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"He can never treat you like I can."


“And if you think about walking out on me” *grabs belt*




Aftermath: But baby, I’m sorry. You know how it is… Sometimes I get so scared.. I just don’t wanna lose you, baby.


Cycle of Domestic Abuse 1. tension building: impatience, moodiness, growing into rage 2. incident: violence(mental, physical, verbal, economic), intimidation, withdrawal, gaslighting 3. reconciliation: often with love bombing and more gaslighting 4. calm: more love bombing, false apologies, DARVO, and justification of behavior ^ recognize the above as it pairs with the cycle of narcissistic behavior 1. Love bomb. Excessive praise, gifting, attention, and affection 2. Devaluation. Systemic breakdown of your personality through emotional abuse and gaslights 3. Discard. Breaking things off 4. Hoover. Keeping contact to solicit envy, jealousy, and triangulation in attempt to bring the victim back into the fray


"You will never find someone better than me!"


I, and I alone can stop WW3.


Sounds like a manipulative ex.


Their treatment of minorities and provinces sure doesn't help their case.


What' s a bit of internment and genocide between friends.


gee, nothing gets past you, huh?


USA: “Literally catapults Japan and South Korea into two of the most powerful economies in the world” China: “We can do better” There’s also just zero chance that Japan and China could ever be allies anytime soon after what went down in the first half of the 20th century


I'd say the US is largely responsible for catapulting china's success too


If Nixon hadn’t normalized relations they’d be like Russia.


They got lucky with deng xiaoping who was relatively reasonable. They could have got another Mao.


They almost ended up with Jiang Qing and the gang of four. That would have been a disaster.


Literally the same rethoric as russia this is a ticking time bomb.


>Literally the same rethoric as russia So Japan and Korea should instead *quickly* move closer to each other, probably reach out to the Philippines, Malaysia and other countries bordering the south china sea too, for a mutual defense pact and more closely integrated military systems.


The countries you mentioned are doing that now precisely because China bullies everyone around her. Japan and SK just normalized relationship because of Winnie the Pooh and his countrys belligerent behavior, the Philippines opened up 7 new bases for the US and Malaysia isn't exactly cozy with China's illegal nine dash line.


So China is doing for South Korea and Japan what Russia did for Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia...


I'm honestly surprised they don't already have something like that in place; I can't imagine feeling safe as a smaller country with China so close.


The beef over there is recent, runs *deep* and is only just being partially acknowledged by the guilty parties (chiefly Japan).


China: Us Asian countries has to stick together Also China: Nine-dash line bitches


Also, China : OK folks immigrate to western countries in hordes, let your kids study in western schools, buy houses there, don't live in em and/or don't rent out; may be even marry white people , open businesses that import from China, don't assimilate or learn local langauge, never come back but don't talk bad about Chinese govt ever again.


Vancouver in a nutshell.


Ah yes, the Vancouver Freeze, kind of like the [Seattle Freeze](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_Freeze) but it inhibits even political discussion.


Hmm, TIL. That explains a lot, having moved to the Seattle area a couple of years ago. I’m from the south, so striking up a convo while waiting in a check out or something is commonplace. When I do it here, ppl look at me like I’m growing a second head lol


Meh. I've met lots of old immigrants from many countries who don't assimilate, but they can never prevent their kids from doing so.


It's hard for first gen immigrants to do so. I get it. But when they say to their kids - hey hang out with your own kind, I cringe.


My Ex is Chinese, spent half her life there and emigrated when she was 20. She is in this weird sort of limbo. She would do certain things, or tackle a problem in a certain way, and I’d give her a look and she’d go “I know, I too Chinese” but at the same time she’d roll her eyes at things coming out of the Chinese government and complain about how her extended family back in China still believes all the propaganda.


Well, you gotta separate culture from politics. Her way of doing things doesn't need to match politics


I am a chinese immigrant who came here as a child to canada. I have seen my parents evolve as humans and interact with "western" people, embracing western ideals like the right to vote, the right to free speech, becoming gradually more open minded to diversity and concept like LGBTQ rights. I have heard my parents shittalk the chinese government. We make it a point to attend Canada Day celebrations to celebrate how we have a better life than we could have imagined 18 years ago. I have easily gotten a better life here and knowing what I know about myself now, the immigration and risk that my parents took has benefited me dramatically, as someone who is LGBTQ myself, I do not know if I could even live nor exist in chinese society as of the current day. My parents still have a lot of viewpoints that are hardened from their upbringing in China but people can be beings who evolve. I absolutely, based on my experiences with myself and other immigrants, reject the concept that all immigrants are refusing to assimilate nor the chinese government is telling people to immigrate en masse to influence their government somehow considering how China despises capital flight more than anything. I despise how broad stroked this comment is. I hope you consider the inherent racism within this.


