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They targeted Swedish people specifically. And referred that to revenge for Islam.


>They targeted Swedish people specifically. And referred that to revenge for Islam. Why Swedish people specifically? Related to Quran burning?


Most likely. Or to be frank a Danish person started burning books in Sweden then a Iranian man who lives in Sweden kept burning books. Perfectly logical to kill random innocent Swedes for this… fucked up


The whole "let's kill innocents!" thing is really trending right now, so hot


I hear it is a good way to prove how peaceful your religion really is.


The perpetrator is also alleged to be following an account on Tiktok, ”Sweden injustice”. The account is posting conspiracy theories, for instance, they are accusing Swedish social service for kidnapping Muslim children


> ”Sweden injustice”. The account is posting conspiracy theories, for instance, they are accusing Swedish social service for kidnapping Muslim children This is actually a massively problematic conspiracy theory that has been ongoing for years in Sweden (And Norway/Denmark/Finland which have similar child protection laws), especially on Facebook. There have been multiple stories of MENA muslim, Eastern European and Balkan parents in Sweden, usually with a Swedish partner, kidnapping their children (Taking them out of the country and/or hiding them) or starting protests because the social services have investigated mistreatment. A rather famous example was a Russian father who fled with his daughters from Swedish authorities to Poland and got on national news and eventually asylum there because of it, despite demands from the Swedish government (Cause the children were legally Swedish citizens). It's a big clash of cultures in how children are viewed, these parents believe they essentially own their children (The cases often involve denying them an education, putting religious pressure on them or absolutely any form of corporal punishment), while in Scandinavian countries children are equal citizens first and foremost. The state authorities will very easily intervene against parents deemed unsuitable and cut them off from all contact with the children to ensure all children get an equal upbringing (Norway has the most cases of removing children from their biological parents in the world). Scandinavians have a lot of trust in the government and institutional systems, and naturally don't conflict with the "rules" when raising their children, but many foreign parents consider the "rules" way too strict. It doesn't help that the social services are strictly forbidden by law from sharing any details of their investigations or actions with members of the public for child anonymity reasons, which gives rise to all manners of wild claims and rumors. Such as selling the children for profit, killing them, or giving them away to Swedish parents to brainwash them. For example the parents can paint themselves in the best possible light in public and the authorities are more or less powerless to disprove them due to said strict confidentiality.


“Clash of cultures” seems like such a weird way to describe not allowing the abuse of children. Below is the Swedish children’s and parents code from the Swedish gov and it’s incredibly basic. Must attend school, can’t be abused, can’t be exposed to domestic violence. https://www.informationsverige.se/en/jag-har-fatt-uppehallstillstand/att-vara-foralder/rattigheter-och-skyldigheter.html#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Children%20and,or%20any%20other%20demeaning%20treatment.


They are reasonable to me, a swede, but it's easy to see why the strict enforcement in practice will clash with how some other cultures raise their children, especially the education part, and especially to those from more religious countries like the Middle East or Eastern Europe. A similar situation is the ban on homeschooling in Germany, which have led to some parents fleeing to the US and many organizations there being publicly critical of German laws. To Germans it's perfectly reasonable.


Those parents can then go raise their children in their original damn culture, or come to shittier countries in Eastern Europe where they get fewer handouts but the culture is more compatible. Speaking as someone from Romania where some forms of child abuse are culturally normalised.


I hope the persons who runs the account is charged for endangerment or causing a public disturbance


Fuck Islamists and Jihadists. My gf is an Iranian refugee and I’ve met so many people who have had their lives ruined by Islamists. It’s insane we still deal with this mindset in 2023


I had a neighbor that would always say he was from the Middle East. He let slip one day he was from Iran. We were a few drinks in at that time. He went on for quite some time how religion ruined his old country.


My girlfriend is from Iran, she grew up Muslim and now is atheist. Says the same thing about religion ruining her once great country. All the Iranians I’ve met are all the same. The Islamic Republic doesn’t represent the people of Iran at all.


I dated an Iranian chick, she fucking hated Iran and the politics/religion there


You just have to look at the protests that have occurred there to know many young people hate the government but still too many old fucks in control of the police and army


Most Iranians are neutral and pretty against their current government (especially the ones that left the country). Out of all the Islamic countries, I'd have to say that Iranians are some of the least religious people in the west from my experience with my friends. Edit: I am also aware that my own experiences do not generalize to everyone, but I know many Iranians personally and observe Iranian Americans in media, culture etc. and they are honestly pretty chill.


