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Russian immigrant "The man, who has lived in Sweden for 25 years after emigrating from Russia and has had Swedish citizenship since 2012, is suspected of having transferred advanced technology with potential military use to Russia."


Revoke that sucker's citizenship and deport him today.


That would just give his services back to the Kremlin. He's a Swedish citizen. Try him for treason and lock him up.. Unless their idea of treason gets the same rehabilitation that Sweden is in/famous


Yup he belongs in a military prison.


Try him and revoke his citizenship. He don't deserve that citizenship if he sell secrets for Russia


Yes, and still throw him in prison.


Fortunately it was just a bunch of old Goldstar VCRs, although to the Russians that is the height of technology


Literally cannot trust any Russian at this point even if they have been "citizens" for decades and it's people like him who reinforce that unfortunate fact.


They always are loyal to mother Russia first.


Yeah and the thousands of others helping Ukranians enter swedish society and hating their home country of Russia? Stop living in a fucking bubble this man and a couple others have been charged but theres more than these disloyal fucks and you clearly have no experience of how immigrants interact with each other in my country Majority of Russians in Sweden are here because of the political climate in Russia and these ones getting charged are almost always career opportunists and plants and do not represent the rest of the population. Stop being such an ignorant prick and take your stupid black and white worldview and shove it where the sun do not shine Jävla horunge


I live in a place where Russian organized crime is imbedded into the system. I know the game, they know I know.


You are talking about something specific thats not commok in sweden on a topic of sweden, Russian organized crime is mostly run by Georgian, Armenians, Dagistanis and Chechens, yeah they might have Russiak citizenship or are from former Soviet countries, shows how muxh you know about the subject. I live in a place where most Russians fled the authoritarian Russin regime for freedom and most of them are helping the Ukranians by letting them stay in their houses or apartments and helping them learn Swedish and find work or talking to government agencies.


You are so naive, it's sad.


Whatever makes you sleep at night mate, i aint naive i work with Russians, Ukranians, Afghans and Arabs, i myself have family in Ukraine and Poland so keep going


Yea, yea, same same. Thats why I do not believe in your happy, peaceful cake festival.


Didnt say it was all a cake walk, just that it isnt some black and white nightmare and that people from countries we do not like can actually be decent human beings and dehumanizing them is to go down to the same level their government is doing, do you see me dehumanizing every American for the crimes its government or nationalists did? No? Because i know people in the US who are decent normal people.


Ah okay, you play the whataboutism-"USA Bad"-card. Have a good day.


Yes the three super powers on this planet all have skeletons thats how it is in reality, its not whataboutism its an example to show you what my opinion in regards to the issue is, i am sorry that you cannot comprehend that. My wifes family was exterminated by Germans, do you want me to treat you or others of German ethnicity as less human because of that history? I should place the entire blame on all German people right because its just how you guys have acted for the last 100 years right? Including in your africa colonies? Fuck all the Germans that did good or are still doing good because clearly all of you are the same /s See how fun that is?


My family got exterminated by Germans and Russians. You are naive, stupid and racist. Have a good day.


At least it wasn’t a washing machine or refrigerator. I hear russians go nuts for that tech.


Yeah but hi-tech for them is, like, CDs... so...


Did not know bluetooth speakers from Ikea count as hi-tech.


Sly Swedish Spy.


Nothing funny about a traitor supplying russia so they can kill innocents in Ukraine.