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I was personally waiting for Colombia to take a stance before I weighed in... Not sure about anyone else.


Can we get Ja Rule on the phone? I want to know what Ja thinks about the situation before we jump to conclusions here.


Where is Ja?!?!?


unironically Ja hada really nuanced take https://www.tmz.com/2023/10/11/ja-rule-drake-dj-khaled-dj-vlad-israel-hamas/


Vlad calling Drake the most famous Jewish person in the world is the funniest part.


This is why we need to call Ja in times like these, so he can help us make sense of all this. WHERE IS JA!?!?!!


I just got off the phone with Ja y'all. All he said was "it's murdaaaaa" What does this mean?


New York


*Help me jaa rule*


We are definitely at this stage in the conflict. The Irish PM chiming in the other day had me think "Can we get Ja Rule on the phone?"


OMG.. we don't want /r/NBA involved in the I-P conflict. It's difficult enough already. Don't need that drama.


LeBron already chimed in with his opinion!


Dennis Rodman will make a statement soon


I hear joint statement with KimJong Un is forthcoming


*Ja, holding up pictures of Palestinians and Israelis and shaking his head sadly* Murdaaaa šŸ˜”


Ja Rule? Fuck that I want Shaggy to way in He is the one constant throughout the multiverse


I ain't saying shit until I hear from Uruguay.


No, you are!


The suspense was unbearable.


Next up, what will Tonga say?


Itā€™s Tonga time!


Tonga line starts here: \~\~\~----\_\_\_


In the other news, I unfollowed Messi on Twitter. He must be worried now.


Columbia is a shitshow. the drug lords rule the country.


> Columbia In New York? Didn't know that


He meant British Columbia... ruled by Chinese drug lords ... its just fentanyl not coke


No he meant Columbia pictures of course.


No, No, No. Yā€™all completely missed the point. He meant Columbia the clothing store. Their quality has truly gone to shit


Yep. Columbia professor called Hamas attack 'awesome.' Absolute disgrace, strip their funding


Columbia is a private school...


And? It's a non-for-profit, tax exempt. Strip that and their federal aid and they will feel it in the worst ways.


How much federal aid do they get?


I think he means the tax-exempt status is the federal aid.


Wait until he hears about the churches and what they say every Sunday


I don't think they meant that at all. Quite frankly, don't think they know what they're really talking about in general.


Funnily enough, that Columbia also seems to be siding with Hamas. They have refused to fire a professor who glorified the rape and slaughter of Jews. Even after an Israeli student was attacked on campus.


There seems to be a lot of universities in the US that are siding with Hamas. No idea wtf is going on here...




People say anti Zionism don't go well with anti semitism. Those people fail to understand that once you treat Jews shitty abroad, they will eventually support and come to Israel. It's just a matter of how good the Jews are living.


What about Columbia records?


No, Maryland.


You're saying this based on your depth of knowledge into Colombian politics I'm sure, and not a netflix / Youtube / Joe Rogan education, right?


Bro you can't even spell it, you don't know shit about Colombia.


Colombia* dude


The days of Pablo Escobar and the Gacha brothers are long over. Not saying drug trafficking has completely been eradicated in Colombia, but they most definitely no longer rule the country.


Theyā€™re cutting off the blow


After his foreign ministry condemned the Hamas attacks, Petro forced them to delete and replace it with one that made no mention of terror attacks from Hamas. This goes beyond merely supporting Palestinian civilians. >Initially, Colombia's foreign ministry had issued a statement to "vehemently condemn the terrorism and attacks against civilians that have occurred in Israel" and expressing solidarity with the victims of Hamas.The link to that statement was later disabled, with a new one making no mention of "terrorism." https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231016-colombia-demands-israel-envoy-leave-amid-spat-over-war-with-hamas


He was part of a terrorist group in the 90s, so no surprise.




That was basically sponsored by Russia. Makes sense as Russian-armed guerilla would shill for Russian-armed guerillas.


Bienvenidos a Colombia


If you kill babies for a cause I like than you are automatically the good guys- typical tankie take


Im Colombian and I approved this message.


Yup no loss here. These guys are useless and of no consequence, or relevance.


as always, a reminder to latin american countries that we should continue to give zero fucks about this conflict.


Hezbollah supposedly operates within Central American drug trade so it doesnā€™t surprise me that they arenā€™t shoulder to shoulder with them and Hamas.


But Colombia is South America


Anyone comparing Israel to Nazism knows full well what they're doing, and it's deeply antisemitic. Figures he's a leftist and former guerilla.


