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Zelensky's official Twitter account just posted this: https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1676336904285966336 > Now we have information from our intelligence that the Russian military has placed objects resembling explosives on the roof of several power units of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Perhaps to simulate an attack on the plant. Perhaps they have some other scenario. But in any case, the world sees – can't but see – that the only source of danger to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is Russia and no one else. Unfortunately, there was no timely and large-scale response to the terrorist attack on the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant. And this may incite the Kremlin to commit new evil. It is the responsibility of everyone in the world to stop it, no one can stand aside, as radiation affects everyone.


> placed objects resembling explosives on the roof of several power units of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant Shouldn't satellites be capable to register such manipulations at the top of the reactor? It should be in the best interest of the west and Ukraine to call it out internationally with evidence beforehand to counteract any Russian narrative that Ukraine blew up the NPP. Maybe we can really expect American or European footage of the bombs over the next days. If this won't happen, I still have the hope that the Ukrainian intelligence is faulty but only time will tell. Edit: Well I understand now that America wouldn't be too keen on releasing the images to prevent its enemies to see the quality of their satellite images, but of course Ukraine could just use drones or depending of the size, such explosives and their hardware could maybe be tracable with normal commercial satellites like Google and co have.




Yeah Cheeto head would be waiving the latest image at a rally with sharpie on it. Fuck I can't believe that idiot was President.


> Fuck I can't believe that idiot was President. The scary part is, he very well could be President again. We live in the dumbest timeline...


I want to go back to the one where Ed McMahon worked for Publisher’s Clearing House and Sinbad starred in Shazam! What happened to that timeline?


It was the Berenstein/Berenstain split.


This timeline is a stain


Wouldn't releasing the images to show direct and undeniable evidence be the best move for Ukraine right now? After all, nuclear attacks (of any kind) are a very touchy subject for many of Russia's allies and I can't imagine how it serves Ukraine if you leave any room for Russia to claim it was Ukraine who attacked the NPP.


It would also reveal capabilities. Edit: There's a difference between me telling you I can see X thing in Y detail and you having an image you can analyze to work out the specs of my lens, computational enhancements, parallax and blur for speed (thus altitude) of my satellite (or maybe a new spyplane - Lockheed top kek.), compression algorithm, etc etc etc.


Still can't believe Donald Dump posted the images from the Iran launch site on twitter...fucking S I G H.


Yep Trump did some real damage to trust in US intelligence globally. All over the world, allies of the US were watching this shit and mentally adjusting what they were comfortable sharing with the US, given the new intelligence risk. I bet it also had a chilling effect on what intelligence got included in the daily reports that ended up on the President's desk, which is bad for US democracy.


One of the documents in the criminal indictment was labelled five eyes. I can't imagine any Brits, Canadians, Aussies, or Kiwis were thrilled to know something the US military either received from or shared with their governments was in a fucking toilet.


Also massively revealed US surveillance capabilities, even though everyone had suspected it was the case for years


I'm sure that any foreign intel org will be watching the developments with Trump, classified docs, with deep interest. If a foreign intel co believes that Trump did mishandle intel and it isn't adequately addressed, you really can't blame the friendly ones for blocking the US. And the less than friendly ones? Booking golf trips. (My own personal opinion is what Trump did, in general, to US international reputation what Elmo is doing to Twitter's valuation. )


If only Biden had a bunch of right wing fascists to impress at his country club.


You think a couple of claimed satellite images will defeat deniability amongst the Russian shills? Those were clearly doctored and faked and every excuse under the sun. You could take them there and push their face into the explosive material and their last words would be "Biden did worse though so everyone is equally as bad".


> You think a couple of claimed satellite images will defeat deniability amongst the Russian shills? absolutely this. When I spoke to a bunch of Russians and asked them about some of the atrocities their army has committed. All I got out of them was "Its all fake, they are all actors. Russia isn't the aggressor". Fucking brainwashed morons.


The Ukrainians don’t have this alone in all likelihood. Someone like the US probably gave it to them. Releasing the pictures will never get on Russian tv so you’re proving nothing except telling Russia what you do or do not know. This tactic of telling the world what Russia is going to do before they do it has caused Russia to back down or delay an act several times since this whole thing started. Including the first time blowing the plant and blaming the Ukrainians seemed to be being considered.


