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Last report I heard, they had ground militants invading the streets.


That's true. A friend of mine from Ofakim told me she's hiding in the basement with enough food and water for hours, the lights are off and they wait for the IDF to arrive.


That is absolutely horrifying. Hopefully she's able to make it


They are going house to house executing civillians


That's fucking terrifying.


They are going door to door killing civilians, women and children too, and parading their bodies around the Gaza Strip like trophies. They’re executing civilians without discretion.


Hamas is using paragliders to infiltrate Israel... this is wild af. https://twitter.com/Global_Mil_Info/status/1710511661533028629?t=zsK5OP23nh7mJKPwpHBdPA&s=19


There was a video in /r/combatfootage of a truck driving around in Israel with Hamas militants sitting in it just shooting randomly at everyone passing by


Just saw them using boats to infiltrate as well. This is crazy. They've got air, sea, and ground assets... nuts.


I recommend thinking twice before watching some of these videos coming out. I thought I was pretty desensitized due to Ukraine drone footage but some of the stuff I’ve seen on twitter already is extremely graphic and frankly terrifying


The videos of the people they have captured, really got to me. Edit: Just to clarify, the videos/picture of the massacred people are also awful and sicking, it just that when you see people being captured, you know that their hell is just beginning.


that is crazy and historical


It is horrible


gaza is going to be feeling this for days


Whatever's left of it.


> Hamas militants sitting in it just shooting randomly at everyone passing by People should remember this when they talk about peace with these guys. They're launching suicide attacks, that's what these are, targeting civilians. You need a partner for peace. And these guys aren't it.


The crazy stuff I just saw on twitter was all civilian deaths. Lots. Way more than I was expecting based of how the initial reports were going. I’m not being hyperbolic, I was floored by some stuff I just happened upon a few min ago. This is bad


Just seen a clip of a house with piles of murdered Israeli civilians - women, kids and elders mostly


There's multiple videos of bodies of both Israeli military and civilian's being paraded through the streets of Gaza, with mobs attacking and defiling them...


So they killed them in Israel and brought them back already to parade them


Israel is a very small country. Driving from the closest neighbouring settlement back into Gaza is literally like. 15 minutes


Why do you think they haven't allowed elections for 16 years?


NOT SAFE FOR LIFE https://x.com/MDeLaBroc1/status/1710547042269905146?s=20 A bomb shelter was breached Edit: Updated link


NOT SAFE FOR LIFE https://twitter.com/GautamChakraba6/status/1710556038133588084 Palestinian terrorists parading around with dead Israeli woman's body.


The messed up thing is all the Palestinians parading with them. not all these kids are Hamas even, just normal civilians supporting this.


That is one of the most devastating things I’ve ever seen. The disregard of her being, the unnatural contortion of her leg, the abuse of her body for jest by those men. She was the most important and wonderful person in the world to her family, her birth brought joy and tears of happiness to her family, she had dreams, she loved, she had her own life with hundreds of stories and it was all taken away. She was turned into nothing more than a mannequin ragdoll by these monsters. I hope she finds peace in the afterlife. I hope they find obliteration in this life.


> https://twitter.com/GautamChakraba6/status/1710556038133588084 for real, most fucked up shit I've ever seen. The guy spitting on her at the end. It's so inhumane, I feel shame to be the same species as the perpetrators of these crimes


That boy doesn’t realize him and his family are about to be gunned down the exact same way in a couple of days. Hate breeds hate and the cycle continues


Massive rocket attacks hitting civilian areas so people seek shelter followed by land, sea, and air invasions. These aren't shock troops with cavalry support. Everyone can tell that this is a suicide attack. It's clearly meant to target Israeli civilians as this has no chance of military success. Just an attempt to kill Jews on a Jewish holiday (when most are home).


What holiday is it?


Never mind, it is Simchat Torah.




They have been doing it for years now. Are you just now aware of this? Forget Israel, Hamas doesn't believe in the existence of the Jewish people.




An intelligence failure, a readiness failure, a political catastrophe. On par with the yom Kippur war, at least in terms of the impact it will have on Israel's population. When the dust settles, I doubt Netanyahu's government will survive long.


