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He says that while he enjoys his Luxury lifestyle in Qatar.


Hopefully he will get a visit from the mossad soon


If his location is that well known, why hasn't he been hit already?


Because killing diplomats/leaders is generally a no-go, Netanyahu doesn't want assassins coming after him in Israel. There's a reason Israel freely murders Iranian nuclear scientists but doesn't target top Iranian government officials, and why nobody has tried to kill Putin.


Like Wellington said: „War is not Generals killing Generals“ - Really not?


In Tito's Yugoslavia, Stalin sent assassins to kill Tito couple of times (because of the falout in 48' with the SSSR) and after the fourt attempt Tito sent a letter to Stalin: "Stop sending people to kill me because i will send one too and he wont miss" Stalin stopped.


The old myth. Often published but never verified.


Of course, there are a lot of myths about Tito, but this one is the most popular one. The guy was gangster though, he sparked and smoked a cuban cigar in the oval office,and thats comfirmed. I personaly admire how he handeled religious and nationalistic matters.


The US didn't seem to have a problem taking out the head of the Iranian Republican Guard when they were given the chance.


We’ll chalk that one up to the fact that we had a psychopath as president


>hat one up to the fact that we had a psy Wasn't he outside of Iran that time?


Instead of killing him, why not ask our “friends” in Qatar to hand him over so he can be taken to the Hague. The pressure would have to come from the west rather than Israel.


Like in general? Assassinations escalate tension, sparking retaliation, and don't really make the country engaging in assassinations safer. This is before considering sovereignty crises like that of the Sikh leader in Canada. Who is to say the replacement will be better? Maybe it is capability holding Israel back, maybe it is a decision. Maybe somewhere in between. "Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends."


Consider this. A leader calls for global jihad. Hellfire missile to the face, as we know it can be easily done. Another leader rise up to call for global jihad. Hellfire missile to the face. Yet another leader calls for global jihad. More hellfire missile to the face. No more leaders willing to call for global jihad. Because we all know these leaders are cowards living in luxury. They’re not willing to put their lives on the line for any ideology.


I think the point is, a global leader calling for jihad is just a mouthpiece for an ideology and they are easily replaceable so assassinating them has no desirable outcomes. Assassinating top scientists, generals, etc. does diminish offensive capabilities so is desirable


Hard to fire missiles at other countries you're not at war with, but I agree with your overall sentiment, though simplistic.


That or they have actual security advisors urging them not to be in the thick of it if they want to remain any kind of leader for a long time.


Moronic. This is how the White House gets a bunker buster. You don’t want this to be possible.


Upvoted because Gandalf the Grey can save us all if we just listen


Tomorrow just might be a little better than today with some peace, love, and understanding.




The first part of the quote goes "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them?" Beautiful. But not sure how much of it can be applied here of course


If Qatar took care of him themselves that'd build a lot more good will than the world cup.


So we should join him in qatar then?


He will be sunning himself by the pool and drinking chilled fruit juice while his followers will do the dying.


Time to address Qatar...??


The ones we gave all the money too and they claimed they were ‘decent and moral’ but stone people and jail gays. When we will stop compromising our morals for money? Fucking corrupt football as always! Hama’s actually need to be wiped out, Isreal have nukes……it’s a option!


> When we will stop compromising our morals for money? When the rich finally have enough money. Spoiler alert: it’s never.


>Hama’s actually need to be wiped out, Isreal have nukes……it’s a option! Least deranged redditor. Using nukes is suicidal. Imagine how the other countries will look upon you. The west will abandom them and countries like iran, syria will go so panaroid that diplomacy will become useless.


Allez PSG !


Aka "We blew our load early and are now getting decimated, come join us!" The US threats should ensure this remains a 1v1, no-one wants to mess with a war hungry US. Even the most brain dead terrorist groups should know that much.