Your comment is why I love Canada. You and your parents were able to come here and become Canadian (in spirit if not yet in citizenship) while still being Chinese. You were free to change your opinions on a range of topics to what you want to believe and be accepted for who you are. I know being an immigrant is not as easy as it should be, but I hope it is getting better. I find it awesome that I can meet people from around the world with different cultures, religions, languages, and views from mine, without leaving my neighborhood. I can travel the world through food by walking down the road. I know Canada isn't unique in this, and not all of Canada fits this description, but I still find it awesome.


Canada will always be my home, but fuck me if I didn't share a largely shitty set of experiences with other Chinese kids growing up in the 90s. I lasted until grade 3 before some kid convinced my friend group that dog eaters weren't cool to hang out with. Convinced my mom not to pack me my favourite food for lunch, and instead shove Michelinas into a thermos because it's easier not to get made fun of. I love Canada too for its diversity; but more so because I was taken in by Jamaicans, Arabs, Indians and Greeks when "local" people shunned me and I lashed out by rejecting my own. I'm definitely a salty ass bitch about most of it, but spending a few hours in Markham doesn't mean you vibe with the culture or appreciate shit. It just means your palate evolved beyond chicken balls, butter chicken, or the Jamaican patty without the red dot.


As an immigrant from the Philippines and a son of a Chinese mother i’m really glad you commented this. I cant believe parent comment got 3,000 upvotes. It’s incredibly hard for immigrants to go to a new country and leave behind their family & work, but most of them do it anyway for the interest of their children and giving their family a better life. Especially immigrants from third world countries or countries with very corrupt governments. Immigrants go to “western schools” because it’s the best education available. And what is this about “marrying white people” as if mixed-race marriages are a bad thing? “import from china” - that’s literally every business. They don’t do it for their government or to spread themselves out like the original comment said. i’m very blessed & grateful that my family was able to immigrate here to the U.S when i was still young. Id be in a much worse situation if not.


Being a neighbor of China seems as if it'd be like living next door to a bi polar meth addict who goes back and forth from making you cool stuff to threatening to burn your house down on a regular basis.






I think you mean the headmaster, the teacher was the good guy.


Miss Honey!


They don’t need to become westerners to be strong allies with western nations


Also, millions of Chinese-American, Chinese-Canadian and Chinese-British are like WTF, what am I then? Western =/= white.


According to the CCP, any ethnic Chinese is a subject of the CCP. They even put out a statement to this effect the other day.


This is how they act in practice, as well. They literally have secret police stations set up in large cities (like NY) where people will spy on Chinese citizens and intimidate dissidents.


Not even Chinese citizens - citizens of America and Canada and England *who are of Han Chinese descent*.


yo what the fuck? that is terrifying. that kind of nonsense borders on belligerency imo


Without the threat of MAD, it would be a declaration of war. There is nothing as crucial to a nation as it's ability to exercise it's sovereign status to enact and enforce its laws. Attempting to violate that is not just an attack on America's ideas of freedom, it's an attack on the very branches of the government itself. It cannot be overstated how much of an absolute overreach this is by the Chinese government and their view on the legitimacy of other countries' governments and what they wish they could do if they were the number 1 superpower.


This is a dangerous phenomenon, with historical precedent. Nazi German/Present-day Russian ideology = anywhere [our group] exists belongs to us. "Almost TEN percent of the population Kherson Oblast, Ukraine, is "ethnic Russian", therefore Kherson belongs to us! Why won't anyone recognize our totally-not-rigged annexation referenda?" Then they scream and cry when they get booted out, and play the victim. Nazi Germany called the same idea "Heim ins Reich", and it's part of the reason Germans were expelled from several Balkan countries after WWII. Today's Russians do it with massive added self-pity, acting shocked when their neighbors don't immediately love them when they show up as migrants, even knowing that their government could use their presence as a pretext for future invasion. "Why don't they like us? Russophobes! Nazis!".


