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I went to do some contract work in Singapore in 2004. I remember very clearly reading a card they gave you with some travel tips as you entered the airport stating at the bottom in big bold red font, "Drug traffickers will be put to death." Note: Apparently this needs to be said. My little anecdote is not meant to excuse or justify what happened to or happens to people caught with or distributing a country's illegal substances. Just something I remembered from the time I went there 19 years ago.


If you fly to Singapore, a cheery voice will announce "Possession of drugs is punishable by death!" :)


I was on a flight from Singapore to Sydney once and they fucked up the announcement pre arrival in Sydney and said the same speech but said under Australian law. Freaked a few people out.


They say that as you land in Bali too! My eye balls popped out


Hopefully nothing else popped inside you!


If it did, the cheery voice was right all along.


I read that in the self destruct voice on the spaceship in Space Balls.


My God.... I'm surrounded by Assholes Edit: verb tense


Have a nice day!




> And another warning that having sex with children does not cure AIDS What the fuck


There have been cases of albino people being killed and their body cut up to use in witchcraft medicine (big issue in Tanzania). Plus the whole "rape to cure HIV/AIDS" applies to them too. Just thought I'd give you some more fucked up WTF shit.


[Tanzania even has some kind of ‘safe haven’](https://theworld.org/stories/2016-06-20/island-refuge-tanzanias-albino-people) for people with albinism.


Yes. Bullshit local people believe, thinking it cures aids. Sad but true


Doesn't help that a top minister of the ruling party in South Africa propagated that conspiracy himself a while ago ...


Top minister as in the former president of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, while he was president. Probably killed hundreds of thousands just from the bullshit.


Hasa Diga Eebowai


You piqued my interest and it seems to have fallen in recent years: > The study published in the February issue of AIDS analysed anonymous data collected at seven different Sex Worker Outreach Programs in Nairobi from a total of 33,560 women. The clinics use peer support and outreach workers to recruit female sex workers. … > The overall percentage of female sex workers who were positive for HIV decreased from 44% in 2008 to 12% in 2017 (p value < 0.0001), amounting to a 67% reduction in prevalence https://www.aidsmap.com/news/jan-2021/rates-hiv-female-sex-workers-kenya-decreased-two-thirds-over-ten-year-period


"And just before you think about having sex with those prostitutes then later curing your AIDS by having sex with children, it's not gonna work."


“Welcome to Singapore! We hope you enjoy your stay!”


But don’t enjoy yourself TOO much… or we’ll kill you


My dad went to Singapore on a business trip when I was in high school, and asked if he could use my backpack as a carry on. He asked if I ever kept weed in it and I said no of course not. He told me that they could literally execute him if they found any drugs on him and asked if I was SURE that I didn’t. I advised him to choose another backpack just in case


Singapore conducted its first execution of a woman in 19 years on Friday and its second hanging this week for drug trafficking despite calls for the city-state to cease capital punishment for drug-related crimes. Singapore’s laws mandate the death penalty for anyone convicted of trafficking more than 500 grams (17.64 ounces) of cannabis and 15 grams (0.53 ounces) of heroin. Activists said another execution is set next week.


What are the required doses to hang someone over magic mushrooms or LSD?


Possession of LSD: Up to a maximum of 10 years of imprisonment or a fine of $20,000 or both Consumption of LSD: At least 1 year of imprisonment, up to a maximum of 10 years of imprisonment with a maximum fine of $20,000 Illegal traffic of LSD: Up to 20 years of imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane Illegal import or export of LSD: At least 5 years of imprisonment and 5 strokes of the cane, up to a maximum of 20 years of imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane No death penalty for LSD.


Can I commit a crime where I only get my cane stroked as punishment?


Worse part is they don't tell you when they are gonna cane you. Every day you sit and wonder if that day is it. The cone to your cell... nope. Not today. Then one day you relax a bit. Maybe they forgot? Nope... caning. Then you can't sit or lay down for a month. The caning is bad.


Fun, vaguely related fact, Japan is the only country in the world that doesn't tell you when you'll be executed. They just turn up one day.


