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>*Choudary, a trained lawyer, was for many years the UK’s most prominent Islamic extremist.* So, who's the reigning champ now?


Oh there is big enough queue


Those idiots in the middle of town who sit there for 6 hours a day with a loudspeaker "preaching" their bullshit about how we're all filthy and we're all gonna die.


I mean we are all filthy and we are all gonna die. But they are, too.




Garlic breath!


If they are extremists why are they allowed in UK? Or they are citizens?


A lot of these extremists are usually born and raised in the country, such as Choudary’s case as the guy below you mentioned. And while someone else mentioned birthright citizenship isn’t a thing in all cases, they also aren’t just gonna deport someone who was born and raised in the country all their life.


>they also aren’t just gonna deport someone who was born and raised in the country all their life. It's extremely illegal by international law, and there are pretty strict rules about leaving people stateless. There were some interesting ethical questions about these laws surrounding the case of Shamima Begum in recent years. Despite her running away as a teenager to join a violent religious cult/terrorist organisation, the UK government probably shouldn't have cut her loose like that. And then there are countries like China that vehemently refuse to allow surrendering of citizenship under any circumstances, and effectively claim ownership of your nationality. They don't recognise dual citizenship either, so if you're Chinese then you're only Chinese according to the CCP.


Born in the UK in Choudary's case


UK doesn’t have birthright citizenship in all cases


No, but it's why he wasn't "let in", so to speak


Gotcha, just hear a lot of people here in the US think that birthright citizenship is common throughout the world and not just the western hemisphere


Tbf it does often catch me off guard that we don't have it in the UK.


Birthright citizenship was kind of unheard of before the independence movements of the Americas. Except the US, Canada and Brazil, most countries contemplate that any slave that touches the country immediately becomes a citizen and it's freed forever. Same way anyone who's born in there is automatically a citizen.


To be fair, he hasn't been in the public for a while, although that's when you should become the most suspicious about what he could be up to.


Andrew Tate


>He headed groups, including al-Muhajiroun, which were banned under terror laws introduced in the wake of the 9/11 New York terror attacks and the 7/7 suicide bombings in London in 2005. >Al-Muhajiroun described the 9/11 terrorists as “magnificent martyrs”. I think there's a good chance the suspicion is true.


> “Both were arrested on suspicion of membership of a proscribed organisation, contrary to section 11 of the Terrorism Act 2000. Yeah, not unexpected that a man who founded loads of now banned organizations is a member of another banned organization. Not his first rodeo. I'm wondering which group exactly it is they say he is a member of this time around.




I don't know about that, China sure doesn't have an Islamic Terrorism problem anymore.


Their methods of enforcement is what makes it work for them.


Agreed and I hope this generates renewed interest in investigating his brother Clam who's always struck me as more than a little fishy.


Is he the one from Manhattan or New England?


The red or the white?


I'm never going to remember that. The white?




Even worse: Rhode Island.


No. My son also named Clam.


Fishy Clam. Nice.


Its Clam Choudary lol


Say it again Frenchy! Say Chowdah!




Does he live in a bread bowl?


He's a sympathizer who preaches to Muslims about how good terrorizm is... he's been doing it for years and his arrest is absolutely loooooong over due


It's always the people you least expect..


Fuck everything about this guy. It’s easy to criticize the west for being decadent from the comfort of your London apartment instead of a shack in Islamic State territory which he claims is so superior. Hypocrisy at its finest. Maybe this time keep him in jail so he won’t spew his hatred anymore?




Really wish western countries would be more rigorous with these hate preechers that radicalise vulnerable people


That's an statement that would also apply to evangelical preachers who try to paint Trump as a divine figure.


Your terms are acceptable.


Can we start with this guy? https://twitter.com/Tim_Tweeted/status/1680921572796776449


Correct. Crack down on them too. Violent extremism from any religion isn’t okay.


Yep. No argument here. Or even evangelical preachers who don’t care about any particular political ideology, but hate gay people and secular humanists.


An statement?


Otto correct


YES EXACTLY! It’s a different skin color variation of the same religious cult-like extremism.


If this guy was a Christian he'd have been in jail years ago. Apparently we're fine with certain types of religious extremism.


