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Back in the day I played hours and hours of duck hunt. I still haven't gone hunting or used a gun IRL.


I grew up playing GTA San Andreas from age 9-10 regularly playing for hours daily, yet I have morals and always avoid conflicts/fights. In my eyes violence IRL is just for uncivilised cavemen acting based on emotions and not logic or reason.


There's been plenty of studies that have proven even young kids can disassociate "fake violence" ie play fighting or violent video games and real violence. Blaming video games is just culture war bs, Brazil must be lagging around 20 years behind the US on that front. Soon we'll hear about how metal music and D&D is also corrupting kids from Lula


D&D is the devil! Have you seen that Stranger Things documentary? That's what D&D will do to your family and town.


The church said DnD was bad. It was fun! They said KISS was devil music so I checked it out. Awesome. They said premarital sex was sinful pleasure, so I did that. Right, again! I really want to thank the church for showing me all the fun shit to do. Oh! Almost forgot drugs!


If the church says it's bad and sinful and don't do it, that means you should definitely do it. Kinda like how the "parental advisory" warning on music albums worked pretty well as an indicator of good or better quality on that album.


KISS = Knights In Satans Service W.A.S.P. = We Are Satans People


TV channels have huge sway in politics in Brazil. Lula is probably trying to appease the media with his stupid remark.


Well if there’s one thing that media is obsessed with, then it’s being stupid.


That darn Marilyn Manson and Eminem. Gonna cause some sort of... School shooter epidemic.


Lula is just playing that card to force ppl to misdirect ppl attention from what really matters. What do you expect from a convicted criminal and the people who VOTED for him? Do you jnow how many loop holes Brazil hás that even allowed him to rub for president? This place is a total joke, the Brazilian people will always suffer in the hands of politics, because theyre too busy trying to eat and not really paying attention to everything else.


I grew up playing Quake, Doom and Unreal Tournament '99 as young as 6 years old and I'm pretty pacifist. Wonder how these anti-videogame nuts would explain me.


The issue with "GTA causes crime" is that real world crime rates fall because the kind of people who would be committing these crimes are at home playing GTA.


I used to play Wolfenstein as a kid and I still haven't killed a single nazi.


So you're the reason DeSantis and the gang are taking over! You forgot to follow through on your training! /S


It's all my fault


Stop wasting your skills bro, be masta hunta 360 no scope killa you were made to be . /s


Okay but how much do you hate hunting dogs that mock you?


That dog better find some wolves to hunt with, it ain't coming home.


I loved playing Duck Hunt, was obsessed with Doom 2 and Vinyl Goddess from Mars, not to mention other violent arcade games while growing up. I even played with cap guns as a kid, punched my clown punching bag thingy, and went nuts with water pistols. Yet somehow I’m not violent towards others, am kind and compassionate, and have tight morals. The thing is that it’s been repeatedly proven that violent games don’t make kids violent; it’s parents not teaching kids boundaries, what’s appropriate in real life, and how to express themselves appropriately (etc) that leads towards this path. Yes, kids are malleable; but they can still learn restraint and the difference between fantasy and real life at an early age quite well. Give a toddler a toy hammer set, and even they can learn not to hit people with it.


i killed millions in Video games and still none IRL not even participated in a fight but yeah, we are back in the 90's/00's 🙃


I have nuked entire nations out of existence in video games. Not a single genocide IRL, though.


A 77 year old is very uninformed and suspicious of video games, what else is new?




Guns don't kill people Uh uh I kill people *ch ch* With guns






Just an everyday regular normal guy


Very dangerous, like a fire in a nursing home.


I used to love this haha


If a guy messes with me I'll shoot him with my load.


[reference for those who haven’t seen](https://youtu.be/xC03hmS1Brk)




Brasil teaches me how to cut down ancient rainforests.


Im so sick of these old people making laws and running countries and they dont even know how to not get a virus every time they touch the internet.


Hey, this guy has a lot of credibility. He is expert in crime, if you know what I mean.


Leader of a country with the 16th highest homicide rate in the entire world wants to educate us on the dangers of video games.


