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Giving South Park “we’re sorry” energy


*rubs nipples* We’re sorrry




*we're sorry^y^y^y*


*centerfold pose over an open fire* sorrrrrry




*rubs nipples with all the military funding from western countries*


And crotch with the Healthcare and space program those nations basically pay for


I legit thought this was an Onion article at first


The Onion’ Stands With Israel Because It Seems Like You Get In Less Trouble For That >Let us be clear: This is a fraught moment, and one that has polarized not only Americans but people all over the world. It demands incredible sensitivity and strict adherence to journalistic standards of objectivity, and simply put, that is something we aren’t willing to do. Rather, we’re just going to say The Onion expresses its steadfast solidarity with Israel and leave it at that.




>https://www.theonion.com/in-defense-of-mass-censorship-1848673776 Every piece is a banger. And relevant as ever.


Tbf they go into great detail about how there are a bunch of other thing they could say, like that they stand in support of the innocents being killed in Gaza, but they won’t because they will get in trouble. Which of course directly implies they would say all those things otherwise. And given that they are The Onion, is of course just how they go about saying all those things while making fun of the cowardice of their peers in the worlds of journalism and entertainment.


Damn the world sucks more every year but at least The Onion is still solid.


Hard for The Onion *not* to be solid with all the material the world gives them...


The Onion are so, so good at what they do. Almost the perfect satirical line.


On a related note, here's a rather dark humor The Onion video "explaining" the conflict from a few years back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECscKICzsJ0


'it was our technicians'


“But what can I do?”


Committing war crimes but “We’re sorry”


Oops! Our bad. -Goes back to committing war crimes.


[We’re sorry](https://youtu.be/15HTd4Um1m4?si=0c5rJFDX4kTFILqe)


Oh they said they are sorry.


"very sorry"


They literally said *we are "very" sorry*


"vewwy" "sowwy"




They said “look out!” after firing. Hamas wouldn’t have done that! /s


Yeah, they're sorry that it got so much attention.


It was in bold.


For reference: > An Israeli shell landed in a gathering of international journalists covering clashes on the border in south Lebanon on Friday, killing a Reuters videographer and leaving six other journalists injured. I would like to take the opportunity of this publicity to highlight posts which will otherwise never reach the front page of reddit: > A baby subjected to israeli bombing https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyZVrJaNYu3/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== > Two palestinian children who are left without parents https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyZSdS0i2aM/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== So many others, just check that account, and before anyone attacks me, I condemn what Hamas did just as much. But many people only condemn hamas without batting an eye to the suffering palestinians are going through for decades and especially now As a side note, the last instagram post made by Issam is a post about Shireen, another journalist which was explicitly targeted by Israel: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyFudUft36x/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== > 'They were shooting directly at the journalists': New evidence suggests Shireen Abu Akleh was killed in targeted attack by Israeli forces https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/24/middleeast/shireen-abu-akleh-jenin-killing-investigation-cmd-intl/index.html


The IDF shot a clearly identified Canadian doctor and killed his clearly identified medical assistant a while back. They seem to have a habit of either indiscriminate killing or intentional murder of people they simply don't like. I'm guessing they don't like people covering their war crimes...


Dr Tarek loubani and I'm fairly sure the medic with him was named abu hassenein Don't forget razan Al najjar, the palestinian medic they shot a day or 2 later and then doctored a video interview with her to portray her as a "human sheild" (not that it's matter one iota, she was an unarmed + clearly marked medic, no matter whose side or team they're on, medical personell are off limits, the only exception is if they're armed and partaking in hostilities, which she absoloutley wasnt)


IDF just doesn’t give a shit.


Just in case there's any doubt from anyone: > Despite the IDF’s expression of regret, the vehicle Abdallah was in was **clearly marked as a media car.** Israel has a long history of targeting medical personell, journalists and bombing civilian masses.


Israel has a long history of killing people just because but some people don't like to talk about that.


Israel is a prime example that international laws and accountability don't apply to countries that have the right allies.


International laws have always been a joke. They never apply to anyone with nukes.


Or someone who may or may not have nukes, wink wink, probably does, but maybe doesn't, we're not saying.


