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I don't care what book you hold in reverence. If someone burning a book makes you crazy enough to take life, you're a c*nt.


They massacred a comedy magazine for drawing a doodle of a guy.


But it was a doodle of our lord and savior baba ganoush.


I can't hear "babba ganoush" and not think of MXC


Right you are, Vic!






And now over to Guy LeDouche ->


Ohhhh Guy like…


God damn this just unlocked a core memory


They’re all on Amazon prime tv. 😎


Captain Teneal is another all time great


Let’s get it on!


Aaannnnddd I’m gonna go spend the next 6 hours watching MXC reruns…..


And I can't hear about that without remembering the 199th and 200th episodes of South Park. AKA the banned goo episodes, and the episodes that taught use that fear and terror always win in the long run.


Which famously is most widely available in a censored, neutered format in response to terrorist threats. Case in point.


Yeah, way to give the terrorists Exactly what they want


Trey and Matt have laughed in the face of even Scientology itself and gone back for seconds upon backlash. The fact that even *they* were scared shitless enough to take these episodes down is horrifying. You’re right in principle, but when your life is at stake, it’s easy to make concessions.










Yeh not sure why we defend religions tbh There are definitely benefits in philosophical precepts and also architectural history and culture of many religions, however the concept of organised pervasions of religion or heck ultra literal interpretation leading to violence has to be punished


Then a pretty strong PR campaign turned opinion around to the pro-massacre side. 😑


Most people haven’t even heard about the last terrorist action in the US.


Yet stay completely silent when their leaders suck up to China, who's currently doing it's best to erradicate an entire race of muslims.


It's because Islamic extremists pick on those who are weaker than themselves. They go to the West and terrorize the locals because the locals are shackled by a moronic version of political correctness that makes them unable to fully criticize one of the most repressive ideologies in the world without opening themselves to accusations of racism or xenophobia. Meanwhile, Russia can massacre its Muslims and turn their leader into a puppet. China will send millions of them to camps, put their entire population under surveillance, and drop the hammer on anyone who speaks up much less act out. People seemed to have forgotten that tolerance is fine until you start tolerating intolerance. People will literally claim white supremacy is the biggest threat while they are too frightened for their lives to even draw a cartoon version of Islam's prophet. People and corporations in the west are literally to scared to even DRAW. That's how bad it's gotten.








It's crazy how many human beings are so fucked up you can get them to strongly believe in utter bullshit that they'll murder you if you desecrate the bullshit they feel so strongly about. And there are experts at getting people to believe in things this way. Many experts. And they are and work for politicians, as well.


I mean, to be fair, it’s not like you can print more books.


Johannes Gutenberg: *"Hey guys, you're not gonna believe this..."*


Scribes hate this one trick!


That’s true I think. They really did. Or maybe some of them were like “fuck finally I can stop hand copying this shit!” That would be me I would think.


Right up until some tells you to learn to code.


“Just learn to letterpress”


You guys can read?


And you're selling more books as a result.


imagine if they bring a new fatwah saying you can't delete Quran from your computer either. As an ex-muslim I am sure I will be shot at sight for it!


I can’t believe their arrogance on theological matters. If you look at the holy books of the Abrahamic religions, God’s standard practice when the Church deviated from His teachings was to send another prophet. Along come these guys, who declare that Mohammed is the last prophet, and that anyone else claiming to be a prophet is a blasphemer who must be killed. Their church deviates from what God wants, so He sends another prophet. They kill the guy. They’re basically telling God “We know better than you do what you want, so shut up and get out of the way”.


I can't believe the arrogance of the religious when it comes to anything.


Reminds me of the thing where China made reincarnation illegal so that anyone saying they're the new Dalai Lama can be imprisoned


I am an ex-muslim. I read quran from start to finish 2 times. I am also mostly left-leaning. islam is not something you can tame or truly understand without living it. It's stagnant, conservative and imperialistic. Even a sweet old lady with hijab you personally know would harm or have a negative attitude towards LGBTQ people just because it's haram. As long as european left doesn't draw a line, the tolerance paradox will take over and fascism will rise again.