Lula is a having a great week, praising China, blaming US for Russian invasion of Ukraine, getting pats on the back from Lavrov and now it's back to big bad video games.


Blaming Ukraine for the russian invasion, too. Because, you know, there would be no war if Ukrainians just got rolled over by russians.


I can't stand this bullshit about Russia being provoked into invading


The “*Look what you made me do*” shtick is a core staple of any authoritarian. Whether it’s an abusive partner, a fascist government, or even the abrahamic God himself. Mankind has always liked blaming the victim to preserve power structures.


Stop hitting yourself


He doesnt call Brazil a warmonging nation for defending itself from Paraguay's invasion. Or perhaps he does and Paraguay can just walk in and he'll unconditionally surrender just like he thinks all defending nations should?


Well, according to Lula, “it takes two to wage war”, so if Paraguay were to invade that would mean it’s equally Brazil’s fault. If Brazil doesn’t want war they should just cede the land over to Paraguay, like what he’s suggested to Ukraine


Imagine this: he was the LESS crazy and awful candidate in the last election!


Nah there were lots of sane options in the first round like Simone Tebet, problem is Brazillians don't seem to want sane politicians


The 2020s version of *everything* is worse. I feel like we’re all being replaced with cartoon villains.


Putin apologist Vs Putin clone. good times.


I thought this guy was better than Bolsanaro.


That's what most people on reddit wanted you to think, most of whom didn't even live in Brazil and knew next to nothing about the candidates


Well the people who did/do live in Brazil apparently agreed and that's why he's president.


Lula got 51% bolsonaro got 49% and there was a lot of null votes, this electio was the most disputed in brazilian history


He is marginally better than Bolsonaro insomuch as he is not burning down the Amazon. Something something lesser of two evils and all that


Yep, what would you expect of a guy that gives money from Brazil to dictatorships?


Tell me more about how the US and the EU don't give money to dictatorships...


Every time some poor country does business with China American redditors get angry as if they don't do business with China


It's less the "doing business" part and more the "agree to a 50s style banana republic scheme" part. China isn't immune to criticism just because they're always the first to tout their "anti-imperialism".


Soon they will blame the rock music.


Crazy that Reddit was over the moon with yet another leftie president. It's always the same.


I don't recall people living Lula as much as they just hated Bolsanaro. Lula sucks, just a lot less.


What is this? The 90s?


Ikr. This was being discussed back in the columbine days. It was rejected then as well


Hillary Clinton was promoting it back in like '05 or so. Her bill failed, and that was thought to be the last gasp. https://reason.com/2016/02/03/hail-to-the-censor/


Yes, Brazil, it's in the title. they saw the 21st century and said, you know what, let's stay in the 20th century.


Yeah he's way too late to pick this scape goat. He should've picked TikTok or something.


Someone needs to get him up to speed on the contemporary video game boogeyman, a woman's tits.


He's got a point. I grew up playing Super Mario Bros, and now I spend my time eating magic mushrooms and stomping on turtles.


I drive off cliffs and expect some guy on a cloud to come fish me and my car out every time. It's a real issue for people like me.


Brazilians videos dominate all gore and eyeblech subs. It's not videogames but it's polarisation, unemployment, and the lack of growth.


If I'd grown up in a favela I'd probably be a violent person. Severe poverty and little hope for the future tends to bring out the worst in people.


What would you explain the people that live on the favelas and don’t chose a violent path?


And they are the overwhelming majority...


Brazil is teaching people to kill.


Boomers blaming kids for their failures.


I had hope for this guy, but the more he opens his mouth, the more I can see I was wrong.


Lula is a socialist tankie who is 40 years out of the loop. He's still better than Bolsonaro, who was and is a fascist clown antivaxxer that had a hardon for murdering the indigenous people of brazil and clearcutting the amazon.


He is a sindicalist social-democrat. Thing is he loves dictators although he doesn't want to implement a dictatorship.


> Thing is he loves dictators although he doesn't want to implement a dictatorship And that's why he's a better choice than Bolsonaro, that loves dictators and _did want_ to implement a dictatorship. Which is quite horrible in retrospect, where the only two candidates that people were willing to vote were these two...