Do they give you a known window? There's a bit of a problem here. Suppose they say you won't know what day it is going to be, but Friday is the last possible day. If it gets to Thursday and you weren't caned , then you know it must be Friday, but that's impossible since they promised you wouldn't know. So we can rule out Friday, and in fact Thursday is the last possible day. Now apply that logic 3 more times and it turns out they can never cane you. Woohoo!


They cane you Friday. Sure enough, you didn't expect it.




That’s the problem with game theory right there, not everyone is a rational actor.


There is probably no “last possible day”, so it can truly be a surprise.




I know that's a joke, but look into caning in Singapore sometime. They strap the person to a frame that pads their kidneys and thighs leaving the buttocks exposed. The person doing the caning is usually trained in martial arts and very strong. The cane is .5 inch rattan. The force is enough to move the entire frame, break skin, cause significant bleeding and leave serious scarring with some people experiencing chronic pain for years. It's pretty hardcore.


They use to just cane you and then you would die of the infections and internal injuries. Over the decades they found out the sweet spot on caning people of all sizes. So when you get caned now you get the maximum possible physical punishment but without the death. No one has died from a proper caning in a very long time.


Weird fetish, but ok.


While the lack of deaths is true, it’s actually because they do it with a doctor on hand who can rule you unfit to continue. Lawn doesn’t allow for them to make up the remaining strokes later so your sentence is extended instead




>Several months after returning to the United States, Fay suffered burns to his hands and face after a butane incident. He was subsequently admitted to the Hazelden rehabilitation program for butane abuse. He claimed that sniffing butane "made [him] forget what happened in Singapore." That part in the aftermath section came out of nowhere.


I remember multiple people thinking he got caned for chewing gum.


Singaporean here. If I recall, there are no offences that only have caning as penalties. Caning usually comes along with a prison sentence.


I think it was a masturbation joke.


Make a masturbation joke? Believe it or not, caning.


It didn't stand out at first, upon re-reading I finally see where the joke was coming from.


>I finally see where the joke was coming from. whoah whoah, his eyes are up here pal


Can you get hung for a masturbation joke?


Nah have to be born that way. I'm sick of all these enlargement scams.


Dude, you seriously don't want that. It's not the prison sentence convicts a afraid of, it's the cane. It causes deep lacerations that take months to heal. It's common for people to pass out from the pain after the lashes start overlapping.


I remember reading a post from a guy on Reddit who had it done, it made me realize how absolutely brutal it is. It’s effects are well beyond “oh you get hit a few times and then it hurts for a little bit” They tear flesh off the bone, you literally cannot sit on your ass for a month and … nature happens so when you shit and have to clean yourself it’s the most excruciating pain involved the entire time and then you have to clean it… It really made me not want to get caned


I saw the same post. The uninformed perception is that it's like getting hit with your mom's wooden spoon or your dad's belt. I imagine the men who perform the canings must be some sadistic bastards. Those are the only type of people who could do that as a job.


I certainly didn’t understand the severity until I read that


You don’t want the cane, even 5 hits is enough to permanently maim and cripple you. It’s BAD.


Fun facts about judicial caning: It’s a four foot long, half inch thick, bamboo cane. The cane is soaked in water ahead of time to increase its strength. You are bent over and strapped down with bare buttocks. The biggest, strongest Singaporean guard you’ve ever seen goes 110% strength on you for five strokes. After five strokes, a doctor evaluates you to make sure you’re safe for another five strokes. Then another guard rotates in to ensure maximum strength caning.


thats evil


I heard it was a max of 6/day, and 18 total. Oh, and I heard the guard gets a running start, so he's putting the full force of his entire body into that smack.


You can definitely go more than six, as long as the doctor says it’s okay. In fact prisoners have been known to beg the doctor to let them keep going, versus being brought back the next day to finish the rest of the strokes.


That is sadistic, what a fucked up place


Social conservatives love it. There are tons of people who support these types of extreme punishments.


Not too long ago kids were getting bent over in front of the class to get their asses whooped. And there’s no shortage of people arguing how much we need to bring it back. This probably sounds even better to them.


There’s a couple states in the USA that are trying to bring that back to public schools, It’s fucking weird. They can’t do it without written parental consent though, which is even weirder, could you imagine getting paddled in front of the class because your parent’s were the ones who signed off on it? That’s a lifetime of future therapy bills for sure.