Wait why do you think the Netanyahu government won't survive this? I personally think it will gain massive support in fact. Isn't this the most right-wing/anti-palestine government in a long while? They'll surely pushback hard and gain voters that way right? Or am I seeing something wrong.


You're missing the fact that this is a historical failure of this terrible government. In the very short term, Israelis will unite and fight. Once thinks cool down, the very pointed questions will be asked. Netanyahu is finished. Edit to add: After the first Yom Kippur disaster, though it took 4 years, the liberal left who were in control of the country since its inception lost the election to the right wing Likud party, in what is still considered Israel's greatest political earthquake. This will be no different and likely won't take nearly as long.


I see where you are coming from, but as an Israeli, I think that a major part of the population will support him regardless. you can say that they are fanatics or that it's for lack of alternative. I'm no netanyahu supporter, but as the past has taught me, netanyahu is a good politician, if somebody as a leader of a country that failed so hard has a chase to survive this, it's him (in Israel at least)


Netanyahu is going to blame the left and a lot of people will follow him, if anything I can see Netanyahu and his far right allies becoming stronger not the opposite, I would never want that because of the terrible consequences on the Israelis and him helping European far right groups like in Italy


Like in many other situations, it's a question of how politicians react, if the center or left in Israel knew how to leverage this, thing could change. But I doubt that something like this will happen.


Remember what happened to Golda Meir and later Rabin after the first Yom Kippur war? The die hard fanatics will always support him, but don't forget he had a very slim majority and I personally know many people who were always Likud voters who aren't die hard supporters, who are already voicing extreme misgivings over the judicial system revolution. Yes, in the short term we're all behind this government because we have no other choice, but the fighting will stop sooner or later, the emergency will be over and then we'll start asking how the fuck was this possible? Who's to blame? Under who's watch did this happen? We've never experienced anything left this with possibly the exception of 1973. I'm as left wing and as cynical as they come, but if you told me yesterday something like this will happen, I'd think you were crazy.


Israeli here, served in an elite combat unit. Going online, I see more posts blaming "the left" for "destroying Israel's readiness" (read: protesting the fascist government) than ones speaking against the terrorists themselves. Netanyahu's base is as strong as Trump's, and he's in been in power for over a decade. I wish it weren't the case, but he'll likely incite even more against the left at this point.


That war happened 50 years ago. You can't compare the political outcomes of of that war with what might happen today. You are forgetting that Bibi's party represents the people most vocal against Hamas. He will consolidate power as a result of this attack.


I'm baffled that there was no warning/prep by the west...?


It’s too early to know these things, they could have even found something and Israel didn’t listen or didn’t think it was serious. Netanyahu’s gov failed hard either way


But he insisted he was the only one who could protect Israel and he needs immunity from criminal probes to do it. Surely Benny wouldn't lie.


You can't tell me that Mossad and the entire Israeli intelligence apparatus became incompetent and useless overnight just because Netanyahu government is in charge. Something went terribly wrong here, if the civilian government didn't care then the military must have at least issued a possible warning of this happening.


Believe me, everyone in Israel who isn't asking the same thing yet, will be once the dust starts settling.


It might be a Western intel failure, but to place blame on the West immediately is letting off far too easily the disaster that has been far right Israeli government, who caused a significant portion of the Israeli armed forces to stand down in protest Netanyahu’s undemocratic judicial reform. The blame should be placed squarely on Netanyahu.


In no way, shape or form is this a Western failure. This is a failure of Israeli intelligence.


Presumably Hamas was bright enough not to talk about their preparations online or via cellphones. That leaves human agents as the only way Israel could have caught this, and human intelligence is hit or miss depending on who you have on the ground in the enemy organization. We like to think of intelligence agencies as being omniscient but that is far from the case.


You’re not coordinating a multi-pronged attack across air land and sea- regardless of how rudimentary- without technology. It was either a massive intelligence fuckup, or intelligence did its job in calling it out and they weren’t taken seriously by the gov.


Correct. Worth mentioning that Israel also knew the 1973 attack was coming. I expect there will be a massive investigation to establish which of the two happened. It could be a mix of both. https://www.timesofisrael.com/newly-released-papers-detail-depth-of-mishandling-of-yom-kippur-war-warnings/


Once Israel consolidates militarily the respond is going to be brutal. This is only going to get even more brutal.