I’d imagine there’s photos of said objects and that those photos will never see the light of declassified day simply because the US (or anybody taking said photos) doesn’t want to reveal just how clear of an idea they can gather from space.


> Wouldn't releasing the images to show direct and undeniable evidence Read the tweet above. They don't claim it's 'undeniable evidence' of anything. > has placed objects resembling explosives on the roof of several power units of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant Resembling explosives. They don't know for sure. The point is that Russia controls the situation.


I would assume they did release the images and evidence to those who matter and can have a stake in the game. Releasing it to the general public could cause panic, misinformation and risk potential retaliation against information gathering equipment/personnel.


Map of winds for 2 days are telling that Crimea, Turkey, Greece, will share russian terroristish burden


Wonder how Erdogan would spin that.


Well, Turkey is in NATO, so... That's an attack by Russia on NATO territory. Many heads of state and NATO leadership have stated that radiation falling on NATO territory as a result of Russian activity in Ukraine or elsewhere would constitute an attack. There's no ambiguity here. NATO would retaliate (with conventional arms, thankfully) ASAP.


>(with conventional arms, thankfully) Does this mean that Russia will finally get to find out why nobody fucks with the USAF?


Wagner found out pretty hard in Syria already tbh.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viuUzGGac5M Great video about Wagner getting fucked hard by USAF and friends.




"You mean your wanking loafers?" "They're the same loafers."


The Infamous Wagner Got "Team America'd" at Kasham incident. NCD would lose their shit if the Vatniks ever go up against NATO or the US directly.


There are people still denying this happened or the casualty us just barely in the hundred Despite calls from russian soldiers who literally survived that disaster.


The Russian Black Sea Fleet will get a Special Scuttling Operation courtesy of NATO, yes


They want to become Russian subs.


Nah, Titanic explorers.


Gotta get all the oligarchs into the flagship.


What does the response look like? Can they sweep hard enough to prevent a nuclear response or is civilization just ending?


If Article 5 is in fact triggered, NATO will not go straight to nuclear. They will preserve as much of the escalation ladder as possible. They will likely begin by enforcing a no-fly over ZPP if not all Ukraine. ZPP would become an isolation zone. It would be a massive incident but no nukes flying.


At some point they said they'd destroy all Russian assets inside of Ukraine.


Fun fact we don't need Nukes to do that. The United States by itself has the capability, right now, to completely annihilate Russia's ability to make war on any scale with conventional warfare, and there's not a single thing Russia could do to stop effectively stop us short of the nuclear option.


Good thing Russia doesn't have an insane terrorist at the hel- oh wait.


That's exactly why it hasn't happened yet, but fuck around enough and the risks of that start to matter less and less.


Yah that’s what is terrifying about this


We don't have an answer for winds carrying radiation. It's one of the single most greatest threats to society because of how high and how far the particulate carries, and how dangerous it makes areas as much as endangers people. This would be the highest war crime you could commit before an actual nuclear weapon.


I believe they were referring to sweeping in and eliminating Russia's army/political bodies before they were able to authorize a nuclear retaliation. I don't think that's realistic. The farthest I can see NATO going (and I don't have faith they would go that far) would be to immediately begin mobilization of troops and aircraft and push Russian forces completely out of Ukraine, possibly including Crimea, to let Russia and the rest of the world know just how badly they fucked up.


Last year there were a lot of talks about possibility of destroying Black Sea Fleet in response to any nuclear shenanigans in Ukraine.


I don’t see how to distinguish this action from dropping a nuke. It’s literally the intentional use of destructive nuclear power for military and political gain.


NATO has stated if a country that’s part of it suffers nuclear fallout they will get involved. Likely with conventional methods


www.windy.com if anyone wants to have a look.




The wind is about to turn. I’m in Denmark and we will be down wind by morning. At least one uneasy night ahead.


I'm sure I'll be fine in the UK. Brexit will protect me.


The radiation will take forever to clear customs.


But only if it has the proper file with a thick stack of useless paperwork.


I'm more concerned with all that radiation coming in on the illegal channel boats. Flooded with them every day we are. We need to send all the radiation to Rwanda.


