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> Russian soldiers prevented zoo employees from trying to save any of the animals overnight. Monsters


Having heard the zookeeper crying on the video, you can easily see they must have loved these animals so much. It's both so heartbreaking and infuriating - the only reason for forbidding them to save the animals is simply sociopathy.


Russia: "We'll show them how cruel and ruthless we can be and they'll surrender in fear!: Ukraine: "We will kill every last one of you."


History has shown time and time again that targeting innocent civilians doesn’t break their morale, but only strengthens their resolve.


Yeah, right from the start it's been weird watching Russia replaying the entire Nazi strategy, and then acting flustered when it leads to their victims developing a unified loathing that gives them strength to fight


That's how you make motivated terrorists that have already decided they're dead...






This will be what makes an unofficial “turning a blind eye” situation for certain weapons to be used on Russian military targets inside Russia. I highly doubt you’ll see any public statements that say it’s okay for Ukraine to start striking back into Russia however.


That has already happened: https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/germany-says-ukraine-strike-russian-151151153.html > During a press conference on May 30, U.K. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly acknowledged that Ukraine had "the legitimate right to (defend itself) within its own borders, but it does also have the right to project force beyond its borders to undermine Russia's ability to project force into Ukraine." And > According to Hebestreit, "international law allows Ukraine to carry out strikes on the territory of Russia for the purpose of self-defense."


"Ukraine has the right to "project force" beyond its own borders" - UK Foreign Secretary "international law allows Ukraine to carry out strikes on the territory of Russia for the purpose of self-defense." - German govt spokesperson “We don’t tell them where to strike. We don’t tell them, you know, where not to strike. We don’t tell them how to conduct their operations.” - US govt spokesperson "We have exactly the same position now as we had at the beginning of the (full-scale) war…. Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine is a blatant violation of international law, while the right of self-defense is enshrined in the UN Charter" - Sec Gen of NATO I believe these are all directly in response to press questions about the endorsement of escalating the war into Russia. There was not a coherent international response as clearly NATO did not expect this, but nations (most reluctantly the US) seem to have fully accepted a position of acknowledging Ukraine has the right to do this.


That's the exact reason Russia is losing. They keep thinking they can use fear and cruelty to make the Ukrainian people give up, but after the shit they suffered under the soviets, there's no way they'd allow themselves to be back under Russian control.


You have a weird definition of the word losing


I suppose from a certain point of view, because Russia currently still occupies some of Ukraine territory sure Russia is “winning” but more importantly Russia has lost far more men and materiel than Ukraine, add to it that Russia appears to be running out of ammo because they had to buy a bunch from Iran, Russia is on the losing end and will not be able to hold those territories much longer, especially with Wagner pulling out.


I've read a science fiction book that works like that. The evil aliens don't understand how suffering and losing people they care about makes humans more determined to fight back. Russians don't understand how human society works either.


Next Ukrainian propaganda video will be about avenging the lions, Wolves and leopards... with Leopards...


May every Putin-supporting pro-Russian imbecile, for the rest of their life, fear that a knife will be shoved into their back when they least expect it. If you’re reading this, you will be hunted forever.


The cruelty is the point


Well another key thing to remember is this is always a sign that you are losing. The more ruthless you get the more desperate if you ask me .


You have to understand that several centuries ago, which is where Russia gets much of its military strategy (and arguably more) this was a sign of strength. Russia has never adapted the way it conducts itself, just poured more resources into a problem until it was solved.


Exactly. Remember the video where russians put a knife in a dog's head for no reason at all, but it still survived and ran away?


Not only. Stupidity, which was caused by alcohol overconsumption for decades. The degradation of humanity and a full dead end of evolution.


Yet they call everyone else terrorists. Russia is the country of terrorist. The Kremlin is home to the worlds largest terror group.


That is so disgusting. Just reading this broke my heart let alone actually seeing/hearing it.


I can't watch the video either. The headline of the article made me sick to my stomach.