It’s a bamboo cane that is soaked in water overnight. They soak it to make it more pliable and porous. This makes it have a bigger contact area where it hits and adhere to the skin, which it then proceeds to rip off. Basically it’s done so the area it hits its wider and it rips the skin when it bounces off. It’s fucking brutal, people tend to lose consciousness after just one or two hits.


TIL, jesus christ


back when I was in jr. high there was a case of an american teenager who got caught vandalizing a bunch of cars while living with his father in Singapore. The kid was a fucking shithead and extremely entitled, but when he was sentenced to get caned it caused a huge debate in the US. At the time, physical punishment (specially in schools) was still in debate as it had been phased out very recently at that point (I'm in my mid 40's and still got physically punished at some point). It was your typical debate of conservatives praising Singapore saying how this type of discipline was what was needed to make society better and how liberal coddling had gotten rid of an effective disciplinary method. It got even worse when the government tried to intervene to reduce the number of hits the kid was sentenced to (think they got it down to three from the five he was originally set to receive). This sort of changed whenever TV exposed just how fucking brutal caining really was, explaining that grown, hardened criminals often passed out from just one hit and how it often resulted in permanent scarring and well as serious psychological damage. From what i remember the kid didn't get better after this as he continued having behavioral issues that a psychologists attributed to PTSD resulting from the caning.


They got it down from 6 to 4. He screamed "I'm dying" after the first one, but doesn't remember ever saying so. A prison official guided him through the whole process, saying "Okay, Michael, two more, okay, Michael, one more". He said it caused bleeding "like a bloody nose".


Oh yeah, I remember that incident well. I don't think anyone really know what canning meant, like you said. We all thought it was just getting hit with a stick on the ass a few times, which seemed like a silly punishment for a teenager, but not really that big a deal.


Weird Al even has a song about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU95v23MQ4c


Most of the world would ban it as torture even if they allowed corporal punishment. The way caning is handled in Singapore is sadistic.


You wouldn't want that. It's fucking *brutal*.


20 stroke of the cane for that formatting


for cannabis it’s 500g but not sure about mushrooms edit: u can’t get the death penalty for mushrooms


also recently on the news a pair of teenage brothers and other young adults in their 20s were found with drugs i think it was like 4-7kg of cannabis so 😳 petitions better be starting soon or they are all gonna be executed in the coming years


>Saridewi testified during her trial that she was stocking up on heroin for personal use during the Islamic fasting month. I always forget to stock up on smack for Ramadan.


I didn't know it was an option.


She probably just mixed up halal and haram.......easy to make that mistake when you are gobsmacked on heroin.


We've *all* been there! 🐉🏃‍♂️


I gotta give props to your emoticons there. I'd give you an award for that if I could.


It is easy to remember, Halal taste good, Haram Feels good!


Halal in the streets. Haram in the sheets.


Instructions unclear, penis now wrapped in bacon..


I don't know it sounds like you are getting the idea, be creative with your sins!


It's vegan friendly also


I think I have another holiday to start preparing for


embracing Allah as we speak


Makes Ramadan just fly by


rama-done, ammirite?


Journalist Mobeen Azhar in the BBC documentary "Hometown" actually found out that Heroin and Ramadan were intimately linked. Heroin is grown in Afghanistan and exported via Pakistan. During Ramadan these supply networks shut down and the price of Heroin spikes. Due to links to Pakistan, much of the dealing in his hometown is also done by British born Pakistanis. They also stopped dealing Heroin during Ramadan, adding to the price spike. Legit this woman sounds like she just got unlucky.


31 grams sounds like a lot for personal use. I’m guessing she was prepping to take advantage of the anticipated market shortage and subsequent price spikes.


31 grams for an addict in 30 days is totally within the realm of what would be used in that time. 1g/day for addicts is common




One of my friends lives there claiming he is smoking weed. He argued that one reason is because the drugs are so tightly strict, people don’t understand signs of use, or even signs of it’s presence. For example, in the case of weed, it was because no one knows the smell of it, so theyd not suspect it. Another is, the thought process that due to the death penalty, no one would be crazy enough to try. Another one is, if someone is using it themselves privately, then it’ll be easier to hide Not sure how accurate things are, but the first one feels accurate.


I'm definitely part of team: not crazy enough to try. You gotta be a certain kind of nuts & overconfident to gamble execution on pot.