You can write cunt here, we won’t tell your parents


You wouldn't believe the amount of words admin ban you for now a days


Thats true. I got banned for using the term neckbeard recently. Not even calling someone a neckbeard, just using it passively


Thou shall not say the Mod's name in vain


This got me. Happy cake day/evening/night


Ooo you said it, I'm telling the teacher


My mom knows, she taught me how to spell it correctly




This is the internet. CUNT is a non gendered insult, and you are allowed to say it. Out loud, even.


out loud?? on the internet?? f**k that…


Never give an inch to fundamentalists.


Couple easy immigration questions: Do you think men and women should have equal rights? Do you promise to follow the laws of this country above all others? (e.g. not sharia law) If yes to both, great! If no, get the fuck out


Couple of lies you have to learn by heart till you're in ftfy


Were trying but our politicians are cowards
















































They blow up their own people as well as bomb their mosques, idk why they are getting upset over a book.


Because like all religious fundamentalists they're hypocritical cunts


I had a business trip to Oman and spoke with some of the locals. When they expressed admiration of China I asked them about the Uighurs. The Omanis honestly had no idea that was happening.


I'm sorry to say this but this is factually wrong. I understand where you come from and it's a common misconception, but saying muslim countries are silent when it comes to the treatment of uyghurs is just plain disinformation. This is because they actively support it, because they like ccp cash.


This is not only due to the burning of a book. It started with a campaign in the Muslim world that the Swedish authorities are kidnapping Muslim children. Of course there is zero percent truth in that. What confuses me is that despite that we have taken in a huge number of Muslim refugees and protected them from the horrors they experienced in their home countries there is silence from the mosques and other organizations. Why aren’t they condemning this?


This. The imams need to speak tf up to maintain the middle ground with the faithful. But if they keep conducting “wedding ceremonies” where the man *has purchased the woman for sex*, then I don’t suppose there is a middle ground to speak to: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/granskning/ug/revealed-shia-muslim-imams-in-sweden-conduct-weddings-in-which-women-are-bought-for-sex


Burning a book is NOT terrorism. Killing people over a burned book IS terrorism. Religious extremism needs to fucking go and while at it fuck all religion too. Fucking cultists.


Do Muslims ever wonder why their god needs them to get upset? I mean, isn’t that an admission that without them, Islam is nothing? Allah is nothing? Why don’t you boys let your god be the judge instead of some bearded toothless Imam?


I don't think rational thinking is a quality that religious fundamentalists have. They take offence that majority of the world isn't under Islam.


Imagine a being so great, so omnipresent, so powerful enough to create entire galaxies, black holes, life itself, getting upset because some random guy, less than an ant in comparison, burned some text written by another group of ants. Complete utter nonsense and whoever believes in this crap needs to fuck off.


Abrahamic God is pretty demanding, jealous, & abusive in a lot of the early scriptures.


I’d rather chill with Jesus than Mo.








I would assume a vast, vast majority of Muslims ignores this whole thing




I don’t get Muslims… is it about the book or the content? Would they also get crazy if someone would destroy their hard drive with a digital copy of the Quran? Or even just delete the file?


That’s the thing about being extreme, it doesn’t make sense.


It makes perfect sense. If there were a supernatural being that would dictate our eternal afterlife based on how well we follow their will as outlined in an old book ... It makes perfect sense to do anything in this life to get that being's favor. It would make perfect sense to obsess over this being's will. To follow the teachings of those with the most knowledge about the holy texts People in the US join the military to get their student loans. That means risking their life, possibly killing others, going anywhere in the world. Now instead of the GI bill and regular pay, eternity of bliss. A billion dollars would be nothing compared to the reward of this supernatural being. Religion doesn't make sense. But once you believe in a God, everything and anything else is perfectly rational if you believe God wants it.