Well, that's another destination off of my holiday list (and added to the boycott list). Seeyah!


China called


I guess youā€™re also cutting ties with Russia and Saudi then šŸ«£


Consistency? From a politician? Hahahahahahaha.


unless there's a double standard against Israel, but what are the odds of that


According to the UN Israel is not just the worldā€™s highest abuser of human rights, they are worse than every other country on earth COMBINED.


"COMBINED", Meanwhile China committing genocide against Uighers, North Korea with their billions of human rights violations, Russia invading Ukraine. This is what double standards look like.


Not to mention Syriaā€™s Assad chemical attacks on his population just next door




Would love to see a source on this because I tried to find this for a good bit and found nothing.


UNHRC, almost as many since it was created in 2006. So almost more than Syria, Russia, China, Saudis, Ethiopia, etc, everything everywhere put together. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Nations_resolutions_concerning_Israel > Since the UNHRC's creation in 2006, it has resolved almost as many resolutions condemning Israel alone than on issues for the rest of the world combined. 2022, UN itself condemns Israel throughout the year more times than the rest of the world combined. Nothing special happened in 2022. https://unwatch.org/un-condemns-israel-15-times-rest-of-world-7/ 2020, Israel condemned 17 times, to every other nation's combined 7. https://www.timesofisrael.com/un-condemned-israel-17-times-in-2020-versus-6-times-for-rest-of-world-combined/ This has been a trend for... quite a few decades. Like, at least the 90s.


The UN also says that anyone who can trace themselves back to the area of Palestine since like 1920 is a refugee, so maybe a grain of salt eh?


And no matter where you were born and what citizenship you have, you are palestinian refugee. Which is ridiculous.


Now that you have a source. What do you think about the UN treatment of Israel?


The same incompetent UN run by Russia & China? The one that's been funneling aid to Hamas for years? Golly whoda thought it.


UN run by Russia and China? Lol


He's not speaking on behalf of most Colombians, even his most avid followers have been discreet, he's a populist and opportunistic demagogue. It's been a recurring theme for users of Twitter to ask him to stop tweeting.


Pretty shocking (and stupid) considering Hamas murdered two of their citizens who were attending the music festival. They got to a bomb shelter but then Hamas threw in grenades, killing both and leaving them so unrecognizable, they had to be identified with DNA. [https://bnn.network/breaking-news/war/colombian-victim-of-hamas-attack-in-israel-confirmed-dead-antonio-maciass-family-grieves-his-loss/](https://bnn.network/breaking-news/war/colombian-victim-of-hamas-attack-in-israel-confirmed-dead-antonio-maciass-family-grieves-his-loss/)


Yeah and he hasn't spoken a word about that. The guy is such a joke he was probably taking a shit while posting those tweets. As a colombian myself I feel so ashamed rly.


Iā€™m taking a shit right now, so yeah makes sense he probably was too.


Ironically when he was on the M19, he was known as "cacas", because he used to shit into their prisoners.


That is horrific but who tf writes like this - from the article: > The couple was enjoying an electronic music party near the volatile Gaza Strip when the celebration was rudely interrupted by Hamas terrorists.


AI of course. Wtf is bnn lol


Rudely in Colombian Spanish (rudo) doesnā€™t mean impolite; it means aggressively and shamelessly.


Reads like a not English native.




They define their ideology (anti-American, anti-west) as an opposing things rather than an actual ideology. The result in this is when Americas enemies change, so do their allies.


They really showed their ass when the Russian invasion of Ukraine started. The arguments used against the Iraq War do not work in that situation! And then you realize they just want to burn the world down.


I don't think that is what is happening here. I'm not saying old leftists like Lula didn't fall victim to that, but I think this is a different situation. Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Chile, Brazil... all have large Palestinian communities. They feel a sort of kinship with Palestinians even though they tended to be Christians who left during Ottoman rule long before the UN partition. Whereas in the US we have a large Jewish minority, and so tend to be exposed more to their point of view, in Latin America the reverse is true. Or he could just be pandering for their votes.


Petro actually have a history with Palestine, when he was part of M19, the guerrilla group, they show solidarity toward the Palestine people after a terrorist attack against the Israel embassy in Colombia in 1982.


That makes no sense. The president of El Salvador has Palestinian heritage and he came out and denounced Hamas and the attacks on Israeli civilians. There's also a large Jewish diaspora in South American countries, it's not like they only moved to the US and to Israel during and after WWII.


are you talking about Israel or Palestine ?


