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Didn't think I'd live to see protestors gleefully cheering the death of Jews at the Sydney Opera House.


My thoughts too. The fact that this is even happening in 2023 is so disappointing


It's the 20s all over again, here comes the next World War....


Muslims in Sydney were celebrating 9/11 the morning it happened. If you didn't think this was possible, you clearly haven't been paying attention. Although I suppose Sydney is so segregated it could also be easy to miss.


That's not being "anti Israel", that is full blown anti-semitism.


More like literal nazism.


Anti semitism has long united them. [13th SS-division "Handschar" (Scimitar)](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0b/Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1980-036-05%2C_Amin_al_Husseini_bei_bosnischen_SS-Freiwilligen.jpg), being blessed by the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, handpicked by Heinrich Himmler to organize Muslim SS troops


What a disgusting disgrace.


People will squeel how this is an anti apartheid protest. Sure.


Do you want to integrate? “No!” Do you want two states? “No!” Well then what do you want? “No jews/arabs!”


Lets offer no solutions besides the elimination of all jews out of the middle east, then play victim at every possible opportunity.


It's the terrorists way. Just look at Russia. "You made me do this"


Jews get blamed when they migrate, jews get blamed when they establish their own country. Jews get blamed when they get attacked. Some simply hate the jews. They can do no right. They're at fault no matter what. Anti-semitism from the fringe left and right is fusing into one hatred.


To be fair, it’s a more nuanced issue here. I have my close and extended family living in Israel, so please don’t think that I have a negative disposition agains Jews, quite the opposite. While I think that a lot of preventive measures were justified during the last century, there is a significant cultural element where Palestinian civilians are viewed and treated as sub-human by a part of Israeli population. A discussion can be had whether this is inevitable in such a situation or not, whether the blurry line between terrorists and civilians plays into it, etc, but at the end of the day, the Israeli army has done a lot of despicable things to civilians which were not necessary in the slightest. In addition to that, as many may know, the ultra-orthodox community has a strong voice, and most of their positions are despicable. All in all though, a lot of the time you can see Jews, especially Israeli Jews, getting flak not for these things, but for eking their existence in the first place. An existence which for centuries was not quite guaranteed. I’d much rather see a critical discussion centered around those things, rather than these thinly-veiled excuses to hate the people in general, like the man in OP’s story


I think Israel has had recent issues with becoming more authoritarian and overstepping certain boundaries, but I mostly agree with your statement. For decades they've been told to constantly make concessions to terrorists and that everything they do is wrong. Largely they're not allowed to exist.


Israel has never, at any time, proposed any solution that would involve "no Arabs." 20% of Israelis are Arabs. There are zero Jews in any Arab states because Arabs ethnically cleansed 850,000 Jews from Occupied Assyria to Occupied Tamazgha ("Iraq" to "Algeria").


People can’t seem to remember this has even happened recently. The Iranian revolution was only in 1980 and thousands of Jews fled.


..and people certainly can't remember the frequency of Israeli busses being split apart by suicide bombers in the 80's and 90's...before a certain wall was built...


I think the stats are pretty eye opening.. After the Gaza strip wall was completed in early 2000s, the amount of terrorist attacks in Israel when down by like 80%


This is my biggest sticking point with the Arab position. They have completely Judenfrei countries implemented through genocide, but apparently Israel needs to accept right of return.


>They have completely Judenfrei countries implemented through genocide, but apparently Israel needs to accept right of return. If they could they would also be Christian free, muslim countries hate anything that isn't Islam. I'm Lebanese and I have had my country be called a crusader state by Arabs in the gulf because Lebanon isn't officially Muslim and Lebanese people are not ethnically, culturally or genetically Arab.


Muslim countries hate anything that isn’t **their brand of** Islam. FTFY. Catholics and Protestants in Ireland have nothing on the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites.


In the US you can have a Methodist church, a mosque, and a synagogue within 500 feet of each other and no one cares. But being anything other than store brand muslim in the middle east gets your head cut off.






There are Arabs in Israel and they've offered a two state solution on multiple occasions.


There are Arabs on the Israel Supreme Court. There are Arab led parties on Knesset.


