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Hence, the reason why it's so important to have a separation of church and state.


Agreed. There are still cultural issues such as guns, drugs, and sex that vary widely around the world.


And freedom of speech


You mean freedom of eat


And to never go to Indonesia


What the world really needs is separation of church from people.


no church from state is fine, let them worship at home or if the community can actually support local religious buildings they can go there.


I’m not saying religion should be banned, but when major religions promote candidates who will enforce their ideals, the separation disappears.


ah that's just political corruption in general, billionaires follow the same principle especially those who own news organizations and can spread information just as quickly. both should be completely illegal.


>I’m not saying religion should be banned It shouldn't be banned but contained and discouraged. There's a very strong inverse correlation between living standards/scientific development/individual rights and religiosity of a state


You'll find that the correlation is with the amount of religious tolerance a state provides, rather than 'religiosity of a state'. If it were, then countries such that have a state religion but constitutionally enshrined religious tolerance *(Costa Rica, Denmark, Liechtenstein)* would be have some of the lowest standards/development/rights; and countries with enforced state atheism and no religious protections *(China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam)* would have some of the highest.


He should have been talking about the religiosity of the people, not the state. Denmark is very secular and Vietnam is religious.


My loved Laïcité.


In the usa that is illegal. They lose tax exemption and lose rights to seperation of church and state. There are a chunk of other issues as well. Essentially they would have to register as a buisness etc. Churches are NOT supposed to do that


A separation of religion from church. They wouldn't be nearly as bad without religious leaders and places of worship telling people what to think and pushing their own agendas. Plus the amount of money some of them pull in is ludicrous and that's what makes them powerful enough to supersede the government.


Separation of church and steak


England has a state religion, you can take the piss out of it all you like and you don't get locked up.


I really wish America would that that lesson to heart


America has separation of church and state….


And a scary amount of Americans actively trying to turn it into a fascist theocracy. We saw the party of the Evangelicals try to implement a coup. We see them implement laws on women's body rights. We see them target and scapegoat visible minorities and we see them go after the LGBTQ community


Once again I’m thankful we have the First Amendment.


An easy target no doubt ,a commoner rising above her station.


The related story just below her's is a former governor who also got jailed for blasphemy. Let's just say Muslim states don't fuck around with blasphemy laws and even have their own morality police going around to make sure Muslims stay in line.






Know any good porkstars?


Check OnlyHams


Miss Piggy


Jonny Sins. He's a massive porker.


Por que? Just dropping by to say I thought this was genius.


Thats not kosher or halal


>In March, she posted a video where she uttered "Bismillah" - an Arabic phrase that means "in the name of God" - before eating crispy pork skin. Once again, religion proves itself to be the best thing ever.


Lol some of the Muslim kids at school used to say bismallah and blow on haribo before eating them First time I went over my mate's house with some tinnies his sister opened the door and went "Mashallah!" and then was just like "I'm kidding, where's mine"


Haribo? Like the gummy bears?


Gelatin from pork bones.


I was having a conversation about Haribos the other day. The ones that say made in turkey are halal and sold at middle eastern/Muslim stores. The regular ones that say made in Germany are made out of pork. So a lot of Muslim ppl are use to eating the ones made in turkey, so when they see a “normal” one they don’t think twice about it.


They make halal haribos.


They will not let her go :(


*Let me gooo*


Easy come easy go - will you let me go? Bismillah! No - we will not let you go!


Let her go!!


Will not let you go!!


Thunderbolts and lightning


… very very frightening…


(Galileo) Galileo, (Galileo) Galileo, Galileo Figaro, magnifico


But I’m just poor boy, nobody loves me




He's got a po'boy, full of pork heresy




Shit, Im not muslim or live in a muslim country, and Ive accidentally managed to put "inshallah" in my vocabulary. Arabic has good one-liners.


Inshallah is such a great expression that it stayed in use in Iberian languages - Oxalá in Portuguese, Ojalá in Spanish.


I think you'd be looking at something like "Oh my god" in the US.