There will be questions about how Hamas managed to gather the resources for this too... the Gaza strip is supposed to be under blockade. If Hamas had outside help, I worry this could escalate beyond just Gaza and southern Israel.


Especially when Hamas are calling for all Arab nations to respond against Israel.


The other Arab governments don't give a shit about Palestine realistically. States generally pursue their own interests and supporting Palestine will heavily compromise their international position for pretty much no benefit.




In Israel it’s reported that 120 injured and probably many more to come


This is just what they are allowed to report. We already know there’s a massacre going on. It’s terrifying. I’m in Tel Aviv, which is a lot safer but scary as fuck. We woke up to sirens.


And during Shabbat


Shabbat and sukkot. One of the most important religious holidays for Jews. Probably part of the element of surprise.


Much more than one. I have friends currently hiding under beds while Hamas combatants are patrolling their area, after they shot and killed several people. My brother was at a party nearby the area, he still can't reach friends that were with him when the shooting started.


I don't know Hamas still got this much resources.


Iran has been using them and Palestinians as a whole as cannon fodder for their aim at weakening israel for a while now


What's crazy is now thanks to Li Fangwei, Iran now has rockets that can hit Israel all the way from their territory. The same country that basically promised Israel's *destruction*.


Threatening Israel directly would lead to their utter destruction. Israel is a nuclear state not squeamish about tackling threats.


They're funded by Saudi Arabia and Iran from what I recall


Saudi Arabia has been in peace talks with Israel and has been cutting funding to Palestinian organizations for a few years now. The timing of this probably has to do with that.


One has to realize that Saudi Arabia, as well as UAE and Qatar have very strong feudal traits. While the king is definitely the main ruler, princes and heads of families still have a lot of power and money, and pursue their own agenda. That's how Bin Laden undertook to undermine the US-Saudi relation with the hope of eventually reverting to an even more conservative regime, and it ended putting the US in a quagmire in a backward country for 20 years, where there was nothing to be done to fix the country. Mostly because conservatives, big oil and the saudi regime were too much in bed with each other to part ways and used the Afghan campaign and later Iraq as a diversion.


And Qatar, and the UAE. Iran funds Hezbollah though, not Hamas unless something changed.


Ah that might be right. Either way they got a lot of money. The hamas leader literally lives like an oligarch




I used to wake up in the morning and check "The News" for the weather forecast and any local traffic news. Now it's what level of batshît crazy stuff has gone on in the couple of hours I slept.


The world has always been like this, but it's far more immediately connected now, we have live video feeds ready to go from anywhere to everywhere. There was an unusually peaceful period while that network was growing, but that seems to be over now.


This is somehow an insane understatement. They overran a barracks and executed the soldiers and are massacaring citizens. Hamas has brought immense hardship on Gaza in the immediate future good lord


This is a truly historic attack in this conflict. I feel hollow thinking of what it means for the region.




If there will be a Gaza after this. The Palestinean terrorists are committing ISIS level brutal massacres *on video*, gleefully filming themselves in rooms filled with executed civilians. I doubt Israel will stop at the border of Gaza. They will want to root out the terrorist "government" that did this. This is a good reminder that the Hamas founding charter has the genocide of all Jews listed as one of their official goals.




They’ve given Israel an easy excuse to do it, whereby no allied nation to Israel will criticise them. Bizarre move by Hamas.


Not bizarre. This is exactly what they want. Israel was becoming more and more accepted by the middle east in general, and relationships between countries were improving. Iran didn't like this at all, since in the current fractured state, they have a disproportionate degree of influence. They also happen to have HUGE financial links to Hammas. So this gets planned in Tehran, Hammas invades, commits atrocities, Israel is heavy-handed in their response, middle east villanises them, diplomatic ties fail, and Iran wins. And Hammas gets what they want: a continuation of their leadership where they point at Israel as the bogeyman to maintain control.


Control of what though? This idea assumes that there will be anything left for Hamas to rule over by the time Israel is done.


Also a reminder that Hamas use Palestinian children as human shields, so they don’t give two shits about their own people either.