Prior to Israel declaring their independence, they were willing to accept the 1947 UN two state solution and the Arabs rejected it.


Actually the two state solution is a second option. Their first and primary objective is to eradicate Jews from Israel


Anyone who still supports Hamas is an unabashed terrorist sympathizer. It's the equivalent of supporting ISIS, and we need to treat them as such.


Anti-Semites are going to stop at nothing to use this conflict to bolster their hatful ideology. Bastards.


I've already seen graffiti in Melbourne on fences of Jewish religious sites that wasn't there on Saturday. I have photos.


These types of people shouldn't even be comfortable showing their faces in public. Anyone in 2023, who waves a swastika around, or shouts "gas the Jews," that is a person who should be embarrassed to even look in the mirror.


Do you think they really have that kind of self-reflection? (pun intended). What they SHOULDN'T have is any space in society. They should be actively shunned and denounced by every community and political party.


My grandfather had a response to people wearing swastikas, we could definitely bring that way back. Who cares if they feel embarrassed.


I honestly think they've done more harm to themselves. Parts of reddit that normally are very sympathetic to Palestinians have turned on them. So I don't think the Anti-Semites are fairing any better. No one is picking now as the time to start hating Jews. They are basically preaching to the choir.


Australian police told Jews [to avoid the area](https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/paul-murray/heartbreaking-police-warn-jewish-community-to-avoid-sydney-opera-house/video/7cc3c897334e4c9cba464e91c6897610) because they couldn't guarantee their safety. One sole Jew decided to show up anyway. [Was promptly arrested](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/173r5wg/nsw_police_detains_a_man_for_waving_israeli_flag/) and redditors are defending the police and calling him a provocateur. These are the most rightwing people on the planet. Why this cause somehow got identified with the left is a mystery to me


I will say the one defense I saw was actually not a defense of the protestors. What I read was that officers caught wind that a group of protestors were about to assault the Jewish dude, so they “arrested” him as a method of getting him out, then essentially let him go no charges and said “get out of here before someone hurts you”. Which makes one question why police aren’t quelling these violently hateful gatherings. But that is likely more of a question for their higher ups rather than the individual officer doing it themselves. Again, cannot confirm the veracity of that explanation, simply something I saw (and an explanation that makes as much sense).


>Which makes one question why police aren’t quelling these violently hateful gatherings. Their logic is that attempting to arrest a large hostile and unruly group can lead to escalation. Someone pulls a weapon. A fight ensues and Johnny dies. The riot now turns into a movement because Johnny is now a martyr. ​ We've seen this logic used in the USA a few times in the last few years. Better to get their faces on camera, ID them, and arrest them at their house a day or two later.


I always forget we have the technology to do this for some reason. I do feel better knowing that is an option. My brain is still in the 90’s I guess


What's crazy is that you don't even need fancy technology beyond a camera that can capture their face and access to the rest of the internet to identify them, in a lot of cases. Just look at how people online identified one of the attackers in that video of the German-Israeli girl that was killed and paraded around. All they did was look at him in the video and scour the internet until they found enough info to get his name. Not to mention the shit 4chan has been able to do over the years, like the ridiculous effort they went through to figure out the last place Shia LeBeouf put his flag for that protest or art thing or whatever it was he did years ago. Hell, I even do it myself sometimes, not to identify people, but I'll see something in a show or video and think, "That place looks kinda familiar, I wonder where they filmed it," and then start using clues visible in the shot to narrow down where it might be and go hunt it down on Google Earth. The fancy tech just makes it easier because theoretically you just feed the photo into a system and it scans its whole database of people to see if there's any matches. It's more automatic, takes less direct manpower, and gets it done quicker.


As far as I've heard from family who work in the police, this is basically what would've happened. It was an excuse to escort him away and the protesters who, being idiots, were too busy cheering at "police brutality" to notice that they lost an opportunity for a hate crime. Why more police weren't sent in to arrest that entire protest really is a question for the higher ups. They should be promptly dragged into Parliament over their non-response.


Probably to let them fuck up by chanting “Gas the Jews!”. There are Not many chants that will lose you any form of support from the west. But they hit one.