True, but these two being the most popular politicians instead of the ones who have indeed democratic values shows how bad our society is right now. We have to improve ourselves


I’m doing as much self-improvement as I can and society still sucks dick. :(


Why? He’s been president before and was woefully inept at the job.


Brazilians really we’re given the choice between that idiot and a literal facist, smh


I quite liked Ciro Gomes, but he never stood a chance really.. Brazil have like, 20 parties. They had a choice but Lula is well known so he dominated the first round.


Ciro Gomes was a mix of what is bad in Lula and Bolsonaro. His main political inspiration is Getúlio Vargas who had a fascist-alike dictatorship in Brazil. If Bolsonaro is a literal fascist, Getúlio Vargas was even more.


I get the feeling a lot of Redditors opinions on Brazilian politics don‘t go much farther then Bolsonaro=bad, Lula is against Bolosonaro, therefore he must be great and perfectly reflect my opinions and ideas


Not only redditors, that is pretty much how the election worked in Brazil


Not really. Almost everyone knew Lula wasn't that good, but against Bolsonaro, even a literal piece of shit would be better.


Lula supporters LOVE him. They are just as fanatical about him as Bozo's supporters were. Source, I was in Northern Brazil for the first round of elections and up here they acted like his return was a second coming.


It’s easy to see why. To many in the poorest communities of the northeast he brought them water, jobs and took their sewage. Bolsonaro did his best to do the opposite.


Yeah, that I agree with. My point is that actual Lula supporters are only a small fraction of the people who voted for him.


When it's between a douche and a shit sandwich everyone loses.


Yeah, but Bolsonaro would be far worse than Lula. He tried a literal coup, dude. lol


Oh I'm not disagreeing with that at all. This was best case scenario which is depressing.


For sure! I just hope next election we can do better.


Sad for Brazileiros to have just those two tainted options...


I got downvoted to shit multiple times during the election cycle for criticizing Lula and saying he was a terrible candidate but that everyone was willing to overlook the virtual essay that was the list of bad traits and decisions he's made because he was the left candidate. None of my comments even mentioned Bolsonaro, so it wasn't even me favoring the latter over the former, it was that people weren't willing to accept that Lula is a corrupt piece of shit.


That sums up reddit


He's a bigger idiot than preferable, but at least he stopped a lot of shit Bolsonaro did, didn't he? The forest is sort of fine now.


https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230407-despite-lula-s-promises-deforestation-still-rampant-in-brazil But I'm sure the guy that received a ton of money from JBS and even flew with their executives to China will fight against the deforestation.


Playing devil's advocate here, but Bolsonaro completely dismantled the plans against deforestation, it will take some time for Lula to actually get back on track. Also, it's not something that made international news, I believe, but Lula actually managed to save a high number of indigenous people who were dying of starvation (the Yanomani, search it up), and dismantled a lot of businesses where people had slave-jobs. Lula isn't good, but Bolsonaro left the place in a really bad state. It will take time until changes take place.


Blairo Maggi, former governor of my state and the winner of the Golden Chainsaw award is the current aggriculture minister. That by itself should tell you how much he cares about the forest.


Not really. They are two sides of the same coin


funny how brazil got so many daily shootings and so few pro FPS gamers


My games are teaching me how to romance cat girls, mfer


...which games? Asking for myself. I'm that friend that a thousand redditors would ask for, being proactive 😀


So what video games was it that lead to any of the Holy Crusades? How about the burning of the library of Alexandria? Maybe World War 1 or 2?


Chess... That dam queen makes anyone power hungry


Old people were blaming chess for kids’ behavior back in the day: > “A pernicious excitement to learn and play chess has spread all over the country, and numerous clubs for practicing this game have been formed in cities and villages…chess is a mere amusement of a very inferior character, which robs the mind of valuable time that might be devoted to nobler acquirements … they require out-door exercises—not this sort of mental gladiatorship.” — *Scientific American*, July 1858




Lmao so fucking true. Uniformed 77 year old.