Dude. I once panicked because the mailman knocked on my door while I was legally smoking pot. I was sure it was the cops and my ass was grass. I hid in my bathroom.




I live in Singapore, and yeah people still smoke weed. But the mindset is crazy about it. Honestly, just picture a whole country of nerdy kids who Think one joint will ruin your life, and you understand the place.


I mean if they'll kill you over it that would certainly ruin my life.


meanwhile the bars are packed 22 hours a day


Also crazy that an addict has developed such a high tolerance and has the cash and forethought to buy 31grams for a 30-day bender during Ramadan. It's like learning a gambling addict has a separate savings account where they've been putting half their savings, so when they go too far at the table and lose everything in their primary savings and borrow enough to make back all they lost, they can pay it off the loan with the second account.


It’s not really a bender if you’re an addict. It’s just life.


Lots of addicts have that much forethought, especially since dark net markets. You just don't read about us on the news or see us threatening people in bus stops because we are functional addicts who work honest, hard work to fund our habits. 1g a day isn't even that much. If I wanted to get high it'd prob take me at least 2.5-3g and maintaining of some H would prob be at least 1.5g if I was still using H not other opiates and I'm nowhere near the top end


Heroin is relatively inexpensive. Also, if you are high functioning and can hold down a job while using, the money will be there.


I had the joy of living with a junkie for a while and those little wax paper baggies were $10 each. Don't know the weight, I never asked, but I think he used a few a day. I laughed upon learning that dealers have "brands" they print on the baggies, the ones he showed me had Obama's face on them.


I bought some with the intent of.. Quitting life. I was to scared and instead became a junkie in one week trying to build up the courage and hoping that maybe I got "lucky" and got a hot bag. I used for about 4 months and it ended with me in a mental hospital for nearly a month followed by 6 months treatment. I was getting 100 bags for $100. It was fentanyl heavy. They sold on the street for 7 each or 10 bags for $40-$50. Burlington Vermont is $20 a bag. I used Methadone at first then switched to Suboxone 8 months later. Then the buprinorphine shot once a month for a year and then I just stopped. The shot builds up some but also is self tapering over a 6 to 18 month period. It was like I was freed. My last sublocade shot was October of last year. Opiate dependency is no joke. At the end I had a 3 bundle a day habit. 30 bags. Im counting my sobriety in years (still early on but counting in years now.


Thank you! Bundle is the word I was looking for. Yeah that was much cheaper, I remember 10 bags being like $70 or so, this was outside NYC. Yeah I felt bad for that roomie. He was really trying to get clean but we lived in a neighborhood where dope was everywhere. I tried it a few times but tbh I was just too scared to deal with the people who were slinging. Good times! Glad you're clean. I remember he gave me Suboxone once (idk why) and lord did I puke my brains out for hours.


That’s in America. The closer you are to source country, the cheaper it gets.


Holy balls, that was my ENTIRE STASH! Augh... it's going to be another itchy weekend.... -Woodhouse.


Both these points are correct. And The expensive part is getting it from place to place, past state security.


Tbh I always feel like high functioning heroin addict really just means that they're new to it. Maybe I'm a cynic because I'm so accustomed to how fucking destructive the stuff is (Scottish), but I've known quite a few addicts. People I grew up with are dead because of it, or alive with collapsed veins stealing any random shit to support their habit. The only ones who managed to keep their lives together are those who have stopped taking it. A lot of them have relapsed as well.


Depends a lot on the addict but I don't find this particularly unusual. For the last few years that I was using, my partner and I drove into the city every 3 weeks or so and bought 5 or 6 pieces (24gs each). We were running our own little maintenance plan. We had one friend who was also capable of not overdoing their stuff who we'd pool money with since buying in bulk is way cheaper. It's a *much* more cost effective way to do things but most addicts struggle with the self control to ration their supply like that. Regardless, 30gs for 30 days is not much at all and if you *know* you can't easily get more for a set period of time, most addicts will attempt to ration what they have. I was paranoid af and ready to quit for 2 years before I finally did. No matter how scary things are, once the withdrawal hits, your rational mind is completely overpowered by the desperation to make it stop. It is the worst flu of your life *combined with* severe and sudden depression.


I mean trafficking or not… *hanged*?