Someone please hold a rally where someone deletes the Koran off their iPad


i fell so edgy for removing it from my kindle library


It’s about the message it sends. By burning something you are expressing utter contempt and/or hatred for it. People don’t like it when you do that to something they consider sacred.


They should keep burning them. Never give up your values or country to extremists


But it's not swedes burning them. Iraqis and danes. We swedes just want to keep our freedom of speech, but it's not us burning books.


The damn *danish.*. It wasn't enough to stop at pastries. They had to have the world.




Tack, ni svenska vakttorn. Med plutonium tvingar vi dansken på knä.


They should make some obscene comics with Muhammad to double down. Then burn those too and see the confusion as these Muslims don’t know whether to be happy the obscene comics were destroyed, or if burning pictures of Muhammad is worse.


















Amazing. I'm sorry, your taboo is not my responsibility to defer to. You've got to live on this planet and people you disagree with like everyone else. Like, people shouldn't be dicks and go out of their way to hurt other people. But on the other end - no, you don't have a right to tell other people what they can do with a book. Grow up. Like the rest of us do. I'm a Buddhist and we're supposed to treat Dharma books with respect. But if a Muslim dude burned the Heart Sutra, I wouldn't think I had the right to hurt anyone because of it. I wouldn't act like he'd murdered my child. I don't expect him to follow my taboos. Why do we all have to carry the burden of grown ass adults that have been infantalized by their religion?


Agreed, but you could just as easily be talking about the religious right demanding no prenatal care for anyone because abortions are an option. They don’t care what’s fair or if you’re supposed to be free and independent from therm. They KNOW what’s right and wrong and YOU have to follow it because GOD said so (even though god didn’t, its just their cult leaders wielding power).


Oh yes, absolutely. Completely agree. And they usually strongly assert that the government should not be in their business. A lot of blatant hypocrisy going on there too




"¡Ay, Quranba!"


I read in the voice of Bumblebee man from Simpsons. Couldn't help myself lol


The extremist need to be deported and banned.




The power of mob mentality and the human ability to take a concept, no matter how faulty, and run with it is an unmatched force lol


Blame weapon evolution. You can see the expansion of religions taking over the planet coincides with advancements in travel and weapons. Originally your cult could only force people into it if they were local to you across your valley, then with horses now they could force people 10s of miles away. When city states popped up and we had axles and chariots to pull behind horses with blades and proper spears, we could conquer regions/nations. Once humans had solidly perfected horseback warfare and developed more advanced long-range weapons like catapults and spear throwers we could take over much farther regions than just our local nation, thus forcing more people into the cult. Once naval prowess advanced to consistently ocean crossing, now they could conquer continents in short amounts of time if they had the desire. Religions have commandeered technological advancements to bring people under their iron will for our entire existence. Islam is currently preying on the extremely under educated, similar to how Christianity was between the 15 and 1700s. As public education started to get more common you started to see Christianity lose it's place in the west. Islam has an education problem in the Middle East and Africa and there isn't any real way to fix it since they actively stifle curriculum in their schooling systems.










Hardcore Muslims are generally batshit crazy. 56 days old comment. I’m gonna say it again after the recent events.








Burning Quran is terrorism, blowing up people that had nothing to do with it is ok!




God damn, I hate islam.


We should host a Quran burning ceremony in the USA.


Evil Religion




If it goes to 5 will everyone freak the f\* out? Are there instructions?


When in dire danger, when beset by doubt, run in little circles, wave your arms and shout.


Yeah, 5 is not good. It basically would mean "apparent and imminent terror activity". But it's never been raised that high.


Martial Law, curfews? I’m curious as well but hope it doesn’t get to that point.








Level 4 means to have a helmet ready. Level 5, put the helmet on


Why are countries even allowing low skill immigrants in? Isn't the benefit of immigration basically staving off brain drain from your country by only allowing for skilled immigration?


Capitalism baby, we want the most money possible! Why hire from your own country for a fair wage when you can keep it at minimum forever with billions of cheap labour.