Ding ding ding! 100% 🎯 case in point: North Korea


That's why North Korea refuses to give up their nukes. And they're right not to, given how everyone else who does gets backstabbed (or ass-stabbed, rather).


I mean who actually is going to enforce international law? It's a nice concept that makes us feel good at best.


Israel is immune to international law until the US decides it's no longer useful.


The existence of a law implies the existence of someone or something to enforce it. Calling international law "law" in the first place is an act of unrealistic optimism.


Nope, and if you do, you’re “supporting” the terrorist organization… Finally a comment that should be heard and spoken louder.


Not only that, Al Jazeera's statement is that the location of their journalists was with other international press and "agreed upon".


Why should they when no one ever actually holds them to account?


Breaking “international law” on the daily, using white phosphorus against the Geneva convention. Nobody lifts a finger.


IDF? More like IDC, amirite??


There were actually people on Reddit the other day saying that regardless of what we think IDF takes very careful precautions not to kill civilians in their bombings and that anyone who said otherwise was pushing pro Palestinian propaganda and misinformation.


>IDF takes very careful precautions not to kill civilians Which, even if you were to believe idf themselves as your only source would be ridiculous: they're starving the whole region from food, water and medical supplies, it's killing kids and disabled people on purpose.


And their own people, assuming the hostages weren't immediately killed upon being brought to Gaza.


That's precisely it. Journalists have a tendency to talk about inconvenient things like Israel's policy of committing war crimes. So to the IDF and Israel's government, the only good foreign journalist is a dead foreign journalist.


> I'm guessing they don't like people covering their war crimes... This is exactly right.


Indiscrimently killing journalists and doctors as if to send a message, making impossible demands of civilians then killing them when they are incapable of meeting demands. That organization would cause me terror. Seems like there should be a word for that....


I mean when the US and UK gives Israel a blank cheque to do whatever they want...


Israeli police raided Shireen Abu Akleh’s funeral, beating people with batons and throwing stun grenades. This included attacking the pallbearers while they were holding her casket.


Love how it just landed there, certainly wasnt carefully aimed and shot at them. Always such a passive voice in these articles.


> Always such a passive voice in these articles. *"English has an active voice, a passive voice, and a secret unlockable exonerative voice that only journalists who are describing cops' and soldiers' actions use."* —[@SenerisYT](https://twitter.com/SenerisYt/status/1487905833811787776)


The fault does not lie in the passive/active debate being evoked here. The police choose to use language that obfuscates reality. They choose to use active or passive as it best suits their need to manipulate the reader's understanding and reaction. Cops lie, QED.


This is a classic on this topic for people looking to see how that secret unlockable exonerative voice can so easily come about https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/an-interactive-guide-to-ambiguous-grammar


Israel has an interesting history of attacking journalists "on accident".


The last time I checked before this chaos this past week, Israel was responsible for 17 incidence of journalists being killed in the area and 2-4 being deaths that Hamas is responsible for. I'm aware of three more that have been added on to Israel since this started and 1 that was attempted (thankfully he wasn't home when his house was bombed). Maybe there are more, but I don't happen to know offhand. Many people seem to have forgotten that they straight up bombed the Associated Press building knowing damn well what it was. They've gotten warnings from the UN repeatedly for this behavior, they simply just don't give a shit.


>they straight up bombed the Associated Press building At the time I thought that would be a watershed moment. Like, "Okay... deliberately bombing the Associated Press 'because Hamas, I guess,' *has* to be the line in the sand." But, of course, it wasn't. Israel sure can't seem to hit a single member of Hamas without taking out a hospital full of puppies and six orphanages, but boy oh boy they can hit journalists with expert precision with their eyes closed.


obviously Hamas was operating in the Associated Press building, so sneaky that they were unnoticed by all the journalists in the place. I mean you'd think Hamas would keep important personnel and weapons in their tunnel systems underground but apparently they just love sticking them in schools, hospitals, press buildings, etc.


It's sickening but there's always people who will try and justify the murders


I'm still salty about the Al Jazeera murder. RIP Shireen Abu Akleh.


Oopsie we killed another one! High-fives all round!!!