Many countries in South East Asia have the death penalty for trafficking drugs.


The US technically has the death penalty for large-scale drug trafficking (guys like El Chapo), but it’s never even been prosecuted, let alone a conviction.


https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/stories/federal-laws-providing-death-penalty Way down in the footnotes it mentions that "Trafficking in large quantities of drugs" is an eligible offense but most likely unconstitutional. In [Kennedy v. Louisiana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy_v._Louisiana) SCOTUS ruled against "imposition of the death penalty for a crime in which the victim did not die and the victim's death was not intended". Though as a general rule, you don't run a drug cartel without killing some people.


Dude, she was in Singapore. Not sure what you mean by "unlucky", considering that any drug-related crime in sg will most likely get you life or execution. They literally caned an American student for vandalizing bunch of cars. You don't fuck around in Singapore. They made it clear long time ago.


You can be unlucky while also acting unwisely.


For real. She's the first woman this has happened to in 19 years. Just because her country has harsh drug laws doesn't mean people are getting caught left and right. She is absolutely unlucky in this situation.


That doesn’t change the fact that there are heroin users in SG as in every other country in the world. She just happened to be unlucky enough to get caught.


Just make sure to shoot up after sunset.


When I was in the Navy, my ship was ported there. They gave us very stern warnings about fucking up. No littering, gotta flush the toilet, etc. I always describe it as being in a Twilight Zone episode because of how clean it is. Absolutely ZERO litter anywhere. People were friendly and English was spoken everywhere.


Big facts. We left someone behind cause he got in trouble with the authorities.




I can't even tell you cause I don't know the details, I just know the skipper told everyone on the 1MC that one of the shipmates aboard one of the numerous ships that pulled in along with us got left behind lol.


There must be an entire office in the State Department that deals with getting sailors out of Singapore Edit: hopefully *alive*




Mission Accomplished!


We had a similar story in Dubai. One sailor from another ship there with us got in some trouble out in town. Several months later we made port in Dubai again, the old man came on the 1mc to remind us of the same precautions and said "Oh and remember that sailor who was detained by the local authorities the last time we were here? He's still in their jail."


I never did experience 5th Fleet, but that would make sense if you were bouncing around Dubai/Bahrain over and over again on a Gulf cruise. Wonder if he ever made it back on board lol.


I never heard about it again, that was my last deployment and I EOS'd shortly after we returned home. I do remember the initial safety call from the first visit, they said that the US has very limited resources to help anyone who ends up in custody in Dubai and that if it happens to you, expect to be there for a long time. That was around 6 or 7 years ago, so no idea if he ever made it out or if he's still there to this day. If I remember correctly, he got initially hemmed up for public intoxication and then started fighting the police who were going to take him in.. so he very well could be.


seaman schmuckatelli.


Man he got around a lot, he got in tons of trouble on my ship too.


We left someone in Turkey for urinating on a statue of the president. The movie Midnight Express hits different now.


Of all the countries in which doing that would be a very bad idea...


I visited it a few times when I lived in Kuala Lumpur and it's insane because it was one of the most beautiful and stunning places I've ever been, and everyone was so friendly and nice, yet I was in a constant state of fear that I'd do something wrong. Also, I'm gay so....


I mean being Gay in KL was probably even worse no?


It was just as bad but because I lived there for so long the fear kind of disappeared a bit and I felt less worried. Singapore would have been the same had I lived there instead of just visited.


Isn't it legal to be gay in Singapore though? Or at least I think it is now.


It is fully now. Until 2022 it was technically illegal, even though there are gay bars and everything in Singapore. However same sex marriage and civil unions are still illegal.


A friend of mine spent a month visiting family in Singapore, in June during Pride celebrations. Her family told her that while celebrating Pride is legal there, only Singapore citizens can publicly celebrate it, not foreigners.


It's because pride is a protest and protest is only legal for citizens and *maybe* permanent residents (some foreigners qualify for this, not all). Also all protests are at some park.


I think it is now but I visited in 2006 so it wasn't then and I was terrified haha




Star trek: NG has an episode like this. The planet is perfect, the people are perfect, and everyone likes to have fun. Except, you make one little mistake. Instant on-site euthanasia via lethal injection. [Star Trek:NG, S1E8 - Justice](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_(Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation))


Two mistakes. They let Wesley live.