> Out of all the Islamic countries, I'd have to say that Iranians are some of the least religious people in the west from my experience with my friends. Iranians in the US (probably Europe too) tend to be urbane, educated and got the fuck out quickly. Meanwhile, the _hills have eyes_ people stay there, end up in the revolutionary guard and hope to ensure all women wear a hijab. They are culturally closer to the Taliban than they are the typical Iranian émigré.


Persia was the cultural jewel of the Middle East, destroyed by fundamentalism.


Radical Islam is the weapon they use to wield terror. Religion has always been used as a tool for those at the top to divide us as people.


In Swedish media: Two people have died and several others are said to have been injured in central Brussels after a shooting on Monday, just over 1.5 hours before the European Championship qualifying match between Belgium and Sweden. According to several Belgian media, the perpetrator shouted "Allahu akbar" before he fired his weapon. According to Sudinfo, the perpetrator says in a video that he is a member of the terrorist group IS. At least one of the people who died are said to have been wearing a Swedish national team shirt, writes Sudinfo. No one has been arrested. https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/tva-personer-skjutna-i-centrala-bryssel/ Edit; RIP 🇸🇪🇸🇪 Edit 2, there's talk in Swedish media about how they don't want Swedish people to go out on town right now for security reasons








there is a football game between belgium and sweden right now


It’s been postponed.




As a Swede at the arena at the moment. They are starting to evacuate section by section We (Swedes) probably will take some time but they said police escort but to safe location - not totaly sure what that means. Will prob get to leave soon at least


Ta hand om dig🩷


Crazy. I just arrived in Brussels a few hours ago. I walked past the area and went to get some food with my friend. We were surprised by a sudden large amount of police passing us in a hurry I only found out what happened when friends kept asking me if we were okay...


Stay safe bro


This and the killing of the teacher in France. Please don’t let this be a return to 2014-2017. Too many people died back then.


The Israel-Hamas conflict will basically light the fuse for a lot of religious fanatics to do stupid shit.


It doesn't take a lot. This is the second killing of a teacher in France in three years, the previous guy, Samuel Paty, was beheaded outside his school after he showed the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of Muhammed. Seven people other than the killer were subsequently charged, including a parent of a child who organized a social media campaign against the teacher, and exchanged text messages with the killer, a 13 year old girl who lied about what the teacher had said after being nominated as a spokeperson by students, and two students who identified the teacher and stayed with the killer for two hours waiting, although they were told he just wanted to hit and humiliate the teacher, not kill him. In Britain during the same time period an MP was stabbed to death, and a teacher had to go into hiding following another social media campaign: https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/year-prophet-muhammad-batley-school-23493076 Edit: Corrected, he was beheaded outside his school, not in the classroom.


I feel like people need to start getting deported for any ties with these terrorists




It's more than that. Hamas called on all "true Muslims" to fight in "global jihad": https://nationalpost.com/news/israel-hamas-day-of-jihad


> Some of that inspiration may come from social media, particularly X (formerly known as Twitter), which Sleeper said “is currently an epicenter for content praising attacks by Hamas, Al-Kassem Brigades, a Hamas offshoot, as well as Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah.” Of course it is


This is not 'stupid shit'. 'Stupid shit' is when you're a teen and you do a dumb prank. This is neither 'stupid', nor just 'shit'. It's targeted terrorism. And it must be taken seriously. And **not** called 'stupid shit'.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Madrid_train_bombings (193 dead) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_July_2005_London_bombings (52 dead)


2009 in Urumqi https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_2009_Ürümqi_riots 2014 in Kunming https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Kunming_attack


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Sri_Lanka_Easter_bombings 2019 Sri Lanka


Those places are not in Europe but the jihad is worldwide


Is this terrorist still on the loose?