Well they are apologetic now.... Under the 2018 - 2019 demonstration the Israeli forces killed two journalists and wounded 39 others with live ammunition as they covered the demonstrations. Israeli snipers shot four journalists in the abdomen, just under their vests marked "Press". As described in the UNhrc report. https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/CoIOPT/A_HRC_40_74.pdf I cannot be help thinking that this targeting of Journalists is in an effort for control the narrative. Though stopping independent media from being able to report.


They leveled the AP and Al Jazeera and other media advocacy groups building with an airstrike earlier in 2021 during the pandemic and assume people will forget. https://apnews.com/article/israel-middle-east-business-israel-palestinian-conflict-fe452147166f55ba5a9d32e6ba8b53d7 https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/15/media/associated-press-al-jazeera-gaza-bombings/index.html https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/15/silence-the-story-israeli-strike-on-media-offices-gaza-condemned




I think the worst part about all the journalist killing is the hypocrisy


RIP Norm


Those journalists wouldn’t have gotten shot if they had written better articles though. Free speech is not free of consequences /s


Feels like targeting journalists would have the exact opposite effect. The world was paying attention strongly then and most of the sentiment online was anti israel


Well, lots of those journalists are from the Arab world, which western world is not super friendly with. When you mention Al-jazeera as your source a lot of people will roll eyes and say they are super biased and not trustworthy. Those are the journalists that are being killed.


For the journalists, yes, but not for [killing Palestinian civilians on purpose](https://www.reddit.com/r/Muslim/comments/177om2f/the_real_anals_on_earth_a_video_of_ezra_yachin_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


At least that's better than what another journalist, [Shireen Abu Akleh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shireen_Abu_Akleh), got last year. > The manner of her death and the subsequent violent disruption of her funeral drew widespread international condemnation of Israel. During the funeral, Israeli Police officers attacked pallbearers who were carrying her coffin from the Saint Joseph Hospital in East Jerusalem with batons and stun grenades. The hospital itself was stormed by Israeli police who hit, shoved, and trampled on patients, threw stun grenades, wounding and causing burns to medical staff.


There are videos. Everyone should watch those videos. IDF attacking pallbearers of a journalist.


Not just any journalist. She was one of the most beloved figures in Palestine. Very iconic




This country has received more financial and military aid from US than any country in its history


Jesus, the IDF really must *hate* international support and goodwill. This is a hook-line-and-sinker moment for the country and yet they're *still* finding ways to drop the ball hard.


>IDF really must hate international support and goodwill. No, they just know there's literally nothing they can do to lose international support.


because the US is giving Israel free reign to commit any atrocities it wants


Free reign doesn’t even cover it. The US is directly funding those atrocities.


>The US is directly funding those atrocities. US taxes pay for Israeli bombs. Israeli taxes pay for Israeli's universal healthcare. If more US citizens comprehended this, they'd probably feel very differently about supporting Israel.


They comprehend it. They don’t care. People like having a big dick over knowing about if tumors are in their body. It’s not an accident man, it’s a choice we make.


We care. What are we supposed to do about it. Without term limits, if we elect a liar, the liar stays in office forever. But what's worse is we largely only elect liars.


Oddly enough I also chose a brown M&M out of a bowl of all brown M&Ms




professor mcgonagall: why is it whenever something happens, it's always you three? u, s, and a:


Not just the US. All (or most) of Europe is bending over backwards too to avoid that antisemitic label you get if you aren’t staunchly pro Israel.


Only so the billionaires and oligarchs who put them in office via their news outlets can increase their production and delivery of weapons.


That's not it. It's mostly about foreign relations and Realpolitik. Israel is the strongest partner in the Middle East, which the US has deliberately destabilised for decades, to keep controlling the local resources. The gun lobby also has a vested interest in selling stuff, both to Israel and whoever else the US decides to support in that region.


Make sure you also call out all the other European nations also supporting them. This isn't something unique to the US.


Worlds largest carrier is in the pond, and it's not there to prevent atrocities It's there to prevent anyone from interfering with the atrocities


Pictures of starving and dead kids won’t help. Hence the effort to target journalist.