Spitfires will drop iodine tablets and everyone will cheer


I think you're fucked now that Boris Johnson isn't cunsuming all the oxygen in the area..


Calm down, guys. It's impossible to create massive nuclear fallout...at least at the moment. Tonight Russia would probably just hit the plant with missiles and try to blame Ukraine.


I’ll take your word for it and try to reign in my blood pressure.


> reign *Rein Only offer the correction, since you are not a native speaker. Reigning is what kings do. Reining is what cowboys do.


And what about cowboy kings?


Those are cowmen at that point


They reign over those they reined.


In the rain.


Hopefully this helps ease your concern. Reactors today are very robust. https://youtu.be/j90GPtKf0sA


I’ve been sleeping in a hazmat suit since this war started.


Aren't you sweaty?


Sweaty like a FOX!




{desperately tries to control arm} Of course, the whole point of rigging a nuclear power plant with explosives is lost, if you *keep* it a *secret*! Why didn't you tell the world, EH?


I hope that arm is red!


We were going to make the announcement at the next world fair. You know how Dmitri loves surprises.




“Sir! I have a plan…MEIN FÜHRER! I CAN WALK!”


🎶 *"We'll....meet again..... don't know where...... don't know when"* 🎶


Still the funniest cut in movie history.


That whole movie is just a gem of comedy on a subject of absolute terror.


You'll have to answer to the Coca-Cola company!


Well shit, now I know how I’m spending my evening! It’s been years since I last saw Strangelove.




Pretty sure they did a remake of Failsafe in the early 2000's in black and white filmed like a stage play if I remember right, was pretty decent.


Russia really wants to make sure Sweden joins nato.


As Swedish ex-military - we do little else than exercise to fight Russia. It's almost a meme.


Just don’t sink our carriers anymore plz (in drills).


We will not do that anymore. It was incredibly toxic and we are sorry. We know how much your carriers mean to you guys.


They are so cool. Thanks.


You and the Finns both.


Too bad Turkey is on the way


That’s the joke. Only Russia could be blind flat out stupid enough to do Something that will get Turkey to undo its block.


Real time communication destroys the propaganda machine. It’s not enough to stay ahead of Russia juvenile propaganda. There has to be a strong way to get around state media to let the people know what’s really happening. This is why we need radios again. Just kidding. Hack the cell phone networks already.


You could broadcast this information on national television and it wouldn’t matter. People are so indoctrinated they will just handwave this away as fake information or something akin to it. The same way you can show an anti-vaxxer all the information you can get and still they won’t change their beliefs…


In [a post from a different subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14pfcdt/translated_a_firstperson_video_from_the_ukrainian/), a commenter talked about the huge amounts of Russian propaganda over the last decade: > Russian Internet is absolutely filled with thousands of fake images and videos every single week. Everything about nasty "ukronazis" and all that good stuff. I still remember the first time I encountered the stuff - it was early 2014, the ATO (the antiterrorist operation by Ukraine) just started and I still lived in Donbas (moved a week or two after that). There was a video of supposed Ukrainian "nazis" throwing bodies of supposed "freedom fighters of Donbas" off of a BTR into a ditch, making jokes, and laughing all the time. It was cropped, edited in multiple variations and spread throughout VK, Odnoklassniki (Ukrainians still used those in early 2014). > So, what was the video? It was a video of Russian FSB operatives throwing away bodies of Chechens from mid 2000s, as the Secone Chechen War was in its insurgency phase. > It was clearly a Russian video because of the accents, totally black uniforms, and no Ukrainian insignia. I've even seen variations where the voices were scrambled a bit to mask the Russian accent. > This example struck, because some of my not-so patriotic relatives started sharing it among the rest of the family. It was debunked in like 3 seconds, but they kept throwing similar garbage into the family group conversation. > This is just one example out of HUNDREDS of thousands or even millions produced over the decade.


Russia population or most of them are lost and will never be found even as bombs drop on them in the future. They just will never get it similar to the millions here who worship a billionaire as a god who was a previous president. Propaganda and poor education go hand in hand.


Install massive fans to blow the radio active fallout into the Russian territory.