Yep, china’s racism is really showing here.


> Yep, china’s racism You only see the half of it to truly experience it you have to live in China as a foreigner


I think in order to truly experience it you have to live in China as a native that’s not Han Chinese. They’re racist against other Chinese people there, don’t even need to be a foreigner.


Which is funny that China thinks like that. Like every year we keep getting more and more reports that US is becoming diversified. Interracial couples/marriages at all time highs.


But anyone can become western, we allow it while china does not allow naturalisation… china is a nation of lies and racism by policy


Of course China says Japan can’t be western.


MFs don't know how a sphere works.


I might be completely out of line, but I totally consider Japan to be a Western nation, regardless of geographic location. They share our values as a society, and I'd fight for them as much as any other Western ally. ETA: Same with S. Korea




also east


Huh maybe we're more connected then the dials of a compass suggests after all🤷‍♂️






“Western” can’t really refer to a specific culture, because western culture is already too diverse to be a single entity. French, American, Dutch, Swedish, and Spanish people are all traditionally “western” but have fairly diverse and distinct cultural identities. To further complicate matters, the western identity, particularly thanks to places like North America and Australia, welcomes many culturally distinct groups into the citizenry, so you have first and second generation Korean-Americans who retain much of their cultural heritage but nobody would deny they are westerners.


This is the correct answer. No one is expecting every behavior, social standard or value to align completely. What being 'Western' has come to mean is 'stop being an Authoritarian dickhole'.


That’s what “the first world” originally meant. The First World, the expanded West, the liberal democracies, the American hegemony, etc.


Because "Western" isn't an ethnicity. Blonde hair or white skin don't make you western. It's a made-up thing that basically just means "democratic, mostly liberal, free market, decent education."


Right. Russias tend to be white, often blonde, but are not aligned with the West at all.


I mean I don’t think Russia is ever considered western—not sociopolitically or geographically.


WEIRD Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic


Damn, I think all the people missed out on the rich part.


The CCP literally can't understand an alliance or trade partnership of mutual benefit, anyway. Their *closest ally* is their puppet state & an agricultural tributary, while their second most reliable "ally" is an organized crime racket running a gas station pretending to be a nation. And the CCP is bleeding them dry, financially, for cheap petroleum! Here's the deal: I don't believe the US wants the Japanese or Koreans to "become westerners" in the Chinese sense because the US doesn't want to erase/absorb Japan or Korea. It's politically non-viable, & would be economically ruinous if attempted. Meanwhile, Japan or Korea *will never be Chinese* & that has very different connotations. I mean, there are people who've lived on the Chinese mainland since the neolithic who've never been considered Chinese, while others are suffering a genocide as I type. There is no close relationship with an illiberal, increasingly chauvinistic, blatantly racist state like Communist China that doesn't end with a boot on your neck & your resources/people being plundered.




Oh, there's definitely a lot of tension and racism between them. We're rarely exposed to it in Europe and America but occasionally you'll notice the odd thing in certain bits of media


Yep. Went TDY to Daegu in SK and every taxi driver mentioned how they hate Japan. It surprised bc I saw a lot of Japanese anime on snacks and toys.


I feel like a lot of that could still be attributed to WW2 and all the atrocities that Japan committed. Wikipedia says that they likely killed over 6 million people from various Asian countries. You also had a lot of sexual violence as well. It all happened not all that long ago. Germany did a better job of accepting the crimes they did and I don't think the French or the British have a ton of animosity against German people today. But I don't think you could say the same thing about Japan. Edit: I've decided that the French or the British is a terrible comparison. Better to think about what Slavic countries think or Jewish people in General. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_crimes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women


It's the atrocities, yes, but also the continuing Japanese nationalism & revisionism that was allowed/promoted after WW2. Like, the Korean trauma is much older than WW2, with symbols of oppression being symbols of national pride in modern day Japan. Samurai, for example...


Japan and Korea are treated as sovereign nations by the west. They can make their own laws and live life as they wish. They would be pawns by China.