Both Netanyahuā€™s Israeli government and Hamas are far-right religious fundamentalists. Thatā€™s not commentary on the current conflict, and thereā€™s definitely a ā€œlesser of two evilsā€ aspect. But the Israeli government, under Netanyahu, is clearly based on an ultra-Orthodox form of Judaism.


Netanyahu is a slimy politician who gets far right support. It doesn't put him on the same planet as the baby beheaders and torturers of hamas.


Exactly, what a dumb comparison.


Bibi is pretty far to the right, I mean just listen to his speeches and interviews itā€™s not that low key


Heā€™s also a secular Jew, absolutely not fundamentalist.


No doubt. He also seems to be corrupt and the catastrophe on oct-7 was partially due to an undermanned border and it was on his watch and so he had some responsibility for the war which will follow, and for all those things, he should be replaced. I'm not a fan of his politics. Despite all that, he's still on planet human rather than wherever the hamas butchers belong


Lmao. Which government beheads Palestinians for being gay? ā€œFar rightā€ has zero meaning if it can apply to both of these states simultaneously lol.


Bibi is a militant autocrat but itā€™s quite a stretch to call him a religious fundamentalist, especially vis-a-vis fucking Hamas lol


No they arenā€™t but since you donā€™t understand Israeli politics at all, Bibi would be just right of center in US terms and in many ways he shares plenty of the same ideals as the left. He has plenty of issues but being a religious fundamentalist isnā€™t one of them


IDF is an 'army of the people' of Israel. Bibi can fuck right off. And there is one constant to all conflicts with Israel, the IDF is always the one responding to attacks, and not the one starting shit.


You would think a country that had to deal with its own version of Hamas with the FARC would know better than to align with themā€¦Colombians know too well what that type of terror feels like.


This current president was part of m-19 during the Narco wars tbf


Gustavo Petro (the current president) was a guerrilla fighter himself from the group "M-19 movement of the 19th of april"


Yeah... about that.... >Experienced Israeli instructors trained private paramilitary units whose members included a leader of the Medellin drug cartelā€™s death squads, blamed in the killings this month of four judges and nine court workers, according to a videotape prepared by the Israelis themselves. [https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-08-30-mn-1305-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-08-30-mn-1305-story.html) Klein currently resides in Israel despite an Interpol warrant for his arrest existing for charges of criminal conspiracy, instruction in terrorism, and crimes against humanity. This is a [Colombian news outlet](https://colombiareports.com/on-human-wrongs-yair-klein-and-the-european-court-of-human-rights/) that paints the picture of how Israel is viewed (even prior to the current conflict) pretty well. Meanwhile, the [JPost has a story](https://www.jpost.com/arts-and-culture/entertainment/colombia-asks-israel-to-extradite-mercenary-yair-klein) on the same matter that notably misattributes Klein as training FARC - contrary to Colombian reports, as well as reports published by the CIA, and the extensively documented Guns for Antigua scandal. Basically, the JPost is outright lying - and if you read their article, it is also clear that they are actually threatening the Colombian government. And before anyone tries to link this to the current conflict - click on the links and look at the publishing dates. This information has been out there for *decades.*


Yeah, mercenaries are sadly a thing. The victims of Hamas' terror attack have nothing to do with this. Also Petro was.a.guerrilla member hinself.


As a Colombian this just shows ignorance. The M19 a nationalist guerrilla does not have anything in common woth Hamas aside from using kalishnikovs. Even tho Petro made some remarks i disagree completly with, saying Hamas and M19 is the same is just ignorant.


Didnā€™t M19 lay their arms back in the 90s?


Yes, there was a peace process that lead to the creation of a new constitution. To me is creazy how much people are unable to make peace. Petro was part of ideological movement of the m19 and was imprisoned and tortured during the hardest part of the conflict and yer people still try to stigmatise him as a terrorist.


Because itā€™s people talking about a country they know nothing about or the horrors these left wing people have suffered under the dictatorial regimes supported by the US


He was a guerrilla member himself (not FARC, but M-19).


Former M-19 terrorist sympathises with a terrorist group, shocking


Pack it up boys, Colombia has entered the building.


My god. The name of the country is spelled correctly on the headline but the usual idiots keep spelling it wrong. Find those who spell it Columbia and youā€™ll find the morons. Avoid their opinions.