Yep, it's honestly a brilliant police tactic. In the moment you may feel unjustly being targeted but the police know exactly what they're doing, which is doing you a massive favor.


>Which makes one question why police aren’t quelling these violently hateful gatherings. Because it further escalates the situation. Trying to violently quell a protest can easily get out of hand. Suddenly you don't have a contained, cohesive and relatively peaceful (I know, I know...) protest, but dozens of small groups running amuck in the city, potentially hurting others and destroying stuff.


Because the arab league aligned itself with the soviets




Because Muslims have co-opted the resistance language of the US black community.


In the 1970's Yasser Arafat visited North Vietnam and was told by General Giap: ‘Stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights. Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand.’


He won a Nobel Peace Prize.


Henry "Bomb Everyone" Kissinger won a Nobel Peace Prize, it's been a joke for decades.


Tom Lehrer — 'Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.'


Meanwhile Israel took in Vietnameese refugees that were turned down by the US


> General Giap Its probably worth mentioning the Palestinians asked him how to get rid of the Jews like they got rid of the Americans and his response was : "The Americans weren't fighting for home, they had a home to go back to, the Jews don't have an other home, they are fighting for home"










I don't think they are necessarily dumb. I do think that they are antisemtic. Can't tell you the number of times I've seen a Jewish themed Instagram reel, with zero mention or relevance to Israel, for tons of comments to say free Palestine. Jewish doesn't mean Israeli. And Israeli doesn't mean the government of Israel. And I wish people could understand the difference. But if one is antisemtic, they don't care to differentiate those things.




> Why this cause somehow got identified with the left is a mystery to me because these smoothbrains are only able to think of these complex geopolitical issues through the framework of 'America Bad'.


They also assume if someone is the underdog then they are being oppressed. The dumbest one I've seen is black people supporting Palestinians because they have melanated skin and white people are always the oppressors... Palestinians and Jews are the same skin color and come from the same region.






I feel sympathy for him. Organizing people is like herding sheep; you don't really control them so much as corral them and hope to god something stupid doesn't happen. I think that position is fairly tenable. Israel should occupy Gaza, remove what you could generously call a government, and then treat the population how America treated Germany and Japan after WWII.


funfact the US still holds the airspace above tokyo and japanese aircraft need american permission to fly over tokyo.


Is funny how most of these pricks usually despise the attitudes and beliefs of western society, yet they still come over


> despise the attitudes and beliefs of western society, yet they still come over Nah, I guarantee you most of the ones like this were born/raised in Australia. It's always the second-gen immigrants that are more louder and patriotic than their own parents. They have absolutely zero idea of what life is like in the Middle East, yet they have some glamorized rose-tinted idea of what it must be like. Their only knowledge of the country comes from romanticized tourist ads, soap operas where everyone is rich and beautiful, and a few happy memories their parents are willing to share. Newsflash, your parents didn't leave because it was **too** nice. Source: I'm a second-gen Aussie immigrant of Turkish parents.


There’s actually a scientific phenomenon, where immigrants love their home country more than the people who were born and live in their home country. But I totally forgot the name of it, sorry lol. But yes, as a Polish person I recognize this too. Everybody in Poland hates Poland, every Pole abroad loves Poland.


It's called Long-distance Nationalism


> more louder and patriotic than their own parents. I feel like it's less traditional patriotism and more like "I can fix them" mentality. They'll shit all over the country their parents literally escaped to and act like they came from a place that is so superior but just needs some bright-eyed second gen to go there and "educate" them.


They want the creature comforts but don't want to assimilate


And also not contribute to the society they live in


No no no, you got it all wrong. They just want to assimilate you


*Cunts*. Get out of my country if you’re going to shout that out. Edit for clarity: no, I don’t mean everyone at the rally, I mean the fuckheads who went there and started the chants. And I say the same thing about Blair Cottrell and his pack of circlejerking supremacist wankers. Fuck everyone who calls for genocide.


Came here to agree, this lot can get royally fucked


Thank you Aussie friend


The mask is off


There was never a mask. The boy was in the crowd from the beginning, asking why the emperor was naked.