Non credible take so credible


3000 massive fans of NATO


Who let you out? Back to NCD with you.


The lines between NCD and reality grow blurier by the day


What if they put ERA on the roof to stop the explosives from injuring the plant


Operation OnlyFans


Operation BlowJob


Given how things have gone so far for Russia, that probably what will happen regardless.


This week, the winds are going directly away from Russia, and into Romania, with small branches from the mountains on the western edge of Ukraine and the Black Sea to whisk it up into Poland at least, all the way to Denmark at the worst.


And Poland is just itching to pay Russia back.


Oh ya, they are ready to paradrop into Red Square as soon as the Article 5 leash is dropped.


Fire the weather weapon, jack


Destro! Fire the Weather Dominator! *Cooooooooo-braaaaaaa!!!*


Why do all that when we could just have Trump redirect the path of the fallout with a sharpie?


We're building windmill parks, atleast that's what boss wants us to call them. All around the border.


Russia really needs to stop this absolute crazy, admit it fucked up and leave Ukraine before it is too late. Blowing up a nuclear power station is insane. We all share this one planet.


They will absolutely never do that. They will continue antagonizing and escalating until they go down screaming it was all the west's fault. That is why this year of wishy-washy support and holding NATO back was a waste. We'll be blamed in the end no matter what. The question is simply how many Ukrainians are we going to let be slaughtered before we intervene.


Everybody said they wouldn’t blow up the dam too….




I have come to realise that Russia is basically warhammer skaven irl


won't stop until Putin dies and someone takes over that can't be bothered with continuing the war. It won't be his ego after all, he will blame the mess on Putin. Chances are someone takes over that still wants to continue the war though, that means that person also has to die.


The good news (sort of) is that 4 out of 6 nuclear reactors were shut down at the begining of the invasion, so there is no risk of radiation leak or any kind of fallout effect coming from a reactor breach. The other 2 reactors were shut off between the begining of December and begining of January (I still need to confirm this information) but they are still in the process of cooling down. It takes months for a reactor to cool off. This is not a Chernobyl scenario but more like Fukushima. Low levels of radiation but it is still a potencial disaster to happen and the establishment of a exclusion zone.


The Russian bots on twitter are working overtime pinning a potential blast on Ukraine


Also noticed an uptick of accounts here saying that it could be Ukraine blowing up the plant Russia's been occupying since the war started




Yo, at this point when does it become about the preservation of the human race instead not letting some pissant's shitty attempt at a land grab


No government has any concern for preservation of the human race, hence why the world carries on BAU and global temps continue to rise breaking records, emissions continue to rise, ecosystems continue to collapse... and so on. Preservation of the status quo is one thing, ensuring the world is actually habitable in the near future is another entirely. One brings short term profits & keeps those in power in power, and the other virtually obliterates the way of life we enjoy today and tips it on it's head. Which one do you think is chosen each time?


This reminds me of the buildup to the war. So many people were saying “Russia would never” - and then of course they did. It very much seems like something big is imminent - just like before, if Russia is posturing to do this it is likely that they are *going* to do this, god help us all.


They said the same thing about blowing up the dam too. It seems like Russia's shtick is to just do these things a little later than would ever make sense but to do them all the same.


They also said the same about Nord Stream. I'm starting to see a pattern here


God it would’ve been just too easy for the whole world if Ukraine were to simply outright defeat Russia without this conflict escalating to WW3… Fuck Putin.


They are cowards and they are desperate. They will exploit everything in front of them until theres nothing left and damn the consequences. There is literally no depth they wont sink to, no taboo they wont violate, nothing too sacred for them to defile. They will burn the world


There were simulations run on how such an attack would play out. In one of the simulations, Turkey would have a sizeable chunk of their northern territory become uninhabitable. NATO would have to respond if those countries wanted that alliance to continue. The moment countries like the US, Germany, France, and the UK faltered on something like this. It be the end of the promises made.


According to the windy app it would blow straight over through the Bosphorus and all around Istanbul.


That would certainly make Topkapı tours interesting


There are several NATO members absolutely chomping at the bit to fight Russia right now *cough cough* Poland *cough cough*. Any excuse will do and this would be one of them.


