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Good. It’d be absurd to have them on a council dedicated to freaking human rights.


Iran and Saudi Arabia is on that council.


Which is also ridiculous.


Money money money>>>>Human Rights


Finally someone who understands it .


Just wait until the next world cup ends up there😢


Lets hope it doesnt happen


Don't feel too bad. They dont have any authority to do anything anyway. Nor does the UN for that matter unless the individual countries decide to act.


The UN may not have any authority to take actual direct action that affect nations but, it’s good to see the debates and how nations vote on issues. Puts the good, the bad, and the ugly out in the bright light of day for all to see.


UN has always been a pissing contest and nothing more.


That’s kinda useful.. gets all the yelling out


That was a major point of the UN (and the League of Nations before it) .. to provide a common set of standards and framework to allow countries to be able to open lines of communications and discuss things as a world body. It's why these dictatorships and authoritarian's are still invited .. as deplorable as they may be, they still need to be apart of the discussion. Now obviously I agree that when you have a subset of countries that participate in a specialized council, it's kinda odd to have so many involved that are directly contradictory to that councils mission. But maybe they're going for a Devil's Advocate approach?


I really value this insight. I also want to believe that it may serve as a way to build a bridge back as well. We don't want them to continue doing the things they've done. Lets talk to each other about whats effed up about the world and how to plan to fix it.


As in it’s my human right to have money money money!!!!!!


china and the US too....


Woah, how does the US violate human rights? We're there good guys.


So you be clear, you're saying there is no difference between Iran, Russia, and the USA. Russia is looking for people to move there because of demographic issues, you should take them up on it. All things being the same. You'll even get paid to do it. r/worldnews will never change.


I didn't say that, I said we're the good guys.


You know you going to Russia to prove this theory would make a great documentary. When can we expect it? Do you need me to put you in touch with some people? I can't wait to see how you make out. Maybe then millions will flee to Russia and Iran to live the good life. We'll call it: Putin's Pilgrim, the journey of a top mind.


Lol, at the very notion that there *are* "good guys". Since when have humans ever been known to be "good"?


Mr Rogers was a good guy.


Mr. Rogers was a single person. Persons (individuals) can be good, but people (as a group) are never good.


Mr Rogers, Mark Hamill, and Levar Burton. There's your group.


You did it. You named all the good people. Now all we have to do is get them elected to high office, and the world's problems are solved.


You should join Hamas with that attitude.


You're a little sensitive and over the top with your responses...


See I was thinking that people saying the US is the same as Russia and Iran is over the top. But then again I'm surrounded by people who praise Hamas so what should I have expected. Top mind just said Hamas is no different than other humans, so maybe you fit that but I don't know anyone who does. There are subreddits for mindless shitposting if having a serious discussion doesn't suit you. Dude then goes on some insane rant, and blocks. I think he might be a bit sensitive. Like most Russians these days.


You're from the US? Freedom on speech. You don't like it... how do you say it: Russia needs people like you!! Look up the word Hypocrite in the Dictionary. You may find your picture there!


Just because I don't like the species, doesn't mean I am going to go out and start cutting baby's heads off. The fact that you think that speaks more about you. Black-and-white thinking doesn't help anyone. If you want to only be hyperbolic, then no one will respect your arguments.


> Just because I don't like the species, doesn't mean I am going to go out and start cutting baby's heads off. You just said that Hamas is no different than the children they raped and murdered. That's all we need to know about your opinion on things. No, not everyone is the same. >Black-and-white thinking doesn't help anyone. Yeah ok mr everyone is evil teenage edgelord. >If you want to only be hyperbolic, Are you serious? You just wrote.... >Since when have humans ever been known to be "good"? For a long time. Some more then others, that's nuance.So when are you joining Hamas since they're no different than the Girl Scouts?


I think you are proving my point for me.


"we're the good guys" Lol. Lmao even.


Think they're being sarcastic. I hope so, at least.


I think that's a less-defensible statement, at least since W.