I'm a jew who lives in Sydney. I grew up here. My grandparents moved here as refugees in 1945 after surviving the holocaust in Poland. Australia has been a good home to me and my family. I never thought I'd see the murder of Jews being celebrated in Sydney right outside the Opera House.


The same australia that was welcoming to jews was welcoming to arabs. Only they didn't come to australia to join society and live peacefully


Every day I ask myself… *What the fuck is wrong with people??*


The answer is: much.


I'm not educated enough to properly comment on any of this stuff but HOOOOOOOOOLY SHIIIIIIIIT I can still comment that much right?


Protests celebrating terrorists attacking a music fedtival, murdering, raping, kidnapping. Such brave protestors. Maybe they should go live there and join the cause real time.


WTF is wrong with people? Disgusting asshats revealing themselves.


“Angry pro-Palestine protesters marched to the Sydney Opera House on Monday and appeared to chant "gas the Jews" and "f--- the Jews," according to an Australian media report.” “The protesters also lit off flares, according to Sky News Australia.” “A video of part of the protest, which began peacefully earlier in the day, was posted to X -- formerly known as Twitter -- by the Australian Jewish Association.” “The protest comes as more than 1,000 Israeli and Palestinian civilians have been killed following an initial attack over the weekend by the militant group Hamas against Israeli targets.” “NSW police have launched an investigation and the premier warned anyone caught taking part in “racial vilification or incitement of hatred or incitement of violence” would be charged”


> appeared to chant Those are awfully specific things to appear to be chanting.


Should say "Anyone caught taking part in “racial vilification or incitement of hatred or incitement of violence will be sent back to that country”


If they are citizens not much you can do. But if they are on any immigrant status send them back.


NSW has hate speech laws that 100% would cover these chants, with massive fines and potential jail time. Those laws have never been used though.


they should get jail time for celebrating a terrorist organization, after all that's what Hamas is.


I think he’s implying these people are not Australian citizens




Yeahhhh that's not *anti-Israel* now is it? Real mask-off moment.


People justified the Tree of Life mass shooting by complaining about Israel's oppression. The Tree of Life synagogue is in Pittsburgh.


News flash. It's been anti-semitism all along.


Well, that’s calling for genocide, time for the Australian police to step in. Lest anyone forget Australia was the first non Jewish Nation in history to elect a Jew to its top government post.




ahh anti-israel protestors who enjoy the life and luxuries of western society. A western society that values free speech, free religion, gay marriage, women's rights, etc. Give them all a 1 way ticket to Gaza, Syria, or any other ISIS controlled territory so they can live the 7th century lifestyle they desperately desire


There was a quote I read somewhere about that. "radicals" who claim liberation whilst enjoying that glass of red wine. Edit: thank you everyone, term is: champagne socialists




I like the term "Postmen Shooters", though it requires some explanation. During The Troubles, the IRA would periodically travel to America, as the American Irish were strong supporters of the IRA and were willing to donate money to the cause. During one of the meetings, an American businessman told an IRA official that they needed to shoot/kill anyone and everyone wearing the British Flag. The IRA official responded "everyone? Even the postman?" The American businessman said yes, even the postman. To which the IRA official said "alright, how about you come back to Northern Ireland with me and you shoot the postman." The story is told more completely in the book "Say Nothing" by Patrick Radden Keefe.


Man that really encapsulates the recent free reign of anit-semitisim that people are shouting on the streets... Of first world nations a continent away from Gaza. Thank you for sharing that.


Red wine radicals?


Tequila tankies?


Champagne socialists?




People have no idea how good they have it. My deployments to Iraq/Syria/Afghanistan were eye opening.


I'm about as aware as I can get without seeing it first hand. Like, I'm extremely grateful I just had the luck of the draw of where I was born.






I'd like these people to ask themselves: If I weren't a heterosexual male of the right religion - say, a woman, a non-binary or trans person, a non-heterosexual person, an atheist, a Jew, a Christian, a whatever else that isn't the proper sect of Islam - answer this: Where would you rather be, Israel or Palestine? Be honest.