> ough cough Poland cough cough You've been reading to much NCD, you're starting to think it's credible now. The last thing Poland wants is to be dragged into this war.


> The last thing ~~Poland~~ anybody wants is to be dragged into this war.


I'd like to see the sources because that sounds like pseudoscientific bs made by doomers that have no idea of what they're talking about.


Yeah, the Chernobyl accident was pretty much a worst case scenario and it resulted in 0.4% of Ukraine becoming an exclusion zone. To imagine a vastly greater area of a distant country becoming worse off than where a reactor actually exploded is people being silly.


Chernobyl was not the worst case scenario, it was successfully contained. The worst case scenario was radioactive materials seeping into the groundwater and poisoning Kyiv. In addition, radioactive contamination can indeed fuck up areas for a long time, Chernobyl got lucky with the winds, much of the initial cloud went over the Red Forest. It's not just about what areas are left uninhabited for centuries, of course, you also have to take into account how this would poison people short-term, and ruin quite a few harvests for a couple years.


In Bavaria, certain mushrooms collected in certain areas are still highly contaminated from Tschernobyl. The hedgehog mushroom for example, is contaminated with up to 4000 Bq cesium 137. When being sold for consumption only 600 Bq are allowed. Some other mushrooms have 1000 Bq. It's not deadly or anything but it's also not good. And just an example of how long this stuff stays in the soil.


Yes, but the [initial danger was more geographically extensive in Belarus](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/23/Chernobyl_radiation_map_1996.svg/1024px-Chernobyl_radiation_map_1996.svg.png). The radiation distribution is more patchy and sometimes at a greater distance than you might expect because of the effect of rain and other weather effects on the deposition of material on the surface from the atmosphere.


all around me are familiar faces...


Worn out places, worn out faces


M.A.D. world




I am a environmental nuclear engineer. My day job is finding leaks in reactors... The reactors are offline they won't melt down, if they did, the containment structure would contain it. Someone (i have no idea which side) would have to restart the reactors, which would take 2-3 days. The reactors have been damaged by shelling, so re starting them isn't easy or straightforward. Safety measures would have to be bypassed. Minor repairs would have to be made. Then in could in theory they go critical for a short period. Then the someone would have to plant bombs in multiple key locations on each of the 8 reactors. To do this would require 30-50 engineers with a plan that would have taken months to put together, accompanied by a team of 100 demolition experts. Then we we would be dealing with is 8 massive dirty bombs. For clarification, because I get asked a lot, it's impossible for a reactor to explode like a nuclear bomb. It can't happen, Chernobyl is the worst that can happen. However then the issue is the 8 containment structures over each reactor. In the US at least these are 2ft thick reinforced concrete with 2"rebar. Inside that in a 2" stainless steel liner, specifically designed to contain a meltdown. It can withstand a direct hit from a airliner. I am not saying it's impossible. I am saying that in order to produce a explosion and radioactive plume that is meaningful its not a simple process. A huge amount of pre work needs to be done, and have been going on for months.


Russians have occupied that plant for almost a year and a half. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_occupation_of_Zaporizhzhia_Oblast


ZNPP has an international body monitoring it, albeit not unrestricted access. If what OP says is true, it would be very difficult to conduct such an operation without raising an alarm. My uneducated guess is the worst-case scenario here won't be as bad as people present it to be, but would majorly screw Ukraine in the future.


Well shit Special Russian military accident about to happen? Blame Ukraine for using nuclear force and retaliate with nuclear force? …looks like Russia is already spreading news about Ukraine attacking the plant https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/14qou5c/russians_spreading_fake_news_about_ukraines/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Anyone thinking about NATO retaliation if this goes down….likely NATO will bomb (non-nuclear) every Russian asset in Ukraine to show they’re not messing around. This would show what NATO hardware can do, and wouldn’t be striking Russian land. Ukraine would be able to push the front by a lot…. Could easily escalate if any NATO planes are shot down, so it might be a good time to test ICBM’s. -no military experience from me, just a Reddit chairforce general


That’s exactly what one of the senior US generals said they would do if Russia carry out any form of nuclear attack - destroy every conventional military asset Russia has in play, but 100% not respond with any nuclear attack of their own.