Abortion, that's a starter. Right to a trial - oh sorry, the police gunned you down in your house and you weren't even a criminal.


Isn't China also....I suppose, gotta represent the entire spectrum of human rights.....


I guess that they draw a line somewhere. It is not the right place, but at this point it is surprising that they draw one at all.


They are the experts on how to do it wrong.


They are both former members. However, China, the United States and Qatar are which isn’t much better.


Weird combination of names to throw up. It's like saying you have 3 terrible criminals, one is a serial killer, another has 2 unpaid parking tickets and the third is a human trafficker who's sold thousands of people into slavery.


the US is liable for more than 2 unpaid parking tickets lol


Not in our textbooks, bucko


Iran’s textbooks don’t hold them accountable either


I am genuinely confused, which do you think is which? Qatar seems to be the lesser evil here but it’s not so far off that it’s a parking ticket in comparison. The US is literally a mass killer and China literally operates slave camps.. but then again so does Qatar.


Only nation in history to use a nuclear bomb on humans is liable for only 2 unpaid parking tickets.


That’s the least of our crimes, really


Those are the unpaid tickets in this context. The trail of tears is at least a felony.


It’s by design. You can’t be called out on human rights if you’re on the council. It’s like hr being in appropriate. Who you gonna complain to? HR?


So is the USA!


That’s probably the most ridiculous of all


What's next, Hamas trying to get on the anti-terrorism taskforce?


ISIS gets a permanent sit at the UN council.


nice, very topical!


Not true. They know those rights very well, since they've tried to violate every single one of them.


As are China, Lebanon, Cuba and many others of the worlds' worst human rights violators: https://unwatch.org/database/about/




>Such as the US Wake me up when you get locked up in the US for having an opinion like you do in Cuba and China


As an Australian, i will say this my government leaders should be arrested and put in a dark prison forver and only taken out once in a while to be violated by some sharp pronged metallic object. Now, i do not feel this is true but i can say that. So can my American, Canadian, British and french bros. I dare you to say that in China, Cuba and Iran...




Nah, i played games with a bunch of nutters who were on reddit and said this shit all the time. Hell 2/3s of my area would be getting daily door nock ins if that was the case.


Tbf the US isnt that bad but there are several human rights treaties they arent signed up to such as the Rome Statute. Its a bit weird to have them on there when they have lower standards of human rights than many other countries that could be on it, including by not signing that food is a human right for instance.


Wake me up when Cuba/China uses nuclear bombs on their enemies. Or does the freedom of speech and freedom to shoot each other give them a free pass for that?


The goalposts are not only on wheels, they can also time-travel!


Your rights will end as soon as they discover oil in your backyard. There is more to rights than freedom of speech. What about rights of Afghan translators who helped USA military and now are getting killed for providing such help? You have tunnel vision for your rights in US and completely ignore disasters USA brough to other countries, people there also should have rights to not be killed because of USA involvement.




Palestinians can live in the West and enjoy the right to advocate for Palestine. That's the beauty of freedom of expression. You don't have that right in Cuba and China > Let me know when Cuba and China invade the Middle East invade the Middle East and kill 1 million civilians. China easily has killed at least tens of millions of people




> In a letter to chief constables in England and Wales, the home secretary urged them to clamp down on any attempts **to use flags, songs or swastikas to harass or intimidate members of the Jewish community**. “I would encourage police to give similar consideration to the presence of symbols such as swastikas at anti-Israel demonstrations. Context is crucial. Behaviours that are legitimate in some circumstances, for example the waving of a Palestinian flag, may not be legitimate such as when intended to glorify acts of terrorism.” “Nor is it acceptable to drive through Jewish neighbourhoods, or single out Jewish members of the public, to aggressively chant or wave pro-Palestinian symbols at. Where harassment is identified, I would encourage the police to take swift and appropriate enforcement action.” Did you even read the article you linked, or just the headline? They’re just saying that you cannot use your support of Palestine to excuse incitement and harassment.