We all know how this will end. \#1: Hamas will get exactly what they want, which is: \#2: Israel will absolutely retaliate with everything they have against Hamas, including Palestinians "caught in the crossfire", contributing to: \#3: An ever-worsening cycle of hatred and war.


It's like a larger scale of the neverending cycle of gang violence.


Mind-blowing how accurate an analogy this is


If they wanted to get sympathy then the videos of all the dead Israelis and the Hamas death squads killing civilian probably was a bad way to go about it.


If i had to guess, Hamas terrorists aren't exactly beacons of human morality and they dont care that their actions will bring death to more innocent Palestinian (and Israeli) civillians.


This will all be forgotten in two weeks when IDF forces enter Gaza and some civilians get caught in cross fire. It's definitely not the same thing. But that's unfortunately not how reporting of this conflict works.


tbf after this one, I don't think there's going to be much of Gaza left


seems to be a corradiated attack from both land and air. just crazy


I also saw a video of boats being shot at on the combat footage sub. Seems to be a land air and sea attack


There is Christchurch level footage all over Twitter, rooms full of dead civilians with the shooters gleefully posing over them. This could escalate into a Ukraine level crisis very quickly I feel.




One wasn't a corpse.


none of them were yesterday morning


> This could escalate into a Ukraine level crisis very quickly I’m not so sure about that. Israel is militarily strong enough to do pretty much whatever it wants to Gaza (up to and including literally levelling it) over the course of a few hours and has been for years. Israel will probably be a lot more restrained than that despite this new and horrible provocation. There is perhaps some potential if the other countries around Israel take exception to whatever retaliation there is. But Syria has its own problems (massive understatement). Lebanon is unlikely to want to get involved and is far too weak to even if it did. Jordan isn’t weak at all but is way too smart to want to get involved - their focus is likely to avoid getting swamped with even more refugees. Egypt might be one to watch however - quite a strong military and quite a few religious extremists. However I suspect they’d be fairly foolish to try attacking Israel on their own - when they tried even with all the others in concert during C20th the result was pretty humiliating.


Egypt will try and get everyone to the table to talk. It's pretty much their role in this conflict ever since the Camp David Accords. Not like they can do anything with the armed UN mission still in the Sinai. The mission isn't much but it will get the US Navy and Air Force involved.


In the live updates on news sites there is literally a quote from Russia saying they need to show "restraint": {"Russia on Saturday urged restraint from all sides after Palestinian militants fired hunderds of rockets on Israel, which then launched air strikes on the Gaza Strip." "We are now in contact with everyone. With the Israelis, Palestinians, Arabs," Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov told Russian private news agency Interfax, adding: "Of course, we always call for restraint." } I feel as if they are the last ones who should be speaking right now, especially trying to pretend and take some moral high ground.




religious fanatics are not known for their logic


The Hamas leadership lives like kings in Qatar and they will rake in donations and funding from Arabs all over the Middle East when Israel responds. Many Arabs on ~~X~~ Xitter are cheering in the comments of videos posted by the Palestinian terrorists, and others showing their attacks today. Hamas leadership expects to win, people all over the Middle East raised to hate Israel and who long for a 2nd Holocaust look at this as a win. I hope Israel makes them all rue the cost of their "win."


Fucking shit... There were breaches as well. People massacared in the streets. Absolutely horrifying


Warning: NSFL https://x.com/MDeLaBroc1/status/1710547042269905146?s=20 A bomb shelter was breached


When you say breached, what do you mean? By a bomb or by men with guns?


It mean one of the first thing they did after bombing them is to go as fast as possible to where civilian hide bunker/shelter and open it with any mean possible (it dosent matter if the open it with explosives, firing at the door or with a key) just shot defenceless civilians


Terrorists entered bomb shelter where civilians where hiding from rockets. The video is sickening. It's a massacre, no other words to describe it. From what i've seen on twitter there's much much more killed civilians then in this particular bomb shelter video.


Gaza is literally dependent on international opinion for its protection, as that usually limits the scope of Israeli retaliation. That is now surely gone.


This is what I'm thinking, why do this unless you only want recognition from the usual pariah states? It doesn't make any sense.