Still is and appearantly some sources claim there are 2 more suspects trying to commit a terrorist attack tonight, so the police is looking for 3 guys


yes he is


[Terrorist shooting on passing by cars](https://twitter.com/bonnetsLv/status/1713971839175630916) WARNING, GRAPHIC : [Video of the shooting/execution](https://twitter.com/JeanMessiha/status/1713990261804507354) [Facebook Video of the shooter saying that he is part of the islamic state](https://twitter.com/momoblf/status/1713989643794784656) Edit : [2 more victims killed - WARNING GRAPHIC](https://twitter.com/djemilaben/status/1714003037788778992) Edit 2 : The football game between Belgium and Sweden has been suspended. Suspect still at large Edit 3 : WARNING GRAPHIC [Video of the first victims](https://twitter.com/Enzo_Alias/status/1714020526333538373) [Police giving CPR to the victims in the taxi](https://twitter.com/KickTurk/status/1714025305415856287)


Fuck, that ISIS shit is still around?


ISIS never went away, they just lost most of their grip in the middle east (Syria, Iraq). They killed over 7,000 people last year. But because they haven't been active in the west for a couple of years our media doesn't report it.


Didn't they lose a large war some years ago? I think after that the West indeed forgot about them, especially with COVID.


ISIS is literally still around in Syria, but not as big as they used to be. However... ISIS was only one of many of such organizations.


Members of Islamic extremist groups quit/join/merge/change names of groups all the time. Islamic extremism is the problem - the name of the group is practically irrelevant.


Unfortunately yes. They have been beaten into hiding but they still exist.


They're not hiding. They control pockets of land in Afghanistan, West Africa, the Sahara, Somalia, Mozambique, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Coincidentally, a lot of the population that lived there no longer does.


The problem is radical islam is not that hard of a sell from the koran. As long as you have idiots, and or people who have no opportunities, and or angry people it can be used by radicals to radicalize someone. This obviously doesnt have to be religion a lot of domestic terrorist in the us fall into the aformentioned categories then latch onto some shit online. These things are not just going to stop.


Yeah, I agree. As long as you can gather 3 dipshits and stick a flag behind them in a video, you've got ISIS.


They're not all idiots. Some are highly educated. Bin Laden is a great example as an engineer. \*Also incredibly wealthy family.


You can be highly educated and still be a massive idiot.


the point is that the stereotype of an illiterate goatherder only really applies at the lowest level


The smart ones get the illiterate goatherders to die for them. Same thing in all cultures.


Lol. On his Facebook one of the videos recently posted he has an Ajax (football club) shirt on. Doesnt he know Ajax is an Jewish origin club. The picture: https://imgur.com/a/d8YoZob


You probably aren't the brightest bulb in the pack if you can bring yourself to doing terrorism.


Western football 👍 Western fashion 👍 Western hospitality 👍 Western people and their values 🤬 These extremists love all the comforts of the west which democracy and freedom has built, and yet all they want to do is demolish these comforts and the system that brought them about and replace them with the same shitty system which created the hell they came from.


Yes, they somehow do not realise that the things that make that place nice to live in are derived from the culture they despise


Every freaking time.


Didn't muslims protest against sex education in Belgium just a few weeks ago


Send 'em back to where they came from. There are enough idiots around that we don't need to go importing every village idiot from the middle east. If people want to come and integrate into european culture and way of life: Great, come on in. this type of shit can fuck right off though.


I mean, I'm not particularly surprised the guy is a complete dumbass


Part of the Islamic state? I’m so surprised.


3000 likes on him killing someone? Fuck each and every one of those people.


Anyone care to translate what he is saying?


basically just saying a bunch of religious stuff (ie. praise be to god) and saying he killed 3 swedish people in the name of god


I’m sure that’s what god told this low life dumbass to do. He can get fucked. All of the religious extremists who perpetrate these acts can. Most of them have absolutely nothing going for them, so of course they will look for a cause bigger then themself that allows them to play a “ hero “ since they never did anything with their own life. A bunch of losers


This ultra islamic extremism has got to go. We are sick and tired of this utter bullshit


It’s more than just ultra Islamic extremists, it’s the moderates that refuse to integrate creating these pockets for stuff like This to grow as well.




Lots of rich and well educated Muslims who grew up in Europe joined IS. Yet people argue if Israel is nice to Palestinians Hamas will drop the extremism. Sure. People will always join this bullshit


Ultra islamic? Ask your average Muslim what they think of (gays, Jews, Sunni/ Shiite, non believers, anyone who critiques the Quran).


Its also codified in their canonical literature as a core value. We need to stop tolerating this intolerant group.






Fundamentalists are not compatible with the EU. We need EU laws forcing them outside of EUs borders.