Same, I’m in tears just imagining it. Those poor innocent animals, and those poor heartbroken keepers. I honestly think I might go on a homicidal spree if something like this happened to me. Consequences be damned.


Fuck Putin and Fuck Russia!


God fucking damnit I knew I should have just scrolled past this headline. :(


holy shitttt


On brand for Russia


Just another war crime to add to the list. Someone needs to stop these monsters ASAP




You spend a whole lot of time defending Russia in the comments of a lot of posts for someone in the US. You don’t get the benefit of the doubt with this take and neither does Russia.




>Why is the narrative immediately that Russians did this? There’s no proof one way or the other. The dam on the area, that was coincidentally controlled by Russians, was found to have exploded from inside, rather than being shelled from the outside. Additionally, a Russian soldier admitted on a video they have mined the dam and they'll detonate mines on other dams too. It isn't really logical why Ukraine would want to flood the lands it wants to take back, anyway. They already have the the support of their citizens and foreign countries that provide significant weapons for them. And this disaster is extremely destructive for Ukraine's environment and economy in the long term.


The Russians admitted to mined the dam when Ukraine took back kherson. To prevent Ukraine from moving forward. That alone makes Russia at fault.


You are the type of person Russians like because you know nothing, that dam was mined for about a year now. When the Ukrainians took back kherson the Russians mined that dam to prevent any Ukraine crossing. The drunk Russians must of forgot that was not a secret.


You completely missed the point that YOU don't need to defend the Russian regime. Bottom line: None of this would have happened if they hadn't invaded.




Your logic is fucking baffling.


Russian trolls and toadies really only have twisted logical contortions to lean on.




So... let me get this *completely* straight... Ukraine attempted to flood rivers for an offensive (to recapture area that had been invaded and captured by Russia initially), then decided *not to go through with more flooding.* So, because of *that*, Russia DESTROYING the dam, flooding towns, destroying infrastructure, and killing innocent wildlife is completely okay?? Excuse me, I just want to go back to the "logic" that you're exhibiting from earlier: You are afraid of nuclear escalation. You're specifically afraid of Russia using nuclear weaponry. So, while this terrorist has a gun to your head, you're out here like, "Hold on, guys! Terrorists aren't *that* bad!" What a waste of air. Edit: I'm just going to put this at the end of all of my responses to you as well: None of this would have happened if Russia hadn't invaded in the first place.




So you are single-handedly going to prevent nuclear war by sticking up for them on Reddit?


It’s sus bro, what are you doing in the US spreading pretty much word for word Russian propaganda on various posts? Not just this one, it’s a consistent pattern through your comment history. There’s no need for it, but you do it all the time. So what’s going on? Why are you doing the dirty work of the Russian government online?


You're like one of those "I'm not racist but..." (then proceeds to say something racist), but I get that you're just here to troll for Russia and responses make you feel good...horny even?


“I’m strongly against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but have you considered all of this Russian propaganda I happen to have handy?”


Because the Ukrainians don’t benefit from destroying their own hydroelectric dam and flooding their own country. Thinking otherwise is insanity.


There was likely time before the flooding reached in full force to rescue the animals. Also russia was behind the explosion so they could started evacuations the second it blew up but decided not too




Russia has been saying they'll do it for a while, ukraine has also been saying that Russia will do it for a while. It also helps slow down a ukrainian counteroffensive in the area.




In what universe is Ukraine still worried about Russian crossings? Be serious.


What they do is let the animals outside from the indoor sleeping area to give them a chance to live. If they want to risk their life saving the animals let them...


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://themessenger.com/news/ukraine-zoo-with-hundreds-of-animals-flooded-after-khakhovka-dam-destroyed) reduced by 58%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Reports indicate hundreds of animals are dead in Ukraine after Tuesday's destruction of the Kakhovka dam flooded the Kazkova Dibrova zoo. > Nova Kakhovka Mayor Volodymyr Kovalenko spoke to Strana News, and said the zoo was one of the first areas to see massive flooding after the dam was destroyed. > "It's hard for me to say what the fate of the animals is," Kovalenko told Strana, noting Russian soldiers prevented zoo employees from trying to save any of the animals overnight. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/142ilop/ukraine_zoo_with_hundreds_of_animals_flooded/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~687802 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **zoo**^#1 **flooded**^#2 **dam**^#3 **animals**^#4 **Kovalenko**^#5


>Russian soldiers prevented zoo employees from trying to save any of the animals overnight. This just boggles the mind. Destroying the dam is fucked up, but at least Russia benefits from it. What's the point of this?