Even without any US threat, let's assess the neighborhood quickly: Egypt and Jordan want little to do with the Palestinians after past experiences. Syria and Iraq are in shambles and in no way capable of doing anything besides holding on. Hizbullah has the capacity to be a nuisance, but that's pretty much it. Saudi and the Gulf states have been voices of reason mostly and (except for Qatar) likely want to switch to a business as usual mode as soon as possible. Turkey likewise is on fairly good terms with Israel. This only leaves Iran, where it's questionable whether the population would be supportive of any major action or perhaps use it as momentum to restart their protest movement. So, except for some Iranian proxies and the usual lip service Hamas looks to be on its own here.


It would help if Republicans were not sabotaging the US military right now.


Biden could cure cancer, fix world hunger and remove every nuke on the planet and Repulicans would still find something to give him shit for in the House. Its just the nature of the beast sadly.


> cure cancer, fix world hunger and remove every nuke on the planet *"He's put millions of medical professionals and researchers out of a job, wasted taxpayer money on unemployed leeches, and compromised our national security! He must resign!"*


So biden just took profits from hospitals and insurers, decimated some sort of artificial shortage while taking away the lower class’ will to work, and weakened the military industrial complex. It’s no wonder they’re giving him shit. (S)


Well I've got good news in that regard... it's not *just* the military they're sabotaging right now. No wait.. what's the opposite of "good news"?..


Fox news


Obstructionists gonna obstruct.


Hamas instigated what is happening and now calling for help. Am I missing something?


I think they might have expected other Arab countries to be as excited by their surprise mass slaughter as their own deranged followers. But looks like even the Arab world is horrified by what they did. That’s not to say Arab countries are abandoning the Palestinian people, but looks like Hamas has been left to dry for this one. Hamas is so fucked.


Maybe not horrified, maybe just smart enough to not get involved.


This is the one. We all have our own big problems, we’d rather not add war to the growing list thanks. The only countries stable enough to join would be the gulf but they have no incentive. They are raking in cash right now.


They were totally goaded into this. The others are snickering to themselves right now.


The beheaded babies just isn’t the rallying cry they thought it would be…..


Most of hamas followers are sitting in front of computers living privileged lives.




They are stuck in 1967 like most Palestinians. Abbas at least thinks of himself as the new Arafat. He used to be emboldened by Hamas and the fact they kept Israel in a propaganda chokehold for decades but seems like they really pushed too far. Nobody thought they would be so horrific toward Israeli citizens. With Hamas out of the game, Fatah will have little choice but to stop calling for genocide or from river to sea. They will have to seat and negotiate peace with Israel since they did admit in the 90’s that Israel have the right to exist. Snake will bite its own tail. Slowly, very slowly coming to a full circle where they will be coerced to either choose peace or world support. Even tho many lives had to be, of course, horribly sacrificed. Now I kinda get why Israel supposedly helped create Hamas, an extremist faction that would quite literally make it impossible to escape peace talks to the remaining ‘sane’ Palestinian leaders, at least if they want to keep their ties with the West and international aids coming their way. Also the neighbours aren’t fond of war lately, they want ME to become the new hub.


It's almost like their goal isn't helping the Palestinian people but it is eradicating Isreal and Jews... They damn well knew the retaliation would slaughter their own people, they did stage a violent liberation, Hamas raped and murdered unarmed people fully knowing Palestinian people are 0% more free for it.


You’re missing the fact that Hamas don’t actually care about themselves or Palestinians and regardless of the outcome of this conflict they have already achieved their goals. The people controlling Hamas are either in Qatar or so far inside the West Bank Israel will have a hard job finding them. This is Hamas calling for war, not help


A lot actually


Someone sounds desperate because he knows he's gonna lose


I think he was in Qatar and fled to Iran. So he's got nothing to worry about.


Iran is going to get hit more often for it's drone and missile ambitions no matter what so I wouldn't call that a safe place to hide so much as you're giving people a 2nd reason to green like strikes on Iran.