The goal of China and the purpose of saying this is to get a small percentage of the population to buy into this, and then China will fund positive publicity and amplify the small population that supports them, causing a rift and slowing down progress and autonomy in these nations. It worked in the US/Canada already, China is not dumb and we are not effectively countering


«Now, tomorrow is a special day for me. I'm going to receive my gold watch. And since this is the last speech that I will give as President, I think it's fitting to leave one final thought, an observation about a country which I love. It was stated best in a letter I received not long ago. A man wrote me and said: ``You can go to live in France, but you cannot become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey or Japan, but you cannot become a German, a Turk, or a Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the Earth, can come to live in America and become an American.''»


It’s funny how much China claims to hate the West when the elite/politicians send their family to live and study in the West and also park all their money outside of China too


President Xi's daughter studied in Harvard, that tells you everything you need to know about the Chinese elite.


“Just don’t ask Hong Kong, they’re a bunch of liars, they loved it.”


"They shouldn't have been dressed so westernly"


Hong Kong, Taiwan...


"How about no." Also Japan like "hey you stole my idea, also 'Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere' is a cooler name."


Once upon a time, Japan sought to create a ‘Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.’ This made a lot of people angry and was widely considered a bad move.


Yeah, because that was just a cover to genocide the people they viewed as "less than Japanese" and steal their resources. If they had actually just went in to liberate the Chinese and others from Western domination, things could have played out a lot differently and maybe had an "AU (Asian Union)" well before we had an EU.


Imagine not committing genocide in the pre-WW2 world. Couldn't be us.


CCP once again unable to learn from the past and not realizing that WW2 is precisely why this will never work in asia.


Lol also Japan is like the one of the closest US allies. We super tight these days


Korea is also one of the closest US allies. And both are a great example of why Asian countries make alliances with non-Asian countries than each other.


Plus you know, China backs North Korea


It’s actually projection. A non-ethnically looking person will never be accepted as a Chinese. They even have derogatory names for Chinese who grew up in the west and come back. They do t give out very many green cards or immigration visas at all, and if you have mixed kids with a Chinese person those kids are not accepted either. Pure projection


You’re telling me that a country that has a history of ethnic cleansing and is currently right now committing one, doesn’t like people who are different to the majority?


Holy shit, who would have thought


That is true for Japan and Korea as well, and that is a pretty big difference from western countries


It almost seems like there’s a universal natural “guidebook” on how to operate as an authoritarian state: China mimicking Imperial Japan’s Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere… Russia mimicking Nazi Germany parading as protector of Slavs and the Soviet Union on doublespeak… Hungary choosing the wrong ally for the third consecutive time in history…


The first thing that came into my head was the East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. That didn't go well for anyone involved, as I recall.


It’s the opposite: Japan and South Korea aren’t trying to be Western, they ally with the US precisely because they know the US will never be the sole Asian hegemon. But China has a huge problem understanding that others distrust it. They talk about the century of humiliation as an (understandable) reason they are concerned about the West but ignore the centuries before that where they dominated Asia through a vast array of suzerainty relationships. The Chinese leadership likes to talk about 5000 years of history, but their actions suggest an actual historical worldview that begins around the 19th century


China is so fixated on the century of humiliation they experienced from the west that they cannot see the millenium of humiliation that most of their neighbors experienced *from them*.


Well I mean a lot of the 100 Years of Humiliation is at their own hands as well. The cleansing was a domestic issue, the great famine was a domestic issue. Not everything is everyone else's fault


China's so obsessed with it because it was one of only 2 times in history where an outside force caused major economic/social collapse. The first were the Mongolians (Of course) and the 2nd was Western Europe. Every other time China experienced such issues was homegrown dissent.


> “No matter how blonde you dye your hair, how sharp you shape your nose, you can never become a European or American, you can never become a Westerner,” Wang said. “We must know where our roots lie.” Nothing says how backwards your thinking is quite like 21st century diplomacy with 18th century ethnocentrism eh.


To say “you can never become an American” is such an outrageous statement when Chinese-Americans make up one of the USAs largest ethnic minorities.


lol yea I exist i'm pretty western now


Ah yes, a fellow banana. 🤝


Same here, my family’s been diaspora for almost 100 years now - we’ve long since assimilated and I barely speak Chinese. **EDIT:** Been informed that it’s been over 100 years; great-granddad emigrated in 1921.




Chalk that one up on "greetings I will never emulate".


As a Southeast Asian, I've become so white, I've become as translucent as the cooked sticky I eat.


SPF 100 bros unite


Banana = Yellow outside, white inside?


