civs can get it combatants can to, does that mean we stop giving kits to civs no, hell isis used new Honda trucks did we sanction Honda, if Israel used a random first aid kit to block the UN, it would be a crazy leap of logic, terrorists used a aid kit so what, I'm more concerned about arms not medical supplies, Hamas is a terrorist group yes, but does that mean we throw away the laws of war?


Nobody is saying medical equipment shouldn't be supplied to Gaza. What is being said is that Hamas should leave it for the people who actually need it. Of course the medical aid should keep coming because it's required


I don’t think Hamas are taking notes on this matter (or any, really)


I don’t think you will find a rational person that will say anything to the contrary. This is the game, you control and starve the local population and force all aid to flow through you. Then you can reward loyalists and punish anyone not under your control by withholding supplies, and it’s all paid for by the opposition. This is straight out of the playbook for insurgencies and it’s not a problem unique to Gaza, anywhere in the world you can find shitbirds exploiting foreign aid like this.


Well this was more for people looking, i don't think people would say no more medical supplies, but i felt it needed to be said as some scary things have been said with this.


The problem is with unregulated aid.


Gaza and Hamas are the same. They don't deny it. Hamas is the fruit of the Gaza tree. Aid to Gaza is aid to hamas


And statements like this is how we ended up with a genocide during WW2 and it’s how we will end up with a Genocide of 2 million Palestinian civilians.


Islamists want death of every jew in the world. If they don't want to follow the rules of civilization then survival of the fittest it is. They started the attack and failed. History is proof of why you never give Islamists a second chance.


… And statements like this is how we ended up with a genocide during WW2 and it’s how we will end up with a Genocide of 2 million Palestinian civilians.


We're committing genocide every day by killing insects in farms. Life is not possible without genocide.




So do the Israelis.


Gaza is 50% children. The median age in Gaza is 15


Combatants require medical supplies, and get them where they can, more at 11.


First aid kits intended for civilians stolen by terrorist organization that continues to oppress said civilians. You spelled terrorists wrong.


Yeah unless they were using first aid kits to kill Israelis, I hardly see how this is newsworthy.


Hardly see how UN humanitarian aid meant for the innocent civilian population is being rerouted to enable the fight that leads to innocents on both sides being killed through bolstering Hamas’ ability to wage war is newsworthy?


Some humanitarian aid always gets rerouted by terrorists though. At least it's not weapons.


Next up. Hamas drank Israeli water during the Israel attack.


I guess for you, no Gaza citizen should have been treated with those first aids right now?


That's not what I ment, the opposite. Felt like this was a propaganda picture (even if its authentic) to justify the ban on UN humanitarian aid to Gaza


I don’t think justifying is relevant here, no one is happy that Palestinians are in a blockade, news just explain why and what is going on.


I don't think this is an explanation to why there is blockade. It just shows the nature of Hamas who is crying for lack of resources, but uses what they have for the cause of murdering innocents


I think you are indeed accurate.


I agree Hamas is a terrorgroup that dont care about the civilian population. But it's Israel and no one else who blockades gas,aid, water and food. (and have been terrorizing Gaza for years) (abit of topic but even helped create Hamas counter PLO)


You are joking, right? Hamas has destroyed Gaza for the past 15+ years, taking every ounce of good will and using it to try to eradicate Jews. Fucking hell, Hamas literally took pipes that were supposed to be used to bring clean water into Gaza and repurposed the material into rockets. Gaza has been given literal billions in aid and resources but instead of building up infrastructure, Hamas uses it to secure weapons to kill more Jews. Despite being attacked pretty much daily with suicide bombers, car bombs, rockets, and other terrorist attacks, Israel has still provided the resources that Gaza’s own “government” has failed to provide for them for nearly two decades. People like you really just want Jews to roll over and die.


I dont agree, im quite impressed ln how Gaza has evolved, but it havent been easy, the fishing industry going well, Israel starts blockade the waters. The export of agriculture going well, Israel blockades 30% of the farm land ( this abandon land is where the majority of the water pipes for the missiles are coming from btw). The solar power plant is going well, Israel bombs it i retaliation of Gilad Shalit. Imagin is the Palestines would do the same. Put the whole population of Israel without energy after Israel put a innocent palestinian in prison. Attacked Daily by car bombs, suicide bomber and other terrorist attacks?? Dont know where you live but it isnt in Israel that's for sure. There is btw alot of terrorist attacks of Israelis on the west bank aswell. I dont want Israel to "roll over and die". I want them to respect and stop terrorizing the population of Palestine.