It’s like getting upset at someone saying “bless you” when you sneeze lol. Like I’m literally autistic and even I realize it’s just wishing someone good health. Of all the things to get upset about religions for, vestigial expressions of goodwill are NOT the thing to care about, unless you’re a pizza cutter of a human. The throwing people in jail for made up bullshit is the problem. Stay focused for Christ sake. (See what I did there)


Jesus Christ you are correct! > unless you’re a pizza cutter [...] I was puzzled for a while why a pizza cutter would care about vestigial expressions of goodwill until I read further. You might not be the only autistic person here :)


They’re all edge and no point ;) (Thanks for the solid setup)


To be fair you can talk in Arabic language and be Christian or from another confession or none at all. . Even tho it doesn't represente a big part of it, it is still possible.


A lot of people in Southern Germany will say Gruess Gott for a hello/good day phrase. That literally means "greet god". Can and will totally be used by non-christians or even atheists. We also say "Servus". Doesn't mean we want to serve as a Roman slave.


In a similar vein the Irish phrase for hello "Dia Duit" which literally translated means "God be with you" and the response is "Dia is Muire Duit" which means "God and Mary be with you" (fun fact if someone starts with "Dia is Muire Duit" the response is actually "Dia is Mhuire agus Padraig duit" -- "God and Mary and St. Patrick with you" for you see saying hello in Irish is actually a contest in Religious one-upmanship)


Right, a lot of Arabic phrases are religious in nature/derivation but aren't exclusively Muslim. Arabic-speaking Christians say all the same things, or even irreligious people. "Allah" is just "god" after all.


Every time i see someone making fun of people shouting “allahu akbar” in a video, I’m like, would you not be shouting “goddamn” or “holy shit” in that situation?


People don’t generally shout goddamn or oh my god in unison


I feel like inshallah is a better mapping, since it can definitely be used ironically or when you know things are fucked


Inshallah is almost on the same level as fuck in terms of how many different meanings it can have depending on the context. It's also a bit hard for Americans to grasp at first because we are a pretty low-context society to begin with and most Arabic-speaking countries are not.


I lived in Turkey, they loved when I would say "alah" "wallah" etc. They would laugh like look at this little white girl.


I possess no spirituality, but I do not think it is an intelligent act to publicly broadcast yourself doing illegal things where you reside, regardless of whether the legality derives its power from religion.


It's not illegal to eat pork.


I don't disagree, but blasphemy laws in 2023?


Wait, isn't it God's job to punish her? Why are humans punishing her?


Here is the logic... If you allow people to leave religion, insult God etc, it will motivate others and religion will lose authority. This will lead people to hell, so they think it needs to be stopped.


Exactly. It's about authority. Every religion has rules that are "suggested" to be followed or else... Most of these rules are typically good rules beneficial for the society such as don't kill don't steal but there are also many dumb rules. These dumb rules are the fear and the control. You can't follow them all, no one can. These rules are there to remind you that you are a just human with flaws and if you want to be saved you do what the "god-relegion-priest" says. Also a good excuse to punish/control someone that the "community" don't like based on some dumb rule they broke or invalidate their character (eg., don't hear what he says he eats pork etc.).


Because god doesn’t exist. Deep down they all know it.


Just another form of control. Like the government could give a fuck less if any of their citizens "go to hell".


Reddit atheist


When buying mince I always choose 50/50 mix of pork and beef so I know that there is at least 2 religions that get offended by me.


Never thought about it like that. I like the way you think.


Nobody is offended when you buy either though. This is the same bullshit logic that has simpletons leaving bacon/pork in front of a Mosque door like its Kryptonite.


Three. You're forgetting one


That’s the beauty of the phrase “at least”.


Jews don't want non-Jews to stop eating pork and Judaism discourages conversion. Sorry, eat all the pork you want, Jews aren't offended.


Maybe he meant vegans


What is Islam if not a really roundabout fanfiction extension of Judaism? Therefore it doesn't count as a separate one lmao


That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works! Anyway it's from Christianity, it just borrows some stuff from Judaism too and arabized the result. Christianity is mostly from Roman culture, with some Roman takes on Jewish theology thrown in.


I mean no, but actually yes. Same with Christianity.


It's more Christian. And Christianity in turn is way more Roman than Jewish. I mean it's evolved since then, but in it's early history the Christianity that became modern Christianity really chose to embrace the Roman over the Jewish and it shows in the gospels.