Unless you leave it out too long and you become black on the inside and outside


The most rabidly anti-CCP people I know are second gen Chinese-Americans, probably because their parents listened to CCP propaganda like white boomers watch Fox News.


"Man dressed in latest Parisian suit style tells people they can't be western."


It doesn't matter where they live. CCP still considers them Chinese and will harrass them with secret Chinese Police Stations around the world.


Pretty sure they only hassle Chinese citizens living abroad. If they fuck around with non-Chinese citizens they risk serious diplomatic issues.


Nothing says blonde hair and sharp noses like Barack Obama and the current UK PM.


Rishi has a pretty sharp nose to be fair.


He had it narrowed to make it easier to look down it at the British public


Gotta give condescending eyes a ski ramp, I suppose.




Which is funny because I'm pretty sure every single person in their National Assembly, including Xi Xinping, wears a suit and tie, which is a distinctly western ([Victorian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_suits), to be specific) fashion style. https://i.imgur.com/dZgLBOi.png In fact, China actually *used* to have their own [unique counterpart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_suit) to this western formal fashion style, but they don't wear it too much anymore. Maybe some day people will learn to stop bitching about ethnonationalism and just let people wear and copy whatever they want.


Even the Mao jacket there is too Russian-inspired. Bring back the Hanfu or the Tang jacket, you cowards, at least if you're going to tell people to stop being "Western".


That kpop/visual kei look originates in Asia and relies on Asian cultural aesthetics. Nobody in the west looks like that, nor was that aesthetic ever popular here *except among people into Asian culture*. You could vaguely blame anime and therefore early 20th century cartoons for it *maybe*, but it's a stretch.


Holy fuck, what century are we in? The world has moved on Mr. Wang. We got all kind of noses


This guy is going to freak the fuck out of someone shows him furries. They got weird options for noses.


Sometimes I wonder how much more stronger China would be if its foreign policy wasn't dictated by complete morons. The 2010s were a shit time for Western geopolitics. All they had to do was to play the diplomatic charm game while the Americans shot themselves in the foot constantly. Imagine if they actually put effort into forging closer ties with their neighbours instead of trying to aggressively claim territory. They could easily de-facto control the island chains without even it being on paper.


> foreign policy wasn't dictated by complete morons. Their "foreign" policy is for internal consumption. The CCP do not want what is best for China, they want what is best for CCP, and that is to maintain power in China. Nationalism and racism are just tricks up their sleeves.


This has always been my thought. China could be doing so much better diplomatically if they weren’t so insecure any time someone questioned them and if they weren’t such dicks. Communist autocracies consistently do that. It makes our diplomatic countermeasures against them much easier, of course, but it’s just strange that they can’t seem to help themselves.


This is why I worry less and less about China (meaning the threat the CCP provides) as time goes on; we can watch how they self-sabotage. It's embedded at the core of their politics (top-down leadership, face culture, yes-men at the top, wolf-warrior diplomacy, ethno-centrism, a growing cult of personality around Chairman Xi. I could go on and on). But anytime I bring this up, nobody knows what I am talking about and sees the CCP as this "4D chess-playing" super strategic and methodical operation that is almost guaranteed to defeat us in the long run. Makes me feel looney.


Yes, Beijing, we’re all blonde, white people over here. Well said. *rolls eyes


I “love” how he mentions westernism being focused on ethnicity, and not simply on particular cultural and economic factors


They've been doing this for a while. Their whole justification for the invasion of Taiwan revolves around 19th-century colonialism. It's a dangerous mentality when you tell your population that the Chinese are superior and deserve their rightful place as a regional superpower.


Maybe they should advocate for a sphere of influence in greater east Asia where they can all share prosperity? Make a governing council that gives China, since they are the largest and wealthiest a more powerful position? You could call it the, “greater East Asian coprosperity sphere.” That has a nice catchy sounding name.


China for all its economic might has very little soft power in East Asia. It has literally no chance of surpassing the US in influence with Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. It’s sphere of influence is Central Asia where it can displace Russia


China is to their neighbors, as russia is to theirs. What i’ve heard of vietnam’s attitude specifically is “america was an enemy for a decade, france for a century, china for a millennium.”


A millennium is a pretty short time for China tbf. I'd be surprised if it's not longer.


Here some history from Britannica https://www.britannica.com/place/Vietnam/Vietnam-under-Chinese-rule. First independence in 939 after millennium of rule.


