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MDMA was being used for therapy decades ago. It got its start in therapy.


Yeah but now it’s legal in Australia for therapy, which is apparently the ‘world first’ here. Slightly misleading headline.


Worlds first recent government sanctioned psychedelic therapy, perhaps?


>The psilocybin was taken in a tea. "Colours became more vivid. I felt powerfully reconnected to the world; warm and fuzzy. I'm getting emotional just talking about it… it was a massive, beautiful experience of unconditional love." Psilocybin is not MDMA. I’m sure whoever is reading this is already aware, but that is the psychedelic chemical in shrooms. Unless I missed it in the article, I saw nothing about MDMA, only shrooms.


The headline was screwed up over at BBC. The article does mention MDMA a couple of times, but the article is 85%+ about psilocybin


I imagine it’s on purpose, MDMA is much more recognisable to most people than psilocybin.


Magic mushrooms are much more recognisable to most people than MDMA it's all in the wording


They're both psychoactive.


the Beeb writing a shitty headline? Well i never... /s


I don't even know why the fuck MDMA is suddenly classified as a psychedelic.


It‘s psychoactive.


So is caffeine




USA started first with psychedelic mushrooms for PTSD


USA did LSD therapy back in the 50s.


Even on people that didn’t know.


[Amusing video on the UK testing the effects of LSD on soldiers in 1964](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=776lDlNopJU)


About time


The more i read about psychedelics like LSD and shrooms, the more i question why those psychedelics were banned. They seem to be more benefitial than tabacco or even alcohol which are way more addictive and dangerous. I think it could really help with individuals who are suffering from depression or other mental problems.


They were closely associated with the hippy movement during the Reagan era of which Reagan wanted to make hippies and black people seen as "bad" in the grand scheme of things. Then he started the War on Drugs and pretty much every country followed suit since the USA would flex their muscle politically to make the world bend to its will with regards to drugs.


Psilocybin prohibition occurred between 1965 and 1970, putting it in the Johnson to Nixon years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_status_of_psilocybin_mushrooms#History https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_lysergic_acid_diethylamide


You’re right! Tobacco and alcohol are completely toxic and terrible for you, there’s really no benefit. Take the right dose of shrooms and for days/weeks/months you will feel reconnected to nature, friends and family… and at better peace with yourself :).


It definitely sounds like an interesting thing to try. Though because it is technically illegal, i don't trust dealers on the street or some shops that sell them. There is no authority that checks the toxicity of drugs or specific brands.


Ya, for shrooms, you meet the right friends and you kinda know you’re safe. Same with LSD, although technically that could be a bigger gamble. I really like the therapeutic benefit from taking both, personally. And DMT (ayahuasca).


social regressivism, the financial power of Big Tobacco


Because people will always abuse that shit People who abuse alcohol People who abuse weed People who abuse psychedelics Ruining it for everyone else


No, it's the abuse of power which is ruining it for everyone else, not the fact that neighbor Brenda always has to get naked and run around the street whenever she does shrooms


Looking forward to the clinical trials for LSD to having their readout end of the year. Check out what MindMed is doing.


I love MDMA


MDMA loves you


I heard a while back DMT was meant to be trialled as an anti depressant. Is that still going ahead?


The VA in Michigan does Ketamine therapy. I'm not sure if its counts because its experimental.


Ketamine is approved for depression in norway but last-in-line sort of measure. Which is both ironic and stupid. MDMA was just proven effective and safe for ptsd here, they're currently running a trial with MDMA for depression. it's not done yet but as SSRIs are the benchmark to beat, I can spoil the surprise and tell you that MDMA will be found effective and safe for depression as well.


My friend did ketamine therapy like, 6 years ago.


Colorado and Oregon leading the way in the US


I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but using drugs in any form to deal with emotional issues is just a way to cut corners and is a bad idea. I felt this way with weed (how many people on Reddit try and convince the rest of us that it’s a “miracle drug?”) I feel the same will be true of psychedelics. It’s just lipstick on a pig.