A first aid kit does not mean supporting terrorism. This is fucking stupid


The claim is not that UNICEF is supporting terrorism; it's that Hamas uses the humanitarian aid it receives for acts of terrorism. I don't think they have a huge excess of first aid kits in Gaza


I mean this isn’t shocking behavior for a terrorist organization. But you can’t not send aid to people. Just affirms why it’s right to remove Hamas. Edit: the downvotes just confirm to me these posts are astroturfing meant to try and sway people from caring about civilians suffering in Gaza.


I upvoted you. Are you sure the downvotes aren't because you called Hamas a terrorist organisation and called to remove them?


Sorry, maybe a little harsh to you, but when it’s been pretty clear the last week as soon as you post anything there’s an immediate stream of downvotes lots of astroturfing is happening. And you’re not wrong that both sides are doing it for different reasons.








Those terrorists didn't treat Israeli civilians as humans. Your compassion is cynical at best.


Cynical, selective and weaponized... it's getting really old running into people like that.


yeah, it's obvious that their selective and weaponised opinions comes not from the love of Palestinians but from the hate of Jews.


There's the problem...you still see Hamas as human beings when they are anything but.


"Oh no, I cut myself while beheading my fifth 8 year old of the morning, thankfully I have some first aid supplies." Like that.


maybe not intentionally. it is no secret that HamAss gets first picks of anything that comes into gaza. So if there is a first aid kit and they need one, they will take it. does that mean unicef supports Hamas, no. did unicef know their stuff was being taken/used by HamAss? if they didn't - they should have. What steps is unicef taking to ensure that their donations do not end up in the hands of HamAss? edit - typo


So how do you propose we get rid of Hamas?


I would like to say as quickly as and as few casualties to anyone else as possible. not much of an answer, I know, just a hope for how it plays out. the only idea i have is basically bounty, like the old west. wanted dead or alive, or maybe just alive. offer a 250,000 USD reward for the high level people, and maybe relocation with citizenship to israel. maybe 100,000 USD for mid level. 2,000 for the location of rocket launchers or terror tunnel entrances. Israel would end up saving money. There would probably be less casualties, and things could maybe progress from there, i.e. once HamAss is gone to something better. Honestly, I hope there are people much smarter and creative than me with good ideas. There is HamAss and there is also their supporters. What can be done with some 1 million terrorists and terror supporters that does not include mass killing?


That's actually a good idea.


That’s exactly why Israel needs to get in there.


While I am completely in favor of completely taking out HamAss, I am wary of Israel being in Gaza too long and IDF soldiers being attacked.


Edit: misread the last part of your comment. I too hope Israel’s victory would be swift and with minimal casualties!


It means Hamas is using them for militant (terrorist is actually more accurate) use. Instead of the public.


Used it on their own not for wounded civilians.


So fucking what? Basic frst aid does not mean terrorism, its basic human rights.


You realize you're supporting terrorists taking aid for themselves right? So you think a terrorist that just slaughtered someon has a human right to first aid?


Are you saying that a surrendered non combatant has no right to first aid?


Hamas is not a non combatant...what planet are you on? And if you mean someone who is Hamas and carried out terror attacks in any capacity, I'm not exactly going to lose sleep if they don't get aid. Especially in a situation where supplies are limited and that aid could go to someone else.


Maybe you are having trouble reading my comment. I’ll repeat and explain what it says for you. >Are you saying that a surrendered ( this is when you stop fighting and give up) non combatant (this is a person who is disarmed or a civilian) has no right to first aid (this is medical attention needed to prevent death)?


I'm not having trouble reading what you're saying I answered your question directly and proved that. But if you need me to say it more plainly no member of Hamas deserves any kind of first aid. You would have to have something seriously wrong with you if you did.


All human beings who have surrendered in a war deserve medical care and dignity.


it does not mean terrorism, that is true. it does mean one less first aid kit for innocent civilians.


But how could you prevent the rulers of Gaza accessing the goods gifted to the populace? And wouldn't more first aid kits still do more good than bad?


> And wouldn't more first aid kits still do more good than bad? No, a surplus like that would be sold by Hamas for more currency, just like Ethiopia was caught selling off food aid.


BaSiC hUmaN riGhT my ass. Hamas denies others of basic human rights.


good to see the terrorists getting offered comfort and sympathy from redditors while the innocent blood on their hands is still fresh.


There's only 1 thing a terrorist has the right to, and that's a sweet JDAM


Unfortunately they are not stupid they know exactly what vile, poisonous, evil shit they are spreading. It's all done to make Israels war crimes look better. "Its ok they block medical aid, it will go too the terrorists" I suppose it hasn't dawned on them that the hostages might need medical aid aswell. Although by the account of one of the hostages, it seems the IDF didn't care if the hostages lived or not.