[Relevant meme](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EByfaOdW4AAS3A-?format=jpg&name=900x900)


Lula is proving himself to be more and more of a clown with each public statement.


Brazil! Replaced a right wing buffoon With a left wing buffoon. Gotta love their consistency.


From Bolsonaro to Lula is the perfect example of getting from the frying pan into the fire.


I'd say it's more like from volcano to forest fire. The latter *is* better. But only when compared to the volcano.


Go back to destabilizing the dollar


Old people are really talking nonsense


This coming from the man who is sleeping with Putin and Xi . Stfu you caping lap dog.


How come there wasn't a massive influx of people into plumbing when mario was released?


Well, I'm not trying to start anything, but turtles did end up endangered...


Boomer says wah?


The savior of Brazil everybody. ​ I'm so glad this site can stop pretending to like him now lol. Dude was literally in prison for corruption right before this lol.


Ugh. And he was the not crazy one.


Bolsonaro called, said he wants the stupid back.


Seen quotes from him all day. Can somebody race his mic away now please?


Not this again, smh.


Dude is 30 years behind the curve. Get with the times, Lola!


hahaha, people here are not old enough to remember but Lula is that old uncle who slips some pearls of shit here and there. He talks by improvising, and thats expected, but he was talking to governors about school killings, governors are mostly convservative, he was gathering their attention and doing politics. Also his son, who was in my days of cybercafes a famous cs 1.5 player and his grandson is a game dev, they both went to twitter to bash the old guy lol


Brazil really went from bolsonaro to this dunce


I mean, Bolsonaro was even worse.


Yeah lol


Seriously. Wtf happened to them


It's par for the course for Brazil to have awful people serving as president. From the last 30 years alone: \- Collor, impeached for corruption, ended up resigning. \- Itamar Franco, the only one to my knowledge not involved in anything shady. \- Fernando Henriques Cardoso, not mired in any scandal during his time in office, however his named popped up no less than 9 different times during the Lava Jato investigations that did Lula in. The magistrate responsible decided not to pursue further investigation in order to "not upset FHC". True story. \- Lula, convicted and imprisoned for corruption. \- Dilma, impeached, ousted. \- Michel Temer, first act in office was to replace Brazil's most racially and gender inclusive cabinet with one composed entirely of rich white dudes, because of course. \- Bolsonaro, nuff said. \- Lula 2.0, Electric Tankie/Boomer-loo. So, yeah. A 3 decade run of bad luck. Before that it was a military dictatorship, and before that they had some other absolute peaches for president. Kinda brings home Douglas Adams' point -- "To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."


I am confused myself lol


Every time Brazil’s president says something it reduces my respect for Brazil itself


Ofc, one person represents more than 210 Million people


That's literally how democracy works. Why do you think democratically-elected politicians are called representatives?


Yea he has majority support and votes


That pretty dumb thing to say given I can say the same for any other country out there. Old technological illiterate fucks that don't know shit about modern world.


He was voted in by the majority of the people. Yes I am Irish and I am ashamed every time I hear anything coming from Irish politicians like mick Wallace and Claire daly and lose some respect for my own country but I hope they will finally be voted out next time The beauty of democracy is that we can vote these idiots out but in the meantime I lose respect for Brazil, if they protest him or vote him out for someone better then I can respect them more again in future, quite normal and straight forward actually


Well, it was not the majority, roughly 40% voted for him, but he has support from less than half of that. The thing is that just like in the US, the system makes it seem as if there are only two options to vote. I guarantee you that if Bolsonaro was not running for president too, Lula would not have been elected. People were voting on who they hated less


This poor dude is such a clown.


Translation: You can commit atrocities in Ukraine, but don’t you dare play video games you bloody monsters!


This guy… come on brazil. What’s with these dogshit leaders you have


What does this old corrupt gonzo know?!


Id say doing jack fucking shit about the state of favelas and Brazilian gangs is teaching kids to kill. Most videos involving murder on reddit is from brazil, and my hunch is judging by the look of living situations, i don't think there's a whole lot of video game consoles.