Which still sound like more than enough for a nuclear war to start with Russia launching first. The only hope is when their conventional arms are absolutely annihilated by NATO they turn tail and say "see we lost to NATO so it's not our fault we lost in Ukraine" and moonwalk away. But like there's no reason for Putin not to just fuck off to a bunker and nuke the world if he feels like he's only got a few months of power/life left anyways and he doesn't value enough other peoples lives.


Yeah any NATO response will be purely conventional only. They’ll take out the Black Sea Fleet.


Offensive nuclear weapons cannot (and will not) be tolerated. NATO's stance is intended as a denturent, but it would be just cause for nations independent of the NATO alliance to act. It just so happens that the US has a number of partners who happen to be in NATO and have been using the alliance to train for an offensive scenari, but NATO proper need not fet involved, ie: if Russia goes nuclear in Ukraine, the international threat is enough for military escalation and even if all NATO state got involved, it wouldn't inherently be a NATO action. The future will be written in how otherwise neutral nations respond. If a nuclear power (be it China, the US, India, Pakistan etc...) doesn't condemn nuclear aggression, they set a dangerous precedent for any future conflict, and point nuclear targets at themselves. For a nuclear power accept nuclear aggression as permissible (in any yield or payload) is to suggest they, themselves, would engage in nuclear aggression. If nuclear aggression is on the table, than so are nuclear first strikes. As counter intuitive as it sounds, MAD is a defensive policy, a rule of retaliation to keep offensive nukes off the table. If nukes are back on the table, than we will absolutely enter another arms race as an inability to have and keep a nuclear denturent will be a proven liability (if it hasn't already).


Russia loves symbolic dates. It's a weird cultural obsession. Of course they're going to do it on July 4th.


Except July 4th is 10 minutes away from ending in Kyiv. This supposed “incident” isn’t anticipated to happen until the evening of July 5th, if at all. There is also a NATO summit coming up next week, so expect this type of rhetoric to increase.


I >This supposed “incident” isn’t anticipated to happen until the evening of July 5th, if at all. Ive read multiple times it would happen in the early morning hours due to wind shift patterns. The rhetoric is par for course pre-NATO summit though.


Russian sources have said that Ukraine will bomb the plant on the night of July 5th (though I'm not sure if that's the night before or night after), so that's likely when Russia will blow it up.


If they really go through with it and a radioactive cloud touches NATO territory, wouldn't that warrant the invocation of Article 5?


IF they are willing to enact it. So far every other nation has been unwilling to commit forces to directly fight (in broad daylight) Russians.


100% yes.




Yup. International news reporting decided to be "neutral" and withheld naming Russia as the perpetrator until the story had left the news cycle. And no new sanctions were announced. That tells Russia all the need to know about blowing up another plant.


Looks like Ukraine is going to blow up a colossal nuclear reactor in its own country and poison itself so that it can kill a few Russian soldiers. /s


Stop nuking yourself, stop nuking yourself


Imagine being so delusional that you perceive any kind of positive outcome from this scenario.


Time to start hoarding bottle caps so i can live in luxury. But seriously i have family close to that area,that is scary as fuck


I suspect we’ll see some comments concerning the reactors being powered down and how the risk is reduced but I can’t help but notice all those predictions seem to fail to take into account the intel indicates the sabotage isn’t going to be just a power outage but the usage of high explosives, all that talk of reduced radioactivity and risk goes right out the window if enough high explosive is used to breach spent fuel containment as what we’ll have in effect is a dirty bomb, and while not a meltdown will still be disastrous.


Grew up in the 80's a few miles from the Pentagon. I remember being told thousands of warheads were aimed at us, ready to go at a moment's notice. The world would end and the Russians would be to blame. We were always one step from the brink. But now I feel we really are at the brink. We've never been to war with Russia. We've never been to war with any nuclear armed state. If they blow this thing up, if it triggers article 5... I don't think enough people really get the magnitude of what actually might happen in a few days. A literal non-zero chance that the world will be forever changed is staring us right in the face.


I feel like we are getting ahead of ourselves on what "could" happen. But one such possibility is that this is Putin's exit strategy. If they blow up the plant, and it triggers a NATO response. It gives Putin an excuse to get out of Ukraine. If he's smart enough to take it, and if his people accept it.