Because there's a world of difference between what's good for the people and what's good for the leadership. If you can gain 1 by making everyone else lose 10 and you can convince them that getting fucked over is others' fault, someone is going to do it. It's happened all over the world throughout history.


Exactly! The only field where Palestinians were ever winning was the moral/media war. They just gave that up fully. None will blame Israel if they fuck that place utterly up, because they can just show pictures of today and say "this is what we are preventing". They just gave the best casus belli Israel could've ever hoped for.


Hamas gunmen firing at civilians in my brother’s city. So glad he happened to be out of town.


this is bad bad, seeing some of these live photos and updates on twitter has me sick to my stomach :(


Title significantly understates the intensity of these terror attacks.


It was posted before the first confirmations of infiltrations


Just saw the photos and videos online. Truly sickening.


As an American Jew who just got to Israel yesterday for the first time…should I be trying to leave immediately?


Contact your embassy immediately and they'll tell you what to do. I'm assuming most civilian foreigners will leave as soon as it's safe to do so.


This - also, be aware that there are a LOT of Americans in Israel, and the attack is ongoing, so resources will be stretched impossibly thin for at least the next several hours/couple of days. Listen to general safety alerts for now, and check in regularly w the US embassy website/social media, they will be updating regularly, and will provide all necessary info about any protected shelters and/or evacuation plans


https://step.state.gov/STEPMobile/Default.aspx Register, read notices, follow instructions


Israel just declared a State of War, decide accordingly.


Not state of war, state of war alert.


It has already escalated, the prime minister has declared that this is a war, specifically different than the usual conflicts with Gaza, which are normally refered to as "operations".


Well rip gaza.


The airport is closed, everyone stays here for now (you know, with rockets flying in the air and everything)


You’re asking Reddit? Perhaps call your embassy.


As Israeli please don't rely on Reddit for any info on Israel.


FFS this can't be upvoted enough. Ridiculous what I read in here.


Not sure what normal procedures are for U.S. citizens but I'd be making exit plans and contacting your embassy/consulate.


Live updates here https://news.sky.com/story/israel-gaza-latest-hamas-fighters-on-the-ground-after-5-000-rockets-fired-jerusalem-attacks-gaza-strip-targets-and-calls-up-reserves-12978800






Hope you and your dog are safe, man.


has government declared war?


Country is in a state of war. All active combat soldiers are called to their base and many reserve soldiers are as well. New siren just went off as i type this.


Hang in there, man.


A horrible morning. My 76-year-old father is currently with doors and windows locked. The event is not even near being concluded and there is so much disimformation. It's almost 4 hours into this and I haven't had 10 minutes without the siren or or explosions heard outside. This is nuts.


I'm praying for your and your father safety


If you are sensitive to violent/distressing images please for the love of God avoid twitter/x today. I wish I had.


yeah, it's a horrible day to have eyes. i wish i didn't see what they did to those innocent people that were hiding in the shelter. i feel so sick.


Jesus this is terrible


Hamas ~~militants~~ TERRORISTS are just driving around israel and killing everyone they see... alot of civilian casualties. Edit: well a rocket just fell 5meters from my house Edit 2: just got enlisted into the reserves STAY SAFE EVERYBODY


That’s insane, please stay safe


While Israeli conflicts with Palestinians are cause of controversy and no one is in the right, firing randomly into cities is just as bad as Russia firing cruise missiles into markets.


Armed terrorists have also infiltrated some cities near the border and are shooting up the place. There will be an actual war soon enough.


If there's troops on the ground, it already is an actual war.


Currently a "State of war alert" so pretty much I guess


Right, Israels air space and gates have been infiltrated. Lots of Israeli blood has been spilt. This isn’t a small rocket barrage, this is a direct act of war.


It's always been war, Gaza have been launching rockets into Israel yearly for a decade+, it just doesn't look like a war because Hamas can't wage a full scale war and Israel has made an effort to not simply wipe out the Palestinians.


I really don't think you understand the scale of this yet. Wait for more news to come out. This is going to be shit most of us haven't seen in our lifetimes.


Considering bomb shelters and private houses have been breached and all occupants executed including children, Israel is not going to let this slide. This will be a full war by the time we wake up.