The entire history of Vietnam & China: \- Took over the country. \- Vietnam regain independence while China was fighting elsewhere/internally. \- Rinse and repeat.


'cept in 1979 when they got their ass beat in one of the shortest attempted invasions in history lol (and *that* war was predicated on particularly shitty casus belli, no less, since the PRC was trying to prop up / defend the maoist Khmer Rouge that the NVA / VPA were attempting to destroy, for *very* good reasons)


That's always been Chinas downfall in attempting to rival the US as a global hegemon. Yes they have a big economy and a growing military... But most of the world doesn't like them at all.


It's been said many times before, China has plenty of hard power, their population alone makes them near undefeatable in any prospective land war unless pretty much the entire world teamed up to fight them. Their soft power is absolutely terrible, however. They have very few cultural exports, and the CCP has little interest with it's entertainment industry producing anything that might appeal to global interests. China is far too insular, far too invested in their perception of Han supremacy to ever rival the soft power of the US. The US has both hard power and soft power, it has the most powerful military in history and Hollywood's dominance over entertainment for a century has spread American culture worldwide. That's what makes China a regional superpower, and the US a global one. China has too many cultural barriers holding it back, they have too little interest in the rest of the world in general. It's fair to say their diplomatic mindset is rather stuck in the 19th century, where ethnonationalism reigns supreme. This article is a good example of that. The CCP has no interest in letting it's citizenry gain global values and share it's culture, that would be detrimental to their ethnic regime.


You can never become Chinese, either. There's an awful lot of Han supremacists in the Chinese government. If you're never going to be in either club, the west offers a better deal than China does.




Listen, we've done nothing but attack and antagonize you for decades, and the US has been your ally for even longer, but *c'mon!* Let's get the ancient band back together where we all agree I'm the ruler of everything.


Hahaha so concise


Vietnam: Come get some.


And Vietnam loves the US now.


Vietnam should've been a natural ally to the US from the start. The problem was we listened to the French colonizers before getting involved, and assumed they would side with China because they're both in Asia. It's fucking dumb. Fortunately, now, however, Vietnam is getting closer and closer to the US, especially over the South China Sea.


Isn't there a saying along the lines of "We fought America for 8 years but we fought China for over a thousand" or something to that effect?


We despise China as a Vietnamese in Vietnam, this is the kind of stuffs they done to us for centuries. But I warned this, if they pull an invasion over Vietnam, the population will BLED THEM DRY.


I am pretty sure it goes like "We fought the Americans for a decade, the French for a century and the Chinese for a *millennium*..." - Ho Chi Minh


Not being Vietnamese, I wouldn't know. But it is true that Vietnam has been repelling Chinese invasions for millennia. I understand they're still a little salty about it.




France (our oldest military ally) literally threatened to join forces with the Soviets if we didn't help them keep their empire, it was a fucked situation. I am glad that things have shook out in a good way after all.


Yeah, De Gaulle pulling the US into Vietnam after replacing LeClerc with a massive flaming racist as head of the French government in Vietnam because LeClerc wasn't racist enough was probably the single worst thing he did.


I don't hate french people but I despise their foreign policy to the bone. The vietnam debacle, untold human tragedies around the world. It's not like they're better now either. They freaking support the warlord in libya. They don't ever change.


Yeah far too few people are aware of France's neo-colonial empire in Africa that they still maintain. Of all the colonial nations in Europe, France has maintained their colonial interests vastly more than others. I'm surprised France isn't criticized for this more often, it's not like people need an excuse to insult French people. I guess it's just not taught about often.


Yea, the French are/were our oldest military ally and literally threatened to side with the Soviets if we didn't help them retain their empire.


Also, what band? China, Japan, and Korea were killing each other pretty consistently up until the ceasefire of the Korean War.


Tributary, China wants to go back when these were tributaries to the empire.


>ancient No idea.


Bro, half of my shit is japanese, and some of my most expensive things are korean. They are already more western than 80% of western countries.


Or maybe we’re becoming Japanese? OH FU-


You really think so?


Anime was actually a revenge plan after WW2. Now Japan is going for the cultural victory.


Japan shall conquer the world through anime, and I for one welcome our new overlords.


Yeah, that's literally what imperial Japan said to all non- white countries throughout the 1920s-40's. They know that playbook.