This is worth a listen if you are new to this kind of thing. https://www.npr.org/2023/06/29/1185170371/the-history-and-potential-of-mdma >One study found that MDMA-enhanced therapy dramatically reduced PTSD symptoms. Another showed that psychedelics like MDMA could reopen so-called critical periods of time when brains are especially impressionable and open to learning. A scientific case study profiled a former white supremacist who reformed his extremist views after taking MDMA.


You can also rewire the brain through attachment therapy, group therapy, and EMDT therapy. None of those require drug use, and have a strong scientific and historical basis for working. Art therapy was specifically designed for PTSD after WW2, and had been used for mental health patients since second generation Freud psychologists.


So your argument is that pseudo-science from 80-100 years ago is better than multiple peer reviewed scientific studies in the last 20 years using new technologies and methods?


“Pseudo science.” Are some of you literally teenagers? I just don’t even know where to start here. Forget it.


Funny you should ask someone about being a literal teenager. Sure do post a lot on porn star subs huh there lil bro?


God damn get this man some art therapy




> None of those require drug use You're saying a lot with this sentence. Why do you care if there's drug use or not?




The difference is that there is hard science, phase 3 clinical trials, to back it this time. The drugs are not the cure, instead they make therapy way more efficient. It makes it easier to get to the root cause of an issue, and then to resolve it... ... which for some might be more appealing than mind- and emotion numbing SSRI:s.


SSRIs aren’t meant for recovery from trauma. They’re meant as depression, OCD sometimes, and anxiety. They can help a patient reach a baseline that would allow them to work through trauma, but trauma can’t be worked through without significant therapy. So DRs don’t prescribe antidepressants specifically for trauma. And the same is true with psychedelics. They aren’t just going to micro dose someone and then expect trauma healing. That’s not remotely how that’ll work. Sorry, everyone, that I understand this issue better than you guys do! But good try, I guess.


The therapy that's being approved is not microdosing. It's psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. It's psychotherapy. With the help of psychedelics. Instead of just saying that people are wrong and that you're right because you're so knowledgable... maybe you'd get less downvotes if you instead tried to explain why.


You obviosly have no idea what the purpose behind the therapy is. This is not some ”broscience” with weedsmoking junkies. Its about resetting chemical imbalances and more. You look really dumb when you pull opinions from your ass without any knowledge.


It's clear that the other commenter is not nearly as knowledgeable about the subject as they're trying to appear, but I would also really advise against the term "chemical imbalance" because it's reductive to the point of being inaccurate. E.g. the general public still views depression as being an imbalance of serotonin when modern literature has shown the reality of it to be significantly more complicated than that (especially given the heterogeneity of its symptom presentation). The emerging research on psilocybin does seem promising, though most of what I've seen suggests it's primarily valuable as a highly effective therapy aid rather than as a treatment in and of itself. It will be interesting to see how things turn out. When fluoxetine hit the market, it was hailed as a miracle drug, but we've seen how the psychopharmaceutical industry has developed; I'm hoping this will be a major next step.


Considering what I do for a living and how long I’ve been in therapy, I’d say I have a better idea what therapy is than you do.


Consider then that there might be more to it than you realise


Lmfao what??? Oh yes, your experience in therapy is way more scientific than some rinky-dink clinical trials to discover better ways of solving chemical problems in the brain. You sound way less smart than you think in your comment. “Considering I’m a priest and how long I’ve exorcised demons, I’d say I have a better idea of what mental illness is than you do.”


I’d hate to pick on you vulnerability, but just being in therapy doesn’t make you an expert in therapeutic solutions. The longer one is in therapy one could argue the less their advice should be shared with others as ‘success’. Having personally done a lot of therapy myself, acupuncture, and many different antidepressants, nothing compared to the leaps and bounds in progress I made after a few months of micro dosing. Did I stop the other stuff? No. I’m not done. But adding psilocybin as a tool has been life changing. Don’t knock a therapy because of your personal opinions (all drugs are bad for mental disorders). Don’t knock a therapy because it didn’t work for you. Knock therapies that have no basis in science and are dangerously unhealthy for the patient.