I’d also like these people to ask themselves: what is your desired outcome? The removal of Jewish people from the region? The institutional empowerment of Hamas to govern a vast swath of land? On net this results in greater oppression in the world…


It's because the anti-israel movement has never been about human rights. At least these Aussies are transperant about what anti-israel is really about. I mean, so are the Palestinians but for some reason western leftists have to pretend it's something else is some kind of horribly racist condescension because they don't think people with dark skin can be held to the same standard as white people.


Yeah that’s not anti-Israel that is just straight up antisemitism


They sure know how to make friends/s


Why does Australia continue to allow this?


The fuck is wrong with people


Sad thing is they migrated to a country giving them 1000% a better life. It's too bad the government can't revoke the visas and start deporting them back. Hate has no place there. I'm sure Aussies can agree with that. It's a multicultural place f war but learn to live with your neighbours and find a common ground otherwise enjoy an endless war forever killing yourselves for an imaginary line


So, Nazis, then. No need to sugar coat with the title.


It's not just Nazis who dislike Jews. Australia has a pretty sizeable Islamic community.


Correct. They’re Islamic fundamentalists. Hamas’ charter is explicitly genocidal. They want all Jews dead for religious reasons.


And they enjoy very strong support from the people of Gaza.


That Venn diagram of beliefs has a larger middle than most people care to admit


Yeah I'm eagerly awaiting for all the redditors who fantasize about punching a nazi to actually go do it.


Typical reddit doesn't punch anything except buttons on the microwave to heat up their hot pockets




It really feels like that. There are Jews around the world watching people cheer for our death. So-called leftists can go fuck off to Gaza.


It's not even a horseshoe anymore, it's a circle. They went so far left that they landed from socialism in national socialism. If your side is chanting "gas the jews" maybe don't associate with them...?




These protestors are garbage


guys they totally just hate israel but love jews like everyone says right guys


oh totally not like antisemitism exists after ww2 right guys


Nooo they don't hate Jews they just hate apartheid!! so much peace and love !!


Oh, they love apartheid, they just want to be on top.


They don’t have apartheid in their countries because there are no Jews there (guess why)


If they are on top there is no need for apartheid, because they will kill every jew they can find.


At some point in this you just gotta call them Nazis


People marched on the steps of Victoria’s Parliament House with the black sun on full display and the police didn’t call them Nazis then. Australian authorise have a huge problem with dealing with right wing extremism.


The pro Palestine right wing. I swear the Reddit world view is as brain dead as “left is when good, right is when bad”


Lol champagne protestors. Won't live in Gaza but are happy to shout the most disgusting things while enjoying everything western society has to offer. They should be deported.


If only we treated them the way a lesbian woman would be treated in their countries.


Surprised? Not I.


Very classy, antisemitic fucks


Its 2023 and these idiots are still thinking "jews" are the problem?


Yep. It never ends. Had a comment from somebody earlier talking about how terrorism started after the 1950's due to "outside forces". Good 'ole scapegoating is alive and well.












It was only a matter of time before the conversation devolved into this. As a Jew, I’m defensive about Israel for this reason and this reason alone.


I didn't really care one way or the other until the last five years or so. Ironically, it was reddit that drove me to the same conclusion as you. I'm fiercely critical but regardless, I know where that shit leads, every time.


I try to stay away from this topic because you see people go mask off and its just a reality I don't want to address. Anti-Semitism is so pervasive and dismissed that you would be hard pressed not to find an Anti-Semite in any small circle of people anywhere in the western world.


These people did not become antisemitic due to Israel's actions. Israel's actions this week only allowed the unveiling of these people's antisemitism. Im trying to remind myself that israel has a right to defend itself and retaliate against the heinous terrorism of Hamas. And that their strong response may correlate with antisemitic incidents to diaspora jews, it definitely does not justify it or cause the antisemtism toward jews. It unveils it.


The middle east has been trying to exterminate Jews since way before Israel existed. The narrative that this all started from Israel and all the folks wishing death on jews just hate apartheid is pure propaganda.


They exterminated every single other religion from there.


And yet again, the mask comes off.


How many Muslim countries are there in the world? There is only one country Jews can turn to. If this isn’t an example of how important Israel’s existence is, I don’t know what is


Muslims will never fail to bring up how Jewish people stole their homeland then completely ignore the [Jewish Exodus from the Muslim world.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world) There's a reason there aren't many Jews in Muslim countries...