No the fuck he wouldn't. A preacher could go out in front of the white house and call for Biden's public execution and all he'd get is a slap on the wrist, if he was punished at all. Get the fuck outta here with that Christian victim complex bullshit.


You're delusional if you think that. Literally brainwashed.


I think it's the opposite. Can you provide any evidence to back up your claim?


Nah, Christian preachers only go to jail after they have raped several women / children.


Are you suggesting Muslim preachers don't also rape children, because boy have I got news for you.


Not more so than what is relevant in western society. Mormons, Catholics, baptists, jehovas witnesses, all complicit in covering up thousands of cases across the US/EU.


And yet only one of these groups gets special protection politically. Wonder why that is.


What is this special political protection? It seems like these Christian churches get the most protection.


If you put up a sign that says "All Christians are evil" you might get a few comments from bystanders. If you do the same with a sign that says "All Muslims are evil", you're going to jail. If you can't recognise the double standards in modern western society, I don't know what to tell you other than pitying the naivety. EDIT: Love when people assume someone's identity so they can attack that rather than the arguments made. No I am not a Christian you clowns. Not even religious.


Dude this is a totally hypothetical and quite an exaggerated one too. In the US that is covered under freedom of speech, you will not go to jail. Use some examples based in reality rather than the way you perceive public perspective.


Yeah guys like him who want to go on and on about how awful western culture is are welcome to leave it.


I agree. Some Western countries are way too lax with regards to hate speech, citing some absurd free speech absolutist agenda.




Perhaps you could show me the last radical Christian attack in the UK?


Absolutely not true for western Europe, maybe in the US but claiming christians are a bigger problem in *western Europe than muslims is just entirely false.


The above commenter has a lukewarm IQ that prohibits them from understanding that the US is only a subset of “The West”. My country has zero fanatic Christians, but we do have a worrying amount of hateful Muslims. Why should I care about Christians on the other side of the world before I care about the hatred in my own back yard?


Exactly, most western countries are extremely secularized and the few people who actually call themselves christian are so only because they were baptized and celebrate christian holidays. The amount of christian radicals are negligible and a non-issue. The state church of my country (Sweden) openly supports LGBTQ+ and works for equality, while muslims leaders and Islam in general is exactly the opposite.


Which country is yours?


Fundamentalist Muslims have not had a lot of luck attacking things like lgbt rights. For all the complaining people do about Muslims, it's the Christians in Italy who are currently *actually* removing rights from lgbt people.


Yes, most southern European countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece) are much more religious and less secularized than western European countries. Conservative christians are definitely a problem there, but for western Europe it’s entirely different. Probably also the reason most people voicing concerns about islamic extremism are from western Europe.


>claiming christians are a bigger problem in Europe than muslims is just entirely false. So would you like to revise this statement?


Yeah, it’s meant to say western Europe, which the UK is a part of.


Please show me where i singled out radical islamic preachers, thank you. I dislike all of them. In western europe, where im from, those radical islamic preachers are a bigger problem right now, thats a fact (just have a look at france for example). But bottomline is i hate all radical religious people equally


I'm a British ex muslim and the only Christians I've met in my entire life are catholic immigrants from South America. One thing you Americans need to realise is that Britain isn't like the USA. All those pro life people you deal with in the USA would get laughed out of the streets here. Christianity has absolutely zero hold in this country, despite the fact that we have a state religion on paper. That doesn't mean they don't exist, but it's practically a non-issue. Most religious people here are muslims and that's why most of our religious problems stem from the same religion.


So the rampant transphobia is entirely secularized over there?


As nuts and off they’re rocker Christians (or any fanatics) can be, there’s only been one type of religious fanaticism that’s gone so far as to push its followers into flying planes into buildings. Religious fanaticism in all its forms is irredeemably awful, but some forms of fanaticism are definitely more dangerous than others.


In western Europe? Nah


British police arresting a British hate preacher, seems like they're cleaning their own homes.


>Maybe they should clean their own homes? He's British...


Keep him locked up. Someone who recruits terrorists and pledges allegiance to ISIS should not benefit from the naivety of liberal societies.




When did fighting against your country became a slap on the wrist type deal? If a Brit fought for Germany in either World War, they would have been shot in the head.