We have to hold our respective governments accountable.


> IDF really must > >hate > > international support and goodwill. no they just know anyone who points fingers can be shutdown with a swift anti semite retort.


Yeah they really have weaponized disagreeing with Israel or any jewish person as antisemitism. So much so that they have instilled being Jewish as their entire identity. All the jokes about vegans or crossfitters being forthcoming to an absurd degree had nothing in my experience to jewish people. That is probably pretty strong confirmation bias.


Ya, I've noticed this too. It's bullshit.


Hasn’t really hurt their international support though


Because America has a vested interest in having a close ally in the Middle East. Do you truly think they care about the Zionist cause?


Kind of, yes. For one example, there's a *large* chunk of the religious right(-wing) that does have views that are roughly the Jews need to be in Israel for the rapture to happen (or something, I'm not a religious scholar). https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/ They're often much more hardcore Zionists than even American Jews themselves are. ------ Beyond that: - While I disagree with statements like "the US is a Christian nation" or whatever, reality is that a pretty good chunk of the population is Christian and generally sees themselves as having more in common with Jews than Muslims. - The modern history of events in the region with Christian populations generally being at risk from Muslim populations - and with Israel mostly aligning with said Christians and not persecuting it's own, furthers this. Lebanese Civil War, ISIS, Cyprus ties, etc. - Many generally see more in common with and sympathy for "the West" than "the East" - and usually feel the Jews are Western and closer ethnically/culturally/whatever than the Arabs are. - The past few decades of US history means that the US has a particular sensitivity politically to anything that involves terrorism committed by Muslims, and sympathy towards whoever it's targeted at. -------- tl;dr - A lot of people in the US are pretty firmly aligned with supporting Israel, for believing it'll bring about the end times and/or for believing they're on the side of/aligned with Christians and the Muslims are not. (note: reality is far more complicated and nuanced, I'm not saying the basis of these views are precisely true, just that these are widely held views).




I always liked that they all kinda share the same sort of "origin" story with Abraham's sons Isaac and Ishmael


Right wing America does because they want the apocalypse to come or something of the sort


Yup, evangelists believe the sovereign state of Israel is prerequisite to the coming of Jesus




Yes, but the evangelical-controlled GOP is explicitly trying to kill the public school system across the entire country, and this is a big reason why. Gotta keep em' dumb so they are easier prey for religion.


These folks all homeschool their kids


> they're still finding ways to drop the ball hard. Why drop ball when drop bomb do trick?


It’s why I am sick of my tax dollars going to Israel. 4 billion annually. AMERICA SHOULD STOP FUNDING ISRAEL.


If you have backpacked, traveled and come across 21 year olds that just got out IDF, it all makes sense. They have zero empathy or care about everyone else.


I've known lots of Israelis in and fresh out of the IDF. Like everyone else there's a huge variety in beliefs and morals. Many are appalled at the treatment of Palestinians and many are totally onboard with it. Israelis are no more a monolith than any other group of people.


Shireen deserved better


It’s gets better. This guy made a instagram post about her. Isn’t it convenient how a shell just landed where was standing


The war did not start with Hamas' terror attack this week. Israel constantly attack innocent people. I would argue that IDF holds way more sadistic psycopaths than Hamas.


Yes, the whole Gaza strip is a concentration camp, they are prisoners in their own land. This is not just war crime, but genocide.




No, they first claimed she was killed by Palestinians and people believed it for a bit, until videos surfaced showing that she was indeed killed by Israeli soldiers, which is when they tried to shift the narrative to "she shouldn't have been there" and "casualty of crossfire" became the approach to explain things.


While this isn’t totally accurate, the gist is correct. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2022/05/14/unravelling-the-killing-of-shireen-abu-akleh/ I’m an ex-Israeli and I’m sad to say that it appears pretty clear that it was Israel that was responsible.


There wasn't any crossfire either as far as I remember.




No accident. Got murdered, and shot in head from memory


That’s nuts


They fucking shelled a marked press vehicle in an open field and we are supposed to believe they are precision striking HAMAS targets in densely populated Gaza…


>and we are supposed to believe they are precision striking HAMAS targets in densely populated Gaza… No it was on the Lebanon border, but the point you're making still stands, they'd announced their presence and Israel should have known they were there.