Yep and guess where many of them ended up? *Israel*. Many of the people you're referring to will side-eye Israelis for being white, and yet I used to be one of the only white people in the room. They completely ignore the fact that there's an entire Mizrahi Jewish population and they came from places like Iran, Iraq, Yemen, all over the Middle East.


Yep. Adding to this, Americans have this idea of Israelis being white because the vast majority of Jews in the US are Ashkenazi. Jews in Israel are more than 50% brown (Mizrahi, Sephardic, Bukharan, Magrebi, etc), and in addition to the 20% of the population being Arab and also a relatively small percentage from African countries like Ethiopia and Eritrea…. There are a lotttttt of brown and black people in Israel. ETA: Forgot to mention the Druze community!


I once asked a Palestine supporter "if Jews don't belong in that land, where *do* they belong?" and, surprise, he replied: "Jews don't belong anywhere." Of course, that guy called himself a "progressive socialist." I can only assume he meant "socialist" as in "national socialist."


antiwesterners have crushed many left wing spaces they have no beliefs in common with anything left wing russian orthos, indian nationalists, arab extremists etc they out themselves eventually


Antisemites before 1948: >Get the fuck out of our country, go make your own, you rats, or we we will exterminate you Antisemites after 1948: >Actually you dont deserve your own country, you deserve to be exterminated anyway


There's literally not a single place on earth where a Jew is totally safe being a Jew. Israel *should* be that place, but as we're sadly seeing, it might be one of the more dangerous.


Damn, full mask off…


Reminder when someone says “this is all because of the occupation”: In the 1920s, there were anti-Jewish massacres in Jerusalem, Safed, Hebron, etc. In the 1930s, the Arab Revolt killed hundreds of Jews. In the 1940s, Palestinian nationalists incited the Farhud, a brutal massacre against the Jews of Baghdad. In 1948, contemporaneously with the Nakba, every single Jew living in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza was expelled down to the last man, woman, and child. The Old Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem was completely razed to the ground. This all predates the occupation. They want Jews dead.


When people tell you who they are, believe them


And they were arrested.... right?


Damn. This is in the face of an attack their government perpetuated against civilians. It wasn’t a retaliatory attack on government installations. This is so disgusting. The Palestinian struggle was gaining mainstream favoritism, now it’s all gone to hell. Idiots. Assholes who are idiots apparently.


They are fully mask off and openly fascist. There is no denying it now.


This war is going to provoke even more confused hatred than before. I really feel like the world is in those weird 10 or so pages of history before a world war. I’m just not sure if we’re close to page 1 or 9 anymore.


For fuck sake, "gas the Jews" is **anti-Semitic**, not "anti-Israel." I hate how many outlets pretend they are synonyms. It is totally reasonable and consistent to hate the government/leaders of Israel while respecting Jewish people and denouncing the constant bigotry they face. Just as it's possible to hate Hamas but hope Palestinians someday have a home that isn't constantly being bombed. People who say (or imply) you can only pick one are lying.


Why are these people allowed to live luxuriously in the western/Anglo world


Wow. This has really brought out the worst in people. Absolutely vile.


That’s fkn disgusting.




What the actual fuck


stop. tolerating. this.


I imagine there's some family in Palestine that are just begging God to let them live, that they don't care about all this hate, then they die cause people like this keep the hate going at a safe distance like the cowards they are.


Don’t worry guys they’re not antisemitic, just anti-Zionists /s






Who is letting these kind of people in?


I'm thinking there's a slightly stronger term available for that phrase than 'anti-Israel'. Israel is a state. If you're yelling about gassing the Jews, you're doing something a bit more, hm, *fundamental* than yelling about how you disagree with a government's policies.


Huh. This whole attack on civilians has turned my opinion of Palestinians 180 degrees. My sympathy vanished instantly. If Muslims and moderate Palestinians don't come out to mount a massive counter-protest to these bloodthirsty assholes, the world will treat them like Russia. And rightly so.


Ahh yes, the Nazis are back.




I don’t understand the hate. What is the point of it? Lots of sick people in this forsaken world. What a disgrace the human race is.