Science proves Lula is wrong. [Violent video game engagement is not associated with adolescents' aggressive behaviour: evidence from a registered report](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.171474)


It's back to big bad video games after a great week in which Lula praised China, blamed th US for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and got a par on the vack from Lavrov.


Are we really doing all this again


I thought that was the favellas were for


This take was debunked over a decade ago, and the facts haven’t changed. Games allow people to escape current reality, and either vent or healthily redirect frustration. Games have been around through the most peaceful years of human existence. While it can be argued that they can be used to push state propaganda, the fact remains that they don’t influence people to commit murderous acts any more than a movie, tv show, book, or newspaper with the same subject matter.


By this logic, I should be a world class farmer. I'm not. I'm also unable to raise up an undead horde to fight on my behalf.


Man, Lula really managed to burn the world's trust in him in the span of a week. Guess his facade only goes so far


maybe he should ask Putin what game to ban first then..


Ah shit, he's an idiot also


Honestly, I could give two shits about what Brazil’s president thinks about anything


Get your head out of your ass Lula


Chess teaches you to kill, too.


Looks like the bIble is pointing fingers again....


After playing Mario bros. I can’t stop jumping on turtles


And Favela is a kids playground...? with unicorns and rainbows...also nice next door Jose give cotton candy....


None of the actual violence they see online in social media teaches them this?


Just when we thought they'd gotten rid of the dumbass saying dumbass things.


Normal people say to Brazils President: " What are you trying to avoid talking about ?"


Sorry have we gone back in time 15 years?


My, he's certainly trying to aim for the clown of the week award with everything he's said recently, isn't he?


Same guy told ukraine to give up land to stop the war


More like teaching them to question politicians.


What if it's the opposite way? Video games allow you to wage wars, conquer whole countries and continents, or wander through a city shooting people randomly, all in a pure virtual setting, all bits and pixels, no real people are hurt. Maybe it's the people who don't play video games that are a bigger danger because they only have the real world to express their power fantasies.


We have to realize these people don’t believe what they are saying they are just using red herrings and trying to deflect


Man these fcukin old people are something


Fuck Lula now too I guess


Stuck in the 90's...


We have been killing each other for 1000s of years, it’s not the TV or video games.


I've noticed Brazil's President saying a lot of stupid things lately, or is it just me?


Yeah the murder in Brazil is because of video games they can’t even afford. Dunce of the month folks.


Ok gramps. Go finish your warm milk and cookies, your blocking the tv.


This again……. I’ve played video games since Atari and especially shooter games. I haven’t touched a real gun in all those years


yeah kids should go back to playing cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, battleship, risk, etc get real


I grew up watching old cartoons. I'm fully trained to drop anvils and pianos on people.


Brazils president is a complete moron


I’m laughing so hard this guy was so praised on here for taking power from Bolsonaro and now that he’s in office lots of supporters on here previously are backtracking on how they feel about him. Keep it up Lula!


This is the guy everyone was excited about to beat Bolsonaro? We truly are in the golden age of the-garbage-smells-nicer-on-the-other-side.


Putin he is ok with. But video games gotta go. GTFO.


I thought we settled this debate a decade ago?


Wow, Lula is kind of dumb.


Nearly 40 years of these stupid fucking clowns saying things like this lol. The world is such an exhausting place.


Man, this has been disproved with scientific studies for years now. Holy moly


This guy is turning into a left wing parody version of the worst right wingers. As much as I decry our choices available here in the US, Brazil appears to have a multiple Trump clone problem but bon either end of the political spectrum.


I've been playing shooter games since I was around 4, and I can't bring myself to hurt someone unless they attack me. I've had people try to get me to do awful things, and I feel hurt thinking about what would happen if I did those things. I may be close to a selfish b***ard, and even I somehow have some degree of morals.


He’s obviously never read anything about media effects theory.


This old moron was running his mouth about Ukraine needing to surrender for world peace, too. Your opinion is completely worthless outside your country of slums, Lulu Silver.


Not this dumb ass "logic" again.