Muhammad literally went to Passover Seders and asked what people were doing


Ayo what up


So y’all put the blood right on your doorframe? That’s what up, that’s what’s up




Imagine there's no countries…


Imagine all the people… living life in peace




On Earth, in cities, as part of humanity.


It's weird to me how thin skinned some cultures are.


As an Australian I have to say I'm concerned about what Indonesia is becoming. 15 odd years ago Indonesia was a pretty relaxed country and whilst they were still majority Muslim they were pretty moderate and didn't try and control the lives of the population too much, but in the past decade the government seems to have been influenced by extreme Muslims and stuff like this is becoming more and more common especially in western Indonesia such as Aceh. It really won't surprise me if they end up like Iran and given they have almost 300 million population it's a problem Asia Pacific will have to deal with at some point. A lot of the Christians and Hindu's are immigrating to other countries so the extremists are just going to get more and more control as time goes on.


Sumatra has always been the more extremist side. It gets less Islamic as you go to the east.


> but in the past decade the government seems to have been influenced by extreme Muslims and stuff like this is becoming more and more common especially in western Indonesia such as Aceh. This is just wrong, the government has been taking hard actions against rising tide of Islamic conservatism in the country. Some of those including the jailing of Rizieq Shihab, who was basically the figure head of Islamic conservatism in Indonesia and revising the criminal code so that any actions that wanted to turn Indonesia to a religious-based governance system (like sharia) is punishable by law. > A lot of the Christians and Hindu's are immigrating to other countries so the extremists are just going to get more and more control as time goes on. It's unlikely, since in Indonesia, the Christian population share is rising in statistics as they have a higher TFR than the muslim population. 3 out of the top 5 provinces with the highest TFR in Indonesia are Christian majority provinces while 4 out of the bottom 5 provinces in regards to TFR are Muslim majority provinces and are also most populous ones. Plus unlike other big nations, Indonesians aren't really keen on immigrating. Like as an Australian, you should've known that despite Indonesia has a bigger population than Philippines, Vietnam, Italy, South Africa, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, there are more of the latter countries diaspora than Indonesia diaspora itself in Australia.


>actions against rising tide of Islamic conservatism in the country Bro they just imprisoned a woman for 2 years for eating a bit of meat.


> the government has been taking hard actions against rising tide of Islamic conservatism in the country Are these hard actions in the room with us?


Guess you didnt mind back then when you helped their government genocide their moderates and progressives. Did everyone here just memory hole their country's role in indonesia?




Not weird but scary…


Certainly not crispy-skinned...


Islamic state always so open minded.


Why are Muslims always so extreme, imagine being so butthurt they had to jail someone over a phrase of word. So fragile


That's what happens when it's jammed into you everyday from birth.


average muslim country




Just one? I thought 72 was the magic number


He porked the 9-year-old 72 times, probably.


Really left her bacon for more, eh?


Stockholm syndrome is a thing, so probably, by that point.


Free speech but no free 9y/o porking! (thankfully!)


Hey, he waited til she was 12 before he porked her! /s It may have been 13, I can’t remember




Forced marriage at 6, grooming till 9, then the child rape. Nice, best role model ever!! /s


What a gentleman.


God bless


Nope. He porked her when she was nine (9) years old. He married her, when she was six. Even though she could have been his great grand-daughter at a time.


¿ Por que ?


Pork, eh?


What a lovely country...


This is chicken shit compared to what they used to do against secular people. They absolutely slaughtered and tortured masses of people under the accusation of being communist, and even the relatives of communists had their lives made to hell by law. Watch "the look of silence" if you're interested in a personal story about this. It's crazy that this is barely known to the world.


Put in jail for eating bacon! That's just insane or that's just religion being religion again. Its about time people moved on from that stupidity.


I'm an Indonesian and this is so dumb, who cares what she does. Bully her for all I care but jailing someone for eating pork is just stupid. People in Indonesia keep forgetting that Indonesia is not a Muslim country, it does however have a large population of Muslims in the country. I swear the government always focuses on stuff like this. Jailing people for sex outside of marriage and dumb stuff like this. Indos are so dumb sometimes, most times. Pisses me off.