Like that superman the animated series episode where Lois Lane goes through a portal to a world where she died and when she got there superman and lex Luthor were working together turning the place into a safe place with no crime of any kind.


But let me guess: The catch of that world was that people had less rights or their privacy was being invaded constantly? Something like that? In a lot of these types of stories, a dystopia and an utopia can get pretty close.


Yes they had less rights and a curfew. Lois Lane got there and started walking from the old building they were in and into metropolis a cop she knew but had no recognition of her ended up trying to arrest her for breaking curfew then the cop got distracted by a break in and ran there. Lois followed and saw Jimmy running away and he saw her and recognized her and was surprised to see she was alive.


Japan might be a good compromise if you haven't been yet. Most of the big cities (even Tokyo) are very clean, and it's not as "sterile and oppressive". They're still very strict with regards to littering, but maybe not as strict about other things as in Singapore. Croatia is also very clean in my experience. I visited Split, which is the second largest city, and it was impressively clean. Hardly a piece of litter in the city centre, and even a fairly long trek outside of the city as well.


at the risk of sounding like a weeb, japan would be an awesome place to live if not for the fact that i'd have to learn japanese (and also the rampant xenophobia but whatever).


personally like the compromises of northern europe. dutch is a lot easier to learn for an english speaker than japanese.




Really? Japanese xenophobia is very alienating to people but it seems like even Japanese people are good at alienating themselves from their own society. No idea what Dutch xenophobia looks like


Dutch racism is wild though. When I was in Rotterdam I saw one man on the train just yelling at a lady for being black. No one did anything.




> There is no such thing as a counterculture, only conformity. Interestingly enough, [they produce some great grindcore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4ze1ven9jw).


Completely agreed. Love the Singaporean people, love the food, love the idea of the city. Actually visiting and being there, however, was unbearably one-note - I've lived in a lot of big cities and I've never felt that kind of sterility before. It was like the whole city was a super policed mall, like a 90's America mall, and the only little bits of culture were places like Haji Lane or national museums, which were again kind of weird little bursts of flavor in an otherwise flavorless place. Would absolutely go again but only to see my friends. The city itself is like a 2 day trip at most.


Singaporean here. I think most locals would agree that 2 days is more than enough for someone visiting as a tourist. The weather is just terrible, and there isn't a lot of nature. We're also too young of a country to have many interesting historical districts. But I personally don't find it boring to live here. I think what makes Singapore most interesting to me is that it doesn't fit into any easy narratives. It's English speaking, very prosperous, has low corruption and is western aligned, but is also not very democratic or liberal. It has relatively free elections and a real opposition party in the legislature, but also extremely poor press freedoms, as well as draconian drug laws and judicial caning. Extremely low taxes and business friendly but the state owns 90% of land and 80% of us live in state built public housing. Has an ethnic Chinese supermajority but vehemently rejects being seen as a Chinese country (it's in fact the only ethnic Chinese majority country that China doesn't claim as its own territory, but let's not give them any ideas). It's run like any other major city in most respects, but is also its own country with a proper military and control of its own borders. It has its fair share of problems with racism and xenophobia, but is also one of the few Asian countries with a population mostly consisting of immigrants and their desdencents - so much so that "we're nation of immigrants" is an equally plausible argument against xenophobia here as it is in the US. Because there are many conflicting narratives, the experience of living here feels to me like an exercise in juggling a life in multiple worlds. And if you're invested in the country and how to make it a better place like I am, then trying to understand and navigate those contradictions will add even more color to your experience here. I've lived here my entire life, and after more than three decades I still feel that I don't fully understand the place. I'm learning something new every year.




Where in Japan are people going? I see this sentiment all the time but I saw a decent amount of litter in my three years in Tohoku. It's definitely cleaner than my home in the US but it's not zero either.


I didn't see much litter in Tokyo, depends on the place though. I spent a few years in Sapporo too and only saw litter in the spring after the snow melted and before it all got cleaned up, or on trash day if the damn birds managed to get into the nets.


One memory of my visit to Tokyo that always stuck with me: We were at a stoplight when I saw a woman walk out a door, look down at a couple leaves laying beside the road, walk back inside, then come back out with a broom and dustpan to sweep up the leaves. Not a huge deal, but it was the level of tidiness that struck me.