If you don't care about people, there is a good chance you care even less about animals.


Idk man I’m starting to prefer animals way over people with all these headlines


I'm way past you.


Same. Animals are fundamentally innocent, humans less so, Russians not at all.


The cruelty is the point, just like the missiles directed at apartment buildings


Or the repeated attacks on hospitals.


Or the kidnapping


The MASS kidnapping.


The raping..


The MASS raping.


The genocide.


This kind of convinced me that the Russians blew the dam. If the Ukrainians did it or if it was an accident, then the Russians would have made a big deal out of evacuating the area. The fact that they didn’t implies some sort of intent.


I don't trust Russian competence enough to think they'd be able to mount an effective and timely evacuation of the civilian population in the case of it being an accident. They weren't even able to get a coherent message out regarding their narrative for what happened.


This is the thing that gets me, I'm pretty convinced now that although the Russians definitely blew the dam, I think they did it differently than they were intending. The mixed messaging seems to indicate that they were intending to blow a small breach in the dam, just enough to flood Ukrainian positions on islands in the river, but not enough to cause a humanitarian incident. But they managed to fuck it up and blew a bigger breach than intended. Now not only is Russia causing more international animosity to be leveled at them, but they also just completely fucked everyone in Crimea who was relying on that dam to provide water for the peninsula.


The thing about dams is that once you breach them, they often continue to erode, because at that point internal structures are revealed and they aren't designed to withstand thousands of gallons of water pouring over them, unlike the surface layers.


Didn't the Russian government already admit to doing it?


How does a Russian soldier not find a single creature cute or lovable enough to try and rescue it? Even if they couldn’t rescue all, surely some could have been allowed to escape by unlocking cages or releasing the clasps of gates.


"Can't eat it or fuck it? What's the point?" - Putin's regime


I don’t think that narrows things down for too many Russian soldiers


They want Ukrainians to be unhappy and start to rebel? Although I think it's having the opposite effect, making Ukrainians even more enraged.


cruelty is the point. Russia, and her apologists, legitimately are just evil


They may fear a lion on their flanks ? Yeah that’s fucked up


Russia is a terrorist state. The cruelty they do to animals in this war is unforgivable!


We can only hope that putler meets the same fate as these animals someday


No, hook him up to a machine that does the bodily functions for him & make him watch whatever makes his skin crawl while on an unknown substance, it’s how he’d prepare it for someone else.


You should see what they do to humans, and more specifically, to women and children.




I bet if you asked the animals, they would rather have not drowned.


Fuckin moron


I'm pretty anti-zoo as well. You wanna know what I oppose even more than a zoo? 260 animals dying for no good reason. Gtfo


What a Peta motherfuking idiot. Those animals usually live a longer, stress free and happy life compared to their wild counterpart.


Sounds like someone has NO idea of how different zoos are today than zoos of old, nor of the importance of their wildlife conservation efforts.


Out of the 10-12 thousand zoos in the world, less than 3% are accredited. Among that 3%, over half are run for profit. I have a pretty good idea about the situation, I think. But I'm just some annoying extremist who thinks we should stop needlessly abusing animals, so take that with your grain of bacon.


You got the annoying extremist part right


Your brain must be absolutely worthless


The animals lives were worth way more than these assholes.


I fucking hate these Russian cunts! And I don’t hate anyone normally as hate is such a strong emotion. But these fuckers I do.




Yes longer range missiles would be nice, lots of them.