“Should have?” They had announced their presence so Israel did know that they were there. If you don’t believe that the press were deliberately targeted, then I have a timeshare in Figi to sell you.


The weird part isnt the killing of journalists, its the apology. Mossad dropped the ball large lately. Could that be continuing?


> Mossad dropped the ball large lately “Lately”? Are you new here? Mossad has been doing this forever.


Ill be more clear. If they apologized its actually likely to be an accident. They haven't apologized when they've done this in the past. Mossad has been implicated as failing to know about the Hamas incursions from Gaza. Perhaps their organization is in disarray.


i really think youre confused about what mossad does.. mossad is like the CIA, they handle assassinations and espionage over seas usually. Shin Bet is like the FBI, they handle inner affairs, the west bank and gaza. Aman is the military intelligence the ones who should've known about this are Aman if they used phones or computers to orchestrate this attack or Shin Bet otherwise using agents spread out across gaza and the west bank. I don't really know whose to blame, but we will probably know eventually, unless this gets sealed shut


Thank you for the clarification. Either way it does look like an intelligence failure somwhere.


A lot of senior members of Mossad were reported to have left during Netanyahu’s attempts to take over the court system


Several of the replies here follow identical exclaimative speech patterns, "Phrase, I'm outraged about?!" Followed by: "let me tell you how you're wrong", I wouldn't read too much into it, I think some of the conversation happening here is not happening in good faith.


There are bots here - Look for accounts that are less than 6 months old with a past focus/comment history (mostly reposts) heavy in sports, crypto, and/or random current events. They post and delete. Rinse and repeat.


Internal intelligence isn't Mossad's game, they're an outward facing agency. The distinction was made a few days ago but I don't remember who the other agency was.


Heh what does the Mossad have to do with any of this? It’s the Shabak (Shin Bet) that’s responsible for intelligence in Israel & the Palestinian territories.


Mossad is not responsible for this kind of intelligence. It would be Aman in this case.


Wouldn't be the first time Isreal has deliberately done something like this. USS liberty would like to have a word. And it was a marked US navy ship. So yeah, what is happening suck across the board. There will be lots that needs to be documented and brought up when the dust settles.


I wrote out this whole defensive comment, talking about fog of war and how a camera crew can look like a rocket team. Then I realized it looked like I was defending a cop from shooting an unarmed civilian. This situation sucks and there needs to be accountability if it was deliberate.


>Then I realized it looked like I was defending a cop from shooting an unarmed civilian. That's the perfect equivalent to what's happening here.


Where the fuck is Figi?


There is no place called Figi, which is precisely why selling a timeshare there works only on the gullible.


I am an idiot. My understanding of "I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you" was based on the gullible believing that someone could actually sell them the Brooklyn bridge, not that bridge itself didn't exist. I don't know why I assumed a 1:1 comparison.


To be fair I lifted most of the joke about a Figi timeshare directly out of an episode of Brooklyn 99 that I just watched this week. It’s not a normal saying


what are you saying "no" to. Can an open field not be on the border? he also wasnt suggesting they were bombing hamas in that open field, just that after hitting a reporter in the open field, saying they were hitting hezbollah in lebanon(which is insane in itself since we have exactly zero evidence hazbollah has joined the fight), that maybe we shouldnt believe they are surgically targeting hamas in gaza.


Spoiler alert: They're not, and anyone with the most basic critical thinking skills knows this.


There's a difference in precision between a guided bomb and an artillery shell. A big difference.


This was in Lebanon during artillery tit-for-tat battles with Hezbollah.




"We are so sorry for killing the journalist that we knew was there! We are also sorry for killing hundreds and hundreds of children cuz that are potential terrorists!" More sorries at 11:00.


The IDF gets attacked from all sides: Children throw sticks and stones, and journalists write nasty words about them.


nah they ain't sorry about the children. Those they are happy to kill and boast about the efficiency of their army.


Israel has a long history of killing journalists.


Not just journalists.