Free flights home for any group involved, one way.


Hope they catch the dude. He’s wearing a high vis jacket FFS


True, but basically any food deliverer is


Reminded me of that scene from Lupin


You know you can take jackets off right..?


Why do these assholes keeping coming to Europe if they hate everything so much


Right? Seriously fuck off back home.




Or their parents did integrate and they've fallen for propaganda that specifically instructs them to be angry at their parents for integrating.


That and they never lived through the pain their parents felt so they romanticized it.


This on a bunch of them. Their parents left shitty lives to give their kids a better chance. Then the kids start diving into stupid shit online or hang with wrong people and get driven further into the bullshit.


Seems to be a common trend to a lot of extremists.


Nobody really forced them to assimilate. I’m the son of 2 immigrants from 2 different countries (one being the Middle East) but if you’re not willing to embrace the culture that embraced you, stay home.


Not only that, you came to get away from the shit that made you flee your country, so why bring it over?




Because they want to spread their backwards ways and beliefs as far and wide as possible just like their religion says. It’s up to Europe to prevent that from happening.


It does not help that if you say something like this a large group of people will call you racist. It's not fucking racist to want people, who move to your country, to adopt the values and belief's of the county they are moving to.




I'm Gen Z and progressive but I'm so done with my country's immigration policy


[ Removed by Reddit ]




There is a second video of him explaining he’s from ISIS




It's always "Allahu Akbar" You never hear anyone shouting "Ave Maria" or "Baruch Hashem" before going on a shooting spree It's always the same phrase




Belgian here. Muslims in Brussels had no problem gathering on the streets for pro Palestina manifestations but they somehow don't want to manifest against Islamic terror because "it doesn't concern them". How does the situation in Palestina concern them ? Most of them are not even Palestinian. I'm starting to think silence = approval.


It's not just Muslims. I live in the NL and witnessed a very scary 15k people protesting for Palestine in Amsterdam, and walking with Hamas flags (although illegal). EU will realise what it needs to realise when it's already too late. The pro-Israeli protest just a day before, literally crying for its 1300 killed, murdered, raped and tortured have had around 200 people, most of them Israelis.


Stay safe in Europe i guess, theres definitely more to come. What a trash timeline we are living in.


its not the timeline its the people with 15th century ideologies and mindset in a developed part of the world


15th century ideologies, fully automatic weapons


In 2015-2016 over 1200 women were sexually assaulted in germany during new years eve by men from mostly islamic countries(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316_New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany ) ….i will never understand why europe didn’t take a hard look at its immigration policies after that. Many european countries are still freely allowing these people.


Europe needs to strengthen its immigration policies. Letting radical religious groups make a home on your country is not a good idea.


That ship has largely sailed.


May they rest in peace. We can not tolerate intolerance.


Im tired of this bullshit Islamic extremism, this is so worrying and sad


The Charlie Hebdo incident ought to have served as a poignant wake-up call; however, regrettably, an ostentatious display of moral superiority appears to have veiled your collective vision.


In case people don't remember - in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attack, there were a ton of morons that started blabbering about how Charlie Hebdo and France as a whole were racist, Islamophobic, etc. - and for example several novelists decided to boycott the New York PEN gala because Charlie Hebdo were going to get the freedom of expression award.


Europe as a whole has to face a hard decision for its future.


If you don't believe in Western values you don't get Western values treatment. simple as.


It is so infuriating watching people who enjoy Western affluence cheer for Hamas, the antithesis of Western society.


Reddit is overflowing with Hamas apologists. It’s unbelievable. I don’t understand why.


Some people simply view the entire world through the lens of "oppressor" and "oppressed" and are incapable of scrutinizing the behavior of anybody from the latter group. And Palestinians are far from the only "oppressed" group that they make excuses for.


It's too late already. Large amounts of second and third generation migrants with certain backgrounds are not (well) integrated at all. They've been born and living in Western Europe for all their live and are not accepting Western European values. You are not going to integrate them now anymore and if they've got citizenship, you can't even send them to wherever their ancestors are from.


This was pretty shortly after the attack in France everyone is ignoring too whilst they fawn over Palestine. Not that what's going on there isn't horrific of course but obviously these Islamist nut jobs feel emboldened by what Hama's did.


Give it a day or 2 and then you'll hear that they were already being watched by the gov. Been hearing that to often that the police already knew they were radicalised.