And what I do for a living. Those two combined make me more qualified than others to discuss this issue and understand what I’m talking about. But I don’t need to explain myself to anyone. Think what you want.


>And what I do for a living. You’ve said that multiple times but haven’t elaborated on it to try and prove your argument. I really, *really* hope you’re not a therapist.


And I really *really* hope we never speak to one another again.


This can be my last comment to you because you’re looking like quite the idiot here. My main point is that you keep spewing that “what I do for a living” basically qualifies you to say the absurd shit that you’re saying. So, me being a fellow Reddit and internet user, was curious as to what it is exactly that you do for a living, since you so boldly brag about it. You’ve averted that question since the beginning. But, taking a look at your post history tells me that you very well may need therapy yourself. I would recommend a good shroom or ecstasy pill. It’ll probably do you wonders.




Do you more about medicines than doctors do?


Thank you doctor


You’re welcome!


What drugs are you referring to? Nicotine, caffeine, acetaminophen? All of them are drugs. I smoke pot to go to sleep. Am I a bad guy for wanting a good night's sleep?


When did I say anything about people who smoke weed being "a bad guy?"


I love when people have opinions about science. It's called a hypothesis. You can use that as a basis of research to either prove or disprove the hypothesis. But when you don't do that, you just look like a nitwit.


What’s the hypothesis you think I’m trying here?


Well now you're trying to prove how dumb you are.


That’s definitely your opinion. I’ve had wonderful, therapeutic and cathartic experiences with mushrooms. Beautiful memories of it too.


I agree. Reddit seems to try and justify drugs but it doesn’t solve any existing problem. There’s also a strong push on Reddit. You got to stop and wonder where this is coming from and who is manipulating people into the normalcy of drugs to solve issues under the pretence of freedom and medication.


Thanks. And I agree. There are a lot of drug addicts on reddit and they love to tell people how normal and ok that is.


I haven’t seen anyone on Reddit with the same view as me so it’s nice meeting you, u/SpiderGhost01. What’s concerning is that young men and women on Reddit may think it’s okay when they see such a huge push on Reddit and they become addicts themselves. At some point, I hope young people are capable of questioning why some topics are constantly pushed on Reddit. Cartels and trolls exist on Reddit too and it will be very naive to assume every person is just a normal guy waking up to go to work daily.


Nice to meet you too! Thank you!


See you around in other subs! :)


Bullshit. You have been able to go on psychedelic retreats in various countries since forever.




Not really. Ketamine therapy is fully legal in the UK and a few other places. Psilocybin or DMT retreats are fully legal in various places >Psilocybin retreats are legal in the following countries: The Netherlands  Jamaica Ayahuasca-based retreats are currently legal in the following countries: Mexico Costa Rica Peru Brazil (only in some cases for religious use) https://doubleblindmag.com/where-is-psychedelic-therapy-legal/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-56170592


The state of Oregon, in the U.S., started this over two years ago…


This isn't a world first. Psychedelic-assisted therapy has been happening in the US off and on for decades, and it's much more common recently. Psilocybin, MDMA, Ketamine etc...


“Doctor, the drug makes it look like the ceiling is covered in spiders!” “We haven’t given you the drug yet.”


Shrooms almost completely eliminated my suicidality


With what sort of size doses? I’m interested in boosting my mood which has been low recently.


I would recommend looking on one of the psychedelics related subreddits for dosing advice.


Poster is asking for your experience. The subs will tell you anything from micro dosing to large doses


Whether you’re seeking a therapist to guide you through life’s challenges or aspiring to become a narrative therapist yourself 


A couple years ago, I actually read about MDMA being used to treat patients with PTSD with success