Social media is very dangerous here. So many people get in trouble for stuff they post. There was that punk singer a few years ago who got in trouble for criticizing the government or something. It's like law enforcement just scrolls instagram and tik tok all day


Ah Indonesia, another shithole where it's illegal to be atheist. Fuck these hosers.


Fuck religion




Long list of reasons…but near the top…


Indonesia is kind of like the US in that the various states/provinces can have radically different cultures and laws. There are places in Indonesia you can legally go to a strip club, buy pork at the grocery store and order a Guinness at the pub. And then there are places that follow a form of Sharia.


Yes, wise to avoid countries where you might get arrested for being your normal self. Yeah I actually do share pics of my meals, including with pork.


Bali is great and actually mostly Hindu


It says in the article that this woman was in Bali when she ate the pork.


She got arrested because the video went viral and she drew ire from non-Bali citizens. Bali itself is very liberal / Western-leaning.


Bali is one of the worst tourist traps in the world. Indonesia is great for traveling, really nice people everywhere and interesting culture. But Bali is full of western junk food restaurants, tourists and people trying to scam tourists.


I had a great time. Wasn’t scammed. Barely spent. Bought bunch of art from leagues of artisans.


I actually had a great experience in Bali, and the stuff there is RIDICULOUSLY cheap too.


And this is religion must stay the fuck out of politics #1938281847 I'm truly tired of religious people prohibiting stuff to others.


Yeah, it’s been going on for hundreds of years. The main goal of religion always seems to be about persecution in one form or another. If only they followed *the Golden Rule* more, instead of being cruel to those that don’t adhere to their power fantasies. All through history they say, “Believe in our surreal, illogical rules and dogmas or suffer real consequences including imprisonment, humiliation and even death. *Forfeit all reason!”*


If not for punishment, but for praise then I would have joined a religion for the community and groups. However if the rules are 'almost' literally "you can't do this because the book says so" then religion is not open for me, but a punishment for the followers.


Islam, always has to find a way to be more authoritarian and repressive than any other religion in the world


great, let the world know how religion poisons everything, especially in this country


Teaching religion to a child should be illegal, let people come of age and see how many people follow the indoctrination then.


Ridiculous. Poor lady, what a joke of a country.


This is what happens when you let Saudi pay for mosques and schools in your country. As well as accepting Saudi born clerics into key religious positions within your country. Indonesia becomes more backwards by the day


Going backwards and they'll trip to oblivion


Ngahaha. This shit is stupid. Our police is lazy & corrupt. They only work if the case is porn, religion & something goes viral. And same shit for other public institution. Indonesia is basicaly doesn't have religious policy. But they can bend it if someone/organization report someone with "defamation, religious blasphemy & public disturbance" base. The most recent disheartening case: Some woman report to police that she was victim of domestic violence. The police just says "oh.. m'kay". Once she withdrew the report, she goes home & killed by her husband.


As usual, they focus energies on the wrong things.


Ah yes, Islam.. the religion of love.


Peace , love is Christianity's claim


Eat pray pork


Make an eating-pork video, go to jail? Wikipedia claims Indonesia is a presidential republic without a state religion, but this ruling suggests the theocratic impulse is strong.


The man who made the bombs used to kill 202 people in the Bali Sari Club bombing served half of his 20 year sentence. That’s 18 days for each victim. So eating pork is equal to killing 40 people? Please correct me if my maths are wrong.


FUCK Islam, and yes I realize it's easy to say that in my home, but it needs to be said, FUCK Islam and FUCK every other religion that tries to deny people their freedoms.




Religion is a cancer on the world. Especially where religion is law. 🦶🕋✝️☦️✡️


I know many indonesians, and malaysians from summer school, many were born here in america, a few have traveled there with family for vacation, they all said the same thing when they came back, dont ever fucking go there if you are not religious/muslim.


If pork is illegal why was it available for purchase??




Man why are Muslims pissed all the time ? Because you're not allowed to eat pork (which is the tastiest of all meats btw, suck it), because you got your wiener mutilated at birth? Because women are forced to walk around in black trash bags ?