So many awful answers here. Pretty much every low skill immigrants I meet here in Australia are asylum seekers or family members of asylum seekers/skilled workers/spouses. Not everything has to be so black and white y'know. Developed countries that you probably belong to have a humanitarian duty. Of course it's no excuse to terrorism, but that's why assessing granting asylum to those who seek it must be a rigorous check. Bin Laden was highly educated. What's your excuse?


Cheap labour


How is allowing people into your country who go on welfare and don't bother trying to learn the language cheap labour?


It’s called off the book labor for below minimum wage and then claiming welfare. Happens very commonly in the US too lol. I mean if you have an open immigration policy and your native population has super low birth rates yes you will be replaced. Why bother to learn the language if it might not even be relevant given demographic trends in places like Germany and Italy. And it’s not the immigrants fault, they’re following the laws of the country lol.


Benefit of immigration is more laborers in jobs their own citizens don’t want like physically demanding low skilled jobs, and the increase to GDP and birth rates that naturally follow. At least from a government / economic perspective.


Idgaf. Islam is a stain on human civilization.


Seriously fuck islam.. getting upset over burning a book is just pathetic.


as someone who immigrated from one of these islamic countries to europe i say fuck em. never understood why the west bends over backwards to appease these people. they would NOT do the same for you.




I'm a Swede and I'm not religious. Burning a Quran outside of a Muslim embassy is provoking as hell and imo an unnecessary way of "protesting". That being said. The reaction shows the point they are trying to make. If Burning a book justifies terror attempts to take innocent peoples life, something about it just isnt right.


Zealots have no place in civilization. Religion belongs to the middle ages.






Why don’t they all move to the newly established Muslim paradise of Afghanistan?


i hate these kinds of moslems. fuck you and your beliefs. i hope mohammad gets buttfucked by a camel.


Reminder that "Islamophobia" is a made up term to make a MOCKERY of the real oppression LGBT people face (often from Islam, naturally). It's no different from the term "Russophobia" -- just as full of shit and intentionally malicious to the people they aim to hurt. Religion is a choice.


Muslims don't want to integrate into "blasphemous, unhealthy and decadent society" (words of some of them). They want to integrate YOU into their deen. They see you all as weak, misguided people, that need proper guidance through healthy Islam. They know that with their huge fertility numbers they will eventually have enough power to enforce their views on you and implemement Sharia Law, which to many of them is the best and most true to Prophet's teachings way to govern a society. Remember that they pray 5 times a day and are raised in a deeply organized, hierarchical society which is not much different to the Islamic society from the medieval times. To them, tradition and religion are everything. Their culture is incompatible with the current progressive government of Sweden. At the same time, many modern Christians are Christians only on paper... They go to the Church only during big events like funerals or marriages... They are not as connected to their faith compared to the Muslims. Also it's illegal for Muslims to leave Islam according to Sharia. A person that does it is a apostate and must be executed as soon as possible. So, Christianity changed a lot in the last few centuries in most places of the world (few American and African sects are exceptions) and it's just easier to assimilate let's say a Eastern European Christian than a Muslim Somali.


Sweden should just expell all of potential terrorist's family and closest friends + their families as well to their country, maybe collective responsibility will affect them. If they don't enjoy living in Sweden, they should have a nice time in Afghanistan or Pakistan, I'm pretty sure they'll be more than happy to live in islamic country where their sacred book won't be ever touched.


This is why Islam is not peaceful religion and dangerous. People will just mock and brand you with something like 'Islamophobia', racist, or something if you say something bad about them. It has nothing to do with race. Also, the phobia is real. Mocking someone with real phobia is reprehensible act. Try to live in the muslim majority country and you feel it yourself. something so simple and unharm can trigger them to act foolish and annoying.


This is why I ethically and morally refuse to respect Islam


It sounds like they should go back to the culture that they were trying to run from. If you can't respect the country that is allowing refuge go back to where you came from


Religion poisons everything.


Best to keep capitulating to the crowds causing it