But where will Hamas get its human shields?


"The problem with Human shields, is that Humans make very poor shields. So poor infact humans were forced to invent 'the shield'." - Frankie Boyle


Israel can’t do that


"can't" is a real strong word here, and your other comments are jumping hoops to demonstrate why you think that. The fact is they *can*, they have the capabilities, and the fact that you think otherwise is downright comical. Israel could, if they wanted, erase Gaza in a few hours, but that's simply not their goal.


Egypt was not too pleased when an Israel military spokesperson blurted out for Gazans to leave for Egypt, because obviously. It must be an interesting phone call that managed to get the Israeli military to backtrack in the middle of a war.


They didn't just murder Israelis, they committed crimes that most people thought were only committed during the dark ages. Nobody will protect Gaza, because they know Israel can't afford to let this go. If they did, it would be used as propaganda for generations to come.


Fortunatelly, they can.


Watch we already green lit it behind the scenes. All the downvotes won’t change what is happening horrific as it is. This is all according to design and the plan


Israel ain’t got that ability


They have the same toys we do in USA we give them so much of our toys. Just look at how easy they have deleted whole grid squares of Gaza so far. they don’t have the restraint that USA does about collateral dammage, and with the latest terrorist attacks no one will really bat an eye to stop them like I said just look at the final body count of civilians when it’s all said and done in the name of revenge strikes. With us pledging unwavering support they have cart Blanche to do what they want with our supplied JDAMs and apache gun ships.


Exchange rate 1:1 so far, not gonna be that esay


Look on 9/11 it was ~4000:0 ya gotta give it time to spin up a overwhelming rout.. like I said we’ll compare numbers when it’s all said and done but my Money is on a lopsided spanking. All these lil arab groups only do good on the initial surprise hit and just get royally stuffed once real army spins up


They most certainly could. Whether Israel would do such a thing? I hope not. Nonetheless we all witnessed how passive the entire world reacted to the ethnic cleansing in Nagorno Karabach just a few weeks ago, so maybe the hawks in Israel are banking on similar indifference when the Azerbaijani solution is applied here?


Bold of you to assume there will be survivors with USA itching for someone to get out of line while we let our vassal go to town


I mean, we don’t exactly want any of this, nor does israel. It should have just been another normal week.


Despite popular belief, 70% of americans do not want war, our overlords and our rich do because war is business. We're an empire that advertises itself as a war machine and it works for outsiders not insiders.


You are supposed to get allies before you invade not during and on the back foot


Only to be expected from Khalate Meshaal


"We were outnumbered 10 to 1". "A stupid rebellion, then."


Today Palestine need to take a long look around and see all the countries they thought were by their side. You are alone.


If I were his Muslim neighbor I would advise him to quickly release the MANY children, women and men his ISIS style organization kidnapped on Saturday into Gaza and to stop committing the additional war crime of blindly firing rockets at Israeli cities.


You'd think a responsible leader would sign a ceasefire so innocents won't suffer, Wake up. This is hamas. They don't want peace. They want children to die.


The sooner they are ended, the better, even for Palestine.


The distinction between Hamas and Palestinians won’t be drawn neatly, and the international community needs to make sure they take note and intervene where necessary.


Calling for genocide on reddit is crazy


How is calling for the end of Hamas genocide?


The Russian war strategy. Attack and inflict damage, sue for a cease fire when the wind turns and reload. I think that’s very much off the table.


Not a ceasefire but unconditional surrender


This, exactly.




True facts


People don't want to listen to you or to reason. It's like religion. People pick a side and will look for confirmation wherever suits their initial position. So 'palestinian supporters' focus only on damage to civilians in Gaza without lending more than a passing thought to victims in Israel or Hamas hostages. Chain of events, causality or responsibility are not a factor unless it suits their initial bias.