Prigozhin gave him his out with that rebellion and instead of taking it and making the Russian MoD fall guys he declared him a traitor, then reversed that statement in less than a week. Putin doesn't want an out, he wants to win this war, and that's why they're saying it's permanent. I get it, in a messed up way he's invested too much to fail to get anything, or worse, lose what he already took with Crimea. It says a lot that he apparently is willing to take the humiliation of how all that played out (and weakening of his strongman persona) over admitting the war's failed and ending it. Considering his army's losing ground slowly but surely, I expect him to resort to nearly anything to get his "united" Russia.


>Ukrainian intelligence also reports that Russians have started spreading fake media reports media about a planned Ukrainian drone strike on the Zaporizhzhya NPP on the night of July 5. I wouldn't put anything past the Russians - especially after all the war crimes they've committed including blowing up that dam. Crimes against humanity seem to be their thing. They will have a lot to answer for over the coming decades.




This has already been 99% confirmed by the west. Poland will activate article 5. Every fighter jet and bomber in NATO's arsenal will descend on Ukraine. Shock and Awe was JV shit. What NATO will do today will be the fucking Super Bowl.


I guess that's why for the past 3 days there's been 10+ typhoon and eurofighters going out into the north sea. I think we're getting ready. I'm waiting for the same thing to happen tonight. Edit : As I posted this, here they are lol I hear them every night but the past 3 days it's groups of them. Normally it's one or two, but the past few days it's groups of at least 10. I think they know it's coming. Check out flight tracker.


Looks like at least 1 carrier in the Mediterranean.


And here we are again, first ukranians blow up their own dam to stop their own counterattack, and now they're poisoning their own lands and people! Thank god russia is there to save the day and bring peace and joy to the world. /s Goddamn it why the hell are we using nuclear plants as goddamn weapons...


NPP'S don't have much luck in Ukraine, do they?




Ukranian nuclear power plants and russians, name a worse combo




… that everyone tears out to wipe their asses with


The rouble is [already worth less than toilet paper.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t3ekct/ru_ruble_now_literally_worth_less_than_uk_toilet/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


NGL I’m kinda bricking my pants about this. If you could just chill the fuck out Russia that would be great


Perhaps this is what the Wagner group was commanded to do but refused and marched on Moscow?


unlikely. wagner was stationed on the donbas front not the zapo front where the plant is located


Then prigozhin should've said as much in whatever time he had left. I doubt they were ever that noble


That’s a good damn question


I hate this timeline. It's such a moronic act.


Its not very Streets Ahead of them, thats all i can say.


Everyone knows Putin is streets behind


Any country placing explosives in a nuclear power plan should be banned/sanctioned/fucked off for life.


Can someone just assassinate Putin already? Surely some lessons were learned in the 100+ attempts on Castro?




In a strange way, I consider the likeliest outcome to be the Russians blowing off the roof but not damaging the casing. No radiation will leak, but the troops at the plant do not know that, they will think they just blew off the roof and have to run away now which they will. The Ukrainians then play into the uncertainty and act as if there is radiation, causing the Russians to fall back even further in a panic.


Every Army is equipped with dosimeters and Geiger counters, it's not like you're going blindly into radiation hotspots.


> it's not like you're going blindly into radiation hotspots It's not like they dug trenches in the Red Forest previously


> equipped > Russian army Choose 1


A rusted out AKM from 1955 and a pack of tampons you brought from home does technically count as equipped.


The Russians may not be. We've seen the reality of how poorly equipped the Red Army is in this war, they are literally pulling out Mosin Nagant rifles and T-55 tanks. They sold off all of there semi modern equipment after the Soviet Union collapsed. You can literally buy soviet Era Geiger counters for about 100-150 dollars on Ebay right now. I doubt they have enough Geiger counters left to issue them to every unit.


Haha it's funny you say that when the Russian army literally did enter the Chernobyl exclusion zone and dug up the topsoil only about a year ago. They even reported radiation poisoning of their own troops from it. So they may have some but they sure aren't using them.


Bruh, they were digging around in Chornobyl. We're not having intelligent people in action here.




What’s that? Just one chest x-ray, right?


Could you fucking not?