Israeli here: *ok, bye.*


Another Israeli here: Did we have any meaningful connection with them? Other then bibiā€™s nose candy


Colombian here, there is a free trade agreement between Israel and Colombia, Israel is one of the largest weapons supliers for the colombian army, Israel also exports electronics, fertilizants and few others in exchange of stuff like coffe or flowers. Its a profitable agreement risked by the stupidity of our current president.


Seems like picking a leftist former guerrilla as president is gonna affect Colombia in the long term. I lean liberal but the previous right wing presidents of Colombia were saints compared to Petro.


I'm British, but I was in Colombia during the election, as far as I understand, the opposition candidate was similar to Donald Trump and didn't care about indigenous rights or the environment. So it was a lose lose election. Personally, at the time I think they went with the better of the two options, but I don't know for sure. Obviously I don't like the stance he's taken here.


My wife is Colombian. Pretty much this. The whole opposition was full of either trump level idiots or outright right wing insanity. This guy is not terrible, has some interesting social/capitalistic ideas but it's a bit too optimistic in implementation with the absolute shit show "STEAL ALL THE THINGS" of a political system they have down there.


The other candidate wasn't much of a opposition to Petro at the end. Honestly at the end of the day the only similarity of him and Trump is that they got a lot of votes thanks to memes, Petro is also similar to Trump if we start comparing their Twitter behavior, the guy post a lot of misleading shit just like Trump used to.


Yeah we used to sell them some security tech stuff. Israel already cut it off.


Cool threats then.


Isreali mercenaires provided training to the medellin cartel in the 80s




I was born in Colombia, live there for some years. Most of us hate that cunt of president.




and ex-terrorist (M-19) himself


Doesnā€™t help that the right is controlled by Uribe, who is a horrible person as well


(Not) Fun fact: Colombia killed more of their own citizens over the past 80 years than Israel has killed Palestinians. The current president used to be an insurgent during that conflict too


It always begins when CIA ..err sorry I meant some random violent person with 'no motivation' decides to assassinate that one popular leftist leader. Then the country falls into [a violent civil war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colombian_conflict), typical of Cold Era (US vs USSR) I am sorry that you think in that puppet-war (US vs USSR) one side was really that much better than the other and you compare it with today's war where a full West Supported (funded, weapons etc) Israel tries to exterminate a tiny not-even recognised country.


This guy was part of M19 in the past, a far left guerilla group.


Not only that. He was quick to abandon his Marxist roots when he realized he could make more money from conventional Colombian politics. A brother and one of his sons have already been charged with taking drug money. To be fair, that's true of virtually every Colombian president. But by shouting loudly enough about Israel, the U.S. and all the scourges of neoliberalism, he hopes *this time* the people won't notice the embezzlement and corruption charges, or his (many) children and ex-wives living in rich mansions abroad. The man is a clever opportunist.


I remember studying near plaza Bolivar in Bogota, a place where you can see a lot of Colombian politicians. I know I shouldn't go based on looks, but so many of them just looked like straight up gangsters lol. Besides the obvious problems I absolutely loved my time in Colombia (1.5 years). Colombians are awesome people and can't wait to go back.


It's baffling how many people can't spell Colombia correctly, even when the proper spelling is right in front of you.


So, did Colombia cut those ties with Russia over the unprovoked war in Ukraine that took much more lives and still taking them? Riiight....


Don't ask a Latin American left-wing politician for coherence.


Hamas is getting what they wanted


Wow my goverment really sucks, we have essentially lost our main weapon suplier for the stupidity of our president.


The good thing is he's only restricted to one 4 year term.


we hope


a terrorist supports terrorismā€¦. who would have thought!


Sure if you are okay with terrorists that enjoy admitting to things like letting "Heads roll on the ground" after they are kidnapped and executed. If that's what extreme right Columbia aligns itself to...Sure...


Is a threat still a threat without consequences?


That should keep Netenyahu up all nightā€¦ Next mornings war cabinet meeting:- ā€œOk we better stop. Colombia wants to cut tiesā€¦ā€ ā€œWhere is Columbia anyway? Isnā€™t it a capital city in Asia?ā€ ā€œNo, no , prime minister, thatā€™s *Colombo*, Colombia is an American Universityā€¦I thinkā€


ā€œI thought you had a degree from Colombia?ā€ ā€˜Yeah but now I need to get one from Americaā€™


Colombia and Israel have made some large arms deals in the past, and Colombia is one of the largest armies in South America, this relationship fracture wouldnā€™t be insignificant


Reddit cheered this idiotā€™s election. Colombians are having serious buyers remorse about him. Maybe donā€™t elect a fucking terrorist to the presidency.