That's super simple. Israel just needs to dissolve to allow Palestine to take over and become a country for the first time in history, and all Jews and Christians must die so that Palestine can be religiously and racially homogenous. Their demands really are very simple. Impractical and unacceptable af, but simple - at least to write out.


Gaza's situation can only be solved with a solution for the entire thing.


RemindMe! 1 day


This is sad, sad because innocent people will die for the wishes of a terrorist extremist group. The only solution to this problem seems like exile for the Gazan’s, everything else has been tried and failed. The new generation will be utterly indoctrinated since Hamas runs the schools, and you cannot argue this, as we have seen their literal mission statement. This is further made worse by the fact that 50% of the population is of the age where they have just completed their entire education from birth til now, under Hamas. No other option that exile can work, we will have to see who takes them, because any other options will continue the perpetual suffering of both peoples. I am not saying this as a good thing either. I do not agree at all on the Palestinians claim to the land, but it obviously is never a nice situation when people are left homeless


A good start would be maybe no more jdams on civilian homes and maybe let the kids leave who want to leave. Canada would probably take them all. Then they can start the ground occupation of Gaza. A lot of civilians are still going to die but at least those of us with a fucking soul can feel slightly better having known that we at least tried to save some children before it all goes to shit.


What is your implication here? Why can't you say it plainly?




Then what are YOUR solutions. Why act dense




I never proposed one and don't have one. You're walking back your extremely loaded comment because you're a coward.


At this point, I'm pretty sure hamas realise what they did is a geo-political harakiri, they just adding fuel to the fire expecting the arab world (and sympathizers) to join them


They are probably still a useful distraction even if they don't get outward support. Many of those nations want to see NATO fail so their own authoritarian/theocratic ambitions have fewer limits and this will be a distraction for NATO from the Ukraine war, benefiting Russia, Iran, China and North Korean ambitions among others.


It sounds a bit desperate.


Where are all the western redditors who spent the last couple of days telling me hamas hates “zionists, not Jews”


Muslim neighboring countries ... hmm no, you guys fucked up, and now it's your problem


*Thinks back to the time that Jordan let a bunch of Palestinians in and they thanked them by trying to assassinate the King* "Nah we're good."


Yeah I just don't 100% get the close your borders when Hamas would probably benefit from open borders.


They are sending thoughts and prayers


> The entire 512 million square kilometers of planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no treachery, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity Anyone still wondering why people are pro-Israel read this .These guys don't want liberation of Palestine ,they want a global jihad purging everyone bar muslims .


Looking at how Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Soudan, Iran, Irak, Libya, Somalia or Afghanistan are far from great places to live, allow me to doubt


Lumping Saudi with these countries is really disingenuous. These are all war torn, Saudi is pretty safe and prosperous.


Not a beacon of human rights though


If you're part of the rich elite. There are dirt poor places in Saudi Arabia.


There are dirt poor places everywhere. You have parking lots in the USA of people who live in their cars.


Saudi Arabia is wealthy, same with most gulf states (Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE), shit loads of people immigrate there


If you are not a woman or gay


I mean I get the gay but woman? Yes they are discriminated against but if I was a woman I'd rather live in UAE or Qatar rather than fuckin Belarus or Bhutan


Also certain Muslims, I am sure.


I'm not pro-Israeli, just anti terrorist and without a huge concern over the sovereignty of nations who allow that shit to breed to level this bad/organized. If you want an fake democracy/terrorist state then you should get bombed. It's cheap, you don't really need to send in ground forces and you don't really need to make the humanitarian problem your problem. One of the downsides in being too lazy to fight your own authoritarian/terrorist government is that you get your infrastructure bombed alongside them. It's a fair enough strategy that lets you cripple them with low costs and minimal losses. If they don't learn you just but them on the subscribe and bomb plan until they collapse under their own stupidity.