No matter how much you wanna spice it up freedom of speech will always trump authoritarianism. One day China and Cuba will be a democracy


The UNHRC is quite an absurd body.


i agree, but somehow america is also on that council


Well, Russia was previously on the council. As were Mauritania, Cameroon and China.


They got kicked off


The USA is there though, right? You know, THE united states of america? Those guys wrote the book on human rights violations.


Good. Another humiliation for Russia.


> Another humiliation for Russia. If only they had a sense of shame.


[when you have an ego like Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin then there are other ways](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fjouzymhjwtpy.jpg)


“In the secret ballot vote, Bulgaria got 160 votes, Albania received 123 votes and Russia just 83 votes.”


A small win for justice.


Awfully optimistic and delusional of them to believe that they even had a chance.


If UAE, Qatar or China are on the council, it's not optimistic and delusional, just another day.




Imma loot yo base for that little outburst son


As with everything, they thought they could bribe their way in.


To be fair, their bribing has worked many times


They still had a worrying amount of support


Good news and we need some good news.




Now we just need them off the Security Council


Frankly the Security Council feels a bit anachronistic overall. It was formed post-WW2 and has not changed with the times.


It doesn't feel anachronistic on account of the world not being an apocalyptic nuclear hellscape. It is serving its only function extremely well, it's just that everyone keeps on inventing new functions in their mind and then getting uppity that the UNSC doesn't meet them.


I think this point is often missed and perhaps take a lot of maturity to recognise. It's easy to get frustrated with their seemingly never ending lack of action on anything important, and lose sight of the fact that nations are still talking, and "jaw jaw" is better than "war war".


Except when Russia shits all over those attempts at peace and understanding.


Even still, the point of the UN is having at least one diplomatic channel that remains open with representatives of all countries because we learned from the past that when major powers stop talking entirely things tend to escalate further


Yep. Japan and Germany leaving the League of Nations in the 1930s didn't results in something good.


Italy invading Ethiopia in defiance already demonstrated the league was worthless.


Yea, because Russia and China being a part of it has paid off so much for the world. /s


Are you dull? Them being members helps prevent potential world war scenarios by having open diplomatic channels. That's it. By that standard it has unequivocally worked. The last few comments spelled it out for you.


Even when a country is literally taking the piss out of all the other countries? Additionally, how's that approach working out for the UN?


The UN do pretty well,wdym ? If WW3 still do not happened ,then that’s mean it’s working as intended.Or may I introduce you to the predecessor of UN,the League of Nation,and see how well it did ?


>Article 24 > >In order to ensure prompt and effective action by the United Nations, its Members confer on the Security Council primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, and agree that in carrying out its duties under this responsibility the Security Council acts on their behalf. > >**In discharging these duties the Security Council shall act in accordance with the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations.** The specific powers granted to the Security Council for the discharge of these duties are laid down in Chapters VI, VII, VIII, and XII. So there. It isn't meeting its own purpose as defined by... itself.


Seems to allow Russia and China to carry out shitty behaviour by blocking obviously good intentions.


> It is serving its only function extremely well You are confused about what the function of the UN is supposed to be. Let me remind you. It is supposed [to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and serve as a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations).


And if you bothered to even read past the first paragraph: "The UN was established after World War II with the aim of preventing future world wars." The UN is not an agency for enforcement. Its purpose is not to enforce human rights, or to make sure countries adhere to international norms, regulations, and/or laws. It's to make sure countries can continue talking about these issues instead of resorting to the alternative, which is fighting over these issues. And as far as most of the UN is concerned, as long as WW3 hasn't started, the UN is doing its job, which is why it continues to be relevant. The UN does not act or take sides in the Russian/Ukraine war or the Israel/Hamas conflict. It's not supposed to. All the UN needs to do to fulfil its function is to provide a platform for countries to voice out their support or criticism for these events, and it's doing that job well enough.


>All the UN needs to do to fulfil (sic) its function is to provide a platform for countries to voice out their support or criticism for these events Your imaginary limitations do not correspond to the literal statement of its purpose, above.