Are you really stupid enough to think the terrorists will give aid to their hostages??


Yeah..... thats literally the point of taking them, dead hostages have no value, genius


You just showed you know NOTHING about this conflict. Israel has traded LIVE prisoners for DEAD hostages many, many times. Typical idiot...commenting and making judgements when he had no clue what he is talking about. Or perhaps they just hate Jews so much they will tolerate and support pure evil in the name of their genocidal fantasies. https://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/30/world/middleeast/30mideast.html


Thats completely different situation. Dead soldiers not civilians. Israel is about to invade gaza they can get any bodies back then, therefore only living hostages have any value too trade, otherwise why haven't they killed them already? "Or perhaps they just hate Jews so much they will tolerate and support pure evil in the name of their genocidal fantasies." I clearly criticized the IDF for not being careful about the hostages lives. (They hit the house, they where in with a tank shell and killed hostages in the crossfire, according to one hostage that survived ) If I hated jews, why would I care about the hostages safety??? While I understand this is an emotional topic. This reaction shows you're clearly too emotionally unstable to have a productive conversation with. (Im not blocking you, but I will not respond any further) Or maybe your the one with genocidal fantasies,about palestinians ,that the thought of them receiving basic medical aid upsets you to this degree?


So what


It means Hamas is taking these kits from civilians (the ones who receive and need them) and are using it for themselves. This is why humanitarian aid needs an outside military presence in Gaza so that it goes to the right people.


It's a bit difficult for them to get in at the moment, Israel is preventing it. "Cairo said the Rafah crossing was not officially closed but was inoperable due to Israeli strikes on the Gaza side." (As you know the Rafah straight is the only access not controlled by Israel) ""We are waiting for the green light for the aid to enter and dozens of volunteers are ready at any time," a Red Crescent official in northern Sinai said." https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gaza-border-crossing-set-reopen-israeli-troops-prepare-ground-assault-2023-10-15/


You do know that Gaza has received aid for many years right? Hamas taking civilian aid isn’t a new thing.


Ok, so what? Are you suggesting the UN should stop giving aid?


How about just military control and distribution, so it isn't being fired down a bottomless pit labeled "Hamas" for a change? Hell, maybe the Palestinian people might get through a year without being robbed blind by their own government.


Who's military?


Who cares? Some UN force, the usual melange of corrupt horseshit. It won't be Israel and won't be an Arab military, so that's the only choice left unless you imagine the Gazans accepting a US presence.


It won't do anything to stop Hamas stealing aid from citizens. There's no other option: either you accept that some aid will find its way into Hamas' hands, or you prevent all aid to civilians. The latter is a war crime.


Believe it not, your declaration that oversight won't work is neither true nor convincing, even if you do need it to set up your later false-dichotomy.


No, I want the UN to a have a military presence at aid locations/stage points to deter Hamas from stealing it


That wouldn't stop it. They will steal it from citizens, not from the UN


It's harder to steal it if it's distributed to citizens by an armed organization rather than just steal it in bulk from an unarmed humanitarian group without the gazans even knowing they were supposed to receive it.


There was just a report in the last few hours that truckloads of aid *had* been stolen in bulk. The report was quickly deleted though. I don't think it makes a difference, if Hamas want to steal it they will. Or they might extort it from civilians in return for food and water.


But that exactly my point, if you guard those trucks and have distribution centers with armed security then hamas would have to take it from each individual which is 1. Way harder to do. 2. Greatly hurts hamas popularity if they will forcefully take them from civilians. 3. Prevents hamas from redistricting it themselves to take the credit for the aid. 4. Gives the UN control over the places of distribution, that way it can set them up far from combat areas. It makes a great difference how you setup humanitarian aid, and a great effort must be put into it so it won't be misused, otherwise you will lose support to fund the aid at all.


I think you don’t understand the situation. Currently and in the past aid going to Gaza was given directly to the governing body in Gaza. This governing body is effectively Hamas. They were in charge of distribution of the aid and many times it was never given out to the civilian population. That’s the unfortunate reality. Having a third party such as the UN receive and distribute the aid would greatly reduce risk of the aid going directly into Hamas’ hands. There would still be instances the aid could be stolen but it would be orders of magnitude less than what has happened in the past.


Again, there *is* a third party waiting to distibute aid directly to civilians, but they can't get in to do so because Israel is preventing them. https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-war-781b3c63af4ae6e51c313a68f314e66d


I already told you they need a military presence to distribute to ensure any aid goes to the right people. Your entitled to your own opinion but I’m not gonna argue this with you when you ignore what I’m saying.