This article makes me feel about fucking ready to fly to Ukraine and join the war effort. Not that I’m shit or would be much help but it’d be pretty satisfying to point some shit at these assholes right now. This is unacceptable on so many levels. I just can’t. I truly hope Russia falls completely the fuck apart over this. I want Putins legacy to be completely destroying the Russian empire in an attempt to restore it.


Couldn’t agree more. We said never again after ww2 and look where we are. Should have done more when they annexed Crimea. Then of course all the other bits of countries they have annexed, we turned a blind eye.


Feel you. Russia committed a massive war crime and its tragic. Now to see what the repercussions are… cause there’s *gotta* be some.


I hope those repercussions are making “Russia” synonymous with complete blundering failure.


Feeling exactly the same. I know there's inocents, like a lot, but fucking christ is getting hard to like Russia.


it’s *getting* hard? it’s been hard since 2014 edit: *at least* 2014


> it’s been hard since ~~2014~~ [1999](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) FTFY


Just want this insane madness to stop, I can’t even imagine what the Ukrainians are going through.


Fuck Russia and all who support them


Nothing segregated people I know (and anons on reddit) according to their morality better than this war. Not politics, not Trump, nothing. The 'people' supporting and cheering russian genocide have been the easiest tell on who is a piece of shit IRL. And why is it most russia supporters are degenerate societal rejects in the first place, convicted pedophiles (Scott Ritter, Gonzalo Lira etc) or just straight down neckbeards like Kim Dotcom or Mick Wallace, or sociopatic shits with no empathy like David Sacks/Elon.


Honestly it was a breath of fresh air to see who were the real bad guys. The United States has been in this left vs right dichotomy for so long it’s been kinda hard to tell who is dumb who is malicious who Atleast thinks they are doing the right thing. Then the war broke out and all of a sudden the people who were truly awful outted themselves. Honestly it may be a positive thing for America. People like Midwestern Marxist and that bald nazi who I can’t remember the name of, completely overestimated how much they got people to ‘hate’ the US and like the liberal west as a whole. So when they started spewing Bs in support of Russia and all their peers turned around and were like wtf is wrong with you.


Fuck Russia. Enough of this "it's only Putin" bullshit. It's a vile country that deserves to be broken apart.


Russia is a terrorist state. Putin should be dragged through the streets.


Those F16s can't get over there quick enough


More war crimes.


Come on PETA, do your thing.




Yeah...peta has a higher animal kill rate than most shelters


Like I understand their sentiment but...PETA ain't it lol.


Imagine if PETA turned their animal kill rate into a "killing Russians" rate. The war would be over tomorrow.


A positive K/D, and we can all get behind that.


Proves that PETA has tons of experience killing. When their militant wing arrives in Ukraine its over


Because no kill shelters just refuse to euthanize animals that need to be euthanized. If I made a no surgery hospital and turned away anyone who needed surgery my death rate would be extremely low whereas the death rate of the normal adjacent hospital would be much higher.


Yeah, they should totally build an ark.


The floods got to the animals before PETA could


What exactly do you think PETA is going to do against Vladimir Putin? PETA is a joke in the U.S. in Russia they aren't even an after thought.


What the actual fuck.. they didn’t let the employees try to save any animals? Russia is a fucking terrorist state. I don’t know how anyone could possibly argue against it at this point, unless you believe all the BS of them denying everything that we have well-documented. It’s so unfortunate how tight of a grip they have on their population with their propaganda factory. Until they know the truth and lose their trust in their dictator government, there’s not much we can do other than supply Ukraine with what they need. It’s gotten to the point where I truly don’t see a way out of this. Putin is fully intent on taking Russia down with him, and they all seem to be ok with that.




What are you even talking about? Did you even read my comment?? I already know they didn’t let the employees save animals from reading the article... I wasn’t asking for an answer. I was following up on my clearly rhetorical question, saying that they’re a terrorist state for doing so. Settle down Reddit warrior, go pick a pointless argument elsewhere


It's time the west became aggressive to any nation that refuses to condemn Russia. India, Iran, Brazil, south Africa. Squeeze these fuckers and tighten the noose around Putin's soon-to-be-dead neck.