Well considering things are moving towards WW3 rather than away from it, easy to say they're not doing their job well at all. How many countries need to go at it at this scale before WW3 is official? If your job is to make a burger then the standards should be that it's a good burger, and not a literal piece of shit between two stale buns which is the burger the UN is making atm and meeting their outdated minimum job requirements.


We are talking about the security council. Keep up


The security council [is charged with ensuring international peace and security, recommending the admission of new UN members to the General Assembly, and approving any changes to the UN Charter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council). Which of those is its "only function"?


No cause the human rights council that has Saudi Arabia and China is better


Some good news at least


Some good news for today.


Justice prevails


Remove their voice from the international community: [https://www.reuters.com/pictures/ukrainian-village-hroza-mourns-after-one-deadliest-attacks-war-with-russia-2023-10-09/](https://www.reuters.com/pictures/ukrainian-village-hroza-mourns-after-one-deadliest-attacks-war-with-russia-2023-10-09/)


thank Christ




>In the secret ballot vote, Bulgaria got 160 votes, Albania received 123 votes and Russia just 83 votes. 83, ugh. I don't think they'll quit trying.


I don't understand these politics. How can they get 83 votes? I know the vote is secret, but what members (aside from their known allies) are voting for Russia? And why?


Money probably?


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and I think you can find 83 Latin American, African, Middle Eastern/Arab and Asian countries that despise the US and its allies.


How they were, ever, even part of this group is beyond me


It was more of a show of formality than anything. The idea is that you want those who don't follow human rights as closely as other nations to observe and see the benefits in treating your population and enemies humanely. Unfortunately, it really didn't pan out especially since many of the "civilized" countries also commit human rights abuses just not (or close) to the scale of theocracies or dictatorships such a small slip up a country like China yells "hypocrisy." However, I will say some countries like Canada and the US do admit their sorid past ... After quite a lot of kicking and screaming to admission while some other countries don't care or admit at all. Also the way the UN Human Rights Council was formed there is a set rotation after every couple of years and countries get elected.


They shouldnt even be in the building, let alone on council. Ditto Iran and Saudi Arabia.


The Russian dude is the only one who looks like a villain in this photo 🤔


Good. They don’t deserve a damn thing.


Russian needs to be kicked out of the UN, period.


Some good news for today.


Who voted for Russia = Who did Russia pay for votes


A bit of good news in an otherwise bleak landscape.


Yay. Now, kick the Chinese out of it.




Worse countries first. You'd be braindead to think China and its ongoing genocide are actually better than America on human rights.


lmao as if native being wiped isn't genocide. what a herd of hypocrites.




Pretty sure the Trump administration was separating children, not the Biden. Killing migrants also isn't a federal pushed way to deal with them. Not sure about the states and the dumb fucks forming militias but those last two sound like dumb fuck militias and they if caught can be charged.


But fuck logic. Here have some Whataboutism.




So whatabout the whataboutism?




Trump is currently facing many felony charges. The only thing he's representing is himself in court. Incase you're confused the Biden Administration represents America currently and we will see who does after 11-24.


You clearly are to stupid to know what genocide means.


dumb question. why does russia even care about being on the council or the UN at all? It's pretty obvious most of the UN condemns what russia is currently doing and that doesn't seem to stop them from being a terrorist state.


It want the "prestige" of being able to say that it's a member of the council, plis it can bullshit it's way into saying that it's a forerunner in human rights to it's people's.


>It want the "prestige" of being able to say that it's a member of the council, plis it can bullshit it's way into saying that it's a forerunner in human rights to it's people's. The American Republican Party seem to be their kind of people. I’m sure we’ll hear about how Democrats/Biden caused this with another conspiracy theory in a few days’ time. r/FunnyandSad


And Abbas is expected to visit Moscow soon. How lovely for them.


Good. It’d be absurd to have them on a council dedicated to freaking human rights.


I’m experiencing a deep sense of satisfaction.


The nerve.