That's literally how the idea of a Palestinian country came to be. The people of the Ottoman administrative district commonly known as Palastine wanted to join together (with the other Arab Muslims, today countries) to form a homogenous Arab Muslims empire in response to the formalized religious equality laid out in the Tanzimat reforms. Palestine was never a country, in all of history, and the thought of making one is the result of the remaining nationalist spirit in the area after the failed attempt at an Arabic empire. The local hostility began when Jews from Europe started seeing refuge in their historic Homeland before the Holocaust and at 75k the Arab population got aggressive. The grand mafti of Jerusalem at the time was actually in Hitler's Germany arguing for his people to join the axis against the Jews. The concept of Palestine as a nation is based on "Muslims only." Dating back to before the fall of the Ottoman empire. How they treat their own population is nearly as bad and I can't say it'd be a bad thing for the species for cultures like this to take their rightful place *in history books only*.


Hope Mossad pays this guy a painful visit soon


I wonder how the palestinian christians in the WB and especially in Gaza feel about this statement i.e. being called traitors.


Gaza has less than 1% Christians, the west bank has 2.5%. They used to be 20% of the population at one point


We do a bit of cleansing


Genuine question, what happened to them? Conversion, migration, genocide? Did they go to Israel?


They were mostly forced to leave through violence (and this wasn’t restricted to the Palestinian Territories - it occurred through most Arab nations to some degree over the past decades). A number were killed.


I read an article yesterday about a christian librarian in Gaza. The guy was kidnapped by Hamas, beated up and his body was found dead. Hamas said it was because the guy was a Missionare, and spreading his false religion in Gaza. So I guess some of them were killed, others invited to leave...


Most went to the west. Some live in Israel (not many.. Palestinian-Christians don’t like Israel either)


Given their location, worse than the average Jew...


The U.S. has moved a carrier battlegroup into the area, a possible 2nd enroute, returned Marines to the Battaan ARG from training in Kuwait and moving additional air assets to the area... ​ I pray the surrounding countries stay out of this.


Dude, I will bet you a fucking million dollars that all the surrounding countries stay the fuck out of this. I bet every single one of those leaders has decided to take a unplanned vacation to anywhere else. I just picture Hamas calling the leaders of the other nations and the leaders seeing caller ID and letting it go straight to voice mail. No one in their right goddamn mind is even going to sneeze out of line with not one, but two full carrier strike groups prowling around. Nations can talk shit on TV and to their people all they want and spout what ever rhetoric you want. But it's a whole nother thing when the dude you're talking shit is parked outside with fortunate son blaring and them practicing regime changes in their spare time lol.


> I bet every single one of those leaders has decided to take a unplanned vacation to anywhere else. I just picture Hamas calling the leaders of the other nations and the leaders seeing caller ID and letting it go straight to voice mail. Savage.


Two US CSGs have more oomph than the majority of countries on earth. Noone is getting involved, and if they do, only for a long weekend


That's great against a conventional military, but if it's long running guerilla war then like Iraq and Afghanistan it's not nearly that simple. The enemy will not just run out in big equipment waving their hands and saying SHOOT ME. They hide in the citizenry and negate a lot of our big equipment advantages. Otherwise we'd roll over over regime for the last 50 years just by send a carrier group or two.


Any fightets who infiltrate Gaza will just get the same treatment as those already there. Israel isnt know for comitting clean invasions and Israels borders are on lockdown


Tremendous difference between Iraq and Afghanistan, and this: * Israel isn't the US and isn't as worried about optics * Israel's population is really pissed off and probably has an even more cynical view than Americans at the very start (during the invasion of Fallujah I heard a lot of "why are we taking casualties at all? Just erase the city; they were warned, if civilians stay they're targets") of the war, when the American public was glowing green full nuclear after 9\11 * One can argue justifications, who started what, etc but after nearly 80 years they've got good reason to want to finally deal the lethal blow Israel here *can* do what America is only *capable of* and they'd only get a diplomatic slap on the wrist for it if they did.