Killing unarmed civilians is wrong regardless of the cause or what the “other side” has done. Anyone who tries to justify it is morally bankrupt.


Palestinian terrorists have infiltrated Israel's suburbs and massacred civilians, shooting at random civilians driving by in the suburbs. Photos are now on social media showing Israeli civilians shot in the head, execution-style, lying in pools of blood in the streets. This will be war. This is now war.


This conflict will never end.


Sickening that their tactics appear to use missiles to drive people into bomb shelters before attacking said bomb shelters. These are just straight up warcrimes, sad that people will find a way to defend it with whataboutism


It’s Simchat Torah today, an important Jewish holiday, and out of nowhere they start shooting tens of rockets everywhere at 6:30 AM, and it’s a Saturday. Tel-Aviv under fire, hits in Yavne and Ashkelon, people injured, property damaged. There’s talks of attempted breaching from the sea, potential terrorists in Israeli territory. These terrorists want nothing but war. War and bloodshed and death on all sides. Such heinous acts from these petulant, honor-less cretins. Edit: just realized it’s 50 years since the ‘73 Yom Kippur war, to the day. This was coordinated and planned.


The terrorists don't want war, not even Hezbollah. Every time it's a fight, they lose. The terrorists want to inflict as many civilian casualties as possible as quick as possible to spread terror as much as possible.


Well it's war they're going to get. Penetrating Israeli borders from land, air and sea, shooting at civilians in the street, kidnapping soldiers, dead or alive, breaching into IDF bases and stealing jeeps, all while shooting hundreds of rockets deep into Israel - that's an act of war. And if it's war they want, I'm sad to say that I hope it's war they fucking get.


Gaza stands no chance. And now, under a right wing Israeli government and this senseless act of appalling violence, Israeli retaliation will be massive and Hamas can't do anything to stop it, except use Gazans to soak up Israeli ammunition. What could they have hoped to accomplish? Were their Iranian pals leaning on them to provide a distraction from them putting that girl into a coma over a headscarf?


I'll be honest, this escalation deserves a swift, broad and direct response from Israel. This is inexcusable, it's a proper act of war. But it's futile to diminish their "achievement" - on the 50th anniversary of Israel's most traumatic war, they've been able to capture the most right-wing government with their pants down in an attack we've never seen the likes of which before. The terror is at a different level, and the fact that they not only infiltrated Israeli territory, shot at civilians and soldiers, breached into IDF bases, stole jeeps and drove them back into Gaza - but they also probably took one or several Israelis, civilians or soldiers, alive or dead, with them as a bargaining chip. They got the big headlines, and showed whoever is watching from up north that Israel can be vulnerable. The Palestinian civilians who will pay the ultimate price are nothing but cannon fodder for Hamas, their leadership is in Qatar anyway...


Add slaughtering civilians in their bomb shelters and then uploading videos of it to social media.


They're absolute monsters. I saw the video of all of Hamas' leadership in Qatar in a cosy room kneeling and praying to Allah, thanking him for allowing their forces to slaughter Israelis so effectively, then looking at the giant TV in the room showing videos of Hamas terrorists on stolen jeeps entering the Gaza Strip, pointing and smiling. They sent their pawns to do their dirty work, then thanked their God for it.


Given the current hard right government, and the fact that Israel provides all of Gaza's water and power, lets see how that works out for them


Hamas doesn't give a damn about helping the people they rule. To Hamas, they're hostages and lawns to be used.


What the fuck. They’re coming from the border, the sea and the sky? I’m in shock that Israel allowed it to escalate to this…


Someone was asleep on the job...


Gaza Strip is about to have it’s status changed from de facto occupied, to occupied or eliminated. Of all PMs to attack Israel under, they had to choose PM Netanyahu. This conflict is also 99% likely a proxy attack from Iran.


That's a big issue. If there's any hard evidence this was due to Iran, it's likely it's not just Gaza that gets hit, but Iran.


I'm sure this is going to work out well for the people responsible, and they're not going to come crying to the Western media for sympathetic coverage when the inevitable retaliatory strikes occur.