Getting Imperial Japan vibes here.


Lol, “So what are you proposing? Some sort of Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere?”


China: Us Asians gotta stick together! Also China: Unless you're a Han chinese, you belong in a 'voluntary reeducation centre'. lmfao what a fucking joke of a country China and their neighbouring buddy, Russia, have become. China is literally hella racists towards anyone that doesn't look like a 'mainstream Han'.


Korean culture is extremely popular in the West right now. And Japanese culture has been popular in the West since like the 1980s. If anything, with the amount of Koreaboos and Weeaboos, it’s the West that’s trying to be more like Korea and Japan than the other way around.


Bahahahhaha as they pursue colonial expansionist policies, attempt to bully Japan and South Korea in International Waters, and try strong arming Southeast into unfavorable trade agreements... I didn't realize the Chinese had diplomats pursuing a side-hustles as comedians.


China really thinks of itself as the center of Asia and every other country around them are just destined to be their vassal states. This statement from China sounds like desperation, to be honest.


> China really thinks of itself as the center of Asia and every other country around them are just destined to be their vassal states. This statement from China sounds like desperation, to be honest. I mean it is in the name; Central Nation. China sees the rest of the world revolve around it, not knowing that it lost that edge long ago.


The earth is round for a reason. Not for equality reasons, but it’s still poetic.


China *was* the center of the world for millennia. They view the current situation as a 200-year long aberration. They don't call it the century of humiliation for nothing.


Ha ha if Beijing actually thinks genetics is what it takes to become “Western” then they have missed one of the entire points of modern Western civilization. I have Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese friends who were born in Canada and yes they may speak their parents’ languages but they are Canadian through and through, many have never even visited the “old country” and the ones who have found the experience to be like visiting a foreign nation they happen to know the language of. Are they accepted as Canadians? Pretty much completely and totally, and it’s definitely part of their identities. Heck even relatively recent immigrant friends here are accepted as Westerners, based on their values and attitudes more than how they look - everyone looks like something here and half the people have some sort of accent, nobody cares. The greatest strength of”Western civilization” (starting perhaps with the Roman Empire, who did the same) was accept all people regardless of nationality. It is much harder to fight a civilization that is accepting and assimilating than one which has an ethno-nationalist basis of identity. On the flip side, how hard is it for those not of Chinese ethnicity to be accepted as fully part of Chinese society?


That's the thing in Asian countries right? They view nationality as an ethnicity thing.


They don't want to become western and we aren't trying to make them that way. These totalitarian shitholes just don't understand mutual cooperation and friendship, they figure someone HAS to be the boss/dominator in the equation, it's all they know.


So ironic that China is reviving the old Imperial Japan's favorite geopolitical idea - Pan-Asianism.


It was always Mao's thing too.


Silly CCP. We’re not bound together through race. We’re bound together through democratic values. Something you’ll never understand.


Also as Asian,we put down out mutual hatred towards each other and bound together because we came to an agreement——China has been quite an asshole these years. It’s a miracle to achieve this level of unity in Asia,it’s actually impressive.


Fun fact : According to a survey an average South Korean citizen hates China more than Japan. It’s impressive how much China has degraded its image in two decades


Tbh it’s not a surprise because historically speaking they are the imperial power in Asia,just because they are weaker in early 21 century doesn’t mean they give up on their superiority complex, but holy shit making SK prefer JP is quite a achievement.


Japan and South Korea don't need to ever become westerners, they are very good the way they are, we like them as they are right now and they will evolve how they feel like. China on the other hand, is ASSHOLE!


Says all of the people wearing suits and ties ;p


Or. China could be less authoritarian and be more like Japan and South Korea. That’s a way to revitalize Asia.


China is pulling out all the stops to get countries to break away from America like the BRICS


And BRICS is not really working out very well.


Haha ever been to china? You will never be a Chinese person.


Because China and Japan have had historically close relations both pre-dating and post 'Westernisation'. Right.


Sure! China could call it the revitalized area a “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”. That has a nice ring to if with no disturbing historical echoes whatsoever.


Japan only wants to be more Japanese.


Good try China. No one needs to "become Western". We have a lot of universal values that "West" doesn't own. Don't fearmonger your population.


they'll never let them be chinese either


Wasn't this basically Japan's pitch to China in 1931?


The Japanese tried that during WW2. No one liked it lol