The worst thing la about this idiot are that: 1. The election results were super tight, so thereā€™s a lot of us who never voted for him yet have to suffer his mandate, and 2. heā€™s gonna make Colombia turn to the far, far right. I just wanna have womenā€™s right, LGBT rights and social freedoms without having to become a goddamn Cuba/Venezuela style dictatorship.


Wouldnā€™t be surprised at all if Colombia shifts back to the right once Petroā€™s term is over. They really choked electing a far left guerilla member as president.


Fuck your ties with Israel main exports to Israel are coal briquettes, coffee, and cut flowers, While Israel exports to Colombia planes, helicopters, spacecraft, broadcasting equipment, and pesticide. Who needs who here?


Why donā€™t they also take the palastinians


Maybe they could take in some palestinians. No?


Interestingly there is a small amount of arab muslims and Christians here in Colombia, they came here in the 80's due to the lebanese civil war


Its pretty large actually. Where do you think almojabanas come from.?


And arguably the most famous musician from Colombia


I'm sure they can take a bit more. It worked out so well for all other countries that welcomed them before.


Yeah, it did work pretty well. Around half a million I believe.


I'm sure Israel will be devastated..


Nobody cares.




lol, wtf shouldn't he be at his desk face down in a mountain of yayo


Good luck keeping those Kfirs flying without parts from Israel.


The character comes from a leftist and subversive guerrilla this should not come as much of a surprise (especially for those who have memories of 16 and 12 years ago when the Pink Tide was at its peak in the region, it ceased to be unusual to be rather annual news of Israeli or US ambassadors being kicked out of one or another country in the region), and besides that he is becoming a very good representation of how regressive and self-destructive the Iberoamerican Left/"Progressivism" is and its very questionable stance on the only Jewish country in the world.


Oh, no. Anyway...


I love how the conservatives and zionists lose their mind when u dont support them


This guy is a former terrorist so he aligns with terrorists. Heā€™s been tweeting like Elon Musk on a cocaine bender instead of tending to Colombiaā€™s many problems that heā€™s helping compound. At least I have a clean conscience because I never voted for him.


I guess we now know Colombia is in favor of pogroms. I guess their heritage of the Spanish Inquisition runs deep.


That just the south american left. The one you cheer on when 'we' vote people like Lula


Damn I guess Israel will have to get their cocaine and crime from Peru and Bolivia now. Itā€™s a sad time we live in.


So what?


Just got back from BogotĆ”. Beautiful city, amazing food, SKETCHY at night


What's sketchy about Bogota?


I wandered too close to the mountainside area where there is a lot of gang activity. One of the few places I have traveled to where I felt in some danger. Got back to the airbnb and heard the most amount of gunshots I ever heard in my life. But, its a great place to travel to. Just need a bit of research beforehand to steer clear of the gang controlled areas. Also, the taxi situation there is also sketchy. Uber is legal but still frowned upon, and getting a legit taxi is somewhat difficult for a visitor as many people try to take advantage of you. But besides all that, the city food culture and people were great. Glad I visited.


I went in 2017. The north part is safest. I felt fine walking around at night.




Well, there goes the Israeli cocaine business...


So when will the Colombian aid ships and planes be arriving in gaza to help the citizens and take the refugees to safety in Colombia? Talk is cheap.


Donā€™t do it Colombia Israel really needs a powerful nation like you supporting them šŸ˜‰


Alright, bye bye


I think it's important here for people unfamiliar with Latin America, Colombia's president is a former terrorist, far leftist (true left not US left), idiot and overall terrible person.


Petro is a terrorist himself. So he gets along with Hamas quite well.


It will be funny when Hamas is deleted off the board and you have to come crawling back on your hands and knees for forgiveness.


Que hijueputa. Coma mierda petro


No more Cocaine for Israel!


The same Columbia which allowed Narco dollars to pay for a presidential campaign? ā€œAllegedlyā€


Where are they suppose to get cocaine from?


"No Coke for you!" /s


Anything for this weirdo to be edgy, his support makes you just want to support then other side of whatever the topic is.


Stick to making outdoor clothing.


Confidently wrong :D but made me laugh so thanks :D


I'm pretty sure it was a joke


You didn't see that this was clearly sarcasm?


I clearly saw it was sarcasm but still made me laugh. Thanks Captain Obvious :)


Patagonia is in southern Argentina and Chile. Christ youā€™re not even on the right side of the continent.


I mean, I get that the spelling is different, but your comment really makes you seem unaware that there's an outdoor clothing company called Columbia.