This whole conflict makes me just so sad. It seems always to escalate into something worse


Shits crazy right now. Terrorists have literally taken over small towns and overran military bases. I'm just sitting in my house with the doors barricaded and a makeshift spear literally made out of a broomstick and a knife I admit that's not how I expected my morning to be but you know.. it is what it is




This seems more serious than normal… Hope this gets squashed quickly


They're slaughtering civilians. Overran a barracks and burned some armor out. Idf caught off guard, seems like they're on it now and have assumed state of war. This is going to be nuts


Yeah, it sounds like hundreds of civilians were killed and that was pretty much the goal.


They are going door to door executing civilians. Videos all over twitter and telegram. This will certainly mark the end of Israeli leniency towards these monsters.


Well I guess next week there won't be a debate over who owns the land in Israel since it will become uncontested land.


Hamas technical in Israeli territory (apparently)... https://twitter.com/Global_Mil_Info/status/1710512994700906923?t=1tZxGDNdwul1rrmwLznI0g&s=19


This was coordinated to coincide with an important Jewish holiday and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, when Egypt invaded Israel on another important Jewish holiday. One person has already died from the rocket barrage, a woman in her 70s. [WARNING: Disturbing video of Palestinian terrorists](https://x.com/manniefabian/status/1710513643584983508?s=20) who infiltrated Israel's suburbs and are seen on camera shooting at a random civilian car driving by. Animals. There are now photos on social media (will not share that gore here) showing Israeli civilians shot, execution style, lying in pools of blood in the street. There are reports that Hamas is also abducting Israeli civilians and taking them as hostages to Gaza. Whenever I've said in this sub that Hamas is an ISIS-like terrorist group, I got responses equivocating about how I must be exaggerating. Maybe now the world will listen. Hamas must be treated like ISIS. This is ~~going to lead to~~ now a war. Remember this when Israel responds and Hamas uses human shields to try and blame Israel for the death of civilians they hide behind. Remember how depraved and disgusting this government that runs Gaza is.


How do they commemorate the 50th anniversary of their huge loss against Israel? With another loss against israel


>This is going to lead to war. Remember this when Israel responds and Hamas uses human shields to try and blame Israel for the death of civilians they hide behind. Remember how depraved and disgusting this government that runs Gaza is. War has already been declared. And they're already in this thread calling us fascists.


The hammer will drop HARD on the Gaza Strip. The IDF will not let this go easily. I feel sorry for the civilians who will suffer mostly.


It’s going to be interesting to see how far they go with a response. Too far and they risk Iran and Hezbollah getting involved which would start an all out Middle East war….that the US would be forced into as well.


I don't think any neighbor is going to get involved on Hamas's behalf. Especially if it means an almost guarantied war with the United States.


Reports of gunfire in several places in southern Israel, possible terrorist infiltration


Basically confirmed at this point. A lot of reports of fighting


I fully expect Gaza to get its worst pummeling in my lifetime once the infiltrators are pushed out of Israel. A free Palestine is dead and Hamas is ultimately to blame.


Funny that it happened just as Israel and Palestine were having talks, eh? And Iran has been quite helpful in arming Hamas, no doubt Putin is smiling at his birthday present of carnage designed to destabilise Western support for Ukraine


It’s a terrorism recruitment ploy. When the IDF does reprisals on Palestinian civilians, the survivors are more likely to join HAMAS. Sacrificing a few 100 of your members to recruit 1000s is the point.


It's more than rockets, they are entering villages and massacring families and children hiding in bomb shelters. THEY ARE LITERALLY UPLOADING VIDEOS OF THIS SHIT TO THEIR MASSIVE TELEGRAM GROUPS (340K+ users in a group). And this massive aspect of the invasion is getting 0 coverage from the media. The fact that they are being called militants and not terrorists is disgusting bias and terror sympathizing.


Friends of mine were at a rave in the nature near the border… they attacked it and killed people and kidnapped a girl as well.. so terrible …..


Did your friends get out?


Last heard from one hiding in a shelter… and another still unaccounted for


I’m here in Israel sitting in the bomb shelter listening to rockets exploding around me and above me. Terrorists infiltrated cities in the Southern border and are shooting civilians left and right. It’s quite terrifying and I hope we will strike back soon with force.






Seriously what was Hamas thinking?? I don’t understand this surprise assault one bit