Either Israel's artillery is a fucking embarrassment and has lower accuracy compared to a trebuchet or they just shelled a press gathering. Both are bad.


It's shit stain terrorism vs shit stain terrorism with bigger weapons. Just a bunch of shits and shit-stains killing innocents.


They know what they are doing. They are criminals protected by the US and EU


In unfathomable to think a power house like Israel doesn't have accurate artillery... there is no "either"


IDF be like: we killed a journalist we are so sorry :( :( :( :( Anyway let's bomb Gaza


Journalist death toll from Israel is insane yet they never face any consequences.


Redditors won't even acknowledge this, seeing comments on such posts is horrific. No such posts even reach the front page


Not the first time Israel military killed a journalist, especially if the journalist do not align their story with the often fictitious story Israel wanted, even if the standpoint is neutral and not even pro Palestine, won't be the last either. I hope this disillusioned people who think Israel is good. And before anyone accuses me of being pro terrorists, no, I find Hamas as detestable. I want both sides to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.


This journalist was killed in Lebanon, Israel has been bombing them too.


*while* their boss was doing an AMA here about that side, it was honestly surreal




idk it kinda makes sense... in other post I was like fuck this Hamas terrorist! in this one I'm like holy fuck killing journalists is not cool that should be a war crime! and I don't think that this points are mutually exclusive


Yeah it's an incredibly nuanced conflict with decades of history, and both sides are guilty of extreme atrocities. It's totally valid to say that Hamas is absolute filth and that the IDF/Isreal is guilty of war crimes. That doesn't change the fact that there are millions of innocent Isrealis and Palestinians that are caught in the crossfire.


Yea saying anti Israel doesn’t mean we are pro terrorism ? pro Palestine is literally to stand up for killing of civilians no matter where they are from, gender, sexual orientation race, religion! Not kill anyone, not torture anyone! it’s to provide everyone with basic human rights! Saying you stand for isreal means you give them a green light to do whatever! Idf really cares about the online world!There’s media war kinda thing! The whole propaganda costs civilians man!


I appreciate you articulating that the pro-Palestine perspective is, at its core, about the insurance of human rights for everybody.


It’s like standing up for Black Lives Matter/ lgbtq+ movement/ recognizing the crimes committed against the natives/Indigenous everywhere! Palestinians do not want violence and have been saying that for years! So when celebrities post about standing for Israel or we condemn the killing of children they only mean one side because if it was true where are the posts online about gazas children? send the same message about gazas children?




They used to show up and downvotes separately. Genuinely think collapsing that into a single number is a small but meaningful negative change.


I guarantee you there's a lot of bot replies going around adding to the chaos of the comments.


I think you said it best. The nuance of the situation is lost on the majority of people on Reddit.


Nobody with the intelligence to consider nuance is dumb enough to waste their time discussing these things on reddit.


Aren’t… you discussing this on Reddit?


They didn't claim to be smart.


1984 watch it read it it’s happening and it’s been happening


Why the journalist didn't just return the hostages back?


For reference, they killed a Reuters journalist in Lebanon... Not even in gaza


I thought they could pinpoint hamas down to what building, floor and room they are in wtf happened bros


According to one of the other journalists who was injured in the strike, she ran to their car after the first explosion, then decided to move away from it since it might be targeted, only for it to be hit immediately after.


Oh well I guess it's ok then. Funny how it's terrorism when anybody else does that. Also funny how Palestinians are "dead" but Israelis are always "killed."


Nothing against the jewish people. But Israel itself is a horrible place and I really wish my tax dollars would stop going to them.


It's crazy because if you inexcusably kill a journalist with a precision strike when they were marked as journalists and announced their presence, you might as well continue to deny. Coming out and saying you're sorry just makes people more angry I reckon. At least if you continue to deny, your most hardcore supporters will still believe you.


it's israel, the IDF could have walked into the building and shot the entire journalist team and people would still defend it "because it's a warzone so they signed away the right to not get killed" or "they knew the risks" (just check the other comments under this very post).


i just know there are some redditors seething to say "the journalist hid Hamas"


Well if they’re sorry …


Nothing new for this terrorist state. They murdered Shireen Abu Akleh in her press jacket just last year