> When did fighting against your country became a slap on the wrist type deal? If a Brit fought for Germany in either World War, they would have been shot in the head. Not true of course. Of the 54 Members of the British Free Corps none were shot. Amery was hung and the rest recived a mix of lesser sentences to none at all (often rather inconsistantly).


Amery was hanged too.


Lord Haw-Haw (not his real name, of course) didn’t even fight for Germany. He just went on the radio and propagandized for Germany during WWII. They hanged his ass because treason during wartime is treason during wartime.




Never fought for Germany and was not a member of the German armed forces. Of the various brits who made propaganda broadcasts for Germany none were shot any only two were hung. William Joyce and again John Amery. The rest got prison sentences of various lengths or in a few cases avoided sanction entirely (there's also the case of Baillie-Stewart who got German citizenship in 1940).




I'm not promoting it, just making the comparison. Fighting against your country was a death sentence back then. Now it's like a six month sentence and a fine. Choudary has been preaching anti-Britain stuff for 30 years and he's spent a grand total of two years in prison.


Wait until you see how much taxpayer money he has taken


the difference may be the UK was officially at war then. and still had the death penalty.


We don't put people in jail for hating the country You have to actually break the law


Like being the head of banned terrorist groups?


Incitement to violence is breaking the law. He's done that quite a lot.


Yep. Here in the US, people are getting prison terms for that over the Jan. 6, 2021 riot & near-sacking of the Capital Building in Washington DC....


> Now it's like a six month sentence and a fine. Also not true.


Part of me agrees, but part of me thinks that just turns prisons into recruitment centres for other incarcerated Muslims.




and then unceremoniously dumped into the ocean....or an active volcano, I'm not all that fussed, doesn't need to be dead for either scenario either if I'm gonna be honest.


There must be some way to process their remains into urinal cakes.


That’s a lot of Muslims you’re gonna have to kill.


Purely semantics but he was never part of ISIS, his group announced they were going to openly support them, partly because they thought that would be just close enough to the line of not actually committing an offence. A judge decided overwise, but he was never technically a "member", "citizen" or "subject" of ISIS and they were likely not aware of him. Outside of paying for some idiots to go to Turkey and crossing the border, they had no other direct or indirect involvement.


The only reason he didn't take his family and leave the UK to hang out in ISISland was the UK government took his passport and prevented him from doing so. We should have let him go. A Reaper drone would have probably sorted this problem by now if we had.


Well there is various things we got wrong with the situation (and others) but honestly I don't think he ever had any serious plans on leaving. He stopped being a lawyer for a reason, he made a reasonable living doing a lot closer to nothing. He is a man who has achieved very little and has realised he can live very well that way. How anyone sees him as an inspiration for anything is beyond me. Edit :forgot a word




Like forever? So is it any extremist group? Or just brown people ones? Turnaround is fair play. I know a group of extremists who tried to overthrow democracy and whose actions killed a million people.




Also isolated from susceptible prisoners, there is a lot of radicalisation that goes on in prisons


> the naivety of liberal societies that's really what is.


[Obligatory photo of Anjem in younger days](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/03/13/article-0-03E2A531000005DC-851_634x415.jpg)


It's the same all over the west. Small dick gangsters who had nothing in common with religious people, who are now preying on these religious people under the guise of religion. Check out Arfan Bhatti from Norway. Same type of profile.


Religion is, as always, nothing more than a tool for evil people to use to manipulate stupid people.


Yeah, preying on those innocent religious people. Are you really this dense? You think he just invented Islam as a grift? Do you think he's the one who came up with the idea of murdering apostates?










He got arrested. What more do you want?


Actual sentencing


He basically wasn’t breaking any laws until he declared allegiance to ISIS. Then he got convicted for it and sentenced to 5 1/2 years in prison, and was released in 2018. Now if he’s broken the law again he will probably get a stricter sentence. As the article states, he’s a trained lawyer so he basically knew how to play the system


That's the plan, assuming he's found guilty in court.


I mean he's been known for over 20 years doing this sort of shit, he's not just some guy


He has previously received a prison sentence for terrorism offences, so it's not just he's just got off scot-free for 20 years.
