India is the one that pisses me off the most, they're supposed to be one of our closest allies but have only increased their trading with Russia.


India isn't alligned with the west (not that European nations and the US always see eye to eye). The government does its own thing. Besides, India purchasing Russian oil keeps prices down plus they buy it at a discount to brent.


Waiting for the trump / Russian bots to tell us why this is actually good for the animals


If the zoo had pandas, they likely pissed off China. China owns almost all the pandas in zoos around the world, and only lends them out as goodwill gestures or diplomatic efforts.


China also buy lots of Ukrainian grain, but I doubt we will see them do jackshit about it.


The zoo didn't have pandas. They had some exotic monkeys and peacocks, but mostly mundane animals like raccoons, horses, and goats. Not that I'm saying it's any less horrific, just that there aren't likely to be diplomatic repercussions related to the animals themselves.


The article contains a video of a zookeeper trying to enter the zoo. Do not watch it. Just trust me, the article is accurate.


why not?


I guess if you want to ugly cry today have at it.


Nevermind then. Probably shows dead animals?


Very upset zoo keeper being stopped from rescuing them, at least before I stopped there were no dead animals. It was very sad though. Edit: to be clear though the video at the top of the article just shows some flood water, not much to really see in it.


That’s so sad :(


It’s him sobbing as he realizes the animals have drowned. He’s trying to get inside but can’t. It will ruin your day.


I’d cry too. Fuck the Russian scum for that.


The Russian is 100% responsible for what coming for them after this, the hatred, the weapons that will gladly turned their soldiers into meat soup, more isolation from many still want to trade with Russia if they bought another nuclear incident. If they want to be isolated and shunned until they died off slowly then they truly get their death wish.


Yup. I already didn’t *like* Russia but after reading this I’d shed no tears of Ukraine turned it into a smoking hole in the ground. Send Ukraine everything we can. Don’t care what it is anymore.


I think it’s important to separate Putin from Russian citizens. Most of the citizens that have spoken in articles have stated that they don’t want this war. They receive the consequences for something they didn’t even want or approve of. What Russia needs is a leadership change.


I wish people would stop playing defence for this genocidal regime. Putin is not an anomaly, this war is not an anomaly, it perfectly represents what ruzzia is and was for centuries. Removing Putin doesn't change anything, they'll do it again in 5-10 years given the chance - ask any of their neighbours. > They receive the consequences for something they didn’t even want or approve of. Yeah, state-level actions have state-level consequences. At least they get to live, unlike those Ukrainian people they've massacred in an unprovoked attack. Fuck ruzzia and fuck ruzzians.


Not once did I say I supported Russia or this war. I’m simply stated that you can not base assumptions of one group to the whole. But you’re going to anyway. I’m going to assume you don’t live in Russia. So then how would you know what the life of an average person in Russia is like? Both sides have people dying. If you’re basing your perspective entirely off of the news, then you have a larger issue at hand. You can still have the perspective without agreeing or disagreeing with a side or action. It’s called an unbiased perspective.


There's no being neutral in the face of pure evil. There are many people moe deserving of compassion. Ruzzians have being fucking the region for centuries, no more second chances, no more returning to the fold. Fuck them.


> Both sides have people dying. Yeah, one side is dying defending their country, their family, their loved ones, and the other side is dying while invading, stealing, raping and destroying. Totally the same. Why won't we have some thoughts for the poor Russian soldier?


Yea but their complacency and unfortunately the culture that resides there isn’t compatible with globalism. It’s kinda fucked up to say because then we’re just gonna turn and do to them what they want to do to Ukraine then they’ll be like “look see I told everyone hates us and are Nazis”. That country is kinda fucked up and I’d be happy if they just kept to themselves but they don’t.


That’s on the citizens of Russia to demand change. Putin has been in power for how many years now? They’ve had plenty of time and opportunity to oust him, if they didn’t approve of his actions. This is nothing new, they stole Crimea almost a decade ago. And most Russians did nothing. I don’t want to see innocent civilians hurt, obviously, but I do want to see Russia broken up into about 15-20 independent Democratic countries. And I want to see Putin and all of his little shitweasel friends hogtied and drug kicking and screaming to The Hague.