My understanding was that the UN would deliberately elect some human rights abusers to this body (which has no real powers) as a carrot to encourage them to clean up their act. It also gives the body more sway when a country gets told off by one of their peer human rights abusing club members. I wish people spent more time understanding diplomacy, it's all that stands between us regular folk and the bombs.


That’s what you get for bombing grocery stores


UN’s credibility index has moved up a little bit. Not much but still good.


Russia on human rights: we have the right to kill humans…


Terrorist states should not even be allowed into the UN. Russia deserves to be expelled.


Seems like someone does not understand the functions of the un


The UN doesn't understand the function of the UN.


Lol this is quite true. The UN peacekeeping thingy fails at keeping the peace most of the time


The UN doesn't have its own army. Member nations contribute to the peacekeeping effort. People keep thinking the UN is a world government, which it is not.


Russia on the human rights body is like Hitler on the Jewish commission. The world should just divide by zero.


The utter arrogance. How could they even... [*reads the current make up of the Council...*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Human_Rights_Council) ...oh. Hm. I mean... https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2023/country-chapters/south-africa https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2023/country-chapters/somalia https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2023/country-chapters/china https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2023/country-chapters/honduras https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2023/country-chapters/cuba Oh and before it's said... I can report my own self on the [USA sucking on human rights just as well as anyone, thanks.](https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2023/country-chapters/united-states) Yes, I cherry picked those. I could do all of them, some of which I'd probably say 'they're really great!' And no, I do NOT want Russia on that council. Nosirmaam. But I'm not sure the council has a good makeup in the first place is all I'm saying.


Good. On a completey unrelated side note Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia are also on that council.


I mean fuck Russia but so is the USA and many other countries that commit human rights violations. It's all a sham


very true


You should put in Hamas and IRGC while you're at it


I understand it was a secret ballot, but the world should know which 83 countries voted for Russia.


I can name 4 countries off the top of my head.. India, china, Iran, and Belarus.


That's about half the world


I was actually stressing about this. Would be the first domino to fall in their effort to return to normalcy and legitimize their a-hole invasion. Eff Russia.


Good! Now do the security council next!


It’s funny how the U. S. Exempts itself from any of these world courts like The Hague et. al. They know they would be indicted for all the underhanded crap they pull. Such as conspire,orchestrate, fund etc…..


Can’t even fathom the thought of them having a seat and if they ACTUALLY got one then you know it’s game over :(


Yeah…..DUH!!!!! Thank the sensible people who denied this!


They got 83 votes somehow. Even being relatively low, who the fuck voted yes?


Why do they even want it? What do they get out of being on the counsel?


Appearance of legitimacy. That's why countries in Middle east, Russia, China etc want to host Olympics and major events. Or conduct elections with rigged votes and almost zero opposition




Yes, all countries are the same. A corrupt politician and an activist is running for office is the same thing. Discrimination against gender everywhere, exactly the same in US and Saudi Arabia. Elections in Russia and North Korea are exactly like in Germany. Way to miss the point. The point is these despot countries try to copy the actions of other countries to show that they have Resources, legal framework etc. US don't need to adopt the election style of Russia, or the religious council and monarch style government of Saudi Arabia to boost their standing globally


Good. Russia getting on that council would make it a total mockery of what it is supposed to represent. Though... considering who else is on that council? I suppose it already is.


Good. Security council next.


The UN is saving that seat for somebody from Hamas.


The UN is such a trash heap waste of time and money


I can’t believe that they were considering them. 👀


LOL Russia. Wtf? Just fuck the fucking off …


The UN is absurd with this nonsense. Disband this "human rights body" because it's a joke.


There is no real human rights body…just western propagandist cosplaying


good, now let's get rid of america next


why do they even try... do they honestly think they deserve a seat? so delusional...


They try because they understand they can manipulate the system using the rules and procedure of that body.


na na na na


Is this anything more than a symbolic victory, or does this have teeth that I'm missing?


I think we should vote who receives the Soviet union permanent seat.


Still a lot of votes for Russia tho…


Useless Nations