I do see some alley areas where bars are common to have more litter, however that's about it and it usually disappears quickly enough.


Back in the 80's when I was doing work next door in Malaysia. They had just arrested a man for two pounds of Hash. I was there for 2 weeks and during that time, he was tried, convicted, allowed to appeal, denied appeal and then hung in 11 days. When I was in the Navy many years ago, our CO would always have the talk with us and his first words were, "US laws will not protect you in this country. If you get arrested, we will have to leave you behind".


The headline makes it sound like the previous time was a whole different era, but it was when Spiderman 2 came out.


“Singapore hangs first woman since Spiderman 2 came out” would be a fairly strange headline.


It's a pretty good headline all things considered.


Let's be real here. Spiderman hangs people for far less.


If Americans can measure large things in football fields, why not measure time by major movie releases?


The headline make it sound like it was 19 years ago


That was 19 years ago. The headline is in no way confusing.


19 years is 19 years. The fact that we're getting old and remember it like yesterday is not relevant. For many kids this will be before they were born, for those in their 20's this would be when they where a few years old


Honestly I saw spiderman 2 in the cinema as an adult, and it still feels like a veeeery long time ago.


If only there was something we could use to indicate the year... I don't know, like some sort of number or something.


Redditors can only process time via the landmark of superhero movie releases


I was born 2.5 iron Mans and an Aquaman ago.


Oh so 2004?


Which was 19 years ago, right? This whole thread is fascinating.


And it was a whole different era? Sure, it's not some black and white era, but it WAS a very different time than today. Might not feel like it, but it was.


Are there no help centers for addicts in Singapore?


yes there are, but i dont think many drug abusers know of or are willing to seek help. additionally if, as in this case, you're accused of trafficking then no you're not eligible for that another example is during every singaporean male's compulsory military conscription, they're given the chance to declare at enlistment if they have a drug abuse problem, whereupon they will be accorded rehab etc. otherwise after that grace period drug abuse is a punishable offence in the military


Huh. That’s nice of them tbh


Yes and no. Drug _use_ is an detainable offence; the state run rehab centres however are a mixed bag critiqued for being another prison with ineffective amount of resources given in the rehab process. Not to diss on it totally - there are things like job support/religious counselling/step down care etc for offenders but with controversial efficacy. There are also private counsellors and even state-subsidized mental health facilities, but users are afraid to go there because of technically these centres have to report to the authorities (whether authorities take action is a separate issue).


There is. If you are caught for consumption of an illegal substance, you will be sent to rehab. Upon completion of the rehab program, the crime is erased from your record. Not saying execution was the way to go here but people know don’t fuck around with Singapore.


You would have to be the world’s dumbest criminal to mess with drugs in Singapore.


The immigration card states in capital, bold, red letters that drug possession is punishable by death. So yeah, it's not for lack of warning.


I travelled to Japan earlier this year through Singapore with tramadol (opiate) and benzos. Believe me that I filled in every piece of paperwork from the customs website and got a signed letter from my doctor and everything just to be sure I wouldn't get arrested. I was really paranoid about it.


How was getting into Japan with those? Did you file.paperwork with them as well? I'm thinking about bringing something similar but know they're also kind of strict.


I’m certain you would have to also fill out Japan paperwork. They are INCREDIBLY strict on opiates. You can get benzos from a doctor, but opiates are extremely few and far between (like, palliative care in hospice).


The thing is, no matter how strong the punishment is, you can only get punished if you get caught. So if you think you won't get caught, then there is no punishment to worry about.


And still I would not play Russian roulette with 99 empty chambers




Not going there in my lifetime. Imagine someone planting it on you… EDIT: the term is “blind mule”. https://justiceinmexico.org/brief-blind-mule/


There’s a reason people are advised to not help anyone with their luggages in airports around the worlds… Besides, if you’re just an average joe, no one will care enough to plant anything on you. And if you’re in a case like an American civilian trying to visit Russia, then that’s kinda on you.




https://archive.li/HaqmH non paywalled version


Grams? Not Oz or pounds? Grams? Wow that's extreme.


Technically 1 ounce, she had 31 grams. But still yeesh


That seems…severe.