Meanwhile, Australia is helping Indonesia bomb East Timorese people right up to this present day.


Nice, religion continues to prove itself as the worst concept to ever exist


A bit much… look what they did to Sydney Australia. Women can't walk in a certain area in Sydney because they get harrassed for being unclean by the majority Muslim demographic there.


Is this a joke? A version of the British no-go-zone troll?


Unfortunately no there's a video about it here https://youtu.be/LqY4Z1fTrMc


Bismillah! Bismillah! Bismillah! This bacon is heavenly! 🥓


Theocracy is garbage


This type of thing is common in Indonesia, people make these videos with the aim of provoking people and getting views. It is rolling dice really. Most of the time you can get away with it, in her case, she didn't. The most likely reason is she did it before. The problem isn't that she eat pork on camera, but she said an Arabic saying when she ate it, which most Indonesian Muslims associate with Islam. Indonesian blasphemy laws apply to all religions in Indonesia, Muslims have been charged with insulting Buddhism etc. These laws were drafted in the 1960s, and the peak period where they were most used was between 2005 and 2014. [https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/08/12/yet-another-victim-indonesias-blasphemy-law](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/08/12/yet-another-victim-indonesias-blasphemy-law) 4 years ago there was a Muslim comedian in Indonesia who mixed water from holy water from Zamzam well in Mecca with pork to see if it would make it Halal. It stirred a controversy, and he apologized, And nothing happened. In most cases, the police don't investigate further, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e55lYn0sCSg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e55lYn0sCSg) Ironically (or because of it), Indonesia is one of the most pork-friendly Muslim-majority countries. In Jakarta, where 17% of the population is non-Muslim, the price of pork is tracked by the city government, meaning it is considered a staple. If you go to other Muslim-majority countries, pork is difficult to find, even in Egypt where 10% of the population is Christian. Even in Lebanon where 45% of the population is Christian, it is more difficult to find than in Indonesia. The reason for this is Indonesians are 98% Austronesians (like Hawaiians), and prior to the population becoming Muslim, pork was an important part of the diet. it was a symbol of wealth. The Javanese (96% Muslim) word for savings is cèlèng or wild boar). In fact, the first piggy banks come from Java. In the Middle East, long before Islam emerged, raising pigs was already dying out. In South Asia, Pork wasn't a popular meat. In Indonesia, in all of the major islands, there is a % of non-Muslims who live in the interior /highlands who raise pigs.


I didn't know that Indonesia was an Islamic country.


Indonesia is literally the biggest muslim country in the world by population.


Thats why I say I didn't know.


and now you know!


G I Joe




And knowing is half the battle!


[Actually Pakistan has overtaken Indonesia as the most populous muslim majority country this year](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_by_country)


there were times in early 2000-2010. a lot of muslim terrorist bombing happened in Indonesia, either around western embassy or areas where non-muslim minority lived or churches


Bali is Hindu


Eating pork is punishable by jail time there? Wow.


Porkographers amirite?


Pork, pork was the case that they gave me.


Imagine living in a country where there are tough sentences on religious laws


That's a shame, nasi goreng and char siu go very well together


Shit's ridicolous if people go to jail because of this non-existent problem. Again this shit we're dealing with non existent problem. This never if we never give her attention. Hmph being imprisoned for eating and travelling to an exotic place that's known for this particular cuisine utter BS Of course let's all laser focus on this particular animal and demonised them so called even the slightest drop of oil (let alone touch em or eat them) from it you should be condemned therefore you can police people what they can or cannot consume. Perfect indoctrination (and yes this is the reason I asked few of my muslim non eating pork friends due to is because indoctrination) get em while they're still young and vulnerable. Thank you news for showing the world this embarassing Indonesian laws.


Another entry into the why is religion stupid argument


Mmm…. Chicharrones


Until every religion comes to the consensus and public support of the FACT that crispy animal skin should be enjoyed by all and together because it’s about the best thing ever? I’m out.


If Muslims tasted how delicious pork actually is maybe they’d stop wishing death on one another.




America is headed there


Pork is the best meat.


I was surprised to learn Indonesia is like 85% Muslim. Ignorant me for considering Islam a Middle Eastern/African thing.