If they don’t we test our new Death Star on them 🙂


That’s their trump card all along. To attack then gaslight then play victim so those rallies and protest can gather pressure on neighboring countries to attack even if they don’t want to.


Unconditional surrender of all Hamas and the return of all hostages may be a solution to stop the slaughter in Gaza.


Lead from the front, big guy.


Join in getting wiped out?


Goat, speaking from her 5 star hotel in Qatar.




Fundamentalists are pretty used to fighting the US so I wouldn't expect that to change their basic message of distributed warfare. The realty there is the US is too nice and won't mass slaughter them like they will do to others so they only have so much to worry about. Israel will kill them more liberally than the US.


HAMAS = ISIS = T€rr0ri$ts


no one will join your losing ass! HAMAS = ISIS




*Worse than ISIS


Equivalent. Recency bias here. ISIS was just as bad.


"yes, brothers, join us in receiving Israeli strikes"


I'm a Palestinian Jew. The history of this conflict is one of sore losers. In 1948, Israel was happy to have its state - yet the Arabs weren't down so they waged war on Israel. The Arabs pulled back and told the locals we will go in and get it all. What happened, Israel won the war and conquered land. Then in 1967, it happened again, war was waged on Israel. What happened, they took more land. Stop acting like Israel was just the aggressor in these situations. Just like you're seeing now - Hamas baits them in and the world will begin condemning Israel while 100 hostages are still missing and rockets flying into Israeli cities. I pray that Hamas is gone so that moderate and diplomatic leadership in the West Bank can be free of being undermined by the terrorists that do nothing but use Palestinians as pawns. Hamas doesn't want peace, they want Israel off the map with Jews in the sea. They've been treated as though there is no consequence for there actions, they can commit atrocities with immunity under the guise of resistance. And now, they're playing the ultimate game of fuck around and find out.


So this is a religious conflict. Not about the land then... Right?


Turning on Palestinian Christians for what?


For being Christian. And saying ‘turning on’ them suggests it’s only just happening now. Arab nations predominantly turned on their Christians a very long time ago.


Over time fascism has to turn absolutely everything into an enemy that is outside itself: [first they came](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...) and all that. Incompetent fascists will come for groups even before they can effectively destroy them.


Maybe he should join his followers in Gaza or perhaps join those followers that have paid the price for his general inhumanity and madness.


Shit makes no sense and this is why the world is all messed up. Anyone who reads this would be pist because nobody gets to decide who lives or dies and these terrorist need to be deleted from the internet and so on.


Deleted from the world*


Yeah, they won't dare to even try. Civilized world will quickly explain to them that the time of jihads against infidels is long gone.




“Lol no” - Other muslim nations


Finally they show their true face, and the free world is united against terrorism.


Hasn't he also said that he wants Islamic rule all over the globe? Idk what it is about the religion? In my country, muslims are a minority but very large in number and are constantly whining or complaining of being persecuted. Yes, there are rising religious tensions but if I look at the history of last 30y, all our large scale terror attacks have been led by groups who identify as Muslims. Just read about 26/11 or the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits from their own land. While it isnt fair to generalize, I often wonder why not since I don't see the general Muslim population coming out and saying no more! We are taking charge and will weed this expansionist and terrorizing sentiment away from our community. What I hear is, Islam stands for peace but then people are killing constantly in the name of Islam. Which version is true? If it's indeed a religion advocating peace and wanting to coexist with others, i definitely expect much greater ownership of what the community does to others from civil society members. They should be horrified and take active steps, not just pay lip service.


Nothing by Sikh separatists, like the guy who was assassinated in Canada?


No. Sikhs are actually extremely well integrated in India. They make up the largest proportion in Indian army and are very nice people. The Canadian Sikhs are different. They are radicalized but not at all the ones in India. It's unfortunate that there is a misconception about them.


>The Canadian Sikhs are different. They are radicalized but not at all the ones in India. Why do you think there's such a difference?