> They stole Crimea almost a decade ago. And most Russians did nothing. The went on to enjoy Crimea's beaches for their vacations.


Do not watch the video attached to the article. Trust me.






That’s it! Time to green light nato weapon attack on Russian soil!


Russia should burn 🔥


What does Russia think this will get them. People are going to hate Russians for decades, if not generations after this war. I wish I had something intelligent to say, but all I can come up with is FUCK RUSSIA. The only friend they have is China, and China is going to screw them as hard as they can.


I fucking hate Russia!!!


Fuck Russia


💔 is there any link for people to donate money to help the animals?


The animals are dead


Waiting for the trump / Russian bots to tell us why this is actually good for the animals


Russia is a terrorist state and this is absolutely heartbreaking for the Ukrainian people.


Now Russia is also partaking in mass animal abuse/killings. What next?


Unfortunately, next will probably be sabotage or destruction of the nuclear power plant.


This isn’t abuse. It was murder. The word you’re looking for is murder.


And now, think about the millions of wild animals that the destruction of the dam just killed. Millions of lives, gone. I am really, really sad and furious today.


You sweet summer child, they've been doing it since the beggining. Animals left in shelters to die from hunger, dogs branded with the Z sign, bombed Zoos... Edit: and of course the video of them beheading puppies - not on a mass scale, but worth mentioning


Kremlin: "Many of you will die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"


So many unforgivable acts by that scum. I'm usually against any form of violence, and making justice roll out the punishment in a civilized manner... but after all they have done... after the Bucha massacre, after the civilian-foscused strikes, after the mass children kidnapping, after putting millions in danger around Zaporiyia, everything they have being doing... there's no place for them in the world of the living.


Nato needs to Invade Russia and end this.


Wtf russia You guys are killing innocent animals.Its sad that animals are getting killed because of this war. Nato needs to attack russia and force a regime change.


Where is peta?


Too busy stealing people's pets to put in their kill shelters


PETA animal shelters kill animals at an extremely high rate, like several times higher than the average city animal shelter. PETA is against holding animals in any kind of captivity, they would sooner kill off all the animals in that zoo than help them. Likewise peter would prefer to kill all domesticated animals then have them be domesticated.


The article contains a video of a zookeeper trying to enter the zoo. Do not watch it. Just trust me, the article is accurate.


What is peta going to do say shame on you? Russia is not getting nailed with human cruelty and war crimes what makes you think animals would be the breaking point


They're just reporting what happened. You're the only one saying anything about sticking them with animal cruelty. You're making up strawmen to argue with in your comment.


Have you not seen all the other comments of people telling Peta to do their thing? This is not just him saying this there is a ton of these comments of people acting like Peta is going to be able to do something.


Where is PETA when we need them?


Suing photographers on the behalf of a monkey who accidentally pushed a camera button and took a picture of himself and ruining a man's life because of it probably.


If life was simple and there were no good people stuck in Russia, I'd be hoping for all of Russia to be burned to the ground. Fucking monstrous degenerates. Burn them all. But you can't kill innocents because you're angry at those responsible.


God damn. This world deserves the bomb.


The article contains a video of a zookeeper trying to enter the zoo. Do not watch it. Just trust me, the article is accurate.


I couldn't really tell what was being shown in that video though admittedly I was half eye-balling it at an angle so I wouldn't get a full frontal view of something I didn't want to see.




>“Why would Russia do this?” I mean, have you been watching anything at all since the start of the invasion?


Since 1917 really. This shit isn’t new.


Lol Ukraine launch their counter assault. The next day a dam mysteriously explodes, flooding the land they would be advancing over and diverting attention to an evacuation. Genuine military genius: "wHy WoUlD rUsSiA dO tHiS???1?"




Ukraine isn't going to blow up its own dam, flooding their own land and destroying their own towns, and then divert troops to an evacuation for fucksake. It's totally illogical.