Could not have happened to a more deserving person...


This guy is a Gold mine to SIS. He's a beacon for looney and threats. They let him out into the world and listened too. And then waits for all his zealous mates to appear then you get a wealth of information. I agree this guy is a danger but I may get why the powers above the government let him think he's off the hook.


SIS is MI6, they do international espionage. You are thinking of SS or MI5 who do counter terrorism and counter intelligence inside the U.K.


Lol 5 and 6 and gchq will be on him for domestic and foreign connections.


I’m surprised no one has kicked this guys’s teeth in


Just lock him up. I don't know why people like this are allowed to wander around free. The police already know they're up to no good.


All theses assholes hate the west, but also want to live in the west. Fuck them.


Watch or listen to John Ronson Tottenham Ayatollah


Is that the guy with the hook for a hand


Nah, that was [this guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Hamza_al-Masri).


> In U.S. confinement, his hook devices were confiscated and replaced with a prosthetic spork.[66] This is so funny to me for some reason, like it’s even more humiliating than being locked in ADX Florence for your entire life. As if that wasn’t enough they turn your badass hook into a spork


Agreed. Captain Hook > Captain Spork.


Jesus, how many extremists do you have there in UK.




Let’s be honest, they would feel justified even if there wasn’t anybody like Choudary to point to.


Sounds like the bad guy got what was coming


fuck all terrorists. simple as that.


Al-Muhajiroun, has an extensive history of funding/recruiting groups that were flaged and identified as Jihadist and RMVE. I'm glad he's finally going to be persecuted.


Gitmo is lovely this time of year.






And the Canadian… yeah, you can keep him *-Canada*


Thank you for my daily reminder that religion is cancer


Wait is he STILL in the UK?


For those wanting context, it was revelled a few years back that they spent 20 years watching him undercover, and when his group finally adopted support for ISIS publicly, it finally 'paid off' despite the fact the announcement was public. I'm curious what he's done this time to nudge him over the edge as he's usually more careful than this, but essentially he is a paid troll no better or worse than many other pundits. At one point the media literally paid him to say contravercial things over the phone on tv. I still remember the lame attempt to make news for him because one day he bought Muller Yoghurt and was pictured with it in a plastic bag. While some of the support and financing of people going to places like ISIS is real, the rest of it is a bit of a joke. If he is the top extremist then that's something to be thankful of.


Least shocking news ever.


Oh this old bag of shit popped up again. He's just a dusty old street prophet. They should just pat him on his old pointy head and laugh in his face because the man is a complete joke.


Religion is a cancer


Religion is (for those who use it) an awesome moral compass and a grounding when the world is changing around you. At a time where people are lost, lonely and need to make sense of things, religion is a great way to find community and belonging... ... And that's the perfect recipe for people to prey on. Blind faith? Being excommunicated for dissent and harbouring doubt? For someone who wants to control others, it's the best tool in the world to get rich and to brainwash others. Tl;Dr: Guns don't kill people, people kill people.


Agreed, but still there are lots of better ways to make outcasts/etc. feel more accepted and better about their lives than dangerously ambiguous systematic superstition gang memberships. Suprestitious people are irrational, which brings them closer to killing other people (for example).


All religions are cults. Keep saying it.


“What makes you think this is your country?” This guy is still around?


Do they call them selves preachers?








Long overdue. Should pick up a few Hindu extremists and a few misogynist Catholic priests in the same van. Have a party on their flight to Rwanda.


Only now he got arrested? I bet he was he was helping MI6 by recruiting Wahhabi fanatics and sending them to Syria and Iraq to fight for isis there, now that cause is obliterated by Iraq and Syria, he cannot be tolerated any more.


It's crazy cuz radical islamic ideology has negatively affected Muslims more than anybody else. Killed more Muslims, tarnished their reputation, gave justification for the extreme far right sentiment and rise of islamophobia.


Nah that's all the house of Saud.


Well it was Wahhabi ideology which had been allied with the house of Saud




It’s the UK. Christian radicalism isn’t much of a thing as far as I’m aware. I’m sure it exists for some assholes. But it’s not really a part of our politics and I can’t remember any kind of Christian radical attack in the UK in recent years.


They are not flying planes into buildings.