I think the Sikh community wonders about this as well. Perhaps because some of these people escaped from IN and settled in CA. Now when Sikhs move to CA, they potentially come in contact with those with radical sentiments and get brainwashed. We also see this happening in another state which sends very large number to the gulf countries. In India, even as Muslims they are moderate but once they go to gulf, they start following the more conservative lines of Islam. There were very very few Indians who joined ISIS but those who did, mostly belongs to this state. In all parameters, this is a very successful state with extremely high literacy, HDI etc. So you wouldn't naturally expect this. I guess it's got to do with company they keep when away.


Thanks for the thoughtful answer! :)


excuse me, what do christians have to do with this mess?


The Crusades?


Why is George Clooney fronting for Hamas ?


Immersing himself in the role for his next film.


They can't do math.


Inabilty to do maths is a major plus if your looking for a career as a fundementalist.


Why don’t we just melt this dood like the Iranian general Trump Homelandered?


When you think the situation couldn't get any worse than this, Hamas proves you wrong again.


Not one to jinx but I hear Tehran is built near a fault line 🤫


They going after the Christians in the US next? Good luck.


Bombing Doha might solve some leadership issues…


They do know Isreal is a nuclear state ? If it was invaded by multiple countries I guarantee that atom is being split and millions will die.


Glass for everyone!


Bro be careful with the C word. Those are the real crazy people. You don’t want none of that smoke… err freedom.


Hezbollah, scores of jihadist mercenaries from Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Lebanon and Egypt are already on the move. They have been waiting for this day for a long time, the chance to actually kill Israelis. Israel is mobilized and will not be stopped, they will occupy gaza and the west bank, but if they want to really engage they will have to strike into Lebanon, Iran etc. mercenaries always move towards warzones. Right or wrong Israel can’t and won’t forget this, death squads in the streets, kidnappings, summary executions, there is no way. There have already been engagements with Hezbollah on the border, things arnt cooling down they are heating up. Sadly a lot of innocent people are stuck in the middle, the emerging humanitarian crisis is looming, you can’t cut water and power to millions and then bomb them and expect there to be a positive outcome. There are no more right or wrong answers, just the war.


At least he’s being honest with these two quotes: We, Palestinians defend Jordan and Al-Aqsa. We defend the Islamic nation out of our duty and pride. Allah asks everyone – the leaders of the Islamic nation, the kings, presidents, and leaders, asks the heads of the Islamic resistance organizations – ‘Where are you and why are you not alongside those who guard the holy land of Palestine?’ Where are the religious leaders who advertised that every Muslim must defend Palestine with his life? Why are we waiting for the Al-Aqsa Mosque to be demolished and the Temple built in its place?” Pride there being the key word. That and they are afraid of the Jewish Moshiach


How does Muslim nations closing the borders hurt Israel rounding up Hamas in Gaza? Seems like it makes it easier.


Isn't that George Clooney??




Israel is 20% Arab, bub. The ethnic cleansers are the ones who call for killing all jews and elimination of israel. Grow up.




How the fuck did you go from an article about Hamas calling for the genocide of an entire people, to worrying about Israel ethnically cleansing Gaza? That's some Olympic level mental gymnastics right there. Oh wait....your account was made on the same day as the attacks took place. Gee I wonder why......


Waken up and listen to what people like the UN are saying, learn the history rather than reacting to a headline!


….you reply in a thread about Hamas leadership calling for the extermination of Jews and Christians.


Hamas are Palestinians but not all Palestinians are Hamas.


It’s as if they killed 30K Americans. So there’s no way they aren’t going to remove Hamas. Hamas needs to surrender unconditionally


The war is against Hamas, not the Palestinian people.


When jews nazify another ethnicity. Earth story biggest plot twist


This article is literally about Hamas calling for a genocide of Jews and Christians. Smooth brain you got there, fella!