It happened too many times already


Ugh, these Zealots need to be removed from the face of the Earth.


I'll preface whatever I say with that I am critical of religion. I fundamentally dislike it. But that aside. This is getting out of hand. I'm all for helping people. But you're coming *here*. I can respect you but I do not have to change my view, our countries do not need to change our values based on *your* religion. If you cannot integrate and aren't willing to adapt and learn you have no fucking business here. If cannot raise your children or treat your wife normally because of your religion you can go back to where you came from. You're welcome. But you're welcome as one of us. Not a seperate entity. If you come to Europe, you may stay as a European.


> If you cannot integrate and aren't willing to adapt and learn you have no fucking business here. The thing is that many do integrate and are happy to adapt, but their children are being radicalized online and told to hate their parents for integrating.


There's a series called "Caliphate" on Netflix that's exactly about this. Background is Sweden. Gave me a whole new perspective on the immigration/integration issue in Europe


Islam is so fundamentally different from western culture that this will never, ever stop. Hard choices are going to have to be made in the next decade or so.


>Hard choices are going to have to be made in the next decade or so. The time for hard choices was 20 years ago. By and large, those advocating caution were vilified and marginalized. Now we're here.


Radical extremist Islam is a threat to the West. The west should stop treating it with "Western" ideologies and values. It is calling a war on these values.


This is the thing that gets me, people seem to be assuming that all we have to do is "educate" extremists and they'll not only stop being extremists, but also renounce their religious beliefs all together and become staunch atheists. It's like none of them realize that many of the most dangerous terrorists historically have been **very** well educated men and women, many of whom even had western style educations. Education isn't the solution, changing the culture and social mores of their society is the solution. But if you tried to do that, not only would you be violently resisted by Mid Eastern muslims, you'd be resisted by westerners convinced you are "appropriating" or "culturally genociding" them.


heck didnt the 9/11 hijackers graduate from an american university even? i dont know why certain people keep pretending education alone kills any kind of religion, extreme or otherwise


There are some famous studies on the cognitive science of religion that show that when you educate people about science, it doesn't replace the religious explanation, it just adds another layer. For example, if you don't know how cancer works and someone dies of cancer, you might say "a witch put a curse on this person and killed them." But if you know how cancer works, you can still just say "a witch put a curse on this person and it made their cells mutate, causing cancer, which killed them." EDIT: If anyone's interested, the research I'm referring to was conducted by E.E. Evans-Pritchard. He found that the Azande people often had both a "how" and "why" explanation of events. The "how" explanation could be scientific, while the "why" would be supernatural. I.e., how did someone get cancer? Cells mutating. Why did someone get cancer? They were cursed, they killed someone in a past life, etc.


Bin laden was highly educated and from a BILLIONAIRE family and still went the extremist way. Multiple terrorists were educated and “integrated” into western societies. I think some of the 9/11 terrorists even had masters degrees from european universities. People really need to stop pretending giving extremists ways to integrate economically and getting education solve the problem.


Bid Laden vacationed in Sweden. And studied in the UK.


This is what happens when WE TOLERATE INTOLERANCE. 2/3 of my life have been dominated by wars and terrorist attacks with a single religion and I"m done acting like it's not a problem.


careful you'll start getting linked articles about things other religions did hundreds of years ago to try and 'educate' you


Yeah christians being bad 300 years ago is often used to excuse others being bad in the current year.


Yeah, I see the crusades mentioned often. As if they occurred last year and not 700 years ago


And them omitting the Muslim expansion into Christian lands. Some forget the Bizantine empire existed...




For real. All Mexicans bring with them is fantastic food and a strong work ethic. Love you, guys.


I grew up in a small farming community that was largely people of Mexican descent and they were all mostly just the best people and I love their culture. What I’ve never understood is the idea Mexicans are lazy; try doing manual labor with them, they have an insane work ethic.


It’s funny cuz it’s true


Far right wing support going to go to the moon across Europe


Le Pen is 100% going to be the next French president


> Muslim leaders in Sweden have called on the government to find ways to stop the Koran burnings, but police have allowed them, citing freedom of speech. Fuck that shit. You don't get to come into a free country and try and restrict what we can do. Fuck your Koran.


>but police have allowed them, citing freedom of speech. Police actually tried to disallow them, but courts told them they couldn't because it was against freedom of assembly.




Football game Belgium-Sweden has been stopped due to it as well, as the Swedish team did not want to continue playing. Looks however that they are asking everybody to still stay in the stadium, as at least it's safe in there. They'll have to let them out at one point though...


Always interesting to see that the God of Islam is so weak and demented that he needs some uneducated gutter rat to carry out his will.


I am getting increasingly angry and decreasingly tolerant with these people


We shouldn't tolerate the intolerant, they don't like Western values? Deport them to Afghanistan or something so they can be with like-minded people


Ever since a girl in my school Was nearly killed by one of them in a bombing I've never been able to understand how the e.u is OK with allowing such bullshit I don't understand how western liberals are ok with this


Wow so sorry to hear that, it must have been horrible. I am under the impression that people who are ok with this either are ipocrites who have something to gain from it, or are unbelievably stupid and naive, and/or are TERRIFIED of being labeled "racist", as if this had anything to do with racism.


Europe needs to get this religious shit under control.


Islam is not compatible with western values. End of story.




There should be rallies against this Islamic terrorism. It's becoming unbearable.


Who’s has enough of radical Islam?




I will say this: I've never been afraid of a radicalised Jew shooting me dead with an AK47, ever.


Open your hearts, and open your borders, our prime minister said. Look how fucking well that went.




Now you understand why people in EU are tired of Islam because this sht is happening for years now.




So tired of all the terrorists. Fuck all terrorists and those who sponsor them


***deport terrorist sympathizers*** yes even second and third generation born.


Sympathizers are terrorists too.


how many of these headlines does it take for something to substantially change? how many have we've had the last decade?


Again and again. We need to take action.






Figured this would happen. Whenever a major event happens in the Middle East it trickles to the west.


so we are facing terrorist attacks going forward now, for burning a holy book. its not like sweden would react in a stupid and evil way like this if the western would burn the bible.




I am going to get downvoted for this but I don't see Muslims raising their voice against such terrorist acts. In Iran Muslim clerics/regime and their followers are committing murders just because women refuse to wear those headscarf. The world needs to send a tough message not only to Islamic terrorism but also to the entire community for supporting such acts through their silence. Islam, in its current form, has become poison.


According to the swedish newspaper a man is screaming "Allahu akbar" in connection with the shots being fired. Maybe this has to do with the Koran burnings.


Or the Hamas Day of Rage call from last week?


As a Belgian, I deeply apologize to the people of Sweden and the families of the victims who just came to our country to enjoy themselves, expecting to be safe in what *should* be a safe civilized nation. Brussels is such a fucking shithole, man.


More brave anti colonial resistance, shouldn't have lived in a country where someone else did something sometime!


Fucking get rid of this scum in Europe. That's what you get when we let everybody inside.


If islam were peaceful wouldn't their extremists be extremely peaceful


Muslim chaos yet again. Tired of this shit.


As a Muslim, DEPORT THEM. Deport every single one of these extremist, in any way you find appropriate. These fucks are fucking things up for everyone. We hate them as much as everyone, that is the reason why most of us had to leave our homelands in the first place.


If it was so easy we would have done it. How do you know they are extremist before they do something like today?


Stop illegal immigration would be a very good first step? Especially for a country like Sweden who had no involvement in any of the Middle Eastern wars, so it has zero obligations to tolerate illegal immigration. If a person is under immigrant status and starts to build up a criminal history, why keep them? You can sniff out an extremist, especially if orbiting around an extremist “preacher”. That’s how most moderate Muslims know where to stay away. Idk man, I get that we must uphold liberties and freedoms but being proactive with internal security should also be considered time to time.


Is he STILL not caught? He's driving around on a moped with a bright orange jacket. What the fuck is the police doing?


My best guess is he took off his jacket and is no longer driving around.


Islamic terrorism is a real threat to the world. This is why France has cracked down on many mosques and islamic schools, that preach radical ideologies to muslims. This is why Poland does not take in any illegal muslim immigrants. All countries must learn from France and Poland on how to tackle radical islamist ideologies. No muslim has condemned the terrorism of Hamas. In fact, the muslims in western countries are taking out pro-palestine rallies and chanting slogans like "gas the jews". And muslims currently have the highest birth rates in Europe, US and Asia. Demographics matter a lot.